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Little is known about the tissue interactions and the molecular signals implicated in the sequence of events leading to the subdivision of the somite into its rostral and caudal compartments. It has been demonstrated that rostrocaudal identity of the sclerotome is acquired at the presomitic (PSM) level. However, it is not known whether this compartment specification is fully determined in the PSM or whether it is dependent upon maintenance cues from the surrounding environment, as is the case for somite epithelialization. In this report, we address this issue by examining the expression profiles of C-Delta-1 and C-Notch-1, the avian homologues of mouse Delta-like1 (Delta1) and Notch1 which have been implicated in the specification of the somite rostrocaudal polarity in mouse. In chick, these genes are expressed in distinct but partially overlapping domains in the PSM and subsequently in the caudal regions of the somites. We have used an in vitro assay that consists of culturing PSM explants to examine the regulation of these genes in this tissue. We find that PSM explants cultured without overlying ectoderm continue to lay down stripes of C-Delta-1 expression, although epithelialization is blocked. These results suggest that somite rostrocaudal patterning is an autonomous property of the PSM. In addition, they demonstrate that segmentation is not necessarily coupled with the formation of somites. Dev. Genet. 23:77–85, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We used Pax-2 mRNA expression and Lim 1/2 antibody staining as markers for the conversion of chick intermediate mesoderm (IM) to pronephric tissue and Lmx-1 mRNA expression as a marker for mesonephros. Pronephric markers were strongly expressed caudal to the fifth somite by stage 9. To determine whether the pronephros was induced by adjacent tissues and, if so, to identify the inducing tissues and the timing of induction, we microsurgically dissected one side of chick embryos developing in culture and then incubated them for up to 3 days. The undisturbed contralateral side served as a control. Most embryos cut parallel to the rostrocaudal axis between the trunk paraxial mesoderm and IM before stage 8 developed a pronephros on the control side only. Embryos manipulated after stage 9 developed pronephric structures on both sides, but the caudal pronephric extension was attenuated on the cut side. These results suggest that a medial signal is required for pronephric development and show that the signal is propagated in a rostral to caudal sequence. In manipulated embryos cultured for 3 days in ovo, the mesonephros as well as the pronephros failed to develop on the experimental side. In contrast, embryos cut between the notochord and the trunk paraxial mesoderm formed pronephric structures on both sides, regardless of the stage at which the operation was performed, indicating that the signal arises from the paraxial mesoderm (PM) and not from axial mesoderm. This cut also served as a control for cuts between the PM and the IM and showed that signaling itself was blocked in the former experiments, not the migration of pronephric or mesonephric precursor cells from the primitive streak. Additional control experiments ruled out the need for signals from lateral plate mesoderm, ectoderm, or endoderm. To determine whether the trunk paraxial mesoderm caudal to the fifth somite maintains its inductive capacity in the absence of contact with more rostral tissue, embryos were transected. Those transected below the prospective level of the fifth somite expressed Pax-2 in both the rostral and the caudal isolates, whereas embryos transected rostral to this level expressed Pax-2 in the caudal isolate only. Thus, a rostral signal is not required to establish the normal pattern of Pax-2 expression and pronephros formation. To determine whether paraxial mesoderm is sufficient for pronephros induction, stage 7 or earlier chick lateral plate mesoderm was cocultured with caudal stage 8 or 9 quail somites in collagen gels. Pax-2 was expressed in chick tissues in 21 of 25 embryos. Isochronic transplantation of stage 4 or 5 quail node into caudal chick primitive streak resulted in the generation of ectopic somites. These somites induced ectopic pronephroi in lateral plate mesoderm, and the IM that received signals from both native and ectopic somites formed enlarged pronephroi with increased Pax-2 expression. We conclude that signals from a localized region of the trunk paraxial mesoderm are both required and sufficient for the induction of the pronephros from the chick IM. Studies to identify the molecular nature of the induction are in progress.  相似文献   

Bmpr1a encodes the BMP type IA receptor for bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), including 2 and 4. Here, we use mosaic inactivation of Bmpr1a in the epiblast of the mouse embryo (Bmpr-MORE embryos) to assess functions of this gene in mesoderm development. Unlike Bmpr1a-null embryos, which fail to gastrulate, Bmpr-MORE embryos initiate gastrulation, but the recruitment of prospective paraxial mesoderm cells to the primitive streak is delayed. This delay causes a more proximal distribution of cells with paraxial mesoderm character within the primitive streak, resulting in a lateral expansion of somitic mesoderm to form multiple columns. Inhibition of FGF signaling restores the normal timing of recruitment of prospective paraxial mesoderm and partially rescues the development of somites. This suggests that BMP and FGF signaling function antagonistically during paraxial mesoderm development.  相似文献   

Frizzled (fz) genes encode receptors for the Wnt signaling pathway. We describe a novel fz gene, zebrafish fz7b. Maternal fz7b mRNA is detectable by RT-PCR. Embryonic fz7b is widely distributed in early epiboly stage embryos. By shield stage, expression appears enriched around the blastoderm margin. During epiboly, expression becomes restricted to the prechordal plate, presumptive midbrain and hindbrain and paraxial mesoderm. As somites form, labeling is briefly present in a segmental pattern. By mid-somitogensis, expression is particularly enriched in the forebrain, the forebrain-midbrain boundary, and the anterior hindbrain, but appears at lower levels throughout much of the rostral CNS. The CNS expression is at ventral and medial positions. The paraxial mesoderm expression becomes restricted to the tailbud. This pattern continues through 26 h. At 48 h, weak expression is seen in the pharyngeal arches and developing fin.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a major player in the microenvironment governing morphogenesis. However, much is yet to be known about how matrix composition and architecture changes as it influences major morphogenetic events. Here we performed a detailed, 3D analysis of the distribution of two ECM components, fibronectin and laminin, during the development of the chick paraxial mesoderm. By resorting to whole mount double immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, we generated a detailed 3D map of the two ECM components, revealing their supra-cellular architecture in vivo, while simultaneously retaining high resolution cellular detail. We show that fibronectin assembly occurs at the surface of the presomitic mesoderm (PSM), where a gradual increase in the complexity of the fibronectin matrix accompanies PSM maturation. In the rostral PSM, where somites form, fibronectin fibrils are thick and densely packed and some occupy the cleft which comes to separate the newly formed somite from the PSM. Our 3D approach revealed that laminin matrix assembly starts at the PSM surface as small dispersed patches, which are always localized closer to cells than the fibronectin matrix. These patches gradually grow and coalesce with neighboring patches, but do not generate a continuous laminin sheet, not even on epithelial somites and dermomyotome, suggesting that these epithelia develop in contact with a fenestrated laminin matrix. Unexpectedly, as the somite differentiates, its fibronectin and laminin matrices are maintained, thus initially containing both the epithelial dermomyotome and the mesenchymal sclerotome within the somite segment. Our analysis provides unprecedented details of the progressive in vivo assembly and 3D architecture of fibronectin and laminin matrices during paraxial mesoderm development. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that progressive ECM assembly and subsequent 3D organization are active driving and containing forces during tissue development.  相似文献   

Paraxial protocadherin (PAPC) is a cell adhesion molecule that marks cells undergoing convergence-extension cell movements in Xenopus and zebrafish gastrulating embryos. Here a mouse homologue (mpapc) was identified and characterized. During early- to mid-gastrulation, mpapc is expressed in the primitive streak as the trunk mesoderm undergoes morphogenetic cell movements. At head-fold stage mpapc expression becomes localized to paraxial regions in which somites are formed in the segmental plate. At later stages, mpapc displays a complex expression pattern in cerebral cortex, olfactory bulb, inferior colliculus, and in longitudinal stripes in hindbrain. To analyze the effect of the loss of PAPC function during mouse development, a null allele of the mouse papc gene was generated. Homozygous animals show no defects in their skeleton and are viable and fertile.  相似文献   

The vertebrate body is built on a metameric organization which consists of a repetition of functionally equivalent units, each comprising a vertebra, its associated muscles, peripheral nerves and blood vessels. This periodic pattern is established during embryogenesis by the somitogenesis process. Somites are generated in a rhythmic fashion from the presomitic mesoderm and they subsequently differentiate to give rise to the vertebrae and skeletal muscles of the body. Somitogenesis has been very actively studied in the chick embryo since the 19th century and many of the landmark experiments that led to our current understanding of the vertebrate segmentation process have been performed in this organism. Somite formation involves an oscillator, the segmentation clock whose periodic signal is converted into the periodic array of somite boundaries by a spacing mechanism relying on a traveling threshold of FGF signaling regressing in concert with body axis extension.  相似文献   

Mox genes are members of the "extended" Hox-cluster group of Antennapedia-like homeobox genes. Homologues have been cloned from both invertebrate and vertebrate species, and are expressed in mesodermal tissues. In vertebrates, Mox1 and Mox2 are distinctly expressed during the formation of somites and differentiation of their derivatives. Somites are a distinguishing feature uniquely shared by cephalochordates and vertebrates. Here, we report the cloning and expression of the single amphioxus Mox gene. AmphiMox is expressed in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) during early amphioxus somitogenesis and in nascent somites from the tail bud during the late phase. Once a somite is completely formed, AmphiMox is rapidly downregulated. We discuss the presence and extent of the PSM in both phases of amphioxus somitogenesis. We also propose a scenario for the functional evolution of Mox genes within chordates, in which Mox was co-opted for somite formation before the cephalochordate-vertebrate split. Novel expression sites found in vertebrates after somite formation postdated Mox duplication in the vertebrate stem lineage, and may be linked to the increase in complexity of vertebrate somites and their derivatives, e.g., the vertebrae. Furthermore, AmphiMox expression adds new data into a long-standing debate on the extent of the asymmetry of amphioxus somitogenesis.  相似文献   

Coordination of morphogenesis and cell proliferation is essential during development. In Xenopus, cell divisions are rapid and synchronous early in development but then slow and become spatially restricted during gastrulation and neurulation. One tissue that transiently stops dividing is the paraxial mesoderm, a dynamically mobile tissue that forms the somites and body musculature of the embryo. We have found that cessation of cell proliferation is required for the proper positioning and segmentation of the paraxial mesoderm as well as the complete elongation of the Xenopus embryo. Instrumental in this cell cycle arrest is Wee2, a Cdk inhibitory kinase that is expressed in the paraxial mesoderm from mid-gastrula stages onwards. Morpholino-mediated depletion of Wee2 increases the mitotic index of the paraxial mesoderm and this results in the failure of convergent extension and somitogenesis in this tissue. Similar defects are observed if the cell cycle is inappropriately advanced by other mechanisms. Thus, the low mitotic index of the paraxial mesoderm plays an essential function in the integrated cell movements and patterning of this tissue.  相似文献   



Co-ordinated cell movement is a fundamental feature of developing embryos. Massive cell movements occur during vertebrate gastrulation and during the subsequent extension of the embryonic body axis. These are controlled by cell-cell signalling and a number of pathways have been implicated. Here we use long-term video microscopy in chicken embryos to visualize the migration routes and movement behaviour of mesoderm progenitor cells as they emerge from the primitive streak (PS) between HH stages 7 and 10.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to check whether the three chick Early B‐cell Factor (Ebf) genes, particularly cEbf1, would be targets for Shh and Bmp signals during somites mediolateral (ML) patterning. Tissue manipulations and gain and loss of function experiments for Shh and Bmp4 were performed and the results revealed that cEbf1 expression was initiated in the cranial presomitic mesoderm by low dose of Bmp4 from the lateral mesoderm and maintained in the ventromedial part of the epithelial somite and the medial sclerotome by Shh from the notochord; while cEbf2/3 expression was induced and maintained by Bmp4 and inhibited by high dose of Shh. To determine whether Ebf1 plays a role in somite patterning, transfection of a dominant‐negative construct was carried out; this showed suppression of cPax1 expression in the medial sclerotome and upregulation and medial expansion of cEbf3 and cPax3 expression in sclerotome and dermomyotome, respectively, suggesting that Ebf1 is important for ML patterning. Thus, it is possible that low doses of Bmp4 set up Ebf1 expression which, together with Shh from the notochord, leads to establishment of the medial sclerotome and suppression of lateral identities. These data also conclude that Bmp4 is required in both the medial and lateral domain of the somitic mesoderm to keep the ML identity of the sclerotome through maintenance of cEbf gene expression. These striking findings are novel and give a new insight on the role of Bmp4 on mediolateral patterning of somites.  相似文献   

Wedges of anterior quail mesoderm grafted into posterior slits in the wing buds of chick embryo hosts result in the formation of rods and nodules of supernumerary cartilage in a high percentage of cases. Identifiable digits do not form unless the ectoderm is allowed to remain on the grafts. Control experiments have shown that wedges of anterior or posterior wing mesoderm placed into homologous locations of host wing buds produce few or no supernumerary skeletal structures. Anterior-to-posterior grafts of stage 17 mesoderm evoke a 71.4% incidence of supernumerary cartilage. This percentage increases to 100% with stage 22 donor mesoderm. The percentage of supernumerary structures formed declines markedly with donor mesoderm of stages 24-30. By stages 35-36, only 10% of the grafts result in the formation of supernumerary structures. The period of decline coincides with the onset of overt cytodifferentiation within the donor mesoderm.  相似文献   

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