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The cathodically galvanotropic orientation of nemerteans, Lineus, and the anodic orientation of the gephyrean Echiurus, are reversed by the action of strychnine under conditions such that the typical "reversal of inhibition" induced by this substance is apparent. Nicotine does not give this result. Since it is necessary to assume that the strychnine effect is due to action upon the central ganglia, and since the galvanotropic effect depends upon action of the current on nerve cell bodies of the central ganglia, it must be assumed that the locus of reversal by strychnine is not perikaryal, but presumably synaptic.  相似文献   

A hallmark of polarity in most migrating cells is the orientation of the nuclear centrosomal (NC) axis relative to the front-back cellular axis. Here, we review 'effector functions' associated with the NC axis during cell migration. We highlight recent research that has demonstrated that the orientation of the NC axis depends upon the coordinated, but separate positioning of the nucleus and the centrosome. We stress the importance of environmental factors such as cell-cell contacts and substrate topology for NC axis orientation. Finally, we summarize tests of the significance of this axis for cell migration and disease.  相似文献   

G. Weill  C. Hornick 《Biopolymers》1971,10(10):2029-2037
The variation of the polarized components of fluorescence of a rodlike particle bearing a fluorescent label upon partial orientation is calculated for some special geometry of the dye macromolecules complexes. Explicit expressions are given for the case where the energy of the molecule in the field depends only on one angle θ, showing that the result is a function of both 〈sin2θ〉 and 〈sin4θ〉. For the case of orientation in an electric field through an anisotropic induced moment, the expressions allow the calculation of this anisotropy of polarizability. The method is applied to the measurement of the polarizability of rodlike fragments of DNA labeled by intercalated molecules of Acridine Orange.  相似文献   

Base-base interactions were computed for single- and double stranded poly,ucleotides, for all possible base sequences. In each case, both right and left stacking arrangements are energetically possible. The preference of one over the other depends upon the base-sequence and the orientation of the bases with respect to helix-axis. Inverted stacking arrangement is also energetically possible for both single- and double-stranded polynucleotides. Finally, interacting energies of a regular duplex and the alternative structures were compared. It was found that the type II model is energetically more favourable than the rest.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) chemotaxis has been examined under conditions which allow phase microscope observations of cells responding to controlled gradients of chemotactic factors. With this visual assay, PMNs can be seen to orient rapidly and reversibly to gradients of N-formylmethionyl peptides. The level of orientation depends upon the mean concentration of peptide present as well as the concentration gradient. The response allows an estimation of the binding constant of the peptide to the cell. In optimal gradients, PMNs can detect a 1% difference in the concentration of peptide. At high cell densities, PMNs incubated with active peptides orient their locomotion away from the center of the cell population. This orientation appears to be due to inactivation of the peptides by the cells. Such inactivation in vivo could help to limit an inflammatory response.  相似文献   

M C Holley 《Tissue & cell》1984,16(2):287-310
The basal apparatuses which anchor the gill cilia in Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Pallas) and the actinopharynx cilia in Calliactis parasitica (Couch) are similar in structure. In C. parasitica the pharynx epithelium and the basal apparatuses are flexible. The basal apparatuses, however, bend in only one direction. This mechanism may permit epithelial flexibility whilst maintaining a similar basal orientation between cilia. In B. lanceolatum the ciliated gill epithelia are mechanically stable but the epithelial surfaces are curved. The basal apparatuses may correct for this curvature, with short rootlets between the distal centrioles (basal bodies) and the cell membranes, so that their cilia also share a common orientation. A common basal orientation between cilia is important for their coordination. The degree of coordination depends upon the function of the cilia; water-propelling cilia are more precisely coordinated than mucus-propelling cilia. Much of the structural diversity of ciliary basal apparatuses in Metazoa may be due to variation in the demands of anchoring functionally different cilia to epithelia which have different structural and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

In the neural plate and neural tube in the trunk region of the zebrafish embryo, dividing cells are oriented parallel to the plane of the neuroepithelium, while in neural keel/rod, cells divide perpendicular to it. This change in the orientation of mitosis is brought about by a 90 degrees rotation of the mitotic spindle. As the two halves of the neural primordium in keel/rod stage are in apposition, the perpendicular orientation of mitoses in this stage determines that daughter cells become allocated to both sides of the neural tube. To assess the role played by cell junctions in controlling the orientation of dividing cells, we studied the expression of components of adherens and tight junctions in the neuroepithelial cells. We find that these proteins are distributed irregularly at the neural plate stage and become polarised apically in the cell membrane only during the keel/rod stage. The stereotypic orientation of mitoses is perturbed only weakly upon loss of function of the cell junction components ASIP and aPKClambda, suggesting that mitotic orientation depends in part on the integrity of cell junctions and the polarity of the epithelium as a whole. However, the 90-degree rotation of the spindle does not require perfectly polarised cell junctions between the neuroepithelial cells.  相似文献   

A Popple  U Polat  Y Bonneh 《Spatial Vision》2001,14(2):139-150
Our ability to align three Gabor patches depends upon their internal carrier orientation; we are better at aligning vertical or horizontal patches than oblique patches (Keeble and Hess, 1998). However, the tuning of alignment to patch orientation has not studied in detail. We measured the alignment of a vertical target with reference patches varying in orientation and found it tuned to vertical (collinear) patches at centre-to-centre separation of three carrier periods, with a steep increase for oblique references and slight downturn for horizontal (orthogonal) references. Next, we increased separation between the patches, testing collinear, side-by-side, orthogonal and oblique configurations. Surprisingly, we found that the tuning for collinear patches was preserved. All ten observers tested had lower alignment thresholds for collinear patches. This effect extended to an inter-patch separation of 10 carrier periods (20 envelope standard deviations). Additionally, we measured contrast detection thresholds for the reference patches using the same stimuli. The collinear facilitation of alignment was even greater than the collinear facilitation of detection.  相似文献   

The antibiotics nitrofurazone and nitrofurantoin are used in the treatment of genitourinary infections and as topical antibacterial agents. Their action is dependent upon activation by bacterial nitroreductase flavoproteins, including the Escherichia coli nitroreductase (NTR). Here we show that the products of reduction of these antibiotics by NTR are the hydroxylamine derivatives. We show that the reduction of nitrosoaromatics is enzyme-catalyzed, with a specificity constant approximately 10,000-fold greater than that of the starting nitro compounds. This suggests that the reduction of nitro groups proceeds through two successive, enzyme-mediated reactions and explains why the nitroso intermediates are not observed. The global reaction rate for nitrofurazone determined in this study is over 10-fold higher than that previously reported, suggesting that the enzyme is much more active toward nitroaromatics than previously estimated. Surprisingly, in the crystal structure of the oxidized NTR-nitrofurazone complex, nitrofurazone is oriented with its amide group, rather than the nitro group to be reduced, positioned over the reactive N5 of the FMN cofactor. Free acetate, which acts as a competitive inhibitor with respect to NADH, binds in a similar orientation. We infer that the orientation of bound nitrofurazone depends upon the redox state of the enzyme. We propose that the charge distribution on the FMN rings, which alters upon reduction, is an important determinant of substrate binding and reactivity in flavoproteins with broad substrate specificity.  相似文献   

An investigation has been made of the compressive strength of the porcine mandible and its depedence upon microstructure and strain rate. The results are compared with the fracture behavior of bovine femoral bone. Regarding microstructural dependence, it was found that fracture behavior depends upon regularity of structure, morphology of subunits, orientation of lamellae with respect to the stress axis, amount of ground substance, density and mineral content. Fracture mode was found to be a strong function of strain rate. For both porcine mandibular and bovine femoral bone, there is a ductile-to-brittle transition which results in a change of strain rate sensitivity coefficient from 0.1 to 0.0 at the transition region. This is corroborated by a large change in work-to-fracture values at this region. Therefore, the existence of a critical velocity for bone is supported by the present data.  相似文献   

1. X-ray diffraction studies of sartorius muscles of Rana pipiens were made in a new x-ray diffraction camera which permits exposures of 3 to 6 minutes. The object-film distance can be varied from 20 to 80 mm; the muscle inside the camera can be electrically stimulated while contracting isotonically or isometrically, and can be observed by a special device. After exposures up to 30 minutes (approximately 40,830 r) muscles are still alive and responsive. 2. Contrary to the x-ray diffraction pattern of powdered dry muscle, which pattern consists of two rings corresponding to spacings of 4.46 Å.u. and 9.66 Å.u., both moist and dried whole sartorius muscle show signs of orientation in both rings, consisting of two equatorial streaks (wet) or points (dry) and meridional sickles. The moist muscle shows in addition a diffuse water ring. The spacings corresponding to the orientation points and elliptical structure show only slight differences in moist and dried samples. Through statistical computations based on two different series consisting of thirteen moist and twenty-eight dried samples, and nine muscles before and after drying, it was shown that only the divergence in the smaller spacing has some real significance, which indicates that most water of the moist muscle is bound intermolecularly. Upon resoaking of dried muscle the x-ray diffraction pattern of the moist muscle is restored. 3. Stretching of muscle by weights below the breaking point produces an additional well defined diffraction line, corresponding to a spacing of 4.32 Å.u. A similar diffraction line can be produced in frog tendon upon stretching. 4. The influence of heat on the x-ray diffraction pattern of muscle depends upon the maximum temperature and the length of action; 5 minutes at 50° C. markedly reduces the orientation of the sample; 5 minutes'' immersion in boiling Ringer''s solution destroys the orientation and produces a ring corresponding to a spacing of 5.3 to 5.5 Å.u. in the moist and sharpening of the backbone reflection in the dried specimen. 5. Ultraviolet light brings forth changes in the x-ray diffraction pattern varying with the intensity of the irradiation. Ultimately a disappearance of the equatorial points and of the outside sickles is achieved while the elliptical shape of the outside ring and its diffuseness persist. In addition two salt rings characteristic of NaCl indicate that the irradiated muscles have become permeable to the surrounding medium (Ringer''s solution). 6. Both faradic and single shock electrical stimulation were tried on muscles. If shortening of the muscle is prevented either by sufficient weight or by tying the muscle in a frame, no changes in the x-ray diffraction pattern occur; if the muscle is allowed to shorten without weights or by using insufficient weights, then the orientation either disappears completely or partially. When the muscle is stretched while contracted by electrical stimulation the orientation of the x-ray diffraction pattern reappears. 7. A number of salts with uni- and bivalent ions in concentrations corresponding osmotically to 0.73 per cent NaCl and 10 per cent NH4Cl were studied in their effects upon the x-ray diffraction of muscles. Of the salts with univalent ions in the lower concentration only KCl causes a marked decrease of orientation and an increase in the permeability of the fiber membranes. Similar effects on the orientation seem to be produced by CaCl2 while MgCl2 causes rather a more pronounced orientation. At hypertonic salt concentrations the orientation disappears completely and the corresponding salt rings become visible. Besides, NaCNS seems to have a specific effect on the outside ring and LiCl produces a ring at 21.3 Å.u. and a splitting of the outside ring. 8. Strong mineral and lactic acids in concentrations up to 0.005 N have little if any influence upon the x-ray diffraction of muscles. A further increase in acidity to 0.01 N and above destroys the orientation completely, causes sharpening of the backbone reflection, and increased membrane permeability. These changes are irreversible upon neutralization. Also the effects of swelling upon the water ring of fresh muscle become manifest. Weak acids at higher concentrations show an effect similar to that of strong acids. 9. Rigor mortis produces a more or less complete loss of orientation. The muscles show signs of increased permeability. 10. Alkalies destroy the orientation of the x-ray diffraction pattern. The effective concentration is higher than the corresponding amount of acid. 11. Formaldehyde produces only minor changes in the x-ray diffraction patterns of muscles. 12. The effects of alcohol depend primarily upon the concentration applied. Low concentrations (5 per cent) seem to have a passing stimulating effect, at concentrations of 15 per cent, the anesthetizing effect becomes manifest in well defined orientation. The diameter of the water ring is reduced. If 95 per cent alcohol is allowed to act upon muscle for more than 12 minutes, then the orientation disappears completely and the backbone spacing becomes as sharp as in boiled muscle. 13. The effects of chloroform depend upon whether the muscle is allowed to contract or not. Only if the muscle is allowed to contract in chloroform-saturated Ringer''s solution is the orientation lost and salt rings appear as well as a ring corresponding to a spacing of 22 Å.u,, which has been observed in other changes in muscles. 14. In muscles allowed to shorten in a caffeine-Ringer''s solution the orientation disappears, salt rings become visible as well as a decrease in size of the water ring; a new arc corresponding to a spacing of 4.18 Å.u. was observed in one case.  相似文献   

The geotropic orientation of seminal roots of wheat has been studied on seedlings grown in five different positions, stationary and on clinostats. The roots perceive a geoinduc-tion before they have emerged from the grain and perform curvatures inside the grain. These are very sharp and transient, the following root growth is straight in any direction unless the positions are shifted. The roots are insensitive to a static gravi-induction but react to a change in gravitation with a geotropic curvature in positive direction. The roots may not reach or reach, or even pass the plumb-line. The orientation of a root depends upon the direction of its initiation and the geotropic curvature attained before the reaction has ceased. There is no nastic component in the reactions. The ‘plagiotropic’ orientation is explained by the limited positive reaction followed by an ageotropic state. Main root and adventitious roots react in the same way. Reactions to later stimuli give likewise limited curvatures which are weaker but of longer duration. — The effect of temperatures from 10°C to 25°C has been studied and compared to the temperature effect on cell elongation. It is concluded that the whole reaction may be explained by the regular auxin effects on cell elongation. No other hormone should be required and no plagiotropic mechanism is necessary.  相似文献   

The ability to resolve two closely spaced cutaneous stimuli presumably depends upon the degree of overlap between the two populations of responding neurons. The degree of overlap is determined by receptive field (RF) geometry and location, and by interactive factors such as lateral inhibition. In this paper, we first consider some aspects of RFs that would be expected to influence two-point acuity.

In some somatosensory brain regions, relatively few RFs overlap the body midline. As would be expected, discrimination is enhanced for two points straddling the backbone. This does not simply reflect a mediolateral gradient of acuity, as we found higher acuity laterally.

On the limbs, where RFs are elongated along the length of the limb, transverse two-point acuity was greater than longitudinal acuity. However, on the back, where RFs are fairly round, there was an even larger orientation effect, with two-point acuity greater for stimuli longitudinal than for stimuli transverse to the spine.

Thus, the substantial variation of two-point acuity with stimulus orientation on the back cannot be explained by RF geometry alone. We discuss the possibility that differences in lateral inhibition and degree of similarity in dermatomal composition contribute to the observed stimulus orientation effects.  相似文献   

Successful mating of MATa Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells is dependent on Ste2p, the alpha-factor receptor. Besides receiving the pheromone signal and transducing it through the G-protein coupled MAP kinase pathway, Ste2p is active in the establishment and orientation of the mating projection. We investigated the role of the carboxyl terminus of the receptor in mating projection formation and orientation using a spatial gradient assay. Cells carrying the ste2-T326 mutation, truncating 105 of the 135 amino acids in the receptor tail including a motif necessary for its ligand-mediated internalization, display slow onset of projection formation, abnormal shmoo morphology, and reduced ability to orient the mating projection toward a pheromone source. This reduction was due to the increased loss of mating projection orientation in a pheromone gradient. Cells with a mutated endocytosis motif were defective in reorientation in a pheromone gradient. ste2-Delta296 cells, which carry a complete truncation of the Ste2p tail, exhibit a severe defect in projection formation, and those projections that do form are unable to orient in a pheromone gradient. These results suggest a complex role for the Ste2p carboxy-terminal tail in the formation, orientation, and directional adjustment of the mating projection, and that endocytosis of the receptor is important for this process. In addition, mutations in RSR1/BUD1 and SPA2, genes necessary for budding polarity, exhibited little or no defect in formation or orientation of mating projections. We conclude that mating projection orientation depends upon the carboxyl terminus of the pheromone receptor and not the directional machinery used in budding.  相似文献   

In this paper it is shown that conformation and packing of double-stranded DNA within the head of bacteriophages lambda and T4 can be assessed by cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified specimens. Electron diffraction patterns show that DNA within vitrified bacteriophages has a B conformation. Electron micrographs of vitrified bacteriophages show domains within the head formed by a approximately 2.5-nm striation and arising from the DNA packing. The number of differently oriented domains seen within a vitrified bacteriophage depends upon the geometry of the DNA container: the bacteriophage capsid. The packing of DNA within bacteriophages seems then to be governed by at least two phenomena. The first is the tendency of DNA to form local alignments (nematic liquid crystals). The second is the orientation of these liquid crystals by the bacteriophage capsid. From these observations we propose a possible packaging mechanism: constrained nematic crystallization.  相似文献   

A method for the quantitation of metabolic cooperation between cells is described. The method depends upon measuring the increase in HGPRTase activity that occurs between HGPRT+ cells and the HGPRT-LN (Lesch-Nyhan) cells. The variables upon which this method depends and their effect on the final determination are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of the basic architecture of branching tubules enclosing a central lumen that characterizes most epithelial organs crucially depends on the apico-basolateral polarization of epithelial cells. Signals from the extracellular matrix control the orientation of the apical surface, so that it faces the lumen interior, opposite to cell-matrix adhesion sites. This orientation of the apical surface is thought to be intrinsically linked to the formation of single lumens. We previously demonstrated in three-dimensional cyst cultures of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells that signaling by β1 integrins regulates the orientation of the apical surface, via a mechanism that depends on the activity of the small GTPase Rac1. Here, we investigated whether the Rac1 effector Pak1 is a downstream effector in this pathway. Expression of constitutive active Pak1 phenocopies the effect of β1 integrin inhibition in that it misorients the apical surface and induces a multilumen phenotype. The misorientation of apical surfaces depends on the interaction of active Pak1 with PIX proteins and is linked to defects in basement membrane assembly. In contrast, the multilumen phenotype was independent of PIX and the basement membrane. Therefore, Pak1 likely regulates apical polarization and lumen formation by two distinct pathways.  相似文献   

The influence of geometry on the force and stiffness measured during muscle contraction at different sarcomere lengths is examined by using three specific models of muscle cross-bridge geometry which are based upon the double-hinge model of H. E. Huxley (Science [Wash. D.C.]. 1969, 164:1356-1366) extended to three dimensions. The force generated during muscle contraction depends upon the orientation of the individual cross-bridge force vectors and the distribution of the cross-bridges between various states. For the simplest models, in which filament separation has no effect upon cross-bridge distribution, it is shown that changes in force vectors accompanying changes in myofilament separation between sarcomere lengths 2.0 and 3.65 microgram in an intact frog skeletal muscle fiber have only a small effect upon axial force. The simplest models, therefore, produce a total axial force proportional to the overlap between the actin and myosin filaments and independent of filament separation. However, the analysis shows that it is possible to find assumptions that produce a cross-bridge model in which the axial force is not independent of filament spacing. It is also shown that for some modes of attachment of subfragment-1 (S1) to actin the azimuthal location of the actin site is important in determining the axial force. A mode of S1 attachment to actin similar to that deduced by Moore et al. (J. Mol. Biol., 1970, 50:279-294), however, exhibits rather constant cross-bridge behavior over a wide range of actin site location.  相似文献   

Phospholipase Cβ2 (PLCβ2) is a large, multidomain enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the signaling lipid phosphoinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2) to promote mitogenic and proliferative changes in the cell. PLCβ2 is activated by Gα and Gβγ subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins, as well as small G proteins and specific peptides. Activation depends on the nature of the membrane surface. Recent crystal structures suggest one model of activation involving the movement of a small autoinhibitory loop upon membrane binding of the enzyme. Additionally, solution studies indicate multiple levels of activation that involve changes in the membrane orientation as well as interdomain movement. Here, we review the wealth of biochemical studies of PLCβ2-G protein activation and propose a comprehensive model that accounts for both the crystallographic and solution results.  相似文献   

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