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《Journal of Physiology》2013,107(6):471-482
Executive function is a product of the coordinated operation of multiple neural systems and an essential prerequisite for a variety of cognitive functions. The prefrontal cortex is known to be a key structure for the performance of executive functions. To accomplish the coordinated operations of multiple neural systems, the prefrontal cortex must monitor the activities in other cortical and subcortical structures and control and supervise their operations by sending command signals, which is called top-down signaling. Although neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies have provided evidence that the prefrontal cortex sends top-down signals to the posterior cortices to control information processing, the neural correlate of these top-down signals is not yet known. Through use of the paired association task, it has been demonstrated that top-down signals are used to retrieve specific information stored in long-term memory. Therefore, we used a paired association task to examine the neural correlates of top-down signals in the prefrontal cortex. The preliminary results indicate that 32% of visual neurons exhibit pair-selectivity, which is similar to the characteristics of pair-coding activities in temporal neurons. The latency of visual responses in prefrontal neurons was longer than bottom-up signals but faster than top-down signals in inferior temporal neurons. These results suggest that pair-selective visual responses may be top-down signals that the prefrontal cortex provides to the temporal cortex, although further studies are needed to elucidate the neural correlates of top-down signals and their characteristics to understand the neural mechanism of executive control by the prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

Dynamics of population code for working memory in the prefrontal cortex   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Baeg EH  Kim YB  Huh K  Mook-Jung I  Kim HT  Jung MW 《Neuron》2003,40(1):177-188
Some neurons (delay cells) in the prefrontal cortex elevate their activities throughout the time period during which the animal is required to remember past events and prepare future behavior, suggesting that working memory is mediated by continuous neural activity. It is unknown, however, how working memory is represented within a population of prefrontal cortical neurons. We recorded from neuronal ensembles in the prefrontal cortex as rats learned a new delayed alternation task. Ensemble activities changed in parallel with behavioral learning so that they increasingly allowed correct decoding of previous and future goal choices. In well-trained rats, considerable decoding was possible based on only a few neurons and after removing continuously active delay cells. These results show that neural activity in the prefrontal cortex changes dynamically during new task learning so that working memory is robustly represented and that working memory can be mediated by sequential activation of different neural populations.  相似文献   

Narayanan NS  Laubach M 《Neuron》2006,52(5):921-931
Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex is critical for the temporal control of behavior. Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex might alter neuronal activity in areas such as motor cortex to inhibit temporally inappropriate responses. We tested this hypothesis by recording from neuronal ensembles in rodent dorsomedial prefrontal cortex during a delayed-response task. One-third of dorsomedial prefrontal neurons were significantly modulated during the delay period. The activity of many of these neurons was predictive of premature responding. We then reversibly inactivated dorsomedial prefrontal cortex while recording ensemble activity in motor cortex. Inactivation of dorsomedial prefrontal cortex reduced delay-related firing, but not response-related firing, in motor cortex. Finally, we made simultaneous recordings in dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and motor cortex and found strong delay-related temporal correlations between neurons in the two cortical areas. These data suggest that functional interactions between dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and motor cortex might serve as a top-down control signal that inhibits inappropriate responding.  相似文献   

Knowledge or experiences are voluntarily recalled from memory by reactivation of their neural representations in the association cortex. Mnemonic representations of visual objects, located in the ventral processing stream of visual perception, provide the best indication of how neuronal codes are created, organized and reactivated. Associative codes are created by neurons that have the ability to link the representations of temporally associated stimuli. Recent experiments suggest that not only bottom-up signals from the retina but also top-down signals from the prefrontal cortex can trigger the retrieval of associative codes, which may serve as a neural basis for conscious recall.  相似文献   

It is well established that various cortical regions can implement a wide array of neural processes, yet the mechanisms which integrate these processes into behavior-producing, brain-scale activity remain elusive. We propose that an important role in this respect might be played by executive structures controlling the traffic of information between the cortical regions involved. To illustrate this hypothesis, we present a neural network model comprising a set of interconnected structures harboring stimulus-related activity (visual representation, working memory, and planning), and a group of executive units with task-related activity patterns that manage the information flowing between them. The resulting dynamics allows the network to perform the dual task of either retaining an image during a delay (delayed-matching to sample task), or recalling from this image another one that has been associated with it during training (delayed-pair association task). The model reproduces behavioral and electrophysiological data gathered on the inferior temporal and prefrontal cortices of primates performing these same tasks. It also makes predictions on how neural activity coding for the recall of the image associated with the sample emerges and becomes prospective during the training phase. The network dynamics proves to be very stable against perturbations, and it exhibits signs of scale-invariant organization and cooperativity. The present network represents a possible neural implementation for active, top-down, prospective memory retrieval in primates. The model suggests that brain activity leading to performance of cognitive tasks might be organized in modular fashion, simple neural functions becoming integrated into more complex behavior by executive structures harbored in prefrontal cortex and/or basal ganglia.  相似文献   

Previous studies have revealed top-down control during memory retrieval from the prefrontal cortex to the temporal cortex. In the present functional MRI study, we investigated whether the fronto-temporal functional interaction occurs even during fixation periods after memory retrieval trials. During recency judgments, subjects judged the temporal order of two items in a study list. The task used in the present study consisted of memory trials of recency judgments and non-memory trials of counting dots, and post-trial fixation periods. By comparing the brain activity during the fixation periods after the memory trials with that during the fixation periods after the non-memory trials, we detected heightened brain activity in the lateral prefrontal cortex, the lateral temporal cortex and the hippocampus. Functional interactions during the fixation periods after the memory vs. non-memory trials as examined using a psychophysiological interaction revealed a decreased interaction from the lateral prefrontal cortex to the lateral temporal cortex, but not to the hippocampus. The functional interaction between the same frontal and temporal regions was also present during the memory trials. A trial-based functional connectivity analysis further revealed that the fronto-temporal interaction was positive and decreased during the fixation periods after the memory trials, relative to the fixation periods after the non-memory trials. These results suggest that the fronto-temporal interaction existed during the post-trial fixation periods, which had been present during the memory trials and temporally extended into the fixation periods.  相似文献   

How does ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) control mnemonic processing? Alternative models propose that VLPFC guides top-down (controlled) retrieval of knowledge from long-term stores or selects goal-relevant products of retrieval from among competitors. A paucity of evidence supports a retrieval/selection distinction, raising the possibility that these models reduce to a common mechanism. Here, four manipulations varied semantic control demands during fMRI: judgment specificity, cue-target-associative strength, competitor dominance, and number of competitors. Factor analysis revealed evidence for a metafactor that accounted for common behavioral variance across manipulations and for functional variance in left mid-VLPFC. These data support a generalized control process that selects relevant knowledge from among competitors. By contrast, left anterior VLPFC and middle temporal cortex were sensitive to cue-target-associative strength, but not competition, consistent with a control process that retrieves knowledge stored in lateral temporal cortex. Distinct PFC mechanisms mediate top-down retrieval and postretrieval selection.  相似文献   

Grossberg S 《Spatial Vision》1999,12(2):163-185
The organization of neocortex into layers is one of its most salient anatomical features. These layers include circuits that form functional columns in cortical maps. A major unsolved problem concerns how bottom-up, top-down, and horizontal interactions are organized within cortical layers to generate adaptive behaviors. This article models how these interactions help visual cortex to realize: (i) the binding process whereby cortex groups distributed data into coherent object representations; (ii) the attentional process whereby cortex selectively processes important events; and (iii) the developmental and learning processes whereby cortex shapes its circuits to match environmental constraints. New computational ideas about feedback systems suggest how neocortex develops and learns in a stable way, and why top-down attention requires converging bottom-up inputs to fully activate cortical cells, whereas perceptual groupings do not.  相似文献   

The neural basis of episodic memory: evidence from functional neuroimaging   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We review some of our recent research using functional neuroimaging to investigate neural activity supporting the encoding and retrieval of episodic memories, that is, memories for unique events. Findings from studies of encoding indicate that, at the cortical level, the regions responsible for the effective encoding of a stimulus event as an episodic memory include some of the regions that are also engaged to process the event 'online'. Thus, it appears that there is no single cortical site or circuit responsible for episodic encoding. The results of retrieval studies indicate that successful recollection of episodic information is associated with activation of lateral parietal cortex, along with more variable patterns of activity in dorsolateral and anterior prefrontal cortex. Whereas parietal regions may play a part in the representation of retrieved information, prefrontal areas appear to support processes that act on the products of retrieval to align behaviour with the demands of the retrieval task.  相似文献   

A neural network model of how dopamine and prefrontal cortex activity guides short- and long-term information processing within the cortico-striatal circuits during reward-related learning of approach behavior is proposed. The model predicts two types of reward-related neuronal responses generated during learning: (1) cell activity signaling errors in the prediction of the expected time of reward delivery and (2) neural activations coding for errors in the prediction of the amount and type of reward or stimulus expectancies. The former type of signal is consistent with the responses of dopaminergic neurons, while the latter signal is consistent with reward expectancy responses reported in the prefrontal cortex. It is shown that a neural network architecture that satisfies the design principles of the adaptive resonance theory of Carpenter and Grossberg (1987) can account for the dopamine responses to novelty, generalization, and discrimination of appetitive and aversive stimuli. These hypotheses are scrutinized via simulations of the model in relation to the delivery of free food outside a task, the timed contingent delivery of appetitive and aversive stimuli, and an asymmetric, instructed delay response task.  相似文献   

Against memory systems   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The medial temporal lobe is indispensable for normal memory processing in both human and non-human primates, as is shown by the fact that large lesions in it produce a severe impairment in the acquisition of new memories. The widely accepted inference from this observation is that the medial temporal cortex, including the hippocampal, entorhinal and perirhinal cortex, contains a memory system or multiple memory systems, which are specialized for the acquisition and storage of memories. Nevertheless, there are some strong arguments against this idea: medial temporal lesions produce amnesia by disconnecting the entire temporal cortex from neuromodulatory afferents arising in the brainstem and basal forebrain, not by removing cortex; the temporal cortex is essential for perception as well as for memory; and response properties of temporal cortical neurons make it impossible that some kinds of memory trace could be stored in the temporal lobe. All cortex is plastic, and it is possible that the same rules of plasticity apply to all cortical areas; therefore, memory traces are stored in widespread cortical areas rather than in a specialized memory system restricted to the temporal lobe. Among these areas, the prefrontal cortex has an important role in learning and memory, but is best understood as an area with no specialization of function.  相似文献   

Despite the vital importance of our ability to accurately process and encode temporal information, the underlying neural mechanisms are largely unknown. We have previously described a theoretical framework that explains how temporal representations, similar to those reported in the visual cortex, can form in locally recurrent cortical networks as a function of reward modulated synaptic plasticity. This framework allows networks of both linear and spiking neurons to learn the temporal interval between a stimulus and paired reward signal presented during training. Here we use a mean field approach to analyze the dynamics of non-linear stochastic spiking neurons in a network trained to encode specific time intervals. This analysis explains how recurrent excitatory feedback allows a network structure to encode temporal representations.  相似文献   

Neural plasticity in the ageing brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanisms involved in plasticity in the nervous system are thought to support cognition, and some of these processes are affected during normal ageing. Notably, cognitive functions that rely on the medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex, such as learning, memory and executive function, show considerable age-related decline. It is therefore not surprising that several neural mechanisms in these brain areas also seem to be particularly vulnerable during the ageing process. In this review, we discuss major advances in our understanding of age-related changes in the medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex and how these changes in functional plasticity contribute to behavioural impairments in the absence of significant pathology.  相似文献   

Theta oscillations are considered crucial mechanisms in neuronal communication across brain areas, required for consolidation and retrieval of fear memories. One form of inhibitory learning allowing adaptive control of fear memory is extinction, a deficit of which leads to maladaptive fear expression potentially leading to anxiety disorders. Behavioral responses after extinction training are thought to reflect a balance of recall from extinction memory and initial fear memory traces. Therefore, we hypothesized that the initial fear memory circuits impact behavioral fear after extinction, and more specifically, that the dynamics of theta synchrony in these pathways signal the individual fear response. Simultaneous multi-channel local field and unit recordings were obtained from the infralimbic prefrontal cortex, the hippocampal CA1 and the lateral amygdala in mice. Data revealed that the pattern of theta coherence and directionality within and across regions correlated with individual behavioral responses. Upon conditioned freezing, units were phase-locked to synchronized theta oscillations in these pathways, characterizing states of fear memory retrieval. When the conditioned stimulus evoked no fear during extinction recall, theta interactions were directional with prefrontal cortical spike firing leading hippocampal and amygdalar theta oscillations. These results indicate that the directional dynamics of theta-entrained activity across these areas guide changes in appraisal of threatening stimuli during fear memory and extinction retrieval. Given that exposure therapy involves procedures and pathways similar to those during extinction of conditioned fear, one therapeutical extension might be useful that imposes artificial theta activity to prefrontal cortical-amygdalo-hippocampal pathways that mimics the directionality signaling successful extinction recall.  相似文献   

 We propose a neural network model for a category-association task. By simulating the model, neuronal relevance of cortical interactions to recalling long-term memory was investigated. The model consists of the left and right hemispheres, each of which has IT (inferotemporal cortex) and PC (prefrontal cortex) networks. Information about visual features and their categories were encoded into point attractors of the IT and PC networks, respectively. In the task, the IT network of the right hemisphere was stimulated with a cue feature. After a delay period, the IT network of the left hemisphere was simultaneously stimulated with the choice feature and an irrelevant feature. The cue and choice features belong to the same category, while the irrelevant feature belongs to another category. To complete the task, the IT network must select the point attractor corresponding to the choice feature. We demonstrate that the top-down pathway (PC-to-IT) triggers the retrieval of long-term memory of the choice feature from the IT, and the bottom-up pathway (IT-to-PC) contributes to the maintenance of the retrieved memory during the delay period. The key mechanism for the retrieval and maintenance of that memory is the dynamic linkage of attractors across separate cortical networks. We show that a single hemisphere is sufficient for the memory retrieval, but it is advantageous to use the two hemispheres because the retrieved memory is thereby retained with greater reliability until the brain chooses the choice feature. Received: 4 April 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 17 September 2002 / Published online: 20 January 2003 Correspondence to: O. Hoshino (e-mail: hoshino@cc.oita-u.ac.jp, Tel.: +81-97-554-7301, Fax: +81-97-554-7507)  相似文献   

Attractor neural networks are thought to underlie working memory functions in the cerebral cortex. Several such models have been proposed that successfully reproduce firing properties of neurons recorded from monkeys performing working memory tasks. However, the regular temporal structure of spike trains in these models is often incompatible with experimental data. Here, we show that the in vivo observations of bistable activity with irregular firing at the single cell level can be achieved in a large-scale network model with a modular structure in terms of several connected hypercolumns. Despite high irregularity of individual spike trains, the model shows population oscillations in the beta and gamma band in ground and active states, respectively. Irregular firing typically emerges in a high-conductance regime of balanced excitation and inhibition. Population oscillations can produce such a regime, but in previous models only a non-coding ground state was oscillatory. Due to the modular structure of our network, the oscillatory and irregular firing was maintained also in the active state without fine-tuning. Our model provides a novel mechanistic view of how irregular firing emerges in cortical populations as they go from beta to gamma oscillations during memory retrieval.  相似文献   

Delay-related sustained activity in the prefrontal cortex of primates, a neurological analogue of working memory, has been proposed to arise from synaptic interactions in local cortical circuits. The implication is that memories are coded by spatially localized foci of sustained activity. We investigate the mechanisms by which sustained foci are initiated, maintained, and extinguished by excitation in networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons coupled with biophysical spatially structured synaptic connections. For networks with a balance between excitation and inhibition, a localized transient stimulus robustly initiates a localized focus of activity. The activity is then maintained by recurrent excitatory AMPA-like synapses. We find that to maintain the focus, the firing must be asynchronous. Consequently, inducing transient synchrony through an excitatory stimulus extinguishes the sustained activity. Such a monosynaptic excitatory turn-off mechanism is compatible with the working memory being wiped clean by an efferent copy of the motor command. The activity that codes working memories may be structured so that the motor command is both the read-out and a direct clearing signal. We show examples of data that is compatible with our theory.  相似文献   

Visual attention appears to modulate cortical neurodynamics and synchronization through various cholinergic mechanisms. In order to study these mechanisms, we have developed a neural network model of visual cortex area V4, based on psychophysical, anatomical and physiological data. With this model, we want to link selective visual information processing to neural circuits within V4, bottom-up sensory input pathways, top-down attention input pathways, and to cholinergic modulation from the prefrontal lobe. We investigate cellular and network mechanisms underlying some recent analytical results from visual attention experimental data. Our model can reproduce the experimental findings that attention to a stimulus causes increased gamma-frequency synchronization in the superficial layers. Computer simulations and STA power analysis also demonstrate different effects of the different cholinergic attention modulation action mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have modeled biologically realistic neural networks that may be involved in contextual modulation of stimulus responses, as reported in the neurophysiological experiments of Motter (1994a, 1994b) (Journal of Neuroscience, 14:2179–2189 and 2190–2199). The networks of our model are structured hierarchically with feedforward, feedback, and lateral connections, totaling several thousand cells and about 300,000 synapses. The contextual modulation, arising from attention cues, is explicitly modeled as a feedback signal coming from the highest-order cortical network. The feedback signal arises from mutually inhibitory neurons with different stimulus preferences. Although our model is probably the simplest one consistent with available anatomical and physiological evidence and ignores the complexities that may exist in high-level cortical networks such as the prefrontal cortex, it reproduces the experimental results quite well and offers some guidance for future experiments. We also report the unexpected observation of 40 Hz oscillations in the model.  相似文献   

海马(HPC)和前额叶皮层(PFC)的协同作用是记忆加工过程的关键,其相互作用对学习和记忆功能至关重要.大量证据表明,情景记忆的形成、巩固与检索依赖于特征神经节律在PFC和HPC脑区间的同步作用,这些节律包括theta节律、gamma节律和sharp wave ripples (SWRs)节律等.在精神类疾病中患者往往伴随出现学习记忆功能障碍,基于人类和动物的脑电研究均发现以上3种神经节律在HPC和PFC之间的同步性下降,可能作为反映精神病理下认知功能障碍的重要指标.本文从HPC-PFC网络中的神经节律研究出发,总结了theta节律、gamma节律和SWRs节律在两脑区间的协调交互模式在情景记忆中的作用,以及精神分裂症和抑郁症状态下HPC-PFC通路上神经节律的异常表现及其潜在损伤机制,为今后精神疾病的快速诊断提供客观依据.  相似文献   

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