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Hyphae and vesicles of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were found within the decomposing leaves of Myrica parvifolia, M. pubescens and Paepalanthus sp. at three montane sites in Colombia. Hyphae, vesicles, and arbuscule-like structures were also found within scale-like leaves of the rhizomes of Paepalanthus sp. The litter found in the vicinity of the roots was divided into three decomposition layers. The highest AMF colonization occurred in the most decomposed leaves, which were in close association with roots. In contrast, there were no differences in AMF colonization of roots present in the different decomposition layers. Colonization of decomposing leaves by AMF did not differ between the two closely related species M. parvifolia and M. pubescens, nor between two sites (Guatavita and Zipacón, Colombia) differing in soil fertility. Occurrence of vesicles in decomposing leaves was correlated with abundant AMF extraradical hyphae among the leaves. We propose that AMF enter decomposing leaves mechanically through vascular tissue. As a consequence, AMF are well positioned to obtain and efficiently recycle mineral nutrients released by decomposer microorganisms before their loss by leaching or immobilization in soil.  相似文献   

Clethra barbinervis (Ericales), Cucumis sativus, and Lycopersicon esculentum were grown in soils collected from six different vegetation sites (cedar, cypress, larch, red pine, bamboo grass, and Italian ryegrass), and morphology and colonization preference of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi were investigated by microscopic observation and PCR detection. C. barbinervis consistently formed Paris-type AM throughout the sites. C. sativus formed both Arum- and Paris-type AM with high occurrence of Arum-type AM. L. esculentum also formed both Arum- and Paris-type AM but with high occurrence of Paris-type AM. AM diversity within the same plant species was different among the sites. Detected AM diversity from AM spores in different site soils did not consistently reflect AM fungal diversity seen in test plants. Detected families were different, depending on test plants grown even in the same soil. AM fungi belonging to Glomaceae were consistently detected from roots of all test plants throughout the sites. Almost all the families were detected from roots of C. barbinervis and L. esculentum. On the other hand, only two or three families of AM fungi (Archaeosporaceae and/or Paraglomaceae and Glomaceae) but not two other families (Acaulosporaceae and Gigasporaceae) were detected from roots of C. sativus, indicating strong colonization preference of AM fungi to C. sativus among test plants. This study demonstrated that host plant species strongly influenced the colonization preference of AM fungi in the roots.  相似文献   

 The ability of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi from a metal-tolerant plant (Viola calaminaria, violet) to colonise and reduce metal uptake by a non-tolerant plant (Trifolium subterraneum, subterranean clover) in comparison to a metal-tolerant AM fungus isolated from a non-tolerant plant was studied. AM spores from the violet rhizosphere and from violet roots were characterised by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the SSU rDNA, and sequencing. Subterranean clover was grown in pots containing a soil supplemented with Cd and Zn salts and inoculated either with a mixture of spores extracted from the violet rhizosphere or with spores of a Cd-tolerant Glomus mosseae P2 (BEG 69), or non-inoculated. The diversity of fungi, including AM fungi, colonising clover roots was assessed and analysed using terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism. At least four different Glomus species were found in the violet rhizosphere. After 8 weeks in a growth chamber, colonisation of clover roots with spores from the violet rhizosphere increased Cd and Zn concentrations in clover roots without significantly affecting the concentrations of metals in the shoot and plant growth. G. mosseae P2 reduced plant growth and slightly increased the Cd concentration. Only one AM fungus (Glomus b) from the violet rhizosphere colonised clover roots, but other fungi were present. AM fungi from heavy metal-contaminated soils and associated with metal-tolerant plants may be effective in accumulating heavy metals in roots in a non-toxic form. Accepted: 7 July 2000  相似文献   

The interaction between Trichoderma pseudokoningii (Rifai) 511, 2212, 741A, 741B and 453 and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerdemann & Trappe BEG12 and Gigaspora rosea Nicolson & Schenck BEG9 were studied in vitro and in greenhouse experiments. All T. pseudokoningii strains inhibited the germination of G. mosseae and Gi. rosea except the strain 453, which did not affect the germination of Gi. rosea. Soluble exudates and volatile substances produced by all T. pseudokoningii strains inhibited the spore germination of G. mosseae. The germination of Gi. rosea spores was inhibited by the soluble exudates produced by T. pseudokoningii 2212 and 511, whereas T. pseudokoningii 714A and 714B inhibited the germination of Gi. rosea spores by the production of volatile substances. The strains of T. pseudokoningii did not affect dry matter and percentage of root length colonization of soybean inoculated with G. mosseae, except T. pseudokoningii 2212, which inhibited both parameters. However, all T. pseudokoningii strains decreased the shoot dry matter and the percentage of AM root length colonization of soybean inoculated with Gi. rosea. The saprotrophic fungi tested seem to affect AM colonization of root by effects on the presymbiotic phase of the AM fungi. No influence of AM fungi on the number of CFUs of T. pseudokoningii was found. The effect of saprotrophic fungi on AM fungal development and function varied with the strain of the saprotrophic species tested.  相似文献   

We isolated and elucidated the structure of several stimulants for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in water-stressed bahia grass roots. We could isolate some compounds that promoted the growth of Gigaspora margarita Becker and Hall and Glomus caledonium (Nicol. and Gerd.) Trappe and Gerd. In these compounds, tryptophan dimer (Trp–Trp) was elucidated the structure. Trp–Trp was abundantly produced in water-stressed bahia grass roots and exuded to the soil, although it was scarcely detected in non-stressed root exudates. Interestingly, this peptide strongly attracted the hyphae of Gi. margarita and G. caledonium and promoted their hyphal growth in vitro (1.8 × longer than the control). Tryptophan, however, had no effect on hyphal growth and attraction. Thus, Trp–Trp exuded from water-stressed roots would play an important role as a major signal for AMF. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Byrne K  Mitchell DT 《Mycorrhiza》2004,14(1):31-36
An investigation was carried out on the mycorrhizal colonisation, growth and nutrition of two members of the Ericaceae in close proximity to an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) association. This was undertaken by separating mycorrhizal (EM) and non-mycorrhizal (NEM) Erica cinerea and Vaccinium macrocarpon from AM (inoculated by Glomus mosseae) and non-mycorrhizal (NAM) Plantago lanceolata using a 30 µm nylon mesh in a sand culture/pot system. Ericoid mycorrhizal colonisation by Hymenoscyphus ericae on root systems of E. cinerea and V. macrocarpon was in the range 14–22% and 58–69%, respectively. The presence of AM P. lanceolata had no effect on the ericoid mycorrhizal colonisation of E. cinerea and V. macrocarpon. NEM E. cinerea showed reductions in shoot biomass and shoot nitrogen concentrations after exposure to AM P. lanceolata after incubations of 6 and 9 weeks but there were no differences in dry mass, length, and nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of the root systems between the treatment combinations. Reductions were also found, after incubations of 6 and 9 weeks, in shoot dry mass, leaf area and shoot nitrogen concentrations of NEM V. macrocarpon in the presence of AM P. lanceolata but no changes occurred in the length and dry mass of the root systems. There were no differences in maximum photosynthesis in V. macrocarpon between treatment combinations but NEM V. macrocarpon in the presence of AM P. lanceolata had the lowest transpiration rates and stomatal conductance and the highest nitrogen- and phosphorus-use efficiencies compared with the other treatment combinations. These results are discussed in relation to the type of interaction found in these compatible and incompatible mycorrhizal associations.  相似文献   

The growth of licorice in arid areas faces nutritional and environmental stresses. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have been shown to increase the abilities of plants to develop. However, little is known regarding the role of AM fungi in licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) growth. In the present study, by inoculation with two AM fungi, Glomus mosseae (Nicolson & Gerdemann) Gerd. & Trappe and Glomus veriforme (P. Karst.), the effects on licorice growth in sand were examined by measuring plant height, number of leaves, shoot and root fresh weight, and by analyzing morphological parameters of the root system in sand. The influence of the two microorganisms on the accumulation of mineral nutritions and bioactive components in licorice were also investigated. The results showed that mycorrhyzae were of the Arum-type and their colonization frequency (F %), colonization intensity (M %) and colonization intensity (m %) of AM fungi inoculation were found to be 80.0–84.6%, 49.4–60.0% and 58.4–71.9%, respectively. The inoculation significantly improved plant growth during early and late growth stages in comparison with the control. Moreover, inoculation of G. mosseae and G. versiforme, alone or in combination, improved plant phosphorus acquisition in the leaf over non-inoculation plants. In addition, mycorrhiza formation enhanced the glycyrrhizin concentration in roots, but resulted in a considerable reduction of the root oxidase activity. The results indicate that the inoculation with AM fungi could be a useful approach to increase the licorice pharmic quality.  相似文献   

Many lineages of land plants (from lycopsids to angiosperms) have non-photosynthetic life cycle phases that involve obligate mycoheterotrophic arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) associations where the plant host gains organic carbon through glomalean symbionts. Our goal was to isolate and phylogenetically identify the AM fungi associated with both the autotrophic and underground mycoheterotrophic life cycle phases of Psilotum nudum. Phylogenetic analyses recovered 11 fungal phylotypes in four diverse clades of Glomus A that form AM associations with P. nudum mycoheterotrophic gametophytes and autotrophic sporophytes, and angiosperm roots found in the same greenhouse pots. The correspondence of identities of AM symbionts in P. nudum sporophytes, gametophytes and neighboring angiosperms provides compelling evidence that photosynthetic heterospecific and conspecific plants can serve as the ultimate sources of fixed carbon for mycoheterotrophic gametophytes of P. nudum, and that the transfer of carbon occurs via shared fungal networks. Moreover, broader phylogenetic analyses suggest greenhouse Psilotum populations, like field-surveyed populations of mycoheterotrophic plants, form AM associations with restricted clades of Glomus A. The phylogenetic affinities and distribution of Glomus A symbionts indicate that P. nudum greenhouse populations have the potential to be exploited as an experimental system to further study the physiology, ecology and evolution of mycoheterotrophic AM associations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This study investigated the accumulation of osmotic solutes in citrus (Poncirus trifoliata) seedlings colonized by Glomus versiforme subjected to drought stress or kept well watered. Development of mycorrhizae was higher under well watered than under drought-stressed conditions. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) seedlings accumulated more soluble sugars, soluble starch and total non-structural carbohydrates in leaves and roots than corresponding non-AM seedlings regardless of soil-water status. Glucose and sucrose contents of well-watered and drought-stressed roots, fructose contents of well-watered roots and sucrose contents of drought-stressed leaves were notably higher in AM than in non-AM seedlings. K+ and Ca2+ levels in AM leaves and roots were greater than those in non-AM leaves and roots, while AM symbiosis did not affect the Mg2+ level. AM seedlings accumulated less proline than non-AM seedlings. AM symbiosis altered both the allocation of carbohydrate to roots and the net osmotic solute accumulations in response to drought stress. It is concluded that AM colonization enhances osmotic solute accumulation of trifoliate orange seedlings, thus providing better osmotic adjustment in AM seedlings, which did not correlate with proline but with K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, glucose, fructose and sucrose accumulation.  相似文献   

Li AR  Guan KY 《Mycorrhiza》2008,18(8):429-436
As an important component of plant kingdom, parasitic plants have intrigued many scientists with their heterotrophic strategy. Numerous investigations have been carried out for a better understanding of interactions between parasitic plants and their hosts. Nevertheless, studies on parasitic plants from a mycorrhizal perspective are lacking, largely because of the notion that parasitic plants do not form mycorrhizal associations. Although long being regarded as nonmycorrhizal, some Pedicularis species are recently found to be heavily colonized by mycorrhizal fungi. Because the precise information about parasitism of Chinese Pedicularis has been lacking, we surveyed both the mycorrhizal status and parasitism of 29 Pedicularis species from the northwest of Yunnan Province, China, to test the hypothesis that some Pedicularis may be mycorrhizal and parasitic simultaneously. The majority of studied species were found to be parasitic as well as mycorrhizal. In some cases, parasitic organs and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were detected in the same rootlets. The results suggest that some Pedicularis species may have another nutrient strategy (e.g., mycotrophy) besides being parasitic. Also, the findings indicate that host plants as well as AMF should be taken into account in cultivation of Pedicularis species.  相似文献   

The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) morphology of three host plant species inoculated with single and mixed fungal culture and the distribution of AM fungal species in roots of the hosts treated with a mixed culture of AM fungi were determined. The aim was to investigate the effect of host plants and AM fungi on AM morphology of coexisting plant species. Noncolonized rooted cuttings of Hedera rhombea (Miq) Bean, Rubus parvifolius L., and Rosa multiflora Thunb. were inoculated with five fungal species as single and mixed culture inocula. The fungal species used were Gigaspora rosea and Scutellospora erythropa, previously isolated from H. rhombea; Acaulospora longula and Glomus etunicatum from R. parvifolius; and Glomus claroideum from both plant species. A few hyphal and arbusculate coils were seen in the mixed culture-inoculated roots of R. parvifolius; all fungal treatments produced this Paris-type AM in H. rhombea and Arum-type AM in R. parvifolius, and R. multiflora indicates that AM morphology is strongly controlled by the identity of the host plants used in this study. AM fungal rDNA was extracted separately from roots of each replicate plant species inoculated with the mixed fungal culture, amplified, cloned, sequenced, and analyzed to determine the AM fungal species and their respective proportions in roots of each plant species. Glomus etunicatum and G. claroideum of the family Glomaceae generally occurred more frequently in R. parvifolius and R. multiflora, which form Arum-types, whereas S. erythropa, of the family Gigasporaceae, was the most frequently detected species in H. rhombea, which produced Paris-type AM. Although the genotype of the plant species used appears to determine the AM morphologies formed, there was preferential association between the hosts and AM fungal inoculants.  相似文献   

Mycoses due to yeasts belonging to other genera than Candida have become common in the last years especially in immuno-compromised patients. Species of the anamorphic basidiomycetous yeast genus Trichosporon are such opportunistic human pathogenic yeasts which cause several diseases. In this study, Trichosporon faecale is reported in Germany for the first time. The isolate was taken from a human foot, where it was associated with a tinea pedis. The fungal isolate was identified by investigating the morphology, physiology by a commercial API 32 C-set and molecular data of SSU and LSU rDNA as well as the ITS region.  相似文献   

Chen YL  Liu S  Dell B 《Mycorrhiza》2007,17(6):527-535
The aim of this study is to assess the mycorrhizal status of Eucalyptus plantations in south China and to determine the need for inoculation. In four provinces in south China, 155 plantations were sampled for sporocarps of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, and mycorrhizas over 2 years. This study revealed a low above-ground diversity of ECM fungi consisting of 15 taxa fruiting beneath Eucalyptus plantations. The most common ECM genera were Scleroderma and Pisolithus, but they were infrequent. A total of 21 AM fungi, mostly Glomus species, were recognized from spores collected from eucalypt plantations. Four Glomus species were frequently present in soils, but spore density and relative abundance of AM fungi were generally low. Eucalypt roots from all plantation sites were poorly colonized by either ECM fungi or AM fungi. A bioassay with E. urophylla as a bait host, using soils collected from 11 eucalypt plantations, confirmed low levels of inoculum of both ECM and AM fungi in field soil. This is the first integrated study on the mycorrhizal status of eucalypt plantations in China. Findings from this research can be used to encourage adoption of mycorrhizal technology by eucalypt nurseries in the region. The potential of using spores of compatible ECM fungi or collections for forest nurseries is discussed.  相似文献   

Seven representatives of the Arthoniales, Dothideales, Lecanorales and Sordariales are known to occur on the lichen genus Pilophorus. Lasiosphaeriopsis pilophori sp. nov. is described from the north of the Holarctic. Cercidospora cephalodiorum is reported as new to North America. Cercidospora punctillata and Dactylospora deminuta are reported on Pilophorus for the first time. The host specificity, niche specialization and distribution of the taxa are discussed. A key to the lichenicolous fungi on Pilophorus is provided.  相似文献   

The effects of 17 Paenibacillus strains on root colonization by Glomus intraradices or Glomus mosseae and plant growth parameters (shoot and root weight) of mycorrhizal cucumber plants were examined. The Paenibacillus strains were originally isolated from mycorrhizal (G. intraradices) and non-mycorrhizal cucumber rhizosphere and/or hyphosphere, except for strain EJP73, which originated from a Pinus sylvestris-Lactarius rufus ectomycorrhiza. Root colonization of cucumber plants by G. intraradices or G. mosseae was unaffected by all seven strains of Paenibacillus polymyxa, but was decreased or increased by four strains of Paenibacillus macerans and strain EJP73 of Paenibacillus sp. Overall, shoot dry weight of cucumber grown in symbioses with either G intraradices or G. mosseae was unaffected by inoculation with all of the Paenibacillus strains, except for strain MB02-429 of P. macerans, which increased the shoot dry weight in the cucumber-G. mosseae symbiosis. On the other hand, several Paenibacillus strains caused altered root growth. Three strains of P. polymyxa and four strains of P. macerans increased the root fresh weight of the cucumber–G. intraradices symbiosis, whereas three strains of P. polymyxa and one strain of P. macerans as well as Paenibacillus sp. EJP73, decreased the root fresh weight of the cucumber–G. mosseae symbiosis. In conclusion, our results show that bacteria from several species of Paenibacillus differentially affect cucumber mycorrhizas.  相似文献   

Pattinson GS  McGee PA 《Mycorrhiza》2004,14(2):119-125
Tap and primary lateral roots of seedlings of the putatively non-mycorrhizal Banksia ericifolia became marginally colonised when grown in an established mycelium of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus in the laboratory. A similar degree of colonisation was found in seedlings from an open woodland. All colonies lacked arbuscules. Two factors influencing colonisation and associated growth of host plants were examined experimentally: concentration of P in the soil and organic energy associated with the fungus. While some inoculated seedlings were slightly smaller when colonised by AM fungi, the results were inconsistent and never statistically significant. Seedlings take up insignificant quantities of soil P during early growth, even in the presence of abundant added P. Though colonisation was minor in all cases, an existing mycelium, whether or not connected to a companion plant, slightly increased the amount of root of B. ericifolia colonised by an AM fungus. All seedlings grew slowly. Shoots were significantly larger than roots, until the initiation of proteoid roots which commenced at about 40 days after germination, with both relatively high and low P supply.  相似文献   

The community structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in the roots of drought-resistant trees, Moringa spp., was examined in semiarid regions in Madagascar and Uganda. Root samples were collected from 8 individuals of M. hildebrandtii and 2 individuals of M. drouhardii in Madagascar and from 21 individuals of M. oleifera in Uganda. Total DNA was extracted from the root samples, and partial nSSU rDNA of AM fungi was amplified using a universal eukaryotic primer NS31 and an AM fungalspecific primer AM1. The PCR products were cloned and divided by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis with HinfI and RsaI. Some representatives in each RFLP types were sequenced, and a neighbor-joining phylogenetic analysis was conducted for the obtained sequences with analogous sequences of AM fungi. The RFLP and phylogenetic analyses showed that AM fungi closely related to Glomus intraradices or G. sinuosum were detected in many samples. The AM fungal groups frequently detected in the Moringa spp. might be widely distributed species in semiarid environments.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural detail of spore development in Scutellospora heterogama is described. Although the main ontogenetic events are similar to those described from light microscopy, the complexity of wall layering is greater when examined at an ultrastructural level. The basic concept of a rigid spore wall enclosing two inner, flexible walls still holds true, but there are additional zones within these three walls distinguishable using electron microscopy, including an inner layer that is involved in the formation of the germination shield. The spore wall has three layers rather than the two reported previously. An outer, thin ornamented layer and an inner, thicker layer are both derived from the hyphal wall and present at all stages of development. These layers differentiate into the outer spore layer visible at the light microscope level. A third inner layer unique to the spore develops during spore swelling and rapidly expands before contracting back to form the second wall layer visible by light microscopy. The two inner flexible walls also are more complex than light microscopy suggests. The close association with the inner flexible walls with germination shield formation consolidates the preferred use of the term ‘germinal walls’ for these structures. A thin electron-dense layer separates the two germinal walls and is the region in which the germination shield forms. The inner germinal wall develops at least two sub-layers, one of which has an appearance similar to that of the expanding layer of the outer spore wall. An electron-dense layer is formed on the inner surface of the inner germinal wall as the germination shield develops, and this forms the wall surrounding the germination shield as well as the germination tube. At maturity, the outer germinal wall develops a thin, striate layer within its substructure.  相似文献   

The epiphytic vascular mycobiota is scarce and facultative in semi-arid Mediterranean ecosystems. However, unlike in soil conditions, little is known about the factors driving mycorrhizal communities in epiphytic environments. Here, we investigated the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) harboured by 31 plant species occurring on the trunks of Phoenix dactylifera. We wanted to ascertain if host identity and plant functional traits shape mycorrhizal communities. Specifically, we tested the plant life-cycle (perennial versus annual), the plant life-form (herbaceous versus woody), the plant origin (exotic versus native) and the plant species. The plant affiliation to species strongly influenced the AMF community composition. Plant life-form and plant life-cycle also shaped indicator taxa. The AMF structure differed between annual and perennial species and higher AMF richness was detected in perennial plants. The epiphytic plants associated with AMF irrespective of whether they were native or not, probably because here no functional differences derive from plant origin.  相似文献   

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