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In the present study, groups of ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus, reared singly, were exposed to defined numbers of Anguillicoloides crassus or Camallanus lacustris under controlled laboratory conditions. Infection took place orally through feeding G. cernuus with axenically cultured and laboratory infected copepods, in which the parasites had developed to the infective third stage (L3). Mean prevalence (94·3%) and infection probability (38·5%) for the established C. lacustris were significantly higher than for the neozoic A. crassus (14·3 and 1·0%, respectively). Peripheral blood leukocytes were significantly increased in infected fish, apparently independent of exposure level, parasite species or intensity of infection compared to the controls. In infected fish, the gonado‐somatic index (IG) was significantly reduced by c. 50%, and the spleen‐somatic index (IS) was significantly increased compared to controls. Both parasites raised similar physiological and immunological responses in G. cernuus, which was able to effectively reject the neozoic A. crassus.  相似文献   

Rapid and dramatic change in the fish community of Loch Lomond has resulted from a series of fish introductions in recent years. A comparison of the diet of pike, Esox lucius L., in 1989–1990 with data from 1955–1967, prior to recent introductions, demonstrates a shift in prey choice. In 1955–1967 powan, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), dominated in the diet (57% of prey by number) by 1989–1990 the introduced ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.), was the commonest prey species (44% by number). This shift in pike predation to an abundant population of introduced ruffe has consequences for native species. Assuming that the pike population has not increased in response to increased food availability due to the introduction of ruffe, pike predation pressure on native species will be relieved. This is likely to have the greatest effect on powan. Comparison of the predation rate in 1955–1967 with 1989–1990 supports the hypothesis that the rate of predation on powan has declined, although the effect that this may have on the powan population is unclear, as the role of predation in the regulation of population size is unknown for this species.  相似文献   

A bioenergetics model was constructed for ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus , and the model was used to estimate the food consumption of a native G. cernuus stock in Pyhäjärvi, a large mesotrophic lake in south-west Finland. The parameters for the bioenergetics model were determined through laboratory experiments conducted at several temperatures between 5 and 22° C for different sized G. cernuus (from 6 to 27 g). The model was verified and validated with independent laboratory growth experiments. The validated model was applied to field data from Pyhäjärvi to estimate the food consumption of G. cernuus and its effects on the zoobenthos community during the years 2002–2004. The total annual food consumption of the G. cernuus stock ranged from 11·6 to 15·7 g m−2 (wet mass). Chironomidae was the most abundant prey, 81% of the total consumption. The annual total production of zoobenthos in Pyhäjärvi was 15·2 g m−2 (wet mass). Therefore, it can be concluded that G. cernuus stock is likely to exert a significant influence on the zoobenthos community in this lake, indicating a potential role of G. cernuus as an influential invasive species in many freshwater ecosystems in Europe and North America.  相似文献   

The growth, reproduction and condition of adults of the three dominant fish species (roach, Rutilus rutilus, (L.); perch, Perca fluviatilis, L. and ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernuus, (L.)) in the eutrophic Lake Aydat were studied over one year cycle. Compared to published data, the growth of R. rutilus and G. cernuus was about average, while that of P. fluviatilis was below average. Comparing to literature, the fecundity of R. rutilus and G. cernuus was low but their oocytes were large. In contrast, P. fluviatilis had a high fecundity but small oocytes. At the end of summer, an abrupt decrease in the condition was recorded only for perch, probably due to stress as a result of environmental conditions. The sex-ratio was in favour of females for the three studied species but, in contrast to G. cernuus, the sex-ratio of R. rutilus and P. fluviatilis increased significantly also with age. It is concluded that Lake Aydat is a more favourable environment for R. rutilus and G. cernuus than for P. fluviatilis.  相似文献   

The diet of ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus was studied in two native populations in lakes of different productivity in south-west Finland using both traditional stomach content analyses and stable isotopes. According to stomach content analyses, chironomids were the most important prey type in both lakes and the diversity of the other prey reflected the zoobenthos community in the lake. Stable isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen showed distinctive lake-specific and total length ( L T)-related patterns in both δ13C and δ15N values, which could not be explained solely with diet changes. In the large mesotrophic Pyhäjärvi, both 13C and 15N isotopes became slightly enriched with increasing ruffe L T, although stomach contents analyses did not suggest any diet change in larger ruffe. In the hypereutrophic Köyliönjärvi, the carbon isotope signatures of ruffe especially showed wide variation (−33·5 to −24·1‰), which was probably due to variable consumption of prey items with highly negative carbon isotope signatures. Overall, this study emphasizes that the interpretation of stable isotope results requires extensive background data of the system and that even then the diet composition of a consumer may be very difficult to define due to large variation in the signatures.  相似文献   

Complex habitat structures can influence the foraging success of fish. Competition for food between fish species can therefore depend on the competitors' abilities to cope with structural complexity. In laboratory experiments, we comparatively assessed effects of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha Pall .) on the foraging success of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.)). In single‐species and mixed‐species experiments, the fish were fed caddisfly larvae (Tinodes waeneri (L.)) over complex (mussel‐covered stones) and less‐complex (bare stones) substrates. With intraspecific competition, food consumption by perch and ruffe decreased significantly when the complex substrate was used. With interspecific competition, food consumption by perch and ruffe did not change with substrate complexity, but perch clearly out‐competed ruffe on both substrates. Zebra mussel beds provide a refuge for macrozoobenthos against predation by ruffe and probably also by perch. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

1. The outcome of interspecific competition for food resources depends both on the competitors’ sensory abilities and on environmental conditions. In laboratory experiments we tested the influence of daylight and darkness on feeding behaviour and specific growth rate (SGR) of two species with different sensory abilities. 2. We used perch (Perca fluviatilis) as a visually orientated, and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) as a mechano‐sensory oriented predator and tested their growth rates and behaviour under conditions of interspecific and intraspecific competition. Three different foraging conditions were used: food supplied (i) only during the day, (ii) only during the night or (iii) during both day and night. 3. In perch neither SGR nor feeding behaviour were influenced substantially by interspecific competition during daylight. During darkness their foraging behaviour changed markedly and their access to the food source as well as their SGR were negatively affected by the presence of ruffe. 4. Ruffe's foraging behaviour did not change during either day or night with interspecific competition. During the night ruffe's SGR was higher with interspecific competition, probably because of a release from intraspecific competition and the competitive inferiority of perch during the night. 5. Because of its seonsory abilities ruffe feeds predominantly at night, thereby reducing competitive interference from perch.  相似文献   

Synopsis Diet, habitat use, diel and seasonal activity and a number of population parameters were studied on ruffe,Gymnocephalus cernuus, introduced to Mildevatn, western Norway. This lake is sited outside the natural range of the ruffe and has a lower fish diversity and a different fish species composition than within its native range. From June through September the ruffe was planktivorous and mainly caught at 4 to 6 m depth in the benthic zone. At other times of year ruffe was feeding on zoobenthos and caught deeper in the benthic zone. Ruffe was mainly day active. Zooplankton feeding during summer is the clearest difference compared to ruffe populations living within its natural range. Presence of large zooplankton organisms available for ruffe is suggested as the main reason for the difference found in food choice. The availability of large zooplankton is probably due to community structure caused by a predator and lack of interspecific competition for zooplankton in the deeper parts of the lake. Piscivorous brown trout.Salmo trutta, restrict the habitat of threespined stickleback,Gasterosteus aculeatus, to the zone of littoral vegetation, allowing high densities of larger zooplankton species likeBythotrephes longimanus to be present in the lake. Brown trout is present only in the upper light and well oxygenated parts of the lake, leaving a refuge for the ruffe, where they can feed on the rich zooplankton community.  相似文献   

The course of infection of 2-year-old ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus L.) from the Oder River (Germany/Poland) with third-stage larvae (L3) of Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda: Anguillicolidae) was investigated at monthly intervals between March 1994 and March 1995. Of 230 fish examined, 152 (66%) harboured viable L3. Monthly prevalences fluctuated between 12 and 96%; mean intensities ranged from 1.0 to 5.6 L3 per infected fish. Temperature-dependent differences in infection were noted with the prevalence and mean intensity of infection being significantly higher (Chi-Square test and Mann-Whitney-U-test, respectively; ) at water temperatures less than 10 degrees C (cold period) than at those above (warm period). These differences remained significant even after the division of fish samples into two size classes (8.5-10.5 cm, 11-13 cm). Although the paratenic hosts may acquire infections year round, the results suggest that ruffe become infected mainly during the cold season and that the host's feeding ecology determines the final course of infection.  相似文献   

In shallow environments, under certain conditions of fetch, wind velocity, bathymetry and bottom characteristics, resuspension can be generated by wind induced waves. In the tropical Ebrié lagoon, austral trade winds are dominant almost all year long, and their velocity shows a marked diel pattern with maximum speed between noon and midnight. Only austral trade winds with a speed >3 m s−1 allow particle resuspension which is effective for depths<1.5 m. In these areas, significantly higher values of chlorophyll biomass and mineral seston are noted during the windy sequences. Granulometric and mineralogical analyses showed that only the surficial sediment (0–3 cm) was involved in resuspension. This process induces several effects: 1) an increase of the suspended matter concentration in the water and thus a light attenuation due to a higher turbidity, 2) a redistribution in the whole water column of nutrients from the pore water and 3) a removal of the finer fractions from the superficial sediment. On the contrary, for depths>1.5 m, particle sinking is permanent in depressions which are spontaneously transformed into anoxic systems. At the lagoon scale, sedimentation is significantly modified by wind induced resuspension. According to the bathymetry and the distance from a river, three sedimentary facies are recognized. Their grain size distributions are parabolic in areas where resuspension occurs, logarithmic in areas where no resuspension is possible and hyperbolic in the hollows and the main channels. Finally, a large part of the allochthonous inputs (from drainage and rivers) and autochthonous pelagic production is trapped into the Ebrié lagoon and less than 10% of the particles entering the lagoon are exported toward the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

P. E. Schmid 《Aquatic Ecology》1992,26(2-4):419-429
Four common species of larval and emerging chironomids were investigated during 1981 and between 1984/1985 in an alpine gravel brook. The emergence patterns ofN. dubius, O. rivulorum andH. ornaticollis were significantly affected by fluctuations of the water level, while rises in water temperature tended to trigger the peaks in emergence of the same species and ofO. frigidus. N. dubius exhibited its main emergence activity over areas of bed sediment which had a lower mean water velocity or were discontinuously flooded. On the other hand, the imagines ofO. frigidus, O. rivulorum andH. ornaticollis reached peak densities in zones of the main current channel in the Seebach. The larvae of these species inhabited horizontally and vertically different areas of bed sediment depending on the developmental stage. Early instars ofN. dubius andH. ornaticollis preferred zones near the banks and reached their maximum densities in sediment depths of 10 to 20 cm and 20 to 30 cm, respectively. In contrast, the larvae ofO. frigidus andO. rivulorum reached their highest densities in the first 10 cm of the sediments with significant preferences for the zones of stronger water flow.  相似文献   

Faunal assembly in chironomids was analysed using published data in the fauna of three rivers in southern England and of Great Britain as a whole. Two questions, both relating to the generic composition of local faunal assemblages, were asked: (i) to what extent are faunas from different sites within a single geographical area associated in terms of the occurrence of genera ('generic association'); (ü) given the total number of species observed, is the number of different genera represented ('generic spread') more than would be expected by chance. The latter question relates to the hypothesis that if interspecific competition is a strong organizing force of local faunal assemblages, species would be more likely to occur as widely spread out among different genera, thus decreasing overlap in resource use and hence the possibility of outright competition. Null models of species occurrence were constructed through Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate quantitatively these two questions. Generic association of faunal assemblages from three localities was statistically significant, though there was some variation among different subfamilies of Chironomidae. No evidence of generic diversification (more genera occurring in the fauna than expected by chance) was found. These results and the original questions were given critical considerations in the discussion.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and phosphorus releases from swamp water,Cyperus papyrus plant organs and papyrus swamp sediments were investigated over five weeks. The release of nutrients by dissolution of decomposing organic matter was very important for the swamp water under the prevailing anaerobic conditions. Large amounts of nutrients were found in the incubation water with plant organs and sediments within the first 48 hours. Leaching of the nutrients from the plant organs and sediment caused high initial values. Subsequently decomposition of the organic material caused slight changes in the nutrient levels in the water. Probably denitrification played a role in the nitrogen dynamics, while phosphorus was mineralized.  相似文献   

不同年龄毛竹林养分分布及生物循环特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛竹林是我国重要的森林资源类型,由于片面追求经济效益,许多竹阔混交林被改造为纯林,造成其土壤质量和立地生产力不同程度退化。因此研究毛竹林生产力和营养元素循环特征,对保持毛竹林持续生产力具有重要意义。以湖南桃江县桃花江林场毛竹林作为研究对象,将同一年龄毛竹的株数占据60%以上林地的标准划分各年龄段毛竹林,并研究不同年龄(1年,3年和5年)毛竹林生态系统营养元素含量、积累和分布格局以及生物循环特征。结果表明:竹林层营养元素平均含量均以N和K含量最高,Ca和P较低,各营养元素在毛竹不同器官的含量存在差异且随竹龄变化而变化;因毛竹林年龄不同,死地被物各层次的营养元素含量不同,并且同一年龄毛竹林亦随层次不同而异;土壤层N、P、K元素随着土层深度的增加而递减,Ca则随土层深度增加而增加。竹林层营养元素总积累量为338.31—1104.72 kg/hm2,死地被物层为37.69—46.94 kg/hm2,土壤层为56952.67—63783.22 kg/hm2。不同年龄毛竹林生态系统营养元素年吸收量为237.41—338.3 kg/h...  相似文献   

Summary Copper(II) complexes CuL1L2 with the ligand pairs 3-phosphoglycerate (PG)/ethylenediamine (en), phosphoserine (PS)/ethylenediamine, phosphoserine/malonate (mal) are shown to be effective in inducing the release of both iron atoms from di-ferric transferrin (Fe2Tf; human serum transferrin) at pH 7.3 in 1 M NaCl at 25°C. Half-times of the reaction with Cu(PG)(en) were less than 1 min at 0.02 M concentration. The iron(III) products are polynuclear hydroxo complexes. There is weaker interaction with Cu(PS) 2 4– and virtually none with Cu(serine)(en) nor Cu(PS)(2,2-bipyridyl), revealing crucial effects of the combined ligand sphere including the phosphomonoester group. The results suggest that the release of iron from Fe2Tf, or from either monoferric transferrins, occurred due to the breakdown of the stability of iron binding in conjunction with the expulsion of the synergistic anion carbonate (or oxalate). The active copper(II) complexes are postulated to be models of membrane components that could liberate iron from transferrin succeeding its uptake at the receptor sites of cells.Abbreviations PG phosphoglycerate - PS phosphoserine - en ethylenediamine - Fe2Tf diferric transferrin - FecTf and FeNTf transferrin with iron bound to the lobe containing the C- or N-terminus, respectively - apoTf apotransferrin - K-3 all-cis-1,3,5-tris(trimethylammonio)-2,4,6-cyclo-hexanetriol - NTA nitrilotriacetic acid; bipy, 2,2-bipyridine; mal, malonate  相似文献   

Foliar phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) concentrations and nutrient resorption in the forest understory shrub Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Maxim (Caprifoliaceae) were measured along contiguous topographic gradients in two southwestern Ohio forests during 1992–1994. Mean summer foliar P varied significantly among topographic positions (but not sites or years), with uplands having greatest P concentrations and bottomlands exhibiting the lowest. Unlike for P, the mean summer foliar N concentrations varied little among sites, topographic positions, and years. Mean absolute and proportional P resorption ranged from 0.48 mg/dm2 (33.7%) in slope positions to 0.80 mg/dm2 (53.1%) in bottomland positions. Repeated-measures analysis of variance (RMANOVA) for P resorption indicated significant topographic and year effects, a site × year and a site × year × topographic interaction. Mean absolute and proportional foliar N resorption ranged from 6.82 mg/dm2 (30.7%) in bottomlands to 8.41 mg/dm2 (37.3%) in slope positions. RMANOVA indicated a significant topographic effect for both absolute and proportional N resorption and a significant year effect for absolute N resorption. These significant year effects for P and N stemmed from lowest resorption of nutrients in 1993. The results for P resorption support the hypothesis that foliar resorption is greater in forested sites with lower P fertility. However, resorption rates for N did not support the hypothesis clearly, as slopes with intermediate N availability had greater N resorption rates than did N-rich bottomlands.  相似文献   

Bakker  C.  Vink  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,282(1):101-116
Nutrients The inflow of Rhine water into the Oosterschelde was strongly reduced from 1987 onwards. This caused the winter concentrations of silicate and nitrate to decrease in the Eastern compartment, while those in the deeper Western compartment, more dependent on North Sea concentrations, hardly changed. The result was a levelling of the former East-West gradients for these nutrients. In East, summer concentrations of nitrate reached limiting levels in the post-barrier period and molar nitrate/ammonium ratios became < 1, indicating that any release of nitrogen must be important to stimulate phytoplankton growth in this area. Silicate summer concentrations in East, on the other hand, were higher in the new situation. In West, differences in summer nutrient concentrations between the old and new situation were smaller than in East, due to the still continuing exchange with the North Sea. Phytoplankton diatoms and flagellates In East during summer, N-depletion and longer residence times caused the phytoplankton to become strongly dependent on nutrient regeneration processes and increased zooplankton grazing. Average diatom biomass declined, but flagellate biomass rose during summer. Spring conditions for phytoplankton development in this area improved due to the increased water transparency, nutrients being present in excess, and this resulted in a higher new production of diatoms than before.In West, summer biomass of diatoms decreased, probably due to increased consumption by mussels under conditions of longer residence times; nutrients were not limiting, due to important benthic mineralization processes and exchange with the North Sea. The previously existing West-East biomass gradients disappeared, or sometimes reversed.Experimental (mesocosm studies) as well as field data, reported in the literature, give evidence for the given explanations.  相似文献   

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