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Although the denaturant-induced unfolding transition of cytochrome c was initially thought to be a cooperative process, recent spectroscopic studies have shown deviations from two-state behavior consistent with accumulation of an equilibrium intermediate. However, little is known about the structural and thermodynamic properties of this state, and whether it is stabilized by the presence of non-native heme ligands. We monitored the reversible denaturant-induced unfolding equilibrium of oxidized horse cytochrome c using various spectroscopic probes, including fluorescence, near and far-UV CD, heme absorbance bands in the Soret, visible and near-IR regions of the spectrum, as well as 2D NMR. Global fitting techniques were used for a quantitative interpretation of the results in terms of a three-state model, which enabled us to determine the intrinsic spectroscopic properties of the intermediate. A well-populated intermediate was observed in equilibrium experiments at pH 5 using either guanidine-HCl or urea as a denaturant, both for wild-type cytochrome c as well as an H33N mutant chosen to prevent formation of non-native His-heme ligation. For a more detailed structural characterization of the intermediate, we used 2D 1H-15N correlation spectroscopy to follow the changes in peak intensity for individual backbone amide groups. The equilibrium state observed in our optical and NMR studies contains many native-like structural features, including a well-structured alpha-helical sub-domain, a short Trp59-heme distance and solvent-shielded heme environment, but lacks the native Met80 sulfur-iron linkage and shows major perturbations in side-chain packing and other tertiary interactions. These structural properties are reminiscent of the A-state of cytochrome c, a compact denatured form found under acidic high-salt conditions, as well as a kinetic intermediate populated at a late stage of folding. The denaturant-induced intermediate also resembles alkaline forms of cytochrome c with altered heme ligation, suggesting that disruption of the native methionine ligand favors accumulation of structurally analogous states both in the presence and absence of non-native ligands.  相似文献   

A key aspect of the reaction mechanism for the molecular chaperone GroEL is the transmission of an allosteric signal between the two rings of the GroEL complex. Thus, the single-ring mutant SR1 is unable to act as a chaperone as it cannot release bound substrate or GroES. We used a simple selection procedure to identify mutants of SR1 that restored chaperone activity in vivo. A large number of single amino acid changes, mapping at diverse positions throughout the protein, enabled SR1 to regain its ability to act as a chaperone while remaining as a single ring. In vivo assays were used to identify the proteins that had regained maximal activity. In some cases, no difference could be detected between strains expressing wild-type GroEL and those expressing the mutated proteins. Three of the most active proteins where the mutations were in distinct parts of the protein were purified to homogeneity and characterised in vitro. All were capable of acting efficiently as chaperones for two different GroES-dependent substrates. All three proteins bound nucleotide as effectively as did GroEL, but the binding of GroES in the presence of ATP or ADP was reduced significantly relative to the wild-type. These active single rings should provide a useful tool for studying the nature of the allosteric changes that occur in the GroEL reaction cycle.  相似文献   

A point mutation (I53A) in the core of Escherichia coli RNase H* is known to destabilize both the native conformation (DeltaG(UN)) and the kinetic intermediate (DeltaG(UI)) by 2 kcal/mole. Here, we have used native-state hydrogen deuterium exchange to ask how this destabilization is propagated throughout the molecule. Stability parameters were obtained for individual residues in I53A and compared with those from the wild-type protein. A destabilization of 2 kcal/mole was observed in residues in the core but was not detected in the periphery of the molecule. These results are consistent with the localized destabilization of the core observed in the early intermediate of the kinetic folding pathway, supporting the resemblance of this kinetic intermediate to the partially unfolded form detected in the native state at equilibrium. A thermodynamic cycle also shows no interaction between Ile 53 and a residue in the periphery. There is, however, an increase in the number of denaturant-independent exchange events in the periphery of I53A, showing that effects of the point mutation are communicated to regions outside the core, although perhaps not through changes in stability. In sum, this work shows that localized regions within a protein can be destabilized independently. Furthermore, it implies a correspondence between the kinetic intermediate and the equilibrium PUF, as the magnitude and localization of the destabilization are the same in both.  相似文献   

The chaperonin GroEL contains two seven-subunit rings, and allosteric signals between them are required to complete the GroEL reaction cycle. For this reason SR1, a mutant of GroEL that forms only single rings, cannot function as a chaperone. Mutations in SR1 that restore chaperone function weaken its interaction with the cochaperonin GroES. We predicted that GroES mutants with reduced affinity for GroEL would also restore function to SR1. To test this, we mutated residues in GroES in and near its contact site with GroEL. Nearly half of the mutants showed partial function with SR1. Two mutants were confirmed to have reduced affinity for GroEL. Intriguingly, some GroES mutants were able to function with active single ring mutants of GroEL.  相似文献   

The mechanical unfolding of an immunoglobulin domain from the human muscle protein titin (TI I27) has been shown to proceed via a metastable intermediate in which the A-strand is detached. The structure and properties of this intermediate are characterised in this study. A conservative destabilising mutation in the A-strand has no effect on the unfolding force, nor the dependence of the unfolding force on the pulling speed, indicating that the unfolding forces measured in an AFM experiment are those required for the unfolding of the intermediate and not the native state. A mutant of TI I27 with the A-strand deleted (TI I27-A) is studied by NMR and standard biophysical techniques, combined with protein engineering. Molecular dynamics simulations show TI I27-A to be a good model for the intermediate. It has a structure very similar to the native state, and is surprisingly stable. Comparison with a Phi-value analysis of the unfolding pathway clearly shows that the protein unfolds by a different pathway under an applied force than on addition of denaturant.  相似文献   

The unfolding equilibrium of the C-terminal domain of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) capsid protein has been analyzed by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. The results for the dimeric, natural domain are consistent with a three-state model (N(2)<-->2I<-->2U). The dimer (N(2)) dissociates and partially unfolds in a coupled cooperative process, into a monomeric intermediate (I) of very low conformational stability. This intermediate, which is the only significantly populated form at low (1 microM) protein concentrations, fully preserves the secondary structure but has lost part of the tertiary (intramonomer) interactions found in the dimer. In a second transition, the intermediate cooperatively unfolds into denatured monomer (U). The latter process is the equivalent of a two-state unfolding transition observed for a monomeric domain in which Trp184 at the dimer interface had been truncated to Ala. A highly conserved, disulfide-bonded cysteine, but not the disulfide bond itself, and three conserved residues within the major homology region of the retroviral capsid are important for the conformational stability of the monomer. All these residues are involved also in the association process, despite being located far away from the dimerization interface. It is proposed that dimerization of the C-terminal domain of the HIV-1 capsid protein involves induced-fit recognition, and the conformational reorganization also improves substantially the low intrinsic stability of each monomeric half.  相似文献   

Nascent actin requires interactions with the highly conserved and essential eukaryotic chaperonin-containing TCP-1 (CCT) for its correct folding to the native state in vivo. Biochemical and structural analysis of the interaction between actin and CCT has been studied extensively but the underlying energetics and kinetics of the CCT-dependent actin folding process are not understood. We investigated the unfolding and folding pathways of actin, using stopped flow fluorescence and biochemical techniques. By using very low concentrations of actin, taking account of temperature and ATP concentration dependences we were able to determine accurately the activation energy of unfolding to a stable intermediate, I(3). Use of the fluorescent calcium chelator Quin-2 and consideration of the ATP concentration dependence on the unfolding rate has allowed the intrinsic kinetics to be linked to the accepted reaction scheme for actin denaturation. A free energy of -28.7(+/-0.2) kJ mol(-1) was determined for the loss of ATP from Ca-free G-actin, in good agreement with previous studies. Understanding the K(eq) value for this step then allowed the temperature dependence of the unfolding reaction of co-factor-free actin to be evaluated, yielding an activation energy for the unfolding of G-actin of 81.3(+/-3.3) kJ mol(-1). By chemical coupling of the extrinsic probe, Alexa Fluor 488 to cysteine 374 of native alpha-actin, we were able to follow the binding and folding of I(3) by CCT, observing for the first time, in vitro re-folding of EDTA-denatured G-actin. The high value of the activation energy between native actin and a non-native folding intermediate (I(3)) is characteristic of a partially folded, molten globule state expected to contain partial secondary structure.  相似文献   

Kinetics of refolding and unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease and its six mutants, each carrying single or double amino acid substitutions, are studied by stopped-flow circular dichroism measurements. A transient kinetic intermediate formed within 10 ms after refolding starts possesses a substantial part of the N-domain core β-structure, whereas helices are formed at the later stages. The structure of the kinetic intermediate is less organized than the structure that is known to be formed by a nuclease 1-136 fragment. Only the refolding kinetics are affected by the mutations in all the mutants except two in which the mutations have changed the native structure. From this result and also from the locations of the mutation sites, the major N-terminal domain of the nuclease in the transition state of folding has a structure nearly identical to the native one. On the other hand, the minor C-terminal domain has previously been shown to be still disorganized in the transition state. The effects of the amino acid substitutions on the stability of the native and the transition states are in good agreement with the changes in the hydration free energy, expected for the corresponding amino acid replacements in the unfolded polypeptide. Since side chains of all the mutated residues are not accessible to solvent in the native structure, the result suggests that it is the unfolded state that is mainly affected by the mutations. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

GroEL is a group I chaperonin that facilitates protein folding and prevents protein aggregation in the bacterial cytosol. Mycobacteria are unusual in encoding two or more copies of GroEL in their genome. While GroEL2 is essential for viability and likely functions as the general housekeeping chaperonin, GroEL1 is dispensable, but its structure and function remain unclear.Here, we present the 2.2-Å resolution crystal structure of a 23-kDa fragment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis GroEL1 consisting of an extended apical domain. Our X-ray structure of the GroEL1 apical domain closely resembles those of Escherichia coli GroEL and M. tuberculosis GroEL2, thus highlighting the remarkable structural conservation of bacterial chaperonins. Notably, in our structure, the proposed substrate-binding site of GroEL1 interacts with the N-terminal region of a symmetry-related neighboring GroEL1 molecule. The latter is consistent with the known GroEL apical domain function in substrate binding and is supported by results obtained from using peptide array technology. Taken together, these data show that the apical domains of M. tuberculosis GroEL paralogs are conserved in three-dimensional structure, suggesting that GroEL1, like GroEL2, is a chaperonin.  相似文献   

The absence of detectable kinetic and equilibrium folding intermediates by optical probes is commonly taken to indicate that protein folding is a two-state process. However, for some small proteins with apparent two-state behavior, unfolding intermediates have been identified in native-state hydrogen exchange or kinetic unfolding experiments monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance. Rd-apocytochrome b(562), a four-helix bundle, is one such protein. Here, we found another unfolding intermediate for Rd-apocytochrome b(562). It is based on a cooperative transition of (15)N chemical shifts of amide protons as a function of urea concentrations before the global unfolding. We have solved the high-resolution structure of the protein at 2.8 M urea, which is after this cooperative transition but before the global unfolding. All four helices remained intact, but a number of hydrophobic core residues repacked. This intermediate provides a possible structural interpretation for the kinetic unfolding intermediates observed using nuclear magnetic resonance methods for several proteins and has important implications for theoretical studies of protein folding.  相似文献   

ClpB is a member of a multichaperone system in Escherichia coli (with DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE) that reactivates aggregated proteins. The sequence of ClpB contains two ATP-binding regions that are enclosed between the N- and C-terminal extensions. Whereas it has been found that the N-terminal region of ClpB is essential for the chaperone activity, the structure of this region is not known, and its biochemical properties have not been studied. We expressed and purified the N-terminal fragment of ClpB (residues 1-147). Circular dichroism of the isolated N-terminal region showed a high content of alpha-helical structure. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that the N-terminal region of ClpB is thermodynamically stable and contains a single folding domain. The N-terminal domain is monomeric, as determined by gel-filtration chromatography, and the elution profile of the N-terminal domain does not change in the presence of the N-terminally truncated ClpB (ClpBDeltaN). This indicates that the N-terminal domain does not form strong contacts with ClpBDeltaN. Consistently, addition of the separated N-terminal domain does not reverse an inhibition of ATPase activity of ClpBDeltaN in the presence of casein. As shown by ELISA measurements, full-length ClpB and ClpBDeltaN bind protein substrates (casein, inactivated luciferase) with similar affinity. We also found that the isolated N-terminal domain of ClpB interacts with heat-inactivated luciferase. Taken together, our results indicate that the N-terminal fragment of ClpB forms a distinct domain that is not strongly associated with the ClpB core and is not required for ClpB interactions with other proteins, but may be involved in recognition of protein substrates.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli heat-shock protein ClpB reactivates protein aggregates in cooperation with the DnaK chaperone system. The ClpB N-terminal domain plays an important role in the chaperone activity, but its mechanism remains unknown. In this study, we investigated the effect of the ClpB N-terminal domain on malate dehydrogenase (MDH) refolding. ClpB reduced the yield of MDH refolding by a strong interaction with the intermediate. However, the refolding kinetics was not affected by deletion of the ClpB N-terminal domain (ClpBDeltaN), indicating that MDH refolding was affected by interaction with the N-terminal domain. In addition, the MDH refolding yield increased 50% in the presence of the ClpB N-terminal fragment (ClpBN). Fluorescence polarization analysis showed that this chaperone-like activity is explained best by a weak interaction between ClpBN and the reversible aggregate of MDH. The dissociation constant of ClpBN and the reversible aggregate was estimated as 45 muM from the calculation of the refolding kinetics. Amino acid substitutions at Leu 97 and Leu 110 on the ClpBN surface reduced the chaperone-like activity and the affinity to the substrate. In addition, these residues are involved in stimulation of ATPase activity in ClpB. Thus, Leu 97 and Leu 110 are responsible for the substrate recognition and the regulation of ATP-induced ClpB conformational change.  相似文献   

Antibody folding is a complex process comprising folding and association reactions. Although it is usually difficult to characterize kinetic folding intermediates, in the case of the antibody Fab fragment, domain-domain interactions lead to a rate-limiting step of folding, thus accumulating folding intermediates at a late step of folding. Here, we analyzed a late folding intermediate of the Fab fragment of the monoclonal antibody MAK 33 from mouse (kappa/IgG1). As a strategy for accumulation of this intermediate we used partial denaturation of the native Fab by guanidinium chloride. This denaturation intermediate, which can be populated to about 90%, is indistinguishable from a late-folding intermediate with respect to denaturation and renaturation kinetics. The spectroscopic analysis reveals a native-like secondary structure of this intermediate with aromatic side chains only slightly more solvent exposed than in the native state. The respective partner domains are weekly associated. From these data we conclude that the intramolecular association of the two chains during folding, with all domains in a native-like structure, follows a two-step mechanism. In this mechanism, presumably hydrophobic interactions are followed by rearrangements leading to the exact complementarity of the contact sites of the respective domains.  相似文献   

Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP)/ribonuclease 3 is a member of the RNase A superfamily involved in inflammatory processes mediated by eosinophils. ECP is bactericidal, helminthotoxic, and cytotoxic to tracheal epithelium cells and to several mammalian cell lines although its RNase activity is low. We studied the thermal stability of ECP by fourth-derivative UV absorbance spectra, circular dichroism, differential scanning calorimetry, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The T (1/2) values obtained with the different techniques were in very good agreement (T (1/2) approximately 72 degrees C), and the stability was maintained in the pH range between 5 and 7. The ECP calorimetric melting curve showed, in addition to the main transition, a pretransitional conformational change with a T (1/2) of 44 degrees C. Both calorimetric transitions disappeared after successive re-heatings, and the ratio DeltaH versus DeltaH (vH) of 2.2 indicated a significant deviation from the two-state model. It was observed that the thermal unfolding was irreversible. The unfolding process gives rise to changes in the environment of aromatic amino acids that are partially maintained in the refolded protein with the loss of secondary structure and the formation of oligomers. From the thermodynamic analysis of ECP variants, the contribution of specific amino acids, such as Trp10 and the region 115-122, to thermal stability was also determined. The high thermal stability of ECP may contribute to its resistance to degradation when the protein is secreted to the extracellular medium during the immune response.  相似文献   

The folding kinetics and thermodynamics of the isolated C-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9 (CTL9) have been studied as a function of pH. CTL9 is an alpha-beta protein that contains a single beta-sheet with an unusual mixed parallel, anti-parallel topology. The folding is fully reversible and two-state over the entire pH range. Stopped-flow fluorescence and CD experiments yield the same folding rate, and the chevron plots have the characteristic V-shape expected for two-state folding. The values of DeltaG*(H2O) and the m value calculated from the kinetic experiments are in excellent agreement with the equilibrium measurements. The extrapolated initial amplitudes of both the stopped-flow fluorescence and CD measurements show that there is no detectable burst phase intermediate. The domain contains three histidine residues, two of which are largely buried in the native state. They do not participate in salt-bridges or take part in a hydrogen bonded network. NMR measurements reveal that the buried histidine residues have significantly perturbed pK(a) values in the native state. The equilibrium stability and the folding rate are found to be strongly dependent upon their ionization state. There is a linear relationship between the log of the folding rate and DeltaG* (H2O) . The protein is much more stable and folds noticeably faster at pH values above the native state pK(a) values. DeltaG*(H2O) of unfolding increases from 2.90 kcal mol(-1) at pH 5.0 to 6.40 kcal mol(-1) at pH 8.0 while the folding rate increases from 0.60 to 18.7 s(-1). Tanford linkage analysis revealed that the interactions involving the two histidine residues are largely developed in the transition state. The results are compared to other studies of the pH-dependence of folding.  相似文献   

The folding pathway of the third domain of PDZ from the synaptic protein PSD-95 was characterized using kinetic and equilibrium methods by monitoring the fluorescence signal from a Trp residue that is incorporated at a near-surface position. Kinetic folding of this domain showed multiple exponential phases, whereas unfolding showed a single exponential phase. The slow kinetic phases were attributed to isomerization of proline residues, since there are five proline residues in this domain. We found that the logarithms of the rate constants for the fast phase of folding and unfolding are linearly dependent on the concentrations of denaturant. The unfolding free energy derived from these rate constants at zero denaturant was close to the value measured using the equilibrium method, suggesting the absence of detectable sub-millisecond folding intermediates. However, native-state hydrogen exchange experiments detected a partially unfolded intermediate under native conditions. It was further confirmed by a protein engineering study. These data suggest that a hidden intermediate exists after the rate-limiting step in the folding of the third domain of PDZ.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of conformational diseases frequently resides in mutant proteins constituting a subset of the vast mutational space. While the subtleties of protein structure point to molecular dynamics (MD) techniques as promising tools for an efficient exploration of such a space, the average size of proteins and the time scale of unfolding events make this goal difficult with present computational capabilities. We show here, nevertheless, that an efficient approach is already feasible for modular proteins. Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a conformational disease linked to mutations in the gene encoding the low density lipoprotein receptor. A high percentage of these mutations has been found in the seven small modular binding repeats of the receptor. Taking advantage of its small size, we have performed an in depth MD study of the fifth binding repeat. Fast unfolding dynamics have been observed in the absence of a structural bound calcium ion, which agrees with its reported essential role in the stability of the module. In addition, several mutations detected in FH patients have been analyzed, starting from the native conformation. Our results indicate that in contrast with the wild type protein and an innocuous control mutant, disease-related mutants experience, in short simulation times (2-8 ns), gross departures from the native state that lead to unfolded conformations and, in some cases, to binding site desorganization deriving in calcium release. Computational diagnosis of mutations leading to conformational diseases seems thus feasible, at least for small or modular pathogenic proteins.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli RNase H folds through a partially folded kinetic intermediate that mirrors a rarely populated, partially unfolded form detectable by native-state hydrogen exchange under equilibrium conditions. Residue 53 is at the interface of two helices known to be structured in this intermediate. Kinetic refolding studies on mutant proteins varying in size and hydrophobicity at residue 53 support a contribution of hydrophobicity to the stabilities of the kinetic intermediate and the transition state. Packing interactions also play a significant role in the stability of these two states, though they play a much larger role in the native-state stability. One dramatic mutation, I53D, results in the conversion from a three-state to a two-state folding mechanism, which is explained most easily through a simple destabilization of the kinetic intermediate such that it is no longer stable with respect to the unfolded state. These results demonstrate that interactions that stabilize an intermediate can accelerate folding if these same interactions are present in the transition state. Our results are consistent with a hierarchical model of folding, where the intermediate consists of native-like interactions, is on-pathway, and is productive for folding.  相似文献   

The study of intermediates in the protein folding pathway provides a wealth of information about the energy landscape. The intermediates also frequently initiate pathogenic fibril formations. While observing the intermediates is difficult due to their transient nature, extreme conditions can partially unfold the proteins and provide a glimpse of the intermediate states. Here, we observe the high resolution structure of a hydrophobic core mutant of Ubiquitin at an extreme acidic pH by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In the structure, the native secondary and tertiary structure is conserved for a major part of the protein. However, a long loop between the beta strands β3 and β5 is partially unfolded. The altered structure is supported by fluorescence data and the difference in free energies between the native state and the intermediate is reflected in the denaturant induced melting curves. The unfolded region includes amino acids that are critical for interaction with cofactors as well as for assembly of poly‐Ubiquitin chains. The structure at acidic pH resembles a late folding intermediate of Ubiquitin and indicates that upon stabilization of the protein's core, the long loop converges on the core in the final step of the folding process.  相似文献   

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