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A new assay for superoxide radicals is based on the interaction of hydroxylamine (1-oxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-oxopiperidine) with superoxide, giving rise to a stable nitroxide radical. Working concentration ranges of hydroxylamine and cells are determined. It was shown that the amount of superoxide generated was proportional to the concentration of nitroxide radicals. The sensitivity and specificity of the proposed assay were compared to chemiluminescence and cytochrome-c reduction.  相似文献   

On annealing at temperatures near 100 degrees C, carbon-centered radicals migrate to sulfur-centered radicals in X-irradiated crystals of L-alpha-amino-n-butyric acid hydrochloride, CH3CH2CH(NH3-Cl)COOH, containing L-cysteine hydrochloride, SHCH2CH(NH3Cl)COOH. Samples containing 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% L-cysteine hydrochloride were studied. When no cysteine is present, the carbon-centered radical formed by X irradiation, CH3CH2CHOOH, decays according to a second-order diffusion-controlled rate equation. In samples containing cysteine, the same carbon-centered radicals are formed, but on annealing, they migrate to cysteine, where a perithiyl radical, RSS, is formed. The transfer of carbon-centered radicals to perthiyl radicals follows a pseudo first-order rate equation with an activation energy of 1.15 eV. A decrease in the initial concentration of the carbon-centered radicals or an increase in the initial concentration of cysteine results in an increase in the transfer efficiency. The rate of growth of the perthiyl radical depends on both the initial concentration of cysteine and the initial concentration of carbon-centered radicals. The pseudo first-order rate constant increases when either the initial carbon-centered radical concentration increases or the initial cysteine concentration increases. The mechanism by which radicals move from one lattice site to another in the crystalline material is most likely hydrogen abstraction from a neighboring molecule.  相似文献   

The mechanism of ascorbate oxidation by metal-binding proteins (ceruloplasmin, albumin and transferrin) was investigated in vitro and in isolated plasma by the measurement of the ascorbyl free radicals (AFR) by electron spin resonance (ESR). In plasma of 13 healthy volunteers, a spontaneous and variable pro-duction of AFR was detected, which was increased by a 10 M ascorbate overloading; however, this increase was not correlated to the intensity of the spontaneous AFR signal. The addition of Cu and ceruloplasmin to plasma increased the ESR signal, while the addition of transferrin decreased the signal intensity in a dose-dependent manner. In vitro, we demonstrated that ascorbate was oxidized by human serum albumin and by ceruloplasmin, and that this oxidase-like activity was lost by trypsin or heat treatment of these proteins. These two proteins positively interacted in the oxidation of ascorbate, since addition of crude albumin to a solution of ascorbate and ceruloplasmin increased the intensity of ESR signal in a dose-dependent manner. The treatment of albumin by a metal chelator (DDTC) abolished these positive inter-actions. The respective roles of copper and iron in ascorbate oxidation were studied and showed a dose-dependent effect of these ions on ascorbate oxidation. The role of iron was confirmed by the inhibiting effect of metal-free transferrin on iron-dependent ascorbate oxidation. Concerted actions between iron carrying albumin and copper carrying ceruloplasmin appear responsible for the production of AFR in vitro and in vivo. © Rapid Science 1998  相似文献   

Recent studies showed that soybean lipoxygenase inhibitors like phenidone and nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) reduce the catalytically active ferric lipoxygenase to its inactive ferrous form. Addition of 13(S)-hydroperoxy-cis-9,trans-11-octadecadienoic acid (13-HPOD) regenerated the active ferric form. In this paper, it is shown that in such a system the inhibitors are oxidized to free-radical metabolites. Incubation of soybean lipoxygenase and linoleic acid with p-aminophenol, catechol, hydroquinone, NDGA, or phenidone resulted in the formation of the one-electron oxidation products of these compounds. Free-radical formation depended upon the presence of the lipoxygenase and 13-HPOD. The free radicals were detected by ESR spectroscopy, and their structure was confirmed by analysis of the spectra, using a computer correlation technique. These data support the proposed mechanism for the inhibition of lipoxygenase by phenolic antioxidants.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity of commonly used nitroxide radical spin probes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since nitroxide radical spin probes are used frequently to test biophysical properties of cells, their use should be restricted to conditions that do not perturb normal cell growth and viability. Eight commonly used nitroxide radical spin probes have been tested for their effects on the survival of CHO cells. These include water-soluble spin probes Tempol, Tempamine, CTPO, CTPC and 4-maleimido-Tempo, and lipid soluble spin probes 5-Doxyl-, 12-Doxyl-, and 16-Doxylstearates. With the exception of 4-maleimido-Tempo, none of the water soluble spin labels inhibited cell survival at concentrations as high as 1 mM. At concentrations of 75 microM and higher, 4-maleimido-Tempo inhibited cell survival in a dose dependent manner. At concentrations commonly used for spin labeling of cells (30-50 microM) none of the lipid soluble spin probes tested was cytotoxic. At 100 microM only 5-Doxylstearate inhibited cell survival, whereas 12-Doxylstearate and 16-Doxylstearate had no effect.  相似文献   

To study the interaction of the antioxidant vitamins C and E in a biological system, we used electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy to make serial measurement of ascorbate tocopheroxyl free radicals in plasma subjected to continuous free radical-mediated oxidative stress. Upon initiation of a continuous oxidative stress, we observed an immediate increase in the concentration of ascorbate radical, which reached a peak, and then steadily declined. Only after the virtual disappearance of the ascorbate radical did we observe the appearance of the tocopheroxyl radical. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that ascorbate is the terminal small-molecule antioxidant in biological systems. This is the first experimental demonstration that the predicted thermodynamic hierarchy of ascorbate, -tocopherol, and their free radicals holds in a biological system containing endogenous levels of these antioxidant vitamins.  相似文献   

Complexes of vanadium(IV), vanadyl, are reported to be formed with the trihydroxamic acid deferoxamine (H3DF+). One complex exhibits a reddish-violet color, with a major absorbance peak at 386 nm and a smaller peak at 520 nm. This complex is potentially useful for the microdetermination of vanadyl. The apparent molar absorptivity is 3.91 mM-1 cm-1, and the complex obeys Beer's law in the concentration range of 0.6-63 ppm. Electron spin resonance studies indicate the formation of two vanadyl complexes that are 1:1 in vanadyl and deferoxamine, but have two or three bound hydroxamate groups. ESR and spectrophotometric evidence indicate that the red, low pH form, involves an octahedral vanadium (4+) ion coordinated by three hydroxamate ligands. One of these hydroxamates is displaced by an oxygen at pH greater than 2.8 according to the following equilibria: VO2+ + H3DF+ in equilibrium with VIV(DF)2+ + H3O+, VIV(DF)2+ + H2O in equilibrium with VO(HDF)+ + H+, where pk2 = 2.8.  相似文献   

Oxygen-based free radical generation by ferrous ions and deferoxamine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Deferoxamine accelerates the autooxidation of iron as measured by the rapid disappearance of Fe2+, the associated appearance of Fe3+, and the uptake of oxygen. Protons are released in the reaction. The formation of H2O2 was detected by the horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of scopoletin, and the formation of hydroxyl radicals (OH.) was suggested by the formation of the OH. spin trap adduct (DMPO/OH). with the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) and the generation of the methyl radical adduct on the further addition of dimethyl sulfoxide. (DMPO/OH). adduct formation was inhibited by catalase but not by superoxide dismutase. The oxidant formed converted iodide to a trichloroacetic acid-precipitable form (iodination) and was bactericidal to logarithmic phase Escherichia coli. Both iodination and bactericidal activity was inhibited by catalase and by OH. scavengers, but not by superoxide dismutase. Iodination was optimal in 5 x 10(-4) M acetate buffer, pH 5.0, and when the Fe2+ and deferoxamine concentrations were equimolar at 10(-4) M. Fe2+ could not be replaced by Fe3+, Co2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, or Mn2+, or deferoxamine by EDTA, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, or bathophenanthroline. These findings indicate that Fe2+ and deferoxamine can act as an oxygen radical generating system, which may contribute to its biological effects in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography were employed to study the molecular diffusion of a number of small nitroxide spin probes (approximately 7-9 A diameter) into the central cavity of the iron-storage protein ferritin. Charge and polarity of these radicals play a critical role in the diffusion process. The negatively charged radical 4-carboxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl (4-carboxy-TEMPO) does not penetrate the cavity whereas the positively charged 4-amino-TEMPO and 3-(aminomethyl)-proxyl radical and polar 4-hydroxy-TEMPO radical do. Unlike the others, the apolar TEMPO radical does not enter the cavity but instead binds to ferritin, presumably at a hydrophobic region of the protein. The kinetic data indicate that diffusion is not purely passive, the driving force coming not only from the concentration gradient between the inside and outside of the protein but also from charge interactions between the diffusant and the protein. A model for diffusion is derived that describes the observed kinetics. First-order half-lives for diffusion into the protein of 21-26 min are observed, suggesting that reductant molecules with diameters considerably larger than approximately 9 A would probably enter the protein cavity too slowly to mobilize iron efficiently by direct interaction with the mineral core.  相似文献   

Short-lived free radicals formed in the reaction of 11 substrates and radiolytically produced hydroxyl radicals were trapped successfully with 5, 5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) in dilute aqueous solution. The in situ radiolysis steady-state ESR spectra of the spin adducts were analyzed to determine accurate ESR parameters for these spin adducts in a uniform environment. Parent alkyl radicals include methyl, ethyl, 1-propyl and 2-propyl (1-methylethyl). Hydroxyalkyl parent radicals were hydroxymethyl, hydroxyethyl, 2-hydroxy-2-propyl (1-methyl-1-hydroxyethyl), 1-hydroxypropyl and 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropyl. Carboxyl radical (carbon dioxide anion, formate radical) and sulfite anion radical were the sigma radicals studied. The DMPO spin adduct of 1-propyl was identified for the first time. For most spin adducts, g factors were also determined for the first time. In DMPO spin adducts of hydroxyalkyl radicals, nitrogen and C(2)-proton hyperfine coupling constants are smaller than those of alkyl radical adducts; the hydroxyalkyl spin adducts possess larger g values than their unsubstituted counterparts. These changes are ascribed to the spread of pi conjugation to include the hydroxyl group. Strong evidence of spin addend-aminoxyl group interaction can be seen in the asymmetrical line shapes in the hydroxyethyl and the hydroxypropyl spin adducts.  相似文献   

A spin-labeled stearic acid and other spin-labeled molecules have been used for an ESR study of the hydration process of the egg lecithin lamellar phase for water concentrations, CW greater than 10%. Two hydration steps are found for CW approximately 20% and CW congruent to 30%, in good agreement with results of the literature. To explain discontinuities in the behavior of three spin-labeled molecules at CW congruent to 20%, a conformational change of the phosphatidylcholine polar head and a phase transition in the polar interface are proposed.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1987,222(2):246-250
Desferrioxamine mesylate (Desferal), a transition metal ion chelator, has been used to inhibit the in vitro redox cycling of transition metal ions. ESR spectroscopy was utilized to detect and identify Desferal's one-electron oxidation product. We demonstrate that a horseradish peroxidase/H2O2 system, a xanthine oxidase/hypoxanthine system, and a hydroxyl radical-generating system are all capable of oxidizing Desferal to a nitroxide free radical. The same 9-line ESR spectrum (g = 2.0065, aN = 7.85 G, aH(2) = 6.35 G) was detected in all of the above systems. We, therefore, stress that care must be taken when using Desferal as a transition metal ion chelator to keep its concentration low enough to minimize these reactions, or to use a different metal ion chelator.  相似文献   

Spin probing methods using an electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometer are used extensively and bring us a lot of information about in vivo redox mechanisms. However, the in vivo reducing mechanisms of exogenous nitroxide radicals, which serve as typical spin probing reagents are not clear. To clarify this, we examined the sequential kinetics of a spin probe, 4-hydroxy 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl (TEMPOL) in the in vivo organs, tissue homogenates and subcellular fractions of kidney and liver using an in vivo and X-band ESR spectrometers. As a parameter of reducing activity, we calculated the half-life of TEMPOL from the decay curve of ESR signal intensity. The half-life of TEMPOL in the whole organs and homogenates of the kidney was significantly shorter than that of the liver, this indicates that the kidney has more reducing activity against TEMPOL as compared to the liver. Subcellular fractional studies revealed that this reducing activity of the kidney mainly exists in the mitochondria. Contrarily, in addition to reduction in the mitochondria, TEMPOL in the liver was reduced by the microsome and cytosol.  相似文献   

We studied the formation of a free radical induced by UV irradiation of 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea (CCNU) in benzene. It was determined a stable nitroxide radical by ESR spectroscopy. We confirmed that sterically hindered cyclic amine 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidone (TMPone) was transformed into a corresponding stable free nitroxyl radical during UV irradiation. When CCNU was present, the rate of free radical formation from TMPone increased considerably.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of the formation of organic radical cations in zeolites. Attention is paid firstly to their deliberate production by radiolysis and then to the spontaneous oxidation by activated H-exchanged zeolites of adsorped organic substrates. The nature of the oxidation site arising from thermal pretreatment in oxygen is considered, and possible mechanistic details are outlined for the frequently observed oligomerisations of simple substrates. The broad conclusions are that radical cations are formed from that component of the organic product mixture with the lowest ionisation potential, and that the dominant molecular transformations are driven by proton (Brønsted) catalysis: it appears that there is little evidence that radical cations are involved particularly in heterogeneous catalysis by zeolites, but they may well precede the formation of neutral radicals which are implicated as reaction intermediates. The reorientational dynamics of alkene radical cations in zeolites, as determined by ESR spectroscopy, are also considered.  相似文献   

Human neutrophils activatd by PMA were found to induced the formation of a nitroxide radical from DFO. The presence of SOD was necessary to permit the formation of the DFO radical. The inactive phorbol ester did not induce DFO radical, and _sphinganine suppressed the radical produced by the active phorbol ester. Other cell stimuli (Zymocel and the chemotactic peptide) also induced the formation of the DFO radical, although radical concentration was very much lower than with PMA. Participation of .NO, ,OH or 1O2 was ruled out by the inability of NG-methyl-L-arginine, NG-nitro-L-arginine, DMSO, mannitol, histidine, and methionine to inhibit the formation of DFO radical produced by PMA-activated cells. Furthermore, PMA-activated cells dod not produce detectable levels of NO2, as a stable oxidation product of .NO, and D2, which enhances the lifetime of singlet oxygen, did not modify the intensity or the lifetime of DFO radical. The involvement of cell MPO was suggested by the inhibition of the DFO radical observed after treatment with catalase or with antihuman MPO antibodies. Also, HOCI was found to induce the DFO radical in cell-free reactions, but our data indicate that the reaction leading to DFO radical formation by neutrophils involves the reduction of MPO compound II back to active enzyme (ferric-MPO). Anti-inflammatory drugs strongly increased the DFO radical produced by activated neutrophils. On the contrary, none of these drugs was able to increase the DFO radical produced by HOCl. Histidine and methionine that inhibited the DFO radical intensity in cell-free reactions, were shown to act directly onm HOCl. Experiments with MPO-H2O2 in SOD- and Cl-free conditions showed the formation of DFO radical and confirmed the hypothesis of the involvement of compound II. The conversion of compound II to ferric MPO by DFO optimized the enzymatic activity of neurophils, and in the presence of monochlorodimedon (compound II promoting agent) we measured an increased HOCl production. When DFO was modified by conjugation with hydroxyethyl starch, it lost the ability to produce the radical either by neutrophils or by MPO-H2O2 and did not increase HOCl production. The inability of these DFO derivatives to produce potentially toxic species migh explain their reported lower toxicity in vivo.  相似文献   

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