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ObjectiveMost of the studies about trapeziometacarpal joint assume that it exhibits only two independent degrees of freedom, but the experimental or theoretical support for considering a two-degrees of freedom model is not always clear.Materials and methodsTherefore, an in vitro kinematic study has been designed to demonstrate, from experimental data, that only two of the trapeziometacarpal degrees of freedom (i.e., flexion/extension and adduction/abduction) are non-null and independent. Several movements of maximal amplitude in flexion, abduction and circumduction have been realized and the relative position and orientation of the segment coordinate system embedded on the first metacarpal with respect to that embedded on the trapezium have been collected using electromagnetic sensors. The trapeziometacarpal rotations have been described using a joint coordinate system and the joint displacements have been evaluated on the axes of this coordinate system.ResultsThe root mean square (RMS) values of the joint displacement components have been found small enough to assume that the trapeziometacarpal joint has no translation degrees of freedom. A paraboloid coupling equation has been found between the internal/external rotation angle and the two other, flexion/extension and adduction/abduction, angles.ConclusionThus, this study demonstrates that the trapeziometacarpal joint has only two independent rotational degrees of freedom, and further, the described methodology could also be used to determine the coupling laws between degrees of freedom of various joints.  相似文献   

Alpha (α)-tocopherol is the most biologically active and preferentially retained form of vitamin E in the human body and is known for its antioxidant and gene regulatory functions. Its increased intake is implicated in protection against diseases that involve an oxidative stress component. We have evaluated the chemopreventive potential of a diet supplemented with natural α-tocopherol-enriched transgenic (TR) Brassica juncea seeds. The modulation of phase I and phase II xenobiotic metabolism and of antioxidative enzymes was compared in the livers of mice fed on a control diet or on a diet supplemented with 2, 4, and 6 % (w/w) of wild-type (WT) or TR seeds. A dose-dependent increase in the specific activities of these enzymes was observed in those animals fed on diet supplemented with TR seeds. In comparison, an increase in the specific activities of antioxidative enzymes was substantial only at higher doses of WT seeds. Consequently, oxidative stress measured in terms of lipid peroxidation and lactate dehydrogenase activity was found to be lower in the case of mice fed with the supplemented diet. However, the chemopreventive potential of TR seeds was more pronounced than that of WT seeds. This study demonstrates the feasibility of fortifying diets with natural α-tocopherol for chemopreventive benefits by means of transgenic manipulation of a commonly used oilseed crop.  相似文献   



This paper investigates different methodologies of handling co-products in life cycle assessment (LCA) or carbon footprint (CF) studies. Co-product handling can have a significant effect on final LCA/CF results, and although there are guidelines on the preferred order for different methods for handling co-products, no agreed understanding on applicable methods is available. In the present study, the greenhouse gases (GHG) associated with the production of 1 kg of energy-corrected milk (ECM) at farm gate is investigated considering co-product handling.  相似文献   

In a previous study we analysed the effect of diesel seawater contamination in the digestive gland of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna. We observed that antioxidant enzyme activities decreased after one-week starvation prior to the experiment, and this was considered in the analysis of the obtained results. To know whether the digestive gland oxidant-antioxidant status may be altered by starvation and experimental conditions, we evaluated the food deprivation effect in limpets from the nearshore shallow waters of Potter Cove, Antarctica. Organisms were acclimated to laboratory conditions and were divided in fed and starved groups, and maintained in these conditions during one month. Every week 20 limpets were sampled from each group. Digestive glands were dissected and kept frozen until they were processed. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities, as well as lipid peroxidation (LPO) measured as thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS), protein oxidation (PO) and reduced glutathione (GSH) were measured. For both groups of limpets, SOD increased its activity in the first week of the exposure period, with a maximum in the second week. CAT activity increased significantly in the second week, only for the starved group. Similarly, GST activity also increased for starved group in the second week; but maintained this tendency for both groups until the fourth week. In fed and starved limpets, TBARS values increased significantly, during the first week and then returned to normal values. The PO levels in the starved group increased only during the first week. The GSH content, for the fed group, increased significantly after the third week. The obtained results indicate that biochemical or physiological studies conducted with N. concinna should consider the effects of food deprivation and time spent under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor- (TGF-) is a homodimeric polypeptide of 25 kDa, which regulates cell growth and differentiation and influences extracellular matrix metabolism. Using immunochemical techniques, we identified TGF- in the loops of Henle and the collecting and Bellini ducts of rat kidney and in the loops of Henle of chicken kidney. Furthermore, we detected two TGF--immunoreactive proteins on kidney blots of the rat of 12.5 and 47 kDa, and three on chicken kidney blots of 12.5, 34, and 47 kDa. We suggest that the precursor forms of rat and chicken TGF-2 or 3, chicken TGF-4, and the mature form of all of them are expressed in the collecting and Bellini ducts of rat kidney and the loops of-Henle of rat and chicken kidney.  相似文献   

The effects of different algal foods and water temperatures on the growth and fatty acid content of the Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., were studied. Four types of algae, given in the same amounts as the control diet, were used as food: Microcystis aeruginosa, colonial and single-celled forms; Arthrospira fusiformis; and Scenedesmus quadricauda. The control group was fed a commercial diet of cichlid pellets, while another group was left unfed. The feeding experiment was run at 25 °C. The condition factor decreased in all algal fed fish groups, except the one fed on Microcystis colonies, whereas the control group showed no significant change. Both food quantity and quality were responsible for this result. Some short-chained fatty acids in the diets could be traced in the long-chained counter-parts in the fish tissue. Both saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids were higher in the control vs. treatment groups, whereas the polyunsaturated fatty acids displayed no significant differences amongst any of the treatment groups studied, including the unfed group. Direct quantitative comparison of individual fatty acid in the diet vs. tissue lipids in the fish proved to be difficult due to the great capacity of these tilapias to elongate and desaturate 18 carbon acids into long-chained homologues. The effect of temperature was studied by growing the fish at 16, 20 and 25 °C. All groups were fed commercial cichlid pellets. The level of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids increased at 20 °C, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids showed little variation. Docosahexaenoic acid, belonging to the important omega 3 group where the first double bond starts at carbon number three, was highest at 16 °C, resulting in a markedly elevated omega-3/omega-6 ratio at that temperature.  相似文献   

Studies of birds have recently played an important role in the increasing success of quantitative genetics applied to natural populations. However, these studies mostly base their pedigree relationships on social information, despite the known widespread genetic polygamy in avian species. Here, we study the influence of misassigned paternities, combined with the effect of pedigree size and depth, on the estimation of heritability. First, we compute simulations of a polygenic trait for two levels of heritability (0.1 and 0.4), several extra-pair paternity rates (ranging from 5% to 40%), and varying sample sizes (20, 50 and 100 broods) or pedigree depth (2 or 4 generations). We compare heritability estimates from the social and the genetic pedigree, running a restricted maximum-likelihood 'animal model'. Social pedigree underestimates heritability by an average of 0-17% for 5-20% extra-pair paternities and by up to 18% for 40% extra-pair paternities and a heritability of 0.4. Second, we identifyied extra-pair offspring using microsatellite loci in two populations of blue tits (Parus caeruleus) showing high levels of extra-pair paternities (15% and 25% of extra-pair offspring). We compare heritabilities of tarsus length and body mass estimated with pedigrees of increasing accuracy. These analyses suggest that the bias induced by misassigned paternities on heritability estimation depends on the level of heritability and the rate of paternity error. Typical rates of extra-pair paternities in birds (around 20% of offspring) should result in an underestimation of heritability of less than 15% when estimated over a minimum of 100 broods.  相似文献   

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant - The global food crisis is an issue affecting 1 billion people worldwide—it is critical that a solution be developed to provide the...  相似文献   

The potential for mutational processes to influence patterns of neutral or adaptive phenotypic evolution is not well understood. If mutations are directionally biased, shifting trait means in a particular direction, or if mutation generates more variance in some directions of multivariate trait space than others, mutation itself might be a source of bias in phenotypic evolution. Here, we use mutagenesis to investigate the affect of mutation on trait mean and (co)variances in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Mutation altered the relationship between age and both prolonged swimming speed and body shape. These observations suggest that mutational effects on ontogeny or aging have the potential to generate variance across the phenome. Mutations had a far greater effect in males than females, although whether this is a reflection of sex‐specific ontogeny or aging remains to be determined. In males, mutations generated positive covariance between swimming speed, size, and body shape suggesting the potential for mutation to affect the evolutionary covariation of these traits. Overall, our observations suggest that mutation does not generate equal variance in all directions of phenotypic space or in each sex, and that pervasive variation in ontogeny or aging within a cohort could affect the variation available to evolution.  相似文献   

The use of social information is a prerequisite to the evolution of culture. In humans, social learning allows individuals to aggregate adaptive information and increase the complexity of technology at a level unparalleled in the animal kingdom. However, the potential to use social information is related to the availability of this type of information. Although most cultural evolution experiments assume that social learners are free to use social information, there are many examples of information withholding, particularly in ethnographic studies. In this experiment, we used a computer-based cultural game in which players were faced with a complex task and had the possibility to trade a specific part of their knowledge within their groups. The dynamics of information transmission were studied when competition was within- or exclusively between-groups. Our results show that between-group competition improved the transmission of information, increasing the amount and the quality of information. Further, informational access costs did not prevent social learners from performing better than individual learners, even when between-group competition was absent. Interestingly, between-group competition did not entirely eliminate access costs and did not improve the performance of players as compared with within-group competition. These results suggest that the field of cultural evolution would benefit from a better understanding of the factors that underlie the production and the sharing of information.  相似文献   

Liposomal amphotericin B, voriconazole, and caspofungin are currently used for systemic and severe fungal infections. Patients with malignant diseases are treated with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) for the recovery of granulocytes after chemotherapy or hematopoietic cell (HC) transplantation. Since they have a high incidence of fungal infections, they inevitably receive antifungal drugs for treatment and prophylaxis. Despite their proven less toxicity for various cell types comparatively with amphotericin B and the decrease in the number of leukocytes that has been reported as a possible complication in clinical studies, the effect of liposomal amphotericin B, voriconazole, and caspofungin on HCs has not been clarified. The present study aimed to examine the in vitro and in vivo effect of these three modern antifungals on HCs. Colony-forming unit (CFU) assays of murine bone marrow cells were performed in methylcellulose medium with or without cytokines and in the presence or absence of various concentrations of liposomal amphotericin B, voriconazole, and caspofungin. In the in vivo experiments, the absolute number of granulocytes was determined during leukocyte recovery in sublethally irradiated mice receiving each antifungal agent separately, with or without G-CSF. In vitro, all three antifungal drugs were nontoxic and, interestingly, they significantly increased the number of CFU-granulocyte-macrophage colonies in the presence of cytokines, at all concentrations tested. This was contrary to the concentration-dependent toxicity and the significant decrease caused by conventional amphotericin B. In vivo, the number of granulocytes was significantly higher with caspofungin plus G-CSF treatment, higher and to a lesser extent higher, but not statistically significantly, with voriconazole plus G-CSF and liposomal amphotericin B plus G-CSF treatments, respectively, as compared with G-CSF alone. These data indicate a potential synergistic effect of these antifungals with the cytokines, in vitro and in vivo, with subsequent positive effect on hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

It has been reported that iron overload in β-thalassemia leads to an enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species and to oxidative stress. We have studied the oxidant/antioxidant imbalance in the blood of 48 transfusion-dependent β-thalassemic patients (TLP) (17 males, 31 females, 11–22 year), under chelation therapy, and in 40 sex and age matched healthy controls (CTR). Plasma and lymphocyte levels of vitamin E (Vit E), ubiquinol (CoQ10H2), ubiquinone (CoQ10), plasma concentrations of vitamin A (Vit A), β-carotene, lycopene, vitamin C (Vit C), total thiols, fatty acid patterns of phospholipids (PL-FA), and plasma and urinary markers of lipoperoxidation (TBA-RM, conjugated dienes, and azelaic acid (AZA), as well as the urinary levels of catecholamine and serotonin metabolites, were evaluated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), HPLC and spectrophotometry. Routine laboratory blood analyses were performed on the same samples; 39/48 TLP were HCV positive. Blood samples were collected just before transfusion, the 24 h urine samples the day before. Our results clearly showed that a severe oxidative stress occurs in the plasma of TLP in comparison with CTR. In fact, the levels of lipophilic antioxidants and ascorbate were severely depleted: CoQ10H2 (-62.5%), total CoQ10 (-35.1%), Vit E (-43.8%, β-carotene (-31.1%), lycopene (-63.7%), Vit A (-35.9%), Vit C (-23.1%). The impairment of the antioxidant status was associated with elevated plasma levels of by-products of lipoperoxidation and urinary concentrations of catecholamine metabolites and of AZA, indicating a high degree of both neurological stress and lipoperoxidation. A significant positive correlation was found between vitamin E and non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI) (r = -0.81; p < 0.001), while no correlation was found between antioxidant depletion and ferritin serum levels, average blood consumption, or the presence of clinical complications. The administration of selective antioxidants along with an appropriate diet might represent a promising way of counteracting oxidative damage and its deleterious effects on the progression of the disease.  相似文献   

The cytosol 17β-estradiol receptors from rabbit kidney, liver and uterus, compared under identical experimental conditions, were similar in terms of their pH-activity profiles, dependence on incubation temperature, sensitivity to sulfhydryl reagents and steroid specificity. 17β-[3H]-Estradiol binding was saturable with all three tissues, having an apparent dissociation constant of 4 × 10−10 M. The binding of 17β-[3H]-estradiol in kidney, liver and uterus was inhibited by estrogens, including estrogen conjugates, but not by testosterone, progesterone or cortisol. The 17β-estradiol receptors of liver, kidney and uterus exhibited significant differences with respect to their Chromatographie behaviour on heparinSepharose. Furthermore, a comparison of their sucrose density gradient centrifugation patterns showed that the 17β-[3H]-estradiol-receptor complex of liver and kidney sedimented at 3-4 S in both low and high ionic strength media, while the uterine receptor sedimented at 7–8 S in low ionic strength media and at 4–5 S in high ionic strength media. When the liver and uterine cytosol fractions were combined the uterine receptor was altered and sedimented at 3–4 S in low ionic strength media.  相似文献   

We present the first single-molecule atomic force microscopy study on the effect of chemical denaturants on the mechanical folding/unfolding kinetics of a small protein GB1 (the B1 immunoglobulin-binding domain of protein G from Streptococcus). Upon increasing the concentration of the chemical denaturant guanidinium chloride (GdmCl), we observed a systematic decrease in the mechanical stability of GB1, indicating the softening effect of the chemical denaturant on the mechanical stability of proteins. This mechanical softening effect originates from the reduced free-energy barrier between the folded state and the unfolding transition state, which decreases linearly as a function of the denaturant concentration. Chemical denaturants, however, do not alter the mechanical unfolding pathway or shift the position of the transition state for mechanical unfolding. We also found that the folding rate constant of GB1 is slowed down by GdmCl in mechanical folding experiments. By combining the mechanical folding/unfolding kinetics of GB1 in GdmCl solution, we developed the “mechanical chevron plot” as a general tool to understand how chemical denaturants influence the mechanical folding/unfolding kinetics and free-energy diagram in a quantitative fashion. This study demonstrates great potential in combining chemical denaturation with single-molecule atomic force microscopy techniques to reveal invaluable information on the energy landscape underlying protein folding/unfolding reactions.  相似文献   

After replication in the cytoplasm, viruses spread from the infected cell into the neighboring cells through plasmodesmata, membranous channels embedded by the cell wall. As obligate parasites, viruses have acquired the ability to utilize host factors that unwillingly cooperate for the viral infection process. For example, the viral movement proteins (MP) interacts with the host pectin methylesterase (PME) and both proteins cooperate to sustain the viral spread. However, how and where PMEs interact with MPs and how the PME/MP complexes favor the viral translocation is not well understood. Recently, we demonstrated that the overexpression of PME inhibitors (PMEIs) in tobacco and Arabidopsis plants limits the movement of Tobacco mosaic virus and Turnip vein clearing virus and reduces plant susceptibility to these viruses. Here we discuss how overexpression of PMEI may reduce tobamovirus spreading.  相似文献   

Crustaceans, like all aquatic invertebrates, take up and accumulate metals from a wide range of sources and the trace metal concentrations within their tissues and bodies show great variability. Trace metal uptake in crustaceans occurs from the water and food, either of which may be affected by the physico-chemical properties of the sediment. Accumulated metal concentrations in amphipods are contrasted with those of other crustaceans and examples are given to show how external and internal factors affect bioaccumulation. One of the major pathways for the uptake of trace metals is from solution directly through permeable surfaces including the gills. Changes in salinity and oxygen tension can modify the uptake characteristics from solution particularly in the case of interstitial water within sediments. Infaunal amphipods have direct contact with the sediment and the bioavailabilities of trace metals depend on the strength of the metal binding which is determined by a combination of properties including grain size, organic content, the presence of metals such as lead and iron as well as other ambient environmental conditions. Metal concentrations within amphipod bodies reflect the bioavailabilities of trace metals in their habitat. Body size is one of the major factors contributing to individual variability in trace metal concentrations within species. For some amphipod species, there are differences in trace metal accumulation with gender, breeding and developmental stage. In amphipods, accumulated body metal concentrations are the best biomarkers for environmental metal availabilities. Metal accumulation affects the ecology of crustaceans as a consequence of the energy costs associated with excreting and/or detoxifying the incoming metals. If the costs are significant, then this may result in reduced growth and reproduction. The effects of accumulated metals on communities have yet to be determined. Accumulated metals in crustacean prey species may be transferred along the food chain, but biomagnification in fish appears unlikely. One of the main ecological challenges is the need to link molecular biomarkers with ecologically relevant life history characteristics including growth, survival, reproduction and recruitment.  相似文献   

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