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Recurrent events data are commonly encountered in medical studies. In many applications, only the number of events during the follow‐up period rather than the recurrent event times is available. Two important challenges arise in such studies: (a) a substantial portion of subjects may not experience the event, and (b) we may not observe the event count for the entire study period due to informative dropout. To address the first challenge, we assume that underlying population consists of two subpopulations: a subpopulation nonsusceptible to the event of interest and a subpopulation susceptible to the event of interest. In the susceptible subpopulation, the event count is assumed to follow a Poisson distribution given the follow‐up time and the subject‐specific characteristics. We then introduce a frailty to account for informative dropout. The proposed semiparametric frailty models consist of three submodels: (a) a logistic regression model for the probability such that a subject belongs to the nonsusceptible subpopulation; (b) a nonhomogeneous Poisson process model with an unspecified baseline rate function; and (c) a Cox model for the informative dropout time. We develop likelihood‐based estimation and inference procedures. The maximum likelihood estimators are shown to be consistent. Additionally, the proposed estimators of the finite‐dimensional parameters are asymptotically normal and the covariance matrix attains the semiparametric efficiency bound. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed methodologies perform well in practical situations. We apply the proposed methods to a clinical trial on patients with myelodysplastic syndromes.  相似文献   

We analyze a real data set pertaining to reindeer fecal pellet‐group counts obtained from a survey conducted in a forest area in northern Sweden. In the data set, over 70% of counts are zeros, and there is high spatial correlation. We use conditionally autoregressive random effects for modeling of spatial correlation in a Poisson generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), quasi‐Poisson hierarchical generalized linear model (HGLM), zero‐inflated Poisson (ZIP), and hurdle models. The quasi‐Poisson HGLM allows for both under‐ and overdispersion with excessive zeros, while the ZIP and hurdle models allow only for overdispersion. In analyzing the real data set, we see that the quasi‐Poisson HGLMs can perform better than the other commonly used models, for example, ordinary Poisson HGLMs, spatial ZIP, and spatial hurdle models, and that the underdispersed Poisson HGLMs with spatial correlation fit the reindeer data best. We develop R codes for fitting these models using a unified algorithm for the HGLMs. Spatial count response with an extremely high proportion of zeros, and underdispersion can be successfully modeled using the quasi‐Poisson HGLM with spatial random effects.  相似文献   

In health services and outcome research, count outcomes are frequently encountered and often have a large proportion of zeros. The zero‐inflated negative binomial (ZINB) regression model has important applications for this type of data. With many possible candidate risk factors, this paper proposes new variable selection methods for the ZINB model. We consider maximum likelihood function plus a penalty including the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD), and minimax concave penalty (MCP). An EM (expectation‐maximization) algorithm is proposed for estimating the model parameters and conducting variable selection simultaneously. This algorithm consists of estimating penalized weighted negative binomial models and penalized logistic models via the coordinated descent algorithm. Furthermore, statistical properties including the standard error formulae are provided. A simulation study shows that the new algorithm not only has more accurate or at least comparable estimation, but also is more robust than the traditional stepwise variable selection. The proposed methods are applied to analyze the health care demand in Germany using the open‐source R package mpath .  相似文献   

In this paper, a Bayesian method for inference is developed for the zero‐modified Poisson (ZMP) regression model. This model is very flexible for analyzing count data without requiring any information about inflation or deflation of zeros in the sample. A general class of prior densities based on an information matrix is considered for the model parameters. A sensitivity study to detect influential cases that can change the results is performed based on the Kullback–Leibler divergence. Simulation studies are presented in order to illustrate the performance of the developed methodology. Two real datasets on leptospirosis notification in Bahia State (Brazil) are analyzed using the proposed methodology for the ZMP model.  相似文献   

Subgroup analyses are important to medical research because they shed light on the heterogeneity of treatment effectts. A treatment–covariate interaction in an individual patient data (IPD) meta‐analysis is the most reliable means to estimate how a subgroup factor modifies a treatment's effectiveness. However, owing to the challenges in collecting participant data, an approach based on aggregate data might be the only option. In these circumstances, it would be useful to assess the relative efficiency and power loss of a subgroup analysis without patient‐level data. We present methods that use aggregate data to estimate the standard error of an IPD meta‐analysis’ treatment–covariate interaction for regression models of a continuous or dichotomous patient outcome. Numerical studies indicate that the estimators have good accuracy. An application to a previously published meta‐regression illustrates the practical utility of the methodology.  相似文献   

In clinical trials one traditionally models the effect of treatment on the mean response. The underlying assumption is that treatment affects the response distribution through a mean location shift on a suitable scale, with other aspects of the distribution (shape/dispersion/variance) remaining the same. This work is motivated by a trial in Parkinson's disease patients in which one of the endpoints is the number of falls during a 10‐week period. Inspection of the data reveals that the Poisson‐inverse Gaussian (PiG) distribution is appropriate, and that the experimental treatment reduces not only the mean, but also the variability, substantially. The conventional analysis assumes a treatment effect on the mean, either adjusted or unadjusted for covariates, and a constant dispersion parameter. On our data, this analysis yields a non‐significant treatment effect. However, if we model a treatment effect on both mean and dispersion parameters, both effects are highly significant. A simulation study shows that if a treatment effect exists on the dispersion and is ignored in the modelling, estimation of the treatment effect on the mean can be severely biased. We show further that if we use an orthogonal parametrization of the PiG distribution, estimates of the mean model are robust to misspecification of the dispersion model. We also discuss inferential aspects that are more difficult than anticipated in this setting. These findings have implications in the planning of statistical analyses for count data in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Obtaining inferences on disease dynamics (e.g., host population size, pathogen prevalence, transmission rate, host survival probability) typically requires marking and tracking individuals over time. While multistate mark–recapture models can produce high‐quality inference, these techniques are difficult to employ at large spatial and long temporal scales or in small remnant host populations decimated by virulent pathogens, where low recapture rates may preclude the use of mark–recapture techniques. Recently developed N‐mixture models offer a statistical framework for estimating wildlife disease dynamics from count data. N‐mixture models are a type of state‐space model in which observation error is attributed to failing to detect some individuals when they are present (i.e., false negatives). The analysis approach uses repeated surveys of sites over a period of population closure to estimate detection probability. We review the challenges of modeling disease dynamics and describe how N‐mixture models can be used to estimate common metrics, including pathogen prevalence, transmission, and recovery rates while accounting for imperfect host and pathogen detection. We also offer a perspective on future research directions at the intersection of quantitative and disease ecology, including the estimation of false positives in pathogen presence, spatially explicit disease‐structured N‐mixture models, and the integration of other data types with count data to inform disease dynamics. Managers rely on accurate and precise estimates of disease dynamics to develop strategies to mitigate pathogen impacts on host populations. At a time when pathogens pose one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, statistical methods that lead to robust inferences on host populations are critically needed for rapid, rather than incremental, assessments of the impacts of emerging infectious diseases.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The validity of treating counts as indices to abundance is based on the assumption that the expected detection probability, E(p), is constant over time or comparison groups or, more realistically, that variation in p is small relative to variation in population size that investigators seek to detect. Unfortunately, reliable estimates of E(p) and var(p) are lacking for most index methods. As a case study, we applied the time‐of‐detection method to temporally replicated (within season) aural counts of crowing male Ring‐necked Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) at 18 sites in southern Minnesota in 2007 to evaluate the detectability assumptions. More specifically, we used the time‐of‐detection method to estimate E(p) and var(p), and then used these estimates in a Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate bias‐variance tradeoffs associated with adjusting count indices for imperfect detection. The estimated mean detection probability in our case study was 0.533 (SE = 0.030) and estimated spatial variation in E(p) was 0.081 (95% CI: 0.057–0.126). On average, both adjusted (for) and unadjusted counts of crowing males qualitatively described the simulated relationship between pheasant abundance and grassland abundance, but the bias‐variance tradeoff was smaller for adjusted counts (MSE = 0.003 vs. 0.045, respectively). Our case study supports the general recommendation to use, whenever feasible, formal population‐estimation procedures (e.g., mark‐recapture, distance sampling, double sampling) to account for imperfect detection. However, we caution that interpreting estimates of absolute abundance can be complicated, even if formal estimation methods are used. For example, the time‐of‐detection method was useful for evaluating detectability assumptions in our case study and the method could be used to adjust aural count indices for imperfect detection. Conversely, using the time‐of‐detection method to estimate absolute abundances in our case study was problematic because the biological populations and sampling coverage could not be clearly delineated. These estimation and inference challenges may also be important in other avian surveys that involve mobile species (whose home ranges may overlap several sampling sites), temporally replicated counts, and inexact sampling coverage.  相似文献   

Varying‐coefficient models have become a common tool to determine whether and how the association between an exposure and an outcome changes over a continuous measure. These models are complicated when the exposure itself is time‐varying and subjected to measurement error. For example, it is well known that longitudinal physical fitness has an impact on cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality. It is not known, however, how the effect of longitudinal physical fitness on CVD mortality varies with age. In this paper, we propose a varying‐coefficient generalized odds rate model that allows flexible estimation of age‐modified effects of longitudinal physical fitness on CVD mortality. In our model, the longitudinal physical fitness is measured with error and modeled using a mixed‐effects model, and its associated age‐varying coefficient function is represented by cubic B‐splines. An expectation‐maximization algorithm is developed to estimate the parameters in the joint models of longitudinal physical fitness and CVD mortality. A modified pseudoadaptive Gaussian‐Hermite quadrature method is adopted to compute the integrals with respect to random effects involved in the E‐step. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through extensive simulation studies and is further illustrated with an application to cohort data from the Aerobic Center Longitudinal Study.  相似文献   

Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) with insecticides has been a procedure used for decades to protect humans from biting mosquitoes and potential vectors of pathogens. The objective of this study was to determine the responses of three wild‐caught species of malaria vectors exposed to pyrethroids of three different surface coverage percents using an excito‐repellency test box. Each species was exposed to three insecticide‐treated surfaces at varying exposure levels (full coverage, 50%, and 25% of the maximum allowable by the test system) to a single standard field dose of either lambda‐cyhalothrin or alpha‐cypermethrin. Larger numbers of mosquitoes escaped the treated chambers in the direct contact test compared to the spatial repellent chambers in all three different treated surface exposures. No significant differences in the percent of escaped mosquitoes were detected in the 50% and full coverage surface coverage exposures, whereas the 25% coverage produced significantly lower avoidance responses for both compounds. This study found that varying levels of surface exposure with synthetic pyrethroids can impact the behavioral avoidance responses of Anopheles; however, it may also be possible to reduce the amount of coverage to achieve similar avoidance actions. This information may assist policy makers in designing more cost effective strategies involving residual insecticides to control mosquito vectors.  相似文献   

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