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This paper presents a technique to estimate little auk population size from the area of the colonies measured by the use of video recordings and aerial photographs. To transform colony area into population size, breeding densities obtained from the literature were used. The study area, Northumberland Island, Thule District, Northwest Greenland, revealed between 6 and 12 million km2 inhabited colony area, which was classified into three categories for colony identification. The lower figure of this estimate is equivalent to a little auk population of 4.6 million pairs. An extrapolation to the rest of the Thule District should be treated with care but would amount to at least 33 million pairs. There is no doubt that the methods used would benefit from more fine-scale ground-truth surveys in the Thule District.  相似文献   

The little auk population of the Thule district in Greenland is generally believed to be the largest anywhere and to comprise more than half of the world population, although published numbers have largely been conjectural. In 1996/1997 we estimated breeding density of little auks at Hakluyt Island in this district by colour-marking a number of birds in three study plots and subsequently counting marked and unmarked birds present in the plots. The density estimate considered most representative of the colony was 1.8 birds/m2 or 0.73 pairs/m2 (±7%). From surveys of the inhabitated area of the scree slopes, this density implies a total little auk population for the island of 130,000 pairs. An extrapolation to the entire Thule district suggests a population in the area of at least 15 million pairs, which is in general agreement with previously published assumptions. Accepted: 3 January 2000  相似文献   

During the last decade, increasing information on little auk (Alle alle) biology, ecology and behaviour has been reported. However, only a few of these studies have focused on the breeding population in the Avanersuaq (Thule) district of Northwest Greenland, where 80 % of the global little auk population is estimated to breed. This study reports on the chick diet composition from one of the largest colonies, the Paakitsoq colony, located on the south-eastern margin of the North Water (NOW) Polynya. Results revealed the highest proportion of Calanus hyperboreus, a large lipid-rich copepod, in chick diet reported for any little auk colony. Results confirmed that the cold, highly productive waters of the NOW Polynya are favourable foraging grounds for the little auks during the breeding season. Species diversity within and between the chick meals was low, which probably reflects a high availability of a few preferred prey species. Individual chick meals were generally low in number of prey items and total energy content compared with other published results. This may be explained by a higher feeding frequency or by the samples being collected late in the breeding period (during late chick rearing), when chicks have a reduced growth rate and may require less energy than at earlier developmental stages.  相似文献   

The ivory gull, a rare high-Arctic species whose main habitat throughout the year is sea ice, is currently listed in Greenland as ‘Vulnerable’, and as ‘Endangered’ in Canada, where the population declined by 80% in 20 years. Despite this great concern, the status of the species in Greenland has been largely unknown as it breeds in remote areas and in colonies for which population data has rarely, if at all, been collected. Combining bibliographical research, land surveys, aerial surveys and satellite tracking, we were able to identify 35 breeding sites, including 20 new ones, in North and East Greenland. Most colonies are found in North Greenland and the largest are located on islands and lowlands. The current best estimate for the size of the Greenland population is approx. 1,800 breeding birds, but the real figure is probably >4,000 adult birds (i.e. >2,000 pairs) since all colonies have not yet been discovered and since only 50% or less of the breeding birds are usually present in the colonies at the time the censuses take place. Although this estimate is four to eight times higher than that previously arrived at, the species seems to be declining in the south of its Greenland breeding range, while in North Greenland the trends are unclear and unpredictable, calling for increased monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

Species associations and affinity to sea ice among arctic marine birds were studied during ship transects in the northern Greenland and Barents Seas in the period 1980–1984. Associations were investigated at the scale of visual contact, and the sampling units were 10-min periods, corresponding to a transect length of 1.5–3 km. In the Greenland Sea, three or four of the most abundant species, fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), little auk (Alle alle), Brünnich's guillemot (Uria lomvia) and kittiwake Rissa tridactyla, composed a recurrent group in all years. In the Barents Sea, fulmars, Brünnich's guillemots and kittiwakes were most often clustered. A positive association with sea ice was found in more than one cruise in three seabird species: black guillemots, ivory gulls and little auks, whereas seven other species showed negative association with ice in more than one cruise. The observed species associations and affinities to sea ice reflect similarities in diet among the species involved. Received: 23 February 1994 / Accepted: 12 January 1997  相似文献   

Interpreting the impact of environmental change on food webs requires a clear understanding of predator–prey interactions. Such knowledge is often lacking in the marine environment where the foraging behaviour and prey requirements of some of the major top-predators remains mysterious. For example, very little is known about the underwater foraging behaviour of the little auk, the most numerous seabird in the North Atlantic. In 2004, we used time–depth-recorders at two breeding colonies in East Greenland to examine the diving behaviour of this small, planktivorous seabird during the chick-rearing period. Due to technical difficulties data were only collected for four individuals, but recordings showed that birds dive up to 240 times a day to maximum depths of 27 m (average 10 m), with maximum dive durations of 90 s (average 52 s). In addition, we collected the chick meals from 35 individuals, which were dominated by Calanus copepods (95%), and also determined the field metabolic rates (FMR) of 14 individuals using the doubly labelled water technique, which averaged 609.9 kJ day−1. We integrated information on diving duration with chick diet and FMR to estimate the prey requirements and underwater capture rates of little auks using a Monte Carlo simulation. Chick-rearing little auks needed to catch about 59,800 copepods day−1, which is equivalent to about six copepods caught per second spent underwater. These astonishing results strongly suggest that little auks are, at least partly, filter-feeding, and underline the importance of highly productive, cool marine areas that harbour dense patches of large, energy-rich copepods.  相似文献   

Delayed maturity, low fecundity, and high adult survival are traits typical for species with a long‐life expectancy. For such species, even a small change in adult survival can strongly affect the population dynamics and viability. We examined the effects of both regional and local climatic variability on adult survival of the little auk, a long‐lived and numerous Arctic seabird species. We conducted a mark‐resighting study for a period of 8 years (2006‐2013) simultaneously at three little auk breeding sites that are influenced by the West Spitsbergen Current, which is the main carrier of warm, Atlantic water into the Arctic. We found that the survival of adult little auks was negatively correlated with both the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and local summer sea surface temperature (SST), with a time lag of 2 and 1 year, respectively. The effects of NAO and SST were likely mediated through a change in food quality and/or availability: (1) reproduction, growth, and development of Arctic Calanus copepods, the main prey of little auks, are negatively influenced by a reduction in sea ice, reduced ice algal production, and an earlier but shorter lasting spring bloom, all of which result from an increased NAO; (2) a high sea surface temperature shortens the reproductive period of Arctic Calanus, decreasing the number of eggs produced. A synchronous variation in survival rates at the different colonies indicates that climatic forcing was similar throughout the study area. Our findings suggest that a predicted warmer climate in the Arctic will negatively affect the population dynamics of the little auk, a high Arctic avian predator.  相似文献   

KURT K. BURNHAM  IAN NEWTON 《Ibis》2011,153(3):468-484
Little information exists on the movements of Gyrfalcons Falco rusticolus outside the breeding season, particularly amongst High Arctic populations, with almost all current knowledge based on Low Arctic populations. This study is the first to provide data on summer and winter ranges and migration distances. We highlight a behaviour previously unknown in Gyrfalcons, in which birds winter on sea ice far from land. During 2000–2004, data were collected from 48 Gyrfalcons tagged with satellite transmitters in three parts of Greenland: Thule (northwest), Kangerlussuaq (central‐west) and Scoresbysund (central‐east). Breeding home‐range size for seven adult females varied from 140 to 1197 km2 and was 489 and 503 km2 for two adult males. Complete outward migrations from breeding to wintering areas were recorded for three individuals: an adult male which travelled 3137 km over a 38‐day period (83 km/day) from northern Ellesmere Island to southern Greenland, an adult female which travelled 4234 km from Thule to southern Greenland (via eastern Canada) over an 83‐day period (51 km/day), and an adult female which travelled 391 km from Kangerlussuaq to southern Greenland over a 13‐day period (30 km/day). Significant differences were found in winter home‐range size between Falcons tagged on the west coast (383–6657 km2) and east coast (26 810–63 647 km2). Several Falcons had no obvious winter home‐ranges and travelled continually during the non‐breeding period, at times spending up to 40 consecutive days at sea, presumably resting on icebergs and feeding on seabirds. During the winter, one juvenile female travelled over 4548 km over an approximately 200‐day period, spending over half that time over the ocean between Greenland and Iceland. These are some of the largest winter home‐ranges ever documented in raptors and provide the first documentation of the long‐term use of pelagic habitats by any falcon. In general, return migrations were faster than outward ones. This study highlights the importance of sea ice and fjord regions in southwest Greenland as winter habitat for Gyrfalcons, and provides the first detailed insights into the complex and highly variable movement patterns of the species.  相似文献   

A bimodal foraging strategy has previously been described for procellariiform seabird species and is thought to have evolved in response to local resource availability being too low for adult birds to meet chick requirements and simultaneously maintain their own body condition. Here, we examine the dual foraging trip pattern of an alcid, the little auk Alle alle , at five colonies with contrasting oceanographic conditions. In spite of large variation in local conditions, little auks at all colonies showed the same general pattern of alternating a single long-trip with several consecutive short-trips. However, we found that the foraging pattern was flexible and could be adjusted at three levels: (1) the length of long-trips, (2) the frequency of short-trips, and (3) the total time spent foraging. Birds facing unfavorable conditions increased the duration of long-trips and reduced the number of short-trips. These adjustments resulted in reduced provisioning rates of chicks despite the fact that birds also increased the time allocated to foraging. Travel times during foraging trips were positively correlated to the total duration of the trip suggesting that differences in trip length among colonies were partly driven by variation in the distance to foraging areas. Most birds spent substantially more time traveling during long compared to short-trips, indicating that they accessed distant foraging areas during long-trips but remained close to the colony during short-trips. However, the difference in travel times was small at the site with the most favorable conditions suggesting that bimodal foraging in the little auk may be independent of the existence of high-quality areas at distance from the breeding ground.  相似文献   

A W Edwards 《Human heredity》1992,42(4):242-252
The structure of the genealogy of the Polar Eskimos from the Thule District of North Greenland is studied by a variety of computational and graphical means, some of them novel. It is shown that although the level of inbreeding in the population is low, the genealogy is intricately connected, as if conforming to the requirement that spouses are as unrelated as is possible in a small population.  相似文献   

We assessed the genetic and morphological differences between the two largest breeding colonies of Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii , an endemic seabird species of the Mediterranean region. The two colonies comprise c. 75% of the total world population and are 655 km apart. The Ebro Delta colony was formed recently and, after dramatic growth mainly due to high rates of both immigration and reproductive success, is now the largest in the world (more than 60% of the total population). The Chafarinas Islands support an ancient colony with relatively little fluctuation in breeding numbers. The two colonies also differ greatly in environmental conditions, with the Ebro Delta being a higher quality breeding site. Very little movement occurs between the two colonies. We collected morphological data and blood samples from both colonies. Polymorphic microsatellite markers were used to study the genetic differentiation. These showed no significant variation between colonies, nor evidence of a founder effect in the Ebro Delta. Individuals from the Ebro Delta were larger than those from Chafarinas, the difference being greater for males. This probably reflects a stronger male susceptibility to worse environmental conditions during chick growth at the Chafarinas Islands.  相似文献   

Long-lived birds often face a dilemma between self-maintenance and reproduction. In order to maximize fitness, some seabird parents alternate short trips to collect food for offspring with long trips for self-feeding (bimodal foraging strategy). In this study, we examined whether temporal and spatial variation in the quality of foraging grounds affect provisioning and fledging success of a long-lived, bimodal forager, the little auk (Alle alle), the most abundant seabird species in the Arctic ecosystem. We predicted that an increase in sea surface temperature (SST), with an associated decrease in the preferred Arctic zooplankton prey, would increase foraging trip durations, decrease chick provisioning rates and decrease chick fledging success. Chick provisioning and survival were observed during three consecutive years (2008–2010) at two colonies with variable foraging conditions in Spitsbergen: Isfjorden and Magdalenefjorden. We found that a change in SST (range 1.6–5.4 °C) did not influence trip durations or provisioning rates. SST was, however, negatively correlated with the number of prey items delivered to a chick. Furthermore, provisioning rates did not influence chick’s probability to fledge; instead, SST was also negatively correlated with fledging probability. This was likely related to the prey availability and quality in the little auk’s foraging grounds. Our findings suggest that predicted warmer climate in the Arctic will negatively influence the ability of parents to provide their chicks, and consequently, the fledging prospects of little auk chicks.  相似文献   

The ivory gull Pagophila eburnea is an Arctic seabird species whose distribution is tightly coupled to the availability of sea ice. During the last decades, strong declines have been reported for breeding colonies in Canada and Greenland, which are usually located on nunataks or remote coastal islands. Here, we report the observation of a colony of ivory gulls breeding on a gravel-covered iceberg 70 km off Northeast Greenland in August 2014. It concerned approximately 60 adults, including two ringed individuals, and many chicks. This represents an unusual breeding site for the species, to be compared with a few cases of colonies on gravel-covered sea ice. Breeding on an offshore iceberg may be advantageous since it provides ultimate protection from predators. Furthermore, the proximity to the productive North East Water polynya may have been attractive to these gulls. As a consequence of this and previous observations, colony surveys should not solely focus on inland and coastal breeding habitats, but should be extended towards the ocean.  相似文献   

Walked spotlight transect surveys with distance sampling were used to estimate regional population densities of badger (Meles meles), fox (Vulpes vulpes) and brown hare (Lepus europaeus) in south-west England (Cornwall, Devon, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire) and Wales (Pembrokeshire, Borders, North Wales). All regions were surveyed during spring 2006 with English regions re-surveyed in autumn 2006. In each region, surveys were conducted in a random sample of 19.6 km2 areas (mean areas per region: spring = 19, autumn = 25). Within each survey area, a semi-random transect was established in each of a random sample of fields (open habitat almost exclusively pasture). Transects were subsequently walked at night with spotlights (mean transects per survey area: spring = 21, autumn = 21). Each area was surveyed twice during a season. Total transect length per region ranged from 137 to 193 km in spring and 230 to 250 km in autumn. The mean density of species per region was: badger 1.5–4.8 km−2, fox 1.0–4.0 km−2, hare 0.4–4.6 km−2. The study has provided baseline estimates of regional densities against which any future equivalent surveys can be compared. It has also illustrated the practical application of large-scale walked distance sampling to surveys of British mammals.  相似文献   

The continued degradation of forest habitats and isolation of fragmented populations means that the conservation of endemic marmosets in the Brazilian Atlantic forest depends on human interventions including legal protection. Population monitoring is required to ensure effective management and appropriate allocation of conservation resources; however, deriving estimates of population metrics such as density within heterogeneous environments is challenging. We aimed to quantify the population density and spatial distribution of buffy-tufted-ear marmosets (Callithrix aurita) in the northern region of Serra-do-Mar State Park. We incorporated habitat suitability as quantified by a niche modeling algorithm (MAXENT) to refine density estimates obtained via distance methods. We used 6 environmental predictors to model the distribution of Callithrix aurita and used the resulting MAXENT niche model to identify environmental conditions that represent suitable habitat for this species. We used 877.7 km of line transect surveys and distance methods to derive estimates of 2.19 groups or 7.55 individuals/km2 from direct observations (n = 40), providing an overall population estimate of 1892 (95% CI = 1155–3068) individuals in 250.7 km2 of Atlantic forest. Our refined density estimate, obtained by combining distance methods and a niche model, yielded a result of 1386 individuals. Suitable habitat was not uniformly distributed across the study area and was most strongly associated with altitude and the type of vegetation cover. We provide a review of previous surveys and find this is the largest known population of Callithrix aurita. Our refinement of density estimates provides a simple and informative addition to the primatologist’s toolbox.  相似文献   

The sympagic (=ice-associated) amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii usually lives attached to the underside of Arctic sea ice. During an expedition to the Greenland Sea in May/June 1997, high numbers of this species were found in pelagic Rectangular Midwater Trawl catches (0–500 m water depth) in an ice-free area, 35–42 km away from the ice edge. The amphipods seemed to have maintained position in the water column for at least 4 days. Mean biomass data (length: 2.9 cm, organic content: 73% dry mass), gut fullness (>50% in 85% of specimens) and sex ratio (females:males = 1:1.5) of these amphipods were very similar to values for under-ice populations. Due to their relatively high body density (mean: 1.134 g cm−3), the energy demand for swimming was assumed to be high. Measurements of oxygen consumption of swimming and resting amphipods (8.8 and 4.0 J g wet mass−1 day−1, respectively) suggested that, from an energetic point of view, G. wilkitzkii would maintain position in an ice-free water column for the time period. Accepted: 11 January 1999  相似文献   

The recently discovered non-mevalonate pathway to isoprenoids, which uses glycolytic intermediates, has been modulated by overexpression of Escherichia coli d-1-deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate synthase (DXS) to increase deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate and, consequently, increase the isoprenoid precursor pool in E. coli. Carotenoids are a large class of biologically important compounds synthesized from isoprenoid precursors and of interest for metabolic engineering. However, carotenoids are not ordinarily present in E. coli. Co-overexpression of E. coli dxs with Erwinia uredovora gene clusters encoding carotenoid biosynthetic enzymes led to an increased accumulation of the carotenoids lycopene or zeaxanthin over controls not expressing DXS. Thus, rate-controlling enzymes encoded by the carotenogenic gene clusters are responsive to an increase in isoprenoid precursor pools. Levels of accumulated carotenoids were increased up to 10.8 times the levels of controls not overexpressing DXS. Lycopene accumulated to a level as high as 1333 μg/g dw and zeaxanthin accumulated to a level as high as 592 μg/g dw, when pigments were extracted from colonies. Zeaxanthin-producing colonies grew about twice as fast as lycopene-producing colonies throughout a time course of 11 days. Metabolic engineering of carbon flow from simple glucose metabolites to representatives of the largest class of natural products was demonstrated in this model system. Received: 6 August 1999 / Received revision: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 5 November 1999  相似文献   

The little auk (Alle alle), a small and abundant planktivorous seabird that breeds in the high Arctic, has the potential to be used as a monitor of the composition and abundance of lower trophic-level zooplankton. We investigated age- and sex-related sources of variation in diet and stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) values of little auks breeding in Spitsbergen during the summer of 2002 to evaluate this possibility. Stable isotope profiles of both adult and chick blood changed over the breeding season, with blood δ15N values increasing and δ13C values decreasing. This could represent a switch to higher trophic-level prey derived from more pelagic sources. However, while chick blood δ13C values followed those values in their meals, this was not the case for blood δ15N values, suggesting additional physiological mechanisms influencing blood δ15N values in growing chicks. Chicks had consistently lower δ15N values than their parents, which may indicate they were being fed on lower trophic-level prey items or may alternatively reflect complexities in chick blood δ15N values through the growth period. These results have several important implications for use of stable isotope analysis as a tool to detect changes in seabird diet and availability of lower trophic-level prey in high-Arctic marine environments. Until physiological aspects of stable isotope discrimination are well understood, we caution against using chicks of this seabird as any form of isotopic monitor.  相似文献   

Marine birds are important predators in the marine ecosystem, and dietary studies can give useful information about their feeding ecology, food webs and oceanographic variability. The aim of this study was to increase our understanding of the diet and trophic level of the seabirds breeding in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. We have used fatty acids and stable isotopes, both of which integrate diet information over space and time, to determine trophic relationships in marine food webs. Fatty acid compositions of muscle from Little auk (Alle alle), Brünnich’s guillemot (Uria lomvia), Black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), Northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) and Glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) were determined and compared with their prey species. Canonical analysis (CA) showed that fatty acid composition differed among the five seabird species. Little auk, Black-legged kittiwake and Northern fulmar had high levels of the Calanus markers 20:1n9 and 22:1, indicating that these seabirds are a part of the Calanus food chain. Brünnich’s guillemot differed from the other species with much lower levels of 20:1n9 and 22:1. Brünnich’s guillemot is a pursuit diver feeding on fish and amphipods deeper in the water column, below 30 m. Glaucous gull also differed from the other seabird species, with a larger variation in the fatty acid composition indicating a more diverse diet. Trophic level analysis placed Little auk at the lowest trophic level, Brünnich’s guillemot and Black-legged kittiwake at intermediate levels and Glaucous gull and Northern fulmar at the highest trophic level.  相似文献   

This study describes relatively high recruitment of Montastraea annularis complex (hereafter, MAC) on the shallow reefs (≤9 m depth) along 4 km of the south coast of St. John that have been censused for 16 years. Before 2008, the density of juvenile MAC along this stretch of coast was <0.068 colonies m−2 (and often <0.032 colonies m−2), but in 2008 it increased to 0.152 colonies m−2 and remained at 0.116 colonies m−2 in 2009. These densities were driven by only 7–9 colonies year−1, but against the long-term context of weak recruitment and declining cover of this taxon, the densities are notable. In 2009, the spatial extent of the surveys was expanded to 47 km, along the north, east, and south coasts of St. John. This larger effort demonstrated that MAC recruitment was localized to the initial 4 km surveyed; outside this area, the mean density was 0.010 juvenile colonies m−2. These results demonstrate that MAC is still capable of recruitment at rates similar to those of the 1970s, but the highly limited spatio-temporal extent of the effect is unlikely to appreciably alter the declining population trajectories of this taxon.  相似文献   

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