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Neural crest cells are multipotential stem cells that contribute extensively to vertebrate development and give rise to various cell and tissue types. Determination of the fate of mammalian neural crest has been inhibited by the lack of appropriate markers. Here, we make use of a two-component genetic system for indelibly marking the progeny of the cranial neural crest during tooth and mandible development. In the first mouse line, Cre recombinase is expressed under the control of the Wnt1 promoter as a transgene. Significantly, Wnt1 transgene expression is limited to the migrating neural crest cells that are derived from the dorsal CNS. The second mouse line, the ROSA26 conditional reporter (R26R), serves as a substrate for the Cre-mediated recombination. Using this two-component genetic system, we have systematically followed the migration and differentiation of the cranial neural crest (CNC) cells from E9.5 to 6 weeks after birth. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that CNC cells contribute to the formation of condensed dental mesenchyme, dental papilla, odontoblasts, dentine matrix, pulp, cementum, periodontal ligaments, chondrocytes in Meckel's cartilage, mandible, the articulating disc of temporomandibular joint and branchial arch nerve ganglia. More importantly, there is a dynamic distribution of CNC- and non-CNC-derived cells during tooth and mandibular morphogenesis. These results are a first step towards a comprehensive understanding of neural crest cell migration and differentiation during mammalian craniofacial development. Furthermore, this transgenic model also provides a new tool for cell lineage analysis and genetic manipulation of neural-crest-derived components in normal and abnormal embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Cardiac and cephalic neural crest cells (NCCs) are essential components of the craniofacial and aortic arch mesenchyme. Genetic disruption of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRalpha) results in defects in multiple tissues in the mouse, including neural crest derivatives contributing to the frontonasal process and the aortic arch. Using chimeric analysis, we show that loss of the receptor in NCCs renders them inefficient at contributing to the cranial mesenchyme. Conditional gene ablation in NCCs results in neonatal lethality because of aortic arch defects and a severely cleft palate. The conotruncal defects are first observed at E11.5 and are consistent with aberrant NCC development in the third, fourth and sixth branchial arches, while the bone malformations present in the frontonasal process and skull coincide with defects of NCCs from the first to third branchial arches. Changes in cell proliferation, migration, or survival were not observed in PDGFRalpha NCC conditional embryos, suggesting that the PDGFRalpha may play a role in a later stage of NCC development. Our results demonstrate that the PDGFRalpha plays an essential, cell-autonomous role in the development of cardiac and cephalic NCCs and provides a model for the study of aberrant NCC development.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are pluripotent cells that emerge from the neural epithelium, migrate extensively, and differentiate into numerous derivatives, including neurons, glial cells, pigment cells and connective tissue. Major questions concerning their morphogenesis include: 1) what establishes the pathways of migration and 2) what controls the final destination and differentiation of various neural crest subpopulations. These questions will be addressed in this review. Neural crest cells from the trunk level have been explored most extensively. Studies show that melanoblasts are specified shortly after they depart from the neural tube, and this specification directs their migration into the dorsolateral pathway. We also consider other reports that present strong evidence for ventrally migrating neural crest cells being similarly fate restricted. Cranial neural crest cells have been less analyzed in this regard but the preponderance of evidence indicates that either the cranial neural crest cells are not fate-restricted, or are extremely plastic in their developmental capability and that specification does not control pathfinding. Thus, the guidance mechanisms that control cranial neural crest migration and their behavior vary significantly from the trunk. The vagal neural crest arises at the axial level between the cranial and trunk neural crest and represents a transitional cell population between the head and trunk neural crest. We summarize new data to support this claim. In particular, we show that: 1) the vagal-level neural crest cells exhibit modest developmental bias; 2) there are differences in the migratory behavior between the anterior and the posterior vagal neural crest cells reminiscent of the cranial and the trunk neural crest, respectively; 3) the vagal neural crest cells take the dorsolateral pathway to the pharyngeal arches and the heart, but the ventral pathway to the peripheral nervous system and the gut. However, these pathways are not rigidly specified because of prior fate restriction. Understanding the molecular, cellular and behavioral differences between these three populations of neural crest cells will be of enormous assistance when trying to understand the evolution of the neck.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are pluripotent cells that emerge from the neural epithelium, migrate extensively and differentiate into numerous derivatives, including neurons, glial cells, pigment cells and connective tissue. Major questions concerning their morphogenesis include: (1) what establishes the pathways of migration? And (2), what controls the final destination and differentiation of various neural crest subpopulations? These questions will be addressed in this Review. Neural crest cells from the trunk level have been explored most extensively. Studies show that melanoblasts are specified shortly after they depart from the neural tube and this specification directs their migration into the dorsolateral pathway. We also consider other reports that present strong evidence for ventrally migrating neural crest cells being similarly fate restricted. Cranial neural crest cells have been less analyzed in this regard but the preponderance of evidence indicates that either the cranial neural crest cells are not fate-restricted or are extremely plastic in their developmental capability and that specification does not control pathfinding. Thus, the guidance mechanisms that control cranial neural crest migration and their behavior vary significantly from the trunk.The vagal neural crest arises at the axial level between the cranial and trunk neural crest and represents a transitional cell population between the head and trunk neural crest. We summarize new data to support this claim. In particular, we show that: (1) the vagal-level neural crest cells exhibit modest developmental bias; (2) there are differences in the migratory behavior between the anterior and the posterior vagal neural crest cells reminiscent of the cranial and the trunk neural crest, respectively and (3) the vagal neural crest cells take the dorsolateral pathway to the pharyngeal arches and the heart, but take the ventral pathway to the peripheral nervous system and the gut. However, these pathways are not rigidly specified because of prior fate restriction. Understanding the molecular, cellular and behavioral differences between these three populations of neural crest cells will be of enormous assistance when trying to understand the evolution of the neck.Key words: neural crest, morphogenesis, cell migration, chicken embryo, fate restriction, vagal neural crest, pathways  相似文献   

FGF2 promotes skeletogenic differentiation of cranial neural crest cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The cranial neural crest gives rise to most of the skeletal tissues of the skull. Matrix-mediated tissue interactions have been implicated in the skeletogenic differentiation of crest cells, but little is known of the role that growth factors might play in this process. The discovery that mutations in fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) cause the major craniosynostosis syndromes implicates FGF-mediated signalling in the skeletogenic differentiation of the cranial neural crest. We now show that, in vitro, mesencephalic neural crest cells respond to exogenous FGF2 in a dose-dependent manner, with 0.1 and 1 ng/ml causing enhanced proliferation, and 10 ng/ml inducing cartilage differentiation. In longer-term cultures, both endochondral and membrane bone are formed. FGFR1, FGFR2 and FGFR3 are all detectable by immunohistochemistry in the mesencephalic region, with particularly intense expression at the apices of the neural folds from which the neural crest arises. FGFRs are also expressed by subpopulations of neural crest cells in culture. Collectively, these findings suggest that FGFs are involved in the skeletogenic differentiation of the cranial neural crest.  相似文献   

The Hoxa2 and Hoxb2 genes are members of paralogy group II and display segmental patterns of expression in the developing vertebrate hindbrain and cranial neural crest cells. Functional analyses have demonstrated that these genes play critical roles in regulating morphogenetic pathways that direct the regional identity and anteroposterior character of hindbrain rhombomeres and neural crest-derived structures. Transgenic regulatory studies have also begun to characterize enhancers and cis-elements for those mouse and chicken genes that direct restricted patterns of expression in the hindbrain and neural crest. In light of the conserved role of Hoxa2 in neural crest patterning in vertebrates and the similarities between paralogs, it is important to understand the extent to which common regulatory networks and elements have been preserved between species and between paralogs. To investigate this problem, we have cloned and sequenced the intergenic region between Hoxa2 and Hoxa3 in the chick HoxA complex and used it for making comparative analyses with the respective human, mouse, and horn shark regions. We have also used transgenic assays in mouse and chick embryos to test the functional activity of Hoxa2 enhancers in heterologous species. Our analysis reveals that three of the critical individual components of the Hoxa2 enhancer region from mouse necessary for hindbrain expression (Krox20, BoxA, and TCT motifs) have been partially conserved. However, their number and organization are highly varied for the same gene in different species and between paralogs within a species. Other essential mouse elements appear to have diverged or are absent in chick and shark. We find the mouse r3/r5 enhancer fails to work in chick embryos and the chick enhancer works poorly in mice. This implies that new motifs have been recruited or utilized to mediate restricted activity of the enhancer in other species. With respect to neural crest regulation, cis-components are embedded among the hindbrain control elements and are highly diverged between species. Hence, there has been no widespread conservation of sequence identity over the entire enhancer domain from shark to humans, despite the common function of these genes in head patterning. This provides insight into how apparently equivalent regulatory regions from the same gene in different species have evolved different components to potentiate their activity in combination with a selection of core components.  相似文献   

Protocadherins (Pcdhs), a major subfamily of cadherins, play an important role in specific intercellular interactions in development. These molecules are characterized by their unique extracellular domain (EC) with more than 5 cadherin-like repeats, a transmembrane domain (TM) and a variable cytoplasmic domain. PCNS (Protocadherin in Neural crest and Somites), a novel Pcdh in Xenopus, is initially expressed in the mesoderm during gastrulation, followed by expression in the cranial neural crest (CNC) and somites. PCNS has 65% amino acid identity to Xenopus paraxial protocadherin (PAPC) and 42-49% amino acid identity to Pcdh 8 in human, mouse, and zebrafish genomes. Overexpression of PCNS resulted in gastrulation failure but conferred little if any specific adhesion on ectodermal cells. Loss of function accomplished independently with two non-overlapping antisense morpholino oligonucleotides resulted in failure of CNC migration, leading to severe defects in the craniofacial skeleton. Somites and axial muscles also failed to undergo normal morphogenesis in these embryos. Thus, PCNS has essential functions in these two important developmental processes in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest cells migrate in a precisely segmented manner to form cranial ganglia, facial skeleton and other derivatives. Here, we investigate the mechanisms underlying this patterning in the axolotl embryo using a combination of tissue culture, molecular markers, scanning electron microscopy and vital dye analysis. In vitro experiments reveal an intrinsic component to segmental migration; neural crest cells from the hindbrain segregate into distinct streams even in the absence of neighboring tissue. In vivo, separation between neural crest streams is further reinforced by tight juxtapositions that arise during early migration between epidermis and neural tube, mesoderm and endoderm. The neural crest streams are dense and compact, with the cells migrating under the epidermis and outside the paraxial and branchial arch mesoderm with which they do not mix. After entering the branchial arches, neural crest cells conduct an "outside-in" movement, which subsequently brings them medially around the arch core such that they gradually ensheath the arch mesoderm in a manner that has been hypothesized but not proven in zebrafish. This study, which represents the most comprehensive analysis of cranial neural crest migratory pathways in any vertebrate, suggests a dual process for patterning the cranial neural crest. Together with an intrinsic tendency to form separate streams, neural crest cells are further constrained into channels by close tissue apposition and sorting out from neighboring tissues.  相似文献   

The transmembrane ligand ephrinB2 and its cognate Eph receptor tyrosine kinases are important regulators of vascular morphogenesis. EphrinB2 may have an active signaling role, resulting in bi-directional signal transduction downstream of both ephrinB2 and Eph receptors. To separate the ligand and receptor-like functions of ephrinB2 in mice, we replaced the endogenous gene by cDNAs encoding either carboxyterminally truncated (ephrinB2(DeltaC)) or, as a control, full-length ligand (ephrinB2(WT)). While homozygous ephrinB2(WT/WT) animals were viable and fertile, loss of the ephrinB2 cytoplasmic domain resulted in midgestation lethality similar to ephrinB2 null mutants (ephrinB2(KO)). The truncated ligand was sufficient to restore guidance of migrating cranial neural crest cells, but ephrinB2(DeltaC/DeltaC) embryos showed defects in vasculogenesis and angiogenesis very similar to those observed in ephrinB2(KO/KO) animals. Our results indicate distinct requirements of functions mediated by the ephrinB carboxyterminus for developmental processes in the vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   

TGFβ/BMP signaling regulates the fate of multipotential cranial neural crest (CNC) cells during tooth and jawbone formation as these cells differentiate into odontoblasts and osteoblasts, respectively. The functional significance of SMAD4, the common mediator of TGFβ/BMP signaling, in regulating the fate of CNC cells remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of SMAD4 in regulating the fate of CNC-derived dental mesenchymal cells through tissue-specific inactivation of Smad4. Ablation of Smad4 results in defects in odontoblast differentiation and dentin formation. Moreover, ectopic bone-like structures replaced normal dentin in the teeth of Osr2-IresCre;Smad4(fl/fl) mice. Despite the lack of dentin, enamel formation appeared unaffected in Osr2-IresCre;Smad4(fl/fl) mice, challenging the paradigm that the initiation of enamel development depends on normal dentin formation. At the molecular level, loss of Smad4 results in downregulation of the WNT pathway inhibitors Dkk1 and Sfrp1 and in the upregulation of canonical WNT signaling, including increased β-catenin activity. More importantly, inhibition of the upregulated canonical WNT pathway in Osr2-IresCre;Smad4(fl/fl) dental mesenchyme in vitro partially rescued the CNC cell fate change. Taken together, our study demonstrates that SMAD4 plays a crucial role in regulating the interplay between TGFβ/BMP and WNT signaling to ensure the proper CNC cell fate decision during organogenesis.  相似文献   

Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 have overlapping synergistic roles in patterning the hindbrain and cranial neural crest cells. The combination of an ectoderm-specific regulatory mutation in the Hoxb1 locus and the Hoxa1 mutant genetic background results in an ectoderm-specific double mutation, leaving the other germ layers impaired only in Hoxa1 function. This has allowed us to examine neural crest and arch patterning defects that originate exclusively from the neuroepithelium as a result of the simultaneous loss of Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 in this tissue. Using molecular and lineage analysis in this double mutant background we demonstrate that presumptive rhombomere 4, the major site of origin of the second pharyngeal arch neural crest, is reduced in size and has lost the ability to generate neural crest cells. Grafting experiments using wild-type cells in cultured normal or double mutant mouse embryos demonstrate that this is a cell-autonomous defect, suggesting that the formation or generation of cranial neural crest has been uncoupled from segmental identity in these mutants. Furthermore, we show that loss of the second arch neural crest population does not have any adverse consequences on early patterning of the second arch. Signalling molecules are expressed correctly and pharyngeal pouch and epibranchial placode formation are unaffected. There are no signs of excessive cell death or loss of proliferation in the epithelium of the second arch, suggesting that the neural crest cells are not the source of any indispensable mitogenic or survival signals. These results illustrate that Hox genes are not only necessary for proper axial specification of the neural crest but that they also play a vital role in the generation of this population itself. Furthermore, they demonstrate that early patterning of the separate components of the pharyngeal arches can proceed independently of neural crest cell migration.  相似文献   

Hox genes are required to pattern neural crest (NC) derived craniofacial and visceral skeletal structures. However, the temporal requirement of Hox patterning activity is not known. Here, we use an inducible system to establish Hoxa2 activity at distinct NC migratory stages in Xenopus embryos. We uncover stage-specific effects of Hoxa2 gain-of-function suggesting a multistep patterning process for hindbrain NC. Most interestingly, we show that Hoxa2 induction at postmigratory stages results in mirror image homeotic transformation of a subset of jaw elements, normally devoid of Hox expression, towards hyoid morphology. This is the reverse phenotype to that observed in the Hoxa2 knockout. These data demonstrate that the skeletal pattern of rhombomeric mandibular crest is not committed before migration and further implicate Hoxa2 as a true selector of hyoid fate. Moreover, the demonstration that the expression of Hoxa2 alone is sufficient to transform the upper jaw and its joint selectively may have implications for the evolution of jaws.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest (CNC) cells migrate extensively, typically in a pattern of cell streams. In Xenopus, these cells express the adhesion molecule Xcadherin-11 (Xcad-11) as they begin to emigrate from the neural fold. In order to study the function of this molecule, we have overexpressed wild-type Xcad-11 as well as Xcad-11 mutants with cytoplasmic (deltacXcad-11) or extracellular (deltaeXcad-11) deletions. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used to mark injected cells. We then transplanted parts of the fluorescent CNC at the premigratory stage into non-injected host embryos. This altered not only migration, but also the expression of neural crest markers. Migration of transplanted cranial neural crest cells was blocked when full-length Xcad-11 or its mutant lacking the beta-catenin-binding site (deltacXcad-11) was overexpressed. In addition, the expression of neural crest markers (AP-2, Snail and twist) diminished within the first four hours after grafting, and disappeared completely after 18 hours. Instead, these grafts expressed neural markers (2G9, nrp-I and N-Tubulin). Beta-catenin co-expression, heterotopic transplantation of CNC cells into the pharyngeal pouch area or both in combination failed to prevent neural differentiation of the grafts. By contrast, deltaeXcad-11 overexpression resulted in premature emigration of cells from the transplants. The AP-2 and Snail patterns remained unaffected in these migrating grafts, while twist expression was strongly reduced. Co-expression of deltaeXcad-11 and beta-catenin was able to rescue the loss of twist expression, indicating that Wnt/beta-catenin signalling is required to maintain twist expression during migration. These results show that migration is a prerequisite for neural crest differentiation. Endogenous Xcad-11 delays CNC migration. Xcad-11 expression must, however, be balanced, as overexpression prevents migration and leads to neural marker expression. Although Wnt/beta-catenin signalling is required to sustain twist expression during migration, it is not sufficient to block neural differentiation in non-migrating grafts.  相似文献   

This Review focuses on recent advances in the field of cranial neural crest cell migration in Xenopus laevis with specific emphasis on cell adhesion and the regulation of cell migration. Our goal is to combine the understanding of cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix with the regulation of cell-cell adhesion and the involvement of the planar cell polarity signaling-pathway in guiding the migration of cranial neural crest cells during embryogenesis.Key words: neural crest, cell migration, extracellular matrix, cell adhesion, Wnt, planar cell polarity  相似文献   

This review focuses on recent advances in the field of cranial neural crest cell migration in Xenopus laevis with specific emphasis on cell adhesion and the regulation of cell migration. Our goal is to combine the understanding of cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix with the regulation of cell-cell adhesion and the involvement of the planar cell polarity signaling-pathway in guiding the migration of cranial neural crest cells during embryogenesis.  相似文献   


The neural crest (NC) is a population of migratory stem/progenitor cells that is found in early vertebrate embryos. NC cells are induced during gastrulation, and later migrate to multiple destinations and contribute to many types of cells and tissues, such as craniofacial structures, cardiac tissues, pigment cells and the peripheral nervous system. Recently, accumulating evidence suggests that many extracellular metalloproteinases, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a disintegrin and metalloproteinases (ADAMs), and ADAMs with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTSs), play important roles in various stages of NC development. Interference with metalloproteinase functions often causes defects in craniofacial structures, as well as in other cells and tissues that are contributed by NC cells, in humans and other vertebrates. In this review, we summarize the current state of the field concerning the roles of these three families of metalloproteinases in NC development and related tissue morphogenesis, with a special emphasis on craniofacial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells that form the vertebrate head skeleton migrate and interact with surrounding tissues to shape the skull, and defects in these processes underlie many human craniofacial syndromes. Signals at the midline play a crucial role in the development of the anterior neurocranium, which forms the ventral braincase and palate, and here we explore the role of Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in this process. Using sox10:egfp transgenics to follow neural crest cell movements in the living embryo, and vital dye labeling to generate a fate map, we show that distinct populations of neural crest form the two main cartilage elements of the larval anterior neurocranium: the paired trabeculae and the midline ethmoid. By analyzing zebrafish mutants that disrupt sonic hedgehog (shh) expression, we demonstrate that shh is required to specify the movements of progenitors of these elements at the midline, and to induce them to form cartilage. Treatments with cyclopamine, to block Hh signaling at different stages, suggest that although requirements in morphogenesis occur during neural crest migration beneath the brain, requirements in chondrogenesis occur later, as cells form separate trabecular and ethmoid condensations. Cell transplantations indicate that these also reflect different sources of Shh, one from the ventral neural tube that controls trabecular morphogenesis and one from the oral ectoderm that promotes chondrogenesis. Our results suggest a novel role for Shh in the movements of neural crest cells at the midline, as well as in their differentiation into cartilage, and help to explain why both skeletal fusions and palatal clefting are associated with the loss of Hh signaling in holoprosencephalic humans.  相似文献   

Jaws are formed by cephalic neural crest (CNCCs) and mesodermal cells migrating to the first pharyngeal arch (PA1). A complex signaling network involving different PA1 components then establishes the jaw morphogenetic program. To gather insight on this developmental process, in this study, we analyze the teratogenic effects of brief (1–15 min) pulses of low doses of retinoic acid (RA: 0.25–2 µM) or RA agonists administered to early Xenopus laevis (X.l.) embryos. We show that these brief pulses of RA cause permanent craniofacial defects specifically when treatments are performed during a 6‐hr window (developmental stages NF15–NF23) that covers the period of CNCCs maintenance, migration, and specification. Earlier or later treatments have no effect. Similar treatments performed at slightly different developmental stages within this temporal window give rise to different spectra of malformations. The RA‐dependent teratogenic effects observed in Xenopus can be partially rescued by folinic acid. We provide evidence suggesting that in Xenopus, as in the mouse, RA causes craniofacial malformations by perturbing signaling to CNCCs. Differently from the mouse, where RA affects CNCCs only at the end of their migration, in Xenopus, RA has an effect on CNCCs during all the period ranging from their exit from the neural tube until their arrival in the PA1. Our findings provide a conceptual framework to understand the origin of individual facial features and the evolution of different craniofacial morphotypes. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:493–503, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphology of skeletal tissues formed in each of the branchial arches of higher vertebrates is unique. In addition to these structures, which are derived from the neural crest, the crest-derived connective tissues and mesodermal muscles also form different patterns in each of the branchial arches. The objective of this study was to examine how these patterns arise during avian embryonic development. Presumptive second or third arch neural crest cells were excised from chick hosts and replaced with presumptive first arch crest cells. Both quail and chick embryos were used as donors; orthotopic crest grafts were performed as controls. Following heterotopic transplantation, the hosts developed several unexpected anomalies. Externally they were characterized by the appearance of ectopic, beak-like projections from the ventrolateral surface of the neck and also by the formation of supernumerary external auditory depressions located immediately caudal to the normal external ear. Internally, the grafted cells migrated in accordance with normal, second arch pathways but then formed a complete, duplicate first arch skeletal system in their new location. Squamosal, quadrate, pterygoid, Meckel's, and angular elements were present in most cases. In addition, anomalous first arch-type muscles were found associated with the ectopic skeletal tissues in the second arch. These results indicate that the basis for patterning of branchial arch skeletal and connective tissues resides within the neural crest population prior to its emigration from the neural epithelium, and not within the pharynx or pharyngeal pouches as had previously been suggested. Furthermore, the patterns of myogenesis by mesenchymal populations derived from paraxial mesoderm is dependent upon properties inherent to the neural crest.  相似文献   

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