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Murine L cells were treated with interferon (IFN) concentrations which reduced by 75 to 80% the synthesis of viral mRNA after infection with reovirus. Protein synthesis was not inhibited in these cells up to 6 h after infection, but a large fraction of the viral mRNA was not associated with polyribosomes and sedimented at about 50S. In contrast, most of the reovirus mRNA was associated with polyribosomes in control infected cells. This mRNA was of similar size to non-polyribosomal mRNA from IFN-treated cells when analyzed by Northern blot hybridization with a cloned cDNA for the s2 reovirus mRNA, indicating that the non-polyribosomal mRNA was not appreciably degraded. Viral mRNA was labeled with [3H]uridine and the non-polyribosomal mRNA was isolated from IFN-treated cells. This mRNA could quantitatively bind to 80S initiation complexes when incubated in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system. These findings indicated that the non-polyribosomal RNA was translatable, but that its binding to functional initiation complexes was inhibited in IFN-treated cells by a discriminatory mechanism, which did not affect translation of cellular mRNA. Previous experiments showed that mRNA is blocked in 48S complexes when the alpha subunit of initiation factor eIF-2 is phosphorylated by the double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase induced by IFN. A localized activation of this kinase could explain the block of viral mRNA in 48S complexes. By labeling the phosphoproteins of IFN-treated cells with 32P, eIF-2 (alpha P) was shown to cosediment with non-polyribosomal mRNA, presumably in 48S complexes.  相似文献   

DNA supercoiling in gyrase mutants.   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Nucleoids isolated from Escherichia coli strains carrying temperature-sensitive gyrA or gyrB mutations were examined by sedimentation in ethidium bromide-containing sucrose density gradients. A shift to restrictive temperature resulted in nucleoid DNA relaxation in all of the mutant strains. Three of these mutants exhibited reversible nucleoid relaxation: when cultures incubated at restrictive temperature were cooled to 0 degree C over a 4- to 5-min period, supercoiling returned to levels observed with cells grown at permissive temperature. Incubation of these three mutants at restrictive temperature also caused nucleoid sedimentation rates to increase by about 50%.  相似文献   

DNA supercoiling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

P Drge  J M Sogo    H Stahl 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(12):3241-3246
Highly torsionally stressed replicative intermediate SV40 DNA molecules are produced when ongoing replicative DNA synthesis is inhibited by aphidicolin, a specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha. The high negative superhelical density of these molecules can be partially released by intercalating drugs such as chloroquine or ethidium bromide. The torsionally stressed replicative intermediates bind to monoclonal anti-Z-DNA antibodies. Electron microscopy of anti-Z-DNA cross-linked to torsionally stressed replicative intermediates shows that the antibody specifically binds close to the replication forks. The superhelical structures are not formed when SV40 DNA replication is inhibited by both aphidicolin and novobiocin, suggesting that a topoisomerase type II-like enzyme is somehow involved in the introduction of torsional strain in replicative intermediate DNA. One interpretation of our data is that fork movement continues to some rather limited extent when SV40 DNA synthesis in replicative chromatin is blocked by aphidicolin. After deproteinization, the exposed single-stranded DNA branches reassociate to form paranemic DNA structures with left-handed helical stretches, while the reduced linking number of the parental strands induces a high negative superhelical density.  相似文献   

Oxolinic acid reduced RNA synthesis rates whether chromosome supercoiling decreased, increased, or remained unchanged. Thus, inhibition of RNA synthesis by oxolinic acid appears to involve factors other than average DNA supercoiling level. Coumermycin A1 caused RNA synthesis rates to increase or decrease roughly in parallel with DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

DNA supercoiling in vivo   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
DNA topoisomerase mutants of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were used to study the topological state of intracellular DNA. In E. coli, it is shown that switching off the gene topA encoding DNA topoisomerase I leads to an increase in the degree of negative supercoiling of intracellular DNA and inhibition of the growth of the cells: a d(pCpG)16.d(pCpG)16 sequence on a plasmid is also shown to flip from a right-handed B-helical structure to a left-handed Z-helical structure in vivo when topA is switched off. In S. cerevisiae, the topological state of intracellular DNA is little affected by the cellular levels of the topoisomerases.  相似文献   

Bacterial DNA gyrase and the eukaryotic type II DNA topoisomerases are ATPases that catalyse the introduction or removal of DNA supercoils and the formation and resolution of DNA knots and catenanes. Gyrase is unique in using ATP to drive the energetically unfavourable negative supercoiling of DNA, an example of mechanochemical coupling: in contrast, eukaryotic topoisomerase II relaxes DNA in an ATP-requiring reaction. In each case, the enzyme-DNA complex acts as a 'gate' mediating the passage of a DNA segment through a transient enzyme-bridged double-strand DNA break. We are using a variety of genetic and enzymic approaches to probe the nature of these complexes and their mechanism of action. Recent studies will be described focusing on the role of DNA wrapping on the A2B2 gyrase complex, subunit activities uncovered by using ATP analogues and the coumarin and quinolone inhibitors, and the identification and functions of discrete subunit domains. Homology between gyrase subunits and the A2 homodimer of eukaryotic topo II suggests functional conservation between these proteins. The role of ATP hydrolysis by these topoisomerases will be discussed in regard to other energy coupling systems.  相似文献   

Comment on: Witz G, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108:3608-11.  相似文献   

Using purified DNA gyrase to supercoil circular plasmid pBR322 DNA, we examined how the linking number attained at the steady state (‘static head’) varies with the concentrations of ATP and ADP, both in the absence and presence of spermidine. In the absence of spermidine at total adenine nucleotide concentrations between 0.35 and 1.4 mM, the static-head linking number was independent of the sum concentration of ATP and ADP, but depended strongly on the ratio of their concentrations. We established that the same linking number was attained independent of the direction from which the steady state was approached. The decrease in linking number at static head is more extensive when spermidine is present in the incubation, but remains a function of the [ATP]-to-[ADP] ratio. These results are discussed in terms of various kinetic schemes for DNA gyrase. We present one kinetic scheme that accounts for the experimental observations. According to this scheme our experimental results imply that there is significant slip in DNA gyrase when spermidine is absent. It is possible that spermidine acts through adjustment of the degree of coupling of DNA gyrase.  相似文献   

DNA supercoiling inhibits DNA knotting   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Despite the fact that in living cells DNA molecules are long and highly crowded, they are rarely knotted. DNA knotting interferes with the normal functioning of the DNA and, therefore, molecular mechanisms evolved that maintain the knotting and catenation level below that which would be achieved if the DNA segments could pass randomly through each other. Biochemical experiments with torsionally relaxed DNA demonstrated earlier that type II DNA topoisomerases that permit inter- and intramolecular passages between segments of DNA molecules use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to select passages that lead to unknotting rather than to the formation of knots. Using numerical simulations, we identify here another mechanism by which topoisomerases can keep the knotting level low. We observe that DNA supercoiling, such as found in bacterial cells, creates a situation where intramolecular passages leading to knotting are opposed by the free-energy change connected to transitions from unknotted to knotted circular DNA molecules.  相似文献   

The absence of supercoiling in kinetoplast DNA minicircles.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Crithidia fasciculata kinetoplast DNA is a mitochondrial DNA composed of 5000 minicircles and approximately 25 maxicircles, all catenated into a giant network. By comparing the linking number of minicircles released from the network by limited sonication with that of control minicircles, we demonstrate that not only does the elaborate catenation of the network not cause supercoiling, but that there is no minicircle supercoiling at all. The absence of catenation-induced supercoiling is explained by our finding [using electron microscopy (EM) and gel electrophoresis] that network minicircles are joined by only one interlock; single interlocking can be accommodated without helix distortion. EM revealed that propidium diiodide supertwists all the network minicircles and thereby condenses the network into a much smaller size while maintaining its planarity. At high dye concentration the network is condensed to a size comparable to that found in vivo. Nevertheless, network minicircles bind less propidium than free minicircles, indicating that catenation into a network restricts the supercoiling of individual rings. These studies show that the mitochondrion of trypanosomatids may be a unique niche in nature where a covalently-closed circular DNA is not supercoiled. This absence of supercoiling may be a major factor in promoting the formation of the network.  相似文献   

Novobiocin, an inhibitor of gyrase-induced DNA supercoiling and DNA replication in prokaryotes, inhibited the incorporation of DNA precursors into DNA in both intact and permeable Chinese hamster ovary cells; much higher concentrations were required for permeable cells, in which no new replicons were initiated. Nucleoids were prepared from cells that were incubated for 60 min with 200 micrograms/ml novobiocin, made permeable, and incubated with 0--50 micrograms/ml ethidium bromide. Sedimentation of the nucleoids in neutral sucrose gradients suggested that the number of supercoils in the average nucleoid had been reduced by prior incubation with novobiocin. In intact cells, novobiocin is required inside the cell for continued inhibition of DNA synthesis, suggesting that it does not act directly on the DNA. Alkaline sucrose gradient profiles of DNA synthesized in the presence of novobiocin in intact cells indicated that the drug inhibited replicon initiation while having little if any effect on chain elongation. These data are consistent with the idea that an activity similar to the bacterial gyrase generates supercoils in mammalian DNA and produces the proper conformation for the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Soluble extracts prepared from the nucleus and cytoplasm of human 293 cells are capable of efficient replication and supercoiling of added DNA templates that contain the origin of simian virus 40 replication. Extracts prepared from human HeLa cells are less active than similarly prepared extracts from 293 cells for initiation and elongation of nascent DNA strands. DNA synthesis is dependent on addition of purified simian virus 40 tumor (T) antigen, which is isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography of extracts from cells infected with an adenovirus modified to produce large quantities of this protein. In the presence of T antigen and the cytoplasmic extract, replication initiates at the origin and continues bidirectionally. Initiation is completely dependent on functional origin sequences; a plasmid DNA containing an origin mutation known to affect DNA replication in vivo fails to replicate in vitro. Multiple rounds of DNA synthesis occur, as shown by the appearance of heavy-heavy, bromodeoxyuridine-labeled DNA products. The products of this reaction are resolved, but are relaxed, covalently closed DNA circles. Addition of a nuclear extract during DNA synthesis promotes the negative supercoiling of the replicated DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells labelled with [14C]thymidine were made permeable, incubated with various concentrations of the intercalating dye ethidium bromide, and centrifuged through neutral sucrose gradients. The gradient profiles of these cells were qualitatively similar to those obtained by centrifuging DNA from untreated, lysed permeable cells through gradients containing ethidium bromide. The sedimentation distance of DNA had a biphasic dependence on the concentration of ethidium bromide, suggesting that the dye altered the amount of DNA supercoiling in situ. The effect of ethidium bromide intercalation on incorporation of [3H]dTMP into acid-precipitable material in an in vitro DNA synthesis mixture was measured. The incorporation of [3H]dTMP was unaffected by less than 1 microgram/ml of ethidium bromide, enhanced up to two-fold by 1--10 microgram/ml, and inhibited by concentrations greater than 10 micrograms/ml. Alkaline sucrose gradient analysis revealed a higher percentage of small DNA fragments (6--20 S) in the cells treated with 2 micrograms/ml ethidium bromide than in control cells. These fragments attained parental size within the same time as the fragments in control cells. In cells treated with 2 micrograms/ml ethidium bromide, a significant fraction of newly synthesized DNA resulted from new starts, whereas in untreated cells practically none of the newly synthesized DNA resulted from new starts. These results suggest that relaxation of DNA supercoiled structures ahead of the replication fork generates spurious initiations of DNA synthesis and that in intact cells the rate of chain elongation is limited by supercoiled regions ahead of the growing point.  相似文献   

H S Koo  K Lau  H Y Wu    L F Liu 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(19):5067-5072
A relaxed plasmid DNA is shown to become positively supercoiled in cell extracts from top1 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This positive supercoiling activity is dependent on the presence of bacterial DNA topoisomerase I and ATP (or dATP), and the positive supercoils generated in this reaction are not constrained by protein(s). Non-hydrolyzable ATP analogs cannot substitute for ATP in this supercoiling reaction, and the supercoiling activity is not due to RNA synthesis. The presence of an ARS sequence in the DNA does not alter the activity. Furthermore, this activity is equally active against UV irradiated or intact DNA. Extracts prepared from rad50 and rad52 mutant cells exhibited the same activity. Partial purification of this activity suggests that a protein factor with a native molecular weight of approximately 150 kDa is primarily responsible for the activity. The possibility that this supercoiling activity may be due to tracking of a protein along the intact duplex DNA is discussed.  相似文献   

C. R. Calladine 《Biopolymers》1980,19(10):1705-1713
Covalently closed circular DNA can exist in different configurations known as circular, toroidal, and interwound. Changes among these forms can be made in several ways, including the insertion of dye molecules between adjacent base pairs, which tends to untwist the double-helical structure. The aim of this paper is to discuss these configurations, and the changes among them, in the context of classical elastomechanics. The concepts of twisting, linkage and writhing are explained. Simple experiments on a twisted linear-elastic rod are described, and it is shown that although the circular and interwound forms may be modeled in this way, the toroidal form does not occur, being mechanically unstable. Theoretical energy calculations by Levitt on bent and twisted DNA show that DNA exhibits a particular kind of nonlinear elasticity in which there is an unusual coupling between bending and twisting. The aim of the paper is to show qualitatively that this special kind of elasticity can stabilize the toroidal form of closed circular DNA.  相似文献   

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