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木糖异构酶在酿酒酵母细胞表面的展示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将来源于嗜热细菌Thermus thermophilus的木糖异构酶基因xylA,与酿酒酵母(Sac-charomyces cerevisiae)a-凝集素表面展示载体pYD1的Aga2p亚基C端序列融合。编码融合蛋白的基因序列前接上半乳糖诱导型启动子。用LiAc完整细胞法转化酿酒酵母EBY100。含重组质粒的菌株EBY100/pYD-xylA经半乳糖诱导表达外源融合蛋白,免疫荧光显微镜结果显示外源蛋白被锚定在细胞壁上,木糖异构酶活性测定结果表明,细胞壁上酶活测定值为1.52U,木糖异构酶在酿酒酵母细胞壁上得到活性表达。  相似文献   

The current climate crisis demands replacement of fossil energy sources with sustainable alternatives. In this scenario, second-generation bioethanol, a product of lignocellulosic biomass fermentation, represents a more sustainable alternative. However, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cannot metabolize pentoses, such as xylose, present as a major component of lignocellulosic biomass. Xylose isomerase (XI) is an enzyme that allows xylose consumption by yeasts, because it converts xylose into xylulose, which is further converted to ethanol by the pentose-phosphate pathway. Only a few XI were successfully expressed in S. cerevisiae strains. This work presents a new bacterial XI, named GR-XI 1, obtained from a Brazilian goat rumen metagenomic library. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the bacterial origin of the gene, which is related to Firmicutes XIs. After codon optimization, this enzyme, renamed XySC1, was functionally expressed in S. cerevisiae, allowing growth in media with xylose as sole carbon source. Overexpression of XySC1 in S. cerevisiae allowed the recombinant strain to efficiently consume and metabolize xylose under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, Saccharomyces cerevisiae was engineered for simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of cellulose by the overexpression of the endoglucanase D (EngD) from Clostridium cellulovorans and the β-glucosidase (Bgl1) from Saccharomycopsis fibuligera . To promote secretion of the two enzymes, the genes were fused to the secretion signal of the S. cerevisiae α mating factor gene. The recombinant developed yeast could produce ethanol through simultaneous production of sufficient extracellular endoglucanase and β-glucosidase. When direct ethanol fermentation from 20 g L−1β-glucan as a substrate was performed with our recombinant strains, the ethanol concentration reached 9.15 g L−1 after 50 h of fermentation. The conversion ratio of ethanol from β-glucan was 80.3% of the theoretical ethanol concentration produced from 20 g L−1β-glucan. In conclusion, we have demonstrated the construction of a yeast strain capable of conversion of a cellulosic substrate to ethanol, representing significant progress towards the realization of processing of cellulosic biomass in a consolidated bioprocessing configuration.  相似文献   

Acetic acid, an inhibitor released during hydrolysis of lignocellulosic feedstocks, has previously been shown to negatively affect the kinetics and stoichiometry of sugar fermentation by (engineered) Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. This study investigates the effects of acetic acid on S. cerevisiae RWB 218, an engineered xylose-fermenting strain based on the Piromyces XylA (xylose isomerase) gene. Anaerobic batch cultures on synthetic medium supplemented with glucose–xylose mixtures were grown at pH 5 and 3.5, with and without addition of 3 g L−1 acetic acid. In these cultures, consumption of the sugar mixtures followed a diauxic pattern. At pH 5, acetic acid addition caused increased glucose consumption rates, whereas specific xylose consumption rates were not significantly affected. In contrast, at pH 3.5 acetic acid had a strong and specific negative impact on xylose consumption rates, which, after glucose depletion, slowed down dramatically, leaving 50% of the xylose unused after 48 h of fermentation. Xylitol production was absent (<0.10 g L−1) in all cultures. Xylose fermentation in acetic –acid-stressed cultures at pH 3.5 could be restored by applying a continuous, limiting glucose feed, consistent with a key role of ATP regeneration in acetic acid tolerance.  相似文献   

为了使酿酒酵母较好地利用木糖产生乙醇,将来自Thermus thermophilus的木糖异构酶基因XYLA和酿酒酵母自身的木酮糖激酶基因XKS1,构建到酵母表达载体pESC-LEU中,导入酿酒酵母YPH499中,同时成功表达了两种酶基因。该菌以木糖为唯一碳源进行限氧发酵,木糖的利用率为9.64%,为宿主菌的4.17倍,产生2.22 mmol.L-1的乙醇。同时初步探讨了两种酶基因的表达量对酿酒酵母发酵木糖生成乙醇的影响。木糖异构酶对木糖的利用起关键性的作用,木酮糖激酶的过量表达不利于乙醇生成。  相似文献   

The demand for biofuel ethanol made from clean, renewable nonfood sources is growing. Cellulosic biomass, such as switch grass (Panicum virgatum L.), is an alternative feedstock for ethanol production; however, cellulosic feedstock hydrolysates contain high levels of xylose, which needs to be converted to ethanol to meet economic feasibility. In this study, the effects of xylose isomerase on cell growth and ethanol production from biomass sugars representative of switch grass were investigated using low cell density cultures. The lager yeast species Saccharomyces pastorianus was grown with immobilized xylose isomerase in the fermentation step to determine the impact of the glucose and xylose concentrations on the ethanol production rates. Ethanol production rates were improved due to xylose isomerase; however, the positive effect was not due solely to the conversion of xylose to xylulose. Xylose isomerase also has glucose isomerase activity, so to better understand the impact of the xylose isomerase on S. pastorianus, growth and ethanol production were examined in cultures provided fructose as the sole carbon. It was observed that growth and ethanol production rates were higher for the fructose cultures with xylose isomerase even in the absence of xylose. To determine whether the positive effects of xylose isomerase extended to other yeast species, a side-by-side comparison of S. pastorianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae was conducted. These comparisons demonstrated that the xylose isomerase increased ethanol productivity for both the yeast species by increasing the glucose consumption rate. These results suggest that xylose isomerase can contribute to improved ethanol productivity, even without significant xylose conversion.  相似文献   

Xylose isomerase (XylC) from Clostridium cellulovorans can simultaneously perform isomerization and fermentation of d ‐xylose, the main component of lignocellulosic biomass, and is an attractive candidate enzyme. In this study, we optimized a specified metal cation in a previously established Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain displaying XylC. We investigated the effect of each metal cation on the catalytic function of the XylC‐displaying S. cerevisiae. Results showed that the divalent cobalt cations (Co2+) especially enhanced the activity by 46‐fold. Co2+ also contributed to d ‐xylose fermentation, which resulted in improving ethanol yields and xylose consumption rates by 6.0‐ and 2.7‐fold, respectively. Utility of the extracellular xylose isomerization system was exhibited in the presence of mixed sugar. XylC‐displaying yeast showed the faster d ‐xylose uptake than the yeast producing XI intracellularly. Furthermore, direct xylan saccharification and fermentation was performed by unique yeast co‐culture system. A xylan‐degrading yeast strain was established by displaying two kinds of xylanases; endo‐1,4‐β‐xylanase (Xyn11B) from Saccharophagus degradans, and β‐xylosidase (XlnD) from Aspergillus niger. The yeast co‐culture system enabled fine‐tuning of the initial ratios of the displayed enzymes (Xyn11B:XlnD:XylC) by adjusting the inoculation ratios of Xylanases (Xyn11B and XlnD)‐displaying yeast and XylC‐displaying yeast. When the enzymes were inoculated at the ratio of 1:1:2 (1.39 × 1013: 1.39 × 1013: 2.78 × 1013 molecules), 6.0 g/L ethanol was produced from xylan. Thus, the cofactor optimization and the yeast co‐culture system developed in this study could expand the prospect of biofuels production from lignocellulosic biomass. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1068–1076, 2017  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae TMB3001 has previously been engineered to utilize xylose by integrating the genes coding for xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) and overexpressing the native xylulokinase (XK) gene. The resulting strain is able to metabolize xylose, but its xylose utilization rate is low compared to that of natural xylose utilizing yeasts, like Pichia stipitis or Candida shehatae. One difference between S. cerevisiae and the latter species is that these possess specific xylose transporters, while S. cerevisiae takes up xylose via the high-affinity hexose transporters. For this reason, in part, it has been suggested that xylose transport in S. cerevisiae may limit the xylose utilization.We investigated the control exercised by the transport over the specific xylose utilization rate in two recombinant S. cerevisiae strains, one with low XR activity, TMB3001, and one with high XR activity, TMB3260. The strains were grown in aerobic sugar-limited chemostat and the specific xylose uptake rate was modulated by changing the xylose concentration in the feed, which allowed determination of the flux response coefficients. Separate measurements of xylose transport kinetics allowed determination of the elasticity coefficients of transport with respect to extracellular xylose concentration. The flux control coefficient, C(J) (transp), for the xylose transport was calculated from the response and elasticity coefficients. The value of C(J) (transp) for both strains was found to be < 0.1 at extracellular xylose concentrations > 7.5 g L(-1). However, for strain TMB3260 the flux control coefficient was higher than 0.5 at xylose concentrations < 0.6 g L(-1), while C(J) (transp) stayed below 0.2 for strain TMB3001 irrespective of xylose concentration.  相似文献   

木糖的有效利用是木质纤维素生产生物燃料或化学品经济性转化的基础.30年来,通过理性代谢改造和适应性进化等工程策略,显著提高了传统乙醇发酵微生物——酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae的木糖代谢能力.因此,近年来在酿酒酵母中利用木糖生产化学品的研究逐步展开.研究发现,酿酒酵母分别以木糖和葡萄糖为碳源时...  相似文献   

利用基因工程手段得到重组菌YPH499-3中的spt15有效突变基因,通过表达载体pYX212转化入酿酒酵母原始菌株YPH499中,重新获得酿酒酵母重组菌株。对其性状进行研究,结果表明该菌株能有效利用木糖并共发酵木糖和葡萄糖。在30oC、200r/min,发酵72h时,50g/L木糖的利用率为82.0%,乙醇产率为28.4%;当木糖和葡萄糖以质量比1:1混合发酵时,木糖和葡萄糖的利用率分别为80.4%和100%,乙醇产率为31.4%;同时发现木糖醇的含量极低。从而验证了有效突变基因spt15-10对酿酒酵母共发酵木糖和葡萄糖产酒精的影响。  相似文献   

Xylose is a second‐most abounded sugar after glucose in lignocellulosic hydrolysates and should be efficiently fermented for economically viable second‐generation ethanol production. Despite significant progress in metabolic and evolutionary engineering, xylose fermentation rate of recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae remains lower than that for glucose. Our recent study demonstrated that peroxisomedeficient cells of yeast Ogataea polymorpha showed a decrease in ethanol production from xylose. In this work, we have studied the role of peroxisomes in xylose alcoholic fermentation in the engineered xylose‐utilizing strain of S. cerevisiae. It was shown that peroxisome‐less pex3Δ mutant possessed 1.5‐fold decrease of ethanol production from xylose. We hypothesized that peroxisomal catalase Cta1 may have importance for hydrogen peroxide, the important component of reactive oxygen species, detoxification during xylose alcoholic fermentation. It was clearly shown that CTA1 deletion impaired ethanol production from xylose. It was found that enhancing the peroxisome population by modulation the peroxisomal biogenesis by overexpression of PEX34 activates xylose alcoholic fermentation.  相似文献   

利用α-型酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)表面展示系统的载体,将来源于嗜热细菌Thermus thermophilus的木糖异构酶基因xylA,插入到酿酒酵母蔗糖酶信号肽序列与α-凝集素的C端编码序列之间,形成融合表达框,构建重组质粒pSY-xy222,转化酿酒酵母H158。含重组质粒的菌株H158-SXI木糖异构酶活性测定表明,细胞壁上酶活测定值为1.53 U,木糖异构酶在酿酒酵母细胞壁上得到活性表达。木糖葡萄糖共发酵结果显示,重组菌株木糖利用率较出发菌株提高了17.8%。  相似文献   

[目的]以不同强度的启动子控制表达木酮糖激酶基因,并研究其引起的不同木酮糖激酶活性水平对木糖利用酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)代谢流向的影响.[方法]以酿酒酵母CEN.PK 113-5D为出发菌株,选择酿酒酵母内源启动子TEF1p,PGK1p和HXK2p,利用Cre-loxP无标记同源重组系统,置换染色体上木酮糖激酶基因XKS1的启动子(XKS1p)序列;并通过附加体质粒引入木糖代谢上游途径,构建不同水平表达木酮糖激酶的木糖利用工程菌株;从木酮糖激酶的转录水平、酶活水平、胞内的ATP浓度及木糖代谢等性状,对各菌株进行评价.[结果]转录及酶活测定结果显示,与天然状态相比,所选择的启动子对木酮糖激酶均表现出更强的启动效率.菌株体内表达木酮糖激酶活性水平由高至低的顺序为其基因XKS1在启动子PGK1p、TEF1p、HXK2p和XKS1p控制下.随着木酮糖激酶的活性的提高,胞内的ATP水平下降,而转化木糖生成乙醇的能力上升.最高乙醇产率为0.35g/g消耗的总糖,此时副产物木糖醇产率最低,为0.18g/g消耗的木糖.[结论]通过在染色体上置换启动子,提高了木酮糖激酶的表达水平.在一定范围内,木酮糖激酶的高活性有利于木糖向乙醇的转化.  相似文献   

The electron acceptors acetoin, acetaldehyde, furfural, and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) were added to anaerobic batch fermentation of xylose by recombinant, xylose utilising Saccharomyces cerevisiae TMB 3001. The intracellular fluxes during xylose fermentation before and after acetoin addition were calculated with metabolic flux analysis. Acetoin halted xylitol excretion and decreased the flux through the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. The yield of ethanol increased from 0.62 mol ethanol/mol xylose to 1.35 mol ethanol/mol xylose, and the cell more than doubled its specific ATP production after acetoin addition compared to fermentation of xylose only. This did, however, not result in biomass growth. The xylitol excretion was also decreased by furfural and acetaldehyde but was unchanged by HMF. Thus, furfural present in lignocellulosic hydrolysate can be beneficial for ethanolic fermentation of xylose. Enzymatic analyses showed that the reduction of acetoin and furfural required NADH, whereas the reduction of HMF required NADPH. The enzymatic activity responsible for furfural reduction was considerably higher than for HMF reduction and also in situ furfural conversion was higher than HMF conversion.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母木糖发酵酒精途径工程的研究进展   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
途径工程(Pathway engineering),被称为第三代基因工程,改变代谢流向,开辟新的代谢途径是途径工程的主要目的。利用途径工程理念,对酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)代谢途径进行理性设计,以拓展这一传统酒精生产菌的底物范围,使其充分利用可再生纤维质水解物中的各种糖分,是酿酒酵母酒精途径工程的研究热点之一。这里介绍了近年来酿酒酵母以木糖为底物的酒精途径工程的研究进展。  相似文献   

In this study, we constructed a novel and simple yeast surface display system with a single expression vector. The newly established system uses a bidirectional expression vector carrying the AGA1 gene driven by the PGK1 promoter in one direction and the AGA2‐expression cassette driven by the TEF1 promoter in the reverse direction, and uses the geneticin, a G418‐resistant gene, as the selection marker for transformants. Because all the display elements are put into one expression vector, the new system is much simpler to use, and there is no need for any genetic modification of the host strains; therefore, the new system can be used in wild type as well as laboratory strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The display efficiency of heterologous proteins using the new system has been confirmed by displaying enhanced green fluorescent protein and Eimeria tenella (a chicken protozoan parasite) microneme protein2 (EtMic2) on several S. cerevisiae strains. We also tested the new system with an aga2 mutant strain of S. cerevisiae. The results indicate that the native expressed Aga2 protein has no effect on the display efficiency of heterologous proteins. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:443–450, 2014  相似文献   

酿酒酵母细胞表面工程应用研究新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
酿酒酵母表面展示工程是一个新兴的蛋白表达系统,由于它能进行蛋白翻译后修饰,能方便地对表达的蛋白产物进行检测和筛选,近年来应用研究发展迅猛。它在构建全细胞催化剂、抗原/抗体库、生物吸附剂、生物传感器、组合蛋白文库、免疫检测及亲和纯化中取得了很多新的应用,在蛋白质分子的功能研究与应用中发挥了更加重要的作用。  相似文献   

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