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Overexpression of SOD2 increases salt tolerance of Arabidopsis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Gao X  Ren Z  Zhao Y  Zhang H 《Plant physiology》2003,133(4):1873-1881
The yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) SOD2 (Sodium2) gene was introduced into Arabidopsis under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Transformants were selected for their ability to grow on medium containing kanamycin. Southern- and northern-blot analyses confirmed that SOD2 was transferred into the Arabidopsis genome. There were no obvious morphological or developmental differences between the transgenic and wild-type (wt) plants. Several transgenic homozygous lines and wt plants (control) were evaluated for salt tolerance and gene expression. Overexpression of SOD2 in Arabidopsis improved seed germination and seedling salt tolerance. Analysis of Na+ and K+ contents of the symplast and apoplast in the parenchyma cells of the root cortex and mesophyll cells in the spongy tissue of the leaf showed that transgenic lines accumulated less Na+ and more K+ in the symplast than the wt plants did. The photosynthetic rate and the fresh weight of the transgenic lines were distinctly higher than that of wt plants after NaCl treatment. Results from different tests indicated that the expression of the SOD2 gene promoted a higher level of salt tolerance in vivo in transgenic Arabidopsis plants.  相似文献   

In yeast, the plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter and Na+-ATPase are key enzymes for salt tolerance.Saccharomyces cerevisiae Na+-ATPase (Enalp ATPase) is encoded by theENA1/PMR2A gene; expression ofENA1 is tightly regulated by Na+ and depends on ambient pH. Although Enalp is active mainly at alkaline pH values inS. cerevisiae, no Na+-ATPase has been found in flowering plants. To test whether this yeast enzyme would improve salt tolerance in plants, we introducedENA1 intoArabidopsis (cv. Columbia) under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Transformants were selected for their ability to grow on a medium containing kanamyin. Southern blot analyses confirmed thatENA1 was transferred into theArabidopsis genome and northern blot analyses showed thatENA1 was expressed in the transformants. Several transgenic homozygous lines and wild-type (WT) plants were evaluated for salt tolerance. No obvious morphological or developmental differences existed between the transgenic and WT plants in the absence of stress. However, overexpression ofENA1 inArabidopsis improved seed germination rates and salt tolerance in seedlings. Under saline conditions, transgenic plants accumulated a lower amount of Na+ than did the wild type, and fresh and dry weights of the former were higher. Other experiments revealed that expression ofENA1 promoted salt tolerance in transgenicArabidopsis under both acidic and alkaline conditions. These authors contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

AtSTK (At5g02800), which is a serine-threonine protein kinase gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, was cloned, and its function was studied. The study found that the overexpression of AtSTK could significantly improve the ability of A. thaliana to tolerate salt, PEG, and ABA stresses. RT-PCR analysis revealed that the expression of the AtSTK gene could be obviously induced by salt, PEG, and ABA. The examination of the physiological characteristics showed that the overexpression of AtSTK in Arabidopsis significantly reduced the plasma membrane permeability, significantly increased the proline content, and decreased the MDA content. These changes may reflect the physiological mechanisms through which AtSTK overexpression improves stress resistance in Arabidopsis. In addition, the overexpression of the AtSTK gene significantly antagonised the inhibitory effect of high concentrations of exogenous ABA on Arabidopsis seed germination. The subcellular localisation results showed that AtSTK is located in both the cytosol and the nucleus. The examination of its tissue-specific expression showed that AtSTK is expressed in various Arabidopsis tissues and is particularly strongly expressed in the vessels. The signalling pathway analysis indicated that AtSTK might transfer the salt stress signal in Arabidopsis through the MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades play a remarkably crucial role in plants. It has been studied intensively in model plants Arabidopsis, tobacco and rice. However, the function of MAPKs in maize (Zea mays L.) has not been well documented. ZmSIMK1 (Zea mays salt-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase 1) is a previously identified MAPK gene in maize. In this research, we charactered ZmSIMK1 and showed that ZmSIMK1 was involved in Arabidopsis salt stress. The genomic organization of ZmSIMK1 gene and its expression in maize have been analyzed. In order to investigate the function of ZmSIMK1, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis constitutively overexpressing ZmSIMK1. Ectopic expression of ZmSIMK1 in Arabidopsis resulted in increased resistance against salt stress. Importantly, ZmSIMK1-overexpressing Arabidopsis exhibited constitutive expression of stress-responsive marker genes, RD29A and P5CS1. Furthermore, RD29A and P5CS1 were upregulated under salt stress. These results suggest that ZmSIMK1 may play an important role in plant salt stress.  相似文献   

A novel gene named TaSC was cloned from salt-tolerant wheat. Northern blot showed that the expression of TaSC in salt-tolerant wheat was up-regulated after salt stress. Real-time quantitative PCR analyses showed that TaSC expression was induced by salt and ABA in wheat. Localization analysis showed that TaSC proteins were localized to the plasma membrane in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. The overexpression of TaSC in Col-0 and atsc (SALK_072220) Arabidopsis strains resulted in increased salt tolerance of the transgenic plants. TaSC overexpression in Col-0 and atsc signi?cantly up-regulated the expression of AtFRY1, AtSAD1, and AtCDPK2. AtCDPK2 overexpression in atsc rescued the salt-sensitive phenotype of atsc. The TaSC gene may improve plant salt tolerance by acting via the CDPK pathway.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Agricultural production is greatly affected by environmental stresses, such as cold, drought and high-salinity. It is possible to produce tolerant genotypes by...  相似文献   

Overexpression of a tobacco glutathione S-transferase with glutathione peroxidase activity (GST/GPX) in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) enhanced seedling growth under a variety of stressful conditions. In addition to increased GST and GPX activity, transgenic GST/GPX-expressing (GST+) seedlings had elevated levels of monodehydroascorbate reductase activity. GST+ seedlings also contained higher levels of glutathione and ascorbate than wild-type seedlings and the glutathione pools were more oxidized. Thermal or salt-stress treatments that inhibited the growth of wild-type seedlings also caused increased levels of lipid peroxidation. These treatments had less effect on the growth of GST+ seedling growth and did not lead to increased lipid peroxidation. Stress-induced damage resulted in reduced metabolic activity in wild-type seedlings while GST+ seedlings maintained metabolic activity levels comparable to seedlings grown under control conditions. These results indicate that overexpression of GST/GPX in transgenic tobacco seedlings provides increased glutathione-dependent peroxide scavenging and alterations in glutathione and ascorbate metabolism that lead to reduced oxidative damage. We conclude that this protective effect is primarily responsible for the ability of GST+ seedlings to maintain growth under stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Genes involved in the mechanisms of plant responses to salt stress may be used as biotechnological tools for the genetic improvement of salt tolerance in crop plants. This would help alleviate the increasing problem of salinization of lands cultivated under irrigation in arid and semi-arid regions. We have isolated a novel halotolerance gene from Arabidopsis thaliana, A. thaliana Li-tolerant lipase 1 (AtLTL1), on the basis of the phenotype of tolerance to LiCl conferred by its expression in yeast. AtLTL1 encodes a putative lipase of the GDSL-motif family, which includes bacterial and a very large number of plant proteins. In Arabidopsis, AtLTL1 expression is rapidly induced by LiCl or NaCl, but not by other abiotic stresses. Overexpression of AtLTL1 increases salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, compared to non-transformed controls, allowing germination of seeds in the presence of toxic concentrations of LiCl and NaCl, and stimulating vegetative growth, flowering and seed set in the presence of NaCl. These results clearly point to a role of AtLTL1 in the mechanisms of salt tolerance. In addition, we show that AtLTL1 expression is also activated, although only transiently, by salicylic acid (SA), suggesting that the lipase could also be involved in defence reactions against pathogens.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide direct evidence that glutathione S-transferase π (GSTπ) detoxifies cisplatin (CDDP). We used human colonic cancer HCT8 cells sensitive and resistant to CDDP, the level of cisplatin-glutathione adduct (DDP-GSH) being higher in the resistant cells. There was an overexpression of GSTπ mRNA in these CDDP-resistant cells. Incubation of the cells with CDDP resulted in the formation of DDP-GSH dependent on the CDDP concentration and the incubation time. The formation of DDP-GSH was abolished when the cells were pre-treated with ethacrynic acid or ketoprofen, inhibitors of GSTπ. Purified GSTπ also catalyzed the formation of DDP-GSH in vitro, with an apparent Km of 0.23 mM for CDDP and an apparent Vmax of 4.9 nmol/min/mg protein. The increase in DDP-GSH produced by GSTπ was linear with incubation time up to 3 h and optimal of pH 7.4. A GSTπ transfectant cell line was constructed in HCT8 cells using a pcDNA3.1 (-)/Myc-His B with an expression vector containing cDNA for GSTπ. Transfection of GSTπ cDNA into HCT8 cells resulted in an increase in the expression of GSTπ by 1.4-fold in parallel with an augmentation of the formation of DDP-GSH. These results suggest that GSTπ plays a role in the formation of DDP-GSH and the acquisition of resistance to CDDP in cancer cells.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana late embryogenesis abundant gene AtEm6 is required for normal seed development and for buffering the rate of dehydration during the latter stages of seed maturation. However, its function in salt stress tolerance is not fully understood. In this investigation, cell suspension cultures of three plant species rice (Oryza sativa L.), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and white pine (Pinus strobes L.) were transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring pBI-AtEm6. Integration of the AtEm6 gene into the genome of rice, cotton, and white pine has been confirmed by polymerase chain reaction, Southern blotting, and northern blotting analyses. Three transgenic cell lines from each of O. sativa, G. hirsutum, and P. strobus were used to analyze salt stress tolerance conferred by the overexpression of the AtEm6 gene. Our results demonstrated that expression of the AtEm6 gene enhanced salt tolerance in transgenic cell lines. A decrease in lipid peroxidation and an increment in antioxidant enzymes ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase activities were observed in the transgenic cell lines, compared to the non- transgenic control. In rice, AtEM6 increased expression of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase genes OsCPK6, OsCPK9, OsCPK10, OsCPK19, OsCPK25, and OsCPK26 under treatment of salt. These results suggested that overexpression of the AtEM6 gene in transgenic cell lines improved salt stress tolerance by regulating expression of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase genes. Overexpression of the AtEM6 gene could be an alternative choice for engineering plant abiotic stress tolerance.  相似文献   

In higher plants, the salt overly sensitive (SOS) signalling pathway plays a crucial role in maintaining ion homoeostasis and conferring salt tolerance under salinity condition. Previously, we functionally characterized the conserved SOS pathway in the woody plant Populus trichocarpa. In this study, we demonstrate that overexpression of the constitutively active form of PtSOS2 (PtSOS2TD), one of the key components of this pathway, significantly increased salt tolerance in aspen hybrid clone Shanxin Yang (Populus davidiana × Populus bolleana). Compared to the wild‐type control, transgenic plants constitutively expressing PtSOS2TD exhibited more vigorous growth and produced greater biomass in the presence of high concentrations of NaCl. The improved salt tolerance was associated with a decreased Na+ accumulation in the leaves of transgenic plants. Further analyses revealed that plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity and Na+ efflux in transgenic plants were significantly higher than those in the wild‐type plants. Moreover, transgenic plants showed improved capacity in scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by salt stress. Taken together, our results suggest that PtSOS2 could serve as an ideal target gene to genetically engineer salt‐tolerant trees.  相似文献   

Although glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are thought to play major roles in oxidative stress metabolism, little is known about the regulatory functions of GSTs. We have reported that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) GLUTATHIONE S-TRANSFERASE U17 (AtGSTU17; At1g10370) participates in light signaling and might modulate various aspects of development by affecting glutathione (GSH) pools via a coordinated regulation with phytochrome A. Here, we provide further evidence to support a negative role of AtGSTU17 in drought and salt stress tolerance. When AtGSTU17 was mutated, plants were more tolerant to drought and salt stresses compared with wild-type plants. In addition, atgstu17 accumulated higher levels of GSH and abscisic acid (ABA) and exhibited hyposensitivity to ABA during seed germination, smaller stomatal apertures, a lower transpiration rate, better development of primary and lateral root systems, and longer vegetative growth. To explore how atgstu17 accumulated higher ABA content, we grew wild-type plants in the solution containing GSH and found that they accumulated ABA to a higher extent than plants grown in the absence of GSH, and they also exhibited the atgstu17 phenotypes. Wild-type plants treated with GSH also demonstrated more tolerance to drought and salt stresses. Furthermore, the effect of GSH on root patterning and drought tolerance was confirmed by growing the atgstu17 in solution containing l-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine, a specific inhibitor of GSH biosynthesis. In conclusion, the atgstu17 phenotype can be explained by the combined effect of GSH and ABA. We propose a role of AtGSTU17 in adaptive responses to drought and salt stresses by functioning as a negative component of stress-mediated signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

A second glutathione S-transferase gene (GST II) was isolated from the chromosomal DNA of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The nucleotide sequence determined contains 1908 bp including an open reading frame of 230 amino acids that would encode a protein of a molecular mass of 26843.4 Da. The amino acid sequence of the putative GST II is very homologous with that of the previously isolated GST gene (GST I) located in the same chromosome III of S. pombe. The cloned GST II gene produces the functional GST in S. pombe, and it gives much higher GST in the stationary phase than in the exponential phase. Regulation of the GST II gene was studied using the GST II-lacZ fusion. The synthesis of beta-galactosidase from the fusion plasmid is greatly enhanced by the treatments with oxidative stresses such as menadione and mercuric chloride. It is also induced by o-dinitrobenzene, one of the GST substrates. NO-generating S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine has a weak induction effect on the expression of GST II gene. These results indicate that the S. pombe GST II gene is involved in the oxidative stress response and detoxification. However, physiological meaning on the existence of the two similar GST genes in S. pombe remains unknown yet.  相似文献   

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