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The replication of HIV‐1, like that of all viruses, is intimately connected with cellular structures and pathways. For many years, bulk biochemical and cell biological methods were the main approaches employed to investigate interactions between HIV‐1 and its host cell. However, during the past decade advancements in fluorescence imaging technologies opened new possibilities for the direct visualization of individual steps occurring throughout the viral replication cycle. Electron microscopy (EM) methods, which have traditionally been employed for the study of viruses, are complemented by fluorescence microscopy (FM) techniques that allow us to follow the dynamics of virus–cell interaction. Subdiffraction fluorescence microscopy, as well as correlative EM/FM approaches, are narrowing the fundamental gap between the high structural resolution provided by EM and the high temporal resolution and throughput accomplished by FM. The application of modern microscopy to the study of HIV‐1–host cell interactions has provided insights into the biology of the virus which could not easily, or not at all, have been gained by other methods. Here, we review how modern fluorescence imaging techniques enhanced our knowledge of the dynamic and structural changes involved in HIV‐1 particle formation.   相似文献   

Fluorescence nanoscopy refers to the experimental techniques and analytical methods used for fluorescence imaging at a resolution higher than conventional, diffraction-limited, microscopy. This review explains the concepts behind fluorescence nanoscopy and focuses on the latest and promising developments in acquisition techniques, labelling strategies to obtain highly detailed super-resolved images and in the quantitative methods to extract meaningful information from them.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques provide a versatile platform for imaging and manipulating living cells to single-molecule resolution, thereby enabling us to address pertinent questions in key areas of cell biology, including cell adhesion and signalling, embryonic and tissue development, cell division and shape, and microbial pathogenesis. In this review, we describe the principles of AFM, and survey recent breakthroughs made in AFM-based cell nanoscopy, showing how the technology has increased our molecular understanding of the organization, mechanics, interactions and processes of the cell surface. We also discuss the advantages and limitations of AFM techniques, and the challenges remaining to be addressed in future research.  相似文献   

Visualizing fine neuronal structures deep inside strongly light‐scattering brain tissue remains a challenge in neuroscience. Recent nanoscopy techniques have reached the necessary resolution but often suffer from limited imaging depth, long imaging time or high light fluence requirements. Here, we present two‐photon super‐resolution patterned excitation reconstruction (2P‐SuPER) microscopy for 3‐dimensional imaging of dendritic spine dynamics at a maximum demonstrated imaging depth of 130 μm in living brain tissue with approximately 100 nm spatial resolution. We confirmed 2P‐SuPER resolution using fluorescence nanoparticle and quantum dot phantoms and imaged spiny neurons in acute brain slices. We induced hippocampal plasticity and showed that 2P‐SuPER can resolve increases in dendritic spine head sizes on CA1 pyramidal neurons following theta‐burst stimulation of Schaffer collateral axons. 2P‐SuPER further revealed nanoscopic increases in dendritic spine neck widths, a feature of synaptic plasticity that has not been thoroughly investigated due to the combined limit of resolution and penetration depth in existing imaging technologies.   相似文献   

Single-molecule microscopy has evolved into the ultimate-sensitivity toolkit to study systems from small molecules to living cells, with the prospect of revolutionizing the modern biosciences. Here we survey the current state of the art in single-molecule tools including fluorescence spectroscopy, tethered particle microscopy, optical and magnetic tweezers, and atomic force microscopy. We also provide guidelines for choosing the right approach from the available single-molecule toolkit for applications as diverse as structural biology, enzymology, nanotechnology and systems biology.  相似文献   

The morphological features of α-synuclein (AS) amyloid aggregation in vitro and in cells were elucidated at the nanoscale by far-field subdiffraction fluorescence localization microscopy. Labeling AS with rhodamine spiroamide probes allowed us to image AS fibrillar structures by fluorescence stochastic nanoscopy with an enhanced resolution at least 10-fold higher than that achieved with conventional, diffraction-limited techniques. The implementation of dual-color detection, combined with atomic force microscopy, revealed the propagation of individual fibrils in vitro. In cells, labeled protein appeared as amyloid aggregates of spheroidal morphology and subdiffraction sizes compatible with in vitro supramolecular intermediates perceived independently by atomic force microscopy and cryo-electron tomography. We estimated the number of monomeric protein units present in these minute structures. This approach is ideally suited for the investigation of the molecular mechanisms of amyloid formation both in vitro and in the cellular milieu.  相似文献   

Light sheet microscopy is an easy to implement and extremely powerful alternative to established fluorescence imaging techniques such as laser scanning confocal, multi-photon and spinning disk microscopy. By illuminating the sample only with a thin slice of light, photo-bleaching is reduced to a minimum, making light sheet microscopy ideal for non-destructive imaging of fragile samples over extended periods of time. Millimeter-sized samples can be imaged rapidly with high resolution and high depth penetration. A large variety of instruments have been developed and optimized for a number of different samples: Bessel beams form thin light sheets for single cells, and selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) offers multi-view acquisition to image entire embryos with isotropic resolution. This review explains how light sheet microscopy involves a conceptually new microscope design and how it changes modern imaging in biology.  相似文献   

Super‐resolution microscopy (SRM) has had a substantial impact on the biological sciences due to its ability to observe tiny objects less than 200 nm in size. Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy represents a major category of these SRM techniques that can achieve diffraction‐unlimited resolution based on a purely optical modulation of fluorescence behaviors. Here, we investigated how the laser beams affect fluorescence lifetime in both confocal and STED imaging modes. The results showed that with increasing illumination time, the fluorescence lifetime in two kinds of fluorescent microspheres had an obvious change in STED imaging mode, compared with that in confocal imaging mode. As a result, the reduction of saturation intensity induced by the increase of fluorescence lifetime can improve the STED imaging resolution at the same depletion power. The phenomenon was also observed in Star635P‐labeled human Nup153 in fixed HeLa cells, which can be treated as a reference for the synthesis of fluorescent labels with the sensitivity to the surrounding environment for resolution improvement in STED nanoscopy.   相似文献   

In a stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscope the region in which fluorescence markers can emit spontaneously shrinks with continued STED beam action after a singular excitation event. This fact has been recently used to substantially improve the effective spatial resolution in STED nanoscopy using time-gated detection, pulsed excitation and continuous wave (CW) STED beams. We present a theoretical framework and experimental data that characterize the time evolution of the effective point-spread-function of a STED microscope and illustrate the physical basis, the benefits, and the limitations of time-gated detection both for CW and pulsed STED lasers. While gating hardly improves the effective resolution in the all-pulsed modality, in the CW-STED modality gating strongly suppresses low spatial frequencies in the image. Gated CW-STED nanoscopy is in essence limited (only) by the reduction of the signal that is associated with gating. Time-gated detection also reduces/suppresses the influence of local variations of the fluorescence lifetime on STED microscopy resolution.  相似文献   

Confocal scanning microscopy, a form of optical sectioning microscopy, has radically transformed optical imaging in biology. These devices provide a powerful means to eliminate from images the background caused by out-of-focus light and scatter. Confocal techniques can also improve the resolution of a light microscope image beyond what is achievable with widefield fluorescence microscopy. The quality of the images obtained, however, depends on the user's familiarity with the optical and fluorescence concepts that underlie this approach. We describe the core concepts of confocal microscopes and important variables that adversely affect confocal images. We also discuss data-processing methods for confocal microscopy and computational optical sectioning techniques that can perform optical sectioning without a confocal microscope.  相似文献   

Fluorescence microscopy is an important and extensively utilised tool for imaging biological systems. However, the image resolution that can be obtained has a limit as defined through the laws of diffraction. Demand for improved resolution has stimulated research into developing methods to image beyond the diffraction limit based on far-field fluorescence microscopy techniques. Rapid progress is being made in this area of science with methods emerging that enable fluorescence imaging in the far-field to possess a resolution well beyond the diffraction limit. This review outlines developments in far-field fluorescence methods which enable ultrahigh resolution imaging and application of these techniques to biology. Future possible trends and directions in far-field fluorescence imaging with ultrahigh resolution are also outlined.  相似文献   

One of the major forces driving the birth of the field of cell biology was the application of electron microscopy to cells. Today, virtual nanoscopy has brought electron microscopy and the cell biology community to a new frontier in biological imaging and cell biological inquiry. The Journal of Cell Biology is pleased to announce that the JCB DataViewer is "going big" to host electron microscopy data at a whole new scale.  相似文献   

Superresolution optical microscopy (nanoscopy) is of current interest in many biological fields. Superresolution optical fluctuation imaging, which utilizes higher-order cumulant of fluorescence temporal fluctuations, is an excellent method for nanoscopy, as it requires neither complicated optics nor illuminations. However, it does need an impractical number of images for real-time observation. Here, we achieved real-time nanoscopy by modifying superresolution optical fluctuation imaging and enhancing the fluctuation of quantum dots. Our developed quantum dots have higher blinking than commercially available ones. The fluctuation of the blinking improved the resolution when using a variance calculation for each pixel instead of a cumulant calculation. This enabled us to obtain microscopic images with 90-nm and 80-ms spatial-temporal resolution by using a conventional fluorescence microscope without any optics or devices.  相似文献   

Recent breakthroughs in fluorescence microscopy have pushed spatial resolution well beyond the classical limit imposed by diffraction. As a result, the field of nanoscopy has emerged, and diffraction-unlimited resolution is becoming increasingly common in biomedical imaging applications. In this review, we recap the principles behind STED nanoscopy that allow imaging beyond the diffraction limit, and highlight both historical and recent advances made in the field of neuroscience as a result of this technology.  相似文献   

We show far-field fluorescence nanoscopy of different structural elements labeled with an organic dye within living mammalian cells. The diffraction barrier limiting far-field light microscopy is outperformed by using stimulated emission depletion. We used the tagging protein hAGT (SNAP-tag), which covalently binds benzylguanine-substituted organic dyes, for labeling. Tetramethylrhodamine was used to image the cytoskeleton (vimentin and microtubule-associated protein 2) as well as structures located at the cell membrane (caveolin and connexin-43) with a resolution down to 40 nm. Comparison with structures labeled with the yellow fluorescent protein Citrine validates this labeling approach. Nanoscopic movies showing the movement of connexin-43 clusters across the cell membrane evidence the capability of this technique to observe structural changes on the nanoscale over time. Pulsed or continuous-wave lasers for excitation and stimulated emission depletion yield images of similar resolution in living cells. Hence fusion proteins that bind modified organic dyes expand widely the application range of far-field fluorescence nanoscopy of living cells.  相似文献   

We demonstrate two-color fluorescence microscopy with nanoscale spatial resolution by applying stimulated emission depletion on fluorophores differing in their absorption and emission spectra. Green- and red-emitting fluorophores are selectively excited and quenched using dedicated beam pairs. The stimulated emission depletion beams deliver a lateral resolution of <30 nm and 65 nm for the green and the red color channel, respectively. The approximately 5 nm alignment accuracy of the two images establishes the precision with which differently labeled proteins are correlated in space. Colocalized nanoscopy is demonstrated with endosomal protein patterns and by resolving nanoclusters of a mitochondrial outer membrane protein, Tom20, in relation with the F(1)F(0)ATP synthase. The joint improvement of resolution and colocalization demonstrates the emerging potential of far-field fluorescence nanoscopy to study the spatial organization of macromolecules in cells.  相似文献   

We report stimulated emission depletion (STED) fluorescence microscopy with continuous wave (CW) laser beams. Lateral fluorescence confinement from the scanning focal spot delivered a resolution of 29-60 nm in the focal plane, corresponding to a 5-8-fold improvement over the diffraction barrier. Axial spot confinement increased the axial resolution by 3.5-fold. We observed three-dimensional (3D) subdiffraction resolution in 3D image stacks. Viable for fluorophores with low triplet yield, the use of CW light sources greatly simplifies the implementation of this concept of far-field fluorescence nanoscopy.  相似文献   

Phasor-assisted Metal Induced Energy Transfer–Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (MIET-FLIM) nanoscopy is introduced as a powerful tool for functional cell biology research. Thin metal substrates can be used to obtain axial super-resolution via nanoscale distance-dependent MIET from fluorescent dyes towards a nearby metal layer, thereby creating fluorescence lifetime contrast between dyes located at different nanoscale distance from the metal. Such data can be used to achieve axially super-resolved microscopy images, a process known as MIET-FLIM nanoscopy. Suitability of the phasor approach in MIET-FLIM nanoscopy is first demonstrated using nanopatterned substrates, and furthermore applied to characterize the distance distribution of the epithelial basal membrane of a biological cell from the gold substrate. The phasor plot of an entire cell can be used to characterize the full Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) trajectory as a large distance heterogeneity within the sensing range of about 100 nm from the metal surface is present due to the extended shape of cell with curvatures. In contrast, the different proteins of nuclear lamina show strong confinement close to the nuclear envelope in nanoscale. We find the lamin B layer resides in average at shorter distances from the gold surface compared to the lamin A/C layer located in more extended ranges. This and the observed heterogeneity of the protein layer thicknesses suggests that A- and B-type lamins form distinct networks in the nuclear lamina. Our results provide detailed insights for the study of the different roles of lamin proteins in chromatin tethering and nuclear mechanics.  相似文献   

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