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Iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase activity in rat brown adipose tissue has a characteristic pattern of developmental changes that is completely different from that of the liver. Fetal brown fat exhibits an extremely high iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase activity that is approx. 10-fold that in adult rats. Even though brown fat iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase activity falls suddenly at birth, there is a new peak in the activity around days 5-7 of life, whereas it remains very low afterwards. Just after birth, brown adipose tissue iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase activity is already capable of stimulation by noradrenaline. The postnatal peak in brown fat iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase correlates with the known increase in the thermogenic activity of the tissue in the neonatal rat, thus reinforcing the suggestion that local 3',3,5-triiodothyronine generation could be an important event related to thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue. However, the high fetal activity was only slightly related to the thermogenic activity of brown fat. Moreover, the increased iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase activity of brown adipose tissue during fetal and neonatal life suggests a substantial contribution by brown fat in the overall extrathyroidal 3',3,5-triiodothyronine production in these physiological periods.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) glyceroneogenesis was evaluated in rats either fasted for 48 h or with streptozotocin-diabetes induced 3 days previously or adapted for 20 days to a high-protein, carbohydrate-free (HP) diet, conditions in which BAT glucose utilization is reduced. The three treatments induced an increase in BAT glyceroneogenic activity, evidenced by increased rates of incorporation of [1-14C]pyruvate into triacylglycerol (TAG)-glycerol in vitro and a marked, threefold increase in the activity of BAT phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK). BAT glycerokinase activity was not significantly affected by fasting or diabetes. After unilateral BAT denervation of rats fed either the HP or a balanced diet, glyceroneogenesis activity increased in denervated pads, evidenced by increased rates of nonglucose carbon incorporation into TAG-glycerol in vivo (difference between 3H2O and [14C]glucose incorporations) and of [1-14C]pyruvate in vitro. PEPCK activity was not significantly affected by denervation. The data suggest that BAT glyceroneogenesis is not under sympathetic control but is sensitive to hormonal/metabolic factors. In situations of reduced glucose use there is an increase in BAT glyceroneogenesis that may compensate the decreased generation of glycerol-3-phosphate from the hexose.  相似文献   

The regulation of metallothionein (MT) biosynthesis in rainbow-trout liver was studied after a single intraperitoneal injection of oestradiol-17 beta. Sampling was performed after 2, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days. Following induction of vitellogenin synthesis in the liver, liver somatic index (LSI) rose from 1.25 to 2.00 in 14 days. Associated with the increase in LSI was an elevation of hepatic vitellogenin mRNA and zinc concentrations. The vitellogenin mRNA concentrations peaked at 7 days after treatment. The zinc concentrations increased to a peak at day 14. MT was analysed by using differential pulse polarography and a rainbow-trout MT RNA probe. The MT mRNA concentrations rose after 14 days and remained elevated at 21 and 28 days. The MT concentrations increased after 14 days and remained elevated throughout the experimental period. The concentrations of MT-bound zinc increased in association with the elevation in MT concentrations in the oestradiol-treated rainbow trout. These findings indicate that MT is involved in the regulation of zinc during the period of vitellogenin induction and that MT may function by maintaining the pool of available zinc at an appropriate concentration.  相似文献   

An enzyme activity capable of converting fructose-1,6-diphosphate to fructose-6-phosphate was demonstrated to present in crude tissue extracts from brown adipose tissue of the rat. Mg2+ was essential for the expression of activity. EDTA (0.5 mM) increased the activity by 30%. Fructose-1,6-diphosphate in concentrations of 1 and 10 mM inhibits activity by 30% and 60% respectively. A 65% inhibition was observed in the presence of 0.2 micrometer 5' AMP. The activity of the enzyme was measured in rat brown adipose tissue at different stages of development. It rises sharply between day 2 and day 6 and continues to increase reaching a maximum between 6 and 11 days. Thereafter the activity gradually declines to values observed prenatally. The normal developmental rise in activity could be prevented by chemical sympathectomy on day 2. This procedure had no effect when carried out on day 9. There was a significant increase in enzyme activity after cold adaptation. The possible physiological significance of this enzyme in brown adipose tissue is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The content of carnitine, acylcarnitine and total acid soluble carnitine in brown adipose tissue of rats increases rapidly after birth, attaining a peak on about day 10 and then decreases. Similar changes with age were found for carnitine acetyltransferase activity in mitochondria from brown adipose tissue and heart. The activity of this enzyme in brain and in liver is much smaller, but also increases postnatally. 2. The activity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase in brown adipose tissue, however, decreases after birth then increases later in life. 3. Exposure of 18-day-old rats to the cold for 20 days leads to an increase in carnitine content in brown adipose tissue and raises the activity of carnitine acetyltransferase. The activity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase is not affected by cold adaptation.  相似文献   

The modifications in weight and composition (lipids, proteins, water) of rat interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) were studied along the six first weeks of cold exposure and acclimatization. The variations of noreponephrine content was also investigated. During the first day of cold exposure, the major part of tissue lipids was released. During the following two days there was a fall in lipid and norepinehprine contents and uptake of water. Then, until the end of the first week a rapid repletion occurred. At that moment the relative pass of the tissue and the amounts of its principal components reached values which are not changed during the following weeks. We can conclude that the adaptative changes in the levels of BAT essential components are carried out at the end of the first week of cold exposure, long time before the non shivering thermogenesis is entirely effective.  相似文献   

Male rats were treated with triiodothyronine in the drinking water for 12 days. In vitro rates of isoprenaline stimulated lipolysis were significantly greater in brown but not white adipose tissue. Rates of [14C]glucose incorporation into triacylglycerols were significantly reduced in BAT (brown adipose tissue) and WAT (white adipose tissue) under basal and isoprenaline stimulated conditions, in a second experiment, hyperthyroid animals showed impaired weight gain, despite increased food intake during t9 days' treatment. Energy expenditure on days 5 and 12, and BAT core temperature differences (TBAT - TCORE) on day 19, were significantly greater than in control animals. Epididymal white fat pad weight was reduced and interscapular brown fat pad weight increased by triiodothyronine treatment.  相似文献   

We measured the 5 alpha-reductase activity in isolated cell preparations of rat adipose tissue using the formation of [3H]dihydrotestosterone from [3H]testosterone as an endpoint. Stromal cells were prepared from the epididymal fat pad, perinephric fat, and subcutaneous fat of male rats and from perinephric fat of female rats. Adipocytes were prepared from the epididymal fat pad and perinephric fat of male rats. Stromal cells from the epididymal fat pad and perinephric fat contained greater 5 alpha-reductase activity than did the adipocytes from these depots. Stromal cells from the epididymal fat pad contained greater activity than those from perinephric and subcutaneous depots. Perinephric stromal cells from female rats were slightly more active than those from male rats. Estradiol (10(-8) M), when added to the medium, caused a 90% decrease in 5 alpha-reductase activity. Aromatase activity was minimal, several orders of magnitude less than 5 alpha-reductase activity in each tissue studied.  相似文献   

Iodothyronine content in the pig thyroid gland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An analysis has been carried out on the contents and reciprocal proportions of three principal iodothyronines (T4, T3 and rT3) in the thyroids of fed and fasted piglets of 8-10 wk and in adult pigs. The mean T4 concentration averaged 62.0 +/- nmol/100 mg wet tissue (in adults: 18.5 +/- 4.3 nmol/100 mg tissue); T3, 9.5 +/- 0.9 nmol/100 mg tissue (in adults: 1.58 +/- 0.2 nmol/100 mg tissue); rT3, 3.0 +/- 0.3 nmol/100 mg tissue. The reciprocal ratios of the hormones in the piglets' thyroids were: for T3:T4, 0.150 (in adults, 0.114) and for rT3:T4, 0.050 (in adults, 0.023). Mean T4:T3:rT3 ratio in piglets and adult pigs was 20.5:3.1:1 and 66.1:5.6:1, respectively. The results from all examined iodothyronines, show the higher absolute concentration in piglets' than in adult pigs' thyroid tissue, while the reciprocal proportions of the hormones reveal smaller T4 thyroid contents (comparing with T3 and rT3) in piglets than in adults. No changes of absolute thyroidal contents or reciprocal ratios of the iodothyronines were observed in fed and fasted piglets. In a comparison, the pig thyroid contains more triiodothyronine and a higher ratio T3:T4 than that in some other species.  相似文献   

The heparin-releasable LP lipase activity of BAT (brown adipose tissue), and the TG (triglyceride) content of plasma were determined in normal and hypothyroid rats during early post-natal development. The TG content of plasma increased sharply after the onset of suckling and decreased during the weaning period in normal rats, while it stayed at a high level in hypothyroid rats. LP lipase activity was maximal during the perinatal period and decreased later, being practically undetectable in one month old control animals; in contrast, LP lipase activity was still present in cretin rats at this age. The effects of several forms of treatment were also tested in weaned rats: a high-fat diet was not able to maintain the high LP lipase activity of suckling rats, but the activity was high if the animals were bred at a cold temperature. Thyroxine injections had no effect. These results are discussed in terms of the possible factors regulating the LP lipase activity in BAT.  相似文献   

Brown fat lipoprotein lipase activity did not change in the first two weeks of pregnancy whereas it decreased on day 18 of gestation and was lower during late pregnancy and lactation. Fatty acid synthesis rate, measured in vivo with (3H)H2O, showed a progressive increase until day 18 of gestation followed by a decrease on day 20 of pregnancy and a reduced lipogenesis rate throughout lactation. The early reduction in the pathways of fatty acid uptake and synthesis in brown fat during the breeding cycle of the rat suggests the possibility that a decline in the substrate supply was a factor contributing to the reduced thermogenic activity of brown adipose tissue after parturition.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is known to be responsible for heat production in newborn and adult hibernating mammals. In rats and mice, BAT has been demonstrated to possess a much higher glycerokinase activity than white adipose tissue (WAT). It has been speculated that this high activity may cause the futile cycle of triglyceride breakdown and resynthesis to be activated, thus contributing to heat production. However, at present very little information is available regarding the location, function, and quantitative importance of BAT in adult human subjects. Our objective in this study was to locate BAT in human subjects and to characterize it biochemically, especially with respect to the enzyme glycerokinase. We have looked for histologically identifiable BAT in 32 human subjects and found it in 12 subjects. Most of the BAT samples were obtained from perirenal adipose depots in children undergoing surgery. Some of the samples were almost totally comprised of BAT cells, whereas others were a mixture of BAT cells and WAT cells. The glycerokinase activity per gram of tissue was higher in BAT than in WAT in all the subjects where the above comparison was made. The activity per mg protein or per microgram DNA was higher in most BAT samples. In one pure BAT specimen, the basal lipolytic rate and the lipoprotein lipase activity were measured and they were both higher in BAT than in the WAT obtained from the same patient. These results show that human brown adipose tissue possesses an enzymatic profile very similar to that of rodent brown adipose tissue.  相似文献   

The activities of two mitochondrial enzymes concerned in the utilization of acetoacetate, namely 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase and acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase, were high throughout the suckling and weanling period in brown adipose tissue of the rat. In contrast, 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase activity was comparatively low during this period. The activity of cytosolic acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase (involved in lipogenesis) declined after birth and remained low until the pups were weaned. Experiments with brown-adipose-tissue slices from weanling rats indicated that 70% of the [3-14C]acetoacetate utilized was oxidized to 14CO2, and this value was not altered appreciably by the addition of glucose and insulin.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial content of long-chain acyl-CoA esters in the brown adipose tissue of guinea pigs increased 3.5-fold from a level of 92 +/- 17 pmol per mg protein (+/- S.E.; n = 7) in the control animals adapted at 22 degrees C to a new steady-state level of 328 +/- 20 pmol per mg protein (+/- S.E.; n = 46) after 10 days of cold-acclimation (5 degrees C). These low values of long-chain acyl-CoA species and the slow adaptive response for their increase do not support the proposal (Cannon, B., Sindin, U. and Romert, L. (1977) FEBS Lett. 4, 43-46) that the fatty acid CoA-esters have a physiological function in the regulation of the H+ (or OH-) permeability of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Experimental evidence is presented supporting the proposal that the long-chain acyl-CoA species are largely confined to the cytosolic side of the inner membrane. The activity of the adenine nucleotide translocase, as estimated at 25 degrees C in the reverse direction, was found to increase 5-fold upon depletion of the mitochondria of fatty acids (free and esterified) by preincubation with bovine serum albumin. The presence of potent inhibitors, i.e., long-chain acyl-CoA species, of adenine nucleotide translocation in brown adipose tissue of thermogenically active animals further supports the conclusion that ATP hydrolyzing mechanisms contribute insignificantly to long-term thermogenesis. The low values of long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase (EC activity, as measured in intact mitochondria and on a mitochondrial matrix fraction (i.e., 1.6 nmol X min-1 per mg protein), do not support the proposal that the hydrolase activity plays a significant role in the loose-coupling of brown adipose tissue mitochondria, either by a futile cycle mechanism or promoted by free fatty acid-induced uncoupling.  相似文献   

In brown fat of newborn rats the serotonin (5HT) content is high during the first five days of life. This may play a part in the lipid repletion of the tissue, lipids being the main fuel for nonshivering thermogenesis. Subsequently 5HT increases more in young rats reared at 16 degrees C than in those reared at 28 degrees C but to a lesser extent than norepinephrine (NE) content. A possible role of 5HT in thermoregulation of the rat during the early postnatal period is discussed.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue (Na+-K+)-ATPase activity, in vitro glucose and 2-aminoisobutyric acid uptake, as well as mitochondrial GDP-binding and succinate dehydrogenase activity were determined in order to study the relationship between these parameters and the thermogenic status. Analysis were carried out on control animal, pregnant rats, dams and pups during lactation, GDP-binding, (Na+-K+)-ATPase and glucose uptake were found to be decreased in brown adipose tissue from pregnant rats and dams, and increased in pups, 2-aminoisobutyric acid uptake was only increased in pups, but no changes were observed in the other experimental groups tested. GDP-binding and (Na+-K+)-ATPase activity showed a parallelism which suggests that the enzyme is a good index of thermogenic status of the animal.  相似文献   

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