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The recent literature on hemozoin/β-hematin formation is reviewed, with an emphasis on the mechanism of its formation. Recent findings from unrelated organisms that produce hemozoin, namely the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, the worm Schistosoma mansoni and the kissing bug Rhodnius prolixus all of which consume human hemoglobin show that the formation of this crystalline substance occurs within or at the surface of lipids. Biomimetic experimental models of the lipid–water interface as well as computational studies indicate that these lipid environments are probably extraordinarily efficient at producing hemozoin. A rethink is now needed, with a new emphasis on Fe(III)PPIX in non-aqueous environments that mimic lipids and indeed within the lipid environment itself. These findings are explored and discussed in the context of earlier studies on β-hematin formation.  相似文献   

Formation of hemozoin in the malaria parasite, due to its unique nature, is an attractive molecular target. Several laboratories have been trying to unravel the molecular mechanism of hemozoin biosynthesis within the parasite digestive vacuoles. Use of different assay protocols for in vitro beta-hematin (synthetic identical to hemozoin) formation by these laboratories has led to inconsistent and often contradictory findings. Much of the difficulty may be attributed to oligomeric heme aggregates, which may be indistinguishable in some detection approaches if adequate separation of beta-hemtin is not achieved. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a widely accepted protocol for in vitro beta-hematin formation. We describe here a spectrophotometric assay for in vitro beta-hematin formation. The assay has been validated with the Plasmodium falciparum lysate, the parasite lipid extracts, and some commercially available fatty acids, which are known to initiate/catalyze beta-hematin formation in vitro. The necessity for multiple wash steps for accurate quantification of de novo hemozoin/beta-hematin formation was verified experimentally. It was necessary to wash the pellet, which contains beta-hematin and heme aggregates, sequentially with Tris/SDS buffer and alkaline bicarbonate solution for complete removal of monomeric heme and heme aggregates and accurate quantification of beta-hematin formed during the assay. The pellets and side products in the supernatant were characterized by infrared spectroscopy. No beta-hematin formation occurred in the absence of a catalytic/initiating factor. Based on these findings, a filtration-based assay that uses 96-well microplates, and which has important application in in vitro screening and identification of novel inhibitors of hemozoin formation as potential blood schizontocidal antimalarials, has been developed.  相似文献   

The most common and deadly form of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, is responsible for 1.5–2.7 million deaths and 300–500 million acute illnesses annually [Bremen in J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 64:1–11 (2001); World Health Organization (2002)]. Hemozoin, the biomineral formed to detoxify the free heme produced during parasitic hemoglobin catabolism, has long been suspected of contributing to the pathological immunodeficiencies that occur during malarial infection. While there is a growing consensus in the literature that native hemozoin maintains immunosuppressive activity, there is considerable controversy over the reactivity of the synthetic form, β-hematin (BH). Given the emerging importance of hemozoin in modulating a host immune response to malarial infection, a careful examination of the effects of the constitutive components of the malaria pigment on macrophage response has been made in order to clarify the understanding of this process. Herein, we present evidence that BH alone is unable to inhibit stimulation of NADPH oxidase and inducible nitric oxide synthase, the key enzymes involved in oxidative burst, and is sensitive to the microbicidal agents of these enzymes both in vitro and in vivo. Further, by systematically examining each of the malaria pigment’s components, we were able to dissect their impact on the immune reactivity of a macrophage model cell line. Reactions between BH and red blood cell (RBC) ghosts effectively reconstituted the observed immunomodulatory reactivity of native hemozoin. Together, these results suggest that the interaction between hemozoin and the RBC lipids results in the generation of toxic products and that these products are responsible for disrupting macrophage function in vivo.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorized users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Propionic and methylmalonic acidemic patients have severe neurologic symptoms whose etiopathogeny is still obscure. Since increase of lactic acid is detected in the urine of these patients, especially during metabolic decompensation when high concentrations of methylmalonate (MMA) and propionate (PA) are produced, it is possible that cellular respiration may be impaired in these individuals. Therefore, we investigated the effects of MMA and PA (1, 2.5 and 5 mM), the principal metabolites which accumulate in these conditions, on the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex activities succinate: 2,6-dichloroindophenol (DCIP) oxireductase (complex II); succinate: cytochrome c oxireductase (complexII+CoQ+III); NADH: cytochrome c oxireductase (complex I+CoQ+complex III); and cytochrome c oxidase (COX) (complex IV) from cerebral cortex homogenates of young rats. The effect of MMA on ubiquinol: cytochrome c oxireductase (complex III) and NADH: ubiquinone oxireductase (complex I) activities was also tested. Control groups did not contain MMA and PA in the incubation medium. MMA significantly inhibited complex I+III (32–46%), complex I (61–72%), and complex II+III (15–26%), without affecting significantly the activities of complexes II, III and IV. However, by using 1 mM succinate in the assay instead of the usual 16 mM concentration, MMA was able to significantly inhibit complex II activity in the brain homogenates. In contrast, PA did not affect any of these mitochondrial enzyme activities. The effect of MMA and PA on succinate: phenazine oxireductase (soluble succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)) was also measured in mitochondrial preparations. The results showed significant inhibition of the soluble SDH activity by MMA (11–27%) in purified mitochondrial fractions. Thus, if the in vitro inhibition of the oxidative phosphorylation system is also expressed under in vivo conditions, a deficit of brain energy production might explain some of the neurological abnormalities found in patients with methylmalonic acidemia (MMAemia) and be responsible for the lactic acidemia/aciduria identified in some of them.  相似文献   

Micro-Raman spectra of hemozoin encapsulated within the food vacuole of a Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocyte are presented. The spectrum of hemozoin is identical to the spectrum of beta-hematin at all applied excitation wavelengths. The unexpected observation of dramatic band enhancement of A(1g) modes including nu(4) (1374 cm(-1)) observed when applying 780 nm excitation enabled Raman imaging of hemozoin in the food vacuole. This unusual enhancement, resulting from excitonic coupling between linked porphyrin moieties in the extended porphyrin array, enables the investigation of hemozoin within its natural environment for the first time.  相似文献   

Compounds obtained by the condensation of ursolic acid (UA) with 1,4-bis(3-aminopropyl)piperazines have previously been shown as cytocidal to Plasmodium falciparum strains. Preliminary results indicated that the inhibition of β-hematin formation (one of the possible mechanisms of action of antimalarial drugs) was achieved by a few of these molecules with varying efficiencies. To gain further insight in the antimalarial action of UA derivatives, we report here the results of additional pathways that may explain their in vitro cytocidal activity such as inhibition of hemin degradation by H2O2 or glutathione (GSH). H2O2-mediated hemin degradation was drastically reduced by hydroxybenzyl-substituted UA derivatives while UA and intermediate compounds displayed weaker inhibitory actions. The results of GSH-mediated hemin degradation inhibition did not parallel those of H2O2 degradation as hydroxybenzyl-substituted UA only proved to be a weak inhibitor. As H2O2 interaction with the iron moiety of hemin is the first step towards its degradation, we assume that the interaction of our products with the ferric ion in the hemin structure is of upmost importance in inhibiting its peroxidative degradation. A two-step mechanism of action implying (1) stacking of the acetylursolic acid structure to hemin and (2) additive protection of hemin ferric iron from H2O2 by hydroxyphenyl groups through steric hindrance and/or trapping of oxygen reactive species in the direct neighborhood of ferric iron can be put forward. For GSH degradation pathway, grafting of UA structure with a piperazine structure gave the best inhibition, pleading for the implication of this latter moiety in the inhibitory process.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectroscopy was applied to monitor the effects of chloroquine (CQ) treatment on cultures of Plasmodium falciparum trophozoites. A number of bands assigned to A(1g) and B(1g) modes characteristic of the haemozoin aggregate are reduced in intensity in the CQ-treated cells, however, no bands from the CQ are observed. The intensity changes are attributed to intermolecular drug binding of the CQ in a sandwich type complex between ferriprotoporphyrin IX (FePPIX) dimer units. It is postulated that the CQ binds via pi-pi interactions between adjacent and orientated porphyrins thereby disrupting the haemozoin aggregate and reducing excitonic interactions between adjacent haems. The results show the potential of Raman microscopy as a screening tool for FePPIX:drug interactions in live cells.  相似文献   

The avian malaria parasite Plasmodium lophurae, when removed from its host erythrocytes into an appropriate medium, develops extracellularly in vitro. This development was inhibited by bongkrekic acid at concentrations down to 2 μg/ml. Adenosine triphosphate at high concentrations partly reversed the inhibition. Bongkrekic acid also inhibited intraerythrocytic development in vitro of the human malaria P. falciparum.  相似文献   

Amide I' IR spectra are widely used for studies of structural changes in peptides and proteins as a function of temperature. Temperature dependent absorptions of amino acid side‐chains that overlap the amide I' may significantly complicate the structural analyses. While the side‐chain IR spectra have been investigated previously, thus far their dependence on temperature has not been reported. Here we present the study of the changes in the IR spectra with temperature for side‐chain groups of aspartate, glutamate, asparagine, glutamine, arginine, and tyrosine in the amide I' region (in D2O). Band fitting analysis was employed to extract the temperature dependence of the individual spectral parameters, such as peak frequency, integrated intensity, band width, and shape. As expected, the side‐chain IR bands exhibit significant changes with temperature. The majority of the spectral parameters, particularly the frequency and intensity, show linear dependence on temperature, but the direction and magnitude vary depending on the particular side‐chain group. The exception is arginine, which exhibits a distinctly nonlinear frequency shift with temperature for its asymmetric CN3H5+ bending signal, although a linear fit can account for this change to within ~1/3 cm‐1. The applicability of the determined spectral parameters for estimations of temperature‐dependent side‐chain absorptions in peptides and proteins are discussed. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 536–548, 2014.  相似文献   

The intraerythrocytic malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, derives amino acids from the digestion of host cell haemoglobin. However, it also takes up amino acids from the extracellular medium. Isoleucine is absent from adult human haemoglobin and an exogenous source of isoleucine is essential for parasite growth. An extracellular source of methionine is also important for the normal growth of at least some parasite strains. In this study we have characterised the uptake of methionine by P. falciparum-infected human erythrocytes, and by parasites functionally isolated from their host cells by saponin-permeabilization of the erythrocyte membrane. Infected erythrocytes take up methionine much faster than uninfected erythrocytes, with the increase attributable to the flux of this amino acid via the New Permeability Pathways induced by the parasite in the erythrocyte membrane. Having entered the infected cell, methionine is taken up by the intracellular parasite via a saturable, temperature-dependent process that is independent of ATP, Na+ and H+. Substrate competition studies, and comparison of the transport of methionine with that of isoleucine and leucine, yielded results consistent with the hypothesis that the parasite has at its surface one or more transporters which mediate the flux into and out of the parasite of a broad range of neutral amino acids. These transporters function most efficiently when exchanging one neutral amino acid for another, thus providing a mechanism whereby the parasite is able to import important exogenous amino acids in exchange for surplus neutral amino acids liberated from the digestion of host cell haemoglobin.  相似文献   

Enzyme catalyzing the cleavage of the phenylpropanoid side chain was partially purified by ion exchange and gel filtration column chromatography after (NH4)2SO4 precipitation. Enzyme activities were dependent on the concentration of dithiothreitol (DTT) or glutathione (GSH) and activated by addition of 0.5 mM Fe2+. Enzyme activity for ferulic acid was as high as for 4-coumaric acid in the presence of GSH, suggesting that GSH acts as an endogenous reductant in vanillin biosynthesis. Analyses of the enzymatic reaction products with quantitative NMR (qNMR) indicated that an amount of glyoxylic acid (GA) proportional to vanillin was released from ferulic acid by the enzymatic reaction. These results suggest that phenylpropanoid 2,3-dioxygenase is involved in the cleavage of the ferulic acid side chain to form vanillin and GA in Vanilla planifolia.  相似文献   

目的 研究菌群代谢产物短链脂肪酸——丙酸、丁酸对人髓母细胞瘤UW228 3细胞增殖、凋亡和侵袭的影响。 方法 分别用10 μmol/L丙酸和5 μmol/L丁酸处理UW228 3细胞,通过HE染色观察细胞形态,MTT法测定细胞活力,流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡,细胞划痕检测细胞侵袭,PCR和Western Blot检测凋亡相关基因和蛋白的表达。 结果 10 μmol/L丙酸和5 μmol/L丁酸能够有效抑制UW228 3细胞增殖能力,增加细胞凋亡率,并显著抑制UW228 3细胞侵袭能力,提高Caspase 3基因以及蛋白表达,降低c Myc、Bcl 2、Survivin基因以及蛋白的表达。 结论 菌群代谢产物丙酸、丁酸能够抑制人髓母细胞瘤UW228 3细胞增殖和侵袭,并促进细胞凋亡,具有治疗髓母细胞瘤的潜在价值。  相似文献   

Both 1H NMR and circular dichroism pH titration studies on histidine, His-Gly, Gly-His and Gly-His-Gly indicate that the side-chain spatial orientation depends strongly on the vicinal charges. The arrangement of the imidazole side-chain (rotamer population) is shown by the histidine beta and beta' and the glycine methylene proton chemical shifts as well as the vicinal 1H-1H coupling constants 3JCalpha-H-beta-H, beta'-H. For His-Gly and Gly-His-Gly a good correlation can be found between the ionization of the glycine COOH group and the increase of rotamer III (g-g) which is also visualized by circular dichroism through an enhancement of the ellipticity at 212 nm. In these two peptides a hydrogen bond between the imidazolium and the carboxylate group is supposed to stabilize rotamer III at pH 4-5.  相似文献   

The propensity of backbone Cα atoms to engage in carbon‐oxygen (CH···O) hydrogen bonding is well‐appreciated in protein structure, but side chain CH···O hydrogen bonding remains largely uncharacterized. The extent to which side chain methyl groups in proteins participate in CH···O hydrogen bonding is examined through a survey of neutron crystal structures, quantum chemistry calculations, and molecular dynamics simulations. Using these approaches, methyl groups were observed to form stabilizing CH···O hydrogen bonds within protein structure that are maintained through protein dynamics and participate in correlated motion. Collectively, these findings illustrate that side chain methyl CH···O hydrogen bonding contributes to the energetics of protein structure and folding. Proteins 2015; 83:403–410. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The human retina is a complex structure of organised layers of specialised cells that support the transmission of light signals to the visual cortex. The outermost layer of the retina, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), forms part of the blood retina barrier and is implicated in many retinal diseases. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a bioactive lipid exerting pleiotropic effects in various cell types, during development, normal physiology and disease. Its producing enzyme, AUTOTAXIN (ATX), is highly expressed by the pigmented epithelia of the human eye, including the RPE. Using human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived retinal cells, we interrogated the role of LPA in the human RPE and photoreceptors. hPSC-derived RPE cells express and synthesize functional ATX, which is predominantly secreted apically of the RPE, suggesting it acts in a paracrine manner to regulate photoreceptor function. In RPE cells, LPA regulates tight junctions, in a receptor-dependent mechanism, with an increase in OCCLUDIN and ZONULA OCCLUDENS (ZO)-1 expression at the cell membrane, accompanied by an increase in the transepithelial resistance of the epithelium. High concentration of LPA decreases phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments by the RPE. In hPSC-derived photoreceptors, LPA induces morphological rearrangements by modulating the actin myosin cytoskeleton, as evidenced by Myosin Light Chain l membrane relocation. Collectively, our data suggests an important role of LPA in the integrity and functionality of the healthy retina and blood retina barrier.  相似文献   

D J Abraham  A J Leo 《Proteins》1987,2(2):130-152
The fragment method of calculating partition coefficients (P) has been extended to include the common amino acids (AAs). The results indicate that polar and charged side chains influence the hydrophobicity of atoms in the side chain in a predictable manner. Field effects, as evidenced through polar proximity factors and bond factors, need to be considered for accurate estimation of transfer phenomena. The calculated log P and delta G degree ' values of the 20 AAs agree well with the observed values. Pro calculates to be more hydrophilic than the observed log P. Hydrophobicity scales for peptide side chain residues are compared and evaluated in terms of suitability. Calculated pi values for nonpolar side chain residues agree well with the observed values; calculated values for uncharged polar side chain residues deviate by about 0.6 log units except for Gln and Cys; and polar side chain residues with charged side chains calculate as too hydrophilic. Reasons for the differences are explored. We also suggest that tightly bound water to polar moieties in amino acids and peptides may be transferred into the octanol phase during partitioning experiments. A quantitative methodology is presented which characterizes the thermodynamic partitioning of groups and individual atoms in amino acids and proteins.  相似文献   

Retinopathy of prematurity, a leading cause of visual impairment in low birth‐weight infants, remains a crucial therapeutic challenge. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is a promyelinating trophic factor that promotes rod and cone photoreceptor survival and cone outer segment regeneration in the degenerating retina. Ciliary neurotrophic factor expression is regulated by many factors such as all‐trans retinoic acid (ATRA). In this study, we found that ATRA increased CNTF expression in mouse retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in a dose‐ and time‐dependent manner, and PKA signaling pathway is necessary for ATRA‐induced CNTF upregulation. Furthermore, we showed that ATRA promoted CNTF expression through CREB binding to its promoter region. In addition, CNTF levels were decreased in serum of retinopathy of prematurity children and in retinal tissue of oxygen‐induced retinopathy mice. In mouse RPE cells cultured with high oxygen, CNTF expression and secretion were decreased, but could be recovered after treatment with ATRA. In conclusion, our data suggest that ATRA administration upregulates CNTF expression in RPE cells.  相似文献   

This work was devoted to the study of the structure-affinity relationships in neutral amino acid transport by intestinal brush border of marine fish (Dicentrarchus labrax). The effects of the length of the side chain on kinetics of glycine, alanine, methionine and amino isobutyric acid were investigated. In the presence of K+ two components were characterized: one is saturable by increased substrate concentrations, whereas the other can be described by simple diffusion mechanism. Simple diffusion, a passive, non-saturable, Na+-independent route, contributes largely to the transport of methionine and to a much lesser extend to alanine, glycine or alphaaminoisobutyric acid uptakes. If a branched chain is present, as in the case of amino isobutyric acid, diffusion is low. A Na+-independent, saturable system has been fully characterized for methionine, but not for branched amino acids such as amino isobutyric acid. In the presence of Na+ saturable components were shown. Two distinct Na+-dependent pathways have been characterized for glycine uptake, with low and high affinities. For alanine and methionine only one Na+-dependent high affinity system exists with the same half-saturation concentration and the same maximum uptake at saturable concentrations. Glycine high affinity system has the same half-saturation concentration as methionine or alanine uptake, whereas maximum uptake is lower. The substitution of the hydrogen by a methyl group results in a severe decrease of uptake (aminoisobutyric acid). Mutual inhibition experiments indicate that the same carriers could be responsible for methionine and alanine uptakes and probably glycine Na+-dependent uptake. The influence of Na+ concentrations (100-1 mol·l-1) on amino acid uptake was examined. Glycine, alanine, methionine and amino isobutyric acid transport can be described by a hyperbolic function, with a saturation uptake which is highly increased for methionine. However, the half-saturation concentration does not seem to be strongly affected by the amino acid structure. The effect of Na+ concentration (25 and 100 mmol·l-1) on the kinetics of methionine uptake have been also examined. The maximum uptake of the saturable system clearly shows a typical relationship with concentration.Abbreviations [AA] amino acid concentration - AIB aminoisobutyric acid - [I] Inhibitor amino acid concentration - J i uptake in the presence of inhibitor - J o uptake without inhibitor - K d passive diffusion constant - K i inhibitor constant - K t concentration of test amino acid for half-maximal flux - MES 2[N-morpholino]ethanesulphonic acid - V max maximum uptake at saturable amino acid concentrations - V tot total amino acid uptake  相似文献   

Four compounds containing uranyl cation [UO2]2+ have been synthesized hydrothermally by reacting uranyl acetate and uranyl nitrate with various N/O donor ligands. The structure of all compounds was elucidated by single crystal X-ray diffraction study. Compound [(UO2)(6-methylnicotinato)3](H3O)·4H2O (1) is a discrete complex (0D), that gives rise in the crystal to hydrophilic channels, while [(UO2)(OH)(μ2-3-pyridylpropionato)]n (2) and [(UO2)(H2O)(μ3-4,4′-oxybis(benzoato)]n (3) show the formation of 1D coordination polymers. Moreover, oxalate anions, formed in situ by using 5-methylisophthalic or 2,3-pyrazinedicarboxylic acid as reactant ligands, gave rise to a 2D coordinating network [(UO2)2(μ2-oxalate)(μ2-OH)2(H2O)2]n·nH2O (4). All the complexes expanded their dimensionality to 3D through hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Previous studies for melanin visualization in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) have exploited either its absorption properties (using photoacoustic tomography or photothermal optical coherence tomography [OCT]) or its depolarization properties (using polarization sensitive OCT). However, these methods are only suitable when the melanin concentration is sufficiently high. In this work, we present the concept of hyperspectral OCT for melanin visualization in the RPE when the concentration is low. Based on white light OCT, a hyperspectral stack of 27 wavelengths (440‐700 nm) was created in post‐processing for each depth‐resolved image. Owing to the size and shape of the melanin granules in the RPE, the variations in backscattering coefficient as a function of wavelength could be identified—a result which is to be expected from Mie theory. This effect was successfully identified both in eumelanin‐containing phantoms and in vivo in the low‐concentration Brown Norway rat RPE.   相似文献   

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