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Like other amphibians native to Britain, the natterjack toad Bufo calamita must have colonized the islands during the relatively short period between the end of the last glaciation and the separation of Britain from mainland Europe by rising sea levels. Unlike the other native amphibians, however, B. calamita is a habitat specialist at the north-westerly edge of its biogeographical range and for most of the 8000–10000 years since its colonization has probably been restricted to open dunes, heathlands and upper saltmarshes, as isolated populations in a few discrete areas of the country. We have investigated the genetic diversity and relatedness of six widely separated British natterjack populations by allozyme analysis, and shown that all have very low diversity (Overall P 95%= 2.7%, H = 0.004) by comparison with other anurans, including natterjack populations in mainland Europe and common frogs ( Rana temporaria , L) in Britain. Eighty percent of loci were fixed for the same allele in all six British natterjack populations and genetic differentiation between colonies was extremely low. The possible significance of these findings to the persistence of small isolated populations at range edges is discussed.  相似文献   

The natterjack toad Bufo calamita is rare in Britain, which is at the northwestern edge of its biogeographical range. We investigated the level of genetic differentiation amongst almost all (34 out of 38) of the surviving British populations of this species, and among six new populations established by translocations during the 1980s. For eight microsatellite loci, allele sizes and frequencies were analysed using samples from each of these populations. The populations clustered into three robustly differentiated groups, each of which corresponded with a geographical region (east/southeast England, Merseyside and Cumbria). The Cumbrian populations showed a further weak geographical substructuring into northern and southern clades. The populations in south Cumbria were genetically more diverse than those in any of the other regions, as judged by the mean numbers of alleles per locus and the mean heterozygosity estimates. The translocated populations clustered close to their founders and, with one exception, did not differ significantly with respect to mean allele numbers, heterozygosity or polymorphism level. However, significant genetic differentiation (as measured by unbiased R ST) was found between all but one of the founder-translocation pairs. The implications of this phylogeographic study for the future conservation of B. calamita in Britain are discussed.  相似文献   

Ulrich Sinsch 《Oecologia》1992,90(4):489-499
Summary The migratory and reproductive behaviour ofBufo calamita was studied at four neighbouring breeding sites in the northern Rhineland, Germany, from 1986 to 1991. Radio telemetry and marking systems based on toe-clipping and on microchips were used to follow the tracks of toads and for individual recognition. Emphasis lay on estimates of (1) the exchange of reproductive individuals between neighbouring sites, and (2) the reproductive success at each site. Allozyme electrophoresis served to assess the genetic diversity of local populations. More than 90% of all reproductive males showed a lifelong fidelity to the site of first breeding, whereas females did not prefer certain breeding sites. Due to the female-biased exchange of individuals among neighbouring sites the genetic distance between local populations was generally low but increased with geographical distance. This pattern of spatial relations is consistent with the structure of a metapopulation. Morever, up to three mass immigrations of males per breeding period, replacing previously reproductive individuals, suggested the existence of temporal populations successively reproducing at the same locality. Genetic distances were considerably greater between temporal populations than between local ones, indicating partial reproductive isolation. In fact, an exchange of reproductive individuals between the temporal populations at each site was not detected, but gene flow due to the recruitment of first-breeders originating from offspring other than their own seems probable. Thus, natterjack metapopulations consist of interacting local and temporal populations. The reproductive success differed considerably among the four sites and also between the temporal populations. Three out of four local populations had low reproductive success as well as the latest temporal population. The persistence of these populations depended entirely on the recruitment of juveniles from the only self-sustaining local population. This rescue-effect impeded local extinction. The discussion focuses on the modifications required to fit the classical metapopulation concept to the empirical findings and their consequences for the dynamics of amphibian metapopulations.  相似文献   

The accuracy and precision of four single‐sample estimators of effective population size, Ne (heterozygote excess, linkage disequilibrium, Bayesian partial likelihood and sibship analysis) were compared using empirical data (microsatellite genotypes) from multiple natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) populations in Britain (n = 16) and elsewhere in Europe (n = 10). Census size data were available for the British populations. Because toads have overlapping generations, all of these methods estimated the number of effective breeders Nb rather than Ne. The heterozygote excess method only provided results, without confidence limits, for nine of the British populations. Linkage disequilibrium gave estimates for 10 British populations, but only six had finite confidence limits. The Bayesian and sibship methods both produced estimates with finite confidence limits for all the populations. Although the Bayesian method was the most precise, on most criteria (insensitivity to locus number, correlation with other effective and census size estimates and correlation with genetic diversity) the sibship method performed best. The results also provided evidence of genetic compensation in natterjack toads, and highlighted how the relationship between effective size and genetic diversity can vary as a function of geographical scale.  相似文献   

Across altitudinal and latitudinal gradients, the proportion of suitable habitats varies, influencing the individual dispersal that ultimately can produce differentiation among populations. The natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) is distributed across a wide geographic range that qualifies the species as interesting for a geographic analysis of its genetic variability. Five populations of B. calamita in the Sierra de Gredos (Spain) were studied in an altitudinal gradient ranging from 750 to 2270 m using microsatellite markers. In addition, we analyzed the latitudinal genetic variation in B. calamita within a global European distribution using genetic diversity parameters (mean number of alleles per locus [M(a)] and expected heterozygosity [H(E)]) obtained from our results and those published in the literature. The low level of genetic differentiation found between populations of B. calamita (F(st) ranging from 0.0115 to 0.1018) and the decreases in genetic diversity with altitude (M(a) from 13.6 to 8.3, H(E) from 0.82 to 0.74) can be interpreted by the combined effects of discontinuous habitat, produced mainly by the high slopes barriers and geographic distance. In the latitudinal gradient, genetic diversity decreases from south to north as a consequence of the colonization of the species from the Pleistocene refugium. We conclude that the genetic variability in B. calamita along its wide altitudinal and latitudinal geographic distribution mainly reflects the colonization history of the species after the last glacial period.  相似文献   

Miguel Tejedo 《Oecologia》1992,90(2):294-296
Summary A trade-off between size and number of offspring was not found for females of similar sizes of the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita). Moreover, for large females, clutches with higher number of eggs had larger eggs as well. This suggests that larger females produce more numerous and larger eggs because they potentially have more energy available for reproduction. Egg size diminished allometrically with clutch size. Egg size, however, did not increase offspring fitness. Therefore, this allometric decrease may be considered a consequence of phylogenetic constraints rather than a result of optimizing selection.  相似文献   

Like other pond-breeding amphibians, the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) typically presents a patchy distribution. Because the species experiences high probabilities of local population extinction, its persistence within landscapes relies on both local and landscape-scale processes [dispersal allowing the (re)colonization of habitat patches]. However, the structure and composition of the matrix surrounding local populations can alter the dispersal rates between populations. As shown previously (Landscape Ecol 19:829–842, 2004), the locomotor performances of individuals at the dispersal stage depend on the nature of the component crossed: some landscape components offer high resistance to movement (high resistance or high viscosity components) whereas others allow high efficiency of movement (low resistance components). We now examine the ability of individuals to discriminate between landscape components and select low-resistance components. Our experimental study investigates the ways in which young natterjack toads choose from among landscape components common to southern Belgium. Toadlets (the dispersal stage) were experimentally confronted with boundaries between surrogates of sandy soils, roads, forests, agricultural fields and intensive pastures. Our results show: 1 the ability of toadlets to react to boundaries between landscape components, 2 differences in permeability among boundaries, and 3 our inability to predict correctly the permeability of the boundaries from the patch-specific resistance assessed previously. Toadlets showed a preference for bare environments and forests, whereas they avoided the use of agricultural environments. This pattern could not be explained in terms of patch-specific resistance only, and is discussed in terms of mortality risks and resource availability in the various landscape components, with particular attention to repercussions on conservation strategies.  相似文献   

We report new polymorphic microsatellites for three species of Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup): 10 in B. balearicus and seven each in B. siculus and B. boulengeri. Diversity at these loci, measured for 27 B. balearicus, 23 B. siculus and 11 B. boulengeri, ranged from low to high (two to 10 alleles). Mitotyping primers, specific to the control region, which allow fast screening of parapatric Sicilian endemic B. siculus and Italian mainland-origin B. balearicus, were developed.  相似文献   

The European natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) has declined rapidly in recent years, primarily due to loss of habitat, and in Denmark it is estimated that 50% of the isolated populations are lost each decade. To efficiently manage and conserve this species and its genetic diversity, knowledge of the genetic structure is crucial. Based on nine polymorphic microsatellite loci, the genetic diversity, genetic structure and gene flow were investigated at 12 sites representing 5–10% of the natterjack toad localities presently known in Denmark. The expected heterozygosity (H E) within each locality was generally low (range: 0.18–0.43). Further analyses failed to significantly correlate genetic diversity with population size, degree of isolation and increasing northern latitude, indicating a more complex combination of factors in determining the present genetic profile. Genetic differentiation was high (overall θ = 0.29) and analyses based on a Bayesian clustering method revealed that the dataset constituted 11 genetic clusters, defining nearly all sampling sites as distinct populations. Contemporary gene flow among populations was undetectable in nearly all cases, and the failure to detect a pattern of isolation by distance within major regions supported this apparent lack of a gene flow continuum. Indications of a genetic bottleneck were found in three populations. The analyses suggest that the remaining Bufo calamita populations in Denmark are genetically isolated, and represent independent units in a highly fragmented gene pool. Future conservation management of this species is discussed in light of these results. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The variability of microsatellites BM224 and Bcal7 was studied for the first time in three species of the diploid-polyploid complex of Bufo viridis (B. viridis, B. oblongus, and B. pewzowi). The locus Bcal7 was established to be monomorphic in all samples studied. In microsatellite BM224, three allele variants were found. Among tetraploid toads, the western Asiatic species B. oblongus was characterized by one allele only, the eastern B. pewzowi, by the two other alleles. A similar distribution was also revealed in triploid individuals on the borders of range between tetraploid and diploid species. Among the diploid species B. viridis samples, all three allele variants of microsatellite BM224 were observed. Their distribution in the area proved to be geographically determined. In diploid toads, a similarity was revealed between the distribution of microsatellite BM224 alleles and variability of the nuclear DNA content.  相似文献   

We describe four extensions to existing Bayesian methods for the analysis of genetic structure in populations: (i) use of beta distributions to approximate the posterior distribution of f and theta(B); (ii) use of an entropy statistic to describe the amount of information about a parameter derived from the data; (iii) use of the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) as a model choice criterion for determining whether there is evidence for inbreeding within populations or genetic differentiation among populations; and (iv) use of samples from the posterior distributions for f and theta(B) derived from different data sets to determine whether the estimates are consistent with one another. We illustrate each of these extensions by applying them to data derived from previous allozyme and random amplified polymorphic DNA surveys of an endangered orchid, Platanthera leucophaea, and we conclude that differences in theta(B) from the two data sets may represent differences in the underlying mutational processes.  相似文献   

Methods recently developed to infer population structure and admixture mostly use individual genotypes described by unlinked neutral markers. However, Hardy-Weinberg and linkage disequilibria among independent markers decline rapidly with admixture time, and the admixture signals could be lost in a few generations. In this study, we aimed to describe genetic admixture in 182 European wild and domestic cats (Felis silvestris), which hybridize sporadically in Italy and extensively in Hungary. Cats were genotyped at 27 microsatellites, including 21 linked loci mapping on five distinct feline linkage groups. Genotypes were analysed with structure 2.1, a Bayesian procedure designed to model admixture linkage disequilibrium, which promises to assess efficiently older admixture events using tightly linked markers. Results showed that domestic and wild cats sampled in Italy were split into two distinct clusters with average proportions of membership Q > 0.90, congruent with prior morphological identifications. In contrast, free-living cats sampled in Hungary were assigned partly to the domestic and the wild cat clusters, with Q < 0.50. Admixture analyses of individual genotypes identified, respectively, 5/61 (8%), and 16-20/65 (25-31%) hybrids among the Italian wildcats and Hungarian free-living cats. Similar results were obtained in the past using unlinked loci, although the new linked markers identified additional admixed wildcats in Italy. Linkage analyses confirm that hybridization is limited in Italian, but widespread in Hungarian wildcats, a population that is threatened by cross-breeding with free-ranging domestic cats. The total panel of 27 loci performed better than the linked loci alone in the identification of domestic and known hybrid cats, suggesting that a large number of linked plus unlinked markers can improve the results of admixture analyses. Inferred recombination events led to identify the population of origin of chromosomal segments, suggesting that admixture mapping experiments can be designed also in wild populations.  相似文献   

Previous hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships among Nearctic toads (Bufonidae) and their congeners suggest contradictory biogeographic histories. These hypotheses argue that the Nearctic Bufo are: (1) a polyphyletic assemblage resulting from multiple colonizations from Africa; (2) a paraphyletic assemblage resulting from a single colonization event from South America with subsequent dispersal into Eurasia; or (3) a monophyletic group derived from the Neotropics. We obtained approximately 2.5 kb of mitochondrial DNA sequence data for the 12S, 16S, and intervening valine tRNA gene from 82 individuals representing 56 species and used parametric bootstrapping to test hypotheses of the biogeographic history of the Nearctic Bufo. We find that the Nearctic species of Bufo are monophyletic and nested within a large clade of New World Bufo to the exclusion of Eurasian and African taxa. This suggests that Nearctic Bufo result from a single colonization from the Neotropics. More generally, we demonstrate the utility of parametric bootstrapping for testing alternative biogeographic hypotheses. Through parametric bootstrapping, we refute several previously published biogeographic hypotheses regarding Bufo. These previous studies may have been influenced by homoplasy in osteological characters. Given the Neotropical origin for Nearctic Bufo, we examine current distributional patterns to assess whether the Nearctic-Neotropical boundary is a broad transition zone or a narrow boundary. We also survey fossil and paleogeographic evidence to examine potential Tertiary and Cretaceous dispersal routes, including the Paleocene Isthmian Link, the Antillean and Aves Ridges, and the current Central American Land Bridge, that may have allowed colonization of the Nearctic.  相似文献   

Taxa involving three bisexually reproducing ploidy levels make green toads a unique amphibian system. We put a cytogenetic dataset from Central Asia in a molecular framework and apply phylogenetic and demographic methods to data from the entire Palearctic range. We study the mitochondrial relationships of diploids to infer their phylogeography and the maternal ancestry of polyploids. Control regions (and tRNAs between ND1 and ND2 in representatives) characterize a deeply branched assemblage of twelve haplotype groups, diverged since the Lower Miocene. Polyploidy has evolved several times: Central Asian tetraploids (B. oblongus, B. pewzowi) have at least two maternal origins. Intriguingly, the mitochondrial ancestor of morphologically distinctive, sexually reproducing triploid taxa (B. pseudoraddei) from Karakoram and Hindukush represents a different lineage. We report another potential case of bisexual triploid toads (B. zugmayeri). Identical d-loops in diploids and tetraploids from Iran and Turkmenistan, which differ in morphology, karyotypes and calls, suggest multiple origins and retained polymorphism and/or hybridization. A similar system involves diploids, triploids and tetraploids from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan where green toads exemplify vertebrate genomic plasticity. A new form from Sicily and its African sister species (B. boulengeri) allow internal calibration and divergence time estimates for major clades. The subgroup may have originated in Eurasia rather than Africa since the earliest diverged lineages (B. latastii, B. surdus) and earliest fossils occur in Asia. We delineate ranges, contact and hybrid zones. Phylogeography, including one of the first non-avian datasets from Central Asian high mountains, reflects Quaternary climate and glaciation.  相似文献   

Three snook species, Centropomus viridis, Centropomus medius, and Centropomus robalito, from the eastern central Pacific, representing three of the four proposed phyletic lineages in the genus, were analyzed for genetic variability by means of allozyme and RAPD to evaluate the divergence between populations at different levels of dispersal ability and to evaluate the importance of barriers to dispersal in the population subdivision and genetic diversity. Levels of genetic diversity among species estimated by allozymes were similar and consistent with the observed levels of differentiation in marine fish species. Mean heterozygosity ranged from 0.089 for C. viridis to 0.10 for C. robalito. Genetic diversity for the snook species studied was slightly higher than the mean estimation reported in allozymes for 106 marine fish (0.055) and for anadromous fish species (0.043 to 0.057). Multilocus allele frequency homogeneity tests and population-subdivision estimates for both allozyme and RAPD markers revealed the existence of population structure in C. viridis and C. medius, in coincidence with geographic separation of samples, whereas no divergence was detected in C. robalito. This finding may be attributed to the greater population size of C. robalito, which originated by a recent population range expansion, and hence the potential for dispersal is mediated by larval drift. Fluctuations in population size and population range expansion are used to explain discrepancies between levels of genetic diversity and population structure in the studied species. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic format at  相似文献   

Microsatellite as well as sequence analysis of the mitochondrial control region were applied to infer phylogeography and population genetic structure of the saker falcon (Falco cherrug). Furthermore, we compared the patterns of mitochondrial haplotypes with the variation of microsatellite alleles among the species of the hierofalcon complex (F. cherrug, Falco rusticolus, Falco biarmicus, Falco jugger) to test hypotheses on population history. Historical samples from museum specimens of F. cherrug were analysed together with samples from contemporary populations to investigate possible influences of hybrid falcons escaped from falconry on the genetic composition. In the mitochondrial DNA analysis, none of the four species represents a monophyletic group. Moreover, there are no clearly defined groups of haplotypes corresponding to taxonomic entities. In the microsatellite analysis most of the variation is shared between species and no clear differentiation by private alleles is found. Yet, with a Bayesian clustering method based on allele frequencies, a differentiation of F. cherrug, F. rusticolus and two geographic groups of F. biarmicus was detected. Results from both nuclear and mitochondrial markers are compatible with the previously postulated 'Out of Africa' hypothesis assuming an African origin of the hierofalcons. From an ancestral African population, F. cherrug, F. rusticolus and F. jugger split off in separate waves of immigration into Eurasia and South Asia. A combination of evolutionary processes, including incomplete lineage sorting as well as hybridization, may be responsible for the currently observed genetic patterns in hierofalcons.  相似文献   

Eleven microsatellite loci were developed in the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, to examine population structure. Loci were amplified in samples from two geographically distant populations (Ecuador and Mediterranean Sea). Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.150 to 0.960. Most loci conformed to Hardy–Weinberg expectations with the exception of locus Xg‐59, which had a heterozygote deficit caused probably by null alleles. Locus Xg‐402 did not show significant divergence between the populations. The remaining nine loci showed statistically significant spatial heterogeneity (genic differentiation) between the two populations, making them useful for future studies of population structure in swordfish.  相似文献   

Ceplitis A  Su Y  Lascoux M 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(14):4221-4233
Besides showing an extraordinary degree of phenotypic variability, Capsella bursa-pastoris (Brassicaceae) is also one of the world's most common plant species and a serious weed in many countries. We have employed a coalescent-based Bayesian analysis of chloroplast microsatellite data to infer demographic and evolutionary parameters of this species. Two different demographic models applied to data from seven chloroplast microsatellite loci among 59 accessions show that the effective population size of C. bursa-pastoris is very small indicating a rapid expansion of the species, a result that is in accordance with fossil and historical data. Against this background, analysis of flowering time variation among accessions suggests that ecotypic differentiation in flowering time has occurred recently in the species' history. Finally, our results also indicate that mononucleotide repeat loci in the chloroplast genome can deteriorate in relatively short periods of evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Eight dinucleotide microsatellite markers were developed on Hymeniacidon sinapium (Porifera: Demospongiae), common littoral sponge around Japan, to investigate population genetic structure. Two to 10 alleles were identified in an analysis of 24 individuals of H. sinapium, with observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.04 to 0.83. All loci did not deviate from the Hardy–Weinberg expectations; however, significant linkage disequilibrium between Sinp126 and Sinp142 was found.  相似文献   

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