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After administration of delta-sleep inducing peptide to cats and albino rats the decrease of total duration of paradoxical phase of sleep is more significant than prolongation of slow-wave sleep. Similar disturbances in the behaviour of animals were observed during deprivation of paradoxical sleep. This data strongly suggest that the DSIP influences the most ancient mechanisms of sleep regulation.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a well-characterized neuromodulator in the central nervous system, primarily implicated in the regulation of feeding. NPY, orexins, and ghrelin form a hypothalamic food intake regulatory circuit. Orexin and ghrelin are also implicated in sleep-wake regulation. In the present experiments, we studied the sleep-modulating effects of central administration of NPY in rats. Rats received intracerebroventricular injection of physiological saline or three different doses of NPY (0.4, 2, and 10 microg in a volume of 4 microl) at light onset. Another group of rats received bilateral microinjection of saline or 2 microg NPY in the lateral hypothalamus in a volume of 0.2 microl. Sleep-wake activity and motor activity were recorded for 23 h. Food intake after the control and treatment injections was also measured on separate days. Intracerebroventricular and lateral hypothalamic administration of NPY suppressed non-rapid-eye-movement sleep and rapid-eye-movement sleep in rats during the first hour after the injection and also induced changes in electroencephalogram delta power spectra. NPY stimulated food intake in the first hour after both routes of administration. Data are consistent with the hypothesis that NPY has a role in the integration of feeding, metabolism, and sleep regulation.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an important neuronal element involved in cardiovascular regulation. Since elevated plasma levels of NPY have been observed in numerous pathological situations, this study aimed to determine whether long-term elevated plasma concentrations of NPY could result in aberrant baroreflex sensitivity. Mini-osmotic pump containing NPY (85 μg per 30 days) was subcutaneously implanted between scapulae in male rats for 4 months. The rats treated with NPY showed the following characters compared with control group: (1) attenuated heart rate responding to the increases in mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) induced by phenylephrine, but enhanced heart rate responding to the decreases in MABP induced by sodium nitroprusside; (2) decreased protein levels of substance P (SP) and GluR2, while increased the expression of γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor (GABA(A)R) in brainstem; (3) abdominal obesity indicated by increased body weight and accumulated fat mass in peritoneal cavity; (4) significant increases in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and low density lipoprotein levels in the periphery. These findings indicate that long-term NPY administration in the periphery leads to abnormal baroreflex sensitivity due, at least in part, to the down-regulated expression of SP/GluR2 and elevated expression of GABA(A)R in both protein and RNA levels, which indicate the alternations in glutamate function and GABA action in the nucleus tractus solitarii in NPY-treated rats. Furthermore, long-term NPY administration results in abdominal obesity and dyslipidemia.  相似文献   

Eggs are a popular source of dietary cholesterol, but their consumption does not necessarily result in an increased serum cholesterol concentration. We investigated the cholesterol-lowering activity of egg white protein (EWP) and its potential mechanism in rats. The consumption of EWP resulted in a decreased concentration of cholesterol in the serum, liver and intestinal mucosa. The excretion of fecal neutral sterols and bile acids was greater by rats fed with EWP than by those fed with casein. The ratio of cholesterol and bile acids in the micellar phase to those in the solid phase was lower in the intestinal contents from rats fed with EWP than from those fed with casein. These results suggest that the cholesterol-lowering activity of EWP can be attributed to lowering the cholesterol absorption by intervening in the micellar formation in the intestines.  相似文献   

Effects of catecholamines and their derivatives on gibberellicacid (GA)-induced lettuce hypocotyl elongation was studied,because catecholamines have a chemical structure similar tothe dihydroconiferyl alcohol that has been isolated from lettucecotyledons as a GA synergist. Epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamineand 3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid synergistically enhanced thepromoting effect of GA on hypocotyl elongation. In contrast,metanephrine, normetanephrine, DOPA and 3-methoxy-4- hydroxymandelicacid did not enhance the GA effect. The action of catecholamineswas inhibited by trans-cinnamic acid which competitively inhibitedthe action of dihydroconiferyl alcohol; this suggests that thereceptor site for catecholamines is the same as that for dihydroconiferylalcohol. The basic ethyl acetate fraction from lettuce seedlingssynergistically enhanced the GA effect. TLC analyses of thisbasic ethyl acetate fraction revealed that the chromatographicarea corresponding to authentic catecholamines could enhancethe GA effect. From these results, a possible role for catecholamines in theregulation of lettuce hypocotyl elongation caused by GA wasposited, and is discussed here. (Received May 15, 1979; )  相似文献   

The octapeptide FLFQPQRF-NH2 or neuropeptide FF ('F8Famide'; FMRFamide-like peptide'; 'morphine-modulating peptide') has been isolated from the bovine brain. In this study, the ultrastructural localization of neuropeptide FF-like immunoreactivity was examined with pre-embedding immuno-electron microscopy in the nucleus of the solitary tract and in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland of an adult rat. Neuropeptide FF-like immunoreactivity was detected only in neuronal structures of the medial and commissural nuclei of the solitary tract and in the neurohypophysis. In the medulla, the peroxidase-antiperoxidase reaction product was localized in large (100 nm) dense-cored vesicles and in the cytoplasm of the neuronal perikarya, dendrites and axon terminals. In the labeled terminals, small (50 nm) clear vesicles rimmed with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase reaction product were seen. Synaptic contacts of labeled perikarya and dendrites with unlabeled axon terminals were observed. Labeled axon terminals formed contacts with unlabeled dendrites and perikarya. In the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, neuropeptide FF-like immunoreactivity was localized in nerve terminals frequently associated with blood vessels. The results suggest that neuropeptide FF-like peptides are localized exclusively in neuronal structures and that they are synthesized in cell somata and released from axon terminals. In the brain, neuropeptide FF-like peptides may act as neuromodulators involved in the regulation of autonomic functions. The localization of neuropeptide FF-like immunoreactivity in the neurohypophysis suggests endocrine regulatory functions of these peptides.  相似文献   

Properties of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) were compared for medial gastrocnemius (MG) motor units (MUs) in cats and rats. The experiments on functionally isolated MUs were performed under general anaesthesia, under comparable conditions (surgery, stimulating protocol and recording methods) for both species investigated. The proportions of motor units and contractile properties of the sample used in the study were consistent with previous studies performed on the MG muscle in both animal species, so comparisons of action potentials of individual types of MUs were acknowledged as fully reliable. The most prominent differences concerning MUAPs were observed in total duration and peak-to-peak times which for all MU types were about twice longer in cat MUs, in comparison to the rat MUs. The considerable disproportions were observed between the MUAP amplitudes of FF (fast fatigable), FR (fast resistant to fatigue) and S (slow) MUs in each species (the highest amplitudes were measured for FF and the lowest for S MUs), but there were no significant differences between cat and rat when respective types of MUs were compared. The shapes of MUAPs were commonly characterized by biphasic waveforms composed of two or three turns in all types of units, and no interspecies differences were revealed. Several factors influencing MUAP parameters were discussed indicating most of all importance of variable length of cat and rat muscle fibres and ambiguous influence of motor unit size, thickness of muscle fibres and their density around the recording electrode in the MG muscle of both species.  相似文献   

The effects of valproate (VPA) and delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) on metaphit-induced generalized, audiogenic seizure in adult rat males were compared. The animals were i.p. injected with: (1) Saline; (2) metaphit (mp, 10 mg kg(-1)); 3. metaphit (10 mg kg(-1)) and 8 h later with DSIP (0.1, 0.2, 0.4 or 1.0 mg kg(-1)), 4. metaphit (10 mg kg(-1)) and 8 h later with VPA (50, 75 or 100 mg kg(-1)); 5. DSIP alone (1.0 mg kg(-1)) and 6. VPA, alone (100 mg kg(-1)). The rats were exposed to sound stimulation at hourly intervals and the behavior and EEG were analyzed. The EEG signals in metaphit rats appeared as a sleep-like pattern and spike-wave complexes with increased power spectra. Valproate and DSIP reduced the incidence of seizure and prolonged duration of latency in a dose-dependent manner. ED50 of valproate in the 1st hour after administration was 63.19 mg kg(-1) and that of DSIP 3.19 mg kg(-1) four hours after injection. This suggests that VPA, reached a peak of action immediately after the application, while DSIP had a prolonged action, mildly reducing, but not abolishing metaphit seizure. None of the applied VPA and DSIP doses eliminated the metaphit-provoked EEG signs of epileptiform activity.  相似文献   

MAO B/MAO A rations and the influence of delta-sleep inducing peptide (DSIP) on the two forms of MAO and on the predisposition to different types of catatonic reactions were compared in rats of GC strain selected from Wistar for predisposition to catalepsy, and in wild rats. In GC rats, the MAO B/MAO A ratio was increased, as compared to Wistar, in the brain stem and hemispheres, whereas in wild rats predisposed to catatonia it was increased, as compared to normal wild rats, only in the hemispheres. In GC rats, this increase of the MAO B/MAO A ratio was due to a decrease of MAO A and increase of MAO B activity, while in wild catatonic rats only due to heightened MAO B activity. Administration of DSIP abolished the susceptibility to catatonic reactions and normalized the MAO B/MAO A ratio both in GC and in wild catatonic rats. There seems to be a partial similarity of physiological mechanisms of catatonic reactions in laboratory albino and in wild rats.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) produced by arcuate nucleus (ARC) neurons has a strong orexigenic effect on target neurons. Hypothalamic NPY levels undergo wide-ranging oscillations during the circadian cycle and in response to fasting and peripheral hormones (from 0.25 to 10-fold change). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of a moderate long-term modulation of NPY within the ARC neurons on food consumption, body weight gain and hypothalamic neuropeptides. We achieved a physiological overexpression (3.6-fold increase) and down-regulation (0.5-fold decrease) of NPY in the rat ARC by injection of AAV vectors expressing NPY and synthetic microRNA that target the NPY, respectively. Our work shows that a moderate overexpression of NPY was sufficient to induce diurnal over-feeding, sustained body weight gain and severe obesity in adult rats. Additionally, the circulating levels of leptin were elevated but the immunoreactivity (ir) of ARC neuropeptides was not in accordance (POMC-ir was unchanged and AGRP-ir increased), suggesting a disruption in the ability of ARC neurons to response to peripheral metabolic alterations. Furthermore, a dysfunction in adipocytes phenotype was observed in these obese rats. In addition, moderate down-regulation of NPY did not affect basal feeding or normal body weight gain but the response to food deprivation was compromised since fasting-induced hyperphagia was inhibited and fasting-induced decrease in locomotor activity was absent.These results highlight the importance of the physiological ARC NPY levels oscillations on feeding regulation, fasting response and body weight preservation, and are important for the design of therapeutic interventions for obesity that include the NPY.  相似文献   

The effect of immunostimulator--Freund's adjuvant complete on the nociception and learning of white rats using food-obtaining and avoidance of electric shock techniques has been studied. It has been shown that the adjuvant in doses for active immunization causes itself the expressed changes in animal behaviour. The adjuvant's injections significantly increases the learning ability of animals both with negative and positive reinforcement as compared with control one. The changes in pain severity is marked only for dose 0.2 ml. The nonspecific action of adjuvant should be taken into account in researches which use the active immunisation method.  相似文献   

Evidence was obtained that beta-carotene injected to rats subcutaneously or per os two times, 4 h and 19 h, before irradiation reduced their death rate from acute affection. The effect was almost invariable with the drug administered either before or after irradiation. The radioprotective efficacy of beta-carotene was attributed to its ability to scavenge active oxygen forms.  相似文献   

The class II chaperonin CCT facilitates protein folding by a process that is not well-understood. One striking feature of this chaperonin is its apparent selectivity in vivo, folding only actin, tubulin, and several other proteins. In contrast, the class I chaperonin GroEL is thought to facilitate the folding of many proteins within Escherichia coli. It has been proposed that this apparent selectivity is associated with certain regions of a substrate protein's primary structure. Using limiting amounts of beta-tubulin, beta-tubulin mutants, and beta-tubulin/ftsZ chimeras, we assessed the contribution of select regions of beta-tubulin to CCT binding. In a complementary study, we investigated inter-ring communication in CCT where we exploited polypeptide binding sensitivity to nucleotide to quantitate nucleotide binding. beta-Tubulin bound with a high apparent affinity to CCT in the absence of nucleotide (apparent K(D) approximately 3 nM; its apparent binding free energy, DeltaG, ca. -11.8 kcal/mol). Despite this, the interactions appear to be weak and distributed throughout much of the sequence, although certain sites ("hot spots") may interact somewhat more strongly with CCT. Globally averaged over the beta-tubulin sequence, these interactions appear to contribute ca. -9 to -11 cal/mol per residue, and to account for no more than 50-60% of the total binding free energy. We propose that a conformation change or deformation induced in CCT by substrate binding provides the missing free energy which stabilizes the binary complex. We suggest that by coupling CCT deformation with polypeptide binding, CCT avoids the need for high "intrinsic" affinities for its substrates. This strategy allows for dynamic interactions between chaperonin and bound substrate, which may facilitate folding on the interior surface of CCT in the absence of nucleotide and/or productive release of bound polypeptide into the central cavity upon subsequent MgATP binding. CCT displayed negative inter-ring cooperativity like GroEL. When ring 1 of CCT bound MgATP or beta-tubulin, the affinity of ring 2 for polypeptide or nucleotide was apparently reduced approximately 100-fold.  相似文献   

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