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Previous studies on nonhuman primate maternal styles showed that variation in infant-directed behavior falls along two dimensions, traditionally labeled as protectiveness and rejection. We investigated maternal styles in rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and Japanese (M. fuscata) macaques living in analogous captive social groups, and correlated them with the levels of estrogen metabolites excreted in female feces during the perinatal period. We focally observed mother-infant pairs 3 hours per week during the first 12 weeks of infant life. We collected fecal samples twice a week from each mother, starting 4 weeks before delivery and ending 4 weeks after delivery. Three significant components were extracted by principal component analysis from 15 different infant directed behaviors, each reflecting a different aspect of mothering style: rejection is correlated with behavioral measures of maternal opposition to contact; protectiveness is correlated with maternal solicitude; and independence is correlated with time in contact, grooming and cradling. Levels of estrogen metabolites are significantly correlated to rejection but not to protectiveness or independence, indicating that, in nonhuman primates, individual endocrine changes related to maternal behavior might specifically affect the timing of contact interruption.  相似文献   

This research assessed mother–infant relationships in rhesus and Japanese macaques living in analogous captive social groups, and monitored changes in the levels of excreted estrogen metabolites during the peripartum period. Each mother–infant pair was focally observed 3 h per week during the first 12 weeks of life of newborns. Fecal samples were collected twice a week from each mother, starting 4 weeks before delivery and ending 4 weeks after delivery. Infant-directed behaviors appeared to be consistently less protective/controlling and more rejecting in rhesus macaques than in Japanese macaques. Estrogen metabolite levels during the perinatal period were, on average, 3-fold higher in Japanese macaques and showed a sharp increase during the last weeks of pregnancy only in the Japanese macaque group. Considering the ecological and behavioral similarities between Japanese and rhesus macaques, the divergence between the two species in the onset and maintenance of maternal behavior was unexpected. This was possibly linked to the difference in the overall body size and life history, and to the striking divergence in estrogen metabolite variation during the peripartum period. Group size, social relationships, and average age of individuals in the two captive groups were not clearly involved in the recorded differences in maternal behavior. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Infant care from adult males is unexpected in species with high paternity uncertainty. Still, males of several polygynandrous primates engage in frequent affiliative interactions with infants. Two non‐exclusive hypotheses link male infant care to male mating strategies. The paternal investment hypothesis views infant care as a male strategy to maximize the survival of sired offspring, while the mating effort hypothesis predicts that females reward males who cared for their infant by preferably mating with them. Both hypotheses predict a positive relationship between infant care and matings with a particular female. However, the paternal investment hypothesis predicts that increased matings come before infant care whereas the mating effort hypothesis predicts that infant care precedes an increase in matings. Both hypotheses are usually tested from the perspective of the proportion of matings and care that individual females engage in and receive, rather than from the perspective of the care and mating behaviour of individual males. We tested the relationships between care and mating from both female and male perspectives in Barbary macaques. Mating predicted subsequent care and care predicted subsequent mating when viewed from the male but not the female perspective. Males mainly cared for infants of their main mating partners, but infants were not mainly cared for by their likely father. Males mated more with the mothers of their favourite infants, but females did not mate more with the main caretakers of their infants. We suggest that females do not choose their mating partners based on previous infant care, increasing paternity confusion. Males might try to increase paternal investment by distributing the care according to their own instead of female mating history. Further, males pursue females for mating opportunities based on previous care.  相似文献   

Five hypotheses that related female rank and reproductive success were tested in an intact troop of free-ranging, provisioned, Japanese macaques. The hypotheses stated that high-ranking females (1) begin parturition earlier in life than low-ranking females; (2) produce more offspring than low-ranking females; (3) give birth during some optimal time during the birth season to a greater extent than low-ranking females; (4) experience less infant mortality than low-ranking females;and (5) more frequently produce male offspring, while low-ranking females more frequently produce female offspring. A statistical analysis of the data which included three birth seasons and 55 adult females and 34 pubescent females, all of known age, rank, and matrifocal membership in the Arashiyama B troop, revealed few significant results. An association was found between the rank of the matrifocal unit and the age of first birth. However, the relationship was the reverse of hypothesis 1, i.e., females of the lower-ranking matrifocal units began parturition earlier than females of higher-ranking matrifocal units. Therefore, in this troop of Japanese monkeys— where alternative feeding strategies existed— there was little association between female rank and reproductive success.  相似文献   

Exposure to androgens during prenatal development shapes both physiological and behavioral developmental trajectories. Notably, in rhesus macaques, prenatal androgen exposure has been shown to increase rough-and-tumble play, a prominent behavioral feature in males during the juvenile period in primates. While macaques are an Old World, polygamous species with marked sexually dimorphic behavior, New World callitrichine primates (marmosets and tamarins) live in cooperative breeding groups and are considered to be socially monogamous and exhibit minimal sexual dimorphism in social play, which suggests that androgen may affect this species in different ways compared to macaques. In addition, we previously described considerable variation in maternal androgen production during gestation in marmosets. Here we tested the association between this variation and variation in offspring rough-and-tumble play patterns in both males and females. We measured testosterone and androstenedione levels in urine samples collected from pregnant marmoset mothers and then observed their offspring's play behavior as juveniles (5-10 months of age). In contrast to findings in rhesus macaques, hierarchical regression analyses showed that higher gestational testosterone levels, primarily in the second semester, were associated with decreased rough-and-tumble play in juveniles, and this relationship appears to be driven more so by males than females. We found no reliable associations between gestational androstenedione and juvenile play behavior. Our findings provide evidence to suggest that normative variation in levels of maternal androgen during gestation may influence developmental behavioral trajectories in marmosets in a way that contradicts previous findings in Old World primates.  相似文献   

Adult male Tibetan(Macaca thibetana), Barbary(M. sylvanus), and stump-tailed macaques(M. arctoides) engage in bridging, a ritualized infant-handling behavior. Previous researchers found a bias toward the use of male infants for this behavior, but its function is debated. Explanations include three hypotheses: paternal care, mating effort, and agonistic buffering. We studied a group of habituated, provisioned Tibetan macaques to test whether adult males' affiliative relationships with females predicted their use of an infant for bridging. We also examined biases for sex, age, and individual in males' choice of bridging infant. We collected data via all occurrences, focal animal, and scan methods, from August to September 2011 at the Valley of the Wild Monkeys, China. We found that male infants were significantly preferred over females for bridging, but of three male infants in the group, only one was used by all males, while one male infant was used less often than expected. Adult males had females they were significantly more likely to be proximate to and/or to groom, but these corresponded to the mother of the bridging infant for only one male. Our results are most consistent with the agonistic buffering hypothesis: lower-ranked males used the alpha male's preferred bridging infant in an attempt to regulate their interactions with the alpha.  相似文献   

Female mounting behavior was studied in a troop of Japanese macaques during one breeding season. Of 79 sexually active females, mounting behavior during consortships was shown by 50 females; 13 only with males, 20 with both males and females, and 17 only with females. Several factors associated with reproductive state influenced the expression of mounting activity. Recency of parturition influenced the mounting by females regardless of the type of partner. Females that had not given birth the previous spring (four to six months prior to the period of observation) were more likely both to mount partners and to produce an infant the following spring. These findings suggest the existence of a common factor, perhaps associated with lactation, inhibitory both to expression of mounting and to female fertility. Additionally, females that mounted were more likely to do so in consortships that followed than in those that preceded conception. This last finding suggests that, in this social context, the endocrine conditions of early pregnancy facilitated mounting to a greater extent than those associated with the cyclic ovary. Separate statistical analyses examined possible influences of age, dominance rank, and kinship on the likelihoods of mounting and being mounted. None of these factors influenced female mounting. Results suggest that the expression of mounting by females was more influenced by reproductive state than by social characteristics of the partner.  相似文献   

大熊猫妊娠及产仔行为观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄祥明  余建秋 《四川动物》1999,18(4):179-181
对人工饲养下8 只次怀孕产仔大熊猫的妊娠反应、产仔行为和7 只次配种未孕大熊猫行为进行比较研究表明, 受配雌兽到一定时间后摄取窝头情况可作为判断是否怀孕及预测产期的重要行为指标。怀孕产仔大熊猫和假孕大熊猫都有类似的反应: 减食, 拒食窝头、竹, 活动量明显减少, 乳房、外阴发生较大变化, 舔外阴、含竹作巢等。但前者拒食窝头并持续到产后一段时间, 后者有的在拒食窝头的中途出现摄食窝头的行为; 有的减食或拒食不久又摄食窝头- 再拒食- 再摄食, 活动量减少, 外阴、乳房仅有微弱变化。产仔大熊猫的预产期在减食窝头后25 天左右或拒食窝头后的21 天左右。大熊猫产仔期破羊水次数与每胎产仔只数有关。  相似文献   

摄食胎盘行为是哺乳动物分娩过程的组成部分之一,具有重要的生态学和生物学意义。野生哺乳动物的分娩大多发生在夜间,受光线和视线等观察条件的限制,很难直接观察到野生动物的分娩行为。2015年4月9日8点59分,我们在安徽黄山观察野生短尾猴 (Macaca thibetana) 鱼鳞坑A1群时,发现初次生产的雌性个体“头华玉 (THY)”分娩后摄食胎盘的行为,随即采用目标动物取样法记录了该个体摄食胎盘的行为过程。THY摄食胎盘包括舔舐、撕成片状、刮食和吞咽等过程,历时2小时29分钟,其中摄食胎盘有效时间长于63min,进程缓慢。与其他相关研究比较,初次生产的雌性短尾猴头华玉 (THY) 摄食胎盘具有花费时间长、社会交往多、警惕性高的特点。本研究是本课题组在安徽黄山研究短尾猴30年首次直接观察到产后摄食胎盘行为,为了解短尾猴的繁殖行为和非人灵长类的繁殖特性提供了难得基础资料。  相似文献   

This experiment addressed the hypothesis that aggressiveness toward conspecifics is stimulated by hormonal factors known to mediate the onset of maternal care. Subjects included both pregnant and virgin females. Sixteen-day pregnant rats were hysterectomized (H), hysterectomized-ovariectomized and injected with estrogen (HO-EB), or subjected to sham procedures. Nonpregnant females were HO-EB or sham operated. The females were sensitized by continuous exposure to pups and were judged to have initiated maternal care when all pups were retrieved and grouped, Aggressiveness was observed during 5-min intruder tests using unfamiliar males, administered (a) 10 min prior to the introduction of test pups, (b) following the first 3 hr of pup exposure, and (c) after females had initiated maternal care. The results revealed that treatments known to reduce sensitization latencies also increased aggressiveness even prior to exposure to pups. Aggressiveness was displayed before sensitization only in groups having elevated estrogen levels. After initiating maternal behavior, pregnant and pregnancy-terminated females increased further in aggressiveness whereas nonpregnant females did not. Pregnancy-terminated, HO-Oil females became aggressive (only) after initiating maternal behavior, indicating that factors other than estrogen also influence the onset of maternal aggression.  相似文献   

Abstract: The SIV-infected macaque provides an excellent model to study factors involved in maternal-fetal transmission of HIV. In our prenatal transmission studies, female macaques were inoculated intravenously during midgestation with either SIV/DeltaB670 or a combination of SIV/DeltaB670 and the macrophage-tropic molecular clone SIV/17E-Fr. The females harbored a genetically diverse virus population at parturition, whereas a single genotype from the maternal quasispecies was identified in the infants. One of two variants was transplacentally transmitted to the infants, SIV/17E-Fr or B670-Cl 12, a genotype contained within the SIV/DeltaB670 inoculum. Both of these variants have been identified in the central nervous system of macaques that have developed encephalitis and they replicate in vitro on primary rhesus macrophages. These results suggest a critical role for macrophages in fetal infection in utero. In our perinatal transmission studies we have evaluated the viral genotypes found in two newborn macaques infected orally with SIV/DeltaB670 and in one infant infected via amniotic inoculation in late gestation. More than one viral genotype was identified in each infant, moreover, each infant harbored different genotypes. These results suggest different mechanisms are responsible for viral infection via these routes.  相似文献   

The friendly and aggressive behaviors directed by females other than the mother to the troop's infants were recorded during a six-month long study of stumptail macaques living on an island. A great deal of friendly contacts were directed by the females toward the troop's infants. Juvenile females interacted with infants mainly through social play while adult females directed passive contacts (e.g., touch-hand) to them. While the adult females displayed more care contacts toward male infants the juvenile females preferred the female infants. The social position of the infant's mother in the troop and the attention it received from the males regulated the caring behavior an infant received from the females.  相似文献   

In past research on human and nonhuman primates, maternal responsiveness and behavior has been thought of as an experiential, cognitive mechanism; however, recent findings have shown that maternal motivation and behavior may not be entirely divorced from the endocrine system. To investigate the relationship between interest in infants and the hormonal changes related to pregnancy, we examined the nature of social interactions across parturition between a large sample (n = 133) of adult female baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis sp.) and unrelated infants. Prepartum data were collected during ten 30-min focal observations for each subject. Each mother-infant pair was then observed through the infant's first 8 weeks of life. A total of 2325 h of observation was recorded. Urine was collected on 65 subjects, starting 5 weeks before the expected date of parturition and ending 4 weeks after parturition. Evidence for a connection between endocrine function and responsiveness toward infants was found. Affiliative behaviors during the prepartum period were positively correlated to the estrogen/cortisol ratio and high dominance rank. In the postpartum period, affiliative behaviors were positively correlated with prepartum progesterone and dominance rank, and negatively correlated with postpartum cortisol levels. Finally, a positive correlation was recorded during the postpartum period between prepartum progesterone and aggression, and a negative correlation between postpartum cortisol and aggression and submission. Our data suggest that the endocrine changes that may help regulate maternal care of offspring also influence the way in which pre- and postpartum female baboons interact with unrelated infants in their social group.  相似文献   

We measured the concentration of steroid hormones from urine, feces, and blood samples of two captive Japanese macaques, Macaca fuscata, during nonconceptive ovarian cycles to compare the patterns of the excreted steroids with those of circulating steroids. Urine and feces were analyzed for estrone conjugates (E1C) and pregnanediol-3-glucronide (PdG) using enzyme immunoassays (EIAs), while plasma was analyzed for estradiol-17beta(E2), progesterone (P), and luteinizing hormone (LH) using radioimmunoassays (RIAs). Urinary and fecal E1C and PdG levels were approximately parallel to plasma E2 and P levels, respectively. The E1C profiles of daily urinary and fecal samples revealed a midcycle peak, followed by a sustained PdG increase lasting up to two weeks from the E1C peak. A fecal E1C peak was one day later than the urinary E1C peak. One of the captive females exhibited a discrete plasma LH peak, one indicator that ovulation has occurred, on the day following the urinary E1C peak, i.e., the same day of fecal E1C peak. We measured excreted steroids in nine wild females and determined the timing of ovulation by comparing fecal steroid profiles to those obtained in captive monkeys. Data from wild females indicated that eight of nine females conceived during their first ovulatory cycle of the sampling period, whereas the remaining female failed to conceive during the sampling period even though she ovulated. In the eight females that conceived, E1C increased again following the detected or estimated E1C peak, with levels comparable to the preovulatory peak levels, and sustained elevations of PdG for over 40 days. These data illustrate that the urinary and fecal profiles of ovarian steroid excretion obtained through the application of these noninvasive techniques provide an accurate approach for monitoring conceptive and nonconceptive ovarian cycle in captive and free-living Japanese macaques.  相似文献   

A simple method for extracting and measuring ovarian steroids in feces is applied to the ovarian cycle, pregnancy, parturition, and period of lactational amenorrhea in Pithecia pithecia. Small amounts of wet, unmixed feces were combined with a modified phosphate buffer, shaken, centrifuged, and decanted, and the supernatant was directly measured for estrogen and progesterone metabolites by enzyme immunoassays. Urinary estrogen and progesterone metabolite measurements were compared to paired fecal measurements to determine the degree to which fecal hormone levels detected the same ovarian events as urinary measurements. The correlation coefficients for the relationship between urinary and fecal hormones for individual animals studied (n = 5) were found to be statistically significant in every case except one sexually immature animal. The application of the method presented here demonstrates that simple solubilization and non-radiometric measurement of ovarian steroids excreted in feces reliably reflect reproductive events in Pithecia pithecia. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There are measurable differences in behavior, physiology, social organization, and geographic distribution within and between various species of macaques. We collected information on the social behavior of captive Macaca fascicularis from Indochina and island populations after they had been transferred to a new environment and new social groups. While some changes in behavior occurred over time, we found no decrease in high levels of agonistic behaviors. We interpret this finding in light of previous research reporting that long-tailed macaques show low levels of habitatuation to novelty and are highly aroused in comparison to other macaque species. We found predictable differences in behavior for males, females, and infants, in which infants played more, females had higher levels of contact proximity to other individuals, and males exhibited more sexual and threat behavior. A comparison of social behavior in long-tailed macaques from different origins indicate that Indochinese macaques are generally less affiliative and Indochinese males are more aggressive than their insular counterparts. Differences among macaque species, and within the fascicularis-group, should be considered in management of captive colonies and when interpreting research data.  相似文献   

Knowledge of factors influencing the timing of reproduction is important for animal conservation and management. Brown bears (Ursus arctos) are able to vary the birth date of their cubs in response to their fat stores, but little information is available about the timing of implantation and parturition in free-ranging brown bears. Body temperature and activity of pregnant brown bears is higher during the gestation period than during the rest of hibernation and drops at parturition. We compared mean daily body temperature and activity levels of pregnant and nonpregnant females during preimplantation, gestation, and lactation. Additionally we tested whether age, litter size, primiparity, environmental conditions, and the start of hibernation influence the timing of parturition. The mean date of implantation was 1 December (SD = 12), the mean date of parturition was 26 January (SD = 12), and the mean duration of the gestation period was 56 days (SD = 2). The body temperature of pregnant females was higher during the gestation and lactation periods than that of nonpregnant bears. The body temperature of pregnant females decreased during the gestation period. Activity recordings were also used to determine the date of parturition. The parturition dates calculated with activity and body temperature data did not differ significantly and were the same in 50% of the females. Older females started hibernation earlier. The start of hibernation was earlier during years with favorable environmental conditions. Dates of parturition were later during years with good environmental conditions which was unexpected. We suggest that free-ranging pregnant brown bears in areas with high levels of human activities at the beginning of the denning period, as in our study area, might prioritize investing energy in early denning than in early parturition during years with favorable environmental conditions, as a strategy to prevent disturbances caused by human.  相似文献   

The concentration of lactose in the mammary secretion from individual glands of two sows increased significantly (P less than 0.01) between 0 and 24 h after parturition. In six sows studied during the perinatal period there was a negative correlation (r = -0.80; P less than 0.02) at parturition between the concentration of progesterone in the blood and the concentration of lactose in the mammary secretion. Furthermore, the increase in concentration of lactose in the mammary secretion after parturition was related to the timing of the decline of plasma progesterone to low levels. The results indicate that the initiation of lactation occurs within 24 h of parturition in most sows, and the results are consistent with the hypothesis that progesterone withdrawal acts as the 'trigger'. Neither the changes in corticosteroid binding globulin nor the changes in total corticosteroids were temporally related to the initiation of lactation. However, a circadian rhythm was observed for total corticosteroids in the blood of three out of nine lactating and pregnant sows, whereas no circadian rhythm was observed in progesterone of the four pregnant sows. The results are discussed in relation to the disease complex mastitis-metritis-agalactia.  相似文献   

Treatment with PGF resulted in the termination of pregnancy in 16- and 19-day pregnant rats, but not in 10- or 13-day pregnant rats. Rats that aborted displayed a rapid onset of maternal behavior when tested with foster pups. Aborted rats also displayed sexual receptivity and ovulation: these phenomena resemble the sequence of events following hysterectomy on the same days of pregnancy. Both can be related to the events surrounding normal parturition in the rat. The results are interpreted as due to a pregnancy-induced deactivation of the factor in the uterus that prevents estrogen from stimulating maternal behavior in nonpregnant females. In the absence of this factor, the PGF-induced rise in estrogen secretion facilitates maternal behavior and sexual behavior and induces ovulation.  相似文献   

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