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On the basis of sex chromosome variation, three cytotypes of Simulium squamosum (Enderlein) (Diptera: Simuliidae) are described from Cameroon and Nigeria. Simulium squamosum A is the typical form as originally described by Vajime & Dunbar (1975) with chromosome I as the sex chromosome. It occurs throughout most of Cameroon and south-east Nigeria. A second cytotype, S. squamosum B, is described from the river Sanaga (Cameroon). It also has chromosome I as the sex chromosome, but the nature of the sex differential region is different. Simulium squamosum C has no sex-linked chromosomal rearrangements. It is widespread in Nigeria and occurs near Mount Cameroon, where it seems to hybridize with S. squamosum A.  相似文献   

Abstract. Simulium (Trichodagmia) guianense is an important Amazonian vector of onchocerciasis. Examination of the polytene chromosome banding patterns of larvae from five sites in Brazil revealed the occurrence of four cytotypes, designated A, B, C and D. The chromosomal standard, Simulium guianense A , occurred at two localities in Goias State (on the Rio Tocantins and Rio Mucambao) where it was the only cytotype. The other three sites examined yielded one different cytotype from each: B from Rio Oyapoque in Amapa State, C from Rio Tocantins in Maranhao State, and D from Rio Xingu in Para State. All cytotypes differed by at least two fixed inversions, but a sex determining system was not evident in any cytotype. As the cytotypes have been found allopatrically it is not certain that they represent sibling species; sampling of sympatric populations would resolve this. During certain times of the year, voracious anthropophagy by S.guianense sensu lato occurs at the localities sampled for cytotypes A, C and D (biting data are not available for the cytotype B locality). In some other areas, however, S.guianense s.l. is entirely zoophilic. Further studies are needed, therefore, to elucidate the biting habits, vectorial capacity, geographic distribution and taxonomic status of these four, and perhaps additional, cytotypes comprising the S.guianense complex.  相似文献   

Microfilariae (mff) of the savanna and forest strains of Onchocerca volvulus (Leuckart) were injected intrathoracically into adult females of Simulium damnosum Theobald sensu stricto, S.sirbanum Vajime & Dunbar, S.squamosum Enderlein and S.mengense Vajime & Dunbar. Nine days post infection (pi) 27-29% of the savanna mff and 31-38% of the forest strain had developed to third-stage larvae (L3), irrespective of the fly species, size or injection dose (5, 10 or 15 mff). Savanna flies supported the development of forest O.volvulus better than forest flies, in contrast to the results after per os infections. Therefore, in these four species of the S.damnosum complex from Cameroon, the peritrophic membrane is considered to be the main factor limiting the success rate of microfilarial development following the ingestion of blood infections, while the fly's haemolymph and intracellular environment play minor roles.  相似文献   

陈汉彬  张春林 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):70-72
 记述采自贵州雷公山的蚋属一新种, 显著蚋Simulium (Simulium) prominentum, 新种 。根据其蛹和幼虫的特征显著而命名, 对其幼期形态进行描述并与其近缘种作分类讨论。  相似文献   

Abstract. Males of the Beffa form of Simulium soubrense Vajime and Dunbar were successfully crossed with female S.squamosum V. & D. and S.sanctipauli V. & D. Fertile eggs from both crosses were reared to larvae and, in the case of the BeifaXsquamosum cross, to adults.
Larval chromosomes from the Beffa x sanctipauli cross had normally paired homologues but those of the Beffa xsquamosum cross showed extensive asynapsis and large heterozygous loops. The morphology of the larval and adult hybrids from the BeftaXsquamosum cross were more characteristic of squamosum , but the adult males had scutal patterns typical of the Beffa form and retained this form's laboratory-mating propensity.  相似文献   

记述采自贵州雷公山的蚋属一新种, 显著蚋Simulium (Simulium) prominentum, 新种。根据其蛹和幼虫的特征显著而命名, 对其幼期形态进行描述并与其近缘种作分类讨论。  相似文献   

A revision of the taxonomy of the Ketaketa subcomplex of the Simulium damnosum Theobald complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) is presented including new material from Tanzania, Malawi and South Africa. The cytotaxonomy, morphology and molecular identity of known and new taxa are described. The Ketaketa subcomplex is cytotaxonomically defined by the paracentric inversion 1L-7. We recognize three sibling species, namely Simulium latipollex (Enderlein), Simulium plumbeum Krueger, sp.n. and Simulium kipengere Krueger, sp.n., the latter comprising three cytoforms: 'Typical', 'Linthipe' and 'Mombo'. The cytoforms 'Mwamphanzi', 'Ketaketa' and 'Hammerkopi' are synonymized with S. plumbeum. Identification keys are provided on the basis of chromosomal and morphological characters. In view of their potential role as vectors of human onchocerciasis (river blindness) we also discuss the possible medical importance of the different cytoforms and their geographical distribution.  相似文献   

The role of Simulium sanctipauli Vajime & Dunbar (Diptera: Simuliidae) as a vector of Onchocerca volvulus (Leuckart) (Spirurida: Onchocercidae) in the forest zone of central Ghana was studied in the Upper Denkyira district, where onchocerciasis is hyperendemic. Simulium sanctipauli was found to be a highly efficient vector, with a mean of 377 infective (L3) larvae in the heads of 1000 parous and 122 in the heads of 1000 biting flies. The overall infection rate of 44% of the parous flies with L1, L2 and L3 stages of O. volvulus (identity confirmed by polymerase chain reaction) demonstrates marked anthropophily. Female flies dispersed over a wide area and can transmit onchocerciasis up to at least 10 km away from their breeding sites. Annual community-directed treatments with ivermectin did not have a noticeable effect on the infection rates and parasitic loads of fly populations, which were as high 2 months after as 3 months before the distribution of ivermectin. This failure can be attributed to poor coverage, with treatment taken by only 24.4% of the population of the six study villages.  相似文献   

Abstract. Communal oviposition by the Simulium damnosum complex of Afrotropical blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions, using wild-caught flies in Sierra Leone. Volatile compounds emitted by Simulium eggs were trapped using a closed collection system, and their attractiveness to gravid flies was tested in a two-choice behavioural bioassay. Significantly more female blackflies oviposited on substrates baited with freshly laid eggs (100% chose the baited substrate), or with the volatiles collected from freshly laid eggs (85% chose the baited substrate), in preference to the relevant control substrates. Substrates baited with volatiles from 12-h-old eggs were not significantly more attractive than controls (only 31% chose the baited substrates; P = 0.33). Gas chromatographic analysis of the egg volatiles consistently showed two peaks emanating from fresh eggs, but significantly lower amounts from 12-h-old eggs ( P <0.05). A novel system for collecting the volatiles from this and other blackfly species, as they laid eggs on a substrate in flowing water, is described. Volatiles collected using this method showed identical gas chromatographic profiles to those of fresh eggs alone, indicating that the flies themselves produced no other volatile chemical signals during oviposition. Evidently communal oviposition by S. damnosum s.l . was mediated by a pheromone emanating from fresh eggs. The role of pheromone-mediated egg aggregation in blackfly ecology is discussed, and its possible manipulation is considered.  相似文献   

Simulium (Simulium) liubaense, sp. nov. is described based on the female specimens collected from Liuba, Shaanxi Province, China. This species is assigned to the variegotum-group of the subgenus Simulium, and is closely related to S. (S.) jingfui Cai and An, 2008, S. (S.) taiwanicum Takaoka, 1979, S. (S.) hackeri Edwards 1928, S. (S.) chamlongi Takaoka and Suzuki, 1984. However it is clearly differentiated from them by the structure of cibarium, genital fork, genital plate, paraproct and cercus of the female. All the specimens are kept in the Medical Entomology Collection Gallery, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing.  相似文献   

We describe the IGS-ETS, 18S and 28S ribosomal gene sequences of Simulium sanctipauli Vajime & Dunbar, a member of the S. damnosum Theobald (Diptera: Simuliidae) complex of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae). These regions, together with the ITS-1, ITS-2 and 5.8S rDNA presented elsewhere (accession number U36206), constitute the composite sequence of the entire rDNA unit, making S. sanctipauli the second dipteran species of medical importance for which the entire rDNA has been sequenced. Despite the lack of sequence identity, the IGS of S. sanctipauli showed some structural similarities to other Diptera, i.e. the mosquito Aedes albopictus Skuse (Culicidae), the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Drosophilidae) and the tsetse Glossina (Glossinidae). Two blocks of tandemly repeated subunits were present in the IGS of S. sanctipauli and, unlike other species of Diptera, they contained no duplications of promoter-like sequences. However, two promoter-like sequences were identified in the unique DNA stretches of the IGS by their sequence similarity to the promoter of Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae). The observed sequence variation can be explained, as in the case of Drosophila spp., by the occurrence of slippage-like and point mutation processes, with unequal crossing-over homogenizing (to a certain extent) the region throughout the gene family and blackfly population. The 18S and 28S rDNA genes show more intraspecific variability within the expansion segments than in the core regions. This is also the case in the interspecific comparison of these genes from S. sanctipauli with those of Simulium vittatum, Ae. albopictus and D. melanogaster. This pattern is typical of many eukaryotes and likely to be the result of a more relaxed functional selection in the expansion segments than on the core regions. The A + T content of the S. sanctipauli genes is high and similar to those of other Diptera. This could be the result of a change in the mutation pressure towards AT in the Diptera lineage.  相似文献   

The mermithid parasite, Isomermis lairdi Mondet, Poinar & Bernadou (Nematoda: Mermithidae), is known to have a major impact on populations of Simulium damnosum s.l . Theobald (Diptera: Simuliidae) and on their efficiency as vectors of Onchocerca volvulus (Leuckart) (Nematoda: Filarioidea). However, the value of I. lairdi and other mermithid parasites as potential means of integrated vector control has not been fully realized. This is partly because traditional taxonomic approaches have been insufficient for describing and analysing important aspects of their biology and host range. In total, rDNA barcode sequences have been obtained from over 70 I. lairdi mermithids found parasitizing S. damnosum s.l . larvae in three different rivers. No two sequences were found to vary by more than 0.5%, and cytospecies identification of mermithid hosts revealed that I. lairdi with identical rDNA barcodes can parasitize multiple cytoforms of the S. damnosum complex, including S. squamosum (Enderlein). Phylogenetic analysis using a partial sequence from the 18S ribosomal DNA barcode, grouped I. lairdi in a monophyletic group with Gastromermis viridis Welch (Nematoda: Mermithidae) and Isomermis wisconsinensis Welch (Nematoda: Mermithidae).  相似文献   

贵州纺蚋亚属二新种(双翅目: 蚋科)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈汉彬 《昆虫学报》2001,44(4):560-566
记述了采自贵州雷公山自然保护区的纺蚋二新种,清水纺蚋Simulium (Nevermannia) qingshuiense sp. Nov.和桥落纺蚋S. (N.) qiaolaoense sp. Nov.,二者均以其产地命名。文中对其成虫、蛹和幼虫形态进行了全面描述,并与其近缘种进行分类讨论。模式标本存放在贵阳医学院生物学教研室。  相似文献   

记述采自河南1新种:河南纺蚋Simulium (Nevermannia) henanense, sp. nov.。根据其外生殖器的形状、幼虫和蛹的特征,本新种隶属于Simulium (Nevermannia)的宽足蚋组vernum-group。其蛹的特征与中国的 S. (N.) xinbinense 和西马来西亚的 S. (N.) kurtaki 相似,但是与后2种在雌虫股节的颜色、幼虫后颊裂和直肠腮的形状迥异,可资鉴别。模式标本存放于贵阳医学院生物学教研室。正模:♀,河南焦作云台山白龙潭,海拔 1 060 m,东经113°25',北纬35°14',韦静采;副模:1♀,12蛹,18幼虫,同正模。  相似文献   

Abstract. Communal oviposition in the Afrotropical blackfly species complex Simulium damnosum Theobald (Diptera: Simuliidae) is mediated by a pheromone emitted by freshly laid eggs. Previously, two compounds (designated peaks A and B) emanating from fresh eggs were shown to be associated with attractiveness to gravid blackflies in bioassay. The present study investigated the role of these compounds by testing the responses of wild-caught Simulium yahense in Ghana to fractionated hexane extracts of gravid ovaries prepared by gas chromatography (GC). Although the fractions were prepared from Sierra Leonean Simulium leonense , GC analysis of the emissions from fresh S.yahense eggs showed that the volatile blends of both species were similar. When tested in a two-choice bioassay, 66% of ovipositing blackflies chose the substrate baited with a mixture of the four fractions recombined. In a series of bioassays testing responses to the four individual fractions presented with a control in a multiple-choice arrangement, only fraction 3 (containing peaks A and B) attracted significantly more ovipositions than the other fractions and control. However, fraction 3 failed to elicit a significant response when presented as the sole attractant with a control in a two-choice bioassay. It was concluded that fraction 3 , though mainly responsible for mediating aggregated oviposition by S.yahense , was acting in tandem with additional cues, probably further chemicals, which remain to be isolated and characterized.  相似文献   

青海特蚋亚属一新种(双翅目:蚋科)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Simulium (Tetisimulium) xiaodaoense sp. nov. is described based on the female specimens collected from Qinghai, China. This species is assigned to the subgenus Tetisimulium, and is closely related to S. (T.) tachengense An and Mahe, 1994 and S. (T.) wutaishanense An and Yan, 2003. However, it is clearly differentiated from them by the structure of gonapophyses, genital fork, genital plate, paraproct and cercus of the female. All the specimens are kept in the Medical Entomology Collection Gallery, Academy of Military Sciences, Beijing.  相似文献   

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