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The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of three normalization methods for analyzing hip abductor activation during rehabilitation exercises. Thirteen healthy subjects performed three open kinetic chain and three closed kinetic chain hip abductor exercises. Surface EMG activity for the gluteus medius was collected during each exercise and normalized based on a maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), mean dynamic (m-DYN), and peak dynamic activity (pk-DYN). Intraclass coefficient correlations (ICCs), intersubject coefficients of variation (CVs), and intrasubject CVs were then calculated for each normalization method. MVIC ICCs exceeded 0.93 for all exercises. M-DYN and pk-DYN ICCs exceeded 0.85 for all exercises except for the sidelying abduction exercise. Intersubject CVs ranged from 55% to 77% and 19% to 61% for the MVIC and dynamic methods, respectively. Intrasubject CVs ranged from 11% to 22% for all exercises under all normalization methods. The MVIC method provided the highest measurement reliability for determining differences in activation amplitudes between hip abductor exercises in healthy subjects. Future research should determine if these same results would apply to a symptomatic patient population.  相似文献   



Longitudinal measurement is commonly employed in health research and provides numerous benefits for understanding disease and trait progression over time. More broadly, it allows for proper treatment of correlated responses within clusters. We evaluated 3 methods for analyzing genome-by-epigenome interactions with longitudinal outcomes from family data.


Linear mixed-effect models, generalized estimating equations, and quadratic inference functions were used to test a pharmacoepigenetic effect in 200 simulated posttreatment replicates. Adjustment for baseline outcome provided greater power and more accurate control of Type I error rates than computation of a pre-to-post change score.


Comparison of all modeling approaches indicated a need for bias correction in marginal models and similar power for each method, with quadratic inference functions providing a minor decrement in power compared to generalized estimating equations and linear mixed-effects models.

Three programs are described for evaluating and characterisingdata collected during numerical taxonomic studies of bacteria.The program VARIANCE compares replicate cultures and evaluatesthe reproducibility of each character. Also it identifies thosecharacters that should be excluded from subsequent taxonomicanalysis because of their poor reproducibility. GPROPS summarisesthe properties of clusters of strains that have been definedfrom a cluster analysis, it can produce a probabilistic identificationmatrix and compares each strain within a cluster with the HypotheticalMean Organism (HMO) of that cluster. OVCLUST is an implementationof the program described by Sneath (1979) which calculates overlapstatistics between major clusters. These programs are designedto complement the CLUSTAN package (Wishart, 1982) which is oftenused for cluster analysis of bacterial taxonomic data. The programswere written in FORTRAN 77 and implemented on an IBM PC usingMS–DOS. Received on November 13, 1986; accepted on January 8, 1987  相似文献   

All infant mammals make a transition from suckling milk to eating solid foods. Yet, the neuromuscular implications of the transition from a liquid-only diet to solid foods are unknown even though the transport and swallowing of liquids is different from that of solids. We used legacy electromyography (EMG) data to test hypotheses concerning the changes in motor pattern and neuromuscular control that occur during the transition from an all-liquid diet to consumption of solid food in a porcine model. EMG signals were recorded from five oropharyngeal muscles in pigs at three developmental stages (infants, juveniles, and adults) feeding on milk, on food of an intermediate consistency (porridge), and on dry chow (juveniles and adults only). We measured cycle frequency and its variation in "transport cycles" and "swallow cycles". In the swallow cycles, a measure of variation of the EMG signal was also calculated. Variation in cycle frequency for transport and swallow cycles was lowest in adults, as predicted, suggesting that maturation of feeding mechanisms occurs as animals reach adulthood. Infants had lower variation in transport cycle frequency than did juveniles drinking milk, which may be due to the greater efficiency of the infant's tight oral seal against the teat during suckling, compared to a juvenile drinking from a bowl where a tight seal is not possible. Within juveniles, variation in both transport and swallow cycle frequencies was directly related to food consistency, with the highest variation occurring when drinking milk and the lowest when feeding on solid food. There was no difference in the variation of the EMG activity between intact infants and juveniles swallowing milk, although when the latter swallow porridge the EMG signals were less variable than for milk. These results suggest that consistency of food is a highly significant determinant of the variation in motor pattern, particularly in newly weaned animals.  相似文献   

The latex agglutination test has been adapted for prey-predator studies. It has been found that the most satisfactory antisera for this test can be prepared by two to three injections of 10 mg of antigen into the lymph nodes of rabbits at 7-day intervals. The reagent is stable for 3 months at 4°, and the test is as specific and sensitive as the precipitin test but has the advantage that no special equipment is needed and that the results can be obtained in 2–3 min. In laboratory trials a single pea aphid could still be detected in the stomach contents of 50% of Coccinella septempunctata 24 hr after feeding.
Zusammenfassung Der Latex-Agglutinationstest wurde als Methode zum Studium von Beute-Räuberbeziehungen untersucht und zwar, weil dieser Test schnell ist und keine komplizierten Apparate nötig macht. Es wurde festgestellt, dass Antisera am besten mit der Lymphknoteninjektionsmethode hergestellt werden und dass 10 mg Protein benötigt wird. Das Latexreagens wird hergestellt, indem das Immunoglobulin (IgG) vom Antiserum getrennt wird und indem Polystyrol-Latexpartikel mit dieser Lösung überzogen werden. Das Reagens ist drei Monate haltbar bei 4°. Der Latex-Agglutinationstest hat dieselbe Empfindlichkeit und Spezifität wie der üblicherweise verwendete Präzipitintest. In einer Laboratoriumsuntersuchung konnten einzelne Erbsenläuse, Acyrthosiphon pisum, im Mageninhalt von Coccinella septempunctata festgestellt werden und zwar für mindestens 16 h nach dem Fressen und in 25% der Fälle für 48 h. Die Grenzen serologischer Tests werden diskutiert.

This study was undertaken while CEO was on a study Fellowship from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.  相似文献   

It is currently not possible to record electromyographic (EMG) signals from many locations concurrently inside the muscle in a single wire electrode system. We developed a thin-film wire electrode system for multichannel intramuscular EMG recordings. The system was fabricated using a micromachining process, with a silicon wafer as production platform for polyimide-based electrodes. In the current prototype, the flexible polymer structure is 220 microm wide, 10 microm thick, and 1.5 cm long, and it has eight circular platinum-platinum chloride recording sites of 40-microm diameter distributed along the front and back surfaces with 1,500-microm intersite spacing. The system prototype was tested in six experiments where the electrode was implanted into the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle of rabbits, perpendicular to the pennation angle of the muscle fibers. Asynchronous motor unit activity was induced by eliciting the withdrawal reflex or sequential crushes of the sciatic nerve using a pair of forceps. Sixty-seven motor units were identified from these recordings. In the bandwidth 200 Hz to 5 kHz, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the action potentials of the detected motor units was 75 +/- 12 muV and the root mean square of the noise was 1.6 +/- 0.4 muV. The noise level and amplitude of the action potentials were similar for measures separated by up to 40 min. The experimental tests demonstrated that thin film is a promising technology for a new type of flexible-wire intramuscular EMG recording system with multiple detection sites.  相似文献   

Development in Indonesia, particularly in Bali, has been planned and done through several stages of the Five-Year Development Programs, which started in 1969, and emphasized intensification of agriculture and extensification of industries related to potential resources available in the region. In the process, industrialization, being regarded as a prerequisite to higher living standards, brought with it problems concerning safety, health, and work conditions, especially with respect to transfer of technology. As examples, experiences and data, related particularly to ergonomics in the sectors of agriculture, hotel business, textile mills, transportation, and others in Bali, Indonesia, are reported. In dealing with such possible consequences of development, efforts to find fundamental solutions should be given the highest priority. It is necessary to make use of all the existing institutions having potential functions and roles in the policy of development planning, and to take into consideration the factors of safety, health, and work conditions in specifying technical and financial development projects for industrialization.  相似文献   

Value of field data for extrapolation in anthrax   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

生态交错带的定量判定   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
石培礼  李文华 《生态学报》2002,22(4):586-592
生态过渡性是梯度环境的特征之一,过渡带的显著性是地理学和地植物学中长期争论的重要问题,生态交错带位置和宽度的判定是定量研究交错带生态学过程的基础。样带法是采集非连续梯度数据和研究交错带的结构,功能和格局梯度变化的有效方法。生态交错带变化最为显著的特征是植被的变化,包括植物种类组成和植被结构的变化,植被生态学群落分析中的相异系数,β多样性,梯度分析和分类排序技术等已被证明是成熟可靠的方法。介绍两种交错带定量判定的有效方法。游动分割窗技术是通过滑动求取样带上样点间相异系数,通过相异系数变化曲线判定交错带的位置和宽度。分割窗技术提供了敏感地定位非连续梯度的客观且有效的方法,它不仅可用于环境梯度上的等距离样点取样,而且可用于非等距离梯度带多元变量的分析。植被的特征是对生态环境连续体的综合反应,植被在环境梯度上的排序参数提供了一种较好的交错带定量指标,样带植被数据特征参数的变异轮廓图能够反应植被沿样带的物种组成,结构和空间变化格局,可以反应植被沿环境梯度的β多样性和植物群落的梯度分化,植被变异侧面轮廓图的间断或不连续(突变)区间就是群落边界的位置。  相似文献   

As the number of complete genomes that have been sequenced keeps growing, unknown areas of the protein space are revealed and new horizons open up. Most of this information will be fully appreciated only when the structural information about the encoded proteins becomes available. The goal of structural genomics is to direct large-scale efforts of protein structure determination, so as to increase the impact of these efforts. This review focuses on current approaches in structural genomics aimed at selecting representative proteins as targets for structure determination. We will discuss the concept of representative structures/folds, the current methodologies for identifying those proteins, and computational techniques for identifying proteins which are expected to adopt new structural folds.  相似文献   

Undergraduate field experiences (UFEs) are a prominent element of science education across many disciplines; however, empirical data regarding the outcomes are often limited. UFEs are unique in that they typically take place in a field setting, are often interdisciplinary, and include diverse students. UFEs range from courses, to field trips, to residential research experiences, and thereby have the potential to yield a plethora of outcomes for undergraduate participants. The UFE community has expressed interest in better understanding how to assess the outcomes of UFEs. In response, we developed a guide for practitioners to use when assessing their UFE that promotes an evidence‐based, systematic, iterative approach. This essay guides practitioners through the steps of: identifying intended UFE outcomes, considering contextual factors, determining an assessment approach, and using the information gained to inform next steps. We provide a table of common learning outcomes with aligned assessment tools, and vignettes to illustrate using the assessment guide. We aim to support comprehensive, informed assessment of UFEs, thus leading to more inclusive and reflective UFE design, and ultimately improved student outcomes. We urge practitioners to move toward evidence‐based advocacy for continued support of UFEs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare conception rates, non-return rates and sex ratios of sexed and conventional semen from the same sires in commercial dairy herds in Denmark. The semen was produced from three bulls from each of the three major dairy breeds in Denmark: Holstein, Jersey and Danish Red Dairy Breed (nine bulls total), in order to answer questions on breeds differences in field results. AI was performed by trained technicians using a minimum of 150 doses of sorted sperm and 50 control doses from each bull. During the trial, a total of 2087 doses were used in 63 herds.The trial showed that the conception rate using sorted semen was 5% points lower than with conventional doses for Danish Reds, 7% points for Jerseys, and 12% points for Holsteins. Translating this into non-return rate revealed differences of 10-20% points among bulls. These differences are thought to be a good indicator of what to expect from commercial use of sexed semen.The sex ratios varied from 89% to 93% female calves among breeds, which on average is consistent with the theoretical average sex ratio of 93% females considering the low number of inseminations.  相似文献   

R A White  N H Terry 《Cytometry》1992,13(5):490-495
A method is presented for analyzing data from bivariate analysis of cell populations exposed to bromodeoxyuridine and subsequently examined both for the presence of BrdUrd and for the cellular DNA content. It is shown that certain features may be defined in the bivariate data which are constant independent both of cell type and, within limits, experimental variability. These landmark features include the ratio of red, DNA, fluorescence of G2 + M cells to G1 cells, the ratio of green fluorescence corresponding to the non-specific binding of unlabeled G2 + M cells to unlabeled G1 cells, and the distribution of green fluorescence in unlabeled cells. The landmarks make it possible to standardize rules for establishing the separation line between-labeled and unlabeled cells as required in these experiments to obtain estimates of cytokinetic parameters. Values obtained for the DNA synthesis time and the potential doubling time which result from different decision rules for distinguishing labeled from unlabeled are compared in two murine tumor lines. The potential doubling time, but not the DNA synthesis time is shown to depend sensitively on the separation line. Suggestions are presented for analyzing clinical data with this procedure.  相似文献   

Complex diseases, by definition, involve multiple factors, including gene-gene interactions and gene-environment interactions. Researchers commonly rely on simulated data to evaluate their approaches for detecting high-order interactions in disease gene mapping. A publicly available simulation program to generate samples involving complex genetic and environmental interactions is of great interest to the community. We have developed a software package named gs1.0, which has been widely used since its publication. In this article, we present an upgraded version gs2.0, which not only inherits its capacity to generate realistic genotype data but also provides great functionality and flexibility to simulate various interaction models. In addition to a standalone version, a user-friendly web server (http://cbc.case.edu/gs) has been set up to help users to build complex interaction models. Furthermore, by utilizing three three-locus models as an example, we have shown how realistic model parameters can be chosen in generating simulated data.  相似文献   

Comparative assessments of population mean growth rates in length remain important aspects of stock assessment in river fisheries. To facilitate these assessments, for 15 fish species encountered in UK rivers reference data are provided on their expected lengths at age, maximum theoretical lengths (L), growth coefficient (K) and instantaneous mortality rate (Z). These data are also transferable to fish populations outside of the UK that experience a similar growth season (approximately April to October, mean water temperatures 12–22°C). Considerable plasticity was observed in the growth of all species examined, with length at age values revealing growth rates from very slow to very fast. Populations considered fast growing against reference data were coincident with a relatively low ultimate length, a high growth coefficient and a high instantaneous mortality rate, suggesting a trade‐off exists between growth rate, ultimate length and life span.  相似文献   

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