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Deliberate killing for use as bait in a regional catfish (Calophysus macropterus) fishery is the primary threat affecting the survival of the Amazon river dolphin, or boto (Inia geoffrensis). Establishing and improving freshwater protected areas has been suggested as a possible course of action to protect the species. However, the ecology of the boto is poorly understood and more information is needed on the species’ habitat use and movement patterns to ensure that spatial protection initiatives meet conservation needs. In this study, mark‐recapture/resight data collected in and near the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, a várzea in the Brazilian Amazon, was used to examine transition probabilities of botos between various habitat types. Our findings suggest that it is imperative that spatial protection initiatives focused on the boto take into account the importance of várzea habitat and bay systems for individuals in early life stages. Moreover, because botos frequently occupy the main rivers, particularly during the low water period, protecting areas of the main river waters adjacent to várzeas could aid in the protection of hunted populations.  相似文献   

Living in groups is usually driven by predation and competition for resources. River dolphins do not have natural predators but inhabit dynamic systems with predictable seasonal shifts. These ecological features may provide some insight into the forces driving group formation and help us to answer questions such as why river dolphins have some of the smallest group sizes of cetaceans, and why group sizes vary with time and place. We analyzed observations of group size for Inia and Sotalia over a 9 yr period. In the Amazon, largest group sizes occurred in main rivers and lakes, particularly during the low water season when resources are concentrated; smaller group sizes occurred in constricted waters (channels, tributaries, and confluences) that receive an influx of blackwaters that are poor in nutrients and sediments. In the Orinoco, the largest group sizes occurred during the transitional water season when the aquatic productivity increases. The largest group size of Inia occurred in the Orinoco location that contains the influx of two highly productive whitewater rivers. Flood pulses govern productivity and major biological factors of these river basins. Any threats to flood pulses will likely have an effect on the functionality of these ecosystems and the species living in them.  相似文献   

This study is part of an on‐going effort to evaluate and monitor river dolphin populations in South America. It comprises the largest initiative to estimate population size and densities of Inia and Sotalia dolphins using statistically robust and standardized methods. From May 2006 to August 2007, seven visual surveys were conducted in selected large rivers of Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. Population sizes of Inia and Sotalia were estimated for different habitats (main river, tributary, lake, island, confluence, and channel). A total of 291 line and 890 strip transects were conducted, covering a distance of 2,704 linear kilometers. We observed 778 Inia geoffrensis, 1,323 Inia boliviensis, and 764 Sotalia fluviatilis. High‐density areas were identified (within 200 m from the river banks, confluences, and lakes) and we propose that these constitute critical habitat for river dolphins. High densities of river dolphins seem to coincide with well‐managed freshwater protected areas and should be considered as hot spots for river dolphins in South America.  相似文献   

Gygax  Lorenz 《Behavioral ecology》2002,13(5):583-590
I investigated group size variability in dolphins and porpoisesusing intraspecific comparisons. Explanatory factors consideredin the analysis were variables of the physical environment,the diet, and the life history of the species. Open habitatand small body size were viewed as increasing predation risk.This pattern was apparent in Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) and weakly apparent in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.).Group size was negatively correlated with body size in pilotwhales (Globicephala spp.) and positively correlated with theopenness of habitat in killer whales (Orcinus orca), stripeddolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), and common dolphins (Delphinus spp.). No such relationship was found for harbor and Dall'sporpoises (Phocoena phocoena, P. dalli). Group size also seemedto vary depending on other physical measures of the habitat,which may indirectly reflect diet; group size showed U-shapedpatterns if related to temperature. The predictive power ofvariables comprising detailed prey information on group sizewas variable. For example, pilot whales had smaller group sizes when they fed more on mesopelagic fish and less on mesopelagiccephalopods, and common dolphins had larger groups if theyfed on varying types of fish. In most Delphinoidea species,group size could be described by the variables considered inthis study. But each species showed its own pattern of correlationsbetween group size and a specific set of explanatory variables. Thus, no general and consistent relation between group sizeand the other variables was found. It remains unknown whetherthese species-specific patterns result from a historical processor whether they are specialized adaptations.  相似文献   

We monitored the underwater behavior of botos (Inia geoffrensis) using stereo acoustic data loggers to observe their local habitat use and its diel changes at the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Brazil. A‐tags were set at five sites in three different habitat types: Lake (low current), Channel (middle current), and Junction (junction of two channels). The presence index during nighttime was significantly greater than during daytime in the Lake and Junction. Underwater movement was estimated from the changing pattern (trajectory) of the relative angle of the sound source from A‐tags. A staying‐type trajectory was dominant in the Lake, although the prevalence of moving‐type trajectory increased at night. More than 80% of detected trajectories were the staying type in the Junction, while moving‐type trajectories dominated in the Channel. The frequency of click trains was greatest in the Lake, followed by the Junction and Channels. The average interpulse interval, which reflects the mean target distance of echolocation, was shortest in the Lake, followed by the Junction and Channel. These results suggest that the botos used the Lake as their primary habitat for active behaviors like foraging, especially at night, and the Junction as their primary habitat for relatively inactive behaviors at night.  相似文献   

Blood values of wild cetacean population are a valuable tool to drive proper management of threatened species. Reference intervals of 26 serum analytes were determined from 107 apparently healthy Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) wild-caught in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve (3°3′S, 64°51′W), central Amazon, Brazil. No differences were detected between males and females or between pregnant and nonpregnant females. Calves had higher serum calcium than juveniles and adults, and alkaline phosphatase activity was higher in calves and juveniles than adults as a result of bone growth. Adults showed higher creatinine levels than juveniles due to higher body mass, and higher urea than calves. Positive correlation was found between body length and body weight with creatinine, urea, and alanine aminotransferase activity; whereas calcium and alkaline phosphatase and creatine kinase (CK) activities negatively correlated with these body parameters. Cardiac rate and respiratory frequency appear to have not correlated with any serum analyte, while stress level positively correlated with CK. Storage of frozen samples for 60 days at −80°C significantly altered 10 of the 19 analytes after one freeze–thaw cycle. Important differences were detected among age classes, stress level, and sample storage and should be taken into account before any clinical or physiological interpretations.  相似文献   

Ganges river dolphin abundance has undergone a predominant decline across its range since monitoring began. In Nepal, disappearance from some of the rivers it once used has already occurred. Today this species can only be found in three river systems in Nepal, the Karnali, Sapta Koshi, and Narayani, but numbers are low in these locations. To determine the abundance of dolphins remaining in the Karnali system (which includes the Karnali, Geruwa, and Mohana), and factors affecting dolphin habitat use, we conducted surveys where we recorded dolphin presence. Dolphins within this river system were sighted only in the Karnali and an abundance estimate of 5.04 ± 0.753 SE was calculated. This pattern of ranging differed from that previously reported (from previous sightings only in the Geruwa to current sightings only in the Karnali). River depth likely contributed to the presence or absence of dolphins. Shifts in available habitat between the Geruwa and Karnali have resulted from changes in the course of the main stream Karnali following construction of the Chisapani irrigation intake. Because of the low numbers of dolphins reported, there is great concern that loss of this species in Nepal is likely in the near future.  相似文献   

Bubbles in supersaturated tissues and blood occur in beaked whales stranded near sonar exercises, and post-mortem in dolphins bycaught at depth and then hauled to the surface. To evaluate live dolphins for bubbles, liver, kidneys, eyes and blubber-muscle interface of live-stranded and capture-release dolphins were scanned with B-mode ultrasound. Gas was identified in kidneys of 21 of 22 live-stranded dolphins and in the hepatic portal vasculature of 2 of 22. Nine then died or were euthanized and bubble presence corroborated by computer tomography and necropsy, 13 were released of which all but two did not re-strand. Bubbles were not detected in 20 live wild dolphins examined during health assessments in shallow water. Off-gassing of supersaturated blood and tissues was the most probable origin for the gas bubbles. In contrast to marine mammals repeatedly diving in the wild, stranded animals are unable to recompress by diving, and thus may retain bubbles. Since the majority of beached dolphins released did not re-strand it also suggests that minor bubble formation is tolerated and will not lead to clinically significant decompression sickness.  相似文献   

Conservation genetics of whales and dolphins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Whales and dolphins (cetaceans) are found in all the world's oceans and in some of the major rivers, yet little is known about the distribution and behaviour of many species. At the same time, cetaceans are under threat from a variety of pressures including direct and indirect takes, pollution, and competition for habitat and prey. To ensure their long-term survival it will be necessary to preserve genetic diversity through the identification and protection of differentiated populations, the assessment of variation within local populations, and through a better understanding of reproductive and dispersal behaviour. The application of molecular genetic techniques is helping to provide answers to some of these previously intractable questions. Early results suggest few consistent patterns. Obvious geographic boundaries correlate to genetic distance in some species, and not in others. Furthermore, morphological variation within species can be fairly extensive without correlating to genetic distance, or relatively minor between morphotypes that are as genetically distinct as some species. These examples emphasize the need for further study.  相似文献   

Among the several threats to which free-ranging cetaceans are exposed, a number of biological noxae are believed to represent a serious hazard to their health and conservation on a global scale, with special emphasis on the Mediterranean Sea. These pathogens include viral agents such as Morbillivirus, which during the last 25 years have caused dramatic epidemics and die-offs among several aquatic mammal species and populations worldwide, as well as Herpesvirus, protozoan agents such as Toxoplasma gondii and bacterial pathogens such as Brucella spp.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(1):R24-R26
Download : Download video (49MB)  相似文献   

Despite much research on bottlenose dolphin signature whistles, few have investigated the role of maternal whistles in early calf development. We investigated maternal whistle use in the first weeks postpartum for captive dolphins. The overall whistling rate increased by a factor of ten when the calves were born and then decreased again in the third week of the one surviving calf. Adult whistles were distinguished from calf whistles based on the extent of frequency modulation and were further classified into signature and non-signature whistles by comparison to a dictionary of known whistles. The average rate of maternal signature whistle production increased significantly from 0.02 whistles per dolphin-minute before the calves were born to 0.2 and 0.3 whistles in weeks 1 and 2, decreasing again to 0.06 in week 3 for the mother of the surviving calf. Percent maternal signature whistles changed similarly. Signature whistle production by non-mothers did not change when the calves were born. A likely function of this increase in maternal signature whistle production is that it enables the calf to learn to identify the mother in the first weeks of life.  相似文献   

Tone-tone masking was used to determine auditory brain-stem response tuning curves in dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a simultaneous-masking paradigm. The Q 10 of the curves was as large as 16–19 in the frequency range 64–128 kHz. In the range 45–16 kHz, Q 10 decreased proportionally to the frequency with the bandwidth of the curves being constant, about 3.5–4 kHz at the 10-dB level. Tuning curves below 45 kHz are supposed to reflect broad spectral bandwidth of the probe's effective part which is no longer than 0.5 ms, irrespective of actual probe duration. Tuning curves above 64 kHz are supposed to reflect the real frequency tuning of the dolphin's auditory system.Abbreviations ABR auditory brain stem response - AP action potential  相似文献   

We studied the fine-scale behaviour of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus around gillnets in North Carolina, USA, during May and June 2002. We made observations from an overhead digital video camera, suspended from a helium-filled aerostat, tethered 70 m above a fishing vessel. We positioned the camera above a gillnet set for Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus maculatus. We observed frequent encounters (n = 36) and interactions (n = 27) between dolphins and the net, but no dolphins became entangled. Most dolphins diverted their course around the net, but on nine occasions we observed dolphins engaging in depredation. We conclude that interactions between dolphins and these gillnets are common, but that entanglement is rare.  相似文献   

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