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Summary In the mammalian distal colon, the surface epithelium is responsible for electrolyte absorption, while the crypts are the site of secretion. This study examines the properties of electrical potential-driven86Rb+ fluxes through K+ channels in basolateral membrane vesicles of surface and crypt cells of the rabbit distal colon epithelium. We show that Ba2+-sensitive, Ca2+-activated K+ channels are present in both surface and crypt cell derived vesicles with half-maximal activation at 5×10–7 m free Ca2+. This suggests an important role of cytoplasmic Ca2+ in the regulation of the bidirectional ion fluxes in the colon epithelium.The properties of K+ channels in the surface cell membrane fraction differ from those of the channels in the crypt cell derived membranes. The peptide toxin apamin inhibits Ca2+-activated K+ channels exclusively in surface cell vesicles, while charybdotoxin inhibits predominantely in the crypt cell membrane fraction. Titrations with H+ and tetraethylammonium show that both high-and low-sensitive86Rb+ flux components are present in surface cell vesicles, while the high-sensitive component is absent in the crypt cell membrane fraction. The Ba2+-sensitive, Ca2+-activated K+ channels can be solubilized in CHAPS and reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. This is an essential step for further characterization of channel properties and for identification of the channel proteins in purification procedures.  相似文献   

Summary The Ca2+-activated K+ channel of the human red cell membranes was characterized with respect to rectification and selectivity using the patch-clamp technique. In inside-out patches exposed to symmetric solutions of K+, Rb+, and NH 4 + , respectively, inward rectifyingi-V curves were obtained. The zero current conductances were: K+ (23.5 pS±3.2)>NH 4 + (14.2 pS±1.2)>Rb+ (11.4 pS±1.8). With low extracellular K+ concentrations (substitution with Na+) the current fluctuations reversed close to the Nernst potential for the K ion and the rectification as well as thei-V slopes decreased. With mixed intracellular solutions of K+ and Na+ enhanced rectification were observed due to a Na+ block of outward currents. From bi-ionic reversal potentials the following permeability sequence (P K/P X) was calculated: K+ (1.0)>Rb+ (1.4±0.1)>NH 4 + (8.5±1.3)>Li+(>50); Na+ (>110); Cs+ (5). Li+, Na+, and Cs+ were not found to carry any current, and only minimum values of the permeability ratios were estimated. Tl+ was permeant, but the permeability and conductance were difficult to quantify, since with this ion the single channel activity was extremely low and the channels seemed to inactivate. The inward rectification in symmetric solutions indicate an asymmetric open channel structure, and the different selectivity sequences based on conductances and permeabilities reflect interionic interactions in the permeation process.  相似文献   

Summary Potassium channels in membranes of isolatedNecturus enterocytes were studied using the patch-clamp technique. The most frequent channel observed had a conductance of 170 pS and reversal potential of 0 mV in symmetrical potassium-rich solutions. Channels were highly K+ selective. Channel activity was modulated by membrane potential and cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. Channel openings occurred in characteristic bursts separated by long closures. During bursts openings were interrupted by brief closures. Two gating modes controlled channel opening. The primary gate's sensitivity to intracellular Ca2+ concentration and membrane potential crucially determined long duration closures and bursting. In comparison, the second gate determining brief closures was largely insensitive to voltage and intracellular Ca2+ concentration. The channel was reversibly blocked by cytosolic barium exposure in a voltage-sensitive manner. Blockade reduced open-state probability without altering single-channel conductance and could be described, at relatively high Ca2+ concentration, by a three-state model where Ba2+ interacted with the open channel with a dissociation constant of about 10–4 m at 0 mV.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of cAMP, ATP and GTP on the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel of fresh (1–2 days) or cold-stored (28–36 days) human red cells were studied using atomic absorption flame photometry of Ca2+-EGTA loaded ghosts which had been resealed to monovalent cations in dextran solutions. When high-K+ ghosts were incubated in an isotonic Na+ medium, the rate constant of Ca2+-dependent K+ efflux was reduced by a half on increasing the theophylline concentration to 40mm. This effect was observed in ghosts from both fresh and stored cells, but only if they were previously loaded with ATP. The inhibition was more marked when Mg2+ was added together with ATP, and it was abolished by raising free Ca2+ to the micromolar level. Like theophylline, isobutyl methylxanthine (10mm) also affected K+ efflux. cAMP (0.2–0.5mm), added both internally and externally (as free salt, dibutyryl or bromide derivatives), had no significant effect on K+ loss when the ghost free-Ca2+ level was below 1 m, but it was slightly inhibitory at higher concentrations. The combined presence of cAMP (0.2mm) plus either theophylline (10mm), or isobutyl methylxanthine (0.5mm), was more effective than cAMP alone. This inhibition showed a strict requirement for ATP plus Mg2+ and it, was not overcome by raising internal Ca2+. Ghosts from stored cells seemed more sensitive than those from fresh cells, to the combined action of cAMP and methylxanthines. Loading ATP into ghosts from fresh or stored cells markedly decreased K+ loss. Although this effect was observed in the absence of added Mg2+ (0.5mm EDTA present), it was potentiated upon adding 2mm Mg2+. The K+ efflux from ATP-loaded ghosts was not altered by dithio-bis-nitrobenzoic acid (10mm) or acridine orange (100 m), while it was increased two-to fourfold by incubating with MgF2 (10mm), or MgF2 (10mm)+theophylline (40mm), respectively. By contrast, a marked efflux reduction was obtained by incorporating 0.5mm GTP into ATP-containing ghosts. The degree of phosphorylation obtained by incubating membranes with (-32P)ATP under various conditions affecting K+ channel activity, was in direct correspondence to their effect on K+ efflux. The results suggest that the K+ channel of red cells is under complex metabolic control, via cAMP-mediated and nonmediated mechanisms, some which require ATP and presumably, involve phosphorylation of the channel proteins.  相似文献   

The voltage- and Ca2+-dependent gating mechanism of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels from cultured rat skeletal muscle was studied using single-channel analysis. Channel open probability (Po) increased with depolarization, as determined by limiting slope measurements (11 mV per e-fold change in Po; effective gating charge, q(eff), of 2.3 +/- 0.6 e(o)). Estimates of q(eff) were little changed for intracellular Ca2+ (Ca2+(i)) ranging from 0.0003 to 1,024 microM. Increasing Ca2+(i) from 0.03 to 1,024 microM shifted the voltage for half maximal activation (V(1/2)) 175 mV in the hyperpolarizing direction. V(1/2) was independent of Ca2+(i) for Ca2+(i) < or = 0.03 microM, indicating that the channel can be activated in the absence of Ca2+(i). Open and closed dwell-time distributions for data obtained at different Ca2+(i) and voltage, but at the same Po, were different, indicating that the major action of voltage is not through concentrating Ca2+ at the binding sites. The voltage dependence of Po arose from a decrease in the mean closing rate with depolarization (q(eff) = -0.5 e(o)) and an increase in the mean opening rate (q(eff) = 1.8 e(o)), consistent with voltage-dependent steps in both the activation and deactivation pathways. A 50-state two-tiered model with separate voltage- and Ca2+-dependent steps was consistent with the major features of the voltage and Ca2+ dependence of the single-channel kinetics over wide ranges of Ca2+(i) (approximately 0 through 1,024 microM), voltage (+80 to -80 mV), and Po (10(-4) to 0.96). In the model, the voltage dependence of the gating arises mainly from voltage-dependent transitions between closed (C-C) and open (O-O) states, with less voltage dependence for transitions between open and closed states (C-O), and with no voltage dependence for Ca2+-binding and unbinding. The two-tiered model can serve as a working hypothesis for the Ca2+- and voltage-dependent gating of the BK channel.  相似文献   

Large conductance (approximately 210 pS), K+-selective channels were identified in excised, insideout patches obtained from the apical membranes of both ciliated and nonciliated epithelial cells grown as monolayers from the primary culture of rabbit oviduct. The open probability of channels showing stable gating was increased at positive membrane potentials and was sensitive to the concentration of free calcium ions at the cytosolic surface of the patch ([Ca2+] i ). In these respects, the channel resembled maxi K+ channels found in a number of other cell types. The distributions of dwell-times in the open state were most consistently described by two exponential components. Four exponential components were fitted to the distributions of dwelltimes in the closed state. Depolarizations and [Ca2+] i increases had similar effects on the distribution of open dwell-times, causing increases in the two open time constants ( o1 and o2) and the fraction of events accounted for by the longer component of the distribution. In contrast, calcium ions and voltage had distinct effects on the distribution of closed dwelltimes. While the three shorter closed time constants ( c1, c2 and c3) were reduced by depolarizing membrane potentials, increases in [Ca2+] i caused decreases in the longer time constants ( c3 and c4). It is concluded that oviduct large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels can enter at least two major open states and four closed states.A.F.J. was supported by a research fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and received a grant for laboratory expenses from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. The authors wish to thank Dr. Shigetoshi Oiki for valuable discussion of the analysis of gating kinetics and Dr. Jeman Kim (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University) for making the transmission electron micrographs.  相似文献   

The influence of cytosolic pH (pHi) in controlling K+-channel activity and its interaction with cytosolic-free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was examined in stomatal guard cells ofVicia faba L. Intact guard cells were impaled with multibarrelled microelectrodes and K+-channel currents were recorded under voltage clamp while pHi or [Ca2+]i was monitored concurrently by fluorescence ratio photometry using the fluorescent dyes 2,7-bis (2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) and Fura-2. In 10 mM external K+ concentration, current through inward-rectifying K+ channels (IK,in) was evoked on stepping the membrane from a holding potential of –100 mV to voltages from –120 to –250 mV. Challenge with 0.3-30 mM Na+-butyrate and Na+-acetate outside imposed acid loads, lowering pHi from a mean resting value of 7.64 ± 0.03 (n = 25) to values from 7.5 to 6.7. The effect on pHi was independent of the weak acid used, and indicated a H+-buffering capacity which rose from 90 mM H+/pH unit near 7.5 to 160 mM H+/pH unit near pHi 7.0. With acid-going pHi, (IK,in) was promoted in scalar fashion, the current increasing in magnitude with the acid load, but without significant effect on the current relaxation kinetics at voltages negative of –150 mV or the voltage-dependence for channel gating. Washout of the weak acid was followed by transient rise in pHi lasting 3–5 min and was accompanied by a reduction in (IK,in) before recovery of the initial resting pHi and current amplitude. The pHi-sensitivity of the current was consistent with a single, titratable site for H+ binding with a pKa near 6.3. Acid pHi loads also affected current through the outward-rectifying K+ channels (IK,out) in a manner antiparallel to (IK,in) The effect on IK, out was also scalar, but showed an apparent pKa of 7.4 and was best accommodated by a cooperative binding of two H+. Parallel measurements showed that Na+-butyrate loads were generally without significant effect on [Ca2+]i, except when pHi was reduced to 7.0 and below. Extreme acid loads evoked reversible increases in [Ca2+]i in roughly half the cells measured, although the effect was generally delayed with respect to the time course of pHi changes and K+-channel responses. The action on [Ca2+]i coincided with a greater variability in (IK,in) stimulation evident at pHi values around 7.0 and below, and with negative displacements in the voltage-dependence of (IK,in) gating. These results distinguish the actions of pHi and [Ca2+]i in modulating (IK,in) they delimit the effect of pHi to changes in current amplitude without influence on the voltage-dependence of channel gating; and they support a role for pHi as a second messenger capable of acting in parallel with, but independent of [Ca2+]i in controlling the K+ channels.Abbreviations BCECF 2,7-bis (2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxy fluorescein - [Ca2+]i cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration - gK ensemble (steady-state) K+-channel conductance - IK,out, IK,in outward-, inward-rectifying K+ channel (current) - IN current-voltage (relation) - Mes 2-(N-morpholinolethanesulfonic acid - pHi cytosolic pH - V membrane potential  相似文献   

Two K+ ATP channel blockers, 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD) and glyburide, are often used to study cross-talk between Na+/K+-ATPase and these channels. The aim of this work was to characterize the effects of these blockers on purified Na+/K+-ATPase as an aid to appropriate use of these drugs in studies on this cross-talk. In contrast to known dual effects (activating and inhibitory) of other fatty acids on Na+/K+-ATPase, 5-HD only inhibited the enzyme at concentrations exceeding those that block mitochondrial K+ ATP channels. 5-HD did not affect the ouabain sensitivity of Na+/K+-ATPase. Glyburide had both activating and inhibitory effects on Na+/K+-ATPase at concentrations used to block plasma membrane K+ ATP channels. The findings justify the use of 5-HD as specific mitochondrial channel blocker in studies on the relation of this channel to Na+/K+-ATPase, but question the use of glyburide as a specific blocker of plasma membrane K+ ATP channels, when the relation of this channel to Na+/K+-ATPase is being studied.  相似文献   

Summary Membrane-permeant weak acids and bases, when applied to the bath, modulate the resting membrane potential and the glucose-induced electrical activity of pancreatic B cells, as well as their insulin secretion. These substances alter the activity of a metabolite-regulated. ATP-sensitive K+ channel which underlies the B-cell resting potential. We now present several lines of evidence indicating that the channel may be directly gated by pH i . (1) The time course of K+(ATP) channel activity during exposure to and washout of NH4Cl under a variety of experimental conditions, including alteration of the electrochemical gradient for NH4Cl entry and inhibition of the Na o + H i + exchanger, resembles the time course of pH i measured in other cell types that have been similarly treated. (2) Increasing pH o over the range 6.25–7.9 increases K+(ATP) channel activity in cell-attached patches where the cell surface exposed to the bath has been permeabilized to H+ by the application of the K+/H+ exchanger nigericin. (3) Increasing pH i over a similar range produces similar effects on K+(ATP) channels in inside-out excised patches exposed to small concentrations of ATP i . The physiological role of pH i in the metabolic gating of this channel remains to be explored.  相似文献   

Summary Ca2+-activated K+ channels from rat brain synaptosomal membranes were incorporated into planar lipid bilayers, and the effects of aminoglycoside antibiotics on the single channel conductance (258±13 pS at 100mm K+) were investigated. Aminoglycosides reduced the single channel conductance from the cis (cytoplasmic) side in a dose- and voltage-dependent manner. Voltage dependence of the blockade indicated an interaction between positively charged amino residues of aminoglycoside antibiotics and a binding site located within the electric field of the ion-conducting pathway. The order of blocking potency was consistent with that of the number of amino residues of aminoglycosides (neomycin (6)>dibekacin (5)>ribostamycin (4)=kanamycin (4)), while the electrical distance (z=0.46–0.49) of the binding site kept almost constant for each drug. Thesezs were almost the same with those (0.46–0.51) of alkyldiamine blockers with two amino residues (total net charge of +2) and approximately twice of those (0.25–0.26) of alkylmonoamine blockers (total net charge of +1). Assuming that amino residues of aminoglycosides and alkylamines shared the same binding site located at 25% voltage drop from the cytoplasmic surface of the channel, the site would have to be at least large enough to accommodate one diamino sugar residue of the aminoglycoside in order to simultaneously interact with two positively charged amino groups. Dose- and voltage-dependent blockade of the channel by gallamine, an extremely bulky trivalent organic cation, supported the picture that the channel has a wide mouth on the cytoplasmic side and its pore region, where voltage drop occurs, may also be quite wide and nonselective, suddenly tapering to a constriction where most charged cations block the channel by occluding the K+-conducting pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Intact adrenal chromaffin granules and purified granule membrane ghosts were allowed to fuse with acidic phospholipid planar bilayer membranes in the presence of Ca2+ (1 mm). From both preparations, we were able to detect a large conductance potassium channel (ca. 160 pS in symmetrical 400 mm K+), which was highly selective for K+ over Na+ (P k/P Na = 11) as estimated from the reversal potential of the channel current. Channel activity was unaffected by charybdotoxin, a blocker of the [Ca2+] activated K+ channel of large conductance. Furthermore, this channel proved quite different from the previously described channels from other types of secretory vesicle preparations, not only in its selectivity and conductance, but also in its insensitivity to both calcium and potential across the bilayer. We conclude that the chromaffin granule membrane contains a K+-selective channel with large conductance. We suggest that the role of this channel may include ion movement during granule assembly or recycling, and do not rule out events leading to exocytosis.  相似文献   

Previous studies in chick embryo cardiac myocytes have shown that the inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase with ouabain induces cell shrinkage in an isosmotic environment (290 mOsm). The same inhibition produces an enhanced RVD (regulatory volume decrease) in hyposmotic conditions (100 mOsm). It is also known that submitting chick embryo cardiomyocytes to a hyperosmotic solution induces shrinkage and a concurrent intracellular alkalization. The objective of this study was to evaluate the involvement of intracellular pH (pHi), intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) and Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition during hyposmotic swelling. Changes in intracellular pH and Ca2+ were monitored using BCECF and fura-2, respectively. The addition of ouabain (100 M) under both isosmotic and hyposmotic stimuli resulted in a large increase in [Ca2+]i (200%). A decrease in pHi (from 7.3 ± 0.09 to 6.4 ± 0.08, n = 6; p < 0.05) was only observed when ouabain was applied during hyposmotic swelling. This acidification was prevented by the removal of extracellular Ca2+. Inhibition of Na+/H2+ exchange with amiloride (1 mM) had no effect on the ouabain-induced acidification. Preventing the mitochondrial accumulation of Ca2+ using CCCP (10 M) resulted in a blockade of the progressive acidification normally induced by ouabain. The inhibition of mitochondrial membrane K+/H+ exchange with DCCD (1 mM) also completely prevented the acidification. Our results suggest that intracellular acidification upon cell swelling is mediated by an initial Ca2+ influx via Na+/Ca2+ exchange, which under hyposmotic conditions activates the K+ and Ca2+ mitochondrial exchange systems (K+/H+ and Ca2+/H+).Deceased  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we describe current fluctuations in the mammalian epithelium, rabbit descending colon. Pieces of isolated colon epithelium bathed in Na+ or K+ Ringer's solutions were studied under short-circuit conditions with the current noise spectra recorded over the range of 1–200 Hz. When the epithelium was bathed on both sides with Na+ Ringer's solution (the mucosal solution contained 50 m amiloride), no Lorentzian components were found in the power spectrum. After imposition of a potassium gradient across the epithelium by replacement of the mucosal solution by K+ Ringer's (containing 50 m amiloride), a Lorentzian component appeared with an average corner frequency,f c=15.6±0.91 Hz and a mean plateau valueS o=(7.04±2.94)×10–20 A2 sec/cm2. The Lorentzian component was enhanced by voltage clamping the colon in a direction favorable for K+ entry across the apical membrane. Elimination of the K+ gradient by bathing the colon on both sides with K+ Ringer's solutions abolished the noise signal. The Lorentzian component was also depressed by mucosal addition of Cs+ or tetraethylammonium (TEA) and by serosal addition of Ba2+. The one-sided action of these K+ channel blockers suggests a cellular location for the fluctuating channels. Addition of nystatin to the mucosal solution abolished the Lorentzian component. Serosal nystatin did not affect the Lorentzian noise. This finding indicates an apical membrane location for the fluctuating channels. The data were similar in some respects to K+ channel fluctuations recorded from the apical membranes of amphibian epithelia such as the frog skin and toad gallbladder. The results are relevant to recent reports concerning transcellular potassium secretion in the colon and indicate that the colon possesses spontaneously fluctuating potassium channels in its apical membranes in parallel to the Na+ transport pathway.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the mitochondrial Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (mitoBK(Ca)) channel activator NS 1619 on L-type Ca(2+) channels in rat ventricular myocytes. NS 1619 inhibited the Ca(2+) current in a dose-dependent manner. NS 1619 shifted the activation curve to more positive potentials, but did not have a significant effect on the inactivation curve. Pretreatment with inhibitors of membrane BK(Ca) channel, mitoBK(Ca) channel, protein kinase C, protein kinase A, and protein kinase G had little effect on the Ca(2+) current and did not alter the inhibitory effect of NS 1619 significantly. The application of additional NS 1619 in the presence of isoproterenol, a selective beta-adrenoreceptor agonist, reduced the Ca(2+) current to approximately the same level as a single application of NS 1619. In conclusion, our results suggest that NS 1619 inhibits the Ca(2+) current independent of the mitoBK(Ca) channel and protein kinases. Since NS 1619 is widely used to study mitoBK(Ca) channel function, it is essential to verify these unexpected effects of NS 1619 before experimental data can be interpreted accurately.  相似文献   

Distal colon absorbs K+ through a Na+-independent, ouabain-sensitive H+/K+-exchange, associated to an apical ouabain-sensitive H+/K+-ATPase. Expression of HKα2, gene associated with this ATPase, induces K+-transport mechanisms, whose ouabain susceptibility is inconsistent. Both ouabain-sensitive and ouabain-insensitive K+-ATPase activities have been described in colonocytes. However, native H+/K+-ATPases have not been identified as unique biochemical entities. Herein, a procedure to purify ouabain-sensitive H+/K+-ATPase from guinea-pig distal colon is described. H+/K+-ATPase is Mg2+-dependent and activated by K+, Cs+ and NH4+ but not by Na+ or Li+, independently of K+-accompanying anion. H+/K+-ATPase was inhibited by ouabain and vanadate but insensitive to SCH-28080 and bafilomycin-A. Enzyme was phosphorylated from [32P]-γ-ATP, forming an acyl-phosphate bond, in an Mg2+-dependent, vanadate-sensitive process. K+ inhibited phosphorylation, effect blocked by ouabain. H+/K+-ATPase is an α/β-heterodimer, whose subunits, identified by Tandem-mass spectrometry, seems to correspond to HKα2 and Na+/K+-ATPase β1-subunit, respectively. Thus, colonic ouabain-sensitive H+/K+-ATPase is a distinctive P-type ATPase.  相似文献   

Summary The conductance of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel (g K(Ca)) of the human red cell membrane was studied as a function of membrane potential (V m ) and extracellular K+ concentration ([K+]ex). ATP-depleted cells, with fixed values of cellular K+ (145mm) and pH (7.1), and preloaded with 27 m ionized Ca were transferred, with open K+ channels, to buffer-free salt solutions with given K+ concentrations. Outward-current conductances were calculated from initial net effluxes of K+, correspondingV m , monitored by CCCP-mediated electrochemical equilibration of protons between a buffer-free extracellular and the heavily buffered cellular phases, and Nernst equilibrium potentials of K ions (E K) determined at the peak of hyperpolarization. Zero-current conductances were calculated from unidirectional effluxes of42K at (V m –E K)0, using a single-file flux ratio exponent of 2.7. Within a [K+]ex range of 5.5 to 60mm and at (V m –E K) 20 mV a basic conductance, which was independent of [K+]ex, was found. It had a small voltage dependence, varying linearly from 45 to 70 S/cm2 between 0 and –100 mV. As (V m –E K) decreased from 20 towards zero mVg K(Ca) increased hyperbolically from the basic value towards a zero-current value of 165 S/cm2. The zero-current conductance was not significantly dependent on [K+]ex (30 to 156mm) corresponding toV m (–50 mV to 0). A further increase ing K(Ca) symmetrically aroundE K is suggested as (V m –E K) becomes positive. Increasing the extracellular K+ concentration from zero and up to 3mm resulted in an increase ing K(Ca) from 50 to 70 S/cm2. Since the driving force (V m –E K) was larger than 20 mV within this range of [K+]ex this was probably a specific K+ activation ofg K(Ca). In conclusion: The Ca2+-activated K+ channel of the human red cell membrane is an inward rectifier showing the characteristic voltage dependence of this type of channel.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the effect of internal and external pH on Na+ transport across toad bladder membrane vesicles. Vesicles prepared and assayed with a recently modified procedure (Garty & Asher, 1985) exhibit large, rheogenic, amiloridesensitive fluxes. Of the total22Na uptake measured 0.5–2.0 min after introducing tracer, 80±4% (mean±se,n=9) is blocked by the diuretic with aK 1 of 2×10–8 m. Thus, this amiloridesensitive flux is mediated by the apical sodium-selective channels. Varying the internal (cytosolic) pH over the physiologic range 7.0–8.0 had no effect on sodium transport; this result suggests that variation of intracellular pHin vivo has no direct apical effect on modulating sodium uptake. On the other hand,22Na was directly and monotonically dependent on external pH. External acidification also reduced the amiloride-sensitive efflux across the walls of the vesicles. This inhibition of22Na efflux was noted at external Na+ concentrations of both 0.2 m and 53mm.These results are different from those reported with whole toad bladder. A number of possible bases for these differences are considered and discussed. We suggest that the natriferic response induced by mucosal acidification of whole toad urinary bladder appears to operate indirectly through one or more factors, presumably cytosolic, present in whole cells and absent from the vesicles.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological studies on renal thick ascending limb segments indicate the involvement of a luminal Na+/K+/Cl cotransport system and a K+ channel in transepithelial salt transport. Sodium reabsorption across this segment is blocked by the diuretics furosemide and bumetanide. The object of our study has been to identify in intact membranes and reconstitute into phospholipid vesicles the Na+/K+/Cl cotransporter and K+ channel, as an essential first step towards purification of the proteins involved and characterization of their roles in the regulation of transepithelial salt transport. Measurements of 86Rb+ uptake into membrane vesicles against large opposing KCl gradients greatly magnify the ratio of specific compared to non-specific isotope flux pathways. Using this sensitive procedure, it has proved possible to demonstrate in crude microsomal vesicle preparations from rabbit renal outer medulla two 86Rb+ fluxes. (A) A furosemide-inhibited 86Rb+ flux in the absence of Na+ (K+-K+ exchange). This flux is stimulated by an inward Na+ gradient (Na+/K+ cotransport) and is inhibited also by bumetanide. (B) A Ba2+-inhibited 86Rb+ flux, through the K+ channel. Luminal membranes containing the Na+/K+/Cl cotransporter and K+ channels, and basolateral membranes containing the Na+/K+ pumps were separated from the bulk of contaminant protein by metrizamide density gradient centrifugation. The Na+/K+/Cl cotransporter and K+ channel were reconstituted in a functional state by solubilizing both luminal membranes and soybean phospholipid with octyl glucoside, and then removing detergent on a Sephadex column.  相似文献   

The TREK-2 (KCNK10) K2P potassium channel can be regulated by variety of polymodal stimuli including pressure. In a recent study, we demonstrated that this mechanosensitive K+ channel responds to changes in membrane tension by undergoing a major structural change from its ‘down’ state to the more expanded ‘up’ state conformation. These changes are mostly restricted to the lower part of the protein within the bilayer, but are allosterically coupled to the primary gating mechanism located within the selectivity filter. However, any such structural changes within the filter also have the potential to alter ionic selectivity and there are reports that some K2Ps, including TREK channels, exhibit a dynamic ionic selectivity. In this addendum to our previous study we have therefore examined whether the selectivity of TREK-2 is altered by stretch activation. Our results reveal that the filter remains stable and highly selective for K+ over Na+ during stretch activation, and that permeability to a range of other cations (Rb+, Cs+ and NH4+) also does not change. The asymmetric structural changes that occur during stretch activation therefore allow the channel to respond to changes in membrane tension without a loss of K+ selectivity.  相似文献   

Alves DP  Tatsuo MA  Leite R  Duarte ID 《Life sciences》2004,74(20):2577-2591
In order to investigate to the contribution of K+ channels on the peripheral antinociception induced by diclofenac, we evaluated the effect of several K+ channel blockers, using the rat paw pressure test, in which sensitivity is increased by intraplantar injection (2 microg) of prostaglandin E2. Diclofenac administered locally into the right hindpaw (25, 50, 100 and 200 microg) elicited a dose-dependent antinociceptive effect which was demonstrated to be local, since only higher doses produced an effect when injected in the contralateral paw. This blockade of PGE2 mechanical hyperalgesia induced by diclofenac (100 microg/paw) was antagonized in a dose-dependent manner by intraplantar administration of the sulphonylureas glibenclamide (40, 80 and 160 microg) and tolbutamide (80, 160 and 320 microg), specific blockers of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, and it was observed even when the hyperalgesic agent used was carrageenin, while the antinociceptive action of indomethacin (200 microg/paw), a typical cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, over carrageenin-induced hyperalgesia was not affected by this treatment. Charybdotoxin (2 microg/paw), a blocker of large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels and dequalinium (50 microg/paw), a selective blocker of small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels, did not modify the effect of diclofenac. This effect was also unaffected by intraplantar administration of non-specific voltage-dependent K+ channel blockers tetraethylammonium (1700 microg) and 4-aminopyridine (100 microg) or cesium (500 microg), a non-specific K+ channel blocker. The peripheral antinociceptive effect induced by diclofenac was antagonized by NG-Nitro L-arginine (NOarg, 50 microg/paw), a NO synthase inhibitor and methylene blue (MB, 500 microg/paw), a guanylate cyclase inhibitor, and this antagonism was reversed by diazoxide (300 microg/paw), an ATP-sensitive K+ channel opener. We also suggest that an endogenous opioid system may not be involved since naloxone (50 microg/paw) did not affect diclofenac-induced antinociception in the PGE2-induced hyperalgesia model. This study provides evidence that the peripheral antinociceptive effect of diclofenac may result from activation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, possible involving stimulation of L-arginine/NO/cGMP pathway, while Ca2+-activated K+ channels, voltage-dependent K+ channels as well as endogenous opioids appear not to be involved in the process.  相似文献   

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