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Dual atrioventricular (AV) nodal pathway physiology is described as two different wave fronts that propagate from the atria to the His bundle: one with a longer effective refractory period [fast pathway (FP)] and a second with a shorter effective refractory period [slow pathway (SP)]. By using His electrogram alternance, we have developed a mathematical model of AV conduction that incorporates dual AV nodal pathway physiology. Experiments were performed on five rabbit atrial-AV nodal preparations to develop and test the presented model. His electrogram alternances from the inferior margin of the His bundle were used to identify fast and slow wave front propagations. The ability to predict AV conduction time and the interaction between FP and SP wave fronts have been analyzed during regular and irregular atrial rhythms (e.g., atrial fibrillation). In addition, the role of dual AV nodal pathway wave fronts in the generation of Wenckebach periodicities has been illustrated. Finally, AV node ablative modifications have been evaluated. The model accurately reproduced interactions between FP and SP during regular and irregular atrial pacing protocols. In all experiments, specificity and sensitivity higher than 85% were obtained in the prediction of the pathway responsible for conduction. It has been shown that, during atrial fibrillation, the SP ablation significantly increased the mean HH interval (204 ± 39 vs. 274 ± 50 ms, P < 0.05), whereas FP ablation did not produce significant slowing of ventricular rate. The presented mathematical model can help in understanding some of the intriguing AV node mechanisms and should be considered as a step forward in the studies of AV nodal conduction.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper a general discussion of the transmission of information through neural chains is given in terms of the Shannon-Weaver theory. It is pointed out that with the all-or-none law a single chain of neurons connected in series transmits one bit of information per signal. A set ofN independent parallel chains transmitsN bits per signal. If, however, the chains are interconnected, the amount of information is reduced. At the same time, however, the degree of coordination of the final neuromuscular reaction is increased. A relation between the maximum possible speed of a reaction and its degree of coordination is derived, and possible applications to spoken language are suggested. A general quantitative discussion of the relation between amount of information and amount of knowledge which an individual may obtain when confronted with the external world is made and a possible connection with new trends in logical thinking is pointed out. In the second part transmission of information through “social chains” is discussed under certain special assumptions. An expression for the “social channel noise” in terms of the length of the channel is derived. Finally an expression is given for the amount of information transmitted from one individual to another in a social group of uniform density as a function of the physical distance between the two individuals.  相似文献   

Making a medical diagnosis consists of correlating knownpatterns of disease with the various classes of clinical data elicited from the history, physical examination, and batteries of tests relative to the diagnostic dynamics symbolized by atree branching into the various possible diagnostic decisions. In this paper a relational mathematical model of the reasoning aspects of the conventional medical diagnostic process is suggested as a way of extracting a general, formal concept of medical diagnosis. Computer implementation of the model is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

This work develops a mathematical model for the atrioventricular (AV) node in the human heart, based on recordings of electrical activity in the atria (the upper chambers of the heart) and the ventricles (the lower chambers of the heart). Intracardiac recordings of the atrial and ventricular activities were recorded from one patient with atrial flutter and one with atrial fibrillation. During these arrhythmias, not all beats in the atria are conducted to the ventricles. Some are blocked (concealed). However, the blocked beats can affect the properties of the AV node. The activation times of the atrial events were regarded as inputs to a mathematical model of conduction in the AV node, including a representation of AV nodal concealment. The model output was compared to the recorded ventricular response to search for and identify the best possible parameter combinations of the model. Good agreement between the distribution of interbeat intervals in the model and data for durations of 5 min was achieved. A model of AV nodal behavior during atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation could potentially help to understand the relative roles of atrial input activity and intrinsic AV nodal properties in determining the ventricular response.  相似文献   

V. S. Ivlev [Experimental Ecology of Nutrition of Fishes, 1955, Moscow (in Russia)] has shown that the food uptake by fishes during a fixed interval of time is an exponential function of the concentration of food. Ivlev's equation is derived here, and it is shown that it can hold only for non-stationary conditions, such as prevailed in Ivlev's experiments. For a stationary state, the rate of food uptake should tend asymptotically to a limiting value as the concentration increases, but the variation is not exponential. Different other aspects of the problem are investigated, and definite new experimental procedures suggested. The implications of Ivlev's findings on the effect of non-uniformity of food distribution upon the rate of food consumption are studied from a mathematical point of view. The conclusion is reached that whereas a fish does not, in the process of eating, move directly to an individual food particle which it perceives, it does move more or less directly to large aggregates of particles, if the latter are distributed nonuniformly.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Bartholomay, 1971), a general mathematical model of the medical diagnostic process was described. The present paper amounts to a relization of that process in terms of conventional 12-lead electrocardiographic diagnosis as enunciated by Dr. Harold D. Levine (1966) in the course of a collaborative study by Dr. Levine and the present author at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital of the Harvard Medical School between 1963 and 1966. The main details of the cognitive component of that model are described in detail here. The model has been programmed onto a computer system consisting of an analog-digital converter and general purpose digital computer and amounts to a simulation of Dr. Levine’s electrocardiographic analysis procedure.  相似文献   

The preceding paper presented a model of drug tolerance and dependence. The model assumes the development of tolerance to a repeatedly administered drug to be the result of a regulated adaptive process. The oral detection and analysis of exogenous substances is proposed to be the primary stimulus for the mechanism of drug tolerance. Anticipation and environmental cues are in the model considered secondary stimuli, becoming primary in dependence and addiction or when the drug administration bypasses the natural-oral-route, as is the case when drugs are administered intravenously. The model considers adaptation to the effect of a drug and adaptation to the interval between drug taking autonomous tolerance processes. Simulations with the mathematical model demonstrate the model's behaviour to be consistent with important characteristics of the development of tolerance to repeatedly administered drugs: the gradual decrease in drug effect when tolerance develops, the high sensitivity to small changes in drug dose, the rebound phenomenon and the large reactions following withdrawal in dependence. The present paper discusses the mathematical model in terms of its design. The model is a nonlinear, learning feedback system, fully satisfying control theoretical principles. It accepts any form of the stimulus-the drug intake-and describes how the physiological processes involved affect the distribution of the drug through the body and the stability of the regulation loop. The mathematical model verifies the proposed theory and provides a basis for the implementation of mathematical models of specific physiological processes.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the gate control theory of pain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The first test which any theory of pain must pass is that it must be able to explain the phenomena observed in acute pain in humans. This criterion is used to test the major theory of pain at present, the gate control theory of Melzack & Wall (1965, 1982). The theory is explicit enough to be cast in mathematical terms, and the mathematical model is shown to explain the observations considered. It also points up a common misconception on the consequences of the theory, and thus demolishes an argument which has been used against it. A hypothesis of the origin of rhythmic pain is then made, and consequent testable predictions given. This is the first time that the gate control theory has been used to explain any quality of pain. It has important consequences for the treatment of such pain. Finally, the applicability of the gate control theory as an explanation for chronic pain is discussed.  相似文献   

A theory of contraction and an associated model of striated muscle are presented, based on the assumption that chemical energy is being converted into electrical energy which, in turn, is being converted into mechanical energy and heat.The model, set up for the frog sartorius muscle, is able to predict the “rowing” motion of the cross-bridges, the force-velocity relation, the tension-length curve, the isometric force, all energy rates (heat and work rates), the metabolic rates and all known features of the stretched, stimulated muscle (no ATP-splitting, stretching tension higher than isometric tension, etc.). It also offers an alternative explanation for Hill's thermoelastic effect. The significance of Hill's force-velocity equation in the context of this theory is also discussed in detail.  相似文献   

We have formulated a mathematical model for the rat afferent arteriole (AA). Our model consists of a series of arteriolar smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells, each of which represents ion transport, cell membrane potential, and gap junction coupling. Cellular contraction and wall mechanics are also represented for the smooth muscle cells. Blood flow through the AA lumen is described by Poiseuille flow. The AA model's representation of the myogenic response is based on the hypothesis that changes in hydrostatic pressure induce changes in the activity of nonselective cation channels. The resulting changes in membrane potential then affect calcium influx through changes in the activity of the voltage-gated calcium channels, so that vessel diameter decreases with increasing pressure values. With this configuration, the model AA maintains roughly stable renal blood flow within a physiologic range of blood flow pressure. Model simulation of vasoconstriction initiated from local stimulation also agrees well with findings in the experimental literature, notably those of Steinhausen et al. (Steinhausen M, Endlich K, Nobiling R, Rarekh N, Schütt F. J Physiol 505: 493-501, 1997), which indicated that conduction of vasoconstrictive response decays more rapidly in the upstream flow direction than downstream. The model can be incorporated into models of integrated renal hemodynamic regulation.  相似文献   

White fat cells have an important physiological role in maintaining triglyceride and free fatty acid levels due to their fundamental storage property, as well as determining insulin resistance. ADipocyte METabolism is a mathematical model that mimics the main metabolic pathways of human white fat cell, connecting inputs (composition of culture medium) to outputs (glycerol and free fatty acid release). It is based on a set of nonlinear differential equations, implemented in Simulink® and controlled by cellular energetic state. The validation of this model is based on a comparison between the simulation results and a set of experimental data collected from the literature.  相似文献   

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