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Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are commonly used for industrial production of recombinant proteins in fed batch or alternative production systems. Cells progress through multiple metabolic stages during fed‐batch antibody (mAb) production, including an exponential growth phase accompanied by lactate production, a low growth, or stationary phase when specific mAb production increases, and a decline when cell viability declines. Although media composition and cell lineage have been shown to impact growth and productivity, little is known about the metabolic changes at a molecular level. Better understanding of cellular metabolism will aid in identifying targets for genetic and metabolic engineering to optimize bioprocess and cell engineering. We studied a high expressing recombinant CHO cell line, designated high performer (HP), in fed‐batch productions using stable isotope tracers and biochemical methods to determine changes in central metabolism that accompany growth and mAb production. We also compared and contrasted results from HP to a high lactate producing cell line that exhibits poor growth and productivity, designated low performer (LP), to determine intrinsic metabolic profiles linked to their respective phenotypes. Our results reveal alternative metabolic and regulatory pathways for lactate and TCA metabolite production to those reported in the literature. The distribution of key media components into glycolysis, TCA cycle, lactate production, and biosynthetic pathways was shown to shift dramatically between exponential growth and stationary (production) phases. We determined that glutamine is both utilized more efficiently than glucose for anaplerotic replenishment and contributes more significantly to lactate production during the exponential phase. Cells shifted to glucose utilization in the TCA cycle as growth rate decreased. The magnitude of this metabolic switch is important for attaining high viable cell mass and antibody titers. We also found that phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK1) and pyruvate kinase (PK) are subject to differential regulation during exponential and stationary phases. The concomitant shifts in enzyme expression and metabolite utilization profiles shed light on the regulatory links between cell metabolism, media metabolites, and cell growth. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1735–1747. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the goals of recombinant glycoprotein production is to achieve consistent glycosylation. Although many studies have examined the changes in the glycosylation quality of recombinant protein with culture, very little has been done to examine the underlying changes in glycosylation gene expression as a culture progresses. In this study, the expression of 24 genes involved in N‐glycosylation were examined using quantitative RT PCR to gain a better understanding of recombinant glycoprotein glycosylation during production processes. Profiling of the N‐glycosylation genes as well as concurrent analysis of glycoprotein quality was performed across the exponential, stationary and death phases of a fed‐batch culture of a CHO cell line producing recombinant human interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ). Of the 24 N‐glycosylation genes examined, 21 showed significant up‐ or down‐regulation of gene expression as the fed‐batch culture progressed from exponential, stationary and death phase. As the fed‐batch culture progressed, there was also an increase in less sialylated IFN‐γ glycoforms, leading to a 30% decrease in the molar ratio of sialic acid to recombinant IFN‐γ. This correlated with decreased expression of genes involved with CMP sialic acid synthesis coupled with increased expression of sialidases. Compared to batch culture, a low glutamine fed‐batch strategy appears to need a 0.5 mM glutamine threshold to maintain similar N‐glycosylation genes expression levels and to achieve comparable glycoprotein quality. This study demonstrates the use of quantitative real time PCR method to identify possible “bottlenecks” or “compromised” pathways in N‐glycosylation and subsequently allow for the development of strategies to improve glycosylation quality. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 516–528. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Lactate is one of the key waste metabolites of mammalian cell culture. High lactate levels are caused by high aerobic glycolysis, also known as the Warburg effect, and are usually associated with adverse culture performance. Therefore, reducing lactate accumulation has been an ongoing challenge in the cell culture development to improve growth, productivity, and process robustness. The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) plays a crucial role for the fate of pyruvate, as it converts pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl‐CoA). The PDC activity can be indirectly increased by inhibiting the PDC inhibitor, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, using dichloroacetate (DCA), resulting in less pyruvate being available for lactate formation. Here, Chinese hamster ovary cells were cultivated either with 5 mM DCA or without DCA in various batch and fed‐batch bioreactor processes. In all cultures, DCA increased peak viable cell density (VCD), culture length and final antibody titer. The strongest effect was observed in a fed batch with media and glucose feeding in which peak VCD was increased by more than 50%, culture length was extended by more than 3 days, and the final antibody titer increased by more than twofold. In cultures with DCA, lactate production and glucose consumption during exponential growth were on average reduced by approximately 40% and 35%, respectively. Metabolic flux analysis showed reduced glycolytic fluxes, whereas fluxes in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle were not affected, suggesting that cultures with DCA use glucose more efficiently. In a proteomics analysis, only few proteins were identified as being differentially expressed, indicating that DCA acts on a posttranslational level. Antibody quality in terms of aggregation, charge variant, and glycosylation pattern was unaffected. Subsequent bioreactor experiments with sodium lactate and sodium chloride feeding indicated that lower osmolality, rather than lower lactate concentration itself, improved culture performance in DCA cultures. In conclusion, the addition of DCA to the cell culture improved culture performance and increased antibody titers without any disadvantages for cell‐specific productivity or antibody quality.  相似文献   

13C‐metabolic flux analysis was used to understand copper deficiency‐related restructuring of energy metabolism, which leads to excessive lactate production in recombinant protein‐producing CHO cells. Stationary‐phase labeling experiments with U‐13C glucose were conducted on CHO cells grown under high and limiting copper in 3 L fed‐batch bioreactors. The resultant labeling patterns of soluble metabolites were measured by GC‐MS and used to estimate metabolic fluxes in the central carbon metabolism pathways using OpenFlux. Fluxes were evaluated 300 times from stoichiometrically feasible random guess values and their confidence intervals calculated by Monte Carlo simulations. Results from metabolic flux analysis exhibited significant carbon redistribution throughout the metabolic network in cells under Cu deficiency. Specifically, glycolytic fluxes increased (25%–79% relative to glucose uptake) whereas fluxes through the TCA and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) were lower (15%–23% and 74%, respectively) compared with the Cu‐containing condition. Furthermore, under Cu deficiency, 33% of the flux entering TCA via the pyruvate node was redirected to lactate and malate production. Based on these results, we hypothesize that Cu deficiency disrupts the electron transport chain causing ATP deficiency, redox imbalance, and oxidative stress, which in turn drive copper‐deficient CHO cells to produce energy via aerobic glycolysis, which is associated with excessive lactate production, rather than the more efficient route of oxidative phosphorylation. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1179–1186, 2015  相似文献   

Industrial therapeutic protein production has been greatly improved through fed‐batch development. In this study, improvement to the productivity of a tissue‐plasminogen activator (t‐PA) expressing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line was investigated in shake flask culture through the optimization of the fed‐batch feed and the reduction of ammonia generation by glutamine replacement. The t‐PA titer was increased from 33 mg/L under batch conditions to 250 mg/L with daily feeding starting after three days of culture. A commercially available fed‐batch feed was supplemented with cotton seed hydrolysate and the four depleted amino acids, aspartic acid, asparagine, cysteine, and tyrosine. The fed‐batch operation increased the generation of by‐products such as lactate and ammonia that can adversely affect the fed‐batch performance. To reduce the ammonia production, a glutamine‐containing dipeptide, pyruvate, glutamate, and wheat gluten hydrolysate, were investigated as glutamine substitutes. To minimize the lag phase as the cells adjusted to the new energy source, a feed glutamine replacement process was developed where the cells were initially cultured with a glutamine containing basal medium to establish cell growth followed by feeding with a feed containing the glutamine substitutes. This two‐step feed glutamine replacement process not only reduced the ammonia levels by over 45% but, in the case of using wheat gluten hydrolysate, almost doubled the t‐PA titer to over 420 mg/L without compromising the t‐PA product quality or glycosylation pattern. The feed glutamine replacement process combined with optimizing other feed medium components provided a simple, practical, and effective fed‐batch strategy that could be applied to the production of other recombinant therapeutic proteins. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2013  相似文献   

We describe a systematic approach to model CHO metabolism during biopharmaceutical production across a wide range of cell culture conditions. To this end, we applied the metabolic steady state concept. We analyzed and modeled the production rates of metabolites as a function of the specific growth rate. First, the total number of metabolic steady state phases and the location of the breakpoints were determined by recursive partitioning. For this, the smoothed derivative of the metabolic rates with respect to the growth rate were used followed by hierarchical clustering of the obtained partition. We then applied a piecewise regression to the metabolic rates with the previously determined number of phases. This allowed identifying the growth rates at which the cells underwent a metabolic shift. The resulting model with piecewise linear relationships between metabolic rates and the growth rate did well describe cellular metabolism in the fed‐batch cultures. Using the model structure and parameter values from a small‐scale cell culture (2 L) training dataset, it was possible to predict metabolic rates of new fed‐batch cultures just using the experimental specific growth rates. Such prediction was successful both at the laboratory scale with 2 L bioreactors but also at the production scale of 2000 L. This type of modeling provides a flexible framework to set a solid foundation for metabolic flux analysis and mechanistic type of modeling. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 785–797. © 2016 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

With increasing timeline pressures to get therapeutic and vaccine candidates into the clinic, resource intensive approaches such as the use of shake flasks and bench‐top bioreactors may limit the design space for experimentation to yield highly productive processes. The need to conduct large numbers of experiments has resulted in the use of miniaturized high‐throughput (HT) technology for process development. One such high‐throughput system is the SimCell? platform, a robotically driven, cell culture bioreactor system developed by BioProcessors Corp. This study describes the use of the SimCell? micro‐bioreactor technology for fed‐batch cultivation of a GS‐CHO transfectant expressing a model IgG4 monoclonal antibody. Cultivations were conducted in gas‐permeable chambers based on a micro‐fluidic design, with six micro‐bioreactors (MBs) per micro‐bioreactor array (MBA). Online, non‐invasive measurement of total cell density, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) was performed. One hundred fourteen parallel MBs (19 MBAs) were employed to examine process reproducibility and scalability at shake flask, 3‐ and 100‐L bioreactor scales. The results of the study demonstrate that the SimCell? platform operated under fed‐batch conditions could support viable cell concentrations up to least 12 × 106 cells/mL. In addition, both intra‐MB (MB to MB) as well as intra‐MBA (MBA to MBA) culture performance was found to be highly reproducible. The intra‐MB and ‐MBA variability was calculated for each measurement as the coefficient of variation defined as CV (%) = (standard deviation/mean) × 100. The % CV values for most intra‐MB and intra‐MBA measurements were generally under 10% and the intra‐MBA values were slightly lower than those for intra‐MB. Cell growth, process parameters, metabolic and protein titer profiles were also compared to those from shake flask, bench‐top, and pilot scale bioreactor cultivations and found to be within ±20% of the historical averages. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 106: 57–67. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recombinant biotherapeutic proteins such as monoclonal antibodies are mostly produced in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and pharmaceutical companies are interested in an appropriate platform technology for the development of large‐scale production processes. A major aim of our study was therefore to improve the secretion efficiency of a recombinant biotherapeutic antibody by optimizing signal peptides. Reporter molecules such as gaussia and vargula luciferase or secreted alkaline phosphatase are frequently used to this end. In striking contrast, we used a biotherapeutic antibody that was fused to 16 different signal peptides during our study. In this way, the secretion efficiency of the recombinant antibody has been analyzed by transient expression experiments in CHO cell lines. Compared to the control signal peptide, it was not possible to achieve higher efficiencies with signal peptides derived from a variety of species or even natural immunoglobulin G signal peptides. The best results were obtained with natural signal peptides derived from human albumin and human azurocidin. These results were confirmed by fed‐batch experiments with stably transfected cell pools, in which cell‐specific productivities up to 90 pg cell?1 day?1 and product concentrations up to 4 g L?1 could be determined using the albumin signal peptide. Finally, the applicability of the identified signal peptides for both different antibodies and non‐antibody products was demonstrated by transient expression experiments. In conclusion, it was found that signal peptides derived from human albumin and human azurocidin are most appropriate to generate cell lines with clearly improved production rates suitable for commercial purposes in a product‐independent manner. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1164–1173. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Exerting control over the glycan moieties of antibody therapeutics is highly desirable from a product safety and batch-to-batch consistency perspective. Strategies to improve antibody productivity may compromise quality, while interventions for improving glycoform distribution can adversely affect cell growth and productivity. Process design therefore needs to consider the trade-off between preserving cellular health and productivity while enhancing antibody quality. In this work, we present a modeling platform that quantifies the impact of glycosylation precursor feeding – specifically that of galactose and uridine – on cellular growth, metabolism as well as antibody productivity and glycoform distribution. The platform has been parameterized using an initial training data set yielding an accuracy of ±5% with respect to glycoform distribution. It was then used to design an optimized feeding strategy that enhances the final concentration of galactosylated antibody in the supernatant by over 90% compared with the control without compromising the integral of viable cell density or final antibody titer. This work supports the implementation of Quality by Design towards higher-performing bioprocesses.  相似文献   

Pichia pastoris has become one of the major microorganisms for the production of proteins in recent years. This development was mainly driven by the readily available genetic tools and the ease of high‐cell density cultivations using methanol (or methanol/glycerol mixtures) as inducer and carbon source. To overcome the observed limitations of methanol use such as high heat development, cell lysis, and explosion hazard, we here revisited the possibility to produce proteins with P. pastoris using glucose as sole carbon source. Using a recombinant P. pastoris strain in glucose limited fed‐batch cultivations, very high‐cell densities were reached (more than 200 gCDW L?1) resulting in a recombinant protein titer of about 6.5 g L?1. To investigate the impact of recombinant protein production and high‐cell density fermentation on the metabolism of P. pastoris, we used 13C‐tracer‐based metabolic flux analysis in batch and fed‐batch experiments. At a controlled growth rate of 0.12 h?1 in fed‐batch experiments an increased TCA cycle flux of 1.1 mmol g?1 h?1 compared to 0.7 mmol g?1 h?1 for the recombinant and reference strains, respectively, suggest a limited but significant flux rerouting of carbon and energy resources. This change in flux is most likely causal to protein synthesis. In summary, the results highlight the potential of glucose as carbon and energy source, enabling high biomass concentrations and protein titers. The insights into the operation of metabolism during recombinant protein production might guide strain design and fermentation development. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 357–368. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

How do intracellular fluxes respond to dynamically increasing glucose limitation when the physiology changes from strong overflow metabolism near to exclusively maintenance metabolism? Here we investigate this question in a typical industrial, glucose‐limited fed‐batch cultivation with a riboflavin overproducing Bacillus subtilis strain. To resolve dynamic flux changes, a novel approach to 13C flux analysis was developed that is based on recording 13C labeling patterns in free intracellular amino acids. Fluxes are then estimated with stationary flux ratio and iterative isotopomer balancing methods, for which a decomposition of the process into quasi‐steady states and estimation of isotopic steady state 13C labeling patterns was necessary. By this approach, we achieve a temporal resolution of 30–60 min that allows us to resolve the slow metabolic transients that typically occur in such cultivations. In the late process phase we found, most prominently, almost exclusive respiratory metabolism, significantly increased pentose phosphate pathway contribution and a strongly decreased futile cycle through the PEP carboxykinase. As a consequence, higher catabolic NADPH formation occurred than was necessary to satisfy the anabolic demands, suggesting a transhydrogenase‐like mechanism to close the balance of reducing equivalents. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010. 105: 795–804. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Anti-apoptosis engineering is an established technique to prolong the viability of mammalian cell cultures used for industrial production of recombinant proteins. However, the effect of overexpressing anti-apoptotic proteins on central carbon metabolism has not been systematically studied. We transfected CHO-S cells to express Bcl-2∆, an engineered anti-apoptotic gene, and selected clones that differed in their Bcl-2∆ expression and caspase activity. 13C metabolic flux analysis (MFA) was then applied to elucidate the metabolic alterations induced by Bcl-2∆. Expression of Bcl-2Δ reduced lactate accumulation by redirecting the fate of intracellular pyruvate toward mitochondrial oxidation during the lactate-producing phase, and it significantly increased lactate re-uptake during the lactate-consuming phase. This flux redistribution was associated with significant increases in biomass yield, peak viable cell density (VCD), and integrated VCD. Additionally, Bcl-2∆ expression was associated with significant increases in isocitrate dehydrogenase and NADH oxidase activities, both rate-controlling mitochondrial enzymes. This is the first comprehensive 13C MFA study to demonstrate that expression of anti-apoptotic genes has a significant impact on intracellular metabolic fluxes, especially in controlling the fate of pyruvate carbon, which has important biotechnology applications for reducing lactate accumulation and enhancing productivity in mammalian cell cultures.  相似文献   

The steady improvement of mammalian cell factories for the production of biopharmaceuticals is a key challenge for the biotechnology community. Recently, small regulatory microRNAs (miRNAs) were identified as novel targets for optimizing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) production cells as they do not add any translational burden to the cell while being capable of regulating entire physiological pathways. The aim of the present study was to elucidate miRNA function in a recombinant CHO‐SEAP cell line by means of a genome‐wide high‐content miRNA screen. This screen revealed that out of the 1, 139 miRNAs examined, 21% of the miRNAs enhanced cell‐specific SEAP productivity mainly resulting in elevated volumetric yields, while cell proliferation was accelerated by 5% of the miRNAs. Conversely, cell death was diminished by 13% (apoptosis) or 4% (necrosis) of all transfected miRNAs. Besides these large number of identified target miRNAs, the outcome of our studies suggest that the entire miR‐30 family substantially improves bioprocess performance of CHO cells. Stable miR‐30 over expressing cells outperformed parental cells by increasing SEAP productivity or maximum cell density of approximately twofold. Our results highlight the application of miRNAs as powerful tools for CHO cell engineering, identified the miR‐30 family as a critical component of cell proliferation, and support the notion that miRNAs are powerful determinants of cell viability.  相似文献   

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