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Structures of (Pro‐Pro‐Gly)4‐Xaa‐Yaa‐Gly‐(Pro‐Pro‐Gly)4 (ppg9‐XYG) where (Xaa, Yaa) = (Pro, Hyp), (Hyp, Pro) or (Hyp, Hyp) were analyzed at high resolution using synchrotron radiation. Molecular and crystal structures of these peptides are very similar to those of the (Pro‐Pro‐Gly)9 peptide. The results obtained in this study, together with those obtained from related compounds, indicated the puckering propensity of the Hyp in the X position: (1) Hyp(X) residues involved in the Hyp(X):Pro(Y) stacking pairs prefer the down‐puckering conformation, as in ppg9‐OPG, and ppg9‐OOG; (2) Hyp(X) residues involved in the Hyp(X):Hyp(Y) stacking pairs prefer the up‐puckering conformation if there is no specific reason to adopt the down‐puckering conformation. Water molecules in these peptide crystals are classified into two groups, the 1st and 2nd hydration waters. Water molecules in the 1st hydration group have direct hydrogen bonds with peptide oxygen atoms, whereas those in the 2nd hydration group do not. Compared with globular proteins, the number of water molecules in the 2nd hydration shell of the ppg9‐XYG peptides is very large, likely due to the unique rod‐like molecular structure of collagen model peptides. In the collagen helix, the amino acid residues in the X and Y positions must protrude outside of the triple helix, which forces even the hydrophobic side chains, such as Pro, to be exposed to the surrounding water molecules. Therefore, most of the waters in the 2nd hydration shell are covering hydrophobic Pro side chains by forming clathrate structures. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 361–372, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

Collagens have long been believed to adopt a triple‐stranded molecular structure with a 10/3 symmetry (ten triplet units in three turns) and an axial repeat of 29 Å. This belief even persisted after an alternative structure with a 7/2 symmetry (seven triplet units in two turns) with an axial repeat of 20 Å had been proposed. The uncertainty regarding the helical symmetry of collagens is attributed to inadequate X‐ray fiber diffraction data. Therefore, for better understanding of the collagen helix, single‐crystal analyses of peptides with simplified characteristic amino acid sequences and similar compositions to collagens have long been awaited. Here we report the crystal structure of (Gly‐Pro‐Hyp)9 peptide at a resolution of 1.45 Å. The repeating unit of this peptide, Gly‐Pro‐Hyp, is the most typical sequence present in collagens, and it has been used as a basic repeating unit in fiber diffraction analyses of collagen. The (Gly‐Pro‐Hyp)9 peptide adopts a triple‐stranded structure with an average helical symmetry close to the ideal 7/2 helical model for collagen. This observation strongly suggests that the average molecular structure of collagen is not the accepted Rich and Crick 10/3 helical model but is a 7/2 helical conformation. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 97: 607–616, 2012.  相似文献   

The collagen triple helix has a larger accessible surface area per molecular mass than globular proteins, and therefore potentially more water interaction sites. The effect of deuterium oxide on the stability of collagen model peptides and Type I collagen molecules was analyzed by circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetry. The transition temperatures (Tm) of the protonated peptide (Pro‐Pro‐Gly)10 were 25.4 and 28.7°C in H2O and D2O, respectively. The increase of the Tm of (Pro‐Pro‐Gly)10 measured calorimetrically at 1.0°C min?1 in a low pH solution from the protonated to the deuterated solvent was 5.1°C. The increases of the Tm for (Gly‐Pro‐4(R)Hyp)9 and pepsin‐extracted Type I collagen were measured as 4.2 and 2.2°C, respectively. These results indicated that the increase in the Tm in the presence of D2O is comparable to that of globular proteins, and much less than reported previously for collagen model peptides [Gough and Bhatnagar, J Biomol Struct Dyn 1999, 17, 481–491]. These experimental results suggest that the interaction of water molecules with collagen is similar to the interaction of water with globular proteins, when the ratio of collagen to water is very small and collagen is monomerically dispersed in the solvent. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 93–101, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

The synthetic peptide Z‐(Aib)10‐OH was crystallized from hot methanol by slow evaporation. The crystal used for data collection reflected synchrotron radiation to sub‐atomic resolution, where the bonding electron density becomes visible between the non‐hydrogen atoms. Crystals belong to the centrosymmetric space group P . Both molecules in the asymmetric unit form regular 310‐helices. All residues in each molecule possess the same handedness, which is in contrast to all other crystal structure determined to date of longer Aib‐homopeptides. These other peptides are C‐terminal protected by OtBu or OMe. In these cases, because of the missing ability of the C‐terminal protection group to form a hydrogen bond to the residue i‐3, the sense of the helix is reversed in the last residue. Here, the C‐terminal OH‐groups form hydrogen bonds to the residues i‐3, in part mediated by water molecules. This makes Z‐(Aib)10‐OH an Aib‐homopeptide with three complete 310‐helical turns in spite of the shorter length it has compared with Z‐(Aib)11‐OtBu, the only homopeptide to date with three complete turns.  相似文献   

Silencing gene expression by small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) has become a powerful tool for the genetic analysis of many animals. However, the rapid degradation of siRNA and the limited duration of its action in vivo have called for an efficient delivery technology. Here, we describe that siRNA complexed with a synthetic collagen poly(Pro‐Hyp‐Gly) (SYCOL) is resistant to nucleases and is efficiently transferred into cells in vitro and in vivo, thereby allowing long‐term gene silencing in vivo. We found that the SYCOL‐mediated local application of siRNA targeting myostatin, coding a negative regulator of skeletal muscle growth, in mouse skeletal muscles, caused a marked increase in the muscle mass within a few weeks after application. Furthermore, in vivo administration of an anti‐luciferase siRNA/SYCOL complex partially reduced luciferase expression in xenografted tumors in vivo. These results indicate a SYCOL‐based non‐viral delivery method could be a reliable simple approach to knockdown gene expression by RNAi in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the triple‐helical peptide (Pro‐Hyp‐Gly)3‐Pro‐Arg‐Gly‐(Pro‐Hyp‐Gly)4 (POG3‐PRG‐POG4) was determined at 1.45 Å resolution. POG3‐PRG‐POG4 was designed to permit investigation of the side‐chain conformation of the Arg residues in a triple‐helical structure. Because of the alternative structure of one of three Arg residues, four side‐chain conformations were observed in an asymmetric unit. Among them, three adopt a ttg?t conformation and the other adopts a tg?g?t conformation. A statistical analysis of 80 Arg residues in various triple‐helical peptides showed that, unlike those in globular proteins, they preferentially adopt a tt conformation for χ1 and χ2, as observed in POG3‐PRG‐POG4. This conformation permits van der Waals contacts between the side‐chain atoms of Arg and the main‐chain atoms of the adjacent strand in the same molecule. Unlike many other host–guest peptides, in which there is a significant difference between the helical twists in the guest and the host peptides, POG3‐PRG‐POG4 shows a marked difference between the helical twists in the N‐terminal peptide and those in the C‐terminal peptide, separated near the Arg residue. This suggested that the unique side‐chain conformation of the Arg residue affects not only the conformation of the guest peptide, but also the conformation of the peptide away from the Arg residue. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 1000–1009, 2014.  相似文献   

Two important steps of the de novo purine biosynthesis pathway are catalyzed by the 5‐aminoimidazole ribonucleotide carboxylase and the 4‐(N‐succinylcarboxamide)‐5‐aminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase enzymes. In most eukaryotic organisms, these two activities are present in the bifunctional enzyme complex known as PAICS. We have determined the 2.8‐Å resolution crystal structure of the 350‐kDa invertebrate PAICS from insect cells (Trichoplusia ni) using single‐wavelength anomalous dispersion methods. Comparison of insect PAICS to human and prokaryotic homologs provides insights into substrate binding and reveals a highly conserved enzymatic framework across divergent species. Proteins 2013; 81:1473–1478. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An analogue of the human granulocyte–macrophage colony‐stimulating factor (hGM‐CSF), hGM‐CSF(13–27)–Gly–(75–87) was synthesized by solid phase methodology. This analogue was designed to comprise helices A and C of the native growth factor, linked by a glycine bridge. Helices A and C form half of a four‐helix bundle motif in the crystal structure of the native factor and are involved in the interaction with α‐ and β‐chains of the heterodimeric receptor. A conformational analysis of the synthetic analogue by CD, two‐dimensional nmr spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics calculations is reported. The analogue is in a random structure in water and assumes a partially α‐helical conformation in a 1 : 1 trifluoroethanol/water mixture. The helix content in this medium is ∼ 70%. By 2D‐nmr spectroscopy, two helical segments were identified in the sequences corresponding to helices A and C. In addition to medium‐ and short‐range NOESY connectivities, a long‐range cross peak was found between the Cβ proton of Val16 and NH proton of His87 (using the numbering of the native protein). Experimentally derived interproton distances were used as restraints in molecular dynamics calculations, utilizing the x‐ray coordinates as the initial structure. The final structure is characterized by two helical segments in close spatial proximity, connected by a loop region. This structure is similar to that of the corresponding domain in the x‐ray structure of the native growth factor in which helices A and C are oriented in an antiparallel fashion. The N‐terminal residues Gly–Pro of helix C are involved in an irregular turn connecting the two helical segments. As a consequence, helix C is appreciably shifted and slightly rotated with respect to helix A compared to the x‐ray structure of the native growth factor. These small differences in the topology of the two helices could explain the lower biological activity of this analogue with respect to that of the native growth factor. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 50: 545–554, 1999  相似文献   

The crystal structure of TGF-β2 has been refined using data collected with synchrotron radiation (CHESS) to 1.8 Å resolution with a residual R (= ∑ | |Fo| ? |Fc| | /∑ |Fo|) factor of 17.3%. The model consists of 890 protein atoms from all 112 residues and 59 water molecules. The monomer of TGF-β2 assumes a rather extended conformation and lacks a well-defined hydrophobic core. Surface accessibility calculations show only 44% of the nonpolar surface is buried in the monomer. In contrast, 55.8% of the nonpolar surface area is buried when the two monomers from a dimer, a typical value for globular proteins. This includes a 1300 Å2 buried interface area that is largely hydrophobic. Sequence comparisons using a profile derived from the refined TGF-β2 structure suggest that the cluster of four disulfides (three intramonomeric disulfide bonds 15–78, 44–109, 48–111 forming a disulfide knot, and one intermonomeric disulfide 77–77) together with the extended β strand region constitutes the conserved structural motif for the TGF-β superfamily. This structural motif, without the 77–77 disulfide bond, defines also the common fold for a general family of growth factors, including the nerve growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor families. The fold is conserved only at the monomer level, while the active forms are dimers, suggesting that dimerization plays an important role in regulating the binding of these cytokines to their receptors and in modulating the biological responses. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    In our efforts to develop a universal solution to the problem of aspartimide formation in Fmoc SPPS, we investigated the application of our new β‐trialkylmethyl protected aspartic acid building blocks to the synthesis of peptides containing the Asp‐Gly motif. The Nα‐Fmoc aspartic acid β‐tri‐(ethyl/propyl/butyl)methyl esters were used in the synthesis of the classic model peptide scorpion toxin II (VKDGYI), and their effectiveness in minimising aspartimide formation during extended piperidine treatments was evaluated. Furthermore, we compared their efficacy against that of the commonly used approach of adding acids to the Fmoc deprotection solution. Finally, we applied our aspartic acid building blocks to the stepwise Fmoc SPPS of teduglutide, a human GLP‐2 analogue, whose synthesis is made challenging by extensive aspartimide formation. In all experiments, our approach led to almost complete reduction of aspartimide formation with accompanied suppression of aspartic acid epimerisation. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Pectates lyase (Pel) plays an important role in bacteria pathogenicity. The crystal structure of Pel from Acidovorax citrulli (AcPel) has been solved to 1.37 Å resolution. AcPel belongs to the polysaccharide lyase family 1 (PL1), which has a characteristic right‐handed β‐helix fold. AcPel is similar with other Pels in the PL1 family, but also shows some differences at the substrate binding site. Proteins 2013; 81:1485–1490. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    The X-ray structure of Escherichia coli TEM1β-lactamase has been refined to a crystallorgphic R-factor of 16.4% for 22,510 reflections between 5.0 and 1.8 Å resolution; 199 water molecules and 1 sulphate ion were included in refinement. Except for the tips of a few solvent-exposed side chains, all protein atoms have clear electron density and refined to an average atomic temperature factor of 11 Å2. The estimated coordinates error is 0.17 Å. The substrate binding site is located at the interface of the two domains of the protein and contains 4 water molecules and the sulphate anion. One of these solvent molecules is found at hydrogen bond distance from S70 and E166. S70 and S130 are hydrogen bonded to K73 and K234, respectively. It was found that the E. coli TEM1 and Staphylococcus aureus PC1 β-lactamases crystal structures differ in the relative orientations of the two domains composing the enzymes, which result in a narrowed substrate binding cavity in the TEM1 enzyme. Local but significant differences in the vicinity of this site may explain the occurrence of TEM1 natural mutants with extended substrate specificities. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    The crystal structure of the host-guest peptide, (Pro-Pro-Gly)4-(Pro-alloHyp-Gly)-(Pro-Pro-Gly)4, was analyzed at high resolution. allohydroxyproline (alloHyp), 4S-hydroxyproline, was successfully characterized through the use of a host-guest peptide, while the previous study indicated the inability of a triple helical formation of (Pro-alloHyp-Gly)10. A detailed analysis of alloHyp conformation in collagen-like models sheds light on the role played by its puckering in the triple-helix stabilization and destabilization. That is, the alloHyp typically adopts down puckering. However, it adopted up puckering in the Y position in the Pro-alloHyp-Gly guest triplet, which was not preferable conformation for alloHyp. Therefore, the energetically unfavorable conformations seemed to play the key role in giving destabilization to the triple helix in (Pro-alloHyp-Gly)10. The intrinsic hydration pattern in (Pro-Pro-Gly)9 was conserved even in the surrounding alloHyp residues.  相似文献   

    Lactoperoxidase (LPO) belongs to mammalian heme peroxidase superfamily, which also includes myeloperoxidase (MPO), eosinophil peroxidase (EPO), and thyroid peroxidase (TPO). LPO catalyzes the oxidation of a number of substrates including thiocyanate while TPO catalyzes the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones. LPO is also been shown to catalyze the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones indicating similar functional and structural properties. The binding studies showed that 2‐mercaptoimidazole (MZY) bound to LPO with a dissociation constant of 0.63 µM. The inhibition studies showed that the value of IC50 was 17 µM. The crystal structure of the complex of LPO with MZY showed that MZY bound to LPO in the substrate‐binding site on the distal heme side. MZY was oriented in the substrate‐binding site in such a way that the sulfur atom is at a distance of 2.58 Å from the heme iron. Previously, a similar compound, 3‐amino‐1,2,4‐triazole (amitrole) was also shown to bind to LPO in the substrate‐binding site on the distal heme side. The amino nitrogen atom of amitrole occupied the same position as that of sulfur atom in the present structure indicating a similar mode of binding. Recently, the structure of the complex of LPO with a potent antithyroid drug, 1‐methylimidazole‐2‐thiol (methimazole, MMZ) was also determined. It showed that MMZ bound to LPO in the substrate‐binding site on the distal heme side with 2 orientations. The position of methyl group was same in the 2 orientations while the positions of sulfur atom differed indicating a higher preference for a methyl group.  相似文献   

    The tRNAGly/glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS) system belongs to the so-called ‘class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase system’ in which tRNA identity elements are assured by rather few and simple determinants mostly located in the tRNA acceptor stem. Regarding evolutionary aspects, the tRNAGly/GlyRS system is a special case. There exist two different types of GlyRS, namely an archaebacterial/human type and a eubacterial type reflecting an evolutionary divergence within this system.Here we report the crystal structure of a human tRNAGly acceptor stem microhelix at 1.2 Å resolution. The local geometric parameters of the microhelix and the water network surrounding the RNA are presented. The structure complements the previously published Escherichia coli tRNAGly aminoacyl stem structure.  相似文献   

    Rab GTPases play a crucial role in the regulation of many intracellular membrane trafficking pathways including endocytosis and ciliogenesis. Rab GTPase activating proteins (RabGAPs) increase the GTP hydrolysis rate of Rab GTPases and turn them into guanine nucleotide diphosphate (GDP) bound inactive form. Here, we determined the crystal structure of the putative catalytic domain of a RabGAP (which we name CrfRabGAP) that is found in the flagellar proteome of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. BLAST searches revealed potential human orthologues of CrfRabGAP as TBC1D3 and TBC1D26. Sequence and structural comparison with other canonical RabGAPs revealed that the CrfRabGAP does not contain the canonical catalytic residues required for the activation of Rab GTPases. The function of noncanonical RabGAPs‐like CrfRabGAP might be to serve as Rab effectors rather than activators. Proteins 2014; 82:2282–2287. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    The crystal structure of (L-Arg)-B0 bovine insulin has been determined, using data to 0.21 nm and atomic parameters of 2Zn porcine insulin as a starting model, by the difference Fourier method, the restrained least square method and X-PLOR package, interspersed with careful review of the electron density, to a final R-factor of 0.182 and r.m.s. deviation of 0.002 2nm for the bond lengths and 4.3° for the bond angles. The electron densities of additional (L-Arg)-B0 residues to B-chain N-terminus of two monomers in each asymmetric unit are very dear. The crystallographic micro-environment of the N-terminus of the B-chain is different from that of rhombohedral 2-zinc insulin.  相似文献   

    N‐[1‐(4‐(4‐fluorophenyl)‐2,6‐dioxocyclohexylidene)ethyl] (Fde) protected amino acids have been prepared and applied in solid‐phase peptide synthesis monitored by gel‐phase 19F NMR spectroscopy. The Fde protective group could be cleaved with 2% hydrazine or 5% hydroxylamine solution in DMF as determined with gel‐phase 19F NMR spectroscopy. The dipeptide Ac‐L ‐Val‐L ‐Val‐NH2 12 was constructed using Fde‐L ‐Val‐OH and no noticeable racemization took place during the amino acid coupling with N,N′‐diisopropylcarbodiimide and 1‐hydroxy‐7‐azabenzotriazole or Fde deblocking. To extend the scope of Fde protection, the hydrophobic nonapeptide LLLLTVLTV from the signal sequence of mucin MUC1 was successfully prepared using Fde‐L ‐Leu‐OH at diagnostic positions. Copyright © 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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