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陕西子洲县中侏罗统延安组砂岩中,同一地点共厚约1.7 m的5个层面发现4种食肉类恐龙足迹,自上而下分别为:1)第5层面大型三趾型足迹,实雷龙足迹科王氏子洲足迹(新遗迹属、新遗迹种)Zizhoupus wangi ichnogen.et ichnosp.nov.;2)第4和第3层面中型三趾型足迹,实雷龙足迹科龙尾峁张北足迹(新遗迹种)Changpeipus longweimaoensis inchnosp.nov.;3)第2层面小型三趾或四趾型足迹,虚骨龙类小理河陕西足迹(新遗迹种)Shensipus xiaoliheensis inchnosp.nov.;4)第1层面小型三趾型足迹,虚骨龙类的铜川陕西足迹Shensipus tungchuanensis。  相似文献   

四川盆地须家河组地层已发现了两处兽脚类恐龙足迹化石点,其大小分别与实雷龙足迹(Eubrontes)和跷脚龙足迹(Grallator)相仿。其中与实雷龙足迹大小相近的足迹包括了两个连续的后足迹,并构成行迹的一部分,已被命名为磁峰彭县足迹(Pengxianpus cifengensis)。与粗壮的实雷龙足迹相比,彭县足迹有着较细长的脚趾、保存尚清晰的趾垫、较宽的趾间角,这些特征都与晚三叠世–早侏罗世的卡岩塔足迹(Kayentapus)相似。目前尚不能证明彭县足迹和卡岩塔足迹属于同物异名,彭县足迹仍然被保留。两个足迹的部分区域都保存有皮肤纹理和多边形的鳞片印痕,其中最清晰的是第二个彭县足迹第四趾的跖趾垫处。与跷脚龙足迹大小相近的、较小的兽脚类恐龙足迹也组成不甚完整的行迹。它们表现出的较宽趾间角与卡岩塔足迹和彭县足迹相似,这里暂将其归入兽脚类足迹属种未定。彭县足迹的另一特别之处在于,岩板表面还有着小的前/后足迹,可归入似哺乳四足类动物足迹,其形态类似于北美和南非三叠系–侏罗系地层产出的同类足迹。这是亚洲东南部似哺乳类足迹的首次报道。  相似文献   

重新观察和修订发现于四川资中县金李井镇碾盘山村中侏罗统沙溪庙组中的碾盘山金李井足迹(Jin-lijingpus nianpanshanensis Young and Young,1987),将其归属于实雷龙足迹属,种名保留,更名为碾盘山实雷龙足迹(Eubrontes nianpanshanensis comb.nov.)。新足迹种的特征为:足迹长大于足迹宽,行迹1的足迹长39.8cm,足迹宽33.7cm,行迹2的足迹长26cm,足迹宽24.2cm。足迹深度在2.5—3.0cm之间,无前足迹,两足行走,三趾型,趾行式,趾端具爪,Ⅲ趾最长。两条行迹的趾间角分别为Ⅱ25°Ⅲ33°Ⅳ和Ⅱ29°Ⅲ30.6°Ⅳ。单步长与足迹长之比为2.5,行迹外宽与足迹宽之比为1.5,复步角约为160°。从足迹的形态、大小和深度以及行迹的方向和速度来看,这两条行迹的造迹恐龙之间可能有某种亲缘关系。  相似文献   

<正>2014年11月9日,禄丰县国土资源局在野外进行调查时,在川街大栗树村后山下侏罗统地层中发现小型鸟臀类恐龙足迹,经中国地质大学张建平教授和其博士生邢立达的研究对比,可归入异样龙足迹。该遗迹属由Hitchcock于1848年在美国康涅狄克峡谷的上三叠统地层发现并命名。留下这种很古老足迹的恐龙属于小型鸟脚类恐龙,多数时候两足行走,偶尔四足行走。后足四趾型,但只有3个功能趾(即行走时三趾着地),趾  相似文献   

记河北省后城组新发现之小型兽脚类足迹(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
几十年前人们就已经开始研究中国东北侏罗纪—白垩纪界线附近地层中的小型兽脚类恐龙足迹,虽然这些遗迹化石比辽宁省义县组带羽毛的恐龙及其他实体化石逊色了许多。本文记述了河北省承德南双庙后城组(土城子组)最下部河流相沉积中发现的一组兽脚类恐龙足迹。南双庙足迹具有三趾,趾粗大,其形态与美国下侏罗统经典的"brontozoid"足迹(Gral- lator,Anchisauripus和Eubrontes)相符。虽然许多产自辽宁土城子组中基本同时的brontozoid足迹被鉴定为小型的跷脚龙足迹属(Grallator),但南双庙足迹更大一些(全长可达28.8 cm),可能应该归入安琪龙足迹属(Anchisauripus)。南双庙足迹很可能是一群小型兽脚类行走而产生。在辽宁义县组的兽脚类恐龙中,最可能留下这类足迹的是小型的窃蛋龙类——尾羽龙(Caudipteryx)。不过这个解释还很勉强,因为这些足迹缺乏鉴定性特征,而且河北的后城组与辽宁的义县组之间还有一定的时间及地理间隔。  相似文献   

尽管新疆地域辽阔,但其四足动物足迹在不久前仍是寥寥。近几年,这种情况得以改变,来自侏罗纪和白垩纪的四足动物足迹陆续被报道和描述,其形态可归入鸟类、非鸟恐龙和翼龙足迹。这里报道了中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所保存的新疆下侏罗统地层发现的第一个恐龙足迹。该足迹是一个小型兽脚类足迹,也是中国西北目前已知的最古老的恐龙足迹。标本暂时归入似张北足迹未定种(cf.Changpeipus isp.),它类似于常见的跷脚龙-实雷龙足迹丛(Grallator-Eubrontes plexus),该种类的足迹主宰着早、中侏罗世的中国,乃至全球之四足动物足迹群。  相似文献   

记述了采自陕西秦巴山区竹子上的瘿螨科3新种:纹股新波羽瘿螨Neocymoptus ornapodus sp.nov.,寄主慈竹Neosinocalamus affinis (Rendle) Keng;刚竹背槽瘿螨Aculochetus phyllostacher sp.nov.,寄主刚竹属Phyllostachys sp.;尖嘴四瘿螨Tetra spicrostrae sp.nov.,寄主刚竹属Phyllostachys sp..  相似文献   

缓步动物门三新种及一新记录种记述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨潼 《水生生物学报》2002,26(5):505-508
记述了得自云南省和河南省苔藓与丝状绿藻中的缓步动物门三新种和一新记录种:异缓步纲棘影熊虫科的西藏角棘影熊虫新记录种 Cornechiniscus tibetanus)Maucci, 1979)和石林假棘影熊虫,新种 Pseudechiniscus shilinensis sp. nov.;真缓步纲大生熊虫科的河南趾生熊虫,新种 Dactylobiotus henanensis sp. nov.;高生熊虫科的昆明高生熊虫,新种 Hypsibius kunmingensis sp. nov..    相似文献   

张悦  杨国亭 《植物研究》1990,10(4):51-58
本文论述了采自中国三江平原(黑龙江省宝清县)的新鞭毛藻,共1新属6新种1新变种.新属为Cercobodoides gen. nov.; 6新种为Tranguillus pyriformis sp. nov., Cercobodo obliqua. sp. nov., Cercobodoides heilongjianica sp. nov.; Oicomonas ovata Sp. nov., Rhizomastix borealis sp. nov., Trigonomonas papillata sp. nov.; 1新变种为Tranguillus pyriformis var, obovata var. nov.  相似文献   

重新研究了产于辽西义县组下部的带羽毛小型兽脚类恐龙长掌义县龙(Yixianosaurus longimanus) 的不完整骨架。系统发育分析得出义县龙属于手盗龙类基干类群,与阿尔瓦雷斯龙( Alvarezsaurus) 、镰刀龙类、除阿尔瓦雷斯龙之外的其他阿尔瓦雷斯龙类以及由窃蛋龙类和副鸟龙类等进步手盗龙类组成的一个类群形成多分支状态。义县龙既有原始特征,如臂指数低,第三指强壮; 也有进步特征,如乌喙骨近长方形,表明在手盗龙类当中,前肢演化呈现出比以前认为的更加复杂的镶嵌现象。强壮的前肢骨骼以及厚重、弯曲而尖利的手爪表明义县龙是捕食者,尽管这一认识尚待该属种更完整化石的发现来证实。义县龙在手盗龙类系统发育中的基部位置暗示,在虚骨龙类演化的这一节点上,前肢形态的变异范围更大。在许多方面,义县龙强壮的前肢和过度增大的弯曲爪子与长臂猎龙(Tanycolagreus) 和虚骨龙(Coelurus) 的相似,可能代表了这些属种与基干镰刀龙类和窃蛋龙类之间的过渡形态。义县龙保存了大的片状体羽,表明这些皮肤衍生物在虚骨龙类中的起源可能比以前报道的要早。最后,强壮而伸长的前肢暗示了其生态功能与根据同一区域的其他小型兽脚类推测的不同,支持了热河生物群的小型非鸟兽脚类中存在小生境划分的观点。  相似文献   

A diverse assemblage of dinosaur and bird tracks from Niobrara County, Wyoming, represents the first vertebrate ichnofauna reported from the bone-rich Lance Formation (Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous). The ichnofauna includes a hadrosaur track with skin impressions; three theropod track types, including the tetradactyl track Saurexallopus zerbsti (ichnosp. nov.); a tridactyl dinosaur footprint with a fusiform digit III; possible Tyrannosaurus tracks; four distinctive avian ichnites; and invertebrate traces. The footprints are generally well-preserved and so offer a unique insight into the ecology of a small river valley during the Maastrichtian.

Saurexallopus zerbsti ichnosp. nov. from the Lance is similar to Saurexallopus lovei recently reported from the Maastrichtian, Harebell Formation, of northwestern Wyoming, but is represented by much better material, facilitating amendment of the ichnogenus. Skeletal equivalents for Saurexallopus are not currently known. Similarly, the tridactyl track with fusiform digit III is similar to footprints reported from the coeval Laramie Formation of Colorado and may also be similar to ichnogenus Ornithomimipus from the Edmonton Group of Alberta (though not necessarily of ornithomimid affinity). The hadrosaurian track with the skin impression is reminiscent of a similar ichnite reported from the Maastrichtian, St. Mary River Formation in Alberta, which is herein named Hadrosauropodus langstoni as part of a reassessment of Cretaceous ornithopod track ichnotaxonomy. Such correlations demonstrate the utility of tracks for local or regional biostratigraphy (palichnostratigraphy) in western North America. It is also clear that tracks add to our knowledge of the composition and distribution of dinosaurian and avian components of Maastrichtian faunas. In particular the bird tracks indicate a diversity of at least four species, one of which was a semi-palmate form, hitherto unknown in the ichnological record and named Sarjeantichnus semipalmatus.  相似文献   

New investigations in the Middle Eocene volcanosedimentary deposits, north of Birjand in eastern Iran, have resulted in the recovery of new mammal footprints (described as Palaeotheriipus sarjeanti nov. ichnosp.) and the first bird tracks (described as Gruipeda lambrechti nov. ichnosp.).  相似文献   

内蒙古查布地区下白垩统巨齿龙足印化石   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
内蒙古鄂尔多斯市鄂托克旗查布地区下白垩统中产有大量的蜥脚类和兽脚类恐龙足迹及鸟类足迹化石,作者对这个地区的足迹化石进行全面普查,发现许多新暴露出来的恐龙足迹化石,包括兽脚类恐龙足迹一新属新种Chapuslockleyiichnogen.etichnosp.nov.属于巨齿龙类(megalosaurid)所留。与兽脚类足迹保存在一起的蜥脚类足迹Brontopodusbirdi分布凌乱,反映了造迹恐龙搏斗的场面。通过测量连续的兽脚类足迹计算,Chapuslockleyi的造迹恐龙的行走速度为4.33km/h。通过足迹化石还识别出造迹恐龙的病态特征。  相似文献   

A tetradactyl pes impression and tridactyl manus impression are described as the type specimen of Hatcherichnus sanjuanensis ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., a probable large crocodilian ichnite from the Salt Wash Member of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation in eastern Utah. A similar pes track from the Morrison Formation at Garden Park, Colorado, may also belong to this ichnogenus. The type specimen from Utah consists of plaster replicas of natural casts of a left pes impression and a left manus impression. Associated with the type specimen were possible tail and body drag impressions. The tracks do not appear to be part of a walking trackway and may be swim tracks associated with an animal in shallow water. The tracks occur at a visible contact between slightly fining‐upward channel sandstone units.  相似文献   

Jesús Reolid 《Ichnos》2017,24(3):222-233
Twenty-six enigmatic footprints composed of three elongated parallel depressions (two lateral ones and a shorter central one located forward with respect to the others) are described from Middle Triassic red beds of the Tabular Cover in southern Spain. The purpose of this work is the interpretation of these enigmatic tracks. The footprints range from 28 to 48 cm in length and 23 to 44 cm in width. Limestones on top of the footprint-bearing sandstone contain invertebrate traces such as Planolites, Thalassinoides, and Rhizocorallium, and bivalves (Pleuromya, Trigonodus, and Unionites), typical of marine and brackish environments. They indicate that these footprints developed in a coastal or nearly coastal environment. Whereas the enigmatic trace fossils correspond to tridactyl footprints, the digital marks are parallel and do not show any divarication as in typical walking footprints of archosauria. These traces were left when the trackmaker was swimming in a waterbody deep enough for floating only occasionally touching the ground with the digit tips. The tracks formed as a result of the backward sweeping of the tips when the digits came in contact with the bottom while the animal was buoyed by water. They differ from typical swim traces of other archosaurs (such as theropods) that show three longitudinal scratches because in studied tracks the axial digit (III) of the bipedal tridactyl archosaur sinks in the sediment and gives a short and deep scratch. The other digit scratches (from digits II and IV) would correspond to the upper surface of the toes. The studied tracks correspond to Characichnos ichnofacies (swimming tracks composed by parallel scratch marks) and they were made by a bipedal tridactil archosaur or some functionally tridactyl, chirothere tracemaker.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Twenty species of bivalves (14 new) and 14 genera (six new) are described from two localities in the Silurian, upper Telychian, Oktavites spiralis Biozone of Spain: Cardavia cathleenae gen. et sp. nov., C. hafi sp. nov . , C. stefani sp. nov.; Copenychia franta gen. et sp. nov., C. pristina sp. nov.; Stolidotus marco sp. nov.; Telycardia malinka gen. et sp. nov.; Silurinka vetula gen. et sp. nov.; Bolsopteria lentilka gen. et sp. nov.; Nennapteria ibericola gen. et sp. nov., N. ollicula sp. nov.; Actinopteria dakryodes sp. nov., A. isabelae sp. nov. and Dceruska hispanica sp. nov. They comprise two closely related communities, the Copenychia-Cardavia-Actinopteria Community and the Dceruska-Copenychia-Stolidotus Community, which belong to the Snoopyia Community Group. The occurrence of Dceruska Barrande, 1881, Dualina Barrande, 1881, Patrocardia Barrande, 1881, Silurinka , gen. nov., Slava Barrande, 1881 and Stolidotus Hede, 1915 in the Telychian of the Central Iberian Domain, Spain, supports palaeogeographical relationships with other Lower Silurian regions of north Gondwanan and Perunican Europe: the Carnic Alps (Austria), the Montagne Noire (France), Sardinia (Italy) and the Prague Basin (Bohemia), and also to Avalonia: the Welsh Borderland (Great Britain) and Baltica–Skåne (Sweden). These genera together with the new genera Cardavia, Copenychia (the earliest known representatives of the Silurian family Cardiolidae), Telycardia (the oldest known representative of the family Praecardiidae) and Silurinka belong to a Bohemian type of bivalve. Bolsopteria lentilka is closely related to Bolsopteria elliptica (Hind, 1910) from the Aeronian (middle Llandovery) of Scotland.  相似文献   

This paper presents a preliminary investigation of late Pleistocene cave bear traces from Ur?ilor Cave in the western Carpathians, Romania. The bears left thousands of traces on the walls, plateaus, and slopes of the cave interior. Some areas in the cave have been heavily trampled, leaving more than 140 hibernation beds as well as fur impressions. The footprints of cave bears are assigned to Ursichnus europaeus nov. ichnogen. and nov. ichnosp. and the cave bear-beds to Ursalveolus carpathicus nov. ichnogen. and nov. ichnosp. as behavioral traces. Tens of thousands of scratch marks on the slopes and top of a clay plateau are the result of bears moving from the hibernation area down to a stream and back. These traces reveal that the cave bears had short claws, similar to those of modern, primarily herbivorous black bears. Deep within the cave, three weathered, articulated cave bear skeletons still lie in their hibernation beds on the clay plateaus or a natural cave corner. One of these bears was a one-year-old male cub that did not survive its first hibernation; a second skeleton close was an adult female. The third, a young male, was found close to the end of the cave system. The bears of Ur?ilor Cave would have felt well protected against carnivores during their hibernation because their sleeping places were so deep within the cave. Their strategy may well have been to avoid any conflict with hyenas and lions during hibernation.  相似文献   

记黑龙江畔一鸭嘴龙足印化石   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2002年9月,来自七个国家的地层古生物学者,在中国吉林省长春市吉林大学举行了“黑龙江流域白垩纪生物群及K/T界线国际学术研讨会”。会议之后学者们对黑龙江沿岸中新生界地层进行了实地踏勘,在踏勘的过程中在嘉荫县永安村之东南1.2km的黑龙江岸边发现了一滚石板,其上保存一较完整的大型恐龙足印。足印印迹在厚层钙质胶结的粗砂岩上,经查对化石产出岩层为嘉荫群永安村组(Sun et a1.,2003)。化石是一大型的三趾的足印(tridactyl),三趾短粗,中趾呈U型,趾间有蹼的痕迹,造印者应是一只鸭嘴龙(Thulbom,1990)。黑龙江省嘉荫县是我国第一只命名的恐龙——黑龙江满洲龙(Mandschurosaurus amurensis)化石的产出地,化石产自嘉荫群渔亮子组(Riabinin,1925,1930;Dong,1992)。本文记述的标本是嘉荫群中发现的第一件足印化石,也是我国鸭嘴龙类足印化石的首次记录(甄朔南等,1996)。  相似文献   

南极利文期顿岛晚三叠世复理石相遗迹化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南极利文斯顿岛赫德半岛中的迈尔斯陡崖组主要是浅变质的石英长石杂砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩和粉砂岩与泥岩互层等组成的复理石,厚度可能超过3000m,形成于浊积扇的上扇和下扇部分,时代可能为晚三叠世。在复理石相岩石中发育一套深水的遗迹化石,共有15个遗迹属、16人遗变种,其中有10个可以鉴定到遗迹种,两个比较种,4个只鉴定到遗迹属,未鉴定到遗迹种,1建立1个新遗迹属及新遗迹种,除新遗迹属种外,其余14个遗迹属,15个遗迹种都曾经在深海复理石相浊积岩内发现过,其中Belorhaphe,Glockerichnus,Lophoctenium,Rhabdo-glyphus,Paleodictyon,Suborenzinia,Spirophycus,Strobilorhaphe,Tuberculicnus,Cochlichnus等,属于浊流前产生在复理石相泥岩内的高度分异的雕画迹(Graphoglyptida),它们产于泥岩却保存为上覆砂岩底面的铸型凸起。别外,Fucusopsis和Neonereites却产生在砂岩内代表浊流后形成的沉积后遗迹组合,文内还描述3种浊流常见的无机构造,并上上述遗迹化石进行比较。  相似文献   

再论假裸枝叠层石科*   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
内蒙古桌子山地区中奥陶统公乌素组遗迹化石十分丰富.本文共鉴定、描述14个遗迹属、17个遗迹种,其中1新遗迹属——Biscopulatichnus、4新遗种和6未定种.并根据不同遗迹属在不同层位中的相对丰度,建立了4个遗迹组合,自下而上的顺序是:1. Taenidium-Phycodes 组合;2. Volkichnium 组合;3. Helminthopsis 组合;4. Granularia-Circulichnus 组合,大致相当于 Seilacher (1967) 的 Zoophycos 遗迹相,反映出公乌素组沉积期,水体较深且宁静、缺氧、有机质含量高,推测应为大陆斜坡环境.  相似文献   

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