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玛姆象属是长鼻类玛姆象科这一重要类群的最终成员。虽然这一属在上新世的欧亚大陆和更新世的北美大陆广泛分布,它早期的进化历史却鲜为人知。报道了中国北方上中新统发现的斜脊玛姆象(相似种)(Mammut cf.M.obliquelophus)的新材料,包括一个几乎完整的幼年头骨,这些材料显示了玛姆象科的许多原始特征,因此很好地解释了玛姆象属形态特征的形成过程。斜脊玛姆象(相似种)具有强烈向两侧扩展的枕部,在门齿窝的基部具有收缩,这些特征与莫罗托始轭齿象(Eozygodon morotoensis)和广河豕脊齿象(Choerolophodon guangheensis)均具有相似性,后两者分别为玛姆象科与豕脊齿象科的早期代表。因此,玛姆象科与豕脊齿象科(Choerolophodontidae)具有近的亲缘关系,二者同位于象形类(Elephantimorpha)系统发育中的基部。支序分析支持了这一结论。  相似文献   

中国的脊棱齿象属(Stegolophodon)化石   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
剑齿象属 Stegodon 起源于脊棱齿象属 Stegolophodon,两者都是亚洲大陆晚新生代的特有动物,本文讨论两属中一些种的性质和分类位置问题,并记述了药铺脊棱齿象 Stegolophodon officinalis 的新材料.  相似文献   

云南地区中新世晚期的玛姆象和嵌齿象类化石的归类一直存在较多的争议,尤其是涉及中华乳齿象(Sinomastodon)的起源问题.本文对此前发表及最近发现的产自元谋盆地中新世晚期小河组(8.2-7.2 Ma)的玛姆象类化石进行了深入研究,从中辨认出了两个颊齿形态截然不同的类群.一类颊齿轭形化程度高,将其鉴定为曾经在禄丰、昭...  相似文献   

描述了产自美国北卡罗来纳州上三叠统横齿兽类北方阔齿兽新材料的牙齿。基于牙齿的特征,尤其是犬后齿的形态,这些标本被暂归入杰斐逊北方阔齿兽Boreogomphodon jeffersoni;不过它们的下阔齿型犬后齿前横脊一般有两个而不是3个齿尖。根据牙齿大小、直接替换情况,推测阔齿型齿从后部萌发,从前部脱落。这个类群仅有一代阔齿型犬后齿;至少有一代,可能是两代裂齿型犬后齿。  相似文献   

记述采自贵州省贵阳森林公园和绥阳县宽阔水的鼻象蜡蝉属Saigona Matsumura 1新种,即囊突鼻象蜡蝉 Saigona saccus sp.nov..新种近似于瘤鼻象蜡蝉Saigona fulgoroides(Walker,1858),主要区别在阳茎基的结构上.前者阳茎基宛如一套子包裹在阳茎外面;后者阳茎基从侧面看,端部背面有一背部延伸的叶状突起,腹面具有小的叶状突起.详细描述了新种的外部形态特征,绘制了雄虫鉴别特征图.模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

记述采自中国海南、贵州、广东的短象蜡蝉属Dictyopharina Melichar(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,象蜡蝉科,象蜡蝉亚科)1新种,即六突短象蜡蝉D.hexasaca sp.nov.。编制了短象蜡蝉属分种检索表,提供了新种的鉴别特征图。新种模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

记述了中国象蜡蝉科1新纪录属平象蜡蝉属IndrivalFennah,1978及该属的模式种泥润平象蜡蝉Indrival nerinusFennah,1978.研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆.  相似文献   

李桂祥 《动物学研究》1986,7(3):207-216
近针白蚁属,新属Periaciculitermes,gen.nov. 兵蚁(图1,1.—5) 体小型,兵单态。头部具有短毛和少量长刚毛。 头除鼻呈前窄后宽的卵形,近后头1/3处最宽,后缘稍呈弧形圆出,中间稍平。侧看鼻基后缘与头部交接处稍隆起,象鼻平直。象鼻瘦长,管状。上颚钝凸,无尖刺。触角12节。胫节距式为2:2:2。跗节4节。 工蚁 工蚁左上颚端齿明显大于第l缘齿(图1,6),第2缘齿退化,与第1缘齿后切  相似文献   

记述中国长头象蜡蝉属Doryphorina 1新种:多刺突长头象蜡蝉D.multifurcella Zheng&Chen sp.nov..该新种与团簇长头象蜡蝉D.conglobatus Zheng,Yang&Chen相似,与后者的区别主要在:新种阳茎基端部具有2对膜质突起,背突起细长,端部和基部具有长刺;后者背突起细...  相似文献   

The infrageneric taxonomy of the genus Cephalotaxus Siebold et Zuccarini ex Endlicher (Taxaceae) is controversial as morphological characters have been doubted to change coherently among species. Although the epidermal features are considered as important characters in the taxonomy of conifers, they have not been systematically studied in this genus. Neogene foliage shoots with well-preserved epidermal structure not only can provide systematic links to the extant species, but also have implications for the taxonomical definition of the extant species by their epidermal features. In this paper, the morphologies of leafy shoots combining epidermal structure of a Neogene Cephalotaxus, which was collected from the middle Miocene of Southwest China, and ten extant species (variants) were studied. Morphology as well as epidermal structures was compared among species (variants) in Cephalotaxus. Based on the comparisons, the taxonomical definition of extant species in genus Cephalotaxus are discussed. Our results indicate that leaf morphological characters in combination with the features of epidermal structure can distinguish species in genus Cephalotaxus. The fossil foliage shoots from the middle Miocene of Southwest China were assigned to a new species, C. maguanensis n. sp., which shows close affinities to the extant C. hainanensis. On the basis of leaf and epidermal information, we suggest there are seven extant species in Cephalotaxus. With global cooling and the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the middle Miocene, the cooling climate induced the differentiation and southward expansions of C. maguanensis, and its extant offspring, C. hainanensis, is distributed to Hainan Island and the Indo-Chinese peninsula.  相似文献   

Early Miocene fossils from Rusinga Island, Kenya, provide some of the best evidence for catarrhine evolution and diversification, and, together with more than eighty-five other mammalian species, form an important comparative reference for understanding faunal succession in East Africa. While there is consensus over the stratigraphic position of most of Rusinga's volcaniclastic deposits, the lacustrine Kulu Formation has been placed in various parts of the geological sequence by different researchers. To resolve this discrepancy, we conducted detailed geological analyses which indicate that the Kulu Formation was formed in the Early Miocene during a period of volcanic inactivity and subsidence following the early, mainly explosive hyper-alkaline phase of the Kisingiri complex and prior to the final eruptions of nephelinitic lavas. The underlying Hiwegi and older formations were locally deformed and deeply eroded before sedimentation began in the Kulu basin, so that the Kulu sediments may be significantly younger than the 17.8 Ma Hiwegi Formation and not much older than the overlying Kiangata Agglomerata-Lunene Lava series, loosely dated to ca. 15 Ma. The overall similarities between Kulu and Hiwegi faunas imply long-term ecological stability in this region. Our stratigraphic interpretation suggests that the Kulu fauna is contemporaneous with faunas from West Turkana, implying that differences between these assemblages—particularly in the primate communities—reflect paleobiogeographic and/or paleocological differences. Finally, the position of the Kulu Formation restricts the time frame during which the substantial faunal turnover seen in the differences between the primate and mammalian communities of Rusinga and Maboko Islands could have occurred.  相似文献   

Early Miocene vegetation and climate in Weichang District, North China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Early Miocene palynological assemblage of Guangfayong (GFY) in the Weichang District, Hebei Province, China has been studied. It consists of 48 palynomorphs belonging to 39 families, with pollen and spores belonging to angiosperms (28.9%), gymnosperms (59.9%), ferns (10.8%) and other elements (0.5%). Based on the palynological assemblages of GFY and Wuluogong (WLG), another locality in the Weichang District, the Early Miocene vegetation of the Weichang District, was characterized by a mixed temperate forest of conifers (e.g. Pinus, Picea, Tsuga) and broad-leaved trees (e.g. Betula, Alnus), with some subtropical plants (e.g. Carya). The palaeoclimatic parameters of Guangfayong were obtained by applying the Coexistence Approach: the mean annual temperature from 7.8 to 14.9 °C, the difference of temperature between the coldest and warmest months from 14.2 to 23 °C, the mean temperature of the coldest month from − 3 to 5.9 °C, the mean temperature of the warmest month from 23.5 to 25.4 °C, the mean annual precipitation from 658.7 to 1389.4 mm, the minimum monthly precipitation from 7.6 to 16.4 mm, and the maximum monthly precipitation from 161.4 to 205.9 mm. It suggests a warm temperate to subtropical climate in Weichang District, similar to that of present-day Zhaojue City, Sichuan Province in the Yangtze River Valley. When the palaeoclimatic parameters were compared with those of Middle Miocene Shanwang Basin, it would seem that the temperature and precipitation were a little higher in the Middle Miocene of eastern China. However, if the latitudinal temperature gradient at that time is considered, the median temperature values of GFY of Early Miocene and Shanwang of Mid-Miocene were similar.  相似文献   

报道了甘肃天水地区武山县四门镇南峪村地点发现的一件残破的未成年维曼嵌齿象(Gomphotherium wimani)下颌,标本保存有完整的p3,dp4,m1齿列。颊齿齿冠显示出嵌齿象属(Gomphotherium)的一些进步特征,例如齿脊前后压缩,齿谷宽阔,副齿柱后中心小尖凸显,中附锥和中心小尖趋于分裂,有弱的白垩质发育,符合维曼嵌齿象的鉴定特征。维曼嵌齿象此前发现于甘肃的中中新统,而南峪村地点的含化石地层可与周围其他地点的中中新统对比,因此,南峪村地点维曼嵌齿象层位的地质时代为中中新世。同时,结合孢粉学研究的结果,可能说明中中新世时期,天水地区气候温暖湿润,适宜低齿冠的哺乳类如嵌齿象等动物生存。  相似文献   

记述了一件发现于内蒙古临河巴彦满达呼上白垩统乌兰苏海组的窃蛋龙科新材料并建立了一新属新种——戈壁乌拉特龙(Wulatelong gobiensis gen. et sp. nov.)。新属种具有以下不同于其他窃蛋龙科成员的独特特征:外鼻孔大而细长,腹端低于前上颌骨中部;上颌骨的颧骨支呈带状,并向后延伸至眶前隔之后,叠覆于颧骨外侧面;外侧视,上隅骨的前背突基部收缩。戈壁乌拉特龙具有一些其他窃蛋龙科成员不具有的近祖特征,而与更原始的窃蛋龙类接近,说明戈壁乌拉特龙代表了窃蛋龙科中一个相对原始的属种。这些近祖特征包括:下颞颥孔的背缘较窄,泪骨的前突和后突相对较长,外翼骨和外下颌孔的位置都相对靠后,肩胛骨短而纤细,肠骨的耻骨茎较坐骨茎向腹侧延伸更长并前后向更宽,坐骨较短,以及第三跖骨近端侧扁等。因此戈壁乌拉特龙的系统发育位置可能居于原始窃蛋龙类和其他窃蛋龙科成员之间。对巴彦满达呼恐龙动物群的初步分析支持巴彦满达呼红层代表了蒙古高原戈壁地区上白垩统红层中的最早沉积层位的结论。  相似文献   

The cheek teeth of Debruijnia kostakii n. sp. from the Early Miocene of Karydia are only slightly smaller than those of the largest extant species of the Spalacinae (Spalax giganteus), but show characteristics that are reminiscent of its Paleogene cricetid ancestor. The peculiar combination of large size and primitive dental morphology of this species bridges the gap between Debruijnia and Pliospalax and thereby supports the hypothesis that these genera form the core of the complex evolutionary history leading to extant Spalax.  相似文献   

The modern genus Dacrycarpus (Endl.) de Laub. of the family Podocarpaceae, containing nine species, is mainly distributed in tropical mountain rainforests of the southwestern Pacific region, ranging from New Zealand to low‐latitude Asia. This genus has abundant fossil records in both hemispheres, but all the known megafossils were limited to Australasia and South America. Here we report on Dacrycarpus guipingensis sp. nov. from the Miocene Erzitang Formation of Guangxi, South China. This is the first megafossil of Dacrycarpus in the Northern Hemisphere. The new species is represented by mummified dimorphic foliage, ovuliferous shoots, and a male cone with in situ pollen. It resembles the extant Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub., which is common in rainforests from southern China and northern Myanmar to Fiji. This paper presents the first data on the anatomical structure of seed cone and exine ultrastructure of Dacrycarpus in situ pollen grains from a fossil material by using computed tomography scanning and ultrathin sectioning. For comparative purpose, data on the pollen morphology and ultrastructure were obtained for modern D. imbricatus for the first time. The D. guipingensis fossils strongly suggest the Miocene arrival of Dacrycarpus in Asia from the Southern Hemisphere. Based on the modern ecological niche and related fossil elements, this fossil locality was probably covered by conifer–broad‐leaved mountain rainforests during the Miocene.  相似文献   

Among the 14 small mammal species from the early Miocene locality of the northern area of the Junggar basin (northern Xinjiang, China), four species are cricetids (Rodentia): unnamed species of Cricetodon and Eumyarion, and two new species, Karydomys debruijni nov. sp. and Megacricetodon beijiangensis nov. sp. Some aspects of the morphology of Cricetodon sp. are shared by Eucricetodon from the late Oligocene, suggesting that these specimens could be of intermediate form between Eucricetodon and Cricetodon. One tooth of Eumyarion sp. was found, making its determination uncertain, but its morphology is clearly differentiated from the one of Cricetodon sp. The species K. debruijni nov. sp. is established based on its primitive features compared to the species known in Europe and Anatolia, and its specific association of characters compared to Karydomys dzerzhinskii. M. beijiangensis nov. sp. shows many plesiomorphic features compared to the species already described in the middle Miocene of China. Based on both the whole assemblage of rodents and the species of cricetids, the biochronologic position and the age of the locality are discussed. The locality appears to be biochronologically very close to the fauna from the Chul’adyr Formation in Aktau Mountains, but we propose an age slightly older than the one proposed for this fauna, probably equivalent to the MN3 biozone in Europe.  相似文献   

Sevket Sen 《Palaeontology》2001,44(5):913-932
Although Molayan is the richest fossil mammal locality in Afghanistan, only a few species have been studied. This paper describes three rodents (Hystrix aryanensis sp. nov., Parapeolomys sp. and Pseudomeriones latidens sp. nov.) and one insectivore (Erinaceus sp.). Lithostratigraphical correlations and biostratigraphical studies in the Khurdkabul Basin provide evidence that the Molayan locality is younger than three other localities in this basin: Sherullah, Taghar and Ghazgay. In addition, the taxa described here, along with several species of large mammals from Molayan, permit correlations with the Siwalik succession in Pakistan to the east, and with European Neogene mammal ages to the west. The age of the Molayan fauna is concluded to be mid Turolian. Observations on the mammal faunas from the Khurdkabul Basin suggest that the altitude of the area, at present over 2000 m, was much lower during the late Miocene. Uplift of the basin probably occurred no earlier than the ?late Pliocene.  相似文献   

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