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Proliferation of islet-associated leukocytes occurred when isolated islets from 20-wk-old female nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice were cultured with 10 U/ml rIL-2 for 7 days. Co-culture of these leukocytes with freshly isolated islets from 6- to 8-wk-old NOD donors in the presence of 1 U/ml rIL-2 produced islet structural deformation within 24 h and islet cytolysis within 48 h. Three lines of evidence suggest that these leukocytes were composed mainly of CTL specific for islet cells. First, morphologically, these proliferating cells adhered to NOD islets at 6 h and killed islets within 48 h of culture, but these phenomena could not be observed in the other tissues from NOD mice. These islet-derived cells were cytotoxic to NOD islet cells in a 51Cr-release assay, whereas no appreciable cytotoxicity was observed when NOD Con A-induced splenic blasts or fibroblasts were used as targets. Second, a flow cytometric analysis showed that these cells consisted of 97% Thy-1.2, 69% Lyt-2, 8% L3T4, and 4% asialo-GM1-positive cells, whereas Mac-1-positive cells could not be seen in these assays. After treatment with anti-Thy-1.2 or Lyt-2 mAb and C, these cells lost their activity to lyse NOD islet cells. However, these cells still had a full killing activity after the depletion of L3T4 or asialo GM1-positive cells. Third, islet cells from BALB/c, DBA/2, and B10.GD mice which share the same H-2K Ag with NOD mice were susceptible to cytolytic activity of these cells, whereas islet cells from NON, C57BL/6, C57BL/10, and C3H mice remained intact. Furthermore, anti-Kd antibody was capable of blocking this cytolysis. These results suggest that CTL expressing Thy-1.2 and Lyt-2 phenotypes appear to recognize the islet cell Ag with the restriction of MHC class I Kd, and then destroy NOD islet cells.  相似文献   

Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice develop spontaneous autoimmune diabetes that involves participation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Previous studies have demonstrated spontaneous reactivity to self-Ags within the CD4+ T cell compartment in this strain. Whether CD8+ T cells in NOD mice achieve and maintain tolerance to self-Ags has not previously been evaluated. To investigate this issue, we have assessed the extent of tolerance to a model pancreatic Ag, the hemagglutinin (HA) molecule of influenza virus, that is transgenically expressed by pancreatic islet beta cells in InsHA mice. Previous studies have demonstrated that BALB/c and B10.D2 mice that express this transgene exhibit tolerance of HA and retain only low-avidity CD8+ T cells specific for the dominant peptide epitope of HA. In this study, we present data that demonstrate a deficiency in peripheral tolerance within the CD8+ T cell repertoire of NOD-InsHA mice. CD8+ T cells can be obtained from NOD-InsHA mice that exhibit high avidity for HA, as measured by tetramer (K(d)HA) binding and dose titration analysis. Significantly, these autoreactive CD8+ T cells can cause diabetes very rapidly upon adoptive transfer into NOD-InsHA recipient mice. The data presented demonstrate a retention in the repertoire of CD8+ T cells with high avidity for islet Ags that could contribute to autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice.  相似文献   

Although candidate genes controlling autoimmune disease can now be identified, a major challenge that remains is defining the resulting cellular events mediated by each locus. In the current study we have used NOD-InsHA transgenic mice that express the influenza hemagglutinin (HA) as an islet Ag to compare the fate of HA-specific CD8+ T cells in diabetes susceptible NOD-InsHA mice with that observed in diabetes-resistant congenic mice having protective alleles at insulin-dependent diabetes (Idd) 3, Idd5.1, and Idd5.2 (Idd3/5 strain) or at Idd9.1, Idd9.2, and Idd9.3 (Idd9 strain). We demonstrate that protection from diabetes in each case is correlated with functional tolerance of endogenous islet-specific CD8+ T cells. However, by following the fate of naive, CFSE-labeled, islet Ag-specific CD8+ (HA-specific clone-4) or CD4+ (BDC2.5) T cells, we observed that tolerance is achieved differently in each protected strain. In Idd3/5 mice, tolerance occurs during the initial activation of islet Ag-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells in the pancreatic lymph nodes where CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) effectively prevent their accumulation. In contrast, resistance alleles in Idd9 mice do not prevent the accumulation of islet Ag-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells in the pancreatic lymph nodes, indicating that tolerance occurs at a later checkpoint. These results underscore the variety of ways that autoimmunity can be prevented and identify the elimination of islet-specific CD8+ T cells as a common indicator of high-level protection.  相似文献   

The determinant spreading of T cell autoimmunity plays an important role in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes and in the protective mechanism of Ag-based immunotherapy in NOD mice. However, little is known about the role of APCs, particularly B cells, in the spreading of T cell autoimmunity. We studied determinant spreading in NOD/scid or Igmu(-/-) NOD mice reconstituted with NOD T and/or B cells and found that mice with mature B cells (TB NOD/scid and BMB Igmu(-/-) NOD), but not mice that lacked mature B cells (T NOD/scid and BM Igmu(-/-) NOD), spontaneously developed Th1 autoimmunity, which spread sequentially among different beta cell Ags. Immunization of T NOD/scid and BM Igmu(-/-) NOD mice with a beta cell Ag could prime Ag-specific Th1 or Th2 responses, but those T cell responses did not spread to other beta cell Ags. In contrast, immunization of TB NOD/scid and BMB Igmu(-/-) NOD mice with a beta cell Ag in IFA induced Th2 responses, which spread to other beta cell Ags. Furthermore, we found that while macrophages and dendritic cells could evoke memory and effector T cell responses in vitro, B cells significantly enhanced the detection of spontaneously primed and induced Th1 responses to beta cell Ags. Our data suggest that B cells, but not other APCs, mediate the spreading of T cell responses during the type 1 diabetes process and following Ag-based immunotherapy. Conceivably, the modulation of the capacity of B cells to present Ag may provide new interventions for enhancing Ag-based immunotherapy and controlling autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Ag presentation in the absence of danger signals and Ag persistence are the inductive processes of peripheral T cell tolerization proposed so far. Nevertheless, it has never been definitively shown that chronic Ag presentation per se can induce T cell tolerance independent of the state of activation of APCs. In the present work, we investigated whether chronic Ag presentation by either resting or activated B cells can induce tolerance of peripheral Ag-specific T cells. We show that CD4(+) T cells that re-encounter the Ag for a prolonged period, presented either by resting or activated Ag-presenting B cells, become nonfunctional and lose any autoimmune reactivity. Thus, when the main APCs are B cells, the major mechanism responsible for peripheral T cell tolerization is persistent Ag exposure, independent of the B cell activation state.  相似文献   

There is compelling evidence from animal models that type I diabetes is a consequence of T cell-mediated destruction of islet beta-cells. The recent isolation of islet-specific T cell clones from nonobese diabetic mice provides a means of identification of the Ag on islet cells that are responsible for stimulation of autoreactive T cells. We describe an APC line constructed by fusion of spleen B cells obtained from nonobese diabetic mice to a B lymphoma that was transfected with the H and L chains of an IgM specific to the hapten TNP. Using this hybrid APC we have observed a dramatic increase in the efficiency of presentation of TNP-conjugated islet cell protein preparations compared to that seen with conventional APC. Our results illustrate the potential use of this APC line for isolation and characterization of islet Ag relevant to the T cell response.  相似文献   

Various mechanisms of peripheral T cell tolerization have evolved to avoid responses mediated by autoreactive T cells that have not been eliminated in the thymus. In this study, we investigated the peripheral conditions of Ag presentation required to induce T cell tolerance when the predominant APCs are B cells. We show that transient Ag presentation, in absence of inflammation and in a self-context, induces CD4(+) T cell activation and memory formation. In contrast, chronic Ag presentation leads to CD4(+) T cell tolerance. The importance of long-lasting Ag presentation in inducing tolerance was also confirmed in the herpes stromal keratitis autoimmune disease model. Keratogenic T cells could be activated or tolerized depending on the APC short or long persistence. Thus, when APCs are B cells, the persistence of the Ag presentation itself is one of the main conditions to have peripheral T cell tolerance.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental factors are decisive in the etiology of type 1 diabetes. Viruses have been proposed as a triggering environmental event and some evidences have been reported: type I IFNs exist in the pancreata of diabetic patients and transgenic mice expressing these cytokines in beta cells develop diabetes. To determine the role of IFNbeta in diabetes, we studied transgenic mice expressing human IFNbeta in the beta cells. Autoimmune features were found: MHC class I islet hyperexpression, T and B cells infiltrating the islets and transfer of the disease by lymphocytes. Moreover, the expression of beta(2)-microglobulin, preproinsulin, and glucagon in the thymus was not altered by IFNbeta, thus suggesting that the disease is caused by a local effect of IFNbeta, strong enough to break the peripheral tolerance to beta cells. This is the first report of the generation of NOD (a model of spontaneous autoimmune diabetes) and nonobese-resistant (its homologous resistant) transgenic mice expressing a type I IFN in the islets: transgenic NOD and nonobese-resistant mice developed accelerated autoimmune diabetes with a high incidence of the disease. These results indicate that the antiviral cytokine IFNbeta breaks peripheral tolerance to beta cells, influences the insulitis progression and contributes to autoimmunity in diabetes and nondiabetes- prone mice.  相似文献   

Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice carrying a transgenic TCR from an islet Ag-specific CD4 T cell clone, BDC2.5, do not develop diabetes. In contrast, the same transgenic NOD mice on the SCID background develop diabetes within 4 wk after birth. Using a newly developed mAb specific for the BDC2.5 TCR, we examined the interaction between diabetogenic T cells and regulatory T cells in NOD.BDC transgenic mice. CD4 T cells from NOD.BDC mice, expressing high levels of the clonotype, transfer diabetes to NOD.SCID recipients. In contrast, CD4 T cells expressing low levels due to the expression of both transgenic and endogenous TCR alpha-chains inhibit diabetes transfer. The clonotype-low CD4 T cells appear late in the ontogeny in the thymus and peripheral lymphoid organs, coinciding with resistance to cyclophosphamide-induced diabetes. These results demonstrate that diabetic processes in NOD.BDC mice are regulated by a balance between diabetogenic T cells and regulatory T cells. In the absence of specific manipulation, regulatory T cell function seems to be dominant and mice remain diabetes free. Understanding of mechanisms by which regulatory T cells inhibit diabetogenic processes would provide means to prevent diabetes development in high-risk human populations.  相似文献   

To examine whether the lack of self-tolerance to beta cells is responsible for the development of type I diabetes in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, we attempted to induce T cell responses to cells from the islets of Langerhans. The data show that all NOD mice, irrespective of age, sex, and disease progression, possess islet cell-specific CD4+, MHC class II-restricted T cells. Both primary and secondary proliferative responses to islet cells were readily induced. The activation of T cells required presentation of islet cell Ag by APC in the responding lymph node cell population. Cells from other tissues, e.g., salivary gland, adrenal gland, and spleen, failed to activate autologous T lymphocytes. T cells specific for other Ag did not respond to islet cells, indicating that the proliferation is not the result of nonspecific stimulation by islet cell products. The presence of islet cell-reactive T cells is, however, not unique to NOD mice, because similar T cell reactivity was also demonstrated in non-diabetes-prone mouse strains. Hence, self-tolerance to islet cells appears to be absent. The results indicate a normal occurrence of islet cell-reactive T cells in both diabetes-prone as well as non-diabetes-prone mice. Thus, the lack of tolerance cannot be the initial cause of diabetes, but the activation of such autoreactive T cells may be important for the development of the disease.  相似文献   

beta cell replacement via islet or pancreas transplantation is currently the only approach to cure type 1 diabetic patients. Recurrent beta cell autoimmunity is a critical factor contributing to graft rejection along with alloreactivity. However, the specificity and dynamics of recurrent beta cell autoimmunity remain largely undefined. Accordingly, we compared the repertoire of CD8+ T cells infiltrating grafted and endogenous islets in diabetic nonobese diabetic mice. In endogenous islets, CD8+ T cells specific for an islet-specific glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit-related protein derived peptide (IGRP206-214) were the most prevalent T cells. Similar CD8+ T cells dominated the early graft infiltrate but were expanded 6-fold relative to endogenous islets. Single-cell analysis of the TCR alpha and beta chains showed restricted variable gene usage by IGRP206-214-specific CD8+ T cells that was shared between the graft and endogenous islets of individual mice. However, as islet graft infiltration progressed, the number of IGRP206-214-specific CD8+ T cells decreased despite stable numbers of CD8+ T cells. These results demonstrate that recurrent beta cell autoimmunity is characterized by recruitment to the grafts and expansion of already prevalent autoimmune T cell clonotypes residing in the endogenous islets. Furthermore, depletion of IGRP206-214-specific CD8+ T cells by peptide administration delayed islet graft survival, suggesting IGRP206-214-specific CD8+ T cells play a role early in islet graft rejection but are displaced with time by other specificities, perhaps by epitope spread.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is caused by a T cell-mediated autoimmune response that leads to the loss of insulin-producing β cells. The optimal preclinical testing of promising therapies would be aided by a humanized immune-mediated T1D model. We develop this model in NOD-scid IL2rγnull mice. The selective destruction of pancreatic islet β cells was mediated by human T lymphocytes after an initial trigger was supplied by the injection of irradiated spleen mononuclear cells (SMC) from diabetic nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. This resulted in severe insulitis, a marked loss of total β-cell mass, and other related phenotypes of T1D. The migration of human T cells to pancreatic islets was controlled by the β cell-produced highly conserved chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) and its receptor C-X-C chemokine receptor (CXCR) 4, as demonstrated by in vivo blocking experiments using antibody to CXCR4. The specificity of humanized T cell-mediated immune responses against islet β cells was generated by the local inflammatory microenvironment in pancreatic islets including human CD4+ T cell infiltration and clonal expansion, and the mouse islet β-cell-derived CD1d-mediated human iNKT activation. The selective destruction of mouse islet β cells by a human T cell-mediated immune response in this humanized T1D model can mimic those observed in T1D patients. This model can provide a valuable tool for translational research into T1D.  相似文献   

Type I diabetes mellitus (TIDM) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by T cell-mediated destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. In the nonobese diabetic (NOD) model of TIDM, insulitis and diabetes are dependent on the presence of B lymphocytes; however, the requirement for specificity within the B cell repertoire is not known. To determine the role of Ag-specific B cells in TIDM, V(H) genes with different potential for insulin binding were introduced into NOD as H chain transgenes. VH125 H chain combines with endogenous L chains to produce a repertoire in which 1-3% of mature B cells are insulin specific, and these mice develop accelerated diabetes. In contrast, NOD mice harboring a similar transgene, VH281, with limited insulin binding develop insulitis but are protected from TIDM. The data indicate that Ag-specific components in the B cell repertoire may alter the course of TIDM.  相似文献   

Expression of a retrovirally encoded allogeneic MHC class I gene in bone marrow-derived cells can be used to induce tolerance to the product of the retrovirally transduced gene. In this work we examined whether expression of a retrovirally transduced allogeneic MHC class I gene in bone marrow-derived cells from recombinase-activating gene-1 (RAG-1)-deficient mice was sufficient to induce tolerance when transplanted into conditioned hosts together with bone marrow from MHC-matched wild-type mice. Reconstitution of mice with either MHC-matched RAG-1-deficient or wild-type bone marrow transduced with the allogeneic MHC class I gene H-2K(b) led to long-term expression of K(b) on the surface of bone marrow-derived hematopoietic lineages. T cells from mice reconstituted with H-2K(b)-transduced wild-type bone marrow were tolerant to K(b). In contrast, expression of K(b) in the periphery of mice reconstituted with a mixture of retrovirally transduced RAG-1-deficient bone marrow and mock-transduced wild-type bone marrow fell below detectable levels by 4 wk after transplantation. T cells that developed in these mice appeared to be hyporesponsive to K(b), demonstrating that expression of K(b) on bone marrow-derived APCs was not sufficient to induce tolerance. Our data suggest that induction of tolerance in molecular chimeras requires expression of the retrovirally transduced allogeneic MHC Ag on the surface of mature lymphocytes that populate the host thymus.  相似文献   

Genetic control of T and B lymphocyte activation in nonobese diabetic mice.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Type 1 diabetes in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice is characterized by the infiltration of T and B cells into pancreatic islets. T cells bearing the TCR Vbeta3 chain are disproportionately represented in the earliest stages of islet infiltration (insulitis) despite clonal deletion of most Vbeta3(+) immature thymocytes by the mammary tumor virus-3 (Mtv-3) superantigen (SAg). In this report we showed that a high frequency of NOD Vbeta3(+) T cells that escape deletion are activated in vivo and that this phenotype is linked to the Mtv-3 locus. One potential mechanism of SAg presentation to peripheral T cells is by activated B cells. Consistent with this idea, we found that NOD mice harbor a significantly higher frequency of activated B cells than nondiabetes-prone strains. These activated NOD B cells expressed cell surface molecules consistent with APC function. At the molecular level, the IgH repertoire of activated B cells in NOD mice was equivalent to resting B cells, suggesting a polyclonal response in vivo. Genetic analysis of the activated B cell phenotype showed linkage to Idd1, the NOD MHC haplotype (H-2(g7)). Finally, Vbeta3(+) thymocyte deletion and peripheral T cell activation did not require B cells, suggesting that other APC populations are sufficient to generate both Mtv-3-linked phenotypes. These data provide insight into the genetic regulation of NOD autoreactive lymphocyte activation that may contribute to failure of peripheral tolerance and the pathogenesis of type I diabetes.  相似文献   

The sequence of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) major envelope (Env) protein (ayw subtype) was scanned for the presence of H-2(d,b) motifs. Following binding and immunogenicity testing, two new H-2(d)-restricted epitopes (Env.362 and Env.364) were identified. These epitopes induced CTLs capable of recognizing naturally processed HBV-Env, but were apparently generated with lower efficiency than the previously defined dominant Env.28 epitope. Next, HBV-transgenic mice that express all of the HBV proteins and produce fully infectious particles were immunized with a mixture of lipopeptides encompassing the Env.28, Env.362, and Env.364 epitopes. Significant CTL responses were obtained, but they had no effect on viral replication in the liver, nor did they induce an inflammatory liver disease. However, in adoptive transfer experiments, CTL lines generated from the HBV-transgenic mice following immunization were able to inhibit viral replication in vivo without causing hepatitis. This is in contrast to CTL lines derived from nontransgenic mice that displayed both antiviral and cytopathic effects, presumably because they displayed higher avidity for the viral epitopes than the transgenic CTLs. These results suggest that T cell tolerance to HBV can be broken with appropriate immunization but the magnitude and characteristics of the resultant T cell response are significantly different from the response in HBV-naive individuals since their antiviral potential is stronger than their cytotoxic potential. This has obvious implications for immunotherapy of chronic HBV infection.  相似文献   

B cells are well documented as APC; however, their role in supporting and programming the T cell response in vivo is still unclear. Studies using B cell-deficient mice have given rise to contradictory results. We have used mixed BM chimeric mice to define the contribution that B cells make as APC. When the B cell compartment is deficient in MHC class II, while other APC are largely normal, T cell clonal expansion is significantly reduced and the differentiation of T cells into cytokine-secreting effector cells is impaired (in particular, Th2 cells). The development of the memory T cell populations is also decreased. Although MHC class II-mediated presentation by B cells was crucial for an optimal T cell response, neither a B cell-specific lack of CD40 (influencing costimulation) nor lymphotoxin alpha (influencing lymphoid tissue architecture) had any effect on the T cell response. We conclude that in vivo B cells provide extra and essential Ag presentation capacity over and above that provided by dendritic cells, optimizing expansion and allowing the generation of memory and effector T cells.  相似文献   

Splenocytes from nonobese diabetic mice overexpressing murine IL (mIL)-4 upon recombinant retrovirus infection lose their capacity to transfer diabetes to nonobese diabetic-scid recipients. Diabetes appeared in 0-20% of mice injected with mIL-4-transduced cells vs 80-100% of controls injected with beta-galactosidase-transduced cells. Protected mice showed a majority of islets (60%) presenting with noninvasive peri-insulitis at variance with beta-galactosidase controls that exhibited invasive/destructive insulitis. Importantly, in all recipients, the transduced proteins were detected within islet infiltrates. Infiltrating lymphocytes from recipients of mIL-4-transduced cells produced high levels of mIL-4, as assessed by ELISA. In recipients of beta-galactosidase-transduced cells, approximately 60% of TCRalphabeta(+) islet-infiltrating cells expressed beta-galactosidase, as assessed by flow cytometry. The protection from disease transfer is due to a direct effect of mIL-4 gene therapy on immunoregulatory T cells rather than on diabetogenic cells. mIL-4-transduced purified CD62L(-) effector cells or transgenic BDC2.5 diabetogenic T cells still transferred disease efficiently. Conversely, mIL-4 transduction up-regulated the capacity of purified immunoregulatory CD62L(+) cells to inhibit disease transfer. These data open new perspectives for gene therapy in insulin-dependent diabetes using T cells devoid of any intrinsic diabetogenic potential.  相似文献   

Despite the pivotal role of dendritic cells (DC) in shaping immunity, little is known about their functionality in type 1 diabetes. Moreover, due to the paucity of DC in vivo, functional studies have relied largely upon in vitro-expanded cells to elucidate type 1 diabetes-associated functional abnormalities. In this study, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the functional capabilities of in vivo-derived DC subsets from NOD mice by comparing DC to other NOD APC types and to DC from autoimmune-resistant strains. NOD DC closely resemble those from nonautoimmune strains with respect to costimulation and cytokine production. The exception is the CD8alpha(+)CD11b(-)DC subset which is numerically reduced in NOD spleens, but not in the pancreatic lymph nodes, while DC from both tissues produce little IL-12 in this strain. This defect results in unusual deferral toward macrophage-derived IL-12 in NOD mice; NOD macrophages produce aberrantly high IL-12 levels that can overcompensate for the DC defect in Th1 polarization. APC subset use for autoantigen presentation also differs in NOD mice. NOD B cells overshadow DC at activating islet-reactive T cells, whereas DC and B cells in NOD-resistant mice are functionally comparable. Differential involvement of APC subsets in T cell activation and tolerance induction may prove to be a crucial factor in the selection and expansion of autoreactive T cells.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells are crucial effectors in the pathology of type 1 diabetes (T1D). Successful therapeutic interventions for prevention and cure of T1D in humans are still elusive. Recent research efforts have focused on the manipulation of T cells by treatment with DNA. In this paper, we studied the effects of a DNA treatment strategy designed to target antigenic peptides to the lysosomal compartment on a monospecific T cell population termed 2.5mi(+) T cells that shares reactivity with the diabetogenic T cell clone BDC-2.5 in the NOD mouse. MHC class II tetramer analysis showed that repeated administrations were necessary to expand 2.5mi(+) T cells in vivo. This expansion was independent of Ag presentation by B cells. A single peptide epitope was sufficient to induce protection against T1D, which was not due to Ag-specific T cell anergy. Typical Th2 cytokines such as IL-10 or IL-4 were undetectable in 2.5mi(+) T cells, arguing against a mechanism of immune deviation. Instead, the expanded 2.5mi(+) T cell population produced IFN-γ similar to 2.5mi(+) T cells from naive mice. Protection against T1D by DNA treatment was completely lost in NOD.CD28(-/-) mice which are largely deficient of natural regulatory T cells (Treg). Although Ag-specific Foxp3(+) Treg did not expand in response to DNA treatment, diabetes onset was delayed in Treg-reconstituted and DNA-treated NOD.SCID mice. These observations provide evidence for a Treg-mediated protective mechanism that is independent of the expansion or de novo generation of Ag-specific Treg.  相似文献   

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