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锅底坑组是重要的二叠—三叠系过渡序列,本组在新疆吉木萨尔大龙口出露广泛,产出吉木萨尔兽以及水龙兽两类二齿兽类。本文报道了在大龙口剖面首次发现的兽头类和迟滞鳄类,这也是此二类群在锅底坑组的首次报道。新发现的兽头类被命名为付氏大龙口兽(Dalongkoua fuae)。其鉴定特征包括上颌骨犬后齿齿槽外边缘向背向凹入;切齿有圆形和匙形;切齿和犬齿有微弱的锯齿;齿骨冠状突有显著的收肌窝;反折翼近三角形,有两个平滑的凹陷。锅底坑组目前有3~4属二齿兽类、1属兽头类和1属迟滞鳄类,这一发现增加了其多样性。这些类群都在二叠纪末的大灭绝中幸存下来,直到中晚三叠世才消失。  相似文献   

本文对准噶尔盆地东部CS-1井1 082—1 126m井段10块样品中所含孢粉和大孢子化石进行了比较系统的分析研究,共获得孢粉化石68属114种,以及少量大孢子化石,并建立Limatulasporites fossulatus-Klausipollenites schaubergeri孢粉组合,组合以Limatulasporites fossulatus和Kraeuselisporites spinullous比较发育,并见有Klausipollenites schaubergeri,Lundbladispora和Welwitschipollenites clarus等为主要特征。根据孢粉组合特征和大孢子化石的分布规律,详细讨论了含化石井段地层的时代及层位,认为该段地层的时代为晚二叠世晚期至早三叠世早期,层位为锅底坑组。  相似文献   

记述了2012年在山西柳林三交二马营组上部采集的一个兽头类下颌标本,将其命名为幻阔齿兽三交种(Nothogomphodon sanjiaoensis sp.nov.)。新种以下列特征区别于属型种N.danilovi:齿骨下缘起伏,犬齿基部卵圆形,犬齿与第一犬后齿间有显著间隙,犬后齿后缘无辅助齿尖。幻阔齿兽以其特殊的犬后齿形态与具裂齿的基干犬齿兽相似,它也是已知的唯一一类具有这种复杂裂齿齿系的兽头类。将俄罗斯的引鳄动物群与中国的肯氏兽-山西鳄组合带进行比较发现,幻阔齿兽是二者唯一共有的属,而中国的二马营组与克拉玛依组却没有共享的属。  相似文献   

近几十年,华北的二马营组上部地层以产出中国肯氏兽-山西鳄四足动物化石组合而闻名.最近在山西临县白道峪于上覆的铜川组一段发现了中国肯氏兽.本文描述了同一地点同一层位产出的主龙型类化石,包括一具山西鳄的部分骨架以及一些可以归入suchian的主龙类.它们是铜川组一段首次记述的主龙型类.最有鉴定特征的suchian材料包括一个大的髂骨以及一个小的、形状很奇特的、可能是跟骨的骨骼.髂骨可能可以归入一个奇异的波波龙类(poposauroid).因为中国肯氏兽与山西鳄同时出现在白道峪,表明中国肯氏兽-山西鳄组合可以向上延伸到铜川组一段.髂骨与跟骨大小悬殊,可能代表两个从未在中国肯氏兽-山西鳄组合报道过的物种.白道峪发现了特化的波波龙类,支持了波波龙类在中三叠世大量分化的观点.  相似文献   

近几十年,华北的二马营组上部地层以产出中国肯氏兽–山西鳄四足动物化石组合而闻名。最近在山西临县白道峪于上覆的铜川组一段发现了中国肯氏兽。本文描述了同一地点同一层位产出的主龙型类化石,包括一具山西鳄的部分骨架以及一些可以归入suchian的主龙类。它们是铜川组一段首次记述的主龙型类。最有鉴定特征的suchian材料包括一个大的髂骨以及一个小的、形状很奇特的、可能是跟骨的骨骼。髂骨可能可以归入一个奇异的波波龙类(poposauroid)。因为中国肯氏兽与山西鳄同时出现在白道峪,表明中国肯氏兽–山西鳄组合可以向上延伸到铜川组一段。髂骨与跟骨大小悬殊,可能代表两个从未在中国肯氏兽–山西鳄组合报道过的物种。白道峪发现了特化的波波龙类,支持了波波龙类在中三叠世大量分化的观点。  相似文献   

新疆东部托克逊马鞍桥剖面桑树园组下部灰岩段的顶部发育了刺毛-珊瑚礁,通过对礁体及其上下地层的■类和牙形刺研究,可识别出■类3属14种,以属Eostaffella-Eostaffellina-Pseudostaffella组合为特征;牙形刺2属2种:Idiognathoides corrugatus和Idiognathodus sp.。■类Pseudostaffella antiqua,P.conspecta和P.paracompressa extensa的出现指示桑树园组灰岩段顶部相当于上石炭统滑石板阶上部,属于■类Pseudostaffella composite-P.paracompressa带。牙形刺Idiognathoides corrugatus和Idiognathodus sp.是晚石炭世巴什基尔期常见分子,对应上石炭统罗苏阶上部至滑石板阶上部。综合上述■类和牙形刺生物地层,可以确定桑树园组刺毛-珊瑚礁的时代为巴什基尔期中期(滑石板阶上部)。本文刺毛-珊瑚礁时代的确定可以为石炭纪中期生物灭绝/更替事件之后后生动物礁的复苏演化提供新认识。  相似文献   

The Jisu Honguer Formation (“Zhesi Formation”) is a North China marine carbonate unit of Permian age containing a mixed fauna of Tethyan, Boreal and endemic elements. The age of the Jisu Honguer Formation has been thought to range from Artinskian to Kazanian based on previous studies using mostly benthic macrofossils. A typical Mesogondolella aserrata conodont fauna is reported from the lower part of the upper member of the Jisu Honguer Formation in the Ulanqub District, Zhesi area, of northern China. The fauna indicates a Middle Permian (Guadalupian) age, most likely late Wordian to early Capitanian, for the strata yielding conodonts. The whole Jisu Honguer Formation could be assigned to the Wordian to early Capitanian age. The overlying Yihewusu Formation is probably of Capitanian age. There are no Wuchiapingian marine deposits in the Zhesi area. As characteristic of the open sea Guadalupian conodont faunas of the Tethys, smooth Mesogondolella dominate the fauna. The view that all Tethyan Guadalupian conodont faunas consist exclusively of serrated Mesogondolella cannot be confirmed. Three new species are described: Mesogondolella neoprolongata C. - y. Wang, Mesogondolella mandulaensis C. - y. Wang and Wardlawella jisuensis C. - y. Wang.  相似文献   

A new galesaurid cynodont, Progalesaurus lootsbergensis gen. et sp. nov., is described on the basis of a well-preserved skull, lower jaw, right scapula and left atlantal neural arch. Autapomorphies of Progalesaurus include postcanine teeth bearing numerous mesial and distal accessory cusps that flank a recurved main cusp, a post-temporal fenestra bordered by the squamosal ventrally and a large external naris. Progalesaurus is similar to Galesaurus in possessing a poorly defined masseteric fossa on the dentary, a strongly recurved main cusp of the postcanine dentition, an incomplete secondary palate and a similar basisphenoid-parasphenoid morphology. A cladistic analysis of ten early cynodont genera resolves a monophyletic Galesauridae encompassing Cynosaurus , Progalesaurus and Galesaurus , although support for this clade is weak. Procynosuchus and Dvinia are placed at the base of Cynodontia whereas Thrinaxodon and Platycraniellus are positioned higher, but outside of Eucynodontia. The holotype and only known specimen of Progalesaurus was collected during systematic prospecting of Permo/Triassic boundary strata at New Lootsberg Pass, Graaff-Reinet District, South Africa. The discovery of Progalesaurus increases the number of valid Early Triassic cynodonts to four and sheds light on the tempo of early cynodont diversification after the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

记述了在新疆巴音郭楞蒙古族自治州若羌县阿尔金山地区彩虹沟首次发现的豫鼠一新种:阿尔金豫鼠(Yuomys altunensis sp.nov.).其主要特征是臼齿的尺寸较大,比例上较宽,齿冠较高,臼齿的后小尖与后尖明显分开,后脊相对较长,但不完全,次尖明显小于原尖,舌侧内凹伸达臼齿齿冠基部,后齿带与后尖舌侧连;M3后尖为新月形,后齿带较短等.根据豫鼠臼齿的进化趋势和新种臼齿的尺寸较大、齿冠较高和舌侧内凹伸达齿冠基部的特征与Y.cavioides,Y.eleganes和Y.huangzhuangensis相近,但颊齿比例较宽判断,Y.altunensis可能与该3种处于同样的进化阶段或稍进步.其产出的地层时代很可能与它们相近或稍晚,即为晚中始新世或稍晚.  相似文献   

Abstract: Chroniosuchians are an enigmatic Permian to Triassic group of crocodile‐like basal tetrapods. Their conspicuous dorsal osteoderm systems include most of the group’s yet documented postcranial morphological variability but have hardly been considered in cladistic approaches. Aiming at the clarification of the internal relationships of the Chroniosuchia, we have carried out a parsimony analysis including, among others, 23 morphological and osteohistological osteoderm characters and 12 chroniosuchian taxa. According to the most parsimonious trees, taxa usually referred to Chroniosuchidae form a paraphyletic succession with Madygenerpeton pustulatus and Chroniosaurus dongusensis as the basalmost chroniosuchians and Uralerpeton tverdochlebovae as the sister group of Bystrowianidae (hypothesis A). However, the concurrent hypothesis of a basal split into monophyletic subtaxa Chroniosuchidae and Bystrowianidae (hypothesis B) is only slightly less parsimonious and supported by an alternative analysis which includes embolomeres as the only reptiliomorph outgroup. Searching for the better hypothesis, we compare the respective order of branching to the order of first occurrences in the fossil record, demonstrating that hypothesis A provides a better stratigraphic fit than hypothesis B. Accordingly, the last common ancestor of the yet known chroniosuchians had a series of broad complexly interlocking ‘chroniosuchid’ osteoderms that served as a protection carapace apart from supporting the trunk during terrestrial locomotion. The later evolution of chroniosuchian carapaces was marked by a stepwise increase in flexibility and size reduction, which resulted in a loss of protective function and in a reduction in trunk support function. The flexibility increase is paralleled by the evolution of the Crocodylomorpha whose extant members do not possess as extensively interlocking osteoderm systems as some of their Mesozoic relatives.  相似文献   

Fluorescence properties of Early Cambrian acritarchs were investigated using Leica das Mikroskop (DM) microscopy with a mercury lamp. Well-preserved autoflurescence properties show a correlation between acritarchs morphology and the intensity of emitted fluorescence. In accordance with the fluorescence intensity of organic cell walls, two groups of microfossils were distinguished. Results of observation in this study, which are consistent with those of the previous foreign studies, are in good agreement with regular difference in autofluorescence intensity among palynomorphs reported by McPhilemy (1998). Spores and algae, including Botryococcus, have very bright fluorescence while acritarchs often show less intense fluorescence. Dark brown microfossils have been reworked, and have little or no fluorescence. __________ Translated from Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 2006, 23(3): 309–312 [译自: 微体古生物学报]  相似文献   

Fluorescence properties of Early Cambrian acritarchs were investigated using Leica das Mikroskop (DM)microscopy with a mercury lamp.Well-preserved autoflurescence properties show a correlation between acritarchs morphology and the intensity of emitted fluorescence.In accordance with the fluorescence intensity of organic cell walls,two groups ofmicrofossils were distinguished.Results of observation in this study,which are consistent with those of the previous foreign studies,are in good agreement with regular difference in autofluorescence intensity among palynomorphs reported by McPhilemy (1998).Spores and algae,including Botryococcus,have very bright fluorescence while acritarchs often show less intense fluorescence.Dark brown microfossils have been reworked,and have little or no fluorescence.  相似文献   


Analytical palaeohistology techniques have allowed a better understanding of the microstructure of fossil bone, as well as of bone pathologies of extinct animals. Osteomyelitis is one of the oldest identified bone pathologies, occurring in Synapsida dating back as far as the Lower Permian. Here we show the presence of this pathology in the femur of Jonkeria parva, an omnivorous titanosuchid from the Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone of the Karoo Basin of South Africa. The pathology is characterised by bony radial spicules growing perpendicular to the normal orientation of the unaffected fibrolamellar bone tissue, and shows localised increase in vascular canal size. Puncture marks on the femur suggests that an attack by a predator may have resulted in a bacterial infection that caused contiguous and subjacent osteomyelitis.  相似文献   

Junggar is one of the most important areas in the study of the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous in the Junggar-Hinggan Stratigraphic Region. Nevertheless, abundant benthic fossils await modern taxonomic studies. In this paper, six genera and eight species of Famennian spiriferide brachiopods are described from the Duguer Member and its equivalents of the Hongguleleng Formation in western Junggar, adding new data to the Rugaltarostrum Subassemblage of the “Palaeospirifer”–Megalopterorhynchus Brachiopod Assemblage of this area. Five previously recognized species within this subassemblage are revised, including: Cyrtospirifer junggarensis F.M. Zhang [now Ulbospirifer? junggarensis (F.M. Zhang)]; Tenticospirifer tenticulum transversus F.M. Zhang [now Cyrtospirifer transversus (F.M. Zhang)]; Tenticospirifer koketekensis F.M. Zhang [now Cyrtospirifer koketekensis (F.M. Zhang)]; Mucrospirifer quadratus F.M. Zhang (now “Mucrospiriferquadratus F.M. Zhang); and Mucrospirifer bouchadi (Muir-Wood) (now Tylothyris cf. novamexicana Stainbrook). Three additional species, Cyrtiorina houi n. sp., Goungjunspirifer sinicus F.M. Zhang, and Cyrtospirifer procumbens Simorin in Litvinovich et al., are described. Ulbospirifer? junggarensis and Goungjunspirifer sinicus are characterized by a prismatic layer. Cyrtiorina houi shows a moderately high and triangular ventral interarea, with delthyrium covered by pseudodeltidium with a rounded foramen. Cyrtospirifer procumbens can be distinguished from other species of this genus by its shallow, clearly limited sulcus with prominent primary plications, and high ventral interarea. Cyrtospirifer transversus has an alate to subpentagonal outline. Cyrtospirifer koketekensis has rounded and distinct flank plications. The ventral delthyrium of “Mucrospiriferquadratus is covered by a pseudodeltidium. Tylothyris cf. novamexicana develops an angular sulcus in cross-section. Comparisons with the coeval brachiopod faunas from various regions indicate that, biogeographically, western Junggar has a close relationship with the Tarbagatai Mountain Range, northeastern Kazakhstan, central Kazakhstan, and Karaganda Basin, and a certain affinity with North America.  相似文献   

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