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简要回顾了莱阳恐龙和恐龙蛋化石群的研究历史和以杨钟健为代表的老一代地质古生物学者对莱阳恐龙和恐龙蛋研究发现的杰出贡献,并介绍了莱阳恐龙和恐龙蛋的最新发现和若干研究进展。在近年来对莱阳周边地层进行的大规模考察中,发现了一系列发育在平原上的恐龙峡谷群,以及其中蕴含的十几个恐龙和恐龙蛋新地点和新层位。2010年开始,在对莱阳金岗口村附近的2个化石地点的发掘中,发现了以鸭嘴龙科为主的大量脊椎动物化石和蛋化石,包括一类新的栉龙亚科成员,一些大型兽脚类恐龙化石,以及一新的龟鳖类蛋化石等。2号地点化石富集层具有典型的泥石流沉积特征和骨骼埋藏特征。对棘鼻青岛龙的特殊头饰进行了CT扫描和三维重建,发现其头饰是实心结构,但其他骨骼特征证明棘鼻青岛龙属于具有头饰的赖氏龙亚科是确定无疑的,所以目前发现的头饰应不是其真实状态或根本不属于其头部骨骼。此外,对谭氏龙1属3种的重新观察研究得出以下结论:中国谭氏龙和金刚口谭氏龙应是有效属种,但部分骨骼还有疑问,还需要进一步研究,而莱阳谭氏龙为无效属种。  相似文献   

山东莱阳晚白垩世鸭嘴龙动物群化石特异埋藏初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来对位于莱阳棘鼻青岛龙发现地点(1号化石地点)以东新发现的2号化石地点进行大规模发掘,已发现5个化石富集层,赋存的化石均以鸭嘴龙科为主,一部分个体可能代表栉龙亚科的成员,而另一部分个体归于赖氏龙亚科的棘鼻青岛龙。这些鸭嘴龙化石从个体大小上分别代表成年、亚成年和幼年晚期个体。化石富集层以灰绿色和褐红色含砂砾泥岩沉积为主,具有典型的泥石流沉积特征和骨骼埋藏特征,并具有两种主要的死亡和埋藏模式,即恐龙群体活着时遭遇泥石流被吞没集群死亡后,肢体在短距离搬运中被撕裂并迅速沉积掩埋,骨骼分散但完整,同一个体的骨骼相距不远;恐龙正常或经泥石流导致其非正常死亡后,部分遗体未被掩埋,经暴露软组织腐烂,被后续发生的泥石流卷入并二次搬运,最终埋藏,表现为分散但较完整的骨骼与破碎呈砾石磨圆状的骨骼共生保存。这些富集层的化石及其埋藏特征反映了生活在河湖边的鸭嘴龙动物群,在鸭嘴龙幼年晚期刚刚加入成年鸭嘴龙动物群后,被卷入突发的洪水泥石流导致其集群死亡并快速埋藏的事件。  相似文献   

宋磊 《化石》2001,10(1):27-28
山东莱阳是世界发现恐龙化石最早而又最丰富的地区之一。早在1923年,著名地质学家谭锡畴就曾在莱阳的将军顶一带发现比较完整的谭氏龙,以后王恒升、周明镇、杨钟健等在这里采集过化石,其研究结果已在著名刊物上发表。尤其是1957年,中国科学院古脊椎动物研究所在莱阳市吕格庄镇金岗口村西北沟挖掘出举世闻名的“青岛棘鼻恐龙”化石以后,对莱阳恐龙的研究达到了高峰,丰富多彩的化石,使专家学者兴奋不已,被誉为“中国古脊椎动物学之父”的杨钟健先生在仅仅对莱阳蛋化石进行研究之后,便向世人宣称“莱阳可以说到目前为止,是全世界蛋化石最丰富的一个区域(古生物学报1954年12月第三卷第四期)。  相似文献   

山东莱阳晚白垩世恐龙蛋化石一新类型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
山东莱阳是中国最早发现的含有丰富的晚白垩世恐龙及恐龙蛋化石产地。上个世纪50~60年代,周明镇(1951,1954)及杨钟健(1954,1959,1965)对莱阳首次发现的恐龙蛋化石进行了研究。1974年,赵资奎、蒋元凯在前人工作基础上,采用显微镜技术方法重新研究了莱阳恐龙蛋壳的显微结构,结果发现它们的显微结构有很大差异。根据赵资奎(1975)提出的恐龙蛋分类方法(Parataxonomy),将莱阳地区已发现的恐龙蛋分别归入圆形蛋科(spheroolithidae)、椭圆形蛋科(Ovaloolithidae)和长形蛋科(Elongatoolithidae)等3个科,共5个属12个种(赵资奎,1979,1993)。最近,大连自然博物馆在整理馆存的化石标本时,发现有4枚形状为扁圆形的恐龙蛋化石是1973年10月从山东莱阳将军顶采集到的。根据目前有关莱阳地区晚中生代地层划分修订的标准(胡承志等,2001),这些标本的出土层位应为上白垩统王氏群将军顶组。我们的初步观察表明,蛋化石的形状、大小及其蛋壳显微结构特征与上述已报道的莱阳恐龙蛋3个类群的明显不同,在此简单记述,以期对莱阳地区晚白垩世恐龙蛋群的综合研究提供些许资料。  相似文献   

1958年8月至10月,我们曾到山东莱阳金刚口采集恐龙化石,发掘情况已有初步报导(杨钟健、王存义,1959;甄朔南、王存义,1959)。目前这批化石已修复完毕,并经笔者进行了初步的观察与鉴定,证明绝大部分的恐龙骨骼均可归属于棘鼻青岛龙(Tsintaosaurusspinorhinus Young)。关于这种恐龙,杨钟健教授已有总结性的记述(杨钟健,1958),因此无需再作描述。本文只拟提供一点关于棘鼻青岛龙的股骨和腰骨长度问题的新资料。  相似文献   

记述了发现于莱阳上白垩统将军顶的半枚蛋化石,据其保存较尖的一端,蛋壳外表面光滑无纹饰,蛋壳较薄,紧密排列的棱柱状壳单元,壳单元边缘由致密的方解石组成,以及气孔较少,气孔呈圆形或椭圆形等特征,将其归入棱柱形蛋科,建立新蛋属新蛋种:梨乡莱阳蛋(Laiyangoolithus lixiangensis oogen.et oosp.nov.)。梨乡莱阳蛋的发现不仅丰富了莱阳恐龙蛋化石群组成,同时也增加了棱柱形蛋类的古地理分布,并为研究伤齿龙类的多样性和古地理分布提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

恐龙蛋化石──繁殖受挫的证据──记山东莱阳恐龙蛋化石的进一步研究左权,汤卓炜目前在世界上好多地方陆续发现爬行类,尤其是恐龙的蛋化石,按形态结构可大致分为短圆蛋和长形蛋两种,蛋的大小变化范围很大,蛋壳厚度及其内外部“纹饰”,蛋壳结构及锥状层和柱状层比例...  相似文献   

甘肃省早白垩世地层中,出土了大量恐龙骨骼以及恐龙足迹化石,但是至今未有蛋化石的报道。根据发现于兰州-民和盆地下白垩统河口组的蛋壳化石,建立一恐龙蛋新蛋属、蛋种,并将其归于一新蛋科:Polyclonoolithidae(多小枝蛋科)。新发现的蛋化石标本不同于所有已知的恐龙蛋类型,具有独特的显微特征组合:分叉的蛋壳单元向外延伸至蛋壳外表面,并未在靠近蛋壳外表面处融合成层;弦切面上具相互链接或独立的多角形的蛋壳单元;以及不规则的气孔道。中国的恐龙蛋化石大多出自晚白垩世地层,仅在辽宁有早白垩世恐龙蛋的报道。新发现扩展了中国恐龙蛋化石的地质和地理分布,也有可能为圆形蛋科蛋壳结构的起源提供新的认识。  相似文献   

辽宁昌图上白垩统泉头组恐龙蛋化石的分类订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重新描述了20世纪20年代发现于辽宁省昌图地区的恐龙蛋化石。通过对这些标本的宏观和微观形态特征的观察与测量数据分析,将其归入圆形圆形蛋(Spheroolithus spheroides)和厚皮圆形蛋(Spheroolithus megadermus),这是目前这两个蛋种的第二次化石记录。这两个蛋种首次发现于山东莱阳上白垩统将军顶组,根据昌图及其邻近地区恐龙蛋化石与山东莱阳恐龙蛋化石群的对比,结合松辽盆地近年来泉头组的研究成果,认为泉头组的地质时代为晚白垩世早、中期。  相似文献   

辽西下白垩统九佛堂组尾羽龙类—新属(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了一件采自辽西热河群九佛堂组一新的窃蛋龙类:义县似尾羽龙(Similicaudipteryx yixianensis gen.et sp.nov.),并依据其和尾羽龙属的相似特征,及其匕首状的尾综骨,肠骨、踱骨和脚趾的形态等将其归入窃蛋龙类的尾羽龙科,但其所具有的一些特征也不同于该科已建立的尾羽龙属,如尾综骨的形态和较大的个体等。该化石具有许多典型的窃蛋龙类的特征,如短尾、较短的前肢等,有别于其他窃蛋龙类的特征还包括耻骨和肠骨的长度比为1.46,背椎上发育2个大而深的椎体下突、背椎侧部具孔等。义县似尾羽龙是又一类具有真正尾综骨的恐龙,表明尾综骨这一曾经被认为是鸟类特有的结构可能是在恐龙中独自演化的。它具有一些进步的特征如具尾综骨等,但同时也具有一些原始的特征如5个愈合的荐椎,耻骨联合长,表明在窃蛋龙类中存在着特征的镶嵌进化现象。似尾羽龙与驰龙类、其他窃蛋龙类等恐龙一样,脚趾并没有对握,已有的证据说明完全的对握目前还只是出现于鸟类中。根据其短尾、中部收缩的趾骨和灵巧的身体等都表明它是一类适于快速奔跑的动物。目前为止,已知的尾羽龙类化石均发现于北票四合屯地区的义县组下部尖山沟层(段),距今约125Ma。新标本发现于义县西二虎桥地点,属于九佛堂组,距今约120Ma,这也是迄今为止在九佛堂组发现的惟一一件尾羽龙类化石,对研究早白垩世窃蛋龙类的演化和热河生物群恐龙组合的特征具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that a high reproductive output contributes to the unique gigantism in large dinosaur taxa. In order to infer more information on dinosaur reproduction, we established allometries between body mass and different reproductive traits (egg mass, clutch mass, annual clutch mass) for extant phylogenetic brackets (birds, crocodiles and tortoises) of extinct non-avian dinosaurs. Allometries were applied to nine non-avian dinosaur taxa (theropods, hadrosaurs, and sauropodomorphs) for which fossil estimates on relevant traits are currently available. We found that the reproductive traits of most dinosaurs conformed to similar-sized or scaled-up extant reptiles or birds. The reproductive traits of theropods, which are considered more bird-like, were indeed consistent with birds, while the traits of sauropodomorphs conformed better to reptiles. Reproductive traits of hadrosaurs corresponded to both reptiles and birds. Excluding Massospondylus carinatus , all dinosaurs studied had an intermediary egg to body mass relationship to reptiles and birds. In contrast, dinosaur clutch masses fitted with either the masses predicted from allometries of birds (theropods) or to the masses of reptiles (all other taxa). Theropods studied had probably one clutch per year. For sauropodomorphs and hadrosaurs, more than one clutch per year was predicted. Contrary to current hypotheses, large dinosaurs did not have exceptionally high annual egg numbers (AEN). Independent of the extant model, the estimated dinosaur AEN did not exceed 850 eggs (75,000 kg sauropod) for any of the taxa studied. This estimated maximum is probably an overestimation due to unrealistic assumptions. According to most AEN estimations, the dinosaurs studied laid less than 200 eggs per year. Only some AEN estimates obtained for medium to large sized sauropods were higher (200-400 eggs). Our results provide new (testable) hypotheses, especially for reproductive traits that are insufficiently documented or lacking from the fossil record. This contributes to the understanding of their evolution.  相似文献   

Studying the evolution and biogeographic distribution of dinosaurs during the latest Cretaceous is critical for better understanding the end-Cretaceous extinction event that killed off all non-avian dinosaurs. Western North America contains among the best records of Late Cretaceous terrestrial vertebrates in the world, but is biased against small-bodied dinosaurs. Isolated teeth are the primary evidence for understanding the diversity and evolution of small-bodied theropod dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous, but few such specimens have been well documented from outside of the northern Rockies, making it difficult to assess Late Cretaceous dinosaur diversity and biogeographic patterns. We describe small theropod teeth from the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico. These specimens were collected from strata spanning Santonian – Maastrichtian. We grouped isolated theropod teeth into several morphotypes, which we assigned to higher-level theropod clades based on possession of phylogenetic synapomorphies. We then used principal components analysis and discriminant function analyses to gauge whether the San Juan Basin teeth overlap with, or are quantitatively distinct from, similar tooth morphotypes from other geographic areas. The San Juan Basin contains a diverse record of small theropods. Late Campanian assemblages differ from approximately co-eval assemblages of the northern Rockies in being less diverse with only rare representatives of troodontids and a Dromaeosaurus-like taxon. We also provide evidence that erect and recurved morphs of a Richardoestesia-like taxon represent a single heterodont species. A late Maastrichtian assemblage is dominated by a distinct troodontid. The differences between northern and southern faunas based on isolated theropod teeth provide evidence for provinciality in the late Campanian and the late Maastrichtian of North America. However, there is no indication that major components of small-bodied theropod diversity were lost during the Maastrichtian in New Mexico. The same pattern seen in northern faunas, which may provide evidence for an abrupt dinosaur extinction.  相似文献   

Non‐avian dinosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago, geologically coincident with the impact of a large bolide (comet or asteroid) during an interval of massive volcanic eruptions and changes in temperature and sea level. There has long been fervent debate about how these events affected dinosaurs. We review a wealth of new data accumulated over the past two decades, provide updated and novel analyses of long‐term dinosaur diversity trends during the latest Cretaceous, and discuss an emerging consensus on the extinction's tempo and causes. Little support exists for a global, long‐term decline across non‐avian dinosaur diversity prior to their extinction at the end of the Cretaceous. However, restructuring of latest Cretaceous dinosaur faunas in North America led to reduced diversity of large‐bodied herbivores, perhaps making communities more susceptible to cascading extinctions. The abruptness of the dinosaur extinction suggests a key role for the bolide impact, although the coarseness of the fossil record makes testing the effects of Deccan volcanism difficult.  相似文献   

The significance of co‐evolution over ecological timescales is well established, yet it remains unclear to what extent co‐evolutionary processes contribute to driving large‐scale evolutionary and ecological changes over geological timescales. Some of the most intriguing and pervasive long‐term co‐evolutionary hypotheses relate to proposed interactions between herbivorous non‐avian dinosaurs and Mesozoic plants, including cycads. Dinosaurs have been proposed as key dispersers of cycad seeds during the Mesozoic, and temporal variation in cycad diversity and abundance has been linked to dinosaur faunal changes. Here we assess the evidence for proposed hypotheses of trophic and evolutionary interactions between these two groups using diversity analyses, a new database of Cretaceous dinosaur and plant co‐occurrence data, and a geographical information system (GIS) as a visualisation tool. Phylogenetic evidence suggests that the origins of several key biological properties of cycads (e.g. toxins, bright‐coloured seeds) likely predated the origin of dinosaurs. Direct evidence of dinosaur–cycad interactions is lacking, but evidence from extant ecosystems suggests that dinosaurs may plausibly have acted as seed dispersers for cycads, although it is likely that other vertebrate groups (e.g. birds, early mammals) also played a role. Although the Late Triassic radiations of dinosaurs and cycads appear to have been approximately contemporaneous, few significant changes in dinosaur faunas coincide with the late Early Cretaceous cycad decline. No significant spatiotemporal associations between particular dinosaur groups and cycads can be identified – GIS visualisation reveals disparities between the spatiotemporal distributions of some dinosaur groups (e.g. sauropodomorphs) and cycads that are inconsistent with co‐evolutionary hypotheses. The available data provide no unequivocal support for any of the proposed co‐evolutionary interactions between cycads and herbivorous dinosaurs – diffuse co‐evolutionary scenarios that are proposed to operate over geological timescales are plausible, but such hypotheses need to be firmly grounded on direct evidence of interaction and may be difficult to support given the patchiness of the fossil record.  相似文献   

Dinosaurs were ubiquitous in terrestrial ecosystems through most of the Mesozoic and are still diversely represented in the modern fauna in the form of birds. Recent efforts to better understand the origins of the group have resulted in the discovery of many new species of early dinosaur and their closest relatives (dinosauromorphs). In addition, recent re‐examinations of early dinosaur phylogeny have highlighted uncertainties regarding the interrelationships of the main dinosaur lineages (Sauropodomorpha, Theropoda and Ornithischia), and questioned the traditional hypothesis that the group originated in South Gondwana and gradually dispersed over Pangaea. Here, we use an historical approach to examine the impact of new fossil discoveries and changing phylogenetic hypotheses on biogeographical scenarios for dinosaur origins over 20 years of research time, and analyse the results in the light of different fossil record sampling regimes. Our results consistently optimize South Gondwana as the ancestral area for Dinosauria, as well as for more inclusive clades including Dinosauromorpha, and show that this hypothesis is robust to increased taxonomic and geographic sampling and divergent phylogenetic results. Our results do not find any support for the recently proposed Laurasian origin of dinosaurs and suggest that a southern Gondwanan origin is by far the most plausible given our current knowledge of the diversity of early dinosaurs and non‐dinosaurian dinosauromorphs.  相似文献   

Direct evidence of prey choice in carnivorous dinosaurs is rare in the fossil record. The most celebrated example pertains to purported stomach contents in the carnivorous dinosaur Coelophysis bauri, which besides revealing prey choice, also points to cannibalistic behaviour as being commonplace (Colbert 1989, 1995). Here, we test this hypothesis by conducting the first comprehensive anatomical and histological examination of the famed Coelophysis 'cannibals'. The results unequivocally show that the gut contents derive from early crocodylomorphs rather than juveniles of Coelophysis. These findings suggest that this taxon is not cannibalistic and bring into question the commonality of this behaviour among non-avian dinosaurs.  相似文献   

The rise of dinosaurs during the Triassic is a widely studied evolutionary radiation, but there are still many unanswered questions about early dinosaur evolution and biogeography that are hampered by an unevenly sampled Late Triassic fossil record. Although very common in western North America and parts of South America, dinosaur (and more basal dinosauriform) remains are relatively rare in the Upper Triassic deposits of Europe, making any new discoveries critically important. One of the most diverse dinosauriform assemblages from Europe comes from the Por?ba site in Poland, a recently described locality with exposures of the Zb?szynek Beds, which have a palynomorph assemblage characteristic for the mid–late Norian in the biostratigraphic schemes of the Germanic Basin. Using a synapomorphy‐based approach, we evaluate several isolated dinosauriform specimens from Por?ba. This assemblage includes a silesaurid, a herrerasaurid and remains of another type of theropod (potentially a neotheropod). The Por?ba herrerasaurid is the first record of this rare group of primitive dinosaurs from Europe and one of the youngest records worldwide, whereas the silesaurid is the youngest record of a silesaurid from Europe. These findings indicate that silesaurids persisted alongside true dinosaurs into the mid–late Norian of Europe and that silesaurid–herrerasaurid–neotheropod assemblages (which are also known from the Norian of North America, at low latitudes) were more widespread geographically and latitudinally than previously thought. Silesaurid–herrerasaurid–neotheropod assemblages may have been a common ecological structuring of dinosaurs during their early evolution, and their widespread distribution may indicate weak palaeolatitudinal controls on early dinosaur biogeography during the latest Triassic.  相似文献   

Aim Modern biodiversity peaks in the tropics and declines poleward, a pattern that is potentially driven by climate. Although this latitudinal biodiversity gradient (LBG) also characterizes the marine invertebrate fossil record, distributions of ancient terrestrial faunas are poorly understood. This study utilizes data on the dinosaur fossil record to examine spatial patterns in terrestrial biodiversity throughout the Mesozoic. Location We compiled data on fossil occurrences across the globe. Methods We compiled a comprehensive dataset of Mesozoic dinosaur genera (738), including birds. Following the utilization of sampling standardization techniques to mediate for the uneven sampling of the fossil record, we constructed latitudinal patterns of biodiversity from this dataset. Results The dominant group of Mesozoic terrestrial vertebrates did not conform to the modern LBG. Instead, dinosaur diversity was highest at temperate palaeolatitudes throughout the 160 million year span of dinosaurian evolutionary history. Latitudinal diversity correlates strongly with the distribution of land area. Late Cretaceous sauropods and ornithischians exhibit disparate LBGs. Main conclusions The continuity of the palaeotemperate peak in dinosaur diversity indicates a diminished role for climate on the Mesozoic LBG; instead, dinosaur diversity may have been driven by the amount of land area among latitudinal belts. There is no evidence that the tropics acted as a cradle for dinosaur diversity. Geographical partitioning among major clades of herbivorous dinosaurs in the Late Cretaceous may result from the advanced stages of continental fragmentation and/or differing responses to increasing latitudinal climatic zonation. Our results suggest that the modern‐day LBG on land was only established 30 million years ago, following a significant post‐Eocene recalibration, potentially related to increased seasonality.  相似文献   

Because egg-laying meant that even the largest dinosaurs gave birth to very small offspring, they had to pass through multiple ontogenetic life stages to adulthood. Dinosaurs’ successors as the dominant terrestrial vertebrate life form, the mammals, give birth to live young, and have much larger offspring and less complex ontogenetic histories. The larger number of juveniles in dinosaur as compared to mammal ecosystems represents both a greater diversity of food available to predators, and competitors for similar-sized individuals of sympatric species. Models of population abundances across different-sized species of dinosaurs and mammals, based on simulated ecological life tables, are employed to investigate how differences in predation and competition pressure influenced dinosaur communities. Higher small- to medium-sized prey availability leads to a normal body mass-species richness (M-S) distribution of carnivorous dinosaurs (as found in the theropod fossil record), in contrast to the right-skewed M-S distribution of carnivorous mammals (as found living members of the order Carnivora). Higher levels of interspecific competition leads to a left-skewed M-S distribution in herbivorous dinosaurs (as found in sauropods and ornithopods), in contrast to the normal M-S distribution of large herbivorous mammals. Thus, our models suggest that differences in reproductive strategy, and consequently ontogeny, explain observed differences in community structure between dinosaur and mammal faunas. Models also show that the largest dinosaurian predators could have subsisted on similar-sized prey by including younger life stages of the largest herbivore species, but that large predators likely avoided prey much smaller than themselves because, despite predicted higher abundances of smaller than larger-bodied prey, contributions of small prey to biomass intake would be insufficient to satisfy meat requirements. A lack of large carnivores feeding on small prey exists in mammals larger than 21.5 kg, and it seems a similar minimum prey-size threshold could have affected dinosaurs as well.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The reproductive biology of dinosaurs is of great interest, particularly in light of the many fossil eggs assigned to this group. The ultrastructural characteristics of dinosaur eggshells are examined in order to calculate water vapour conductance, which indicates the nesting environment. Data were mainly derived from the literature but new values are also presented. Allometric analyses were carried out on a variety of shell parameters against predicted egg mass, and comparison was made with allometric equations for bird eggs. Shell thickness was generally larger than seen for extant birds. Total pore number and pores per unit area were similar to values predicted from bird eggs. Total pore area showed an isometric increase with egg mass, parallel to the relationship for birds, but the constant value was an order to magnitude higher than the bird values. Pore radius was unaffected by egg mass. Water vapour conductance showed an allometric increase with egg mass, parallel to the bird values, but for any given egg mass values for dinosaurs were an order of magnitude higher. Mass-specific water vapour conductance was unaffected by egg mass but was an order of magnitude higher than the bird values. Water vapour conductance per pore showed an allometric decrease with egg mass but again the predicted values were an order of magnitude higher than for bird eggs. The ultrastructural characteristics of dinosaur eggshells indicate that the nesting environment had to be saturated with water vapour and that dinosaur eggs had to be fully buried in a substrate. In this sense, therefore, dinosaur eggs resemble more those of modern reptiles than those of birds. As a consequence, maintenance of incubation conditions would have depended on the prevailing environment.  相似文献   

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