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In order to learn more about the respective roles played by basal cells and mucous cells in the maintenance of tracheal mucociliary epithelium, cell kinetics and epithelial cell morphology were characterized over a 7-day period, during which dietary vitamin A was restored to previously deprived hamsters. Hamsters were reared from birth to 35 days of age on vitamin A-replete or deficient diets. Deprived hamsters were made replete by 5 mg vitamin A-acetate orally, plus a vitamin A-replete diet. Colchicine and 3HTdR were given 6 h before death. The numbers of basal cells, mucous cells, preciliated cells and ciliated cells, and mitotic rates (MR) and labeling indices (LI) of basal cells and mucous cells, were quantified in glycol methacrylate sections stained with PAS-lead hematoxylin. Vitamin A-deprivation decreased replication of basal cells and mucous cells in tracheal epithelium which showed minimal morphological change. The proportion of basal cells was increased and proportions of mucous, preciliated and ciliated cells were decreased. Following restoration of vitamin A to the diet, the basal cell MR remained below control level throughout the experimental period, but the mucous cell MR started to rise on day 2-replete, and on day 3-replete and thereafter the mucous cell MR was within the control range. Basal cell and mucous cell LI's showed similar trends. Preciliated cells were reduced or absent in vitamin A-deprived epithelium. Their number had risen by day 3-replete and thereafter they were generated within the control range. These cells matured into ciliated cells. By day 4-replete, the proportion of basal cells had decreased markedly and the proportions of mucous cells, and preciliated plus ciliated cells had increased, so that at this time cellular proportions were within or near control values. This trend continued so that by day 7-replete, a nearly normal mucociliary epithelium was restored. The results show that vitamin A-levels modulate replication rates of basal cells and mucous cells and indicate that mitotic division of mucous cells is a prerequisite for the genesis of preciliated cells and new mucous cells and for restoration of the mucociliary epithelium following deprivation of vitamin A in the diet.  相似文献   

Summary The pseudostratified tracheal epithelium, composed of a heterogeneous phenotypically varying cell population, was studied with respect to the in vitro cell proliferative activity of differentiated epithelial cells. Ciliated tracheal epithelial cells so far have been considered to be terminally differentiated, nonproliferating cells. Tracheal organ cultures obtained from vitamin A-deprived Syrian Golden hamsters were cultured in a vitamin A-deficient, serum-free, hormone-supplemented medium. In vitamin A-deprived tracheal epithelium treated with physiologically active all-trans retinol and low cigarette-smoke condensate concentrations it is possible to stimulate the cell proliferation of both basal and columnar cells. Therefore, the probability of finding proliferating columnar cells was increased compared with the in vivo and the vitamin A-deprived situation in which cell proliferative activity is relatively low. In the presence of cigarette-smoke condensate in a noncytotoxic concentration, basal, small mucous granule, ciliated, and indifferent tracheal epithelial cells incorporated [methyl-3H]-thymidine into the DNA during the S phase. The finding that ciliated cells were labeled was supported by serial sections showing the same labeled ciliated cell in two section planes separated by 2 to 3 μm, without labeled epithelial cells next to the ciliated cell. Furthermore, a ciliated tracheal epithelial cell incorporating [methyl-3H]thymidine into DNA was also seen in tracheal cultures of vitamin A-deprived hamsters treated with all-trans retinol in a physiologic concentration. The present study was financially supported by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health (Dutch Cigarette Industry Foundation) and the Ministry of Welfare, Health and Cutural Affairs.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural changes induced by the topical application of retinol acetate on hamster cheek pouch epithelium were evaluated using stereological analysis. Electron micrographs were prepared of the basal and superficial regions of the nucleated cell layer of the epithelium obtained from 3 treated and 3 control animals and examined at two levels of magnification. A total of 528 micrographs were analyzed using a coherent double lattice test system. Although the mean thickness of the nucleated cell layer did not change significantly after 10 days of treatment with retinol acetate the formation of keratinized squames was completely inhibited. This was paralleled by significant changes in the volume density of a number of organelles in both the basal and superficial strata. Rough endoplasmic reticulum increased significantly whereas filaments, which maintained a constant diameter of approximately 9 nm, keratohyalin granules and membrane-coating granules decreased in both strata. Desmosomes also showed a significant decrease in numerical area density in the treated tissues. In contrast, no changes were observed in the volume density of the Golgi apparatus, free ribosomes or mitochondria in the treated epithelium. It is concluded that this treatment provides an epithelium lacking all features of keratinization and may be a useful model for examining metabolic activities specifically associated with keratinization.  相似文献   

The effects of all-trans retinol and cigarette smoke condensate (CSC) on tissue morphology and cellular differentiation were investigated in vitamin A-deprived tracheal epithelium cultured in vitamin A-and serum-free hormone-supplemented medium. Physiological retinol concentrations prevented the development of hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia with or without keratinization, and induced differentiation to mucous cells. Squamous metaplastic foci with keratinization were observed during 12 days of culture with low retinol concentrations and with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) which was accompanied by an increased number of basal and indeterminate cells. CSC induced a dose-related hyperplasia and irregularly shaped foci of squamous metaplasia with atypical epithelial proliferation. In non-metaplastic epithelium, CSC exposure increased the number of ciliated cells. Hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia were inhibited if the tracheal rings were first treated with retinol followed by CSC exposure, or if the tracheas were simultaneously treated with retinol and CSC. CSC-exposure prior to retinol treatment induced similar histomorphological alterations as CSC alone.  相似文献   

The effects of cigarette smoke condensate (CSC) and all-trans retinol on the cell proliferative activity of vitamin A-deprived hamster tracheal epithelium have been studied in vitamin A-deficient, serum-free, hormone-supplemented medium in organ culture. In the absence of retinol, CSC induced a dose-dependent increase in labeling index (LI) during 12 days of culture. The basal cells were more sensitive to CSC exposure than non-basal cells during the first 6 to 8 culture days. However, in squamous metaplastic foci developing after culture day 6, both basal and non-basal cells in the mid-part of the epithelium were labeled. Physiological concentrations of all-trans retinol stimulated the non-basal LI and inhibited the basal cell LI. Compared with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), all retinol concentrations used in the present study inhibited the basal cell LI at each time point examined (4-12 days culture). Exposure of tracheal rings to retinol, either before or after exposure to CSC, or simultaneous exposure to retinol and CSC, clearly decreased the CSC-induced basal cell proliferative activity depending on the retinol concentration used. It is concluded from the present study that squamous metaplasia induced by vitamin A-deficiency or by CSC originates mainly from basal cells and that for the maintenance of these lesions, both basal and non-basal cells play a role. Furthermore, all-trans retinol inhibited CSC-induced basal cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Using immunohistochemical techniques, the keratin expression patterns in basal and columnar cells (mucus-producing and ciliated cells) were investigated in tracheal organ cultures. Tracheas were from either hamsters fed a control diet or from hamsters fed a vitamin A-deficient diet; tracheas from the latter group were treated in vitro with all-trans retinol. In tracheas from hamsters fed a control diet, basal cells generally reacted with the RCK102 antibody and columnar cells with the RGE53 and the HCK19 antibodies, and both basal and columnar cells were recognized by the RCK105 antibody. The squamous cell cytokeratin 10 (detected by the RKSE60 antibody) was not expressed in cultured tracheas from hamsters fed a normal or a vitamin A-deficient diet. In the course of the in vitro period a number of keratins were "switched on" or "switched off" in both basal and columnar cells. In tracheas from vitamin A-deprived hamsters the RCK102 antibody clearly recognized basal cells and cigarette smoke condensate-induced proliferating basal cells, whereas the RGE53 antibody reacted with mucus-producing and ciliated cells. During organ culture foci of columnar epithelial cells expressed basal cell properties (detected with the RCK102 antibody) after all-trans retinol treatment and were found negative for the RGE53 antibody. Furthermore, it appeared that the RGE53-negative columnar cells contained periodic acid-Schiff-positive mucous granules. These findings indicate that basal cells may differentiate into columnar cells. Tracheal epithelium did not appear to co-express vimentin next to keratins during organ culture, which may be due to the intact three-dimensional organization present in these organ cultures.  相似文献   

Keratin expression in hamster tracheal epithelium was investigated during organ culture in serum-free, hormone-supplemented medium using monospecific monoclonal antibodies. Generally, tracheal basal cells expressed keratins detected by antibodies RCK102 and RCK103, while columnar epithelial cells were stained positively by RGE53, RCK103, RCK105 and HCK19. Metaplastic squamous cell foci reacted with antibodies RKSE60, RCK103 and HCK19. Early metaplastic alterations were more clearly RKSE60-positive than the mature lesions. In the vitamin A-depleted tracheas basal cells were clearly RCK102-positive. Superficial cells in the central part of areas of squamous metaplasia induced by cigarette smoke condensate expressed the basal cell keratins, and were negative for the columnar cell keratin 18 detected by the RGE53 antibody. This finding suggests that in cigarette smoke condensate-induced squamous metaplasia basal cells play an important role. The mucus-producing cells at the edges of metaplastic squamous cell foci expressed the keratins specific to columnar cells. Cigarette smoke condensate exposure accelerated epithelial keratinization compared to the vitamin A-depleted epithelium. It was concluded that not only small mucous granule cells, but also basal cells are involved in the development and maintenance of induced squamous metaplasia in tracheal epithelium. Furthermore, in vitro vitamin A-depleted epithelium did not coexpress vimentin in addition to the different keratins.  相似文献   

Melachronous beating of cilia of epithelial surfaces of most respiratory airways moves the overlying mucous layer in a caudal direction. The molecular mechanisms controlling ciliary beat remain largely unknown. Calcium, an element in its cationic form, is ubiquitous in biological functions and its concentration is critical for ciliary beating. Calmodulin, a calcium-binding protein which regulates the activity of many enzymes and cellular processes, may regulate ciliary beating by controlling enzymes responsible for mechanochemical movement between adjacent peripheral microtubule doublets composing the ciliary axoneme. As a first step in describing a calmodulin-related controlling mechanism for ciliary beating, calmodulin was localized in the ciliated cells lining the respiratory tracts of hamsters by electron microscopy, using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique with anticalmodulin antibodies as the molecular probe. Thin-sections revealed calmodulin located on microtubules and dynein arms of the ciliary shaft, basal body, apical cytoskeletal microtubules, and plasma membranes in specimens fixed with 1 mM Ca+2. Specimens fixed with less Ca+2 (1 microM), Mn+2, Mg+2, and EGTA showed a diffuse pattern of calmodulin with loci of greatest densities on basal body microtubule triplets. Demembranated specimens showed a less specific localization on axonemal microtubules but only on cells fixed with Ca+2. Calmodulin, by binding calcium, may function in ciliary beating in the respiratory tract of mammals either directly or indirectly through its effects on the energy-producing enzymes and by control of Ca+2 flux through plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Mild mechanical abrasion of tracheal epithelium of Vitamin A deficient rats removed the superficial cells and spared basal cells which divided to repopulate the damaged area. The proliferative cells passed through a period of DNA synthesis with the greatest numbers of thymidine incorporating cells in samples labelled 22 h after injury. A peak of cell division occurred at 32 h and there was no further DNA synthesis or cell division. The area of wounding exhibited squamous metaplasia while normal pseudostratified muco-ciliary structure was retained by adjacent epithelium which had not been injured. The data indicates that squamous metaplasia in the respiratory epithelium in longstanding Vitamin A deficiency is due to redirected differentiation of basal cells and is seen only after mitotic activity has occurred.  相似文献   

All stages of regeneration in hamster tracheal epithelium were studied following a denuding mechanical injury. At 1 h all the cells had sloughed from the wound site leaving a bare and sometimes disrupted basal lamina. Viable cells at the wound margins rapidly changed shape, flattened and migrated to cover the denuded lesion by 12 h. In addition, epithelial cells that remained viable demonstrated sublethal changes that included the rapid discharge of mucous granules from secretory cells, internalization of cilia by ciliated cells and evidence of heterophagy in both cell types. By 24 h a wave of epithelial cell divisions occurred, primarily by secretory cells. This produced a multilayered epidermoid metaplasia that was best developed at 48 h. The metaplastic epithelium was largely composed of cells with both secretory (mucous granules) and epidermoid (tonofilament bundles and numerous desmosomes) characteristics. The peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method demonstrated a few keratin-positive cells in the wound as early as 12 h post-wounding and keratin was demonstrated in more cells by 24 h. All cells in the metaplastic wound epithelium were keratin-positive by 48 h. Following 48 h some of the most superficial keratinized cells sloughed from the epithelium and the keratin content of the remaining cells began to decline. At 72 h pre-ciliated and pre-secretory cells were seen in the wound. Pre-ciliated cells were characterized by an abundant electron-lucent cytoplasm, large pale nucleus, filiform apical microvilli and evidence of ciliogenesis, similar to that seen during fetal development. Pre-ciliated cells often contained apical mucous granules, apparently carried over from the parent secretory cells. With the appearance of these columnar cells the normal mucociliary morphology was restored in small wounds by 120 h, but some persistent epidermoid metaplasia remained in the large wounds through 168 h post-wounding. These data provide further evidence for the important role of secretory cells in the histogenesis of epidermoid metaplasia and the regeneration of normal morphology following injury. The implications of these findings in understanding the histogenesis of other lesions in the tracheo-bronchial epithelium are discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of media on differentiation of cultured human tracheal epithelium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The purpose of the this study was to find media that supported high levels of differentiation in primary cultures of human tracheal epithelium. We tested six previously described, partially defined media and three nondefined media. Cells were grown with an air interface on porous-bottomed inserts, and differentiation was assessed from electrophysiological properties, levels of total protein and deoxyribonucleic acid, and histology. In all media, cells polarized and developed tight junctions, as assessed from transepithelial electrical resistance and were better differentiated at 14 d after plating than at 7 d. The partially defined media described previously by Gray et al. (Am. J. Respir. Cell. Mol. Biol. 14:104-112; 1996) and Matsui et al. (J. Clin. Invest. 102:1125-1131; 1998) and an undefined medium containing Ultroser G serum substitute produced the most highly differentiated epithelial cells, as revealed by a high short-circuit current (I(sc)) and a ciliated, pseudostratified appearance. In other media, cells tended to be either squamous or stratified squamous, with I(sc) levels <25% of those obtained with the three optimal media. Though no key factor in the composition of the partially defined media could be identified, two of the four media with high concentrations of retinoic acid produced good differentiation. In contrast, the two media with the lowest [Ca] (0.11 mM) produced poorly differentiated cells, as did the two partially defined media with low or no retinoic acid concentration.  相似文献   

Hamster tracheal epithelial (HTE) cells maintained in primary culture show the induction of specific keratin species under vitamin A-deficient conditions. A comparison was made between the morphology and the expression of keratins in HTE cells in vivo and in primary culture with and without vitamin A. HTE cells cultured in serum-free, vitamin A-supplemented medium formed a simple cuboidal, ciliated monolayer and produced four simple epithelial keratins (7, 8, 18, and 19). In contrast, vitamin A-deficient HTE cells, which were squamous-like and stratified in culture, produced a more complex keratin pattern, with the induction of four additional keratin species (5, 6, 14, and 17). A keratin pair whose expression serves as a marker of stratified epithelia was induced, as well as a single keratin species unique to lesions of squamous metaplasia in vitamin A-deficient hamster tracheal organ cultures. Thus it appears that HTe cells retain the ability to respond to a deficiency in vitamin A through squamous differentiation and increased keratin production when removed from the intact organ and maintained in primary culture in a chemically defined medium. This system may be useful for the study of mechanisms underlying the squamous differentiation of respiratory epithelial cells in the development of bronchogenic tumors.  相似文献   

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