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Summary We examined the ability of stingless bees to recruit nest mates to a food source (i) in group foraging species laying pheromone trails from the food to the nest (Trigona recursa Smith, T. hypogea Silvestri, Scaptotrigona depilis Moure), (ii) in solitary foraging species with possible but still doubtful communication of food location inside the nest (Melipona seminigra Friese, M. favosa orbignyi Guérin), and (iii) in species with a less precise (Nannotrigona testaceicornis Lep., Tetragona clavipes Fab.) or no communication (Frieseomelitta varia Lep.). The bees were allowed to collect food (sugar solution or liver in the necrophageous species) ad libitum and the forager number to accumulate, as it would do under normal unrestrained conditions. The median number of bees collecting differed considerably among the species (1.0–1436.5). It was highest in the species employing scent trails. The time course of recruitment was characteristic for most of the species and largely independent of the number of foragers involved. The two Melipona species recruited other bees significantly faster than T. recursa, S. depilis, and N. testaceicornis during the first 10 to 30 minutes of an experiment. In species laying a scent trail to guide nestmates to a food source the first recruits appeared with a delay of several minutes followed by a quick increase in forager number. The median time required to recruit all foragers available differed among the species between 95.0 and 240.0 min. These differences can at least partly be explained by differences in the recruitment mechanisms and do not simply follow from differences in colony biomass.  相似文献   

The relationship between actual and perceived profitability was investigated by quantifying choice behavior of foraging honey bees (Apis mellifera).Rate of net energy gain was used as a measure of profitability. Individual bees repeatedly chose between a yellow and a blue tubular artificial flower which had different associated profitabilities. Handling costs were manipulated by using flowers of different depth;energy gains were manipulated by using different volumes of a 20% (w/w) sucrose solution. Bees' discrimination between the two flowers increased as the absolute difference in profitabilities increased and discrimination decreased as profitabilities of both flowers increased. Therefore, discrimination depended on the relative difference in profitability between flowers, and therefore, perception was a nonlinear function of actual rates of net energy gain. The results also suggested that motivation to choose between flowers depended on the level of profitability. We suggest that nonlinear perceptual scales and motivation should be incorporated into models of food choice as constraints and should be considered in the design of experiments used to test predictions of models and in the interpretation of experimental results.  相似文献   

We studied the flight activity of two stingless bee species (Meliponula ferruginea and Meliponula nebulata) and the environmental factors influencing their flight. Two morphs of M. ferruginea were studied: M. ferruginea (brown) in Budongo forest and M. ferruginea (black) in Bwindi Park. The two bee species exited their nests in characteristically distinct foraging bouts suggesting that the recruitment methods used may be direct leading or ‘piloting’. The number of individuals in a returning bout was less than that in an exiting bout suggesting recruits do not follow experienced foragers the whole distance to food source, a phenomenon referred to as ‘partial piloting’. Flight period of M. ferruginea (black) and M. nebulata in Bwindi was restricted to a few hours each day. Meliponula nebulata foraged in the drizzle; a survival strategy, which could promote its reproductive fitness. Nectar and pollen foraging took place throughout the day while the removal of debris was greater in the late hours of the morning. Increased temperature resulted in significant increase in number of exiting bees. There was increase in number of exiting bees with decrease in humidity up to an optimal of 78% thereafter, increase in humidity resulted in reduced number of exiting bees.  相似文献   

Summary The ergonomics of task allocation in stingless bees was examined in two laboratory colonies ofMelipona favosa containing individually marked workers. Performance of intranidal behavior patterns, brood cell production and the processing and storage of nectar, were studied during a control and a wax-deprived period. Experimental wax deprivation consisted of regular controlled removal of storage pots and their contents. Stored carbohydrate concentration and storage pot mass declined during the wax-deprived period. Behavior was measured by sampling for a complete ethogram at seven intranidal areas.In comparison withApis mellifera, M. favosa appeared to be more sensitive to stress, with a distinct reallocation of effort between tasks. The significant increase under stress of brood production and brood-rearing behavior patterns observed was previously also found inApis. Self-oriented behavior patterns declined under stressed circumstances.Involucrum construction declined in wax-deprivedMelipona colonies. Relatively low rates of walking behavior in general inMelipona suggest a low mean free distance between tasks. These results are of particular interest in relation to the basically different nest structure of stingless bees, e.g. very distinct areas for brood production and the processing and storage of food. This architecture of stingless bee nests appeared to influence strongly their specific responses to wax deprivation.  相似文献   

Social information is widely used in the animal kingdom and can be highly adaptive. In social insects, foragers can use social information to find food, avoid danger, or choose a new nest site. Copying others allows individuals to obtain information without having to sample the environment. When foragers communicate information they will often only advertise high-quality food sources, thereby filtering out less adaptive information. Stingless bees, a large pantropical group of highly eusocial bees, face intense inter- and intra-specific competition for limited resources, yet display disparate foraging strategies. Within the same environment there are species that communicate the location of food resources to nest-mates and species that do not. Our current understanding of why some species communicate foraging sites while others do not is limited. Studying freely foraging colonies of several co-existing stingless bee species in Brazil, we investigated if recruitment to specific food locations is linked to 1) the sugar content of forage, 2) the duration of foraging trips, and 3) the variation in activity of a colony from 1 day to another and the variation in activity in a species over a day. We found that, contrary to our expectations, species with recruitment communication did not return with higher quality forage than species that do not recruit nestmates. Furthermore, foragers from recruiting species did not have shorter foraging trip durations than those from weakly recruiting species. Given the intense inter- and intraspecific competition for resources in these environments, it may be that recruiting species favor food resources that can be monopolized by the colony rather than food sources that offer high-quality rewards.  相似文献   

Honey bees collect distinct nutrient sources in the form ofnectar (energy) and pollen (nitrogen). We investigated the effectof varying energy stores on nectar and pollen foraging. We foundno significant changes in nectar foraging in response to changesin honey storage levels within colonies. Individual foragersdid not vary activity rates or nectar load sizes in responseto changes in honey stores, and colonies did not increase nectarintake rates when honey stores within the hive were decreased.This result contrasts with pollen foraging behavior, which isextremely sensitive to colony state. Our data show that individualforaging decisions during nectar collection and colony regulationof nectar intake are distincdy different from pollen foraging.The behavior of honey bees illustrates that foraging strategy(and therefore foraging models) can incorporate multiple currencies,including both energy and protein intake.[Behav Ecol 7: 286–291(1996)]  相似文献   

Summary. Group aggression influences communication and defense strategies in many social insect communities. Such aggression plays a particularly significant role in the lives of stingless bees, important native Neotropical pollinators, in which the battle for food resources can be deadly and critical to colony survival. However, the effects of group size on individual aggression levels and the spatio-temporal aggression strategy of communal aggressors have not been fully explored. We therefore investigated how group size affects the aggression levels and the spatio-temporal attack strategy (which body parts, and the amount of time spent in attacking each part) in close combats between Trigona spinipes foragers and a natural competitor, Melipona rufiventris. In all trials, T. spinipes foragers competitively excluded M. rufiventris foragers from nearby feeders, exhibiting four levels of aggressive behavior ranging from threat displays to prolonged grappling and decapitation. Surprisingly, aggression levels and spatial strategy corresponded to the size of group attacks. Larger groups of attackers used individually lower aggression levels than small groups of attackers. Smaller groups also attacked appendages linked to escape (legs and wings) with greater frequency than larger groups, which focused on vital central body areas (abdomen, thorax, and head). Increased aggression corresponded to increased risks for attackers and the attacked. All combatants engaging at the highest level of aggression died (100% mortality). Thus the dominance style of T. spinipes may minimize attack risk and maximize victim harm with finely tuned hostility.Received 22 May 2004; revised 18 August 2004; accepted 26 October 2004.  相似文献   

Stingless bees (Meliponini) construct their own species-specific nest entrance. The size of this entrance is under conflicting selective pressures. Smaller entrances are easier to defend; however, a larger entrance accommodates heavier forager traffic. Using a comparative approach with 26 species of stingless bees, we show that species with greater foraging traffic have significantly larger entrances. Such a strong correlation between relative entrance area and traffic across the different species strongly suggests a trade-off between traffic and security. Additionally, we report on a significant trend for higher forager traffic to be associated with more guards and for those guards to be more aggressive. Finally, we discuss the nest entrance of Partamona, known in Brazil as boca de sapo, or toad mouth, which has a wide outer entrance but a narrow inner entrance. This extraordinary design allows these bees to finesse the defensivity/traffic trade-off.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Foragers of social insects can be guided to profitable food sources by social information transfer within the nest. This study showed that in addition to such an information-centre strategy, social information in the field also plays an important role in individual foraging decisions. The effect of the presence of a nestmate on individual decision-making on where to forage was investigated in six species of stingless bee that differ in their recruitment system. Some species preferred to feed close to a nestmate (local enhancement) whereas other species actively avoided landing close to a nestmate. The term local inhibition is introduced for this avoidance behaviour.
2. Local enhancement and local inhibition were species specific but were not related to the species' recruitment system.
3. Local enhancement and local inhibition were affected by the individual's experience with the food source. Newly recruited foragers of Trigona amalthea showed local enhancement whereas experienced foragers showed local inhibition.
4. These individual decision-making rules explained accurately the spatial distribution of recruited nestmates: foraging groups of T. amalthea , which shows local inhibition, were more dispersed than foraging groups of Oxytrigona mellicolor , which shows local enhancement.
5. The effect of heterospecifics on stingless bee flower choice was investigated for 18 species combinations. Landing decisions were influenced significantly by the aggressiveness and the body size of the resident bee. Larger and more aggressive heterospecifics were avoided, whereas in some cases less aggressive bees acted as an attraction cue.  相似文献   

无刺蜂的研究概况与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无刺蜂是重要的资源昆虫,在授粉、药用、工业原料等方面有着利用价值。目前,国内外对无刺蜂的研究的领域和方向主要有种类分布、生物学特征、经济价值、饲养管理技术、分子研究等方面。为了更好地对无刺蜂展开研究,充分利用无刺蜂的各种价值,笔者综述了国内外关于无刺蜂的研究进展,分析了国内无刺蜂的研究现状和不足,并对今后的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Due to their high degree of polymorphism, microsatellites are considered useful tools for studying population genetics. Nevertheless, studies of genetic diversity in stingless bees by means of these primers have revealed a low level of polymorphism, possibly the consequence of the heterologous primers used, since in most cases these were not specifically designed for the species under consideration. Herein we compared the number of polymorphic loci and alleles per locus, as well as observed heterozygosity in Melipona rufiventris and M. mondury populations, using specific and heterologous primers. The use of specific primers placed in evidence the greater frequency of polymorphic loci and alleles per locus, besides an expressive increase in observed heterozygosity in M. rufiventris and M. mondury, thereby reinforcing the idea that populational studies should be undertaken by preferably using species-specific microsatellite primers.  相似文献   

Stingless bees are key insects in the tropics, both as pollinators of crops and as contributors to the maintenance of floral diversity through pollination of wild plants. This study investigated the nesting ecology and threats to three stingless bee species: Meliponula bocandei (Spinola), Meliponula ferruginea (Lepeletier) and Dactylurina staudingeri (Gribodo) in three landscapes characterized as forest with logging and wild honey hunting; farmlands that experience annual wild fires and a national park. The study was carried out in July 2011 and February 2012. A total of 93 stingless bee nests were found in 48 ha (density 1.9 nests per ha), 81% in tree cavities and 19% in deserted termite mounds and in the ground. M. ferruginea was the only species using deserted termite mounds (seventeen nests) and in the ground (1 nest). Although tree size (diameter at breast height, DBH >15 cm) and density of large tree were important for nest site selection, there was no influence of tree species. M. bocandei may be restricted in choice of nest site in farmland areas by the absence of trees. Reduced availability of trees in agricultural landscape together with bush burning and wild honey collecting is the main threats to stingless bees survival and abundance which need to be addressed for their successful conservation in Ghana.  相似文献   

Novice foragers of social bees have to decide what food commodity to collect when they start foraging for the first time. In this decision making process two types of factors are involved: internal factors (the response threshold) and external factors (environmental and colony conditions). In this study we will focus on the importance of two external factors, pollen storage level and information from experienced foragers about food availability in the field, on the initial commodity choice of foragers of the stingless bee species Plebeia tobagoensis. We also studied the effect of the initial choice of individuals on their subsequent foraging career. This study was performed in a closed greenhouse compartment, where food availability and colony condition could be controlled. Information on food availability in the field from experienced foragers and pollen storage level both greatly influenced the initial commodity choice of individuals, with more choices for the commodity communicated by experienced foragers or lacking in storage. The initial choice of foragers is of importance for their future foraging career, although a substantial proportion of foragers did switch between food commodities. Because of the ability of novice foragers to become flexibly distributed over foraging tasks, social bees are able to react to changes in their environment without directly having to decrease foraging effort devoted to other foraging tasks. This, in combination with individual flexibility during foraging careers makes it possible for colonies of P. tobagoensis to forage efficiently in an ever-changing environment. Received 7 November 2005; revised 12 January 2006; accepted 16 February 2006.  相似文献   

Summary Morphometric data obtained from natural andin vitro-rared queens, workers, and drones of the stingless bee.Scaptotrigona postica were subjected to allometric and multivariate tests to study sex- and caste-related growth patterns. As imaginai phenotype variation appears to be restricted in members of a normal colony, the inclusion ofin vitro-reared individuals permitted an analysis of a considerably wider size range for each morph, and proved important for the calculation of reliable regression statistics in the allometric analyses. Our results show that essentially no individuals with a mixture or transition of sex or caste traits are produced, and, consequently, that for most morphometric characters, queens, workers, and drones lie on different regression lines. Hence, workers cannot be considered as masculinized females, as has been suggested in studies based exclusively on multivariate analyses. Instead, the various morphs may result from a stepwise programming and reprogramming of a few growth rule parameters during critical stages of preimaginal development, and complex hypothetical shifts in the balance of maleness and femaleness genes need not be assumed. A multivariate discriminant analysis, on the other hand, proved to be an efficient tool for the selection of diagnostic size characters.Dedicated to Warwick Estevam Kerr, the Brazilian pioneer of stingless bee genetics, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, September 9, 1992.  相似文献   

Tetragonisca angustula and Tetragonisca fiebrigi have recently been listed as valid species. This study aimed to cytogenetically investigate both species, emphasizing the new registry of B chromosomes in the tribe Meliponini. We analyzed colonies of T. angustula and T. fiebrigi collected at Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil, through conventional Giemsa staining, C-banding, and base-specific fluorochrome staining (CMA(3)/DAPI). T. angustula showed 2n = 34 chromosomes in females and n = 17 in males, with karyotype formula 2K = 34A(M). T. fiebrigi showed numeric variation, with chromosome number varying from 2n = 34 to 2n = 36 in females and from n = 17 to n = 18 in males, with karyotype formula 2K = 32A(M)+2A(Mc) and 2K = 32A(M)+2A(Mc) + 1 or 2 B-chromosomes. The B chromosomes are heterochromatic. In T. fiebrigi, the CMA(3)/DAPI staining revealed four chromosomes with a CMA(3) positive band. All individuals from the same colony showed the same number of B chromosomes. T. angustula and T. fiebrigi showed karyotype divergence, principally due to the presence of B chromosomes, which are found only in T. fiebrigi. Our data corroborate the status of valid species for both T. angustula and T. fiebrigi, as recently proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract. As in many other stingless bees, Melipona bicolor bicolor Lepeletier (Apidae: Meliponinae) workers lay two morphologically distinct types of eggs: slender ones that have a typical patterned chorion, and larger ones that lack this pattern. In this paper we report on the relation between egg morphology and the behaviour of the workers that lay such eggs. In most cases, the laying of each of these egg types is accompanied by a unique sequence of behaviours. After a worker has laid the unpatterned type of egg, she generally leaves the cell, giving the queen the possibility of eating this egg. In the case of the patterned egg type, the worker usually closes the cell immediately after her egg laying. When worker egg laying occurs right after a series of regurgitations, it stops the queen from ovipositing. When, instead, a worker lays an egg after queen oviposition, the cell contains two eggs. This study also revealed cases in which workers laid slender, patterned eggs without closing the cell, and other cases where workers laid large, spherical, unpatterned eggs and instantly closed the cell. Experiments in which worker eggs, destined to be eaten by the queen, were protected by covering the cell artificially with a piece of wax showed that some of these eggs developed into larvae, although they were occasionally relatively small. The occurrence of a range of combinations of egg-laying behaviours and egg morphologies in M. b. bicolor workers is discussed from the perspective of worker egg laying in other stingless bees.  相似文献   

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