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Yongyun Shin Shumei Sun Dipankar Bandyopadhyay 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》2020,62(7):1702-1716
We analyze adolescent BMI and middle-age systolic blood pressure (SBP) repeatedly measured on women enrolled in the Fels Longitudinal Study (FLS) between 1929 and 2010 to address three questions: Do adolescent-specific growth rates in body mass index (BMI) and menarche affect middle-age SBP? Do they moderate the aging effect on middle-age SBP? Have the effects changed over historical time? To address the questions, we propose analyzing a growth curve model (GCM) that controls for age, birth-year cohort, and historical time. However, several complications in the data make the GCM analysis nonstandard. First, the person-specific adolescent BMI and middle-age SBP trajectories are unobservable. Second, missing data are substantial on BMI, SBP, and menarche. Finally, modeling the latent trajectories for BMI and SBP, repeatedly measured on two distinct sets of unbalanced time points, are computationally intensive. We adopt a bivariate GCM for BMI and SBP with correlated random coefficients. To efficiently handle missing values of BMI, SBP, and menarche assumed missing at random, we estimate their joint distribution by maximum likelihood via the EM algorithm where the correlated random coefficients and menarche are multivariate normal. The estimated distribution will be transformed to the desired GCM for SBP that includes the random coefficients of BMI and menarche as covariates. We demonstrate unbiased estimation by simulation. We find that adolescent growth rates in BMI and menarche are positively associated with, and moderate, the aging effect on SBP in middle age, controlling for age, cohort, and historical time, but the effect sizes are at most modest. The aging effect is significant on SBP, controlling for cohort and historical time, but not vice versa. 相似文献
Principal component models for sparse functional data 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Methods for modeling sets of complex curves where the curves must be aligned in time (or in another continuous predictor) fall into the general class of functional data analysis and include self-modeling regression and time-warping procedures. Self-modeling regression (SEMOR), also known as a shape invariant model (SIM), assumes the curves have a common shape, modeled nonparametrically, and curve-specific differences in amplitude and timing, traditionally modeled by linear transformations. When curves contain multiple features that need to be aligned in time, SEMOR may be inadequate since a linear time transformation generally cannot align more than one feature. Time warping procedures focus on timing variability and on finding flexible time warps to align multiple data features. We draw on these methods to develop a SIM that models the time transformations as random, flexible, monotone functions. The model is motivated by speech movement data from the University of Wisconsin X-ray microbeam speech production project and is applied to these data to test the effect of different speaking conditions on the shape and relative timing of movement profiles. 相似文献
In linear mixed‐effects models, random effects are used to capture the heterogeneity and variability between individuals due to unmeasured covariates or unknown biological differences. Testing for the need of random effects is a nonstandard problem because it requires testing on the boundary of parameter space where the asymptotic chi‐squared distribution of the classical tests such as likelihood ratio and score tests is incorrect. In the literature several tests have been proposed to overcome this difficulty, however all of these tests rely on the restrictive assumption of i.i.d. measurement errors. The presence of correlated errors, which often happens in practice, makes testing random effects much more difficult. In this paper, we propose a permutation test for random effects in the presence of serially correlated errors. The proposed test not only avoids issues with the boundary of parameter space, but also can be used for testing multiple random effects and any subset of them. Our permutation procedure includes the permutation procedure in Drikvandi, Verbeke, Khodadadi, and Partovi Nia (2013) as a special case when errors are i.i.d., though the test statistics are different. We use simulations and a real data analysis to evaluate the performance of the proposed permutation test. We have found that random slopes for linear and quadratic time effects may not be significant when measurement errors are serially correlated. 相似文献
In this article, we propose penalized spline (P-spline)-based methods for functional mixed effects models with varying coefficients. We decompose longitudinal outcomes as a sum of several terms: a population mean function, covariates with time-varying coefficients, functional subject-specific random effects, and residual measurement error processes. Using P-splines, we propose nonparametric estimation of the population mean function, varying coefficient, random subject-specific curves, and the associated covariance function that represents between-subject variation and the variance function of the residual measurement errors which represents within-subject variation. Proposed methods offer flexible estimation of both the population- and subject-level curves. In addition, decomposing variability of the outcomes as a between- and within-subject source is useful in identifying the dominant variance component therefore optimally model a covariance function. We use a likelihood-based method to select multiple smoothing parameters. Furthermore, we study the asymptotics of the baseline P-spline estimator with longitudinal data. We conduct simulation studies to investigate performance of the proposed methods. The benefit of the between- and within-subject covariance decomposition is illustrated through an analysis of Berkeley growth data, where we identified clearly distinct patterns of the between- and within-subject covariance functions of children's heights. We also apply the proposed methods to estimate the effect of antihypertensive treatment from the Framingham Heart Study data. 相似文献
Postnatal growth is an important life‐history trait that varies widely across avian species, and several equations with a sigmoidal shape have been used to model it. Classical three‐parameter models have an inflection point fixed at a percentage of the upper asymptote which could be an unrealistic assumption generating biased fits. The Richards model emerged as an interesting alternative because it includes an extra parameter that determines the location of the inflection point which can move freely along the growth curve. Recently, nonlinear mixed models (NLMM) have been used in modeling avian growth because these models can deal with a lack of independence among data as typically occurs with multiple measurements on the same individual or on groups of related individuals. Here, we evaluated the usefulness of von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, logistic, U4 and Richards's equations modeling chick growth in the imperial shag Phalacrocorax atriceps. We modelled growth in commonly used morphological traits, including body mass, bill length, head length and tarsus length, and compared the performance of models by using NLMM. Estimated adult size, age at maximum growth and maximum growth rates markedly differed across models. Overall, the most consistent performance in estimated adult size was obtained by the Richards model that showed deviations from mean adult size within 5%. Based on AICc values, the Richards equation was the best model for all traits analyzed. For tarsus length, both Richards and U4 models provided indistinguishable fits because the relative inflection value estimated from the Richards model was very close to that assumed by the U4 model. Our results highlight the bias incurred by three‐parameter models when the assumed inflection placement deviates from that derived from data. Thus, the application of the Richards equation using the NLMM framework represents a flexible and powerful tool for the analysis of avian growth. 相似文献
Grunwald GK Bruce SL Jiang L Strand M Rabinovitch N 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》2011,53(4):578-594
We propose a likelihood-based model for correlated count data that display under- or overdispersion within units (e.g. subjects). The model is capable of handling correlation due to clustering and/or serial correlation, in the presence of unbalanced, missing or unequally spaced data. A family of distributions based on birth-event processes is used to model within-subject underdispersion. A computational approach is given to overcome a parameterization difficulty with this family, and this allows use of common Markov Chain Monte Carlo software (e.g. WinBUGS) for estimation. Application of the model to daily counts of asthma inhaler use by children shows substantial within-subject underdispersion, between-subject heterogeneity and correlation due to both clustering of measurements within subjects and serial correlation of longitudinal measurements. The model provides a major improvement over Poisson longitudinal models, and diagnostics show that the model fits well. 相似文献
Veronika Deffner Helmut Küchenhoff Susanne Breitner Alexandra Schneider Josef Cyrys Annette Peters 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》2018,60(3):480-497
The ultrafine particle measurements in the Augsburger Umweltstudie, a panel study conducted in Augsburg, Germany, exhibit measurement error from various sources. Measurements of mobile devices show classical possibly individual–specific measurement error; Berkson–type error, which may also vary individually, occurs, if measurements of fixed monitoring stations are used. The combination of fixed site and individual exposure measurements results in a mixture of the two error types. We extended existing bias analysis approaches to linear mixed models with a complex error structure including individual–specific error components, autocorrelated errors, and a mixture of classical and Berkson error. Theoretical considerations and simulation results show, that autocorrelation may severely change the attenuation of the effect estimations. Furthermore, unbalanced designs and the inclusion of confounding variables influence the degree of attenuation. Bias correction with the method of moments using data with mixture measurement error partially yielded better results compared to the usage of incomplete data with classical error. Confidence intervals (CIs) based on the delta method achieved better coverage probabilities than those based on Bootstrap samples. Moreover, we present the application of these new methods to heart rate measurements within the Augsburger Umweltstudie: the corrected effect estimates were slightly higher than their naive equivalents. The substantial measurement error of ultrafine particle measurements has little impact on the results. The developed methodology is generally applicable to longitudinal data with measurement error. 相似文献
Göran Köber Raffael Kalisch Lara M.C. Puhlmann Andrea Chmitorz Anita Schick Harald Binder 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》2023,65(6):2100381
When modeling longitudinal biomedical data, often dimensionality reduction as well as dynamic modeling in the resulting latent representation is needed. This can be achieved by artificial neural networks for dimension reduction and differential equations for dynamic modeling of individual-level trajectories. However, such approaches so far assume that parameters of individual-level dynamics are constant throughout the observation period. Motivated by an application from psychological resilience research, we propose an extension where different sets of differential equation parameters are allowed for observation subperiods. Still, estimation for intra-individual subperiods is coupled for being able to fit the model also with a relatively small dataset. We subsequently derive prediction targets from individual dynamic models of resilience in the application. These serve as outcomes for predicting resilience from characteristics of individuals, measured at baseline and a follow-up time point, and selecting a small set of important predictors. Our approach is seen to successfully identify individual-level parameters of dynamic models that allow to stably select predictors, that is, resilience factors. Furthermore, we can identify those characteristics of individuals that are the most promising for updates at follow-up, which might inform future study design. This underlines the usefulness of our proposed deep dynamic modeling approach with changes in parameters between observation subperiods. 相似文献
诱变后混合菌在锌矿中生长的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为了研究诱变后混合菌的生长情况,我们采用Leathen和9K培养基,培养保存2年的诱变菌群和连续传代的诱变菌群,做出它们的生长曲线。结果表明:连续传代的诱变菌群2天达到稳定期,而保存2年的诱变菌群生长达到稳定期,需要多生长2天;在培养基中,加入矿浆浓度(2%、4%、8%、16%、32%)的硫化锌矿,矿浆浓度在32%时E茵群生长量最高;矿浆浓度4%、8%、16%时B菌群生长量最高;矿浆浓度2%时D菌群生长量最高。实验结果说明:混合菌诱变可以大大提高菌群在锌矿中生长能力。 相似文献
Bachirou O. Taddé Hélène Jacqmin-Gadda Jean-François Dartigues Daniel Commenges Cécile Proust-Lima 《Biometrics》2020,76(3):886-899
Alzheimer's disease gradually affects several components including the cerebral dimension with brain atrophies, the cognitive dimension with a decline in various functions, and the functional dimension with impairment in the daily living activities. Understanding how such dimensions interconnect is crucial for Alzheimer's disease research. However, it requires to simultaneously capture the dynamic and multidimensional aspects and to explore temporal relationships between dimensions. We propose an original dynamic structural model that accounts for all these features. The model defines dimensions as latent processes and combines a multivariate linear mixed model and a system of difference equations to model trajectories and temporal relationships between latent processes in finely discrete time. Dimensions are simultaneously related to their observed (possibly multivariate) markers through nonlinear equations of observation. Parameters are estimated in the maximum likelihood framework enjoying a closed form for the likelihood. We demonstrate in a simulation study that this dynamic model in discrete time benefits the same causal interpretation of temporal relationships as models defined in continuous time as long as the discretization step remains small. The model is then applied to the data of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Three longitudinal dimensions (cerebral anatomy, cognitive ability, and functional autonomy) measured by six markers are analyzed, and their temporal structure is contrasted between different clinical stages of Alzheimer's disease. 相似文献
This paper presents procedures for implementing the EM algorithm to compute REML estimates of variance covariance components in Gaussian mixed models for longitudinal data analysis. The class of models considered includes random coefficient factors, stationary time processes and measurement errors. The EM algorithm allows separation of the computations pertaining to parameters involved in the random coefficient factors from those pertaining to the time processes and errors. The procedures are illustrated with Pothoff and Roy''s data example on growth measurements taken on 11 girls and 16 boys at four ages. Several variants and extensions are discussed. 相似文献
The potency of antiretroviral agents in AIDS clinical trials can be assessed on the basis of an early viral response such as viral decay rate or change in viral load (number of copies of HIV RNA) of the plasma. Linear, parametric nonlinear, and semiparametric nonlinear mixed‐effects models have been proposed to estimate viral decay rates in viral dynamic models. However, before applying these models to clinical data, a critical question that remains to be addressed is whether these models produce coherent estimates of viral decay rates, and if not, which model is appropriate and should be used in practice. In this paper, we applied these models to data from an AIDS clinical trial of potent antiviral treatments and found significant incongruity in the estimated rates of reduction in viral load. Simulation studies indicated that reliable estimates of viral decay rate were obtained by using the parametric and semiparametric nonlinear mixed‐effects models. Our analysis also indicated that the decay rates estimated by using linear mixed‐effects models should be interpreted differently from those estimated by using nonlinear mixed‐effects models. The semiparametric nonlinear mixed‐effects model is preferred to other models because arbitrary data truncation is not needed. Based on real data analysis and simulation studies, we provide guidelines for estimating viral decay rates from clinical data. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
In this paper, we present a new approach, based on a mixed model procedure, to quantify the tree‐ring‐based growth‐climate relationship of trembling aspen along a latitudinal gradient from 46 to 54 °N in eastern Canada. This approach allows breaking down the growth response into general intersite and local climatic responses, and analyzing variations of absolute ring width as well as interannual variations in tree growth. The final model also integrates nonclimatic variables such as soil characteristics and the occurrence of insect outbreaks into the growth predictions. Tree level random effects on growth were important as intercepts but were nonsignificant for the climatic variables, indicating that a single climate–growth relationship was justified in our case. The response of tree growth to climate showed, however, a strong dependence on the spatial scale at which the analysis was performed. Intersite variations in tree growth were mostly dependent on variations in the thermal heat sum, a variable that showed low interannual and high intersite variation. When variation for a single site was analyzed, other variables showed up to be important while the heat sum was unimportant. Finally, future growth under six different climate change scenarios was simulated in order to study the potential impact of climate change. Results suggest only moderate growth increases in the northern portion of the gradient and a growth decrease in the southern portion under future climatic conditions. 相似文献
Telomeres are regarded as markers of biological or cellular ageing because they shorten with the degree of stress exposure. Accordingly, telomere lengths should show different rates of change when animals are faced with different intensities of environmental challenges. However, a relationship between telomere length and the environment has not yet been tested within a natural setting. Here, we report longitudinal telomere dynamics in free-living, black-tailed gulls (Larus crassirostris) through the recapture of birds of a known age over 2–5 consecutive years. The rate of change in telomere lengths differed with respect to year but not sex or age. The years when gulls showed stable telomere lengths or increases in telomere lengths (from 2009 to 2010) and decreases in telomere lengths (from 2010 to 2011) were characterized by El Niño and the Great Japan Earthquake, respectively. Both events are suspected to have had long-lasting effects on food availability and/or weather conditions. Thus, our findings that telomere dynamics in long-lived birds are influenced by dramatic changes in environmental conditions highlight the importance of environmental fluctuations in affecting stress and lifespan. 相似文献