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alpha 1-Adrenergic activation stimulated phosphorylase and phosphoinositide turnover in hepatocytes from guinea pigs, rats and rabbits. Chlorethylclonidine inhibited these effects in rat and rabbit cells but not in guinea pig hepatocytes; low concentrations of 5-methyl urapidil blocked the alpha 1 actions in guinea pig and rabbit liver cells, but not in rat hepatocytes. Binding competition experiments also showed high affinity for 5-methyl urapidil in liver membranes from guinea pigs and rabbits and low affinity in those from rats. The data indicated that guinea pig hepatocytes express alpha 1A-, rat hepatocytes alpha 1B- and rabbit hepatocytes alpha 1C- adrenoceptors. This was confirmed by Northern analysis using receptor subtype-selective probes.  相似文献   

Signal transduction of alpha 1-adrenoceptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
alpha 1-adrenoceptors activate multiple signal transduction pathways. In addition to the classic inositol phosphates-Ca2+ system and diacylglycerol-protein kinase C system, the phospholipase A2-arachidonic acid system, the tyrosine kinase phosphorylation system, the adenylate cyclase-cAMP system etc. were also involved. These signal transduction cascades interact complicatedly with each other as a network. The activation of one signal system can initiate, potentiate or inhibit other systems. They play pivotal role in diversified physiological and pathophysiological processes. Different alpha 1-adrenoceptor subtypes activate different signal transduction pathways. In some experiments, however, the differences are due to the different tissues or cells used.  相似文献   

After having established the alpha 2-adrenoceptor nature of the binding sites specifically labeled by the alpha 2-agonist [3H] UK 14304 in hamster adipocytes, two different approaches have been used to determine whether these alpha 2-adrenoceptors were "spare receptors". The first one, consisted to block irreversibly fractions of the receptor population by various concentrations of the alpha 2-antagonist benextramine and determine the relationship between the residual receptor occupancy by UK 14304 and the corresponding magnitude of the cellular inhibitory cyclic AMP response to the alpha 2-adrenergic component of epinephrine under conditions avoiding cyclic AMP breakdown. The second approach was a detailed comparison between alpha 2-receptor occupancy by [3H] UK 14304 and the cyclic AMP inhibitory dose-response curve to this agonist in cells incubated also under conditions avoiding cyclic AMP breakdown. These two experimental approaches clearly showed that the alpha 2-adrenoceptor of hamster adipocytes are not "spare receptors".  相似文献   

The role of alpha-adrenoceptors in the mediation of autonomic function, particularly in the control of the cardiovascular system, is widely known. However, alpha-adrenoceptors are also important in the regulation of a variety of metabolic processes that occur in the body either through direct action or by stimulation of the release of other mediators that control metabolic function. Thus, alpha 2-adrenoceptor activation by circulating or neuronally released catecholamines inhibits the release of insulin from pancreatic islet beta-cells and, by inhibiting this response, alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonists have been shown to have an antihyperglycemic effect. The alpha-adrenoceptor-mediated regulation of the release of pituitary hormones is indirect, with alpha-adrenoceptors being located on peptidergic neurons in the hypothalamus that secrete releasing hormones into the hypophysial portal system to regulate the secretion of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland. Thus, the increase in cortisol secretion from the adrenal glands following a meal is produced, at least in part, by an alpha 1-adrenoceptor-mediated increase in vasopressin and CRF-41 secretion from neurons on the hypothalamus that stimulate the release of adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion from the pituitary gland, which subsequently stimulates the synthesis and release of cortisol from the adrenal medulla. In addition to metabolic regulation by alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenoceptors within the endocrine system, alpha-adrenoceptors are also a component of the system that regulates certain aspects of metabolism within autonomic effector cells, such as the control of smooth muscle cell division and growth during periods of continued alpha-adrenoceptor activation as a result of activation of second messenger systems.  相似文献   

A Adams  B Jarrott 《Life sciences》1982,30(11):945-952
Two alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists, phentolamine and 2-(beta-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-ethylaminomethyl)-tetralone (BE 2254) which are phenolic derivatives were radioiodinated after chloramine-T oxidation of Na125I and the labelled material isolated by chromatography. 125I-phentolamine does not bind selectively to alpha-adrenoceptors in guinea pig brain whereas the 125I-BE 2254 derivative binds rapidly, reversibly and with high affinity to these receptors with a Kd of 230 pM. At low concentrations of 125I-BE 2254 (less than 100 pM) approx. 90% of the bound radioligand is specifically bound and under these conditions drug displacement studies show that the ligand binds predominantly to the alpha 1 subclass of adrenoceptors. Binding measurements to kidney and smooth muscle membrane preparations indicate that 125I-BE 2254 may also be a useful tool in the study of alpha-adrenoceptors in peripheral tissues. The high specific activity of 125I-BE 2254 permits the use of minimal quantities of membrane material for receptor assay and ligand displacement measurements, e.g. 250 micrograms per assay tube, and this provides a significant advantage over the use of existing radioligands such as 3H-prazosin which requires approx. 40 times as much tissue.  相似文献   

R Tabrizchi  C R Triggle 《Life sciences》1989,45(26):2577-2585
The effects of benextramine and nifedipine were examined on the dose-diastolic pressure response to methoxamine in pithed normotensive rats. Benextramine (3, 6 and 12 mg/Kg) displaced the dose-response curve to methoxamine to the right. Maximum response was reduced after the administration of 12 mg/Kg benextramine. Nifedipine (0.1 and 0.3 mg/Kg) also caused the dose-response curve to methoxamine to be displaced to the right with reduction in maximum response. Nifedipine effects were additive with an increase in the EC50 values as well as reduction in the maximum response after pretreatment with benextramine (3 and 6 mg/Kg). However, at the highest dose of benextramine the effects of nifedipine were diminished and no longer apparent. It is concluded that benextramine may have alkylated a nifedipine sensitive site on the alpha 1-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

Vasoconstriction to stimulation of postsynaptic alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenoceptors involves different mechanisms of Ca2+ mobilization. Alpha 2-adrenoceptor-mediated vasoconstriction in vivo as well as in vitro is invariably and effectively antagonized by Ca2+ channel blockers, such as nifedipine or verapamil, and is therefore primarily carried by influx of extracellular Ca2+. On the other hand, alpha 1-adrenoceptor stimulation has been linked to both influx of extracellular Ca2+ and release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. The sensitivity of alpha 1-adrenoceptor-mediated vasoconstriction to blockade by Ca2+ channel antagonists depends on how much both mechanisms of Ca2+ mobilization contribute to the contraction process, and varies between vascular tissues and alpha 1-adrenoceptor agonists. The experimental evidence for the differential utilization of Ca2+ in vasoconstriction to alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenoceptor stimulation is reviewed.  相似文献   

Fischer 344 (F344) and Lewis rat strains have been shown to exhibit different vulnerability to development or maintenance of opioid seeking behaviours probably due to differences in the endogenous opioid system. Since opioid and alpha(2)-adrenergic mechanisms closely interact in nociception and substance abuse, strain differences may be expected to affect alpha(2)-adrenoceptor-mediated events. The sensitivity of these two strains to alpha(2)-adrenoceptor-mediated antinociception has been reported to be markedly different. In this work we have further studied the function of alpha(2)-adrenoceptors in F344 and Lewis rats by means of several in vivo and in vitro procedures. Comparative studies of [(3)H]RX821002 and [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding revealed that alpha(2)-adrenoceptors could be slightly more responsive to agonist stimulation in the brain cortex of F344 rats, which is in agreement with previous antinociception studies. However, these differences were modest, not observed in the spinal cord and did not translate into functional differences concerning the effects of clonidine on vas deferens contractility and body temperature. Conditioning experiments showed that a moderate dose of clonidine, which is relevant in antinociceptive and opioid antiwithdrawal studies, induces a robust place aversion which is also equivalent in F344 and Lewis rats. This finding underlies the consistency of the effect and its independency of genetic differences between both rat strains. It seems therefore that the pharmacological properties of alpha(2)-adrenoceptors are similar in F344 and Lewis rats, and thus the previously reported differences in clonidine-induced antinociception could be attributed to other factors such as dissimilar endogenous function of specific noradrenergic pathways.  相似文献   

Evidence against the existence of a membrane form of murine IL-1 alpha   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Previous studies have demonstrated that paraformaldehyde-treated macrophages possess IL-1 alpha activity in a variety of bioassay systems. However, no definitive biochemical data in support of the membrane IL-1 alpha concept has been reported. The purpose of the present study was to determine if the biologic activity associated with treated cells is due to a membrane form of IL-1 alpha or alternatively, to the leakage of IL-1 alpha. If the former case was true, then the exposed membrane IL-1 alpha should bind anti-IL-1 alpha antibodies or be cleaved by mild trypsin treatment. In both instances, IL-1 alpha activity should be lost when measured in a subsequent IL-1 bioassay. Our results indicate that pulsing paraformaldehyde-treated normal or cell line macrophages with anti-IL-1 alpha antibodies or treating the cells with trypsin did not affect the ability of the treated cells to function in a murine thymocyte proliferation assay. Furthermore, the standard short term treatment of cells with paraformaldehyde (15 min) did not prevent the leakage of IL-1 alpha from the cells or the processing of the precursor forms of the protein. When cells were treated with paraformaldehyde for 2 h, they no longer released IL-1 alpha or possessed thymocyte stimulatory activity. We also found that short term glutaraldehyde treatment of macrophages completely blocked the release of IL-1 alpha from cells as well as the appearance of cell-associated IL-1 alpha activity. Our results support the conclusion that the stimulatory activity of paraformaldehyde-treated macrophages is not due to a membrane form of IL-1 alpha but is, in fact, due to the continuous release of IL-1 alpha from the cells.  相似文献   

The stereoselectivity of carvedilol, a novel beta-adrenoceptor antagonist and vasodilator with one asymmetric carbon atom, was examined at alpha 1- and beta 1-adrenoceptors in vitro and in vivo. (-)-(S)-Carvedilol is a potent, competitive antagonist of the beta 1-adrenoceptor-mediated positive chronotropic response to isoproterenol in guinea pig atrium, with a dissociation constant (KB) of 0.4 nM. (+)-(R)-Carvedilol was more than 100-fold less potent than the (-)-S-enantiomer as an antagonist of beta 1-andrenoceptors, having a KB of approximately 45 nM. Consistent with these findings (-)-(S)-carvedilol (0.1 mg/kg, i.v.) produced a 25-fold rightward shift in the beta 1-adrenoceptor-mediated positive chronotropic response to isoproterenol in pithed rats, whereas the (+)-R-enantiomer had no beta 1-adrenoceptor blocking activity in vivo at this dose. In contrast to the marked degree of stereoselectivity observed at beta 1-adrenoceptors, both (-)-(S)- and (+)-(R)-carvedilol produced equal antagonism of the alpha 1-adrenoceptor-mediated vasoconstrictor response to norepinephrine in rabbit aorta, with KB values of 14 and 16 nM, respectively. Furthermore, in the pithed rat, the alpha 1-adrenoceptor-mediated pressor dose-response curve to cirazoline was shifted approximately 6-fold to the right by both the (+)-R- and (-)-S-enantiomers of carvedilol at a dose of 1 mg/kg, i.v. In anesthetized spontaneously hypertensive rats, (-)-(S)-carvedilol was 6-fold more potent as an antihypertensive than (+)-(R)-carvedilol.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The biological effects of catecholamines in mammalian pigment cells are poorly understood, but in poikilothermic vertebrates they regulate the translocation of pigment granules. We have previously demonstrated in SK-Mel 23-human melanoma cells the presence of low affinity alpha(1)-adrenoceptors, which mediate a decrease in cell proliferation and increase in tyrosinase activity, with no change of tyrosinase expression. In this report, we investigated the signalling pathways involved in these responses. Calcium mobilization in response to phenylephrine (PHE), an alpha(1)-adrenergic agonist, was investigated by confocal microscopy, and no change of fluorescence during the treatment was observed, suggesting that calcium is not involved in the signalling pathway activated by alpha(1)-adrenoceptors in SK-Mel 23 cells. cAMP levels, determined by enzyme-immunoassay, were significantly increased by PHE (10(-5)-10(-4)M), that could be blocked by the alpha(1)-adrenergic antagonist benoxathian (10(-5)-10(-4)M). Several biological assays were then performed with PHE, for 72 h, in the absence or presence of various signalling pathway inhibitors, in an attempt to determine the intracellular messengers involved in the responses of proliferation and tyrosinase activity. Our results suggest the participation of p38 and ERKs in PHE-induced decrease of proliferation, and possibly also of cAMP and protein kinase A. Regarding PHE-induced increase of tyrosinase activity, it is suggested that the following signalling components are involved: cAMP/PKA, PKC, PI3K, p38 and ERKs.  相似文献   

Neurochemical and pharmacological evidence has been obtained that noradrenergic varicosities (in mouse and rat vas deferens) and cholinergic varicosities (in the Auerbach's plexus) contain heterogenous alpha2-adrenoceptors through which the release of [3H]noradrenaline and [3H]acetylcholine can be modulated. The quantitative data also support the hypothesis that different noradrenaline and xylazine sensitive alpha2-adrenoceptors are present prejunctionally in the vas deferens and Auerbach's plexus preparations. Prazosin, although it has a presynaptic inhibitory effect on alpha2-adrenoceptors of noradrenergic axon terminals, has no effect on cholinergic axon terminals. These data suggest that there are two different types of alpha2-adrenoceptors at the presynaptic axon terminals.Special Issue Dedicated to Dr. Abel Lajtha  相似文献   

3H-prazosin, a new radioligand of high specific radioactivity (33 Ci/mmol) was used to characterise postsynaptic (α1) adrenoceptors in guinea pig lung membranes. Binding was saturable and of high affinity (KD 0.24 nM) with a Bmax of 54 fmol/mg protein. Adrenergic agonists competed for binding in the order (?)-epinephrine > (?)-norepinephrine ? (?)-phenyl-ephrine > (?)-isoproterenol. (+)-norepinephrine was 100x less potent than (?)-norepinephrine. α-Adrenergic antagonists competed in the order prazosin > WB 4101 > indoramin > phentolamine > haloperidol > chlorpromazine ? piperoxan > yohimbine, indicating that 3H-prazosin binding is probably to α1-adrenoceptors. Propranolol, methysergide and sulpiride inhibited binding only at high concentrations. Binding of (?)-3H-dihydroalprenolol under identical experimental conditions gave a KD of 0.93 nM and a Bmax of 870 fmol/mg protein, giving a ratio of beta : α-adrenoceptor binding sites of 16 : 1 in this lung membrane preparation. 3H-prazosin appears to be a useful ligand in studying α1-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y1 receptors in neurally mediated reductions in renal medullary perfusion. In pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized rabbits, electrical stimulation of the renal nerves (RNS, 0.5-16 Hz) decreased renal perfusion in a frequency-dependent manner. Under control conditions, 4 Hz reduced cortical and medullary perfusion by -85 +/- 3% and -43 +/- 7%, whereas 8 Hz reduced them by -93 +/- 2% and -73 +/- 4%, respectively. After Y1 receptor antagonism with BIBO3304TF (0.1 mg/kg plus 0.2 mg x kg x (-1) x h(-1)), RNS reduced perfusion less (by -65 +/- 9% and -12 +/- 8% at 4 Hz) x alpha1-Adrenoceptor antagonism with prazosin (0.2 mg/kg plus 0.2 mg kg(-1)h(-1)) also inhibited RNS-induced reductions in renal perfusion (-80 +/- 4% and -37 +/- 10% reductions in the cortex and medulla, respectively, at 8 Hz). When given after BIBO3304TF treatment, prazosin inhibited RNS-induced reductions in cortical and medullary perfusion more profoundly (-57 +/- 12% and -25 +/- 9% reductions, respectively, at 8 Hz) x Y1 receptor- and alpha1-adrenoceptor-blockade were confirmed by testing vascular responses to renal arterial NPY and phenylephrine boluses. NPY-positive immunolabeling was observed around interlobular arteries, afferent and efferent arterioles, and in the outer medulla. In conclusion, Y1 receptors and alpha1-adrenoceptors contribute to RNS-induced vasoconstriction in the vessels that control both cortical and medullary perfusion. Consistent with this, NPY immunostaining was associated with blood vessels that control perfusion in both regions. There also seems to be an interaction between Y1 receptors and alpha1-adrenoceptor-mediated neurotransmission in the control of renal perfusion.  相似文献   

Comparisons among spontaneously hypertensive (SHR), Kyoto Wistar (KW), and Wistar (W) rats were made of the functional states of central nervous system (CNS) alpha 2-adrenoceptors (clonidine-induced mydriasis) and nonvascular peripheral presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptors (clonidine-induced inhibition of the neurogenic twitch of the isolated vas deferens). While there were no differences among the strains of rats in the concentration of clonidine required to produce a 50% inhibition of the electrically evoked contractile response of the vas deferens, there was a significant reduction in the mean effective concentration (ED50) of clonidine to induce mydriasis in SHR as compared with KW and W rats. These observations indicate that CNS alpha 2-adrenoceptors may be functionally more sensitive in SHR. The data also suggest that the sensitivity of nonvascular presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptors, at least in the vas deferens, is not altered in hypertensive animals.  相似文献   

The beta adrenoceptor antagonist radioligand [3H] dihydroalprenolol (DHA) has been used to characterise beta adrenoceptors in membranes prepared from rat renal glomeruli. Association of the ligand was rapid and had reached equilibrium within 10 mins at 37 degrees C. Dissociation occurred in two distinct phases, a rapidly dissociating phase (low affinity site) and a slowly dissociating phase (high affinity site). The KD value for the high affinity site calculated from the kinetic experiments was 0.8 nM. Saturation analysis of binding gave comparable values for KD (1.77 nM) and demonstrated that membranes from glomeruli had four times the density of binding sites measured in renal cortex. In all saturation studies Hill coefficients were not significantly different from unity. Binding was stereoselective with respect to the (-) isomers of isoprenaline and propranolol and the potency of the selective displacing agents betaxolol (beta 1 adrenoceptors) and ICI 118,551 (beta 2 adrenoceptors) indicated that the receptors are of the beta 1 subtype.  相似文献   

A series of 3(2H)-pyridazinone derivatives was evaluated for their affinity in vitro towards alpha1-alpha2-adrenoceptors by radioligand receptor binding assays. All target compounds showed good affinities for the alpha1-adrenoceptor (with Ki values in the subnanomolar range), and a gradual increase in affinity was observed by increasing the polymethylene chain length of this series up to a maximum of six and seven carbon atoms, when the fragment 4-[2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-ethyl]-1-piperazinyl is linked in 5 position of the 3(2H)-pyridazinone ring, while a slight decrease was found for the higher homologues. Increasing the chain length when the 4-[2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-ethyl]-1-piperazinyl group is linked in 6 position of the 3(2H)-pyridazinone ring, had a different effect: there is the highest affinity when the polymethylene chain is of four carbon atoms. The alkylic chain, a spacer between the two major constituents of the molecule, can influence the affinity and the selectivity.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkey alpha 1-antitrypsin (n = 144) was examined for heterogeneity by acid starch gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing in agarose and agarose gel electrophoresis. In contrast to other studies, no heterogeneity of Rhesus monkey alpha 1-antitrypsin could be documented using specific antisera. Rhesus monkey alpha 1-antitrypsin contained a reactive thiol. The pIs of the major isoforms of Rhesus monkey alpha 1-antitrypsin were 4.63, 4.69, 4.84 and 4.86 at 4 degrees C. No deficiency state of Rhesus monkey alpha 1-antitrypsin was detected. The six protease inhibitors in Rhesus monkey sera cross-reacted with antisera to the six human protease inhibitors.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophoresis of myosin extracts from larvae and adult tissues ofDrosophila melanogaster under non-dissociating conditions indicate that two of the bands seen are myosins. They stain for Ca2+ ATPase activity and when cut and re-run under dissociating conditions are found to contain a myosin heavy chain that co-migrates with rabbit skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain. One of the forms of myosin seen is found primarily in extracts from the leg. The other is common to the adult fibrillar flight muscles and the larval body wall muscles.The electrophoretic evidence for two myosin types is strengthened by the histochemical demonstration of two myofibrillar ATPases on the basis of their lability to acid or alkali preincubation. The myofibrillar ATPase in the leg and the Tergal Depressor of the Trochanter (TDT) are shown to be relatively acid labile and alkali stable. The larval body wall muscles and the adult fibrillar flight muscles have an ATPase which is acid stable and alkali labile. This distribution of the two myofibrillar ATPase coincides with that predicted by electrophoresis of extracts from whole tissue and also locates the two myosins to specific muscle types.  相似文献   

It has been found in this study that the serum from rats bearing a transplanted dibenzanthracene-induced tumour (RD3), has a high concentration of alpha1 proteins compared with normal rat serum. These alpha1 proteins have been isolated by an immunoabsorption method and have been compared by immunological methods with the acute phase alpha1 proteins isolated by the same method from the serum of rats presenting an inflammatory reaction. It has been found that the isolated RD3 alpha1 proteins were composed of two major proteins: one of these corresponded to an inflammatory protein, the alpha1-AP-globulin. The other may be a new protein, as it is absent from the serum of rats with an acute phase inflammatory reaction and nor does it correspond to alpha1 feto-protein, a carcino-embryonic protein presenting the same electrophoretic mobility.  相似文献   

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