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Six hundred sixty-three Medieval individuals from Wharram Percy, a rural settlement in the Yorkshire Wolds, and 1,042 individuals from St. Helen-on-the-Walls, a poor parish in the Medieval city of York, were examined in order to test the hypothesis that maxillary sinusitis would be more prevalent in an urban population due to social and environmental conditions characteristic of an industrialized settlement. The results showed that the individuals from St. Helen-on-the-Walls, living in the urban environment, had a greater prevalence of maxillary sinusitis than the rural population; 39% (106) of the individuals from Wharram Percy had evidence of sinusitis compared to 55% (134) of the individuals from St. Helen-on-the-Walls. It is suggested that this pattern may be attributed to occupation and industrial air pollution in the Medieval city of York. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To detect reasons for the difference in mortality between Scotland and England and Wales a measure of deprivation was studied, comprising overcrowding, unemployment of men, low social class, and not having a car. Data for Scotland for 1980-2 showed this measure to be strongly associated with mortality, with gradients being particularly steep in young adults. Deprivation was much severe in Scotland than in England and Wales. These findings suggest that much excess mortality may be ascribed to more adverse conditions. Standardising the mortality ratios to take account of the relative affluence and deprivation of the two populations led to the differentials observed being radically adjusted, while standardising for social class had little effect. Deprivation measures based on areas overcome many of the limitations associated with social class analysis and also show much greater discrimination between populations. Measures of deprivation apparently provide a powerful basis for explanation of health differences. Such measures should therefore form part of the 1991 census output to facilitate their use on a consistent basis.  相似文献   

The varied relationships among status, gender, and mortality are complex, historically produced phenomena that shape people's lives and deaths in socially meaningful ways. Paleodemographic analysis coupled with acute sensitivity to site-specific context has the potential to move us toward a greater understanding of these experiences in the past. After considering the potential effects of migration and fertility on the age-at-death profiles of adult individuals interred at the Gilbertine Priory of St. Andrew, Fishergate, York (n = 200), it is asserted that these profiles primarily reveal expected and unexpected relationships among status, gender, and mortality in this Medieval context. Collectively, the long lives of religious-status males compared to other composite and gendered status groups suggest that they experienced a relatively comfortable existence despite periodic complaints of destitution. The postulated demographic advantage of high-status males did not materialize in the analysis, and a reevaluation of the skeletal evidence indicates that nearly 20% of these individuals died violently. Unexpectedly, moderate-status females shared a mortality profile similar to that of religious-status males and retained a demographic advantage over all other secular status groups. In contrast to the experiences of moderate-status females, low-status females had, on average, the shortest lives at St. Andrew's. This pattern is intimately linked to their restriction from crucial social and economic resources, and provides further evidence of their marginalization in York's wage-labor economy. Overall, these relationships suggest that traditional, highly stratified and gendered notions of Medieval status and mortality are not adequate for understanding the intricacies of everyday life and death at St. Andrew's.  相似文献   

The present research represents a comparison of dental and skeletal development as a means for determining nutritional stress in a Medieval Christian population from Nubia’sBatn el Hajar. The sample consists of 21 individuals from an early Christian (c 550–750) and 23 individuals from a late Christian cemetery (c mid-16th century) excavated from the site of Kulubnarti, Sudan. Ages at death ranged from 12 to 23 years. For the combined sample, a large majority (70.5%) of individuals had skeletal ages younger than their dental ages. However, a comparison of those individuals that could be sexed revealed that the pattern was not consistent for males and females. Females showed no difference between skeletal and dental age while males showed significant skeletal retardation. This pattern of sex differences is consistent with that observed for modern living children and subadults experiencing nutritional stress. A comparison by cemetry also suggests a reduction in stress from early to late Christian times with later Christians showing a closer correspondence between skeletal and dental ages. While not statistically significant, this apparent reduction is consistent with previous research on the subadult remains.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the daily probability of survival of mosquitoes is independent of age. To test this assumption we have conducted a three‐year experimental fieldwork study (2005–2007) at Fortaleza‐CE in Brazil, determining daily survival rates of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti (L.). Survival rates of adult Ae. aegypti may be age‐dependent and the statistical analysis is a sensitive approach for comparing patterns of mosquito survival. The mosquito survival data were better fit by a Weibull survival function than by the more traditionally used Gompertz or logistic survival functions. Gompertz, Weibull, or logistic survival functions often fit the survival, and the tails of the survival curves usually appear to fall between the values predicted by the three functions. We corroborate that the mortality of Ae. aegypti in semi‐natural conditions may no more be considered as a constant phenomenon during the life of adult mosquitoes but varies according to the age and environmental conditions under a tropical climate. This study estimates the variability in the survival rate of Ae. aegypti and environmental factors that are related to such variability. The statistical analysis shows that the fitting ability, concerning the hazard function, was in decreasing order: Seasonal Cox, the three‐parameter Gompertz, and the three‐parameter Weibull, that was similar to the three‐parameter logistic. The advantage of using the Cox model is that it is convenient for exploring the relationship between survival and several explanatory variables. The Cox model has the advantage of preserving the variable in its original quantitative form and of using a maximum of information. The survival analyses indicate that mosquito mortality is both age‐ and environment‐dependent.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To investigate social class differences in infant mortality in Sweden in the mid-1980s and to compare their magnitude with that of those found in England and Wales. DESIGN--Analysis of risk of infant death by social class in aggregated routine data for the mid-1980s, which included the linkage of Swedish births to the 1985 census. SETTING--Sweden and England and Wales. SUBJECTS--All live births in Sweden (1985-6) and England and Wales (1983-5) and corresponding infant deaths were analysed. The Swedish data were coded to the British registrar general''s social class schema. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Risk of death in the neonatal and postneonatal period. RESULTS--Taking the non-manual classes as the reference group, in the neonatal period in Sweden the manual social classes had a relative risk for mortality of 1.20 (95% confidence interval 1.02 to 1.43) and those not classified into a social class a relative risk of 1.08 (0.88 to 1.33). In the postneonatal period the equivalent relative risks were 1.38 (1.08 to 1.77) for manual classes and 2.14 (1.65 to 2.79) for the residual; these are similar to those for England and Wales (1.43 (1.36 to 1.51) for manual classes, 2.62 (2.45 to 2.81) for the residual). CONCLUSIONS--The existence of an equitable health care system and a strong social welfare policy in Sweden has not eliminated inequalities in post-neonatal mortality. Furthermore, the very low risk of infant death in the Swedish non-manual group (4.8/1000 live births) represents a target towards which public health interventions should aim. If this rate prevailed in England and Wales, 63% of postneonatal deaths would be avoided.  相似文献   

The analysis of oral pathologies is routinely a part of bioarcheological and paleopathological investigations. Oral health, while certainly interesting by itself, is also potentially informative about general or systemic health. Numerous studies within modern populations have shown associations between oral pathologies and other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, and pulmonary infections. This article addresses the question of how oral health was associated with general health in past populations by examining the relationship between two oral pathologies (periodontal disease and dental caries) and the risk of mortality in a cemetery sample from medieval England. The effects of periodontitis and dental caries on risk of death were assessed using a sample of 190 individuals from the St Mary Graces cemetery, London, dating to ~AD 1350–1538. The results suggest that the oral pathologies are associated with elevated risks of mortality in the St Mary Graces cemetery such that individuals with periodontitis and dental caries were more likely to die than their peers without such pathologies. The results shown here suggest that these oral pathologies can be used as informative indicators of general health in past populations. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An elderly male skeleton from medieval Canterbury displayed evidence of DISH and metastatic carcinoma. The dry bone findings, SEM, and radiography suggest a primary focus in the prostate. A review of the palaeopathological literature has shown that such a finding is extremely rare in archaeological remains. This is the first reported case of prostatic carcinoma from medieval England.  相似文献   

The Hua-ruea sub-district has long been a major agricultural area of Thailand. Shallow groundwater from farm wells is a main source of drinking water for most locals. This study assessed the human health hazards associated with consuming groundwater contaminated with heavy metals among adults age 15–60 years and the aging, greater than 60 years. Twelve groundwater wells were sampled in the Hua-ruea agricultural area. The results showed adults’ average groundwater consumption was high at 3.6 ± 2.1 L/day/person and for the aging group was 2.6 ± 1.0 L/day/person. The hazard quotients for As, Cu, Pb, and Zn exceeded 1 among both the adult and aging populations. Residents of the Hua-ruea subdistrict may be at risk of developing diseases from consumption of water contaminated with these four metals at seven of the 12 wells. These wells are located in intensely cultivated chili fields. All non-carcinogenic hazards of all heavy metals were higher in adults than for the aging population due to a higher intake rate of water by the former. One well had the highest hazard index, 91.8 and 66.2 for adults and the aging, respectively. This study suggested that local people living in intensively agricultural areas should take precautions before drinking contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the relative roles of the human health hazard index (HI) and the ecological risk assessment hazard quotient (HQ) in remedial decision-making. Through an analysis of HI outcomes drawn from Superfund Records of Decision, the reduced importance of the HI statistic in human health risk assessments is demonstrated, and the high visibility of the ecological risk assessment (ERA) HQ for terrestrial receptors (birds and mammals) is underscored. Three HQ method limitations common to both HHRA and ERA, deriving either from the mathematical construct of the HQ (a simple binary measure, indicating that an animal's exposure either exceeds its toxicity value or does not) or from dose-response outcomes in animal trials, are reviewed. Two additional HQ limitations unique to ERA (i.e., a propensity for the HQ to easily exceed its threshold value, and a propensity for it to assume values that are unreasonably high), and deriving from the complexities of estimating bird and mammal dietary intakes of contaminants and the availability of toxicological effects information, are also identified. The paper cautions of the potential to err in concluding that terrestrial site receptors are at risk when the HQ threshold is exceeded, and regardless of the toxicological information (NOAELs, LOAELs, etc.) used. It recognizes that because other methods of terrestrial assessment are presently unavailable, HQs are sometimes, out of necessity, used to justify a remedial action. The analysis and discussion are intended to remind ecological risk assessors that the HQ is a measure of a level of concern only and not a measure of risk  相似文献   

The article presents new data for the Muslim population of Britain from the 2001 Census. It uses the cross tabulations of ethnicity by religion to back-project the growth of the Muslim population from 21,000 in 1951 to 1.6 millions in 2001. It examines the social, economic, demographic and geographic characteristics of the population. Although Muslims are often represented as a homogenous group, there are considerable internal differences, so that the characteristics of the population as a whole do not apply to all groups within. The 2001 Census shows that two-thirds of British Muslims are ethnically Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi, but one-third comes from diverse European, African, North African, Middle Eastern and other Asian sources. Nevertheless, Muslim gender roles emerge as a critical differentiator of socio-economic vulnerability. Taken as a whole, the Muslim population is young and rapidly growing; its socio-economic profile is depressed, marked by the exceptionally low participation rate of women in the formal labour market, and by high concentration in areas of multiple deprivation.  相似文献   

BackgroundShort stature, defined as height for age more than 2 standard deviations (SDs) below the population median, is an important indicator of child health. Short stature (often termed stunting) has been widely researched in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), but less is known about the extent and burden in high-income settings. We aimed to map the prevalence of short stature in children aged 4–5 years in England between 2006 and 2019.Methods and findingsWe used data from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) for the school years 2006–2007 to 2018–2019. All children attending state-maintained primary schools in England are invited to participate in the NCMP, and heights from a total of 7,062,071 children aged 4–5 years were analysed. We assessed short stature, defined as a height-for-age standard deviation score (SDS) below −2 using the United Kingdom WHO references, by sex, index of multiple deprivation (IMD), ethnicity, and region. Geographic clustering of short stature was analysed using spatial analysis in SaTScan. The prevalence of short stature in England was 1.93% (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.92–1.94). Ethnicity adjusted spatial analyses showed geographic heterogeneity of short stature, with high prevalence clusters more likely in the North and Midlands, leading to 4-fold variation between local authorities (LAs) with highest and lowest prevalence of short stature. Short stature was linearly associated with IMD, with almost 2-fold higher prevalence in the most compared with least deprived decile (2.56% (2.53–2.59) vs. 1.38% (1.35–1.41)). There was ethnic heterogeneity: Short stature prevalence was lowest in Black children (0.64% (0.61–0.67)) and highest in Indian children (2.52% (2.45–2.60)) and children in other ethnic categories (2.57% (2.51–2.64)). Girls were more likely to have short stature than boys (2.09% (2.07–2.10) vs. 1.77% (1.76–1.78), respectively). Short stature prevalence declined over time, from 2.03% (2.01–2.05) in 2006–2010 to 1.82% (1.80–1.84) in 2016–2019. Short stature declined at all levels of area deprivation, with faster declines in more deprived areas, but disparities by IMD quintile were persistent. This study was conducted cross-sectionally at an area level, and, therefore, we cannot make any inferences about the individual causes of short stature.ConclusionsIn this study, we observed a clear social gradient and striking regional variation in short stature across England, including a North–South divide. These findings provide impetus for further investigation into potential socioeconomic influences on height and the factors underlying regional variation.

Joanna Orr and coauthors investigate regional differences in short stature among children in England, between 2006-2019, using a cross-sectional analysis of the National Child Measurement Program data.  相似文献   

将HACCCP体系引入FD(真空冷冻干燥)香葱生产过程中,经危害分析找出关键控制点,通过过程控制提高产品合格率,降低危害发生的风险,形成一套行之有效的食品安全管理体系.  相似文献   

Leprosy was a well-recognized and dreaded disease in Denmark in the Middle Ages (AD 1000-1536). A large fraction of the population was affected by leprosy in the 13th century. This paper analyzes the correlation between signs of leprosy and risk of dying in the small Danish village of Tirup (AD 1150-1350). Seven different dichotomous osteological lesions indicative of leprosy are analyzed, and it is possible to score at least one of these conditions on 135 skeletons of adult or adolescent people (aged 14 or more). Scores were transformed to a statistic, lambda, indicating the likelihood that the person to whom the skeleton belonged suffered from leprosy. The analyses indicate that the prevalence of leprosy among adult people in Tirup was 26% (95% confidence interval, 17-35%). The lambda statistic indicates that people who died with signs of leprosy did not differ in the distribution of age at death from those who did not have such signs. Skeletons showing dental enamel hypoplasia were less likely to come from skeletons with high lambda-values. The association between lambda and dental enamel hypoplasia indicates a relationship between stress in early childhood (ages 1-6 years) and subsequent development of signs of leprosy.  相似文献   

This paper presents three distinct models for the development of acquired anemia: iron-deficiency anemia produced by the inadequate intake and/or absorption of iron, the anemia of chronic disease (ACD) caused by the body's natural iron-withholding defense against microbial invaders, and megaloblastic anemia caused by insufficient intake and/or absorption of vitamin B(12) or folic acid. These etiological models are used to interpret the distribution and etiology of anemia among adult individuals interred at the Medieval Gilbertine Priory of St. Andrew, Fishergate, York (n = 147). This bioarchaeological analysis uncovered not only a strong relationship between decreasing status and increasing prevalence of anemia for both men and women, but also identified clear sex-based differences at this site. Within the high-status group, blood and iron loss as a result of rampant parasitism likely produced an environment ripe for the development of iron-deficiency anemia, while the parasitic consumption of vitamin B(12) may have caused occasional cases of megaloblastic anemia. As status decreases, the interpretation of anemia becomes more complex, with megaloblastic anemia and ACD emerging as viable, potentially heavy contributors to the anemia experiences of low-status people at St. Andrew's. Apart from status effects, women (especially young women) are disproportionately affected by anemia when compared to men within their own status group and, on average, are also more likely to have experienced anemia than their male peers from other status groups. This suggests that high iron-demand reproductive functions helped to make iron-deficiency anemia a chronic condition in many women's lives irrespective of their status affiliation.  相似文献   

In the Roman period, urban and rural ways of living were differentiated philosophically and legally, and this is the first regional study of these contrasting life‐ways. Focusing on frailty and mortality risk, we investigated how these differed by age, sex, and status, using coffin type as a proxy for social status. We employed skeletal data from 344 individuals: 150 rural and 194 urban (1st–5th centuries A.D.) from Dorset, England. Frailty and mortality risk were examined using indicators of stress (cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis, nonspecific periostitis, and enamel hypoplastic defects), specific metabolic and infectious diseases (rickets, scurvy, and tuberculosis), and dental health (carious lesions and calculus). These variables were studied using Chi‐square, Siler model of mortality, Kaplan–Meier analysis, and the Gompertz model of adult mortality. Our study found that overall, mortality risk and survivorship did not differ between cemetery types but when the data were examined by age, mortality risk was only significantly higher for urban subadults. Demographic differences were found, with urban cemeteries having more 0–10 and >35 year olds, and for health, urban cemeteries had significantly higher frequencies of enamel hypoplastic defects, carious lesions, and rickets. Interestingly, no significant difference in status was observed between rural and urban cemeteries. The most significant finding was the influence of the skeletal and funerary data from the Poundbury sites, which had different demographic profiles, significantly higher frequencies of the indicators of stress and dental health variables. In conclusion, there are significant health, demographic, and mortality differences between rural and urban populations in Roman Britain. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:107–120, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Traditional methods of aging adult skeletons suffer from the problem of age mimicry of the reference collection, as described by Bocquet‐Appel and Masset (1982). Transition analysis (Boldsen et al., 2002) is a method of aging adult skeletons that addresses the problem of age mimicry of the reference collection by allowing users to select an appropriate prior probability. In order to evaluate whether transition analysis results in significantly different age estimates for adults, the method was applied to skeletal collections from Postclassic Cholula and Contact‐Period Xochimilco. The resulting age‐at‐death distributions were then compared with age‐at‐death distributions for the two populations constructed using traditional aging methods. Although the traditional aging methods result in age‐at‐death distributions with high young adult mortality and few individuals living past the age of 50, the age‐at‐death distributions constructed using transition analysis indicate that most individuals who lived into adulthood lived past the age of 50. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:67–78, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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