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Larvae (72 hr old) of P. lividus and A. lixula grazed on varioussuspensions of natural particulate matter with a size rangeof 2 to 30 microns, and on two species of algae (Phaeodactylumtricor-nutum and Nitzschia sp.) — Larvae graze most in the size range where the particleconcentration is highest. — If larvae deplete certain size categories of particlesthey then graze other size ranges in which the concentrationis still high. — The grazing rate of the two species varied between 988and 91.949 µm3 per pluteus per hour. — For A. lixula larvae the grazing rate increases withincreasing temperature to a maximum at 22°C.  相似文献   

The human red blood cell sialoglycoprotein, glycophorin A (GpA),contains a ‘mucin-like’ extensively O-glycosylatedextracellular domain which carries the MN blood group antigens.We have revised the sites of O-glyccsylation in the extracellulardomain of GpA by automated solid-phase Edman degradation, whichallowed positive identification and quantitation of O-glycosylatedSer and Thr residues, as well as the single N-glycosylationsite. One N-linked and 16 O-linked sites were identified. Carbohydratewas absent on Ser 1, Ser14, Ser15, Ser23, Thr28 and Thr58 inGpA. We propose that the glycosyltransferases present in erythrocytesrecognize specific flanking sequences around potential O-glycosylationsites. All 16 O-glycosylation sites are explained on the basisof four motifs. Three motifs are associated with Thr-glycosylation:Xaa—Pro—Xaa—Xaa where at least one Xaa = Thr;Thr—Xaa—Xaa—Xaa where at least one Xaa = Thr;Xaa—Xaa—Thr—Xaa where at least one X = Argor Lys. The fourth motif is associated with Ser-glycosylation:Ser—Xaa—Xaa—Xaa where at least one Xaa = Ser.These simple rules explain the glycosylation (or lack of it)on 21 of 22 Ser/Thr in the extracellular domain of GpA. glycophorin A O-glycosylation motif solid-phase Edman degradation  相似文献   

NG, a strain of cultured tobacco cells of Nicotiana glutinosahad high growth rates and carboxylate contents (C—A) of100 to 130 meq/100 g of dry cells on media containing 42 meqNO3/liter as the sole N source. (C—A) is the amount ofinorganic cations minus inorganic anions in meq per 100 g ofdry cells. NG, cultured on media containing NH4 10+NO3 42 in meq/liter,had lower growth rates and lower (C—A) values as comparedwith NG on media containing NO3 as the sole N source. NG, cultured on media containing NH4 30+NO3 42 in meq/liter,had high growth rates and (A—C) values of 22 to 53 meq/100gof dry cells. In this case, the (A—C) content may correspondto organic cations, basic organic N compounds such as free asprotein-bound basic amino acids. The easily absorbed Cl mayhave been required maintain good growth conditions such as ionicbalance and a favorable pH in the cells. Thus cultured cells of Nicotiana glutinosa may have physiologicaladaptability against variations in a relatively wide range of|C—A| contents [|C—A| being the absolute valuesof (C—A)]. (Received May 15, 1980; )  相似文献   

The development of the embryo sac in Scrophularia himalensisRoyle (tribe Cheloneae, Scrophulariaceae) has been investigated.The ovules are anatropous, unitegminal and tenuinucellar. Twotypes of embryo sac development—the monosporic (polygonumtype) and the bisporic (allium type)—coexist in this species.This is the first record of its kind in Scrophularia as previousworkers reported only the Polygonum type of development in thetribe Cheloneae.  相似文献   

Rotifers are a relatively well-studied component of lacustrinesystems but their role is only poorly understood in estuaries.Three species of the genus Synchaeta—S. baltica, S. triophthalmaand S.cecilia—dominate the cold-water assemblage of rotifersin Chesapeake Bay. Laboratory experiments were conducted todetermine the temperature dependence of egg development time(EDT) for each species; EDT varied over an approximate rangeof 90–9 h as temperature (T) varied from 2 to 22°C.The EDT/temperature relationships could be closely fitted bya simple polynomial equation of the form log(EDT) = a + b(logT) + c(log T)2 for each species. Natural populations of thesethree rotifers were sampled during a cruise in the Potomac River(7–11 March 1983). Estimates of specific reproductiverates (b) were calculated based on the previously defined EDT/temperaturerelationship and the observed ratio of eggs/rotifers for eachspecies. The two most abundant species, S.triophthalma and S.cecilia,showed a clear dependence of b on the observed chlorophyll aconcentrations. Maximum reproductive rates ({small tilde}0.015h–1) were attained only at relatively high phytoplanktondensities within a bloom of Heterocapsa triquetra where thechlorophyll a concentrations exceeded 10 µg l–1.Estimates of secondary production suggest that Synchaeta spp.may contribute to the trophic flow of carbon in this systemwith a significance at least similar to that of the planktoniccopepods.  相似文献   

Histochemical localization of acid phosphatases was successfullycarried out on the steins of Cucumis, Cucwbita and Colocynthis—threeof the most important genera of the Cucurbitaceae whose speciesare cultivated for their fruits in the tropics. The localizationsshowed generally widespread activity and similarity in distributionfor this enzyme in the tissues of these plants. For each plantacid phosphatase activity decreased with age. The possible significanceof these localizations has been discussed in the light of thedistributional evidence and the roles usually ascribed to thisenzyme. Conventional histochemical techniques for the localizationof acid phosphatase have also been evaluated.  相似文献   

The herbivorous and carnivorous feeding biology of Tropocyclopsprasinus mexicanus, an especially small cyclopoid copepod, wasstudied under in situ food conditions in three different lakesand under experimentally augmented food supplies. The mass-specificfood uptake is compared to that of two larger species—Cyclopskolensis and Cyclops vicinus. Under in situ food conditions,T.p.mexicanus depended to a larger extent on algae than invertebrateprey and showed lower mass-specific ingestion rates than thetwo larger species. Daily mass-specific uptake rates for algaeranged between 10 and 24% of its body mass versus 0.7–7%for invertebrate prey. The larger species C.vicinus and C.kolensisingested a total dry mass equivalent to 106% or up to 143% oftheir body mass with algae contributing 66 and 81%. However,under enriched food availability, T.p.mexicanus is able to ingesta biomass equivalent to its body mass, with an algae (54%) andprey (40%) portion similar to that of the larger species. Bodysize appears to be an important factor for the relative importanceof algal versus invertebrate prey for cyclopoid copepods.  相似文献   

Since relative growth rate is the product of net assimilationrate and leaf-area ratio (leaf area/plant weight), it followsthat if the effects of shading on both net assimilation rateand leaf-area ratio can be expressed mathematically, then therelationship between light intensity and relative growth ratecan be derived from the product of the two mathematical expressions. For all the ten species investigated in field and pot cultureexperiments, it has been found that during the early vegetativephase both the changes in leaf-area ratio and net assimilationrate, over the range of 0·1 to full daylight, are linearlyrelated to the logarithm of the light intensity. In consequence,the relationship between relative growth rate and the logarithmof light intensity—being the product of the two linearregressions—is curvilinear. For species of shady habitats (Geum urbanum, Solamun dulcamara)neither the levels of assimilation rate nor the ‘compensation-point’values are very different from those of the eight species fromopen situations (e.g. Hordeum vulgare, Pisum sativum, Fagopyrumesculentum). Nevertheless the intensity at which growth rateis maximal varies between species: it is 0•5 for G. urbanum,0•7 for H. annuus, full daylight for F. esculentum, whilefor Trifolium subterraneum the calculated value is 1·8daylight. Such specific differences can be largely accountedfor in terms of the differences in leaf-area ratio at the differentlight levels. On the basis of this analysis of the light factor, a ‘shade’plant is best redefined as a species in which a reduction ofthe light intensity causes a rapid rise in the leaf-area ratiofrom an initial low value in full daylight: for a ‘sun’plant the converse definition holds.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Colonies of the compound tunicate Botryllus show thecapacity for self—nonself discrimination by fusion betweenseparated pieces of the same colony and rejection between piecesof unrelated colonies. We have found that genes controllingthis colony specificity are similar to those which cause transplantrejection in the vertebrates. Like the loci within the vertebratemajor histocompatibility complex (MHC), Botryllus fusibility(or histocompatibility) genes are highly polymorphic. In Botryllus,the histocompatibility complex also controls self—sterility,and limits cross—fertilization between colonies sharinghistocompatibility alleles. The mouse MHC, the H-2 region, islinked to loci which also affect the frequencies of allelesat H-2 loci in mouse populations. Thus both systems containcharacters which could act to promote the heterozygous conditionat the linked histocompatibility loci. We suggest that suchlinked characters are responsible for the evolution of allogeneicpolymorphism in vertebrates (however currently maintained),and that tunicate fusibility loci may be the evolutionary precursorsof vertebrate MHC genes.  相似文献   

Are bacteria an important food source for rotifers in eutrophic lakes?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In situ grazing measurements using fluorescent particles of0.5, 2.4 and 6.3 µm diameter in eutrophic Lake Loosdrecht(The Netherlands) showed that Anuraeopsis fissa, a small rotifer,filtered the smallest, bacteria-sized particles as efficientlyor more efficiently than the larger particles. In contrast,three other rotifer species (Brachionus angularis, Filinia longisetaand Pompholyx sulcata) filtered the bacteria-sized particlesless efficiently than the larger particles. Both Keratella cochlearisand Conochilus unicornis only ingested the bacteria-sized particles.Anuraeopsis fissa had a higher uptake of fluorescent bacteria-sizedparticles than K.cochlearis, both in 1 µm filtrate oflake water and in lake water. Within both species, uptake didnot differ between juveniles and adults. When cultured on threedifferent size fractions of lake water (1, 3 and 15 µmfiltrate) in July, all rotifer species declined in numbers onthe 1 and 3 µm filtrates, while A.fissa and B.angularisincreased in numbers on the 15 µm filtrate. The high abundanceof small bacteria in the lake water could not support rotiferpopulations. It is concluded that bacteria are not a suitablefood source of high quality for A.fissa because its populationdoes not grow even though the bacterial concentration was higherthan its estimated threshold food concentration. In August,when individually cultured, the mortality was high for all species,but especially for F.longiseta. The lifespan of K.cochleariswas reduced in the 1 and 3 µm filtrates of lake water,compared with in the 15 µm filtrate. The lifespan of A.fissawas similar in all filtrates, but reproduction was reduced inthe 1 and 3 µm filtrates, as in Keratella. On the 15 µmfiltrate, their ages at first reproduction and growth ratesdid not differ. Individuals of A.fissa older than 4 days showeda higher survival in the 15 µm filtrate than in the othertwo filtrates, as did K.cochlearis throughout its life. Hence,bacteria seem to be a more important food source for youngerindividuals of A.fissa than of K.cochlearis.  相似文献   

Metapenaeus ensis was spawned and laboratory cultured untilthe post-larval stage to illustrate and describe its embryonicand larval development. Fecundities ranged between 454 000 and689 000 eggs, and {small tilde}99.2% of spawned eggs hatchedafter 12 h and 40 min at 33.5 p.p.t. and 29.0-29.1°C. Sixnaupliar, three protozoeal, three mysis and one post-larvalstages were noted. A minimum of {small tilde}10 days (249 h20 min) from the time of hatching were required to completethe larval stages by subsisting only on Chaeioceros gracilisand Tetraselmis tetrathele at varying temperature and salinityof 28.1-29.8°C and 33.5—34.5 p.p.t., respectively.The embryonic and larval developmental stages of M.ensis aregenerally similar to those of other known penaeid species, exceptfor the size and structure of diagnostic characters, setationof appendages and duration of metamorphoses.  相似文献   

Dicotyledon plants adapt to iron (Fe) deficiency through a seriesof reactions that increase the ability of the plant to assimilateFe and to increase the efficiency of Fe utilization. In an attemptto gain an insight into these adaptive processes, the specificchanges in protein synthesis associated with the onset of theFe deficiency response in tomato roots (Lycopersicon esculentumMill cv. Rutgers) have been investigated. Roots were grown underFe—sufficient and —deficient conditions, and thepattern of protein synthesis was analysed by in vitro translationof root mRNA and by in vivo labelling of root proteins. Polypeptideswere resolved by two—dimensional polyacrylamide gel elec—trophoresis.Seven polypeptides were identified by in vitro translation,whose synthesis was significantly increased during Fe deficiency.The increase was probably specific to Fe deficiency in thatthe polypep—tide synthesis was not increased during phosphatedeficiency stress, was less prominent following prolonged Fedeficiency and was decreased following re—supply of Feto the hydroponic medium. The pattern of in vitro translation of mRNA isolated from Fe—deficientroots was compared to the results obtainedin vivo followingradiolabelling of proteins. In these analyses, eight polypeptideswere identified, tentatively including the seven polypeptidespreviously identified by in vitro translation. All polypeptideswere characterized with regard to molecular mass and pl andtheir localization in the cell, whether being membrane boundor soluble. It is suggested that members of this group of polypeptidesare involved in the response of the root to Fe deficiency: althoughtheir functions remain to be identified. Key words: In vitro protein synthesis, iron, iron deficiency, root, 2-dimensional PAGE  相似文献   

Leaf resistances of 14 cultivated potato genotypes (Solanumspp) and three tuber-bearing wild Solanum species were comparedwhen plants were grown under water stress at two tropical sitesFactors investigated were diurnal changes in leaf resistance,the effect of plant age, transient drought versus well-wateredconditions of potted and field-grown plants These measurementswere carried out in order to determine the stomatal behaviourof tuber-bearing genotypes and species Significant genotypic differences in leaf resistances were notedwithin the cultivated genotypes All genotypes had higher resistanceswhen water-stressed, but LT-7 appeared to have the lowest leafresistances Genetic differences in stomatal behaviour of tuber-bearingSolanum species were confirmed Abaxial stomatal resistancesof water-stressed plants of the species ranged between 1 74and 13 8 s cm–1 Stomata of S chacoense were less affectedby drought (three-fold) than S tuberosum (four-fold) The greatesteffect was on S jungasense (five-fold) and on S raphanifoliumThese data show that stomata behaviour among tuber-bearing Solanumspecies is sufficiently different to warrant investigationsof drought-resistance in potato species under dry hot conditions Solanum tuberosum L., Solanum raphanifolium, Solanum chacoense, Solanum jungasense, leaf resistance  相似文献   

A population of Pseudotachea litturata (Pfeiffer, 1851) fromTarifa (Càdiz, Spain) has been studied. The morphologicalresults are compared with those from P. splendida, Iberus gualtierianus,I. alonensis, I. marmoralus, I. guiraoanus and four speciesof the genus Cepaea using, as an exploratory method, the Wagnerparsimony procedure and 18 characters of the shell, genitalsystem and karyotype have been analysed. According to this methodit seems that the taxonomical position of P. litturata in thegenus Pseudotachea is confirmed, and agrees with the phylogeneticalrelationships in this group of species. The genus Cepaea seemsto be well established, although two species groups can be distinguished:C. nemoralis—C. hortensis and C. syluatica—C. vindobonensis.These differ mainly in chromosome number, diverticulum lengthand degree of shell polymorphism. Although the present resultsdo not allow us to clarify the current taxonomical problemswithin the genus Iberus, the species studied seem to belongto a natural group (Received 15 September 1987; accepted 1 January 1988)  相似文献   

We have compared the structure of the aesthetascs—thin-walledchemosensory pegs on the antennules—of Coenobita, a terrestrialhermit crab, and of various marine decapods, including the aquatichermit crab, Pagurus hirsutiusculus. In all cases, the aesthetascsare innervated by the dendrites of many bipolar neurons whosecell bodies are grouped beneath the bases of the hairs. Thedendrites have basal bodies and cilia that divide into slenderbranches, each distinguished by ovoid swellings along its lengthand containing one or more microtubules apparently continuouswith the microtubules of the cilia. The arrangement of the dendrites within the aesthetascs is distinctlydifferent in Coenobita from that in the marine animals, evenin its relative, Pagurus. There are many points of structuralconvergence between the aesthetascs of Coenobita and the thin-walledolfactory pegs of the insect antenna. These modifications mayrepresent adaptations for conservation of water in the terrestrialreceptors.  相似文献   

Plants of two cultivars of Callistephus chinensis (Queen ofthe Market and Johannistag) were grown in 8 h of daylight perday with one of the following treatments given during the 16h dark period: (a) darkness—‘uninterrupted night’,(b) I h of light in the middle of the dark period—a ‘nightbreak’, (c) I min of light in every hour of the dark period—‘cycliclighting’, (d) light throughout—‘continuouslight’. The plants receiving uninterrupted dark periods remained compactand rosetted in habit with small leaves, while leaf expansion,stem extension, and flower initiation were promoted in all threeillumination treatments (b, c, d). Although these three treatmentsproduced similar increases in leaf area, continuous light wasthe most effective for the promotion of both stem growth andflower initiation while cyclic lighting was generally more effectivethan a I-h night break. Continuous light also caused more dry matter to be divertedto stems at any given vegetative dry weight and it was shownthat the stem weight ratio of both varieties was correlatedwith stem length.  相似文献   

Improved Equations for the Prediction of Seed Longevity   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
Equations for predicting seed longevity in storage have beenimproved so that they now take into account variations withina species in initial seed quality—which is affected bygenotype and pre-storage environment—and so that theyare more accurate over a wider range of storage environmentsThese improvements have been incorporated into a seed viabilitynomograph for barley (Hordeum distichum L.) which may be usedto predict percentage viabihty of any seed lot after any timein any storage environment within the range –20 to 90°C and 5–25 per cent moisture content. Applicationsof the improved equations to seed drying and to long-term seedstorage for genetic conservation are discussed. Hordeum distichum L., barley, seed viability, seed longevity prediction, seed storage, seed drying, storage temperature, seed moisture content, genetic resources conservation  相似文献   

Limnocalanus macrurus, an omnivorous calanoid copepod with strongcarnivorous tendencies that invaded fresh water during the Pleistoceneglaciation, retains a marine arctic lipid and life cycle strategyin the hypolimnion of Lake Michigan. Its maximum lipid concentrationof 67% of dry mass—consisting largely of wax esters—isthe highest reported for freshwater zooplankton and is amongthe highest reported for marine polar species. The high lipidconcentration of L.macrurus runs counter to the paradigm thathigh wax ester concentrations are found in herbivorous, butnot in carnivorous, polar species. Lipids are drawn down toextremely low levels (10% of dry mass) during the reproductiveperiod, November–May. Reproduction in this univoltinespecies appears to be timed so that the new generation developsduring the high abundance of prey (crustacean microzooplanktonand net phytoplankton) in spring. A high wax ester content mayallow egg production to start in winter when the prey concentrationis low. In contrast to many polar species, the new generationmoves through all copepodid stages to adult without diapausing.Copepodid 5 females have a low lipid concentration, and lipidsare slowly built up in new generation adults during summer andfail before reproduction commences. This lipid and life cyclestrategy may have given L.macrurus an advantage over potentialfreshwater competitors, such as the arctic freshwater cyclopoidcopepod Cyclops scutifer, in the hypolimnia of glaciated lakes.  相似文献   

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