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Cycloamylose as an efficient artificial chaperone for protein refolding   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
High molecular weight cyclic alpha-1,4-glucan (referred to as cycloamylose) exhibited an artificial chaperone property toward three enzymes in different categories. The inclusion properties of cycloamylose effectively accommodated detergents, which keep the chemically denatured enzymes from aggregation, and promoted proper protein folding. Chemically denatured citrate synthase was refolded and completely recovered it's enzymatic activity after dilution with polyoxyethylenesorbitan buffer followed by cycloamylose treatment. The refolding was completed within 2 h, and the activity of the refolded citrate synthase was quite stable. Cycloamylose also promoted the refolding of denatured carbonic anhydrase B and denatured lysozyme of a reduced form.  相似文献   

While the formation of kinetically trapped misfolded structural states by membrane proteins is related to a number of diseases, relatively few studies of misfolded membrane proteins in their purified state have been carried out and few methods for refolding such proteins have been reported. In this paper, misfolding of the trimeric integral membrane protein diacylglycerol kinase (DAGK) is documented and a method for refolding the protein is presented; 65 single-cysteine mutants of DAGK were examined. A majority were found to have lower-than-expected activities when purified into micellar solutions, with additional losses in activity often being observed following membrane reconstitution. A variety of evidence indicates that the low activities observed for most of these mutants results from kinetically based misfolding of the protein, with misfolding often being manifested by the formation of aberrant oligomeric states. A method referred to as "reconstitutive refolding" for correcting misfolded DAGK is presented. This method is based upon reconstituting DAGK into multilamellar POPC vesicles by dialyzing the detergent dodecylphosphocholine out of mixed micellar mixtures. For 55 of the 65 mutants tested, there was a gain of DAGK activity during reconstitutive refolding. In 33 of these cases, the gain in activity was greater than 2-fold. The refolding results for cysteine replacement mutants at DAGK sites known to be highly conserved provide teleological insight into whether sites are conserved, because they are critical for catalysis, for maintenance of the proper folding pathway, or for some other reason.  相似文献   

We have examined transfected cells by immunofluorescence microscopy to determine the signals and structural features required for the targeting of integral membrane proteins to the inner nuclear membrane. Lamin B receptor (LBR) is a resident protein of the nuclear envelope inner membrane that has a nucleoplasmic, amino-terminal domain and a carboxyl-terminal domain with eight putative transmembrane segments. The amino-terminal domain of LBR can target both a cytosolic protein to the nucleus and a type II integral protein to the inner nuclear membrane. Neither a nuclear localization signal (NLS) of a soluble protein, nor full-length histone H1, can target an integral protein to the inner nuclear membrane although they can target cytosolic proteins to the nucleus. The addition of an NLS to a protein normally located in the inner nuclear membrane, however, does not inhibit its targeting. When the amino-terminal domain of LBR is increased in size from approximately 22.5 to approximately 70 kD, the chimeric protein cannot reach the inner nuclear membrane. The carboxyl-terminal domain of LBR, separated from the amino-terminal domain, also concentrates in the inner nuclear membrane, demonstrating two nonoverlapping targeting signals in this protein. Signals and structural features required for the inner nuclear membrane targeting of proteins are distinct from those involved in targeting soluble polypeptides to the nucleoplasm. The structure of the nucleocytoplasmic domain of an inner nuclear membrane protein also influences targeting, possibly because of size constraints dictated by the lateral channels of the nuclear pore complexes.  相似文献   

M Bogdanov  W Dowhan 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(18):5255-5264
Previously we presented evidence that phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) acts as a molecular chaperone in the folding of the polytopic membrane protein lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli. Here we provide more definitive evidence supporting the chaperone properties of PE. Membrane insertion of LacY prevents its irreversible aggregation, and PE participates in a late step of conformational maturation. The temporal requirement for PE was demonstrated in vitro using a coupled translation-membrane insertion assay that allowed the separation of membrane insertion from phospholipid-assisted folding. LacY was folded properly, as assessed by recognition with conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies, when synthesized in the presence of PE-containing inside-out membrane vesicles (IOVs) or in the presence of IOVs initially lacking PE but supplemented with PE synthesized in vitro either co- or post-translationally. The presence of IOVs lacking PE and containing anionic phospholipids or no addition of IOVs resulted in misfolded or aggregated LacY, respectively. Therefore, critical folding steps occur after membrane insertion dependent on the interaction of LacY with PE to prevent illicit interactions which lead to misfolding of LacY.  相似文献   

Kojima S  Iwahara A  Yanai H 《FEBS letters》2005,579(20):4430-4436
Pleurotus ostrearus proteinase A inhibitor 1 (POIA1), which was discovered as a protease inhibitor, is unique in that it shows sequence homology to the propeptide of subtilisin, which functions as an intramolecular of a cognate protease. In this study, we demonstrate that POIA1 can function as an intramolecular chaperone of subtilisin by in vitro and in vivo experiments. The specific cleavage between POIA1 and the mature region of subtilisin BPN' occurred in a refolding process of a chimera protein, and Bacillus cells transformed with a chimera gene formed a halo on a skim milk plate. The mutational analyses of POIA1 in the chimera protein suggested that the tertiary structure of POIA1 is required for such a function, and that an increase in its ability to bind to subtilisin BPN' makes POIA1 a more effective intramolecular chaperone.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli SurA protein is a periplasmic molecular chaperone that facilitates correct folding of outer membrane porins. The peptide binding specificity of SurA has been characterized using phage display of heptameric peptides of random sequence. The consensus binding pattern of aromatic-polar-aromatic-nonpolar-proline amino acids emerges for both SurA and a SurA "core domain," which remains after deletion of a peripheral peptidyl-proline isomerase domain. Isothermal titration calorimetry with a high affinity heptameric peptide of sequence WEYIPNV yields peptide affinities in the range of 1-14 microm for both SurA and its core domain. Although the peptide consensus aromatic-polar-aromatic-nonpolar-proline occurs infrequently in E. coli proteins, the less restrictive tripeptide motif aromatic-random-aromatic appears with greater-than-random frequency in outer membrane proteins and is prevalent in the "aromatic bands" of the porin beta barrel structures. Thus, SurA recognizes a peptide motif that is characteristic of integral outer membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Phosducin-like protein (PhLP) is a widely expressed binding partner of the G protein betagamma subunit dimer (Gbetagamma). However, its physiological role is poorly understood. To investigate PhLP function, its cellular expression was blocked using RNA interference, resulting in inhibition of Gbetagamma expression and G protein signaling. This inhibition was caused by an inability of nascent Gbetagamma to form dimers. Phosphorylation of PhLP at serines 18-20 by protein kinase CK2 was required for Gbetagamma formation, while a high-affinity interaction of PhLP with the cytosolic chaperonin complex appeared unnecessary. PhLP bound nascent Gbeta in the absence of Ggamma, and S18-20 phosphorylation was required for Ggamma to associate with the PhLP-Gbeta complex. Once Ggamma bound, PhLP was released. These results suggest a mechanism for Gbetagamma assembly in which PhLP stabilizes the nascent Gbeta polypeptide until Ggamma can associate, resulting in membrane binding of Gbetagamma and release of PhLP to catalyze another round of assembly.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are ubiquitous low-molecular-weight chaperones that prevent protein aggregation under cellular stresses. sHsps contain a structurally conserved α-crystallin domain (ACD) of about 100 amino acid residues flanked by varied N- and C-terminal extensions and usually exist as oligomers. Oligomerization is important for the biological functions of most sHsps. However, the active oligomeric states of sHsps are not defined yet. We present here crystal structures (up to 1.65 Å resolution) of the sHspA from the plant pathogen Xanthomonas (XaHspA). XaHspA forms closed or open trimers of dimers (hexamers) in crystals but exists predominantly as 36mers in solution as estimated by size-exclusion chromatography. The XaHspA monomer structures mainly consist of α-crystallin domain with disordered N- and C-terminal extensions, indicating that the extensions are flexible and not essential for the formation of dimers and 36mers. Under reducing conditions where α-lactalbumin (LA) unfolds and aggregates, XaHspA 36mers formed complexes with one LA per XaHspA dimer. Based on XaHspA dimer-dimer interactions observed in crystals, we propose that XaHspA 36mers have four possible conformations, but only XaHspA 36merB, which is formed by open hexamers in 12mer-6mer-6mer-12mer with protruding dimers accessible for substrate (unfolding protein) binding, can bind to 18 reduced LA molecules. Together, our results unravel the structural basis of an active sHsp oligomer.  相似文献   

The crystallization and structure determination of integral membrane proteins remains a difficult task relying on a good understanding of the behavior of the protein for success. To date, membrane protein structures are still far outnumbered by soluble protein structures. Mass spectrometry is a powerful and versatile tool offering deep insights into the state of the integral membrane protein the structuralist intends to crystallize. With appropriate sample preparation methods, it provides information that can sometimes prove critical at various stages of the structure determination process, from protein expression to model building. Moreover, valuable knowledge is gained when the identified structural features underlie important functional aspects. Electrospray and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) methods, however, face a particular challenge when dealing with integral membrane proteins. A MALDI method specifically optimized for membrane protein analysis is presented here, with detailed information on the sample preparation and deposition, as well as guidelines for domain determination by limited proteolysis. MALDI-time of flight mass spectrometry can be used to do a proper inventory of initiation sites, to tailor a protein to a stable, well-folded form, and to evaluate selenomethionine replacement. These approaches are illustrated with a few examples drawn from the structural biology of ion channels.  相似文献   

Buczek O  Olivera BM  Bulaj G 《Biochemistry》2004,43(4):1093-1101
Conotoxins comprise a large and diverse group of peptide neurotoxins derived from Conus snail venoms; most contain multiple disulfide bonds. The conotoxin precursors consist of three distinct domains: the N-terminal signal sequence, an intervening propeptide region, and the C-terminal mature conotoxin. Formation of the native disulfide bonds during the oxidative folding of conotoxins is a prerequisite for their proper biological function, but in numerous in vitro folding experiments with mature conotoxins, a lack of specificity in formation of the native Cys-Cys connectivities is observed. The mechanisms that ensure that the native disulfide bonds are formed in venom ducts during biosynthesis remain unknown. To evaluate whether the propeptide could potentially function as an intramolecular chaperone, we studied the oxidative folding of a conotoxin precursor, pro-GI, belonging to the alpha-conotoxin family. Our results indicate that the propeptide sequence did not directly contribute to folding kinetics and thermodynamics. However, we found that the propeptide region of pro-GI played an important role when oxidative folding was catalyzed by protein disulfide isomerase (PDI). The PDI-assisted reaction was more efficient during the early folding in the context of the propeptide sequence (pro-GI), as compared to that of the mature conotoxin (alpha-GI). Taken together, our results suggest for the first time that the propeptide region may play a role in the PDI-catalyzed oxidative folding of conotoxin precursors.  相似文献   

Crystals of an integral membrane protein diffracting to 1.8 A resolution.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new crystal form of porin from Rhodobacter capsulatus has been obtained. The crystals are rhombohedral, space group R3, with hexagonal axes a = b = 92.3 A, c = 146.2 A. They contain one monomer in the asymmetric unit and diffract to a resolution of at least 1.8 A.  相似文献   

We have cloned, purified to homogeneity, and characterized as a molecular chaperone the Escherichia coli YedU protein. The purified protein shows a single band at 31 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gels and forms dimers in solution. Like other chaperones, YedU interacts with unfolded and denatured proteins. It promotes the functional folding of citrate synthase and alpha-glucosidase after urea denaturation and prevents the aggregation of citrate synthase under heat shock conditions. YedU forms complexes with the permanently unfolded protein, reduced carboxymethyl alpha-lactalbumin. In contrast to DnaK/Hsp70, ATP does not stimulate YedU-dependent citrate synthase renaturation and does not affect the interaction between YedU and unfolded proteins, and YedU does not display any peptide-stimulated ATPase activity. We conclude that YedU is a novel chaperone which functions independently of an ATP/ADP cycle.  相似文献   

The chaperone activity and biophysical properties of the 19 amino acid peptide DFVIFLDVKHFSPEDLTVK, identified as the functional element in alphaA-crystallin and here referred to as mini-alphaA-crystallin, were studied using light scattering and spectroscopic methods after altering its sequence and enantiomerism. The all-D and all-L conformers of the peptide do not show marked differences in their chaperone-like activity against heat-induced aggregation of alcohol dehydrogenase at 48 degrees C and dithiothreitol-induced aggregation of insulin. The retro peptide does not show any secondary structure and is also unable to act like a chaperone. Both all-L and all-D peptides lose their beta-sheet conformations, hydrophobicity and chaperone-like activity at temperatures > 50 degrees C. However, upon cooling, a significant portion of those properties was regained, suggesting temperature-dependent, reversible structural alterations in the peptides under investigation. We propose that both the hydrophobicity and beta-sheet conformation of the functional element of alphaA-crystallin are essential for chaperone-like activity.  相似文献   

We previously described a novel molecular chaperone (designated p88) that participates in the assembly of murine class I histocompatibility molecules (Degen, E., and Williams, D. B. (1991) J. Cell Biol. 112, 1099-1115). Our findings suggest that p88 may either promote proper assembly of class I molecules or retain them, probably within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), until assembly of the ternary complex of heavy chain, beta 2-microglobulin, and peptide ligand is complete. In this report, we compare p88 to calnexin, a calcium-binding 90-kDa phosphoprotein of the ER membrane (Wada, I., Rindress, D., Cameron, P. H., Ou, W.-J., Doherty, J.-J., II, Louvard, D., Bell, A.W., Dignard, D., Thomas, D. Y., and Bergeron, J. J. M. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 19599-19610). We show that p88 and calnexin share antigenic epitopes defined by a polyclonal anti-calnexin antiserum. Furthermore, both proteins were immunoprecipitated in association with an intracellularly retained variant of the class I H-2Kb molecule. Since p88 and calnexin were also indistinguishable by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis, were resistant to digestion with endoglycosidase H, and exhibited virtually identical patterns of peptide fragments following digestion with either V8 protease or trypsin, we conclude that p88 and calnexin represent the same protein. The identification of the p88 chaperone as a phosphorylated, calcium-binding protein of the ER membrane suggests possible means whereby its interaction with class I molecules may be regulated.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli periplasmic chaperone and peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) SurA facilitates the maturation of outer membrane porins. Although the PPIase activity exhibited by one of its two parvulin-like domains is dispensable for this function, the chaperone activity residing in the non-PPIase regions of SurA, a sizable N-terminal domain and a short C-terminal tail, is essential. Unlike most cytoplasmic chaperones SurA is selective for particular substrates and recognizes outer membrane porins synthesized in vitro much more efficiently than other proteins. Thus, SurA may be specialized for the maturation of outer membrane proteins. We have characterized the substrate specificity of SurA based on its natural, biologically relevant substrates by screening cellulose-bound peptide libraries representing outer membrane proteins. We show that two features are critical for peptide binding by SurA: specific patterns of aromatic residues and the orientation of their side chains, which are found more frequently in integral outer membrane proteins than in other proteins. For the first time this sufficiently explains the capability of SurA to discriminate between outer membrane protein and non-outer membrane protein folding intermediates. Furthermore, peptide binding by SurA requires neither an active PPIase domain nor the presence of proline, indicating that the observed substrate specificity relates to the chaperone function of SurA. Finally, we show that SurA is capable of associating with the outer membrane. Together, our data support a model in which SurA is specialized to interact with non-native periplasmic outer membrane protein folding intermediates and to assist in their maturation from early to late outer membrane-associated steps.  相似文献   

Prohibitins are ubiquitous, abundant and evolutionarily strongly conserved proteins that play a role in important cellular processes. Using blue native electrophoresis we have demonstrated that human prohibitin and Bap37 together form a large complex in the mitochondrial inner membrane. This complex is similar in size to the yeast complex formed by the homologues Phb1p and Phb2p. In yeast, levels of this complex are increased on co-overexpression of both Phb1p and Phb2p, suggesting that these two proteins are the only components of the complex. Pulse-chase experiments with mitochondria isolated from phb1/phb2-null and PHB1/2 overexpressing cells show that the Phb1/2 complex is able to stabilize newly synthesized mitochondrial translation products. This stabilization probably occurs through a direct interaction because association of mitochondrial translation products with the Phb1/2 complex could be demonstrated. The fact that Phb1/2 is a large multimeric complex, which provides protection of native peptides against proteolysis, suggests a functional homology with protein chaperones with respect to their ability to hold and prevent misfolding of newly synthesized proteins.  相似文献   

G Bu  H J Geuze  G J Strous    A L Schwartz 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(10):2269-2280
The low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) is a multifunctional endocytic receptor with the ability to bind and endocytose several structurally and functionally distinct ligands. A 39 kDa receptor-associated protein (RAP) inhibits all ligand interactions with LRP in vitro. In the present study, we demonstrate that RAP is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein. The tetrapepetide sequence HNEL at the C-terminus of RAP is both necessary and sufficient for RAP retention within the ER. Metabolic labeling combined with cross-linking studies show that RAP interacts with LRP in vivo. Pulse-chase analysis reveals that this association is transient early in the secretory pathway and coincides with LRP aggregation and reduced ligand binding activity. Both internal triplicated LRP binding domains on RAP and multiple RAP binding domains on LRP appear to contribute to the aggregation of LRP and RAP. Dissociation of RAP from LRP results from the lower pH encountered later in the secretory pathway and correlates with an increase in LRP ligand binding activity. Taken together, our results thus suggest that RAP functions intracellularly as a molecular chaperone for LRP and regulates its ligand binding activity along the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

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