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Dispersal quality, an important component of seed disperser effectiveness, may strongly affect the rate of plant recruitment. Here we evaluated the quality of Cebus monkey dispersal by comparing the secondary removal fate and germination of fresh and Cebus‐ingested seeds of nine tree species on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Overall, rates of secondary seed removal by vertebrates were low, with most Cebus defecations remaining undisturbed for extended periods on the forest floor. Only four of 30 feces were completely buried by dung beetles, and we found significantly higher vertebrate removal of defecated seeds than control seeds for only one species, Cordia bicolor. Seed germination varied greatly between plant taxa. Seeds of 3 out of 9 species showed significantly higher percent germination after monkey gut passage than control fresh seeds. Germination times tended to be shorter for defecated than for control seeds but were significantly different only for one of nine species, Cecropia insignis. Low rates of seed removal from Cebus feces, coupled with high germination probabilities, suggest high dispersal effectiveness for Cebus and contrasts strongly with patterns of post‐dispersal seed fate recorded for other primate species.  相似文献   

Fungi associated with seeds of tropical trees pervasively affect seed survival and germination, and thus are an important, but understudied, component of forest ecology. Here, we examine the diversity and evolutionary origins of fungi isolated from seeds of an important pioneer tree (Cecropia insignis, Cecropiaceae) following burial in soil for five months in a tropical moist forest in Panama. Our approach, which relied on molecular sequence data because most isolates did not sporulate in culture, provides an opportunity to evaluate several methods currently used to analyse environmental samples of fungi. First, intra- and interspecific divergence were estimated for the nu-rITS and 5.8S gene for four genera of Ascomycota that are commonly recovered from seeds. Using these values we estimated species boundaries for 527 isolates, showing that seed-associated fungi are highly diverse, horizontally transmitted, and genotypically congruent with some foliar endophytes from the same site. We then examined methods for inferring the taxonomic placement and phylogenetic relationships of these fungi, evaluating the effects of manual versus automated alignment, model selection, and inference methods, as well as the quality of BLAST-based identification using GenBank. We found that common methods such as neighbor-joining and Bayesian inference differ in their sensitivity to alignment methods; analyses of particular fungal genera differ in their sensitivity to alignments; and numerous and sometimes intricate disparities exist between BLAST-based versus phylogeny-based identification methods. Lastly, we used our most robust methods to infer phylogenetic relationships of seed-associated fungi in four focal genera, and reconstructed ancestral states to generate preliminary hypotheses regarding the evolutionary origins of this guild. Our results illustrate the dynamic evolutionary relationships among endophytic fungi, pathogens, and seed-associated fungi, and the apparent evolutionary distinctiveness of saprotrophs. Our study also elucidates the diversity, taxonomy, and ecology of an important group of plant-associated fungi and highlights some of the advantages and challenges inherent in the use of ITS data for environmental sampling of fungi.  相似文献   

The use of stones to crack open encapsulated fruit is widespread among wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) inhabiting savanna‐like environments. Some populations in Serra da Capivara National Park (Piauí, Brazil), though, exhibit a seemingly broader toolkit, using wooden sticks as probes, and employing stone tools for a variety of purposes. Over the course of 701.5 hr of visual contact of two wild capuchin groups we recorded 677 tool use episodes. Five hundred and seventeen of these involved the use of stones, and 160 involved the use of sticks (or other plant parts) as probes to access water, arthropods, or the contents of insects' nests. Stones were mostly used as “hammers”—not only to open fruit or seeds, or smash other food items, but also to break dead wood, conglomerate rock, or cement in search of arthropods, to dislodge bigger stones, and to pulverize embedded quartz pebbles (licking, sniffing, or rubbing the body with the powder produced). Stones also were used in a “hammer‐like” fashion to loosen the soil for digging out roots and arthropods, and sometimes as “hoes” to pull the loosened soil. In a few cases, we observed the re‐utilization of stone tools for different purposes (N=3), or the combined use of two tools—stones and sticks (N=4) or two stones (N=5), as sequential or associative tools. On three occasions, the monkeys used smaller stones to loosen bigger quartz pebbles embedded in conglomerate rock, which were subsequently used as tools. These could be considered the first reports of secondary tool use by wild capuchin monkeys. Am. J. Primatol. 71:242–251, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

David M. Watson 《Biotropica》2013,45(2):195-202
Mistletoes rely on birds for seed dispersal, but the presumed importance of mistletoe‐specialist frugivores has not been critically examined nor compared with generalist frugivores and opportunistic foragers. The contribution of these three groups was compared directly by quantifying bird visitation to fruiting mistletoe plants ( Oryctanthus occidentalis: Loranthaceae) at Barro Colorado Island, Panama, and by comparing these results with proportions calculated from other empirical studies of mistletoe visitation conducted elsewhere. After more than 100 h of timed watches, 23 bird species were recorded visiting eight heavily infected host trees ( Luehea seemannii: Tiliaceae). Eight of these species visited mistletoe, of which five (all tyrannids) consumed mistletoe fruit. Although two mistletoe specialist frugivores ( Tyrannulus elatus and Zimmerius vilissimus) removed most fruit (73%), more than a quarter was consumed by one generalist frugivore ( Mionectes oleagineus) and two opportunists ( Myiozetetes cayanensis and Myiozetetes similis). Post consumption behaviour varied: the specialists flew from mistletoe to mistletoe, the generalist rested in the subcanopy and understory, and the opportunists spent most time hawking insects and resting high in the canopy. Integrating these data with previous work, the dietary specialization, short gut passage rate and strict habitat preferences of mistletoe specialists suggests that their services relate primarily to intensification and contagious dispersal, while species with broader diets are more likely to visit uninfected trees and establish new infections. The presumed importance of mistletoe‐specialist frugivores was not supported and mistletoes are considered to be comparable to many other bird‐dispersed plants, relying on both specialist and generalist frugivores, while opportunists may be disproportionately important in long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

The genital plugs of two species of the asper group of Bothriurus (Scorpiones: Bothriuridae) are described and compared with other genital plugs reported in the family Bothriuridae. In both species, B. asper and Bothriurus sp., the genital plug is cone-shaped and formed by fusion of the basal lobes of the hemispermatophore. Fusion is complete in B. asper and the surface of the plug has many microspines that anchor it to the female genital atrium. In Bothriurus sp., the basal lobes are partially fused, but free on the dorsal side, and the plug has a smooth surface with a dorsal curvature. Both genital plugs completely fill the genital atrium of inseminated females, pressing against the cuticular wall of the atrium. Given the large size and complex shape, the genital plug of the B. asper group is unique, not only among Bothriuridae, but in the order Scorpiones. This new type of genital plug resembles the genital plugs of the scorpion families Urodacidae and Vaejovidae. A comparison of the four major types of genital plugs reported in Bothriurus species and some other bothriurids is provided, as well as a comparison with other genital plugs reported in more distantly related families of scorpions.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate structures in the interior of a blood group A active substance (MSS) were exposed by one and by two Smith degradations. Reactivities of the original glycoprotein and its Smith degraded products with 13 different lectins and with anti-I Ma were studied by quantitative precipitin assay. MSS and its first Smith degraded product completely precipitated Ricinus communis hemagglutinin with five times less of the first Smith degraded glycoprotein being required for 50% precipitation. The second Smith degraded material precipitated only 90% of the lectin. MSS did not precipitate peanut lectin, whereas its first and second Smith degraded products completely precipitated the lectin. The first Smith degraded glycoprotein also reacted well with Wistaria floribunda, Maclura pomifera, Bauhinia purpurea alba, and Geodia lectins indicating that its carbohydrate moiety could contain dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 3dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAc, dGalβ1 → 3dGlcNAcβ1 → 3dGal and/or dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 6dGal and/or dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 6dGalNAc determinants at nonreducing ends. The second Smith degraded material precipitated well with Ricinus communis hemagglutinin, Arachis hypogaea, Geodia cydonium, Maclura pomifera, and Helix pomatia lectins showing that dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 3dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAc residues at terminal nonreducing ends could be involved. Monoclonal anti-I Ma (group 1) serum reacted strongly with the first Smith degraded product indicating large numbers of anti-I Ma determinants, dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → d 6dGal and/or dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 6dGalNAc at nonreducing ends. The comparable activities of the native and Smith degraded products with wheat germ lectin indicate capacity to react with DGlcNAc residues at nonreducing ends and/or at positions in the interior of the chain. The totality of lectin reactivities indicates heterogeneity of the carbohydrate side chains. Oligosaccharides with 3H at their reducing ends released from the protein core of the first and second Smith degraded products were obtained by treatment with 0.05 m NaOH and 1 M NaB3H4 at 50 °C for 16 h (Carlson degradation). The liberated reduced oligosaccharides were fractionated by dialysis, followed by retardion, Bio-Gel P-2, P-4, and P-6 columns. They were further purified on charcoal-celite columns, and by preparative paper chromatography and high-pressure liquid chromatography. Their distribution by size was estimated by the yields on dialysis, Bio-Gel P-2, and Bio-Gel P-6 chromatography, and from the radioactivity of the reduced sugars. Of the oligosaccharide fractions from the first Smith degraded product, about 77% of the carbohydrate side chain residues contained from 1 to 6 sugars, 13% from 7 to perhaps 12 sugars, and 10% was nondialyzable (polysaccharides and glycopeptide fragments). Of the second Smith degraded product, approximately 82% of carbohydrate residues had from 1 to 6 sugars, 14% from 7 to perhaps 20 sugars and 4% was nondialyzable. The biological activity profile of the two Smith degraded products together with the size distributions of the oligosaccharides indicated that their carbohydrate side chains, comprised a heterogeneous population ranging in size from 1 to about 12 sugars. When most of these chains that are shorter than hexasaccharides are fully characterized it may be possible to reconstruct the overall structure of the carbohydrate moiety of the blood group substances and account for their biological activities.  相似文献   

We report ELISA studies of the glycosaminoglycan binding properties of recombinant human glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). We demonstrate relatively high affinity binding as soluble heparin competes with an IC50 of 0.1 micro g/ml. The binding of GDNF to heparin is particularly dependent on the presence of 2-O-sulfate groups. Highly sulfated heparan sulfate is also an effective competitor for GDNF binding. We also show that heparin at low concentrations protects GDNF from proteolytic modification by an endoprotease and also promotes the binding of GDNF to its receptor polypeptide, GFRalpha1. In both of these actions, 2-O-desulfated heparin is less effective. Considered overall, these findings provide strong support for a hypothesis that the bioactivity of GDNF during prenatal development is essentially dependent on the binding of this growth factor to 2-O-sulfate-rich heparin-related glycosaminoglycan.  相似文献   

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