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Immunotherapy treatments harnessing the immune system herald a new era of personalized medicine, offering considerable benefits for cancer patients. Over the past years, tumor neoantigens emerged as a rising star in immunotherapy. Neoantigens are tumor-specific antigens arising from somatic mutations, which are proceeded and presented by the major histocompatibility complex on the cell surface. With the advancement of sequencing technology and bioinformatics engineering, the recognition of neoantigens has accelerated and is expected to be incorporated into the clinical routine. Currently, tumor vaccines against neoantigens mainly encompass peptides, DNA, RNA, and dendritic cells, which are extremely specific to individual patients. Due to the high immunogenicity of neoantigens, tumor vaccines could activate and expand antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to intensify anti-tumor immunity. Herein, we introduce the origin and prediction of neoantigens and compare the advantages and disadvantages of multiple types of neoantigen vaccines. Besides, we review the immunizations and the current clinical research status in neoantigen vaccines, and outline strategies for enhancing the efficacy of neoantigen vaccines. Finally, we present the challenges facing the application of neoantigens.  相似文献   

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of mortal-ity and morbidity throughout the world. To a signifi-cant extent, current conventional cancer therapies are symptomatic and passive in nature. The major obstacle to the development of effective cancer therapy is be-lieved to be the absence of suffi cient specifi city. Since the discovery of the tumor-oriented homing capacity of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), the application of specific anticancer gene-engineered MSCs has held great potential for cancer therapies. The dual-targeted strategy is based on MSCs’ capacity of tumor-directed migration and incorporation and in situ expression of tumor-specifi c anticancer genes. With the aim of trans-lating bench work into meaningful clinical applications, we describe the tumor tropism of MSCs and their use as therapeutic vehicles, the dual-targeted anticancer potential of engineered MSCs and a putative personal-ized strategy with anticancer gene-engineered MSCs.  相似文献   

Establishment of immunocompetent cell mediated anti-tumor immunity is often mitigated by the myelosuppressive effects during administration of chemotherapy. We hypothesized that protecting these immune cells from drug induced toxicities may allow for the combined administration of immunotherapy and chemotherapy. Using a SIV-based lentiviral gene transfer system we delivered the drug-resistant variant P140KMGMT into the immunocompetent cell lines NK-92 and TALL-104, and the myelogenous leukemia cell line, K562, which is a target for both NK-92 and TALL-104 cells. Genetically engineered immunocompetent cells developed significant resistance to temozolomide compared to non-modified cells, and genetic modification of these cells did not affect their ability to kill K562 cells. We then evaluated the effectiveness of drug-resistant immunocompetent cell mediated killing of tumor cells in the presence and absence of chemotherapy. During a chemotherapy challenge the cytotoxic activity of non-modified immunocompetent cells was dramatically impaired. However, when combined with chemotherapy, genetically-modified immune cells retained their cytotoxic activities and efficiently killed non-modified target cells. These results show that engineering immunocompetent cells to withstand chemotherapy challenges can enhance tumor cell killing when chemotherapy is applied in conjunction with cell-based immunotherapy.  相似文献   

由于卵巢癌的早期临床症状较不明显,大部分患者就诊时就处于晚期阶段,这对其有效治疗造成了很大困难,使其成为妇科病死率最高的恶性肿瘤,一直广受关注。但目前传统的手术与放化疗方法的治疗效果不佳。近年来随着基础研究工作的不断发展与深入,生物治疗作为新的肿瘤治疗方法引起了人们的重视。生物治疗作为第四种卵巢癌的治疗模式,其采取的针对不同靶位点和靶途径的策略很大程度上促进了卵巢癌治疗的理论和实践研究。生物治疗主要是运用基因治疗、免疫治疗和重组病毒治疗的方法对患者进行治疗,基因治疗包括细胞毒性或自杀基因治疗、纠错性基因治疗、免疫增强性基因治疗和抗肿瘤血管生成基因治疗等。而免疫治疗又分为主动和被动免疫治疗,前者包括树突状细胞疫苗、自体肿瘤疫苗和分子疫苗治疗等,后者如细胞因子治疗、单克隆抗体拮抗治疗以及细胞过继免疫治疗等。上述目前在卵巢癌治疗研究中已取得了一些成果,本文就其卵巢癌的生物治疗现状与进展做一综述。  相似文献   

The use of oncolytic viruses forms an appealing approach for cancer treatment. On the one hand the viruses replicate in, and kill, tumor cells, leading to their intra-tumoral amplification. On the other hand the viral infection will activate virus-directed immune responses, and may trigger immune responses directed against tumor cells and tumor antigens. To date, a wide variety of oncolytic viruses is being developed for use in cancer treatment. While the development of oncolytic viruses has often been initiated by researchers in academia and other public institutions, a large majority of the final product development and the testing of these products in clinical trials is industry led. As a consequence relatively few pre-clinical and clinical studies evaluated different oncolytic viruses in competitive side-by-side preclinical or clinical studies. In this review we will summarize the steps and considerations essential in the development and characterization of oncolytic viruses, and describe our multidisciplinary academic consortium, which involves a dozen departments in three different Dutch universities, collaborating in the development of oncolytic viruses. This consortium has the ambition to develop a small series of oncolytic viruses and to evaluate these in various cancers.  相似文献   

The development of cancer vaccines has been one of the several false dawns in which initial promising Phase I and Phase II clinical data have not been followed up with conclusive Phase III trials. In this review, we describe some of the successes and failures, and review the most likely reasons for Phase III failure, such as protocol changes, which are common between Phase II and III, and poorly defined patient groups. Nevertheless, significant survival results have been reported with autologous vaccines for colorectal, renal and, more recently, prostate cancer. In addition, it is becoming evident that immunotherapy is potentially synergistic with other treatment modalities, such as chemotherapy, which can reduce T-regulatory activity that inhibits the immune response to cancer vaccines. This potential for synergy should allow cancer vaccines to become part of the standard treatment regimen for many common tumours.This article is a symposium paper from the “Robert Baldwin Symposium: 50 years of Cancer Immunotherapy”, held in Nottingham, Great Britain, on 30 June 2005.  相似文献   

The past several years have witnessed a rapidly increasing number of reports on utilizing plasmid DNA as a vector for the introduction of genes into mammalian cells for use in both gene therapy and vaccine applications. “Naked DNA vaccines” allow the foreign genes to be transiently expressed in transfected cells, mimicking intracellular pathogenic infection and triggering both the humoral and cellular immune responses. While considerable attention has been paid to the potential of such vaccines to mitigate a number of infections, substantially less consideration has been given to the practical challenges of producing large amounts of plasmid DNA for therapeutic use in humans, for both clinical studies and, ultimately, full-scale manufacturing. Doses of naked DNA vaccines are on the order of milligrams, while typical small-scale Escherichia coli fermentations may routinely yield only a few mg/l of plasmid DNA. There have been many investigations towards optimizing production of heterologous proteins over the past three decades, but in these cases, the plasmid DNA was not the final product of interest. This review addresses the current state-of-the-art means for the production of plasmid DNA at large scale in compliance with existing regulatory guidelines. The impact of the nature of the plasmid vector on the choice of fermentation protocols is presented, along with the effect of varying cultivation conditions on final plasmid content. Practical considerations for the large-scale purification of plasmid DNA are also discussed.  相似文献   

Abnormally alternative splicing events are common hallmark of diverse types of cancers. Splicing variants with aberrant functions play an important role in cancer development. Most importantly, a growing body of evidence has supported that alternative splicing might play a significant role in the therapeutic resistance of tumors. Targeted therapy and immunotherapy are the future directions of tumor therapy; however, the loss of antigen targets on the tumor cells surface and alterations in drug efficacy have resulted in the failure of targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Interestingly, abnormal alternative splicing, as a strategy to regulate gene expression, is reportedly involved in the reprogramming of cell signaling pathways and epitopes on the tumor cell surface by changing splicing patterns of genes, thus rendering tumors resisted to targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Accordingly, increased knowledge regarding abnormal alternative splicing in tumors may help predict therapeutic resistance during targeted therapy and immunotherapy and lead to novel therapeutic approaches in cancer. Herein, we provide a brief synopsis of abnormal alternative splicing events in cancer progression and therapeutic resistance.  相似文献   

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) remains one of the most commonly contracted sexually transmitted diseases around the world. There are a multitude of HPV types, some of which may never present any symptoms. Others, however, are considered high-risk types, which increase the chance of the person infected to develop cancer. In recent years, the utilization of nanotechnology has allowed researchers to employ and explore the use of nanoparticles in immunotherapies.The new nanoparticle frontier has opened many doors in this area of research as a form of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in cancers resulting from HPV. This review will provide a brief background of HPV, its relationship to head and neck cancer (HNC) and present some insight into the field of immunotherapeutic nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Histone has been considered to be an effective carrier in non-viral gene delivery due to its unique properties such as efficient DNA binding ability, direct translocation to cytoplasm and favorable nuclear localization ability. Meanwhile, the rapid development of genetic engineering techniques could facilitate the construction of multifunctional fusion proteins based on histone molecules to further improve the transfection efficiency. Remarkably, histone has been demonstrated to achieve gene transfection in a synergistic manner with cationic polymers, affording to a significant improvement of transfection efficiency. In the review, we highlighted the recent developments and future trends in gene delivery mediated by histones or histone-based fusion proteins/peptides. This review also discussed the mechanism of histone-mediated gene transfection and provided an outlook for future therapeutic opportunities in the viewpoint of transfection efficacy and biosafety.  相似文献   

Inhibition ofras oncogene: A novel approach to antineoplastic therapy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The most frequently detected oncogene alterations, both in animal and human cancers, are the mutations in the ras oncogene family. These oncogenes are mutated or overexpressed in many human tumors, with a high incidence in tumors of the pancreas, thyroid, colon, lung and certain types of leukemia. Ras is a small guanine nucleotide binding protein that transduces biological information from the cell surface to cytoplasmic components within cells. The signal is transduced to the cell nucleus through second messengers, and it ultimately induces cell division. Oncogenic forms of p21(ras) lead to unregulated, sustained signaling through downstream effectors. The ras family of oncogenes is involved in the development of both primary tumors and metastases making it a good therapeutic target. Several therapeutic approaches to cancer have been developed pointing to reducing the altered gene product or to eliminating its biological function: (1) gene therapy with ribozymes, which are able to break down specific RNA sequences, or with antisense oligonucleotides, (2) immunotherapy through passive or active immunization protocols, and (3) inhibition of p21(ras) farnesylation either by inhibition of farnesyl transferase or synthesis inhibition of farnesyl moieties.  相似文献   

We develop and analyze a mathematical model, in the form of a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), governing cancer growth on a cell population level with combination immune, vaccine and chemotherapy treatments. We characterize the ODE system dynamics by locating equilibrium points, determining stability properties, performing a bifurcation analysis, and identifying basins of attraction. These system characteristics are useful not only to gain a broad understanding of the specific system dynamics, but also to help guide the development of combination therapies. Numerical simulations of mixed chemo-immuno and vaccine therapy using both mouse and human parameters are presented. We illustrate situations for which neither chemotherapy nor immunotherapy alone are sufficient to control tumor growth, but in combination the therapies are able to eliminate the entire tumor.  相似文献   

Cell lineage commitment and differentiation are governed by a complex gene regulatory network. Disruption of these processes by inappropriate regulatory signals and by mutational rewiring of the network can lead to tumorigenesis. Cancer cells often exhibit immature or embryonic traits and dysregulated developmental genes can act as oncogenes. However, the prevailing paradigm of somatic evolution and multi-step tumorigenesis, while useful in many instances, offers no logically coherent reason for why oncogenesis recapitulates ontogenesis. The formal concept of “cancer attractors”, derived from an integrative, complex systems approach to gene regulatory network may provide a natural explanation. Here we present the theory of attractors in gene network dynamics and review the concept of cell types as attractors. We argue that cancer cells are trapped in abnormal attractors and discuss this concept in the light of recent ideas in cancer biology, including cancer genomics and cancer stem cells, as well as the implications for differentiation therapy.  相似文献   

本文研究食管癌细胞的增殖控制机理,建立了食管癌细胞病理变化的数学描述,并形成其数学模型,给出食管癌细胞分裂以及逆转可能性若干观点。  相似文献   

Exploiting a naturally occurring defense system, the immunotherapeutic approach embodies an ideal nontoxic treatment for cancer. Despite the evidence that immune effectors can play a significant role in controlling tumor growth either in natural conditions or in response to therapeutic manipulation, the cascade of molecular events leading to tumor rejection by the immune system remains to be fully elucidated. Nevertheless, some recent tumor immunology advancements might drastically change the way to design the next generation of cancer vaccines, hopefully improving the effectiveness of this therapeutic approach. In the present work, we will focus on three main areas of particular interest for the development of novel vaccination strategies: (a) cellular or molecular mechanisms of immune tolerance to malignant cells; (b) synergism between innate and adaptive immune response; (c) tumor-immune system interactions within the tumor microenvironment.  相似文献   

Apoptosis pathways in cancer and cancer therapy   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Activation of apoptosis pathways is a key mechanism by which cytotoxic drugs kill tumor cells. Also immunotherapy of tumors requires an apoptosis sensitive phenotype of target cells. Defects in apoptosis signalling contribute to resistance of tumors. Activation of apoptosis signalling following treatment with cytotoxic drugs has been shown to lead to activation of the mitochondrial (intrinsic) pathway of apoptosis. In addition, signalling through the death receptor (extrinsic) pathways, contributes to sensitivity of tumor cells towards cytotoxic treatment. Both pathways converge finally at the level of activation of caspases, the effector molecules in most forms of cell death. In addition to classical apoptosis, non-apoptotic modes of cell death have recently been identified. Mechanisms to overcome apoptosis resistance include direct targeting of antiapoptotic molecules expressed in tumors as well as re-sensitization of previously resistant tumor cells by re-expression of caspases and counteracting apoptotis inhibitory molecules such as Bcl-2 and molecules of the IAP family of endogenous caspase inhibitors. Molecular insights into regulation of apoptosis and defects in apoptosis signalling in tumor cells will provide novel approaches to define sensitivity or resistance of tumor cells towards antitumor therapy and provide new targets for rational therapeutic interventions for future therapeutic strategies.This work was presented at the first Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Summer School, 8–13 September 2003, Ionian Village, Bartholomeio, Peloponnese, Greece.  相似文献   

Many patients with various types of cancers have already by the time of presentation, micrometastases in their tissues and are left after treatment in a minimal residual disease state [Am J Gastroenterol 95(12), 2000]. To prevent tumour recurrence these patients require a systemic based therapy, but current modalities are limited by toxicity or lack of efficacy. We have previously reported that immune reactivity to the primary tumour is an important regulator of micrometastases and determinant of prognosis. This suggests that recruitment of specific anti-tumour mechanisms within the primary tumour could be used advantageously for tumour control as either primary or neo-adjuvant treatments. Recently, we have focused on methods of stimulating immune eradication of solid tumours and minimal residual disease using gene therapy approaches. Gene therapy is now a realistic prospect and a number of delivery approaches have been explored, including the use of viral and non-viral vectors. Non-viral vectors have received significant attention since, in spite of their relative delivery inefficiency, they may be safer and have greater potential for delivery of larger genetic units. By in vivo electroporation of the primary tumour with plasmid expressing GM-CSF and B7-1, we aim to stimulate immune eradication of the treated tumour and associated metastases. In this symposium report, we describe an effective gene based approach for cancer immunotherapy by inducing cytokine and immune co-stimulatory molecule expression by the growing cells of the primary tumour using a plasmid electroporation gene delivery strategy. We discuss the potential for enhancement of this therapy by its application as a neoadjuvant to surgical excision and by its use in combination with suppressor T cell depletion.This article is a symposium paper from the Annual Meeting of the “International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy of Cancer”, held in Shenzhen, China, on 9–11 December 2005.  相似文献   

Vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy (VTP) takes advantage of intravascular excitation of a photosensitizer (PS) to produce cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). These ROS are potent mediators of vascular damage inducing rapid local thrombus formation, vascular occlusion, and tissue hypoxia. This light-controlled process is used for the eradication of solid tumors with Pd-bacteriochlorophyll derivatives (Bchl) as PS. Unlike classical photodynamic therapy (PDT), cancer cells are not the primary target for VTP but instead are destroyed by treatment-induced oxygen deprivation. VTP initiates acute local inflammation inside the illuminated area accompanied by massive tumor tissue death. Consequently, in the present study, we addressed the possibility of immune response induction by the treatment that may be considered as an integral part of the mechanism of VTP-mediated tumor eradication. The effect of VTP on the host immune system was investigated using WST11, which is now in phase II clinical trials for age-related macular degeneration and intended to be evaluated for cancer therapy. We found that a functional immune system is essential for successful VTP. Long-lasting systemic antitumor immunity was induced by VTP involving both cellular and humoral components. The antitumor effect was cross-protective against mismatched tumors, suggesting VTP-mediated production of overlapping tumor antigens, possibly from endothelial origin. Based on our findings we suggest that local VTP might be utilized in combination with other anticancer therapies (e.g., immunotherapy) for the enhancement of host antitumor immunity in the treatment of both local and disseminated disease. Y.S. and A.S are the incumbents of the Tillie and Charles Lubin Professorial Chair in Biochemical Endocrinology, and the Robert and Yaddele Sklare Professorial Chair in Biochemistry, respectively. S.J. is the incumbent of the Pauline Recanati Career Development Chair. D.P. in partial fulfillment of her PhD Thesis requirements at the Feinberg graduate school of the Weizmann Institute of Science.  相似文献   

Successful treatment of cancer patients with a combination of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) and chemotherapeutic drugs has spawned various other forms of additional combination therapies, including vaccines or adoptive lymphocyte transfer combined with chemotherapeutics. These therapies were effective against established tumors in animal models and showed promising results in initial clinical trials in cancer patients, awaiting testing in larger randomized controlled studies. Although combination between immunotherapy and chemotherapy has long been viewed as incompatible as chemotherapy, especially in high doses meant to increase anti-tumor efficacy, has induced immunosuppression, various mechanisms may explain the reported synergistic effects of the two types of therapies. Thus direct effects of chemotherapy on tumor or host environment, such as induction of tumor cell death, elimination of regulatory T cells, and/or enhancement of tumor cell sensitivity to lysis by CTL may account for enhancement of immunotherapy by chemotherapy. Furthermore, induction of lymphopenia by chemotherapy has increased the efficacy of adoptive lymphocyte transfer in cancer patients. On the other hand, immunotherapy may directly modulate the tumor’s sensitivity to chemotherapy. Thus, anti-tumor mAb can increase the sensitivity of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic drugs and patients treated first with immunotherapy followed by chemotherapy showed higher clinical response rates than patients that had received chemotherapy alone. In conclusion, combination of active specific immunotherapy or adoptive mAb or lymphocyte immunotherapy with chemotherapy has great potential for the treatment of cancer patients which needs to be confirmed in larger controlled and randomized Phase III trials.  相似文献   

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