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Parasites may exert negative effects on host survivorship and reproductive success. The effects of parasites on female host fitness have been well documented; however, the effects of parasites on the reproductive success of male hosts and particularly the underlying mechanisms that alter male fitness are not well understood. Previous studies demonstrated that infection by rat tapeworm (Hymenolepis diminuta) reduced the fitness of male red flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum) in an environment of female mate choice and strong male-male competition. The present study determined the role of female mate choice and male insemination capacity on observed fitness reduction of male beetles by the tapeworm parasites. We found that infected males showed reduced mating vigor and consequently inseminated fewer females than did uninfected males. Specifically, tapeworm infection reduced the number of offspring sired by a male by 14-22% even when male-male competition and female mate choice were absent. Further, the insemination capacity of males diminished by 30% because of infection. Female beetles did not discriminate against infected males in precopulatory mate choice experiments. Copulatory courtship, a determinant of postcopulatory female choice, was not significantly different between infected and uninfected males. Hence, we concluded that female beetles did not show either pre- or postcopulatory choice against tapeworm-infected males. Therefore, tapeworm-induced reduction in the reproductive success of male beetles possibly results from altered reproductive biology, such as lower mating vigor and decreased sperm quantity or quality.  相似文献   

Socially monogamous male birds are predicted to maximise their reproductive success by pursuing extra-pair copulations (EPCs) while engaging in anti-cuckoldry behaviour such as mate guarding. In the stitchbird, Notiomystis cincta, high levels of forced EPCs and a high proportion of nestlings resulting from extra- pair fertilisations lead to the prediction that males of this species should exhibit intense paternity guarding behaviours. While studying an isolated stitchbird population on Tiritiri Matangi Island New Zealand (3636'S, 17453'E), I collected daily behavioural data throughout the breeding season from 15 males in 2000/01 and 27 males in 2001/02. In this study, male stitchbirds demonstrated clear paternity guarding by exhibiting: (1) an increased likelihood of being close to their mate during her fertile period, (2) an increased initiation of mate contact during her fertile period, (3) switching from site-specific territorial defence during the pre-fertile period to defending an area centring on the their female partners location during her fertile period, and (4) an increased following of the female to communal feeding sites outside the territory during her fertile period. For polygynous males, mate guarding and territorial defence were conditional on which of their females was fertile. Additional evidence supporting the hypothesis that mate guarding in this species is a form of paternity assurance, rather than protection from harassment, is that males protected their partner from harassment by other stitchbird males but did not intervene when females were harassed by male bellbirds, Anthornis melanura. While mate-guarding intensity in many species is conditional on the stage of female fertility, male stitchbirds also modified their behaviour depending on the location of the female and the rate of intrusions by extra-pair males. Resident males adopted a best-of-a-bad-job tactic when they were unable to locate their female by defending an area around her last known location. Furthermore, when the rate of intrusions by extra-pair males increased they traded-off the area they could defend within their territory against their ability to guard the female. Territory takeovers were uncommon, but when they did occur older males displaced younger males and healthy birds displaced sick ones. Contrary to the prevailing view that mate guarding is a male response to female infidelity, male stitchbirds appear to use mate guarding primarily to prevent paternity losses from forced EPCs. Future assessments of mate guarding function should consider the possibility that mate guarding involves a combination of conflict and co-operation between the sexes.  相似文献   

Abstract Females may choose more attractive mates to obtain better viability or attractiveness genes for their offspring. A number of studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between paternal attractiveness and offspring quality. However, this pattern could be due to inheritance of paternal genes and/or it could be due to increased maternal investment in the offspring of more attractive males. To isolate female responses to male appearance from paternal genetic effects, I housed female red junglefowl ( Gallus gallus ) with vasectomized (sterile) males and artificially inseminated them. Male junglefowl with larger combs are more attractive to females. Females laid more eggs when housed with a large-combed, as opposed to a small-combed, vasectomized mate. Neither egg volume nor offspring body condition was associated with comb size of the mother's vasectomized mate. Paternal genetics appeared important. Body condition and comb size were greater for the sons of large-combed sperm donor males. This is consistent with the hypothesis that genetic benefits to offspring maintain female preference for the most ornate males. It is possible that greater body condition and comb size in sons of large-combed sires was not caused by genetic differences, but instead was due to compounds in the ejaculate of large-combed sperm donors inducing greater reproductive investment from females. However, females artificially inseminated by large-combed males did not produce more or larger eggs than females artificially inseminated by small-combed males, and thus there is no other evidence consistent with ejaculate-induced differential investment. Furthermore, only in older chicks was body condition significantly related to sire comb size, suggesting genetic rather than differential investment mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the wild, male chameleon grasshoppers (Kosciuscola tristis) are frequently observed mounted on the back of females even when not in copula, and will fight off other usurping males. If this behaviour is mate guarding and reflects investment in male mate choice, then we expect males to preferably guard females based on reliable cues of quality. Cues for female quality likely include female size and egg development that together may indicate fecundity. We investigated male mate choice in the field expressed as mate-guarding preference, by comparing size and egg development in guarded and unguarded females. We found no difference between guarded and unguarded females in measures of fecundity or body size. The majority of females sampled did not contain any viable eggs. This finding suggests that male K. tristis indiscriminately guard females in a scramble mating system.  相似文献   

We studied female-female aggression in relation to female mate choice in black grouse, Tetrao tetrix, in central Finland, in 1994-1998. Aggression occurred on average every other minute when there was more than one female on a territory, and aggressive behaviour was most prominent when several females attended the lek. Interactions tended to be proportionally most frequent on the territories of the highest-ranking males, although not significantly so. Females that were chased by other females did not mate with lower-ranking males than their aggressors did. Furthermore, chased females were only rarely (6% of cases) forced to move off the territory by agonistic interactions and copulations were disrupted by other females even less often (3% of cases). The choice of a mating territory did not depend on the outcome of aggression even though the aggressors were more likely to mate on the territory where aggression occurred than elsewhere. There was a marginally significant tendency for aggressors to mate earlier in the season. Females placed themselves further away from other females on the territory when soliciting a copulation than just before aggression. Our results suggest that aggression between females does not effectively constrain female choice in black grouse. Its function may be to aid females to secure undisturbed mating opportunities for themselves rather than to prevent others from mating with a particular male. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In pied flycatchers females seem to prefer male territory quality rather than male characteristics, and the results of female mate choice experiments are divergent. In this outdoor aviary study, we examined how altering the ultraviolet reflection of males affects female mate choice behaviour. We chose pairs of males with similar human-visible dorsal colour and morphological traits. We then reduced the proportional ultraviolet reflectance in one male with sunscreen chemicals. The other male was treated with a chemical that slightly increased the ultraviolet reflectance of the plumage. In the experiment females clearly preferred males with slightly increased ultraviolet reflection. Our results indicate that pied flycatcher females use ultraviolet cues for mate choice when the effect of territory quality is controlled for. The results give us new information about a possible mechanism of mate assessment in this species, and indicate the importance of colour cues in avian mate choice behaviour.  相似文献   

Elaborate or colourful feathers are important traits in female mate choice in birds but little attention has been given to potential costs of maintaining these traits in good condition with preening behaviour. Recent studies indicate that the time and energy required to maintain ornamental plumage in good condition reinforces the honesty of plumage trait. It has been proposed that some behaviours, whose primary function is not to transfer information, can also evolve as signalling components. Here we investigate whether the preening behaviour intensity has a signalling component: we hypothesized that if only high quality males can invest a lot of time in preening, this behaviour may be used by females as a quality signal (attractive preening hypothesis). We tested this hypothesis by using female budgerigars in mate‐choice tests in captivity. We tried to experimentally manipulate the preening behaviour of two groups of budgerigar males (treatment and control group). The proportion of time in which treated males preened in front of females was statistically higher than for control males, however, females spent similar amounts of time with treated males and control males. Moreover, males did not show significant quantitative changes in preening (for both groups) when females were present, suggesting that male budgerigars did not use this behaviour to convey information. These results are inconsistent with the ‘attractive preening’ hypothesis which predicts that preening behaviour itself provides information on condition and is used in female choice.  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental evidence indicates that females copy the mate choice of other females under certain conditions. In all mate choice copying experiments with fish to date, females were allowed to copy the choice of a model female immediately after the focal female had observed a model female interacting with a male. It is not known whether females continue to copy the choice of the model female after a longer interval. We investigated whether sailfin molly females also copy the choice of other females when they are prevented from copying immediately after observing a model female next to a previously nonpreferred male. We performed three copying experiments in which females could copy the choice of the model female immediately after, 1 h after or 1 day after observing the model female next to the previously nonpreferred male. In control experiments, we tested whether females chose consistently when they had no opportunity to copy, and whether females showed shoaling behaviour under these conditions. Females copied the choice of the model female immediately after, 1 h after and even 1 day after the observation of the model female interacting with the previously nonpreferred male. Females chose consistently between males when they had no opportunity to copy, and females did not shoal under these conditions. We conclude that females remember individual males with whom a model female had interacted, even after 1 day. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Abstract  1. Large male seaweed flies (Diptera: Coelopidae) are more likely to mate than smaller males. This is due to sexual conflict over mating, by which females physically resist male attempts to copulate. In some species, large males are simply more efficient at overpowering female resistance.
2. Female reluctance to mate is likely to have evolved due to the costs of mating to females. In many dipterans, males manipulate female behaviour through seminal proteins that have evolved through sperm competition. This behavioural manipulation can be costly to females, for example forcing females to oviposit in sub-optimal conditions and increasing their mortality.
3. Previous work has failed to identify any ubiquitous costs of mating to female coelopids. The work reported here was designed to investigate the effects of exposure to oviposition sites ( Fucus algae) on the reproductive behaviour of four species of coelopid. Algae deposition in nature is stochastic and females mate with multiple males in and around oviposition sites. Spermatogenesis is restricted to the pupal stage and there is last-male sperm precedence. It was predicted that males would avoid wasting sperm and would be more willing to mate, and to remain paired with females for longer, when exposed to oviposition material compared with control males. Females were predicted to incur longevity costs of mating if mating increased their rate of oviposition, especially in the presence of algae.
4. The behaviour of males of all four species concurred with the predictions; however mating did not affect female receptivity, oviposition behaviour, or longevity. Exposure to algae induced oviposition and increased female mortality in all species independently of mating and egg production. The evolutionary ecology of potential costs of mating to female coelopids are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

Although it is often assumed that males and females have mating preferences for larger individuals of the other sex, potential underlying differences between male and female preferences for body size are not commonly investigated. Here, sexual differences in body size preferences are examined in the poeciliid fish, Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora. Females preferred larger males to smaller males, but preference did not appear to be affected by female size. One population-level analysis for males did not indicate an overall preference for larger females. A closer examination, however, revealed an effect of male size on preference; larger males preferred larger females, while smaller males preferred smaller females. It appears then that females, regardless of size, share a preference for large males, but males differ in their behaviour, depending on their body size. In addition, while the degree of difference in size between paired females did not appear to affect male preference, the degree of difference in size between paired males strongly affected female preference; the greater the difference, the more strongly females preferred the larger male. Thus, intersexual selection is found to operate in both sexes, but how it operates appears to differ. Intrasexual and intersexual differences in mating behaviour may be missed when evaluating population-wide preferences. That is, there can be underlying differences in how the sexes respond and the consequences of such differences should be considered when investigating mate choice. The results are considered in terms of the evolution of mating preferences, alternative mating strategies, assortative mating, the maintenance of trait variation in a population, and current methods to evaluate mating preferences.  相似文献   

We report experimental results consistent with the hypothesis that constraints on the expression of male mating preferences affect breeder fitness, offspring viability and performance. If constraints on the expression of mating preferences are common, tests of fitness variation associated with mate preferences must eliminate as many constraints on mate preferences as possible. We tested whether male mate preferences influenced breeder fitness, offspring performance and viability in typically polygynous house mice, Mus domesticus, from a feral source population. Our ‘free mate choice’ trials not only eliminated female preferences, male-male and female-female competition, but also our best guesses of the traits mediating choosers' preferences. Males mated with their preferred (P) females sired more litters than males mated with their nonpreferred (NP) females. Offspring viability was significantly lower when males' reproduced with females they did not prefer compared with females they did prefer. Adult sons of males that mated with their P females were socially dominant to sons of males that mated with their NP females. Adult offspring from P pairings built better nests than offspring from NP pairings. The slope of the survivorship curve for P offspring was significantly higher than for NP offspring. These results showed (1) males' mate preferences affected their fitness, (2) males that mated with females they preferred produced more litters than males that mated with females they did not prefer, and (3) their offspring were significantly more viable and performed significantly better on standardized performance tests. This is the first demonstration of fitness benefits of male choice behaviour in a mammal species with typical paternal investment. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

The mating strategies of male fiddler crabs are variable and highly flexible within species. In this study I examine three types of mating strategy used by individual male Uca vocans hesperaie. The most common strategy, termed a ‘standard gambit’, where males approached females at their burrow entrance and initiated courtship, accounted for 63% of mating attempts and 75% of successful matings. The rarest strategy (4% of mating attempts) was the ‘dig out’, where males attempted to mate with females whose burrows they had excavated. This strategy accounted for 19% of successful matings. ‘Herding’ behaviour which involved a male attempting to herd a female into a burrow and mate, contributed 33% of mating attempts but were generally unsuccessful, accounting for only 2.6% of successful matings. Males used more than one strategy during the study period. Smaller males used the standard gambit strategy more often than herding or dig outs while larger males used the herding strategy more often. There was no relationship between male size and mating success and males did not preferentially mate with females of a certain size. The predominant strategy adopted by males over the lunar cycle depended on female behaviour. Herding behaviour was induced by female wandering which escalated at full moon. Standard gambits were the commonest strategy adopted at and around new moon. The low success rate of male mating attempts (16%) indicates a reluctance by females to mate multiply. This may lead to conflict between the sexes because in fiddler crabs there is last male sperm precedence.  相似文献   

An intersexual conflict arises when males and females differ in their reproductive interests. Although experimental studies have shown that females often mate with dominant males, it may not always be in the interest of a female to do so. Here we investigated the impact of male dominance on female mate choice and offspring growth and survival in the rose bitterling ( Rhodeus ocellatus ), a freshwater fish with a resource-based mating system. Three experimental mating trials were conducted using males of known dominance rank, but with different levels of constraint on male behavior. Thus, females were able to choose among; (1) males that were isolated from each other; (2) males that could see and smell each other, but could not directly interact; (3) males that could interact fully. Using a combination of behavioral observation and parentage analyses it was shown that female preferences did not correspond with male dominance and that male aggression and dominance constrained female mate choice, resulting in a potential intersexual conflict. The survival of offspring to independence was significantly correlated with female mate preferences, but not with male dominance. A lack of strong congruence in female preference for males suggested a role for parental haplotype compatibility in mate choice.  相似文献   

The weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus shows three kinds of same-sex mountings: males mount other unpaired males, males mount males already engaged in copulation and females mount other females. Four hypotheses were evaluated in order to explain same-sex matings by males: (i) female mimicry by inferior males, (ii) dominance of larger males which affects the behaviour of small males, (iii) sperm transfer in which smaller males gain some reproductive success by 'hitchhiking' their sperm with the sperm of larger males, and (iv) poor sex recognition. Data from mate choice and sperm competition experiments rejected the female mimicry, dominance and sperm transfer hypotheses and supported the poor sex recognition hypothesis. We tested three hypotheses in order to explain female mounting behaviour: (i) females mimic male behaviour in order to reduce sexual harassment by males, (ii) females mount other females in order to appear larger and thereby attract more and larger males for mating, and (iii) female mimicry of males. The results of our mate choice experiments suggested that the female mimicry of males hypothesis best explains the observed female mounting behaviour. This result is also consistent with the poor sex recognition hypothesis which is the most likely explanation for male and female intrasexual mating behaviour in many insect species.  相似文献   

We present evidence that in the absence of the transfer of male gland compounds in the ejaculate as well as of behavioural male traits, such as mate guarding or harming of females, sperm itself affects female life-history traits such as hibernation success, female longevity and female fitness. Using the bumble-bee Bombus terrestris, we artificially inseminated queens (females) with sperm from one or several males and show that sire groups (groups of brother males) vary in their effects on queen hibernation survival, longevity and fitness. In addition, multiply inseminated queens always had a lower performance as compared to singly inseminated queens. Apart from these main effects, sire groups (in situations of multiple insemination) affected queen longevity and fitness not independently of each other, i.e. certain sire group combinations were more harmful to queens than others. So far, the cause(s) of these effects remain(s) elusive. Harmful male traits as detected here are not necessarily expected to evolve in social insects because males depend on females for a successful completion of a colony cycle and thus have strong convergent interests with their mates.  相似文献   

Any reduction in the fitness of a breeding female induced by the settlement of additional females with her mate creates a conflict between the sexes over mating system. In birds, females are often aggressive towards other females but few studies have been able to quantify the importance of female-female aggression for the maintenance of monogamy. This study of the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris, quantifies male and female behaviour towards a potential prospecting female, presented in a cage during the pre-laying period, and relates it to the subsequent mating status of the male. A solitary breeding male was given the opportunity to attract an additional mate, which almost half of the males did. No biometric characters of the male or female were related to the subsequent mating status. Males demonstrated mate-attraction behaviour towards the caged female but the behaviour of the male did not predict the likelihood to attract an additional female. However, the proportion of time that the female spent near the potential settler was related to mating status, indicating that females that reacted more strongly towards a potential female competitor maintained their monogamous status. These results suggest that female behaviour may play an important role in shaping the mating system of facultatively polygynous species.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of male disruptive behaviour on female mate choice and male mating success in the great snipe, Gallinago media, a lekking bird. Harassment from neighbouring males, a widespread behaviour in lekking animals, was the most prevalent cause of females leaving a male territory. Several lines of evidence show that females did not prefer to mate with males able to protect them from harassment. Males that obtained mating success were no less likely to suffer disruptions and females were no less likely to be disrupted when with their preferred male. Females returned to the male they later mated with, despite being repeatedly chased away by neighbours. The probability that an individual female returned and solicited mating from a male was 15 times higher for the male she was chased away from compared to the neighbour that chased her away. Females returned as often or more to the territory owner after being disrupted, compared to after leaving the territory without being harassed. Our results suggest that female great snipes are extremely choosy, but also that females do not gain direct benefits (harassment avoidance) by mating with certain males. Females appear to have neither direct nor indirect preferences for dominance that could give them such benefits: females appeared choosy despite, not because of, harassment. If females gain indirect benefits (genetically superior offspring) by being choosy, this is also likely to be unrelated to any dominance among males.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We determined whether female deer ticks Ixodes dammini Spielman, Clifford, Piesman & Corwin (Acari: Ixodidae) can be inseminated repeatedly and whether sperm from first or second matings take precedence in fertilizing eggs. Such information is essential to the design of attempts to reduce the fertility of these vectors of Lyme disease. Although spermatophores are present in about half of questing female ticks, they are present in virtually all those found on deer; the abundance of males on deer exceeds that of females and copulation is common. Females must be inseminated before commencing the rapid engorgement phase of feeding. Males need not be in attendance during feeding, provided that the female has been inseminated preprandially. Thus, preprandial insemination suffices to stimulate rapid engorgement, but less blood is taken than when the female is perprandially inseminated. Both types of insemination effectively fertilize eggs. Eggs from females sequentially inseminated by irradiated and non irradiated males, were fertilized mainly by sperm from the last male. Cobalt-irradiated males mate effectively and their sperm compete with those of non-irradiated males. Sperm from the second two sequential inseminations fertilize most of the eggs. By infesting deer with such irradiated male I.dammini , the abundance of these vector ticks may effectively be reduced.  相似文献   

Epiphanes senta is a littoral rotifer species that occurs in temporary waters and displays a mating behaviour which has not, to my knowledge, so far been described for monogonont rotifers. Monogonont rotifers show distinctive periods within their life cycle during which mictic females appear. Mictic females produce haploid eggs that develop into males or into diapausing eggs if fertilized. The females of E. senta are mostly stationary on the substrate while males are more active swimmers. If they encounter eggs with female embryos of their own species, they attend them and mate with the hatching female. Experiments showed that males are able to discriminate between male, female and diapausing eggs. They exhibit a strong preference for female eggs that are only a few hours away from hatching compared with eggs in early developmental stages. Further experiments did not show any significant differences in male attendance of mictic and amictic eggs. It is hypothesized that males judge the age of a female egg by sensing a chemical that is produced by the growing embryo and diffuses through the egg shell. The male mating behaviour is similar to precopulatory mate guarding known from arthropods but it lacks the monopolization of the female by the male.  相似文献   

When social constraints on the expression of mate preferences are absent, variation in offspring viability is predicted to favour females and males that display mate preferences. Earlier studies showed that female and male house mice, Mus domesticus, tested individually and mated with preferred (P) partners had higher reproductive success and better progeny performance than individuals mated with nonpreferred (NP) partners. Here we tested the effects of mutual mate preferences on reproductive success, offspring viability and performance. We conducted mate preference tests and created four types of reproductive pairings. One involved females and males that preferred each other (P-P); the second type had females that preferred the male but the male did not prefer the female (P-NP); the third had females that did not prefer the male but the male did prefer the female (NP-P). The last set consisted of females and males that did not prefer each other (NP-NP). We measured components of fitness for breeders (reproductive success) and offspring viability (birth-to-weaning viability and weight variation) as well as measures of offspring performance. There were no statistical differences in reproductive success of breeders or offspring viability and quality (weight variation) among the four types of pairings. There were, however, consistent differences between P-P versus NP-NP matings. The number of pups weaned, time to first litter, birth-to-weaning viability, pup body weight at birth and weaning, and the growth rates for pups of both sexes were consistently greater for progeny from P-P matings than NP-NP matings. Significant differences occurred among the four mating types in dominance of sons during aggression trials, nest construction and predator avoidance. Progeny from P-P matings displayed behaviour associated with higher fitness more often than progeny from NP-NP matings. These data show that breeders produce more highly competent progeny, most likely to survive, when social constraints on the expression of mate preferences in both sexes are relaxed.Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

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