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In 1988 a long-term study was started of the isopod fauna associated with surface drift material off Helgoland (German Bight, North Sea). In the summer of 1994 specimens ofIdotea metallica Bosc were recorded for the first time. There is no evidence that this species has ever been present in the German Bight before. The samples contained males, both gravid and non-gravid females, and juveniles, indicating that the species reproduced successfully in the Helgoland region. Interbreeding of specimens from Helgoland and the western Mediterranean produced fertile off-spring. As a neustonic species,I. metallica shows a high natural capacity for dispersal. It thus seems unlikely that the arrival of the species in the North Sea resulted from an accidental introduction by man. We are probably witnessing an extension of the species’ geographical range by natural means of dispersal, as a response to recent changes in the ecological conditions of the German Bight. Temperature data measured by the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland since 1962 show that the last decade (except 1996) was characterized by unusually mild winters. Following the severe winter of 1996,I. metallica was again absent from the Helgoland region. After the subsequent mild winters (1997 and 1998), however, the species reappeared in the summer of 1998 with higher numbers than ever before. This suggests that the observed phenomena are closely connected with the recent temperature anomalies.I. metallica can be regarded as a potential immigrant to a warmer North Sea, and may be useful as a sensitive indicator of the predicted long-term warming trend.  相似文献   

This study presents a new checklist of ciliates at the long-term sampling station Helgoland Roads. The work is based on a microzooplankton monitoring programme from January 2007 to June 2009 and a ciliate monitoring programme from June 2010 to May 2012. The checklist includes 89 ciliate taxa from 46 different genera. The total abundance of the ciliate community at Helgoland Roads ranged between 0.14 and 67.7 × 103 cells L?1 with a distinct peak in June. The total carbon biomass ranged between 0.2 and 234.6 μg C L?1. The ciliate community showed a clear temporal succession pattern during the monitoring periods. The present study is not only the first detailed and updated list of ciliates at Helgoland Roads, but also provides information on seasonality, i.e. the temporal variation of species composition, abundance and carbon biomass as well as information on the biogeographic distribution of dominant ciliates in comparison with other relevant studies.  相似文献   

A comparison of summer nutrients obtained during the investigation periods 1979–1983 and 1990–1992 was made, to elucidate whether or not changes have occurred in Königshafen Bay during the last decade. In both the flood current as well as in the ebb current, concentrations of silicate, phosphate, nitrite and nitrate have decreased. Ammonia, however, has increased by a factor of two in the flood current waters, but was similar in both investigation periods in the ebb current waters. In addition, a significant increase of salinity has been observed. The differences between flood and ebb current median nutrient concentrations suggest that the bay was a source of nutrients during the 1979–1983 period, exporting large amounts of silicate, nitrite and ammonia with the ebb current. Today, the bay appears to be more a sink than a source of nutrients. Export rates of silicate and nitrite are greatly reduced and phosphate and ammonia are imported nowadays. Nitrate fluxes were in balance during both periods. Reasons for the observed changes are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effect of exercise at 350 m below sea level altitude (–350 m) on the serum levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), insulin, and lactate. The study was carried out on ten trained adult males with mean age of 23.3 ± 3.4 years following a 21-km noncompetitive run. Venous blood was withdrawn from the subjects before exercise and 5 min post exercise. For comparison purposes, a similar study was performed with the same subjects but at 620 m above sea level (+620 m). The results show a significant increase in LDH and lactate levels after exercise only at low altitude (–350 m). Serum insulin levels decreased significantly after exercise at both altitudes. These changes in serum levels of LDH, insulin, and lactate at different altitudes suggest that a type of metabolic adjustment is present that meets energy requirements during exercise.  相似文献   

Human exploitation and use of marine and coastal areas are apparent and growing in many regions of the world. For instance, fishery, shipping, military, raw material exploitation, nature protection and the rapidly expanding offshore wind power technology are competing for limited resources and space. The development and implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) strategies could help to solve these problems. Therefore, suitable spatial assessment, modeling, planning and management tools are urgently needed. These tools have to deal with data that include complex information on different spatial and temporal scales. A systematic approach based on the development of future scenarios which are assessed by combining different simulation models, GIS methods and an integrating set of ecological integrity indicators, was applied in a case study in the German North Sea. Here, the installation of huge offshore wind parks within the near future is planned. The aim was to model environmental effects of altered sea-use patterns on marine biota. Indicators of ecological integrity were used to assess altering conditions and possible ecosystem shifts ranging from systems’ degradations to the development of highly productive and diverse artificial reef systems. The results showed that some ecosystem processes and properties and related indicators are sensitive to changes generated by offshore wind park installations while others did not react as hypothesized.  相似文献   

Viséan strata are penetrated by exploration wells in the southern North Sea, reaching from the Firth of Forth in Scotland to offshore northwest Germany and to Rügen Island, northeastern Germany, south of the Baltic Sea. Several wells have been studied representing different late Viséan depositional settings ranging from proximal near-shore clastic facies (Firth of Forth, Northwest of Germany) to distal carbonate platform facies (Rügen Island). Variations of the miospore assemblages from the coeval (NM and VF Miospore Biozones) parts of these sections were analyzed with respect to palynofacies, spore abundance; morphological composition; diversity and palaeobotanical/palaeoecological affinities. While assemblages from similar down-depositional dip facies settings remain similar (even over east-west distances of > 750 km), all of the above attributes show significant variations from proximal to distal depositional settings (< 200 km to the southeast). These down-depositional dip changes appear to be continuous, but the greatest degree of change is seen at the boundaries between deltaic and non-deltaic near shore facies; between near-shore coastal clastic and carbonate platform facies; and between inner-and outer-carbonate platform facies.Miospore abundances, assemblage diversities and the number of coincident genera between the sections are reduced in moving towards distal depositional settings. This reduction most effects rounded triangular and triangular miospores, while the proportion of rounded miospores increases significantly. The palaeobotanical/palaeoecological character of the miospores also clearly changes in moving from coastal clastic to carbonate platform depositional settings. These changes appear to be largely controlled by taphonomic effects such as primary input and sorting during transportation and deposition, such that a facies-related pattern is apparent. Variations in late Viséan miospore assemblages across the studied area appear to be most closely related to the different facies realms suggesting that previously identified differences in miospore assemblages from Germany and Britain reflect depositional facies rather than regional variations in parent vegetation or climate.  相似文献   

The human impact in the German Bight, in the form of anthropogenic eutrophication, has been documented by a 30-year time-series measurement near the island of Helgoland. Since 1962, the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland has measured inorganic nutrients and phytoplankton abundance from daily samples at Helgoland Roads, a position 60 km off the main source of eutrophication, the River Elbe. Since the early sixties, phosphate concentrations rose for about a decade, levelling off to about twice the former concentrations for another decade, and then decreasing (since 1982) as a result of phosphate-reducing measures. Nitrate concentrations, however, have only increased since 1980/81, following Elbe river flood events. In 1987, three times the former concentrations were reached. A decrease has been observed only since 1991. This different development of phosphorus and nitrogen eutrophication led to a shift of inorganic N/P-ratios in the German Bight. The phosphate increase was more pronounced in the late summer “regeneration mode” conditions, the nitrate increase in the winter months. The eutrophication is not restricted to the inner German Bight and coastal waters of a salinity of <33, but has also occurred in more saline waters at S>33 psu (practical salinity unit), as characteristic for the outer German Bight. In this more saline water, phosphate and nitrate maximum levels occurred three years later, compared with the average Helgoland data, which are more representative of the inner German Bight. It is suggested that suspended particulate organic matter, as a long-distance carrier of nutrients, might have caused this delayed eutrophication in the outer German Bight waters. While the human impact is obvious as to nutrient concentrations, it is less obvious in phytoplankton stock enhancement. A general increase in phytoplankton biomass (about 3–4 times) was found, but this was mainly due to unidentified nanoflagellates of unknown trophic state, and subject to methodological errors. The causal relationships of phytoplankton stocks and eutrophication are not clearly understood, as natural variability is large and hydrographical factors possibly dominate. Additional nutrient input by Elbe river floods did not always result in elevated phytoplankton stocks near Helgoland, while extended periods of vertical density stratification of the German Bight water caused large plankton blooms.  相似文献   

An effective bibliometric analysis based on the Science Citation Index (SCI) published by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) was carried out to identify wetland research between 1991 and 2008. The objective was to conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis for global trends of wetland-related research. The characteristics related to publications were analyzed. The results showed the significant wetland research issues in the SCI database. From 1991 to 2008, the annual number of journal articles published and the number of articles cited to wetland research increased more than sixfold and ninefold respectively. The USA produced the most single-country articles and international collaborative articles, followed by Canada and UK. The results also showed the significant wetland research issues in SCI database. The most frequently used words were: “water” (or “water quality”), which ranked 3rd, 7th, and 3rd according to the word in article title, author keyword, and keyword plus analysis, respectively. Constructed wetland biodiversity became more active in wetland research. The keywords “constructed wetland” and “constructed wetlands” ranked 58th and 12th in 1991–1996, while they ranked 5th and 4th in 2003–2008; the author keyword “biodiversity” ranked 45th in 1991–1996, while it ranked 23rd in 1997–2002, and 14th in 2003–2008; and keyword plus “diversity” ranked 93rd in 1991–1996, while it ranked 20th in 1997–2002, and 17th in 2003–2008. Moreover, it was proved that article title, author keyword, and keyword plus analysis methods were effective approaches for mapping wetland research. Popular wetland research issues and wetland research changes were also identified by statistical analysis.  相似文献   

The breeding population of the sandwich tern (Sterna sandvicensis) on the German North Sea coast has undergone substantial fluctuations throughout the last 100 years. Numbers of breeding birds were fluctuating quite strongly in the first 30 years of the twentieth century. From 1930 to the mid-1950s, a relatively steady decrease occurred. A minimum was reached in 1965 with 2,243 pairs. Around 1970, numbers increased quite markedly up to the mid-1990s and reached a centurial maximum with 10,138 pairs in 1996. Most recently, the numbers have dropped to only 5,681 pairs in 2005, the lowest number over the last 30 years. Some colonies have existed over long periods, others only for short periods, with often substantial and sudden changes. The distribution at sea was studied by transect counts from ships. During the reproductive period, high totals were found between the mainland coast and the islands, up to 30 km from the outer coast/island line. The seaward extent of the sandwich tern distribution coincided quite well with the 20-m depth line. Maximum foraging ranges for single colonies were estimated to be ca. 45 km for Trischen, ca. 35 km for Norderoog and ca. 30 km for both Scharh?rn/Nigeh?rn and Juist. Overall flight ranges for all colonies were estimated at 33.8 km for 95% of the birds. Germany has a high international responsibility for the protection of this species. Only a few colonies exist every year, making this species very vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance, pollution events and fishing activities.
Stefan GartheEmail:

The effectiveness of non-prey food items, such as pollen, honeydew, and microbes, in maintaining phytoseiid mite populations is widely accepted. However, the availability of such naturally occurring non-prey foods varies with the season and surrounding environment; thus, it is difficult to manipulate and maintain supplies of these food sources. A great deal of research has examined the development and reproduction of phytoseiid mites on artificial diets. Although phytoseiid mites frequently develop, several studies have detected low fecundities of adult females reared on artificial diets. Therefore, the use of artificial diets for commercial propagation is often difficult. However, the potential of artificial diets to maintain phytoseiid mite populations has not yet been evaluated. In this study, we investigated the developmental success and survival of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) on an artificial diet. This mite may be one of the most effective phytoseiid species used in agricultural systems for the control of spider mites. N. californicus successfully developed on the artificial diets: 93.5-100% of individuals reached adulthood 4-7 days after hatching. The survival rates of gravid adult females maintained on the AD-1 artificial diet composed of yeast components, saccharides, and egg yolk at 25 degrees C were 100, 80, and 48.9% over 36, 60, and 90 days, respectively. Moreover, >80% of the surviving females maintained on AD-1 for 36 or 60 days laid eggs after being switched to a diet of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch, although they had laid few eggs during the maintenance periods on the artificial diet. Our results indicate that artificial diets can serve as a potentially useful food source for the long-term maintenance of N. californicus populations.  相似文献   

North-Atlantic records of Schizymenia dubyi extend along the eastern shores of the North Atlantic from Morocco to southern Britain and Ireland, and the species is also recorded from Iceland. A study was undertaken to confirm the identity of the specimens from Iceland that were geographically separate from the main distribution of S. dubyi and in contrast to other species of the genus did not have gland cells. We analyzed rbcL and COI molecular sequence data from Icelandic specimens and compared the results with those for Schizymenia specimens available in GenBank. For both markers, Schizymenia was shown to be a monophyletic genus. The Icelandic specimens were clearly genetically distinct from S. dubyi and formed a well-supported clade with Schizymenia species from the Northern Pacific. Based on these results, we have described a new species, Schizymenia jonssonii, which can be distinguished by molecular phylogeny, its lack of gland cells and by being strictly intertidal. Crustose tetrasporophytes with identical COI and rbcL sequences were found at the same locations as foliose plants. Schizymenia apoda is reported for the first time in the UK, its identity confirmed by rbcL sequence data. In light of these findings, it is likely that by further molecular analysis of the genus Schizymenia in the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, a higher diversity of Schizymenia spp. will be discovered in this region.  相似文献   

A marine Cretaceous succession (Barremian–Albian) of a cored borehole (BGS 81/40), located in the Central North Sea Basin, has been examined with respect to its planktic and benthic foraminiferal content, as well as for calcareous nannofossils. The distribution patterns of foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils allow for a two fold division of the investigated interval. (1) The Barremian–earliest Aptian interval, which reflects a marine, temporary restricted setting. This is indicated by sporadic occurrences of planktic foraminifera with very rare planispiral forms suggesting short-term connections of the Boreal and Tethyan Realms. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate aerobic, sometimes dysaerobic bottom-water conditions. High abundances of nannoconids in the Barremian suggest enhanced stratification and/or warm, oligotrophic surface water. (2) The late Aptian–early Albian interval, which was characterised by an open-oceanic environment with cool and aerobic surface water conditions. Planktic foraminifera are more abundant and diverse than in the lower interval. Trochospiral hedbergellids dominate the foraminiferal assemblages. The episodic occurrences of planispiral, clavate and trochospiral-flattened planktic morphotypes indicate the existence of a seaway between the Boreal and the Tethyan Realms. Aerobic to dysaerobic bottom-water conditions are suggested by the composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages. High abundances of cool-water taxa within the calcareous nannofossil assemblages indicate a cooling trend across the latest Aptian and earliest Albian.  相似文献   

A new species of polyclad flatworm, Imogine necopinata Sluys, sp. nov., is described from a brackish habitat in The Netherlands. Taxonomic affinities with Asian species and the ecology of the animals suggest that the species is an introduced, exotic component of the Dutch fauna. The new species belongs to a group of worms with species that are known to predate on oysters.  相似文献   

A cytological survey ofLeucanthemum species in North Africa has shown that they are all diploid with a somatic chromosome number of 2n = 18. New counts are reported for 8 species and 1 subspecies. 11 taxa were used in a crossing programme and the results show a good agreement between phenetic distance based on morphological characters and genetic differentiation as expressed in the ability of the species to hybridize. A strong barrier to gene exchange exists between European and North African species. Bagging experiments showed that the North African species comprise a self-incompatible group of cytogenetically related species.  相似文献   


Background: Tropical mountain ecosystems of the Northern Andes have long fascinated researchers because of the unique conditions associated with cold climates in equatorial latitudes. More than six decades have elapsed since the beginning of systematic ecological research in the Venezuelan páramos, making them one of the best-studied tropical alpine regions in the world.

Aims: We review the conceptual development and state of the art of ecological research in the Venezuelan páramos, with emphasis on environmental and plant ecology research, presenting a general framework for the studies included in this special issue.

Methods: We provide a historical sketch of the periods that have marked ecological studies in the Venezuelan páramos. Then, we synthesise research on environmental drivers, plant population and community ecology, ecosystem functioning, the response of the páramo to climate change and human disturbance; we finally consider agroecology and conservation.

Results and conclusions: This review demonstrates the significant contributions made to alpine ecology in key areas such as biodiversity/ecosystem function changes during succession, nutrient cycling, species interactions and socio-ecological research. We indicate the need to develop a more integrated view of the links between evolutionary processes, functional diversity, community dynamics and ecosystem services both in natural and human-impacted areas.  相似文献   

The Collembola fauna of Iran is little known and no comprehensive examination of this group of Hexapoda is available for this region. The only notable work on Collembola was carried out by Cox (1982). Recently, studies on the Collembola fauna have started in several regions. In this paper, publications by different researchers are documented and the species that have been found in different regions of Iran until January 2013 are listed. At present, 112 species, belonging to 18 families and 57 genera are known from Iran.  相似文献   

The presence of eukaryotic parasites (i.e. chytridiomycetes and oomycetes) infecting benthic marine diatoms was revealed by a reconnaissance survey in the Solthörn tidal flat (southern North Sea, Germany) followed by 5 months of regular monitoring in order to assess the impact of these zoosporic fungal pathogens on microphytobenthic diatom communities. Additionally, variation of environmental factors such as sediment composition and nutrient concentrations were monitored. Pre-treatment of sediment samples using short ultrasound pulses and gradient centrifugation, in combination with CalcoFluor White, were used for the visualization of both pathogen groups. The highest prevalence of infected benthic diatoms was observed in late September (6.3% of the total benthic diatom community), correlating with the highest abundance of benthic diatoms recorded during the survey (6.5 ± 1.3 × 104 cells cm–2). Most infections were caused by chytrids (up to 99.8%) and, only in a few cases, by oomycetes. The analysis of individual host abundances/infection prevalence showed in most cases a decline in cell numbers of the host species with increasing numbers of the eukaryotic parasite. Several shifts in the diatom community composition were observed. Statistical analysis revealed that the abundance of the benthic diatom hosts and their parasites was related to seasonal variation in temperature, irradiance and nutrient availability, particularly of dissolved inorganic nitrogen.  相似文献   

Merremia dissecta was first discovered in the Caribbean, then Florida, Mexico, and later in the Old World, where it had been introduced. Historically and currently, the species has been used as a condiment, medicine, and ornamental by an array of cultures. Although the plant has escaped in several areas to become a weed, it continues being sold as an ornament in even those regions. In Argentina, roots ofM. dissecta var. edentata are still used as food by a few indigenous groups. History, uses, and chemistry are discussed regarding these utilizations.
Merremia dissecta (Convolvulaceas): Un condimento, medicina, ornamental, y maleza— Una revista
Resumen  Merremia dissecta fue primeramente descubierta en el Caribe, luego en la Florida, México y más tarde fue introducida en el Viejo Mundo. Históricamente y aún actualmente se ha usado como condimento, medicina, y ornamentatión por varias culturas. A pesar de que en varias áreas se ha transformado en una mala hierba, se continua vendiendo como un ornamento aún en esas areas. En Argentina, as raices deM. dissecta var. edentata aún son usadas como alimento por unos cuantos grupos indígenas. La historia, los usos y la química de estas utilizaciónes son aquí discutidas.

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