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Claire E. Terhune William H. Kimbel Charles A. Lockwood 《American journal of physical anthropology》2013,151(4):630-642
Assessments of temporal bone morphology have played an important role in taxonomic and phylogenetic evaluations of fossil taxa, and recent three‐dimensional analyses of this region have supported the utility of the temporal bone for testing taxonomic and phylogenetic hypotheses. But while clinical analyses have examined aspects of temporal bone ontogeny in humans, the ontogeny of the temporal bone in non‐human taxa is less well documented. This study examines ontogenetic allometry of the temporal bone in order to address several research questions related to the pattern and trajectory of temporal bone shape change during ontogeny in the African apes and humans. We further apply these data to a preliminary analysis of temporal bone ontogeny in Australopithecus afarensis. Three‐dimensional landmarks were digitized on an ontogenetic series of specimens of Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, Pan paniscus, and Gorilla gorilla. Data were analyzed using geometric morphometric methods, and shape changes throughout ontogeny in relation to size were compared. Results of these analyses indicate that, despite broadly similar patterns, African apes and humans show marked differences in development of the mandibular fossa and tympanic portions of the temporal bone. These findings indicate divergent, rather than parallel, postnatal ontogenetic allometric trajectories for temporal bone shape in these taxa. The pattern of temporal bone shape change with size exhibited by A. afarensis showed some affinities to that of humans, but was most similar to extant African apes, particularly Gorilla. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:630–642, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
《Journal of morphology》2017,278(3):290-299
Coevolution of form and function inspires investigation of associations between morphological variation and the exploitation of specific ecological settings. Such relationships, based mostly on traits of external morphology, have been extensively described for vertebrates, and especially so for squamates. External features are, however, composed by both soft tissues and bones, and these likely play different biomechanical roles during locomotion, such as in the autopodia. Therefore, ecological trends identified on the basis of external morphological measurements may not be directly correlated with equivalent variation in osteology. Here, we investigate how refined parameters of autopodial osteology relate to ecology, by contrasting climbing and nonclimbing geckos. Our first step consisted of inferring how external and osteological morphometric traits coevolved in the group. Our results corroborate the hypothesis of coevolution between external and osteological elements in the autopodia of geckos, and provides evidence for associations between specific osteological traits and preferred locomotor habit. Specifically, nonclimbers exhibit longer ultimate and penultimate phalanges of Digit V in the manus and pes and also a longer fifth metatarsal in comparison with climbers, a pattern discussed here in the context of the differential demands made upon locomotion in specific ecological contexts. Our study highlights the relevance of osteological information for discussing the evolution of ecological associations of the tetrapod autopodium. J. Morphol. 278:290–299, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Noreen von Cramon‐Taubadel 《American journal of physical anthropology》2009,140(2):205-215
Recent studies have demonstrated that the shape of the human temporal bone is particularly strongly correlated with neutral genetic expectation, when compared against other cranial regions, such as the vault, face, and basicranium. In turn, this has led to suggestions that the temporal bone is particularly reliable in analyses of primate phylogeny and human population history. While several reasons have been suggested to explain the temporal bone's strong fit with neutral expectation, the temporal bone has never systematically been compared against other individual cranial bones defined using the same biological criteria. Therefore, it is currently unknown whether the shapes of all cranial bones possess reliable information regarding neutral genetic evolution, or whether the temporal bone is unique in this respect. This study tests the hypothesis that the human temporal bone is more congruent with neutral expectation than six other individual cranial bones by correlating population affinity matrices generated using neutral genetic and 3D craniometric data. The results demonstrate that while the temporal bone shows the absolute strongest correlation with neutral genetic data compared with all other bones, it is not statistically differentiated from the sphenoid, frontal, and parietal bones in this regard. Potential reasons for the temporal bone's consistently strong fit with neutral expectation, such as its overall anatomical complexity and/or its contribution to the architecture of the basicranium, are examined. The results suggest that future phylogenetic and taxonomic studies would benefit from considering the shape of the entire cranium minus those regions that deviate most from neutrality. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Isabelle De Groote Charles A. Lockwood Leslie C. Aiello 《American journal of physical anthropology》2010,141(4):658-664
Here we describe and evaluate a new method for quantifying long bone curvature using geometric morphometric and semi‐landmark analysis of the human femur. The technique is compared with traditional ways of measuring subtense and point of maximum curvature using either coordinate calipers or projection onto graph paper. Of the traditional methods the graph paper method is more reliable than using coordinate calipers. Measurement error is consistently lower for measuring point of maximum curvature than for measuring subtense. The results warrant caution when comparing data collected by the different traditional methods. Landmark data collection proves reliable and has a low measurement error. However, measurement error increases with the number of semi‐landmarks included in the analysis of curvature. Measurements of subtense can be estimated more reliably using 3D landmarks along the curve than using traditional techniques. We use equidistant semi‐landmarks to quantify the curve because sliding the semi‐landmarks masks the curvature signal. Principal components analysis of these equidistant semi‐landmarks provides the added benefit of describing the shape of the curve. These results are promising for functional and forensic analysis of long bone curvature in modern human populations and in the fossil record. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Based on a longitudinal study of radiographs of the Denver Growth Study, we investigated the morphological development of individual and gender differences in the anterior neurocranium, face, and basicranium. In total, 500 X-rays of 14 males and 14 females, each with 18 landmarks and semilandmarks, were digitized and analyzed using geometric morphometric methods. Sexual dimorphism in shape and form is already present at the earliest age stage included in the analysis. However, the nature of dimorphism changes with age. Four factors apper to contribute to cranial sexual dimorphism in human postnatal development: 1) initial, possibly prenatal, differences in shape; 2) differences in the association of size and shape; 3) male hypermorphosis; and 4) some degree of difference in the direction of male and female growth trajectories. Studying changes in individuals, we find a low correlation between newborn and adult morphology, while 3-year-olds already show a high correlation with their adult form. We conclude that the adult pattern of interindividual difference in facial form in a single human population is established within the first few years of life. 相似文献
额骨是连接面颅和脑颅的重要头骨组成部分,关于现代各个人种的额骨形态是否存在明显的差别,这些人种额骨的基本形态如何,变异范围以及与其他人群的相似与差异等问题都尚未完全厘清。而额骨的很多特征由于技术手段的限制很难进行测量和准确的描述比较。鉴于这些问题,本文将采用基于三维表面半标志点的几何形态测量方法,研究东亚现代人额骨的表面形态及其变异范围,并与欧洲,东南亚,美洲,非洲以及澳洲的现代人群的额骨形态进行对比,为对比不同人群的形态研究建立基础数据。结果显示,额骨形态的变异主要表现在:1)额骨鳞部的额结节和正中矢状脊共同向前隆起或回缩以及相对额骨宽度;2)眉弓的粗壮程度,额结节的侧向发育程度和正中矢状脊的发育情况。为了进一步揭示中国现代人与其他人群在额骨形态上的关系,本文还探讨了额骨大小在不同人群中的差异。结果显示,东亚现代人和欧洲现代人额骨中心大小值的中位数最大,澳洲现代人的最小。东亚现代人的额骨形态与澳洲,欧洲和非洲均有非常显著的差异。为了检验额骨的形态是否与遗传距离一致,作者还对额骨形态距离和遗传距离做了相关性分析。结果显示,不同人群的额骨形态与其遗传距离呈显著的相关性,说明本研究结果中不同人群额骨形态上的差异大小可以在一定程度上反映其遗传距离,并可能进一步反映人群历史。东亚现代人的额骨平均形态在与各个人群比较过程中表现出一致性特征,可能在一定程度上反映了东亚现代人群的进化过程是相对独立的。未来额骨的三维几何形态测量可通过扩大标本数量进一步探讨不同性别和不同演化阶段之间的差异。 相似文献
Hillary C. Maddin 《Journal of morphology》2011,272(7):850-871
High levels of morphological homoplasy have hindered progress in understanding morphological evolution within gymnophione lissamphibians. Stemming from the hypothesis that the braincase has the potential to yield phylogenetic information, the braincases of 27 species (23 genera) of gymnophione amphibians were examined using high‐resolution micro‐computed tomography and histologically prepared specimens. Morphology of the brain and its relationship to features of the braincase is described, and it is shown that eight different patterns exist in the distribution of foramina in the antotic region. The distribution of variants is congruent with molecule‐based phylogeny. Additionally, all variants are shown to correspond directly to stages along developmental continua, suggesting that the evolutionary truncation of development in the antotic region at various stages has driven the evolution of morphology in this region. Attempts to correlate the observed morphology with proxies of putative heterochronic events (including those attributable to burrowing, life history, and size) fail to explain the distribution of morphology if each proxy is considered separately. Thus, it is concluded that either currently unrecognized causes of heterochrony or combinations thereof have influenced morphology in different lineages independently. These data identify clades whose morphology can now be reconsidered in light of previously unrecognized heterochronic events, thereby providing a foundation for future analyses of the evolution of morphology within Gymnophiona as a whole. Most significantly, these data confirm, for the first time in a lissamphibian group, that the braincase can preserve important phylogenetic information that is otherwise obscured in regions of the skull that experience strong influences from functional constraints. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
The Ceprano calvarium represents one of the most important sources of information about both the dynamics of the earliest hominid dispersal toward Europe and the evolution of the genus Homo in the early-to-middle Pleistocene. In this paper, the midsagittal vault profile and the 3D frontal bone morphology of Ceprano are investigated comparatively, using landmark coordinates and Procrustes superimposition. In fact, despite the fact that the skull appears partially distorted by diagenetic pressures (thus precluding a comprehensive landmark-based analysis), some aspects of the overall morphology are suitable for consideration in terms of geometric morphometrics. The midsagittal profile shows an archaic shape, comparable with the H. ergaster/erectus range of variation because of the fronto-parietal flattening, the development of the supraorbital and nuchal structures, and the occurrence of a slightly larger occipital bone. By contrast, the frontal bone displays a derived 3D shape that, mostly because of the widening of the frontal squama, appears comparable with the Afro-European variation of the Middle Pleistocene (i.e., H. heidelbergensis/rhodesiensis). Taking into account the unique morphological pattern displayed by Ceprano, its role as a link between early Homo and the Middle Pleistocene populations of Europe and Africa is not falsified. Thus, when aspects of the Ceprano's morphology are described within the analytical framework provided by geometric morphometrics, the relationships between Ceprano and the subsequent Afro-European fossil record are emphasized, suggesting the occurrence of an ancestral stock of H. heidelbergensis/rhodesiensis that is properly represented by the Italian specimen. 相似文献
Takayuki Onai Toshihiro Aramaki Akira Takai Kisa Kakiguchi Shigenobu Yonemura 《Evolution & development》2023,25(3):197-208
The present contribution is chiefly a review, augmented by some new results on amphioxus and lamprey anatomy, that draws on paleontological and developmental data to suggest a scenario for cranial cartilage evolution in the phylum chordata. Consideration is given to the cartilage-related tissues of invertebrate chordates (amphioxus and some fossil groups like vetulicolians) as well as in the two major divisions of the subphylum Vertebrata (namely, agnathans, and gnathostomes). In the invertebrate chordates, which can be considered plausible proxy ancestors of the vertebrates, only a viscerocranium is present, whereas a neurocranium is absent. For this situation, we examine how cartilage-related tissues of this head region prefigure the cellular cartilage types in the vertebrates. We then focus on the vertebrate neurocranium, where cyclostomes evidently lack neural-crest derived trabecular cartilage (although this point needs to be established more firmly). In the more complex gnathostome, several neural-crest derived cartilage types are present: namely, the trabecular cartilages of the prechordal region and the parachordal cartilage the chordal region. In sum, we present an evolutionary framework for cranial cartilage evolution in chordates and suggest aspects of the subject that should profit from additional study. 相似文献
Daniel E. Lieberman 《American journal of physical anthropology》1996,101(2):217-236
To what extent is cranial vault thickness (CVT) a character that is strongly linked to the genome, or to what extent does it reflect the activity of an individual prior to skeletal maturity? Experimental data from pigs and armadillos indicate that CVT increases more rapidly in exercised juveniles than in genetically similar controls, despite the low levels of strain generated by chewing or locomotion in the neurocranium. CVT increases in these individuals appear to be a consequence of systemic cortical bone growth induced by exercise. In addition, an analysis of the variability in vault thickness in the genus Homo demonstrates that, until the Holocene, there has been only a slight, general decrease in vault thickness over time with no consistent significant differences between archaic and early anatomically modern humans from the Late Pleistocene. Although there may be some genetic component to variation in CVT, exercise-related, non-genetically heritable stimuli appear to account for most of the variance between individuals. The thick cranial vaults of most hunter-gatherers and early agriculturalists suggests that they may have experienced higher levels of sustained exercise relative to body mass than the majority of recent, post-industrial humans. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Emily E. Puckett Emma Sherratt Matthew Combs Elizabeth J. Carlen William Harcourt‐Smith Jason Munshi‐South 《Ecology and evolution》2020,10(11):4739-4748
Urbanization exposes species to novel environments and selection pressures that may change morphological traits within a population. We investigated how the shape and size of crania and mandibles changed over time within a population of brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) living in Manhattan, New York, USA, a highly urbanized environment. We measured 3D landmarks on the cranium and mandible of 62 adult individuals sampled in the 1890s and 2010s. Static allometry explained approximately 22% of shape variation in crania and mandible datasets, while time accounted for approximately 14% of variation. We did not observe significant changes in skull size through time or between the sexes. Estimating the P‐matrix revealed that directional selection explained temporal change of the crania but not the mandible. Specifically, rats from the 2010s had longer noses and shorter upper molar tooth rows, traits identified as adaptive to colder environments and higher quality or softer diets, respectively. Our results highlight the continual evolution to selection pressures. We acknowledge that urban selection pressures impacting cranial shape likely began in Europe prior to the introduction of rats to Manhattan. Yet, our study period spanned changes in intensity of artificial lighting, human population density, and human diet, thereby altering various aspects of rat ecology and hence pressures on the skull. 相似文献
The morphology of the mammalian chondrocranium appears to differ significantly from those of other amniotes, since the former possesses uniquely developed brain and cranial sensory organs. In particular, a question has long remained unanswered as to the developmental and evolutionary origins of a cartilaginous nodule called the ala hypochiasmatica. In this study, we investigated the embryonic origin of skeletal elements in the murine orbitotemporal region by combining genetic cell lineage analysis with detailed morphological observation. Our results showed that the mesodermal embryonic environment including the ala hypochiasmatica, which appeared as an isolated mesodermal distribution in the neural crest-derived prechordal region, is formed as a part of the mesoderm that continued from the chordal region during early chondrocranial development. The mesoderm/neural crest cell boundary in the head mesenchyme is modified through development, resulting in the secondary mesodermal expansion to invade into the prechordal region. We thus revealed that the ala hypochiasmatica develops as the frontier of the mesodermal sheet stretched along the cephalic flexure. These results suggest that the mammalian ala hypochiasmatica has evolved from a part of the mesodermal primary cranial wall in ancestral amniotes. In addition, the endoskeletal elements in the orbitotemporal region, such as the orbital cartilage, suprapterygoid articulation of the palatoquadrate, and trabecula, some of which were once believed to represent primitive traits of amniotes and to be lost in the mammalian lineage, have been confirmed to exist in the mammalian cranium. Consequently, the mammalian chondrocranium can now be explained in relation to the pan-amniote cranial configuration. 相似文献
Fossil crania from quarry L-41, Fayum, Egypt, representing Catopithecus browni, a primate similar in size to callitrichids but with a catarrhine dental formula, provide the geologically earliest record of an anthropoidean skull. Catopithecus had postorbital closure developed to the stage seen in extant anthropoideans, with direct contact between zygomatic plate and maxillary tuber, isolating an anterior orbital fissure from the inferior orbital fissure. The auditory region also resembles that of later anthropoideans: The posterior carotid foramen is placed adjacent to the jugular fossa; a large promontory canal crosses the promontorium; and the annular ectotympanic is fused ventrally to the bulla. The incisors and canines show an assemblage of features found only among modern anthropoideans and adapoids. The face is characterized by a relatively deep maxilla, broad ascending wing of the premaxilla, and long nasal bones, yielding a moderate muzzle similar to that of Aegyptopithecus. The small braincase bears an anteriorly broad frontal trigon and a posteriorly developed sagittal crest. The mandibular symphysis is unfused even in mature adults. The encephalization quotient (EQ) probably falls within the range of Eocene prosimians, much lower than the EQs of Neogene anthropoideans. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
PAOLO COLANGELO ANNA LOY DJURO HUBER TOMISLAV GOMERČIĆ AUGUSTU VIGNA TAGLIANTI PAOLO CIUCCI 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2012,107(1):15-26
Molecular studies highlighted a strong genetic affinity between the remnant and isolated population of the Apennine brown bear and other southern European populations. Despite this genetic closeness a recent morphometric study revealed a marked phenotypic distinctiveness of the Apennine population, supporting the reinstatement of a distinct taxon (Ursus arctos marsicanus). By building upon previous morphological analyses, we adopted geometric morphometrics to better investigate the skull morphology of the Apennine brown bear with reference to the other, closely related southern European populations. Both skull shape and size differences confirmed the strong divergence of U. arctos marsicanus. In particular, the Apennine bears are characterized by an enlargement of the supraorbital apophysis and a larger distance across the zygomatic arches. Furthermore, our analyses highlighted significant shape differences of the first upper molar in the Apennine bears. Our results suggest that the Apennine bears underwent a rapid morphological change, possibly driven by genetic drift and local selective pressures. Because the greatest morphological differentiation is likely to be related to the muscles involved in mastication, we hypothesize that local selective pressures might be related to a shift in food habits, with highly reduced depredation and feeding on large carcasses in favour of vegetation and hard mast (beech nuts and acorns). These results suggest an adaptive distinctiveness of the Apennine bears, which should be carefully considered in any management and conservation action addressed to this highly endangered population. Although more in‐depth molecular studies are required to better assess the taxonomic and genetic status of the Apennine brown bear population, our study emphasizes the importance of morphological analyses as a complementary tool for a more thorough characterization of variation and divergence in endangered taxa. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??. 相似文献