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The observation of repeated events for subjects in cohort studies could be terminated by loss to follow-up, end of study, or a major failure event such as death. In this context, the major failure event could be correlated with recurrent events, and the usual assumption of noninformative censoring of the recurrent event process by death, required by most statistical analyses, can be violated. Recently, joint modeling for 2 survival processes has received considerable attention because it makes it possible to study the joint evolution over time of 2 processes and gives unbiased and efficient parameters. The most commonly used estimation procedure in the joint models for survival events is the expectation maximization algorithm. We show how maximum penalized likelihood estimation can be applied to nonparametric estimation of the continuous hazard functions in a general joint frailty model with right censoring and delayed entry. The simulation study demonstrates that this semiparametric approach yields satisfactory results in this complex setting. As an illustration, such an approach is applied to a prospective cohort with recurrent events of follicular lymphomas, jointly modeled with death.  相似文献   

Shared frailty models for recurrent events and a terminal event   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu L  Wolfe RA  Huang X 《Biometrics》2004,60(3):747-756
There has been an increasing interest in the analysis of recurrent event data (Cook and Lawless, 2002, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 11, 141-166). In many situations, a terminating event such as death can happen during the follow-up period to preclude further occurrence of the recurrent events. Furthermore, the death time may be dependent on the recurrent event history. In this article we consider frailty proportional hazards models for the recurrent and terminal event processes. The dependence is modeled by conditioning on a shared frailty that is included in both hazard functions. Covariate effects can be taken into account in the model as well. Maximum likelihood estimation and inference are carried out through a Monte Carlo EM algorithm with Metropolis-Hastings sampler in the E-step. An analysis of hospitalization and death data for waitlisted dialysis patients is presented to illustrate the proposed methods. Methods to check the validity of the proposed model are also demonstrated. This model avoids the difficulties encountered in alternative approaches which attempt to specify a dependent joint distribution with marginal proportional hazards and yields an estimate of the degree of dependence.  相似文献   

Du P  Jiang Y  Wang Y 《Biometrics》2011,67(4):1330-1339
Gap time hazard estimation is of particular interest in recurrent event data. This article proposes a fully nonparametric approach for estimating the gap time hazard. Smoothing spline analysis of variance (ANOVA) decompositions are used to model the log gap time hazard as a joint function of gap time and covariates, and general frailty is introduced to account for between-subject heterogeneity and within-subject correlation. We estimate the nonparametric gap time hazard function and parameters in the frailty distribution using a combination of the Newton-Raphson procedure, the stochastic approximation algorithm (SAA), and the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The convergence of the algorithm is guaranteed by decreasing the step size of parameter update and/or increasing the MCMC sample size along iterations. Model selection procedure is also developed to identify negligible components in a functional ANOVA decomposition of the log gap time hazard. We evaluate the proposed methods with simulation studies and illustrate its use through the analysis of bladder tumor data.  相似文献   

Zeng D  Lin DY 《Biometrics》2009,65(3):746-752
Summary .  We propose a broad class of semiparametric transformation models with random effects for the joint analysis of recurrent events and a terminal event. The transformation models include proportional hazards/intensity and proportional odds models. We estimate the model parameters by the nonparametric maximum likelihood approach. The estimators are shown to be consistent, asymptotically normal, and asymptotically efficient. Simple and stable numerical algorithms are provided to calculate the parameter estimators and to estimate their variances. Extensive simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed inference procedures perform well in realistic settings. Applications to two HIV/AIDS studies are presented.  相似文献   

Recurrent event data arise in longitudinal follow‐up studies, where each subject may experience the same type of events repeatedly. The work in this article is motivated by the data from a study of repeated peritonitis for patients on peritoneal dialysis. Due to the aspects of medicine and cost, the peritonitis cases were classified into two types: Gram‐positive and non‐Gram‐positive peritonitis. Further, since the death and hemodialysis therapy preclude the occurrence of recurrent events, we face multivariate recurrent event data with a dependent terminal event. We propose a flexible marginal model, which has three characteristics: first, we assume marginal proportional hazard and proportional rates models for terminal event time and recurrent event processes, respectively; second, the inter‐recurrences dependence and the correlation between the multivariate recurrent event processes and terminal event time are modeled through three multiplicative frailties corresponding to the specified marginal models; third, the rate model with frailties for recurrent events is specified only on the time before the terminal event. We propose a two‐stage estimation procedure for estimating unknown parameters. We also establish the consistency of the two‐stage estimator. Simulation studies show that the proposed approach is appropriate for practical use. The methodology is applied to the peritonitis cohort data that motivated this study.  相似文献   

Recurrent event data are commonly encountered in biomedical studies. In many situations, they are subject to an informative terminal event, for example, death. Joint modeling of recurrent and terminal events has attracted substantial recent research interests. On the other hand, there may exist a large number of covariates in such data. How to conduct variable selection for joint frailty proportional hazards models has become a challenge in practical data analysis. We tackle this issue on the basis of the “minimum approximated information criterion” method. The proposed method can be conveniently implemented in SAS Proc NLMIXED for commonly used frailty distributions. Its finite-sample behavior is evaluated through simulation studies. We apply the proposed method to model recurrent opportunistic diseases in the presence of death in an AIDS study.  相似文献   

We suggest a cure-mixture model to analyze bivariate time-to-event data, as motivated by the article of Chatterjee and Shih (2001, Biometrics 57, 779-786), but with a simpler estimation procedure and the correlated gamma-frailty model instead of the shared gamma-frailty model. This approach allows us to deal with left-truncated and right-censored lifetime data, and accounts for heterogeneity, as well as for an insusceptible (cure) fraction in the study population. We perform a simulation study to evaluate the properties of the estimates in the proposed model and apply it to breast cancer incidence data for 5857 Swedish female monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs from the so-called old cohort of the Swedish Twin Registry. This model is used to estimate the size of the susceptible fraction and the correlation between the frailties of the twin partners. Possible extensions, advantages, and limitations of the proposed method are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new model for recurrent event data characterized by a baseline rate function fully parametric, which is based on the exponential‐Poisson distribution. The model arises from a latent competing risk scenario, in the sense that there is no information about which cause was responsible for the event occurrence. Then, the time of each recurrence is given by the minimum lifetime value among all latent causes. The new model has a particular case, which is the classical homogeneous Poisson process. The properties of the proposed model are discussed, including its hazard rate function, survival function, and ordinary moments. The inferential procedure is based on the maximum likelihood approach. We consider an important issue of model selection between the proposed model and its particular case by the likelihood ratio test and score test. Goodness of fit of the recurrent event models is assessed using Cox‐Snell residuals. A simulation study evaluates the performance of the estimation procedure in the presence of a small and moderate sample sizes. Applications on two real data sets are provided to illustrate the proposed methodology. One of them, first analyzed by our team of researchers, considers the data concerning the recurrence of malaria, which is an infectious disease caused by a protozoan parasite that infects red blood cells.  相似文献   

Sinha D  Maiti T 《Biometrics》2004,60(1):34-40
We consider modeling and Bayesian analysis for panel-count data when the termination time for each subject may depend on its history of the recurrent events. We propose a fully specified semiparametric model for the joint distribution of the recurrent events and the termination time. For this model, we provide a natural motivation, derive several novel properties, and develop a Bayesian analysis based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Comparisons are made to other existing models and methods for panel-count data. We demonstrate the usefulness of our new models and methodologies through the reanalysis of a data set from a clinical trial.  相似文献   

Su X  Fan J 《Biometrics》2004,60(1):93-99
A method of constructing trees for correlated failure times is put forward. It adopts the backfitting idea of classification and regression trees (CART) (Breiman et al., 1984, in Classification and Regression Trees). The tree method is developed based on the maximized likelihoods associated with the gamma frailty model and standard likelihood-related techniques are incorporated. The proposed method is assessed through simulations conducted under a variety of model configurations and illustrated using the chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) study data.  相似文献   

Recurrent event data are widely encountered in clinical and observational studies. Most methods for recurrent events treat the outcome as a point process and, as such, neglect any associated event duration. This generally leads to a less informative and potentially biased analysis. We propose a joint model for the recurrent event rate (of incidence) and duration. The two processes are linked through a bivariate normal frailty. For example, when the event is hospitalization, we can treat the time to admission and length-of-stay as two alternating recurrent events. In our method, the regression parameters are estimated through a penalized partial likelihood, and the variance-covariance matrix of the frailty is estimated through a recursive estimating formula. Moreover, we develop a likelihood ratio test to assess the dependence between the incidence and duration processes. Simulation results demonstrate that our method provides accurate parameter estimation, with a relatively fast computation time. We illustrate the methods through an analysis of hospitalizations among end-stage renal disease patients.  相似文献   

Ripatti S  Palmgren J 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):1016-1022
There exists a growing literature on the estimation of gamma distributed multiplicative shared frailty models. There is, however, often a need to model more complicated frailty structures, but attempts to extend gamma frailties run into complications. Motivated by hip replacement data with a more complicated dependence structure, we propose a model based on multiplicative frailties with a multivariate log-normal joint distribution. We give a justification and an estimation procedure for this generally structured frailty model, which is a generalization of the one presented by McGilchrist (1993, Biometrics 49, 221-225). The estimation is based on Laplace approximation of the likelihood function. This leads to estimating equations based on a penalized fixed effects partial likelihood, where the marginal distribution of the frailty terms determines the penalty term. The tuning parameters of the penalty function, i.e., the frailty variances, are estimated by maximizing an approximate profile likelihood. The performance of the approximation is evaluated by simulation, and the frailty model is fitted to the hip replacement data.  相似文献   

In studies involving diseases associated with high rates of mortality, trials are frequently conducted to evaluate the effects of therapeutic interventions on recurrent event processes terminated by death. In this setting, cumulative mean functions form a natural basis for inference for questions of a health economic nature, and Ghosh and Lin (2000) recently proposed a relevant class of test statistics. Trials of patients with cancer metastatic to bone, however, involve multiple types of skeletal complications, each of which may be repeatedly experienced by patients over their lifetime. Traditionally the distinction between the various types of events is ignored and univariate analyses are conducted based on a composite recurrent event. However, when the events have different impacts on patients' quality of life, or when they incur different costs, it can be important to gain insight into the relative frequency of the specific types of events and treatment effects thereon. This may be achieved by conducting separate marginal analyses with each analysis focusing on one type of recurrent event. Global inferences regarding treatment benefit can then be achieved by carrying out multiplicity adjusted marginal tests, more formal multiple testing procedures, or by constructing global test statistics. We describe methods for testing for differences in mean functions between treatment groups which accommodate the fact that each particular event process is ultimately terminated by death. The methods are illustrated by application to a motivating study designed to examine the effect of bisphosphonate therapy on the incidence of skeletal complications among patients with breast cancer metastatic to bone. We find that there is a consistent trend towards a reduction in the cumulative mean for all four types of skeletal complications with bisphosphonate therapy; there is a significant reduction in the need for radiation therapy for the treatment of bone. The global test suggests that bisphosphonate therapy significantly reduces the overall number of skeletal complications.  相似文献   

Joint modeling of recurrent events and a terminal event has been studied extensively in the past decade. However, most of the previous works assumed constant regression coefficients. This paper proposes a joint model with time‐varying coefficients in both event components. The proposed model not only accommodates the correlation between the two type of events, but also characterizes the potential time‐varying covariate effects. It is especially useful for evaluating long‐term risk factors' effect that could vary with time. A Gaussian frailty is used to model the correlation between event times. The nonparametric time‐varying coefficients are modeled using cubic splines with penalty terms. A simulation study shows that the proposed estimators perform well. The model is used to analyze the readmission rate and mortality jointly for stroke patients admitted to Veterans Administration (VA) Hospitals.  相似文献   

Hsieh JJ  Ding AA  Wang W 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):719-729
Summary Recurrent events data are commonly seen in longitudinal follow‐up studies. Dependent censoring often occurs due to death or exclusion from the study related to the disease process. In this article, we assume flexible marginal regression models on the recurrence process and the dependent censoring time without specifying their dependence structure. The proposed model generalizes the approach by Ghosh and Lin (2003, Biometrics 59, 877–885). The technique of artificial censoring provides a way to maintain the homogeneity of the hypothetical error variables under dependent censoring. Here we propose to apply this technique to two Gehan‐type statistics. One considers only order information for pairs whereas the other utilizes additional information of observed censoring times available for recurrence data. A model‐checking procedure is also proposed to assess the adequacy of the fitted model. The proposed estimators have good asymptotic properties. Their finite‐sample performances are examined via simulations. Finally, the proposed methods are applied to analyze the AIDS linked to the intravenous experiences cohort data.  相似文献   

Pennell ML  Dunson DB 《Biometrics》2006,62(4):1044-1052
Many biomedical studies collect data on times of occurrence for a health event that can occur repeatedly, such as infection, hospitalization, recurrence of disease, or tumor onset. To analyze such data, it is necessary to account for within-subject dependency in the multiple event times. Motivated by data from studies of palpable tumors, this article proposes a dynamic frailty model and Bayesian semiparametric approach to inference. The widely used shared frailty proportional hazards model is generalized to allow subject-specific frailties to change dynamically with age while also accommodating nonproportional hazards. Parametric assumptions on the frailty distribution are avoided by using Dirichlet process priors for a shared frailty and for multiplicative innovations on this frailty. By centering the semiparametric model on a conditionally conjugate dynamic gamma model, we facilitate posterior computation and lack-of-fit assessments of the parametric model. Our proposed method is demonstrated using data from a cancer chemoprevention study.  相似文献   

Liu L  Huang X  O'Quigley J 《Biometrics》2008,64(3):950-958
Summary .   In longitudinal observational studies, repeated measures are often taken at informative observation times. Also, there may exist a dependent terminal event such as death that stops the follow-up. For example, patients in poorer health are more likely to seek medical treatment and their medical cost for each visit tends to be higher. They are also subject to a higher mortality rate. In this article, we propose a random effects model of repeated measures in the presence of both informative observation times and a dependent terminal event. Three submodels are used, respectively, for (1) the intensity of recurrent observation times, (2) the amount of repeated measure at each observation time, and (3) the hazard of death. Correlated random effects are incorporated to join the three submodels. The estimation can be conveniently accomplished by Gaussian quadrature techniques, e.g., SAS Proc NLMIXED . An analysis of the cost-accrual process of chronic heart failure patients from the clinical data repository at the University of Virginia Health System is presented to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

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