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We present here the results of carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis of bone collagen undertaken on all skeletal remains of infants and young children below the age of 6 years (n = 34) from the internationally important British cemetery site at Wetwang Slack in East Yorkshire (middle Iron Age, ca. 4th to 2nd centuries BC). The aim of the study is to investigate infant diet, with particular reference to breastfeeding and weaning practices, and to compare the data with previously published studies of archaeological populations, particularly in the context of the variation in data patterns to be seen between sites. The skeletal remains from Wetwang Slack form the only prehistoric collection in the UK, prior to the Romano-British period, with sufficient individuals in this age group to make such an isotopic study viable alongside associated adults and older children. The data are compared in detail with published data from two other sites, one from 19th century Canada and the other from Medieval Britain. The results suggest an unusual situation at Wetwang Slack, with neither the nitrogen nor the carbon isotope ratios conforming to expectations when compared with the putative mothers. We discuss how these data compare with the expectation for breastfed infants and we interpret the divergence in this case to be due to restricted breastfeeding and the early introduction of supplementary foods.  相似文献   



Holocene hunter‐gatherers adapted to climatic and environmental changes over time. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of human skeletal remains from the Inariyama shell mound of the Final Jomon period have revealed large dietary variations in the population. This study analyzed radiocarbon dates of these individuals to test temporal changes in diet and its relationship with tooth ablation.

Materials and Methods

Twenty‐nine human skeletal remains from Inariyama were included in this study. Extracted bone collagen samples were purified to graphite. Then, radiocarbon dating of these samples was performed using the accelerator mass spectrometer.


The radiocarbon ages of Inariyama ranged about, 3,230–2,140 cal BP and showed three peaks of occupation. In the early and late phases, terrestrial resource consumption and incisor extraction were observed, while marine resource consumption and canine extraction were observed in the middle phase.


These temporal changes of diet and tooth ablation types occurred in parallel with climatic cooling and environmental change and help reveal how Holocene hunter‐gatherers adapted to the changing environments.

The reconstruction of diet and subsistence strategies is integral in understanding early human colonizations and cultural adaptations, especially in the Arctic—one of the last areas of North America to be permanently inhabited. However, evidence for early subsistence practices in Western Alaska varies, particularly with regards to the emergence, importance, and intensity of sea mammal hunting. Here, we present stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data from permafrost‐preserved human hair from two new prehistoric sites in Western Alaska, providing a direct measure of diet. The isotope evidence indicates a heavy reliance on sea mammal protein among the earlier Norton‐period group (1,750 ± 40 cal BP), confirming that the complex hunting technologies required to intensively exploit these animals were most likely already in place in this region by at least the beginning of 1st millennium AD. In contrast, analysis of the more recent Thule‐period hair samples (650 ± 40 cal BP; 570 ± 30 cal BP) reveals a more mixed diet, including terrestrial animal protein. Sequential isotope analysis of two longer human hair locks indicates seasonal differences in diet in a single Norton‐period individual but demonstrates little dietary variation in a Thule‐period individual. These analyses provide direct evidence for dietary differences among Alaska's early Eskimo groups and confirm the antiquity of specialized sea mammal hunting and procurement technologies. The results of this study have implications for our understanding of human adaptation to maritime and high‐latitude environments, and the geographical and temporal complexity in early Arctic subsistence. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:448–461, 2013.© 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Understanding turnover rates of stable isotopes in metabolically active tissues is critical for making spatial connections for migratory birds because samples provide information about pre‐migratory location only until the tissue turns over to reflect local values. We calculated stable‐hydrogen isotope (δ2H) turnover rate in the red blood cells of two long‐distance migratory songbirds, Bicknell's Thrushes (Catharus bicknelli) and Swainson's Thrushes (Catharus ustulatus), using samples collected at a breeding site in New Brunswick, Canada. Blood from both species captured early in the breeding site was more positive in δ2H than blood sampled later in the summer, but did not match blood values for wintering Bicknell's Thrushes. An asymptotic exponential model was used to estimate turnover of red blood cell δ2H and yielded a half‐life estimate of 21 days and 14 days for Bicknell's and Swainson's thrushes, respectively. Red blood cells of both species approached the local breeding site value one month after the first individuals were detected at the site. For Bicknell's Thrushes, estimated δ2H in blood at arrival (?72‰) was closer to blood collected at wintering sites (mean ?61‰) than to expected breeding site δ2H (?120‰). Discrimination values calculated for red blood cells collected at the breeding site for both species were greater than expected based on studies using keratin. Turnover during migration currently limits the use of blood sampled early in the breeding season for connectivity/carry‐over effect studies. However, direct tracking technology such as geolocators can provide information about migration duration, timing, and stopovers that can be used to improve isotopic turnover equations for metabolically active tissues.  相似文献   

Abstract An unusually high diversity of macropods inhabit the rocky areas in the monsoon tropics of the Northern Territory, Australia, yet the mechanisms that allow their niche separation are not clear. Previous studies suggest that the nabarlek, Petrogale concinna, may have a more grazing diet than the short‐eared rock‐wallaby, Petrogale brachyotis, with whom it coexists. Thus, diet may be an important mechanism of niche separation between these species. We examined the diet of the four sympatric species (the black wallaroo Macropus bernardus, common wallaroo Macropus robustus, P. brachyotis and P. concinna) to determine whether there are differences in the dominant plant groups eaten by the species across the landscape and with season. Diets were determined with a macroscopic analysis of the seed and fruit content of scats and an analysis of the 12C to 13C isotope ratios of scats using mass spectrometry. In the dry season the rock‐wallaby species predominantly consumed browse and/or forbs, and the larger wallaroos predominantly consumed grass. However, there was large variation across the landscape in the dry season diets of P. brachyotis, M. bernardus and M. robustus; including high proportions of grass eaten at some sites and high proportions of browse at other sites. In the wet season, greater proportions of grass were eaten by P. brachyotis and M. bernardus than in the dry season. Generally, there was little evidence to support the previous suggestion that P. concinna is more of a grazer than P. brachyotis, but there was some evidence than M. bernardus consumes greater amounts of browse and/or forbs than M. robustus.  相似文献   

Here we report on a stable isotope palaeodietary study of a Imperial Roman population interred near the port of Velia in Southern Italy during the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses were performed on collagen extracted from 117 adult humans as well as a range of fauna to reconstruct individual dietary histories. For the majority of individuals, we found that stable isotope data were consistent with a diet high in cereals, with relatively modest contributions of meat and only minor contributions of marine fish. However, substantial isotopic variation was found within the population, indicating that diets were not uniform. We suggest that a number of individuals, mainly but not exclusively males, had greater access to marine resources, especially high trophic level fish. However, the observed dietary variation did not correlate with burial type, number of grave goods, nor age at death. Also, individuals buried at the necropolis at Velia ate much less fish overall compared with the contemporaneous population from the necropolis of Portus at Isola Sacra, located on the coast close to Rome. Marine and riverine transport and commerce dominated the economy of Portus, and its people were in a position to supplement their own stocks of fish with imported goods in transit to Rome, whereas at Velia marine exploitation existed side‐by‐side with land‐based economic activities. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Water stress (WS) slows growth and photosynthesis (An), but most knowledge comes from short‐time studies that do not account for longer term acclimation processes that are especially relevant in tree species. Using two Eucalyptus species that contrast in drought tolerance, we induced moderate and severe water deficits by withholding water until stomatal conductance (gsw) decreased to two pre‐defined values for 24 d, WS was maintained at the target gsw for 29 d and then plants were re‐watered. Additionally, we developed new equations to simulate the effect on mesophyll conductance (gm) of accounting for the resistance to refixation of CO2. The diffusive limitations to CO2, dominated by the stomata, were the most important constraints to An. Full recovery of An was reached after re‐watering, characterized by quick recovery of gm and even higher biochemical capacity, in contrast to the slower recovery of gsw. The acclimation to long‐term WS led to decreased mesophyll and biochemical limitations, in contrast to studies in which stress was imposed more rapidly. Finally, we provide evidence that higher gm under WS contributes to higher intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE) and reduces the leaf oxidative stress, highlighting the importance of gm as a target for breeding/genetic engineering.  相似文献   

Batteries with high energy and power densities along with long cycle life and acceptable safety at an affordable cost are critical for large‐scale applications such as electric vehicles and smart grids, but is challenging. Lithium–sulfur (Li‐S) batteries are attractive in this regard due to their high energy density and the abundance of sulfur, but several hurdles such as poor cycle life and inferior sulfur utilization need to be overcome for them to be commercially viable. Li–S cells with high capacity and long cycle life with a dual‐confined flexible cathode configuration by encapsulating sulfur in nitrogen‐doped double‐shelled hollow carbon spheres followed by graphene wrapping are presented here. Sulfur/polysulfides are effectively immobilized in the cathode through physical confinement by the hollow spheres with porous shells and graphene wrapping as well as chemical binding between heteronitrogen atoms and polysulfides. This rationally designed free‐standing nanostructured sulfur cathode provides a well‐built 3D carbon conductive network without requiring binders, enabling a high initial discharge capacity of 1360 mA h g?1 at a current rate of C/5, excellent rate capability of 600 mA h g?1 at 2 C rate, and sustainable cycling stability for 200 cycles with nearly 100% Coulombic efficiency, suggesting its great promise for advanced Li–S batteries.  相似文献   

The establishment of either forest or grassland on degraded cropland has been proposed as an effective method for climate change mitigation because these land use types can increase soil carbon (C) stocks. This paper synthesized 135 recent publications (844 observations at 181 sites) focused on the conversion from cropland to grassland, shrubland or forest in China, better known as the ‘Grain‐for‐Green’ Program to determine which factors were driving changes to soil organic carbon (SOC). The results strongly indicate a positive impact of cropland conversion on soil C stocks. The temporal pattern for soil C stock changes in the 0–100 cm soil layer showed an initial decrease in soil C during the early stage (<5 years), and then an increase to net C gains (>5 years) coincident with vegetation restoration. The rates of soil C change were higher in the surface profile (0–20 cm) than in deeper soil (20–100 cm). Cropland converted to forest (arbor) had the additional benefit of a slower but more persistent C sequestration capacity than shrubland or grassland. Tree species played a significant role in determining the rate of change in soil C stocks (conifer < broadleaf, evergreen < deciduous forests). Restoration age was the main factor, not temperature and precipitation, affecting soil C stock change after cropland conversion with higher initial soil C stock sites having a negative effect on soil C accumulation. Soil C sequestration significantly increased with restoration age over the long‐term, and therefore, the large scale of land‐use change under the ‘Grain‐for‐Green’ Program will significantly increase China's C stocks.  相似文献   

The world's oceans have undergone significant ecological changes following European colonial expansion and associated industrialization. Seabirds are useful indicators of marine food web structure and can be used to track multidecadal environmental change, potentially reflecting long‐term human impacts. We used stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) analysis of feathers from glaucous‐winged gulls (Larus glaucescens) in a heavily disturbed region of the northeast Pacific to ask whether diets of this generalist forager changed in response to shifts in food availability over 150 years, and whether any detected change might explain long‐term trends in gull abundance. Sampled feathers came from birds collected between 1860 and 2009 at nesting colonies in the Salish Sea, a transboundary marine system adjacent to Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada. To determine whether temporal trends in stable isotope ratios might simply reflect changes to baseline environmental values, we also analysed muscle tissue from forage fishes collected in the same region over a multidecadal timeframe. Values of δ13C and δ15N declined since 1860 in both subadult and adult gulls (δ13C, ~ 2–6‰; δ15N, ~4–5‰), indicating that their diet has become less marine over time, and that birds now feed at a lower trophic level than previously. Conversely, forage fish δ13C and δ15N values showed no trends, supporting our conclusion that gull feather values were indicative of declines in marine food availability rather than of baseline environmental change. Gradual declines in feather isotope values are consistent with trends predicted had gulls consumed less fish over time, but were equivocal with respect to whether gulls had switched to a more garbage‐based diet, or one comprising marine invertebrates. Nevertheless, our results suggest a long‐term decrease in diet quality linked to declining fish abundance or other anthropogenic influences, and may help to explain regional population declines in this species and other piscivores.  相似文献   

This study compared the performance of the stable isotope composition of carbon (δ13C), oxygen (δ18O) and nitrogen (δ15N) by tracking plant response and genotypic variability of durum wheat to different salinity conditions. To that end, δ13C, δ18O and δ15N were analysed in dry matter (dm) and the water‐soluble fraction (wsf) of leaves from plants exposed to salinity, either soon after plant emergence or at anthesis. The δ13C and δ18O of the wsf recorded the recent growing conditions, including changes in evaporative conditions. Regardless of the plant part (dm or wsf), δ13C and δ18O increased and δ15N decreased in response to stress. When the stress conditions were established just after emergence, δ15N and δ13C correlated positively with genotypic differences in biomass, whereas δ18O correlated negatively in the most severe treatment. When the stress conditions were imposed at anthesis, relationships between the three isotope signatures and biomass were only significant and positive within the most severe treatments. The results show that nitrogen metabolism, together with stomatal limitation, is involved in the genotypic response to salinity, with the relative importance of each factor depending on the severity and duration of the stress as well as the phenological stage that the stress occurs.  相似文献   

Solid‐state NMR studies of collagen samples of various origins confirm that the amplitude of collagen backbone and sidechain motions increases significantly on increasing the water content. This conclusion is supported by the changes observed in three different NMR observables: (i) the linewidth dependence on the 1H decoupling frequency; (ii) 13C CSA changes for the peptide carbonyl groups, and (iii) dephasing rates of 1H‐13C dipolar couplings. In particular, a nearly threefold increase in motional amplitudes of the backbone librations about C‐Cα or N‐Cα bonds was found on increasing the added water content up to 47 wt%D2O. On the basis of the frequencies of NMR observables involved, the timescale of the protein motions dependent on the added water content is estimated to be of the order of microseconds. This estimate agrees with that from wideline T2 1H NMR measurements. Also, our wideline 1H NMR measurements revealed that the timescale of the microsecond motions in proteins reduces significantly on increasing the added water content, i.e., an ~15‐fold increase in protein motional frequencies is observed on increasing the added water content to 45 wt% D2O. The observed changes in collagen dynamics is attributed to the increase in water translational diffusion on increasing the amount of added water, which leads to more frequent “bound water/free water” exchange on the protein surface, accompanied by the breakage and formation of new hydrogen bonds with polar functionalities of protein. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 246–256, 2014.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphy, calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, carbon‐ and oxygen‐isotope stratigraphy and gamma‐ray profile are presented for the Skælskør‐1 core, eastern Denmark. The correlation of carbon isotopes to Gubbio (Italy) and ODP Site 762C (Indian Ocean) provides the chronostratigrahical framework of the core through a tie to magnetostratigraphy. Two new carbon‐isotope excursions are defined for the uppermost Maastrichtian of the core and prove useful for long‐distance correlation. Twenty stratigraphic tie‐points are used for correlation of the upper Campanian–Maastrichtian interval by combining carbon‐isotope and gamma‐ray variations. Significant dissimilarities in the gamma‐ray profiles of the Danish Basin cores preclude the sole use of this tool for basin‐scale correlations. Bulk oxygen‐isotopes and semi‐quantitative abundance changes in the warm‐water calcareous nannofossil Watznaueria barnesiae and the cool‐water Kamptnerius magnificus highlight the following past changes in sea‐surface temperatures (SSTs): relatively warm late Campanian SSTs, cooling across the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary and through the early Maastrichtian, warming across the early–late Maastrichtian transition, cooling in the late Maastrichtian, intense warming in the latest Maastrichtian chron C29r, followed by a very short episode of cooling immediately before the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary. The late Campanian–Maastrichtian evolution in sea water temperatures inferred from the Danish Basin is similar to that delineated at tropical latitude oceanic sites.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 on foliar concentrations of nitrogen, mineral nutrients and phenolics, and leaf toughness, in seedlings of two common rainforest trees from north‐east Queensland, Australia. The trees were the pioneer species Alphitonia petriei Braid and C. White and the mid‐successional species Flindersia brayleyana F. Muell. Both species are important in the diets of folivorous marsupials endemic to the region. Seedlings were grown in native rainforest soils (nutrient‐rich basalt and nutrient‐poor rhyolite) and exposed to unreplicated treatments of ambient (350 p.p.m.) and elevated (790 p.p.m.) CO2 for 60 days in a glasshouse. The foliage of seedlings exposed to elevated CO2 had lower concentrations of nitrogen and sodium than did seedlings exposed to ambient conditions. Nitrogen levels declined by 4.5 mg g‐1 in Alphitonia and 5.9 mg/g in Flindersia, or 25 and 29% of ambient levels, respectively. Sodium levels declined by 44% in both species. In Flindersia, concentrations of phosphorus, potassium and calcium were also reduced in elevated CO2 by 19–28% of ambient levels, but these minerals did not vary with CO2 treatment in Alphitonia. In elevated CO2, levels of condensed tannins were higher in Flindersia, but not Alphitonia. Levels of total phenolics did not vary significantly with CO2 in Flindersia; whereas in Alphitonia, total phenolics were lower in elevated CO2, but only on basalt soils. Leaves were thicker in both species in elevated CO2. Leaves were tougher in both species in elevated CO2, but only on rhyolite soils. If the results of the present study can be extrapolated to mature trees exposed to elevated CO2 over the long‐term, folivores would be expected to become less abundant under elevated CO2 conditions, as foliar chemistry is a good predictor of folivore abundance in the higher elevation rainforests of north‐east Queensland.  相似文献   


We investigated the physiological responses of Elaeagnus angustifolia to variation in groundwater depth. Elaeagnus angustifolia seedlings were grown in the Minqin desert in lysimeters supplied with underground water at the soil depth of 1.40 m and 3.40 m. Results showed that constant access to groundwater allowed plants supplied with water at the lower soil layer to meet their water requirement and, consequently, they were not affected by water stress. There were no differences in A max (the net CO2 assimilation rate under conditions of photosynthetically photon flux density and CO2 saturation), J max (maximum rate of electron transport) and stomatal conductance between the two underground water treatments. However, plants with deeper groundwater had a significantly higher V cmax (i.e. a higher carboxylation efficiency of Rubisco) and mesophyll conductance resulting in increased photosynthesis measured at the CO2 growth condition (A) and, consequently higher intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUE). However, respiration was also increased in plants grown with deeper groundwater. This may have offset the increased A and led to a similar long-term WUE, as expressed by carbon isotope discrimination (δ13C), between the two ground water treatments. In the present study, we also found a high foliage nitrogen concentration in the E. angustifolia plants (3.75% on average), that may be very significant ecologically in improving soil properties. The physiological traits of E. angustifolia found in this study confirm that the use of perennial phreatophytic, nitrogen fixing species has significant potential to positively impact soil fertility and carbon sequestration under environmental conditions found in the Minqin desert.  相似文献   

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