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Summary Changes in the lectin binding of mouse Leydig cells during fetal and postnatal development were examined by light- and electron-microscopy using eight different biotinylated lectins (ConA, WGA, RCA-I, UEA-I, GS-I, PNA, SBA and GS-II). At the light-microscopic level, ConA, WGA, RCA-I, UEA-I and GS-I showed the same binding pattern in which all five lectins bound to the plasma membrane and cytoplasm of Leydig cells from the 13th day post coitum (p.c.) to the 8th postnatal week. PNA, SBA and GS-II reactions were positive in the plasma membrane and cytoplasm of Leydig cells from the 13th day p.c. to 15th day post partum (p.p.) but disappeared completely by day 20. At the electron-microscopic level, gold particles representing the GS-I or GS-II binding sites were distributed primarily along the cell surface membrane, including that of microvilli, as well as in the cytoplasm. These results indicate that certain glycoconjugates bearingD-galactose,N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, andN-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues are expressed on the cell surface and in the cytoplasm of Leydig cells during the period from the 13th day p.c. to around the 20th day p.p. The results suggest that these glycoconjugates might play some role in modulating hormone-receptor interaction in the Leydig cells before the 20th day. Furthermore, these results may indicate that sugar residues expressed on the cell surface and in the cytoplasm of Leydig cells are different from those in the fetal-neonatal and adult phases.  相似文献   

Rigidification of the cell membrane lipid bilayer can lead to an increase in the degree of exposure of membrane proteins to either side of the membrane. It is shown in this study that excess increase of the membrane lipid microviscosity (‘hyper-rigidification’) in intact human erythrocytes can cause the release of Rh0(D) and A blood group antigens from the cell surface which can then be collected from the supernatant by affinity chromatography. The most efficient antigen shedding was achieved upon incorporation of cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHS) (incubation for 2 h at 37 °C in a mixture of 200 μg/ml CHS, 3.5% polyvinylpyrrolidone 1% bovine serum albumin, 0.5% glucose in phosphate-buffered saline) followed by application of hydrostatic pressure (1 500 atm, 5 min) which increases the lipid microviscosity by about 2-fold. This technique can be of general application for isolation of membrane proteins without disruption of the cells or the use of detergents.  相似文献   

Localization of erythrocyte membrane antigens by immune electron microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Torus (T) protein was prepared by differential centrifugation of hemoglobin-free membranes after freezing, thawing and dialysis against water. Ferritin-labeled antibody to T protein failed to agglutinate erythrocytes or to sensitize them to complement lysis. Anti-T bound specifically to the internal aspect of ghosts and to the exterior of inverted vesicles prepared from them. The findings lend further support to the supposition that native T protein exists only on the inner aspect of intact erythrocyte membranes; its possible relation to spectrin is uncertain. In contrast, ferritin-labeled antibody to purified erythrocyte glycoprotein (virus receptor substance, VRS) agglutinated erythrocytes, sensitized them to complement lysis and by its specific reactivity with surface antigen afforded a basis for the electron microscopic quantitation of receptor sites on plasma membranes examined in thin section as well as with freeze-etching.  相似文献   

Chicken erythrocyte plasma membrane antigens were studied by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. An embryonic antigen demonstrated in 12-day-old embryos decreases after hatching and takes 90 to 120 days to disappear. An adult antigen becomes detectable 8 days after hatching and reaches the adult value at the end of the first month of life.In young chickens, induction of anemia produces a decrease of embryonic antigen level followed by an increase during the recovery phase. Correlatively, the adult antigen is precociously detected and maintains a level higher than controls during recovery phase. When adults are rendered anemic, the embryonic antigen is not detected; the adult antigen level, which decreases at first, regains a normal value within a few days.  相似文献   

It has been reported that mouse pups bearing a newly identified mutation, eyelids open at birth (eob), as a homozygous condition often die within 7 days after birth although they have no external malformations other than open eyelids. We sought to determine what factors influence the viability of eob pups by performing a cross-fostering experiment using NC and NC-eob mice which are co-isogenic with each other. Viability indices of NC pups during days 0 to 7 of lactation were approximately 95% or more when they were fostered by either NC or eob mothers. However, the viability indices of eob pups were reduced to 87.3% and 36.7% when they were fostered by NC and eob mothers, respectively. Body weight gains of both NC and eob pups were slightly inhibited during the entire lactation period when they were fostered by eob mothers. In a second experiment, eob mothers were examined for milk-yielding capability and the fetuses examined for the presence of congenital visceral and skeletal malformations. Neither decreased amounts of suckled milk nor malformations were observed. Based on these results, we concluded that a remarkably high mortality of eob pups would be caused only when weak lethal factors in eob pups were combined with the slightly depressed pup-rearing capability in eob mothers.  相似文献   

Modifications of the erythrocyte membrane during blood conservation are studied. The functional condition of the membrane was observed by means of the biosynthesis of lecithines; modifications occurring at the level of the composition of the membrane proteins were then looked for. The study has been carried out on fresh blood and on blood stroed for 8 days, 15 days, 29 days and 43 days. Another series of assays has been done on stored blood in the presence of progesterone after the same conservation periods. The metabolic activity of the membrane, in the lecithine biosynthesis is studied by measuring the incorporation of fatty acid in the lysolecithines when the membrane is incubated in the presence of linoleic acid or [14] palmitic acid and coenzyme A, or in the presence of [14C] palmitoyl coenzyme A. Variations have been observed during blood conservation: the incorporation or radioactive fatty acid increases during the first 15 days of conservation, then it decreases to a value nearing the original value after 43 days. When the blood is stored in the presence of progesterone (1,6 mumole/1) a more stable incorporation of the fatty acid is observed; variations during conservation are weaker than without progesterone. Membrane proteins have been studied by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel after solubilisation by sodium dodecyl sulfate. The intensity of protein zones after coloring, decreases during conservation especially in proteins with a high molecular weight. A quantitative study has been made by chromatography on Sephadex G200 of dansylated proteins with a fluorimetric dosage. In the presence of progesterone, the decrease of the rate of proteins with a high molecular weight is weaker. Therefore, progesterone is proved to allow a better conservation of erythrocyte membrane proteins. As a conclurion, the results of these works show a positive action of progesterone on the erythrocyte membrane during blood conservation.  相似文献   

The serum and erythrocyte membrane proteins of patients with cirrhosis were studied. Recent work on abnormalities of the erythrocyte membrane resulted in the identification of several types of membrane skeleton lesions. The different techniques for separation of membrane proteins have been revised and compared. These were studied on slabs using the SDS-polyacrylamide gel and discontinuous buffer system with a linear concentration gradient of 5-15% (w/v). Serum proteins were separated by using continuous buffer system with a linear concentration gradient of 4-30%. A decreased in serum and red cell membrane proteins in those patients, were observed.  相似文献   

Basal lung expansion is an important determinant of alveolar epithelial cell (AEC) phenotype in the fetus. Because basal lung expansion increases toward term and is reduced after birth, we hypothesized that these changes would be associated with altered proportions of AECs. AEC proportions were calculated with electron microscopy in fetal and postnatal sheep. Type I AECs increased from 4.8 +/- 1.3% at 91 days to 63.0 +/- 3.6% at 111 days of gestation, remained at this level until term, and decreased to 44.8 +/- 1.8% after birth. Type II AECs increased from 4.3 +/- 1.5% at 111 days to 29.6 +/- 4.1% at 128 days of gestation, remained at this level until term, and then increased to 52.9 +/- 1.5% after birth. Surfactant protein (SP)-A, -B and -C mRNA levels increased with increasing gestational age before birth, but the changes in SP expression after birth were inconsistent. Thus before birth type I AECs predominate, whereas after birth type II AECs predominate, possibly due to the reduction in basal lung expansion associated with the entry of air into the lungs.  相似文献   

The nature of the common erythrocyte antigens EnaFR and Wrb, that are both absent from En(a-) cells, and the rare Wra receptor, apparently encoded by an allele of Wrb, was investigated. Various modification, fractionation or cleavage products of erythrocyte membranes were used in hemagglutination inhibition assays. The EnaFR and Wrb antigens were shown to represent labile structures within the residues approx. 62-72 of the major (MN) sialoglycoprotein that require lipids, at least for complete expression of antigenic activity. During the course of these experiments, the arrangement of the MN glycoprotein's peptide chain with respect to the lipid bi-layer was also studied, using various proteinases. Furthermore, the MN glycoprotein was found to aggregate with the major membrane protein (band 3) in the presence of Triton X-100. The Wra antigen was shown to exhibit properties that differ considerably from those of the Wrb receptor. Analyses on the MN glycoprotein, isolated from the red cells of the only known Wra homozygote and two WraWrb individuals, did not reveal any amino-acid exchange within the residues 40-96 of the molecule. Therefore, the Wr locus that determines the presence or absence of the Wrb antigen on the MN glycoprotein might influence the post-translational modification of amino-acid residues, the structure of tightly bound lipids or the aggregation of the MN glycoprotein with a different protein such as band 3.  相似文献   

It is determined in experiments on rats that the IIIB degree thermal injuries of 20% of the total body surface significantly reduce the erythrocytic membrane's resistance and cause the production of peroxides in 15 minutes after trauma. Simultaneously the electrical properties begin to change. The structure of erythrocytes is also altered. In 30 minutes post injury these alterations are in progress, but in 60 minutes they are less expressed. The structure of the erythrocytes is significantly altered. The authors consider that the influence of membranotoxic factors--the products of free radicals' reactions and phospholipases--is accounted for all noticed alterations.  相似文献   

The effect of concanavalin A and its succinylated derivative on cell agglutination and potassium compartmentation of mature and immature erythrocytes was observed. The binding of tetravalent concanavalin A to the surface glycoproteins of rabbit erythrocytes leads to a change in the properties of the surface membrane, which results in an induction of cell agglutination and concomitant release of potassium from the cells. Both of the phenomena induced by concanavalin A are temperature dependent, and observed at above 15°C.Divalent succinylated concanavalin A, lacking the inducing activity of surface glycoprotein cross-linking into patches and caps, caused neither cell agglutination nor change in the potassium compartmentation of erythrocytes and reticulocytes.In the case of immature reticulocytes, however, remarkable agglutination of the cells was induced without a change in the potassium compartmentation after treatment with tetravalent concanavalin A.It is suggested that changes in the molecular organization of the surface membrane occur in which potassium compartmentation of the reticulocytes becomes more susceptible to surface glycoprotein cross-linking during cellular maturation.  相似文献   

Summary Pre-natal changes in the physiological development of the porcine conceptus indexed by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and total protein content of the fetal brain and amniotic fluid were determined from 4 to 12 weeks of gestation at intervals of two weeks. Marked brain and body development was observed between four and six weeks of gestation. AChE activity in the amniotic fluid declined non-significantly with gestation length while fetal brain AChE activity increased with advancing gestation. Total protein levels in both the amniotic fluid and fetal brain were relatively steady and no significant changes were observed. Changes in AChE activity of the fetal brain may therefore be related to growth changes in the fetus.  相似文献   

Bovine lymphocytotoxicity tests with 20 unabsorbed bovine blood group sera revealed extensive reactivity which in the majority of cases had no indication of blood group relationship. Six of these sera were absorbed with selected lymphocytes to produce eleven antisera of reduced specificity. Again, most of the sera had reaction patterns which could not be related to the hemolytic patterns of any known blood group antibodies. However, five comparisons involving unabsorbed antisera and two comparisons involving absorbed antisera provided statistical evidence of similarities between their lymphocytotoxic reaction patterns and the hemolytic reaction patterns of certain blood group antibodies. Several of the sera appeared to contain related cytotoxic specificities, and three such absorbed sera may have contained an anti-J specificity. All six examined monospecific isoimmune blood group antisera contained lymphocytic reactivities not related to their hemolytic specificities. Two normal sera containing naturally occurring anti-J had no cytotoxic activity. Anti-semen sera likewise were devoid of lymphocytotoxic activity.  相似文献   

The oligosaccharide structures specifying the blood-group ABH determinants occur in the human erythrocyte membrane in different classes of compounds. The majority occur in a novel class of complex carbohydrate chains called the polyglycosyl chains. They are bound by an alkali-stable bond to glycoproteins (band 3, band 4.5) and occur also in glycolipids. Conventional glycosphingolipids as well as alkalilabile carboyhydrate chains of glycoproteins (in the PAS-bands) are also carriers of the blood-group determinants.  相似文献   

Lipid organization in erythrocyte membrane microvesicles.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The aminophospholipids of microvesicles released from human erythrocytes on storage or prepared from erythrocyte ghosts by shearing under pressure are susceptible to the action of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid. The aminophospholipids of the former vesicles are also susceptible to attack by phospholipase A2. Under the same conditions, the aminophospholipids of erythrocytes undergo little reaction. This suggests that the phospholipids in microvesicle membranes are more randomly distributed than those in erythrocyte membranes. Measurements have also been made of the ability of filipin to react with the cholesterol of sealed and unsealed erythrocyte ghosts and of microvesicles prepared from them. From the initial rates of reaction, it was concluded that there is no preferential transfer of cholesterol molecules from one side of the bilayer to the other during the formation of the microvesicles.  相似文献   

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