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The copulatory activities of bonobos (Pan paniscus) of Wamba, Zaire, were compared with those of chimpanzees (P. troglodytes schweinfurthii) of Mahale, Tanzania. The copulation rates of adult male bonobos were equal to or lower than those of adult male chimpanzees. The copulation rates of adult female bonobos were approximately equal to those of adult female chimpanzees who were in maximal genital swelling, but it should be much higher than those of the adult female chimpanzees throughout the birth interval. The copulation rates of adolescent male bonobos were lower than those of adolescent male chimpanzees, whereas the copulation rates of adolescent female bonobos were much higher than those of adolescent female chimpanzees. It was suggested that the bonobos of Wamba did not copulate more promiscuously than did the chimpanzees of Mahale. The female bonobos may show “receptivity”, whereas female chimpanzees may show rather “proceptivity”.  相似文献   

We compared sex differences in behaviors leading to copulation of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda with those of bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba, D.R. Congo, using the same definition. Female chimpanzees were more likely to initiate copulation than female bonobos. While most of copulations (96%) were initiated by males in bonobos, among chimpanzees only 63% of copulations were initiated by males. Female bonobos initiated an interaction leading to copulation when males approached them within a short distance. On the other hand, both male and female chimpanzees initiated behavior at a longer distance. Higher proceptivity and a higher copulation rate during the maximal swelling period of female chimpanzees might suggest that they gain greater benefits from a high frequency of copulations than do female bonobos.  相似文献   

Meat-eating behavior of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) was witnessed on two occasions at Wamba, Republic of Zaire. Only flying squirrels were observed to be eaten by the bonobos. Several bonobos gathered around the possessor of the meat and showed interest in the meat on all occasions. Begging behavior was noted on one of the two occasions, but the possessor of the meat ignored it. No sharing of meat was seen on either occasion. The exclusive targets of hunting by bonobos are apparently small mammals, such as flying squirrels and infant duikers, since evidence of meat eating by wild bonobos, which have been studied for more than fifteen years, has been restricted to these mammals. The bonobos at Wamba may have a specialized “prey image”, as in the case of the chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) of the Tai forest, and certain medium-sized or small mammals may not conform to this image.  相似文献   

We investigated intra- and interspecific differences in life history and reproductive parameters in bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). We compare the parameters of wild and captive females in order to shed light on the influence of habitat or specific differences or both on reproduction. We present new and additional information on reproductive parameters from captive bonobos and chimpanzees. Captive chimpanzees birth more live offspring and have a shorter interbirth interval, but experience higher infant mortality than captive bonobos. Although captive bonobo females tend to start reproduction at a younger age than chimpanzees, this is effectively only so for wild-born females of both species. Ultimately both species reach the same rate of production of offspring surviving to 5 yr. These results contrast with data from the wild. Wild bonobos tend to have higher reproductive success, a higher fertility rate and a shorter interbirth interval than wild chimpanzees. Reproduction is similar for wild and captive bonobos, which suggests that they are producing at their maximum under both conditions. Overall captive chimpanzees perform better than their wild conspecifics, probably because of lower feeding competition. Infant survival is the only specific difference not affected by captivity. Bonobo infants survive better, which suggests that chimpanzee infants are more at risk. We argue that the interspecific variation in reproductive parameters in captivity is related to the different influence of captivity on reproduction and different pressures of external sources of infant and juvenile mortality.  相似文献   

The relationship between vegetation and ranging patterns of wild bonobos at Wamba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, was examined. Via Landsat data, we distinguished three types of vegetation—dry forest, swamp forest, and disturbed forest—at Wamba. The home ranges of the study groups changed considerably from year to year, due mainly to intergroup relationships. The population density of each group varied between 1.4 and 2.5 individuals per km 2 and was lowest during a period of population increase. Home ranges consisted mainly of dry forest. The bonobos used dry forest more frequently than the other forest types, though they also used swamp and disturbed forest almost every day. The latter types of forest seemed to be important resources for the bonobos, owing to the abundant herbaceous plants that are rich in protein and constantly available. The bonobos tended to use dry forest more frequently in the rainy season than in the relatively dry season, probably because the favored fruits in the dry forest were mostly available in the rainy season. There was no seasonal difference in the size of the daily ranging area.  相似文献   

We list the animal species, mushrooms and honey, which are consumed by bonobos (Pan paniscus)in the Ikela region (Lilungu), Republic of Zaire, and compare these data with those obtained from other populations of bonobos: Lomako, Yalosidi, and Wamba. Lilungu bonobos consume earthworms more regularly than bonobos do at other localities. They also eat larvae, termites, and ants, but they probably do not consume invertebrates as regularly as chimpanzees do. Lilungu bonobos ate a squirrel and a chiropteran. We report our detailed observations of bonobo foraging, feeding and manipulating foods, including washing some items and complicated handling operations. We note intra- and intergroup differences in the consumption of specific foods and in the way they are handled by the females.  相似文献   

Male-male relationships among wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) in two adjacent unitgroups (E1 and E2 groups), which were formed by division of the E group, were studied at Wamba, in the Central Zaire Basin, by analyzing the proximity and social interactions among males. Dominant-subordinate relationships between a male-male dyad were easily recognized from the directions of individual agonistic interactions. Male bonobos rarely joined forces in aggression. Clear differences in social status existed between adult and adolescent male bonobos in both groups, as reported in the case of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). The presence of mothers in the unit-group greatly influenced the dominant-subordinate relationships among males through strong mother-son bonds in both groups. However, the extent of the mother-son bonds differed between the groups. Males in the E2 group participated more frequently in agonistic or affinitive interactions than did males in the E1 group. Males in the E1 group were divided spatially into several clusters, while there were cohesive relationships among the adult males in the E2 group. The difference in intensities of mother-son bonds between the groups may be explained by the distribution of males at the time of the division of the E group. Differences in male-male relationships between bonobos and chimpanzees seem to be related to differences in intra- and inter-unit-group competition among males between the two species. Male chimpanzees may achieve coexistence by manipulating ambivalent relationships that are caused by intra- and inter-unit-group competition among them, while male bonobos may achieve coexistence by decreasing intra- and inter-unit-group competition among them.  相似文献   

I studied sexual behavior of immature bonobos (Pan paniscus) in a wild group living at Wamba, Zaire, with special reference to its development. Even immature individuals under 1 year old performed sexual behavior. Sexual behavior occurred in almost all age–sex combinations, except between immature and mature females. Based on analyses of behavioral pattern and context, I classified sexual behavior involving immature individuals into three categories. (1) Genital contact between immature individuals was observed during play, and was performed by males more frequently than by females. This sexual behavior shared many traits with that of other great apes. (2) Copulation-like genital contact was observed between immature males and mature females. Its frequency increased with the immature male's age; it developed into copulation in adulthood. (3) Genital contact used to regulate interindividual relationships. This behavior, which is unique to bonobos, was absent among infants. It developed between late juvenile and early adolescent periods in association with changes in social circumstances.  相似文献   

We examined sex differences in copulation attempts in a group of wild bonobos at Wamba, Congo, by analyzing the behavioral sequence. Most copulation attempts were initiated by approach or courtship behaviors by males. Males showed these behaviors when they were more than 5 m from females, whereas females did so only when males solicited them from within 5 m. Most copulations involved females showing perineal swelling, because males solicited those females more frequently and those females accepted copulation more frequently than did females in the non-swelling phase. Nevertheless, males solicited females in the non-swelling phase in one-third of copulation attempts, and those females accepted copulation in half of those attempts. This is markedly different from chimpanzees, in which sexual behaviors almost exclusively involve females in the swelling phase. The perineum of female bonobos during the non-swelling phase is soft and wrinkled but fairly large, which may attract males to some extent. The low, but existing, attractiveness and receptivity of female bonobos during the non-swelling phase might have evolved to control sexual competition among males and provide higher social status for females.  相似文献   

Sex differences in immatures predict behavioural differences in adulthood in many mammal species. Because most studies have focused on sex differences in social interactions, little is known about possible sex differences in ‘preparation’ for adult life with regards to tool use skills. We investigated sex and age differences in object manipulation in immature apes. Chimpanzees use a variety of tools across numerous contexts, whereas bonobos use few tools and none in foraging. In both species, a female bias in adult tool use has been reported. We studied object manipulation in immature chimpanzees at Kalinzu (Uganda) and bonobos at Wamba (Democratic Republic of Congo). We tested predictions of the ‘preparation for tool use’ hypothesis. We confirmed that chimpanzees showed higher rates and more diverse types of object manipulation than bonobos. Against expectation, male chimpanzees showed higher object manipulation rates than females, whereas in bonobos no sex difference was found. However, object manipulation by male chimpanzees was play-dominated, whereas manipulation types of female chimpanzees were more diverse (e.g., bite, break, carry). Manipulation by young immatures of both species was similarly dominated by play, but only in chimpanzees did it become more diverse with age. Moreover, in chimpanzees, object types became more tool-like (i.e., sticks) with age, further suggesting preparation for tool use in adulthood. The male bias in object manipulation in immature chimpanzees, along with the late onset of tool-like object manipulation, indicates that not all (early) object manipulation (i.e., object play) in immatures prepares for subsistence tool use. Instead, given the similarity with gender differences in human children, object play may also function in motor skill practice for male-specific behaviours (e.g., dominance displays). In conclusion, even though immature behaviours almost certainly reflect preparation for adult roles, more detailed future work is needed to disentangle possible functions of object manipulation during development.  相似文献   

We list the animal species, mushrooms and honey, which are consumed by bonobos (Pan paniscus)in the Ikela region (Lilungu), Republic of Zaire, and compare these data with those obtained from other populations of bonobos: Lomako, Yalosidi, and Wamba. Lilungu bonobos consume earthworms more regularly than bonobos do at other localities. They also eat larvae, termites, and ants, but they probably do not consume invertebrates as regularly as chimpanzees do. Lilungu bonobos ate a squirrel and a chiropteran. We report our detailed observations of bonobo foraging, feeding and manipulating foods, including washing some items and complicated handling operations. We note intra- and intergroup differences in the consumption of specific foods and in the way they are handled by the females.  相似文献   

The dichotomy between the two Pan species, the bonobo (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) has been strongly emphasized until very recently. Given that most studies were primarily based on adult individuals, we shifted the “continuity versus discontinuity” discussion to the infant and juvenile stage. Our aim was to test quantitatively, some conflicting statements made in literature considering species differences between immature bonobos and chimpanzees. On one hand it is suggested that infant bonobos show retardation in motor and social development when compared with chimpanzees. Additionally it is expected that the weaning process is more traumatic to chimpanzee than bonobo infants. But on the other hand the development of behaviors is expected to be very similar in both species. We observed eight mother–infant pairs of each species in several European zoos. Our preliminary research partially confirms that immature chimpanzees seem spatially more independent, spending more time at a larger distance from their mother than immature bonobos. However, the other data do not seem to support the hypothesis that bonobo infants show retardation of motor or social development. The development of solitary play, environmental exploration, social play, non-copulatory mounts and aggressive interactions do not differ between the species. Bonobo infants in general even groom other group members more than chimpanzee infants. We also found that older bonobo infants have more nipple contact than same aged chimpanzees and that the weaning process seems to end later for bonobos than for immature chimpanzee. Additionally, although immature bonobos show in general more signs of distress, our data suggest that the weaning period itself is more traumatic for chimpanzees.  相似文献   

We report on 14 years of reproductive data for semifree-ranging mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) in Gabon, and we explore relationships between female rank, age and parity, and reproductive strategies. Most births (61% of 132) occurred during the wet season in Gabon, between January and March. Female rank and parity were unrelated to the timing of parturition. Gestation lengths average 175 days (SE = ±1 day; N = 61) and were similar irrespective of female rank, parity, or sex of offspring. Birth sex ratio did not differ significantly from unity (52% male), and was unrelated to maternal rank or parity. Stillbirths and neonatal mortality tended to be more common among lower-ranking females than among either mid-ranking or dominant females. Median age at first birth is 4.71 years, at a median body mass of 7.6 kg, ca 5 years before females attain their adult body mass (median 12 kg). Age at first reproduction is significantly correlated with dominance rank, with dominant females giving birth on average 1.3 years earlier than lower-ranking females do. Interbirth intervals (IBI) average 405 days (range 184–1159 days, N = 103), and are independent of the sex of the offspring. Infant death within 6 months shortened IBI to 305 days. Increasing age and parity are also associated with short IBI, as is higher rank. Maternal rank and parity appear to influence reproductive success in female mandrills, but there is no apparent differential maternal investment by sex.  相似文献   

Given appropriate ecological and social conditions, natural selection should favor individuals that can concentrate their reproductive events to a particular time of the year that offers high opportunities for infant survivorship. Previous studies on births in Alouatta caraya in Northern Argentina revealed the existence of a peak during the dry season—a period with scarcity of food resources—in mainland gallery forest (G. E. Zunino, Extra 133: 1–10, 1996). The time of conception and the period of independence of the offspring are positively correlated with precipitation, temperature and availability of food. Offspring became independent from their mothers when the availability of resources was high, and conception coincided with the peak of fruit production. Our goal was to examine patterns of birth seasonality in Alouatta caraya in flooded forest on an island in Northern Argentina for comparison with the mainland population. Both sites are at similar latitudes, but differ in forest type. The results indicate that the availability of new and mature leaves is more consistent throughout the year in the flooded forest (p<0.05); however, there was no difference in the availability of fleshy fruits between sites (p>0.05). The pattern of births differed between the gallery forest and the flooded forest (2-way Anova, p<0.001). In the flooded forest births occurred throughout the year, which supports the contentions that howlers do not have a fixed birth season and that the observed variation in the timing of births appears to represent a facultative behavioral response to changes in food availability.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions accompanied by physical contacts between wild pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) and red colobus (Colobus badius) were observed on three occasions at Wamba, Republic of Zaire. In all cases, the red colobus initiated the interactions by approaching the pygmy chimpanzees. Most of the pygmy chimpanzees, which were within 5 m of the red colobus, were juveniles or infants but the adult male pygmy chimpanzees never showed any interest in the red colobus. The red colobus groomed the chimpanzees in two cases, but the latter never groomed the former. No true aggressive interactions were observed between the two species. The lack of any evidence of hunting of red colobus through longitudinal studies of the pygmy chimpanzees of Wamba, together with the present observations, suggests that red colobus are probably not targets of hunting by the pygmy chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Interspecific relations between wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) and two species of guenons (Cercopithecus wolfi andC. ascanius) were studied at Wamba in the Central Zaire Basin from September 1989 to January 1990. Data on the guenons were collected while following parties of bonobos or when searching for them. The guenons were observed directly 59 times during the study period. In about half of these observations, the guenons were found within 20 m from the bonobo parties. The encounters between the bonobos and the guenons sometimes lasted over an hour. The guenons mainly initiated the encounters by approaching the bonobos. During the encounters, no aggressive interactions were observed between the bonobos and the guenons. Evidence of hunting by wild bonobos has been restricted to small mammals, and there has been no evidence of hunting of primates by wild bonobos. These findings and the results of the present study strongly suggest that wild bonobos do not hunt sympatric primates.  相似文献   

Questionnaires of birth dates of family members (13 404 families in total) were analyzed in order to examine the effects of delivery season of a baby on the subsequent birth interval. Deliveries at maternal age of 20–34 years were used. In 1921–1935, the mothers who had been delivered of a baby in August–October showed the shortest (30.62 months geometric mean) and those in February–April the longest (34.05 months) non-last intervals, with a highly significant difference among the four delivery seasons (P<0.001, Kruskal-Wallis test,n=5678). Although the intervals were abruptly prolonged just before the last birth, the above difference was also consistent in the last intervals. When seasonal distributions of last and non-last births were compared, last births tended to be concentrated in the summer half of a year (P<0.05) in 1921–1935. In 1951–1965, overall geometric mean of the interval shortened to 28.44 months, and the length of intervals did not differ appreciably according to the season of preceding delivery. Deliveries in late summer (August–October) in 1921–1935, therefore, were associated with increased risk of termination of reproduction, on one hand, but a lowered chance of prolongation of the subsequent interval, on the other hand. Possible environmental factors are discussed to explain this apparently paradoxical phenomenon.  相似文献   

In this study we provide new data on the duration of the inter-menstrual intervals of six captive female bonobos (Pan paniscus). We found that the mean duration of the inter-menstrual interval was about 34 days. This lies close to the average value of 37 days that has been reported for common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).  相似文献   

I describe the reproductive patterns of female woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha) based on a 12-year study of one group of them at Macarena Ecological Investigations Center, Meta, Colombia. As in other atelin species—muriquis and spider monkeys—characterized by male philopatry, female woolly monkeys leave their natal groups. The age of emigration is ca. 6 years. Females probably begin to copulate with adult males soon after emigration, while their mean age of first parturition is 9 years. They frequently changed groups until they birthed. The average interbirth interval is 36.7 mo (n = 13). All births occurred between July and December (late wet season to early dry season). Copulation occurred throughout the year. However, they copulated more frequently in the estimated conception period from December to May (early dry season to early wet season) than in the birth season. The females had a period of sexual inactivity averaging <23.4 mo after parturition, followed by a period of sexual activity >7.2 mo until conception. The copulation period and copulation cycle or interval between copulation periods averaged 2.3 and 11.3 days calculated by a conventional method, or 3.1 and 14.7 days by a slightly modified method. The reproductive parameters of woolly monkeys are quite similar to those reported for other atelins in many respects, except the immigration process and age of first copulation.  相似文献   

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