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Zhu WL  Shi HS  Wang SJ  Wu P  Ding ZB  Lu L 《Journal of neurochemistry》2011,118(6):1075-1086
The reactive oxygen species (ROS) superoxide has been recognized as a critical signal triggering retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death after axonal injury. Although the downstream targets of superoxide are unknown, chemical reduction of oxidized sulfhydryls has been shown to be neuroprotective for injured RGCs. On the basis of this, we developed novel phosphine-borane complex compounds that are cell permeable and highly stable. Here, we report that our lead compound, bis (3-propionic acid methyl ester) phenylphosphine borane complex 1 (PB1) promotes RGC survival in rat models of optic nerve axotomy and in experimental glaucoma. PB1-mediated RGC neuroprotection did not correlate with inhibition of stress-activated protein kinase signaling, including apoptosis stimulating kinase 1 (ASK1), c-jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) or p38. Instead, PB1 led to a striking increase in retinal BDNF levels and downstream activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) pathway. Pharmacological inhibition of ERK1/2 entirely blocked RGC neuroprotection induced by PB1. We conclude that PB1 protects damaged RGCs through activation of pro-survival signals. These data support a potential cross-talk between redox homeostasis and neurotrophin-related pathways leading to RGC survival after axonal injury.  相似文献   

Excitatory transmission within hippocampal area CA3 stems from three major glutamatergic pathways: the perforant path formed by axons of layer II stellate cells in the entorhinal cortex, the mossy fiber axons originating from the dentate gyrus granule cells, and the recurrent axon collaterals of CA3 pyramidal cells. The synaptic communication of each of these pathways is modulated by metabotropic glutamate receptors that fine-tune the signal by affecting both the timing and strength of the connection. Within area CA3 of the hippocampus, group I mGluRs (mGluR1 and mGluR5) are expressed postsynaptically, whereas group II (mGluR2 and mGluR3) and III mGluRs (mGluR4, mGluR7, and mGluR8) are expressed presynaptically. Receptors from each group have been demonstrated to be required for different forms of pre- and postsynaptic long-term plasticity and also have been implicated in regulating short-term plasticity. A recent observation has demonstrated that a presynaptically expressed mGluR can affect the timing of action potentials elicited in the postsynaptic target. Interestingly, mGluRs can be distributed in a target-specific manner, such that synaptic input from one presynaptic neuron can be modulated by different receptors at each of its postsynaptic targets. Consequently, mGluRs provide a mechanism for synaptic specialization of glutamatergic transmission in the hippocampus. This review will highlight the variability in mGluR modulation of excitatory transmission within area CA3 with an emphasis on how these receptors contribute to the strength and timing of network activity within pyramidal cells and interneurons.  相似文献   

By simultaneously recording the activity of individual neurons and field potentials in freely behaving mice, we found two types of interneurons firing at high frequency in the hippocampal CA1 region, which had high correlations with characteristic sharp wave-associated ripple oscillations (100–250 Hz) during slow-wave sleep. The firing of these two types of interneurons highly synchronized with ripple oscillations during slow-wave sleep, with strongly increased firing rates corresponding to individual ripple episodes. Interneuron type I had at most one spike in each sub-ripple cycle of ripple episodes and the peak firing rate was 310±33.17 Hz. Interneuron type II had one or two spikes in each sub-ripple cycle and the peak firing rate was 410±47.61 Hz. During active exploration, their firing was phase locked to theta oscillations with the highest probability at the trough of theta wave. Both two types of interneurons increased transiently their firing rates responding to the startling shake stimuli. The results showed that these two types of high-frequency interneurons in the hippocampal CA1 region were involved in the modulation of the hippocampal neural network during different states.  相似文献   

By simultaneously recording the activity of individual neurons and field potentials in freely behaving mice, we found two types of interneurons firing at high frequency in the hippocampal CA1 region, which had high correlations with characteristic sharp wave-associated ripple oscillations (100―250 Hz) during slow-wave sleep. The firing of these two types of interneurons highly synchronized with ripple oscillations during slow-wave sleep, with strongly increased firing rates corresponding to individual ripple episodes. Interneuron type I had at most one spike in each sub-ripple cycle of ripple episodes and the peak firing rate was 310±33.17 Hz. Interneuron type II had one or two spikes in each sub-ripple cycle and the peak firing rate was 410±47.61 Hz. During active exploration, their firing was phase locked to theta oscillations with the highest probability at the trough of theta wave. Both two types of interneurons increased transiently their firing rates responding to the startling shake stimuli. The results showed that these two types of high-frequency interneurons in the hippocampal CA1 region were involved in the modulation of the hippocampal neural network during different states.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(7):2360-2373.e5
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Synchronized discharges in the hippocampal CA3 recurrent network are supposed to underlie network oscillations, memory formation and seizure generation. In the hippocampal CA3 network, NMDA receptors are abundant at the recurrent synapses but scarce at the mossy fiber synapses. We generated mutant mice in which NMDA receptors were abolished in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons by postnatal day 14. The histological and cytological organizations of the hippocampal CA3 region were indistinguishable between control and mutant mice. We found that mutant mice lacking NMDA receptors selectively in CA3 pyramidal neurons became more susceptible to kainate-induced seizures. Consistently, mutant mice showed characteristic large EEG spikes associated with multiple unit activities (MUA), suggesting enhanced synchronous firing of CA3 neurons. The electrophysiological balance between fast excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission was comparable between control and mutant pyramidal neurons in the hippocampal CA3 region, while the NMDA receptor-slow AHP coupling was diminished in the mutant neurons. In the adult brain, inducible ablation of NMDA receptors in the hippocampal CA3 region by the viral expression vector for Cre recombinase also induced similar large EEG spikes. Furthermore, pharmacological blockade of CA3 NMDA receptors enhanced the susceptibility to kainate-induced seizures. These results raise an intriguing possibility that hippocampal CA3 NMDA receptors may suppress the excitability of the recurrent network as a whole in vivo by restricting synchronous firing of CA3 neurons.  相似文献   

Cells in the rat hippocampus fire as a function of the animal's location in space. Thus, a rat moving through the world produces a statistically reproducible sequence of place cell firings. With this perspective, spatial navigation can be viewed as a sequence learning problem for the hippocampus. That is, learning entails associating the relationships among a sequence of places that are represented by a sequence of place cell firing. Recent experiments by McNaughton and colleagues suggest the hippocampus can recall a sequence of place cell firings at a faster rate than it was experienced. This speedup, which occurs during slow-wave sleep, is called temporal compression. Here, we show that a simplified model of hippocampal area CA3, based on integrate-and-fire cells and unsupervised Hebbian learning, reproduces this temporal compression. The amount of compression is proportional to the activity level during recall and to the relative timespan of associativity during learning. Compression seems to arise from an alteration of network dynamics between learning and recall. During learning, the dynamics are paced by external input and slowed by a low overall level of activity. During recall, however, external input is absent, and the dynamics are controlled by intrinsic network properties. Raising the activity level by lowering inhibition increases the rate at which the network can transition between previously learned states and thereby produces temporal compression. The tendency for speeding up future activations, however, is limited by the temporal range of associations that were present during learning.  相似文献   

This paper presents a possible context-sensitive mechanism in a neural network and at single neuron levels based on the experiments of hippocampal CA1 and their theoretical models. First, the spatiotemporal learning rule (STLR, non-Hebbian) and the Hebbian rule (HEBB) are experimentally shown to coexist in dendrite–soma interactions in single hippocampal pyramidal cells of CA1. Second, the functional differences between STLR and HEBB are theoretically shown in pattern separation and pattern completion. Third, the interaction between STLR and HEBB in neural levels is proposed to play an important role in forming a selective context determined by value information, which is related to expected reward and behavioral estimation.  相似文献   

Na+-dependent uptake of L-[3H]proline was measured in a crude synaptosomal preparation from the entire rat hippocampal formation or from isolated hippocampal regions. Among hippocampal regions, Na+-dependent proline uptake was significantly greater in areas CA1 and CA2-CA3-CA4 than in the fascia dentata, whereas there was no marked regional difference in the distribution of Na+-dependent gamma-[14C]aminobutyric acid ([14C]GABA) uptake. A bilateral kainic acid lesion, which destroyed most of the CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells, reduced Na+-dependent proline uptake by an average of 41% in area CA1 and 52% in area CA2-CA3-CA4, without affecting the Na+-dependent uptake of GABA. In the fascia dentata, neither proline nor GABA uptake was significantly altered. Kinetic studies suggested that hippocampal synaptosomes take up proline by both a high-affinity (KT = 6.7 microM) and a low-affinity (KT = 290 microM) Na+-dependent process, whereas L-[14C]glutamate is taken up predominantly by a high-affinity (KT = 6.1 microM) process. A bilateral kainic acid lesion reduced the Vmax of high-affinity proline uptake by an average of 72%, the Vmax of low-affinity proline uptake by 44%, and the Vmax of high affinity glutamate uptake by 43%, without significantly changing the affinity of the transport carriers for substrate. Ipsilateral-commissural projections of CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells appear to possess nearly as great a capacity for taking up proline as for taking up glutamate, a probable transmitter of these pathways. Therefore proline may play an important role in transmission at synapses made by the CA3-derived Schaffer collateral, commissural, and ipsilateral associational fibers.  相似文献   

Lesion and pharmacological intervention studies have suggested that in both human patients and animals the hippocampus plays a crucial role in the rapid acquisition and storage of information from a novel one-time experience. However, how the hippocampus plays this role is poorly known. Here, we show that mice with NMDA receptor (NR) deletion restricted to CA3 pyramidal cells in adulthood are impaired in rapidly acquiring the memory of novel hidden platform locations in a delayed matching-to-place version of the Morris water maze task but are normal when tested with previously experienced platform locations. CA1 place cells in the mutant animals had place field sizes that were significantly larger in novel environments, but normal in familiar environments relative to those of control mice. These results suggest that CA3 NRs play a crucial role in rapid hippocampal encoding of novel information for fast learning of one-time experience.  相似文献   

1. Using agonists and antagonists with specificity toward various isozymes, we have examined the role of protein kinase C (PKC) in long-term potentiation (LTP) in rat hippocampal areas CA1 and CA3.2. Agonists (indolactum V but not phorbol ester) and antagonists (sphingosine, staurosporine, chelerytherene) acting at all PKC isozymes reduce or block LTP induction at both sites.3. However ingenol, a relatively specific agonist at the δ and ε isozymes, blocks LTP in the MF-CA3 pathway, but not in the SC-CA1 pathway.4. Go6976, a relatively specific antagonist of the α and β isozymes, blocks LTP in the SC-CA1 pathway at both ages tested (30- and 60-day-old animals), but blocks LTP in the MF-CA3 in 60 but not 30-day-old animals.5. Our studies indicate that different PKC isozymes are crucial to LTP induction in these two areas of hippocampus, and that there are development changes in the profile of isozymes.  相似文献   

Hippocampal interneurons consist of functionally diverse cell types, most of them target the dendrites or perisomatic region of pyramidal cells with a few exceptions, like the calretinin-containing cells in the rat: they selectively innervate other interneurons. However, no electron microscopic data are available about the synaptic connections of calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the human hippocampus. We aimed to provide these data to establish whether interneuron-selective interneurons indeed represent an essential feature of hippocampal circuits across distant species. Two types of calretinin-immunostained terminals were found in the CA1 region: one of them presumably derived from the thalamic reuniens nucleus, and established asymmetric synapses on dendrites and spines. The other type originating from local interneurons formed symmetric synapses on both pyramidal and interneuron dendrites. Distribution of postsynaptic targets showed that 26.8% of the targets were CR-positive interneuron dendrites, and 25.2% proved to be proximal pyramidal dendrites. CR-negative interneuron dendrites were also contacted (12.4%). Small caliber postsynaptic dendrites were not classified (28%). Somata were rarely contacted (7.6%). The present data suggest that calretinin-positive boutons do show a preference for other interneurons, but a considerable proportion of the targets are pyramidal cells. We propose that interneuron-selective inhibitory cells exist in the human Ammon's horn, and boutons innervating pyramidal cells derive from another cell type that might not exist in rodents.  相似文献   

Cognitive mapping functions of the hippocampus critically depend on the recurrent network of the CA3 pyramidal cells. However, it is still not known in detail how network activity patterns emerge, or how they encode information. By using functional multineuron calcium imaging, we simultaneously recorded the activity of >100 neurons in the CA3 region of hippocampal slice cultures. We utilized a novel computational method to analyze the multichannel spike trains and to depict functional neuronal assemblies. By means of event synchronization and the correlation matrix analysis method, we found that: 1), the average functional neuronal cluster consists of 23 neurons, and neurons could be part of multiple assemblies; 2), the clustering strength, size, and mean distance among cells in neuronal assemblies follow a power-law-like distribution; 3), the clustering strength and size of neuronal assemblies are not correlated with the total number of neurons and their physical distance; and 4), the clustering distance of neuronal assemblies is weakly correlated with the total number of neurons and their physical distance. These findings suggest that the functional organization of the spontaneously firing CA3 hippocampal network is a scale-free structure in slice culture.  相似文献   

On rat hippocampal slices using a standard patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration, we studied the effects of long-term (40 to 60 min) hypoxia/hypoglycemia (HH) on excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC) evoked by stimulation of Schaffer collaterals in the cells of the CA1 zone. In addition to the earlier described effect of an immediate drop in the EPSC amplitude, a significant transient increase in its amplitude 30-50 min after the beginning of HH was observed. A pharmacologically isolated NMDA component of excitatory synaptic events underwent similar changes: 30-50 min after the blockade of NMDA receptor-mediated current, a fast recovery of its amplitude to the control (or even higher) values occurred. A blocker of NMDA/glutamate (Glu) receptors, D-aminophosphonovaleric acid (D-APV), and a competitive nonspecific antagonist of metabotropic Glu receptors, (RS)--methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine – (RS)-MCPG – did not influence the HH-induced initial suppression of synaptic transmission but completely eliminated its delayed recovery. Our findings allow us to suppose that NMDA receptors, as well as metabotropic Glu receptors, play important roles in the cascade of biochemical reactions resulting in death of hippocampal pyramidal cells in the course of and after long-term ischemia in vivo.  相似文献   

Stimulation-related modifications of activity in the phrenic nerve and external and internal intercostal nerves were studied on urethane-anesthetized rats; the inspiratory medullary structures were stimulated. The activity was recorded either following microinjections of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) or its derivatives into the medial parabrachial nuclei and rostral part of the ventral respiratory group of medullary neurons, or without such microinjections. Gradual dependence of activity in these nerves on the phase of the respiratory cycle was established. It was shown that the higher was the integrated inspiratory activity, the lower became the relative gain in phrenic nerve activity caused by standard stimulation. When stimulation was applied at the postinspiratory phase, the threshold stimulus intensity showed an S-like rise with an increase in integrated inspiratory activity. Microinjections of GABA or its cyclic derivatives into the parabrachial nuclear structures decreased the inhibitory effects of the latter. During the postinspiratory phase, the effect was opposite: an increase in the relative gain of inspiratory activity and drop in the threshold. The resulting data suggest that there is a two-level organization of the respiratory regulatory inhibition and that the whole respiratory neuronal network has a compartmental structure.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 420–426, November–December, 1993.  相似文献   

Network patterns are believed to provide unique temporal contexts for coordinating neuronal activity within and across different regions of the brain. Some of the characteristics of network patterns modeled in vitro are altered in the CA3 or CA1 subregions of hippocampal slices from aged mice. CA3–CA1 network interactions have not been examined previously. We used slices from aged and adult mice to model spontaneous sharp wave ripples and carbachol-induced gamma oscillations, and compared measures of CA3–CA1 network timing between age groups. Coherent sharp wave ripples and gamma oscillations were evident in the CA3–CA1 circuit in both age groups, but the relative timing of activity in CA1 stratum pyramidale was delayed in the aged. In another sample of aged slices, evoked Schaffer collateral responses were attenuated in CA3 (antidromic spike amplitude) and CA1 (orthodromic field EPSP slope). However, the amplitude and timing of spontaneous sharp waves recorded in CA1 stratum radiatum were similar to adults. In both age groups unit activity recorded juxtacellularly from unidentified neurons in CA1 stratum pyramidale and stratum oriens was temporally modulated by CA3 ripples. However, aged neurons exhibited reduced spike probability during the early cycles of the CA3 ripple oscillation. These findings suggest that aging disrupts the coordination of patterned activity in the CA3–CA1 circuit.  相似文献   

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