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The purpose of this article is to present new oral health data from Neolithic An Son, southern Vietnam, in the context of (1) a reassessment of published data on other Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Age Southeast Asian dental series, and (2) predictions of the Neolithic Demographic Transition (NDT). To this end, frequencies for three oral conditions (caries, antemortem tooth loss, and alveolar lesions) were investigated for seven Southeast Asian adult dental series from Thailand and Vietnam with respect to time period, age‐at‐death and sex. A clear pattern of elevated rates for oral disease in the Neolithic followed by a marked improvement in oral health during the Bronze and Iron Ages was observed. Moreover, rates of caries and antemortem tooth loss for females were almost without exception higher than that for males in all samples. The consensus view among Southeast Asian bioarchaeologists that oral health did not decline with the adoption/intensification of agriculture in Southeast Asia, can no longer be supported. In light of evidence for (1) the low cariogenicity of rice; (2) the physiological predisposition of females (particularly when pregnant) to poorer oral health; and (3) health predictions of the NDT model with respect to elevated levels of fertility, the most plausible chief explanation for the observed patterns in oral health in Southeast Asia is increased levels of fertility during the Neolithic, followed by a decline in fertility during the subsequent Bronze and Iron Ages. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:197–208, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Patterns of dental disease among Bronze Age people of the Indus Valley Civilization are currently based on early and incomplete reports by non-specialists. This deficiency precludes accurate diachronic analysis of dental disease and its relationship with increasing agriculturalism in the Indian subcontinent. The objective of this paper is to document prevalence of dental disease at Harappa (2500-2000 B.C.), Punjab Province, Pakistan, comparatively evaluate the Harappan dental pathology profile, and use these data to assess theories regarding the dental health consequences of increasingly intensive agricultural dependence. Pathological conditions of the dentition included in the study are abscesses, ante-mortem tooth loss (AMTL), calculus, caries, hypoplasia, hypercementosis, pulp chamber exposure, and alveolar resorption. The Harappan dentition exhibits a dental pathology profile typical of a population whose subsistence base is agriculture. Dental caries at Harappa are present in 6.8% (n = 751) of the teeth and 43.6% (n = 39) of the more completely preserved dental specimens. The use of a caries correction factor is recommended to permit an estimate of caries induced AMTL in calculating the caries prevalence. All dental lesions are present at higher rates in this Harappan study sample than were reported in previous investigations, and important differences in prevalence of dental disease occur between the genders. Prevalence of dental disease increases in the greater Indus Valley as subsistence becomes more intensive and as food preparation and storage technology becomes more efficient.  相似文献   

何嘉宁 《人类学学报》2016,35(2):238-245
古代畜牧生计人群的生活方式、对畜牧业依赖程度及与相邻定居人群的关系表现多样。军都山墓地是东周时期以畜牧业为重要生计方式的玉皇庙文化代表性遗址,在其延续的近三百年时间里文化遗存发生了一些明确变化,暗示其生活模式的可能改变。本文通过该遗址出土人骨体质状况的表现对军都山古人群运动和生活方式的时序性变化进行探讨。106根股骨骨干中部断面生物力学参数被用来分析其下肢功能状况及流动性,2487枚牙齿的龋病发生情况用于了解其植物性食物摄入的变化趋势。结果表明,与放牧生活密切相关的流动性在男性随时代明显减弱,但一直显著高于同性别农业定居人群;女性的流动性则变化不大,与定居农业人群相当。龋齿发病在男性随时代显著增高,女性则变化不明显且维持在相对较高水平,表明男性饮食中粮食类占比随时代有增加的趋势。结合文化遗存的发展变化推断,虽然畜牧业一直是军都山古代人类最重要的生计模式,但其流动性和龋病的变化表明畜牧业在其生业模式重要性随时代有所下降;伴随其的是农业在其经济生活中的比重开始增加,可能是受周边定居农业文化影响的结果。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate oral health conditions and dental caries status in disabled and healthy children. Two groups of randomly selected children 3-17 years old were examined. The first group comprised 80 children with disabilities (cerebral palsy, mental retardation, Down syndrome, autism and hearing-speaking disorders) and the second (control) group included 80 healthy children. Examined children were selected from several institutions which take care of disabled persons, kindergardens and four elementary schools. Clinical examination was performed by using a mirror and a probe and revealed the presence of dental caries, missing (extracted) and filled teeth. All clinically detected cavitations were registered as dental caries. The degree of oral hygiene was evaluated according to the OHI-S index values, which was determined by marking the plaque with 1% eozine solution. The values of OHI-S index ranged from 3.8-4.53 in disabled children and 2.73-2.84 in healthy children. In disabled children, the average dft values were 3.42 in deciduous teeth and 5.24 in mixed dentition. In healthy children, the average dft values were 1.43 in deciduous teeth and 5.1 in mixed dentition. The average DMFT index in disabled children was 1.41 for mixed and 6.39 for permanent dentitions. In healthy children, the average DMFT values were 1.23 in mixed and 4.76 in permanent dentitions. In general, the results revealed significantly poor level of oral hygiene and quite high level of caries prevalence in both disabled and healthy children, accentuating the need to reorganize preventive care measurements and improve dental care, particularly in disabled children in Croatia.  相似文献   

顶蛳山遗址位于广西壮族自治区南宁市邕宁区,保存了丰富的新石器时代文化遗存以及大量的古人类骨骼遗存。本文主要从龋齿研究入手,对顶蛳山二、三期文化(8-7 ka BP)中大于15岁的169个体的2737枚恒齿进行了观察。分别统计了龋齿等级和个体和牙齿患龋率以评估人群患龋情况,进而分析顶蛳山遗址人群的口腔健康状况,并探讨了食物构成、饮食行为与社会经济等。统计结果表明,顶蛳山遗址人群的个体和牙齿患龋率都较高。患龋率在两性、葬式、年龄段间都存在差异,女性患龋程度要高于男性;不同葬式之间差异也显著,随着年龄的增长患龋的比例和程度也随之加深。通过与其他8组新石器时代国内遗址人群的个体和牙齿患龋率的对比,我们看到包含顶蛳山在内的三组华南渔猎采集遗址的个体和牙齿患龋率都要高于其他遗址,农业遗址的人群要低于华南遗址的患龋率,而混合经济遗址的患龋率最低。龋齿的出现与人类饮食中的碳水化合物关系密切。据此,我们推测顶蛳山及其他两组华南遗址的高患龋与碳水化合物的摄入关系密切,但这与一般所认为的农业的出现没有联系。三组遗址都是以渔猎采集主导的社会经济形态,并且这时期农业并未传播至华南地区。因此我们的分析表明高患龋率与农业并没有必然联系,而华南地区当时人群所食用的碳水化合物可能源于当地的块茎类和含蔗糖类植物。  相似文献   

The Yayoi period represents the earliest point of agricultural dependence in Japan, dating from approximately 2500 BP to AD 300. Yayoi period people consumed wet-rice as a primary subsistence base. This article uses dental caries prevalence to interpret the biocultural implications of agriculture among these people by testing the following hypotheses: 1) Yayoi period agriculturalists had greater frequencies of carious teeth than Jomon period foragers, 2) regional variation in carious tooth frequencies will be observed among Yayoi period agriculturalists, while 3) variation in carious tooth frequencies will be observed between male and female agriculturalists. Statistically significant differences in carious teeth were observed between the agriculturalists from Southern Honshu and all other samples. These differences suggest greater reliance on cariogenic plants among farmers from Southern Honshu and are consistent with an agricultural economy. The people of the Yayoi period from Tanegashima Island and Northern Kyushu did not have significantly different carious tooth frequencies compared to Jomon period foragers. This suggests that rice alone was not a more cariogenic dietary substance than those consumed by Jomon period foragers but a cariogenic food nonetheless. Dietary heterogeneity between the prehistoric people of the Yayoi period from Southern Honshu and those from Northern Kyushu and Tanegashima Island is also inferred from these differences. Significantly greater frequencies of carious teeth among older aged Yayoi period females compared with males suggest dietary differences between the sexes.  相似文献   

本文对内蒙古中南部地区青铜—早期铁器时代5个考古地点出土人骨的龋病患病情况做了研究, 在与其他国内材料对比的基础上, 探讨了文化类型与龋病患病率之间的关系。龋病在以农业经济为主的人群中患病率最高, 在农牧兼营的人群中龋病率其次, 在以畜牧业为生的游牧人群中患病率最低。龋病是反映内蒙古地区该时段古代居民经济模式的一个有效指标。  相似文献   

Variations in tooth number in children, each of whom had supernumerary teeth and agenesis of teeth, is described. Among the 11, seven had cleft lip and palate, and two had clefting syndromes; two children had dental anomalies only. Only children who had both supernumerary teeth and congenitally missing teeth outside the area of the cleft alveolus were included. Concomitant hypodontia and hyperdontia were observed in the same dentition in nine subjects, in the same jaw in eight subjects, and in the same jaw quadrant in only three subjects. Supernumerary teeth and agenesis of teeth were observed simultaneously more often in the permanent dentitions than in the deciduous dentitions or in both dentitions simultaneously. The overall number of supernumeraries was 10 in the deciduous dentition and 14 in the permanent dentition of the 11 subjects. The number of congenitally absent teeth was 14 in the deciduous dentition and 40 in the permanent dentition. The etiology of concomitant hypodontia and hyperdontia is difficult to explain. It may result from disturbances in migration, proliferation, and differentiation of neural crest cells or interactions between the epithelial and mesenchymal cells during the initiation of odontogenesis.  相似文献   

The assessment of the degree of similarity or difference between Neanderthals and modern humans in their patterns of dental development remains a controversial matter. Here we report results from the microtomographic-based (SR-μCT) high-resolution structural investigation of the maxilla and mandible of the Neanderthal child from Roc de Marsal, Dordogne, France (likely from OIS 5a). Following their virtual extraction and 3D rendering, we assessed the maturational stage of each of the 41 dental elements (20 deciduous and 21 permanent) forming its mixed dentition. By using a Bayesian approach, we calculated the probability that its deciduous and permanent mandibular sequences are found within the extant human variation as illustrated by a tomographic CT-based sub-sample of 32 children (deciduous dentition) and a panoramic radiographic- and CT-based whole sample of 343 living children (permanent dentition). Results show that neither the deciduous nor the permanent mandibular sequences displayed by Roc de Marsal are precisely found within our modern comparative files. In both sequences, the most influential factor is represented by a slight discrepancy in the Neanderthal child between the stage of mineralization of the first molar, which is proportionally advanced, and the maturational level reached by its incisors, which are proportionally delayed. Following a quantitative volumetric analysis of the deciduous teeth, we suggest that this characteristic may be related to differences between Neanderthals and modern humans in absolute dental size and relative size proportions between front and cheek teeth, as well as to structural differences in dental tissue proportions.  相似文献   

Diets high in fermentable carbohydrates are known to be highly cariogenic, particularly when contained in very sticky food such as dates. This medium allows food to remain in contact with the teeth, thereby resisting the normal flushing action of the saliva. When comprising a large portion of the diet, food such as this can lead to high caries incidence and accelerated tooth loss. This appears to be the situation found in a skeletal series from the late Iron Age in the Sultanate of Oman (100 BC-AD 893). Dental remains from 37 individuals were used in this study. Antemortem tooth loss (AMTL), caries, and dental attrition data were compiled from the 32 adult and juvenile specimens. In this sample, the caries rate is 35.5% of individuals (39.4% corrected), and 18.4% of teeth (32.4% corrected), while AMTL occurs in 100% (ten of ten) of preserved mandibles. Caries onset in permanent molars begins soon after eruption, with tooth loss and remodeling of the alveolus frequently complete by the time of third molar occlusion.  相似文献   

The high rate of crown caries (8.6%; 119/1,377 teeth) and other oral pathologies in 101 central Japan Middle to Late Jomon Period (ca. 1000 B.C.) crania indicate a level of carbohydrate consumption consistent with an agriculture hypothesis. Because Jomon dental crown and root morphology shows strong resemblances with past and present Southeast Asians, but not with ancient Chinese or modern Japanese, Jomon agriculture could be of great antiquity in the isolated Japanese islands. These dental data and other assembled facts suggest that ancestral Jomonese might have carried to Japan a cariogenic cultigen such as taro before the end of the Pleistocene from tropical Sundaland by way of the now-submerged east Asian continental shelf.  相似文献   

The periodontal ligament has a rich sensory nerve supply which originates from the trigeminal ganglion and trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus. Although various types of mechanoreceptors have been reported in the periodontal ligament, the Ruffini ending is an essential one. It is unknown whether the distribution of periodontal nerve fibers in deciduous teeth is identical to that in permanent teeth or not. Moreover, morphological changes in the distribution of periodontal nerve fibers during resorption of deciduous teeth and eruption of successional permanent teeth in diphyodont animals have not been reported in detail. Therefore, in this study, we examined changes in the distribution of periodontal nerve fibers in the cat during changes in dentition (i.e., deciduous, mixed and permanent dentition) by immunohistochemistry of protein gene product 9.5. During deciduous dentition, periodontal nerve fibers were concentrated at the apical portion, and sparsely distributed in the periodontal ligament of deciduous molars. During mixed dentition, the periodontal nerve fibers of deciduous molars showed degenerative profiles during resorption. In permanent dentition, the periodontal nerve fibers of permanent premolars, the successors of deciduous molars, increased in number. Similar to permanent premolars, the periodontal nerve fibers of permanent molars, having no predecessors, increased in number, and were densely present in the apical portion. The present results indicate that the distribution of periodontal nerve fibers in deciduous dentition is almost identical to that in permanent dentition although the number of periodontal nerve fibers in deciduous dentition was low. The sparse distribution of periodontal nerve fibers in deciduous dentition agrees with clinical evidence that children are less sensitive to tooth stimulation than adults.  相似文献   

Although agriculture is now the globally predominant mode of food production, studies of the skeletal remains of early agriculturalists have indicated high levels of physiological stress and poor health relative to hunter-gatherers in similar environments. Previous studies identifying this trend in different regions prompt further research of the causes and effects of subsistence transitions in human societies. Here, 242 dentitions from five ancient Egyptian and Nubian populations are examined: 38 individuals from Jebel Sahaba (Upper Paleolithic), 56 from Badari (Predynastic), 54 from Naqada (Predynastic), 47 from Tarkhan (Dynastic), and 47 from Kerma (Dynastic). These populations span the early period of agricultural intensification along the Nile valley. Skeletal remains were scored for the presence of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) of the dentition, an established indicator of physiological stress and growth interruption. The prevalence of LEH was highest in the "proto-agricultural" (pastoralist) Badari population, with a gradual decline throughout the late Predynastic and early Dynastic periods of state formation. This suggests that the period surrounding the emergence of early agriculture in the Nile valley was associated with high stress and poor health, but that the health of agriculturalists improved substantially with the increasing urbanization and trade that accompanied the formation of the Egyptian state. This evidence for poor health among proto- and early agriculturalists in the Nile valley supports theories that agricultural intensification occurred as a response to ecological or demographic pressure rather than simply as an innovation over an existing stable subsistence strategy.  相似文献   

Mesiodistal and buccolingual crown diameters were measured from dental casts representing the deciduous dentitions of 197 Aboriginal children from the Northern Territory of Australia. Double determination analysis indicated that the semi-automatic recording procedure used was reliable leading to observer errors of no practical significance. Tooth-size was greater in the male subjects but the sexual dimorphism was less marked than in the permanent teeth of the same subjects. The mandibular teeth were more uniform than maxillary with respect to buccolingual size relative to mesiodistal. Extremes of general tooth-size were more marked in the deciduous dentition than in the permanent as a consequence of the relatively large deciduous second molar which in Aboriginals approximates in size the permanent first molar of many other ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Dental markers have been used to unravel particularities of paleodiet, subsistence, social structure, and health. This article aims to compare oral pathology among four pre‐Columbian groups with different degrees of agricultural and socio‐cultural development but comparable ecological conditions who lived on the coastal desert of Peru. Three of these groups are assigned to distinct phases of the Formative Period (2500–1 BC), a time critical for our understanding of the development of agriculture and social complexity. The fourth group corresponds to the Late Intermediate Period (1000–1470 AD), when agriculture had its apogee and society was highly stratified. In this study we test whether there is an increase (1) in the frequency of carious lesions and (2) in caries depth, and (3) if there is a shift from occlusal to extra‐occlusal caries locations with the development of agriculture. Therefore, we analyze the frequencies of carious lesions and antemortem tooth loss (AMTL), the caries distributions by age, sex, and type of tooth, as well as the tissues affected by, and the location of the carious lesions. Since there are no significant differences in the frequencies of carious lesions and AMTL between the groups, we reject hypothesis 1. In contrast, caries depth does increase, and caries location changes from occlusal to extra‐occlusal sites with agricultural development. However, we can only corroborate hypothesis 2 and 3 when taking into consideration dental wear. Thus, we recommend that caries depth and locations should be used with evaluations of dental wear to reconstruct subsistence in ancient populations. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:75–91, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Numerous bioarcheological investigations have suggested that as agriculture intensifies, levels of physiological stress and poor health increase. However, previous research in Southeast Asia suggests that a decline in health was not universal. This study aimed to provide the first investigation of human health during the intensification of rice agriculture in the large skeletal sample from the prehistoric site of Ban Non Wat, Northeast Thailand (1750–420 b.c .). Health was analysed using two indicators of childhood stress, the prevalence of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH), a measure of early childhood stress, and stature, as a measure of late childhood stress, were collated for 190 adults. Sex‐specific diachronic relationships between the prevalence of LEH and stature were explored. For both sexes, initially the prevalence of LEH was found to decrease and then increase over time. Stature remained constant over time for males, although for females stature increased initially, then decreased. Early childhood stress was not significantly correlated with stature in females (P = 0.185), but high levels of LEH were unexpectedly correlated with taller male stature (P = 0.017). Our findings suggest an initial improvement in health during agricultural intensification at this site, likely related to a reduction in physiological perturbations and maintenance of a nutritious diet during this time. The subsequent deterioration in health may reflect geomorphologically and archaeologically indicated variation in environmental conditions and consequential sociocultural changes. We suggest that the sex‐differences in the relationship between stature and LEH may relate to the timing of stress and/or catch‐up growth. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:484–495, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Schwartz ('74) proposed revised homologies of the deciduous and permanent anterior teeth in living lemuriform primates of the family Indriidae. Gingerich ('77) described a juvenile specimen of Avahi and emphasized the importance of functional integrity in controlling the pattern of dental reduction in primates, neither of which supports Schwartz's interpretation. Schwartz ('78) recently reiterated his position without adequately discussing the Avahi evidence and the functional basis that probably controls dental reduction. Avahi has a deciduous dentition intermediate in morphology between that of Lemuridae and Indriidae, and similar to both. Thus the lower deciduous dental formula of Indriidae is probably 2.1.3, which is the typical and maximum deciduous complement known in living and fossil lemuriform primates. The formula of the lower permanent dentition in Indriidae is thus  相似文献   

Labor productivity is a major component of agricultural development. Boserup is the scholar most associated with the view that labor productivity declines with intensification of agriculture. This paper reviews the theoretical argument and empirical support for the decline thesis. An empirical test is conducted by means of a comparative study of traditional rice agriculture in Southeast Asia. The decline thesis is rejected. The implications for agricultural development are discussed.  相似文献   

Due to their shape and configuration of dental crown, especially its biting surface with numerous pits and fissures permanent molars are suitable sites for retaining food remnants and bacteria. For this reason, preventive efforts and early prophylactic procedures should prevent the development of caries at these critical sites. Deciduous and permanent teeth of 300 children aged 6-7 years with healthy parallel teeth were included in the study. Fissure sealing was performed on one side, whereas contralateral teeth served as controls. During a two-year period, control examinations with finding recording were performed every six months. During the two-year follow-up period, the sealed teeth remained free of caries as long as the coating persisted. In deciduous teeth, the sealant was first observed to be missing at 18 months in 5%, and at 24 months in 8% of the teeth. None of these teeth was affected by caries, suggesting that a part of the sealant was retained in the fissures. In permanent teeth, caries developed in 18% of the sealed teeth at 24 months.  相似文献   

The peopling, origins, and early prehistory of the Americas are topics of intense debate. However, few studies have used human remains to document and interpret patterns of health and lifestyle of Paleoamericans. This study provides the first investigation to characterize oral health in a series of early Holocene skeletal remains from Lagoa Santa, Brazil, a locality containing the remains of some of the earliest inhabitants of South America (10,000–7,000 BP). The sample is composed of 949 teeth and 1925 alveoli from an estimated 113 individuals excavated from 17 archaeological sites located in the State of Minas Gerais. We compare dental caries and abscess prevalence at Lagoa Santa to a large sample of human skeletons from the Western Hemisphere Project (WHP) database using both individual and tooth/alveolus count methods. In addition, antemortem tooth loss and tooth wear were analyzed in Lagoa Santa by sex and age. The results show that Lagoa Santa dental caries and abscess prevalence are significantly higher than observed among other hunter–gatherers included in the WHP database, except when abscess prevalence is considered by individual count. Adult females have less tooth wear coupled with higher prevalence of dental caries and antemortem tooth loss than adult males. These results point to an unexpected record of poor oral health at Lagoa Santa, especially among females. A diet based on a highly cariogenic combination of wild tubers and fruits is suggested as an explanation for the elevated rate, characterizing an early adaptation to a tropical environment in South America. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:11–26, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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